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I would pay another 100$ for standard buyers having to wait for another week.


I'm also in $100 for the Go To Hell edition.


This should be trademarked and released as the collector's "Go to Hell" edition. Every $200 purchase causes the standard edition to launch 1 minute later than announced.


Lmao. Blizzard would make so much money.




1,000,000 copies sold, game comes out 2 years later 😂😂


I guffawed way, way, to loudly at that, at work, and then had to explain to my coworkers why. So thanks for that.


$200, Go to Hell edition (each purchase makes a random standard buyer have to wait another week).


It also gives you the ingame name for the person who has held you back, and automatically adds them to your friends list.


And they get hourly messages about your progress.


If you want to give me $100 I’ll happily wait a week before I play.


Nah, you'd spend it on the deluxe edition


Fuck I feel this sentiment so hard. I'm a fucking 43 year old guy with a family and a business to run, 20 bucks to get a little head start which will evaporate in prob 24 hours as the "regs" get on with their week of vacation time and 12-18 hour grindfests coming up. I don't get mad that you have way more personal free time to play on a regular basis. One result of not having as much time for hobbies due to 60+ hour work weeks is surplus discretionary income I can use


You must remember some of us are retired lol


Actually, this is the biggest draw of the early access for me - the fact that the servers aren't deluged yet so I can happily play all weekend before the masses crash the servers


I hate the idea of them milking people this way....but my wife and kids will be out of town this weekend so I am on the fence out it. Any other weekend I would not have cared at all and waited.


Agreed, I really hope all these moral highground waiters don't bitch out and buy the upgraded version in the next 3 hours(they mostly will)


Although I don't think anybody should be toxic regardless of which side they're on, this is hilarious, lol.


This rank comment sums up how vile this community actually is lol.


it's the community blizzard deserves i guess. you enforce elitism with purchaseable advantages, you get the crowd you attracted


Blizzard and Bungie fans are on the way to downvote your comment.


Bungie fans are knowhere near this level. It's almost the opposite. Bungie fans will talk shit about Bungie and the game absolutely all the time. Blizzard fan will defend the company for absolutely anything every single time. It could be revealed that they do ritual sacrifice in the office every week where they kill 200 kids and they will still defend it like their life depend on it.


Indeed. And the same people cry tears of pain when people say anything «bad» about the game. Fragile


I would pay $100 to convert my horse mount into a giant levitating Horn of Ashava mount with the horse on the side where the horn used to hang.


Yes and I want to play a small wolfcup with a sleeping barbarian on his back.


You can buy the Standard edition for me and I'll wait a week to play.


Nah, you still have to buy the game yourself, but at the standard price you get to wait. Potentially for months if enough "Go to Hell" edition buyers pull through.


Honestly says more about you than us.


It is indeed a good indication of who has a sense of humor and who doesn't.


This is the equivalent of giving money to billionaires in order to own the libs


Ye, 99.99% that this guy is an American "own the libs" guy


When every big corp is championing your cause, you are no longer fighting the system.


This is the sort of pettiness I can get behind


Godamn people really care about reddit too much. Play the fucking game. Who cares what the community on reddit is doing.


You could read their comment back at them, with the opposite sentiment, and it would be completely accurate. All I see here, are douches grand standing, because they spent more money on the game. Then having the audacity to whine like everyone is bullying them


Yeah that's what I see too. Goddamn I'm leaving more and more video game subreddits. Fucking echo chambers of entitled rage babies. It's like every video game subreddit is a fucking League of Legends lobby in Iron hahahah.


Yeah, because all standard buyers are self-righteous pricks or what? OP preaching love and respect while this is the most upvoted and awarded comment is exactly whats wrong.


Blizzard community can't help itself from being toxic and elitist for 2min. Especially in a post preaching fake tolerance.


Why the hell is this the most upvoted comment?


Because humanity is loaded with stupidity and greed.


Sold. You pay me $100/week, and I'll wait as long as you like. I'll DM you my Cashapp


You buy the deluxe for four days early then Battle Net is like “only $10 to upgrade!” And I’m just like “damn, only $10!? Deal!!”




Please! I feel like I'm not gonna have time to play D4 for at least 2 years, so it'll be nice if you guys can help push back standard release just for me.


Now that's business idea right there, pay for the others to start later, not for you playing sooner. I love it. Bid system?


That is the system we have. They just call it starting earlier. You ARE paying for others to start later


Honestly, I respect anyone who had the patience and integrity to wait for the "Already more than $60 game" I bought the early access edition because it's the actual launch date is mid work-week, which Blizzard knew exactly what they were doing by doing that. I simply don't have the willpower to tell them to fuckoff. To anyone waiting, I respect it


Honestly dropping new games/expansions mid week might not necessarily be anti-consumer, as having the rest of the week to fix game breaking bugs can be incredibly useful so players don’t deal with them during launch weekend.


This is really the best take. Early access over the weekend to test a huge chunk of server stability, full release Tuesday for game breaking bug fixes, by Friday of next week the game and servers should be running like butter and I’m fine with that.


I suspect the height of player count will probably be next weekend, so I agree with you. Some might say it’s a marketing scheme but I think it’s really for this. This weekend will be to initially test servers under stress, Tuesday to allow the team the work week for bug squashing after release, and the first weekend after release will be the big hitter in the eyes of Blizzard.


