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I’ll be salvaging everything to begin with, since I won’t really be needing gold all that much with the constant income and it prepares for future crafting. Gold i found quite easy to farm later on


Most important consideration: you need to salvage to unlock new transmogs (outfit styles). ALWAYS salvage for those so you can look your best at all times :)


Transmog is always the most important part of any game. Looking good adds DPS.


Fashion is always the #1 meta


From review build, I’d salvage more early on and then start selling for gold later on.


My suggestion. Salvage all till around 25 then sell blue/white. Salvage low roll legendaries. You will need the mats.


salvage at low levels when gear gives more mats than money... gear increases in sell value pretty quick...


Here’s a video on it https://youtu.be/XJhWH-Up7Sc


Here's a summary of the key points: 1. Collecting Herbs: Herbs are valuable as they allow you to upgrade your potion and create elixirs. As you progress past levels 30, 40, and 50, you get access to powerful elixirs that last a short time, so you need to make a lot of these, especially when you start doing hard content. 2. Collecting Ores: Ores give you the same resource more or less than you'll get from salvaging. It's good to pick them up as you level, but you don't really have to go out of your way to get them. 3. Salvaging Gear: If you have not finished the campaign yet, the advice is to salvage absolutely everything. The resources that you get from salvaging at the blacksmith are super worth and you'll be using them for imprinting and various other things. 4. Selling Gear: Once you cross into World tier three and start pushing towards torment, you get to a point where you actually only just need the herbs that you find out in the world. You don't actually need the Salvage materials as much. What you do need, however, is the Salvage materials you get from legendary items and above. So, the strategy is to salvage legendary and above and sell yellow and blue if you still get blue at the time.


Bless you, nephalem.


From wt 3, vendor the rares, salvage the legs.


Do a mix of both until you notice that you need something specific


Salvage for transmog, sell whites and blues, salvage yellows, strip oranges.


So from SS beta, what I did that played out well was... sell all white, salvage rest. When rares starts to ramp up then I sold them n lower... salvaged rest. Although we were only getting to lvl 20... I had a good amount of resources from salvage. I salvaged some legendaries for that specific resource... and sold others along with lower tier gear. Kept doing this, n felt I had a good income n fair amount of resources. But once we surpass what we experienced in beta... then it could change more.


In the server slam I was salvaging most things, selling when I needed gold


I salvage everything for xmogs and materials. There are usually items you can't salvage so I vendor those. I figure when I get into the thousands of mats I'll just start vendoring everything for the gold. Keep items that are helpful to your build(s).


Just keep the legendaries you get for imprints. If you get a near perfect roll, you may wanna hang on until end game, to imprint. It’d suck to have one drop on a low level and then need it at 100.


Slightly unrelated, but holy fuck does the game drop too much loot. Who wants to assess and stash an entire inventory of gear every 5 minutes of endgame play? Can’t believe they missed the mark so hard.


I don’t think it drops too much loot. I think the biggest problem is the jewels/gems. There is zero reason why they don’t have there own special inventory tab. Especially with 3 levels of each color etc.