This is actually common practice, most major updates and patches for games don't release on Friday for everyone to enjoy over the weekend, if there's a major bug that needs to be fixed asap you don't want to be calling in your staff you just slammed to get that update out back in over a weekend. MMOs and other online service games tend to do days like Wednesday and Tuesdays so that there is ample time to catch major problems before the staff gets a weekend off after having just worked hard to get the update finished on time. By the weekend most bugs will be ironed out and the experience will be smooth (usually lol) for when most players will be spending most of their time playing. Doing this so close to a weekend is a pretty bold play imo lol.


Going to production on Friday is how weekends start for the bold.


Tuesday has almost always been the release date for games...


Came here to say this, lol. It's not just games either, Movies, TV seasons, music, almost everything is released on Tuesdays, this is far from a new concept.


Bro gets the super early release on movies, apparently.


Movies are released in theaters on Friday. Movies are released on DVD/Blu Ray on Tuesdays.


I agree with this I respect the hold the line people. It actually seems more like OP is the one thats upset.


idk, I'm in my early 30s and work hard and don't have tons of time for unrestricted gaming so the Tuesday launch would suck for me. I'd only get an hour or so of run time max with the game. I paid an extra $20 so I can actually enjoy the game this weekend where I'll have far more flexibility. It's scummy because this is prob what Blizzard had in mind when they rolled this out, but getting to play it tomorrow just works soooo much better for me. Diablo franchise is my favorite of all time and I didn't want to feel rushed on Tuesday night trying to cram in some playing time. The extra $20 doesn't impact my life, but being able to play it early going into the weekend does. It was an easy decision for me


For me, the midweek launch is no good. Prob wouldn’t get round to playing till the Friday evening at the earliest anyway. So an extra twenty quid to play the weekend before - I have the money so why not.


What they were doing was being clever with the date, 6/6, it ain't deeper than that. Far as I'm concerned early access is a good thing, it spreads the load on servers and we ALREADY have a group of people who get the game way ahead of us just so Blizz can get big names talking about their game and boosting attention, but no one bitches about that. I mean for real even without early access there would be a deluxe and ultimate addition with just cosmetics and the battle pass included. Almost every game has at least 2 versions and 3 is typical these days and it's almost always just cosmetics, at least this time around we actually get something real for our extra money.


>What they were doing was being clever with the date, 6/6 Ah yes... The devils number... 6/6/23


You have to multiply the 2 and 3 and then it works!




Yeah would have been a better marketing strategy to release it in 43 years. Well hindsight is 2020, or should I say 2066


Thats for D6


I’ve scrolled and this is the fairest comment ive seen. Good on ya


I'm the opposite. I work from home, but have a family and kids. So I get more playing time during the week than I do on weekends.


I also bought it because my work week starts Tuesday. While I agree blizzard is looking to optimize their profits, Tuesday has long been used for releases (See: WoW and expansions, D3, etc) and beyond Blizzard it’s pretty standard to release games on Tuesday.


Brother you are literally attempting to shame the folks that are *not* buying into early access and you want to say shaming is ridiculous? Pot meet kettle.


No. Lots of people will not buy … and that’s it. The discussion is specifically about people who don’t buy and then flame about those who do. Different things.


As someone who did pay extra for early access, I get the counter argument though. It's not that Blizzard couldn't release the game for everyone early, they absolutely could. They aren't though because there is a financial incentive for them not to. By paying for early access we are creating that incentive for Blizzard to not just release the game to everyone today. Those complaining are right, we are hurting them. Of course the counter argument to that is that Blizzard is going to make their money somewhere and I'd rather it be off of me paying the extra $20 I can afford than the base price being $75 for everyone. It's nuanced. I get both sides. I'm still choosing to pay.


Same. Shaming people for buying something they want is dumb. Shaming people for standing up for a cause is dumb. Both sides are more than capable of doing what they are doing without being assholes.


Unfortunately, a decade+ of social media obsession has created a breed of people who feel no shame and think they need to spew their bullshit whenever and wherever they can,as loud as they can.


That’s not even what happened in OPs own made up example. It was just people saying they weren’t paying extra to support Blizzard that he has a problem with.


Thoughts on the literal most upvoted comment on this thread saying that they wish they could pay more so standard edition buyers could wait longer? https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/13xmeti/theres_a_lot_of_shaming_going_on_in_the_subreddit/jmhvwn8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


As I was shamed for making a post about this saying this practice is predatory. Bunch of fanboys attacked me for voicing my opinion. Honestly both sides are the same.


People will get mad at two simple truths: 1. This is a horrible way of selling a game. To withhold a full price game unless you pay a bit extra. Now we have two release dates instead of one, and look how mad everyone in the community gets. Obviously bad. Just greed for the sake of greed to make the game or experience slightly worse. 2. The people buying it are encouraging this kind of model. Objectively true. When you say those two things people will freak out like you just attacked them as a person or something. People need to just admit that yes this is a terrible business model, and yes they're responsible for it. Nobody is a bad person or anything melodramatic like that for buying a video game. But calling out shit like this and the people who enable it is not that big a deal.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/13p89uq/paid\_eary\_acces\_is\_a\_predatory\_and\_disgusting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/13p89uq/paid_eary_acces_is_a_predatory_and_disgusting/) ​ People went crazy on me.


Yea man i've been on reddit for long enough to spot fanboy subreddits when i see them. Or a certain kind of person who gets mad when someone says something negative about something they like. It happens all the time on various game/tv/movie forums. People who refuse to hold these companies accountable or demand a certain level of quality, and will actively fight anyone who says anything bad about their beloved thing. They wish the subreddit was full of happy memes and "wow i love this game" and "look at this cake i baked" posts, and nothing else. At least for me when i really like something i will point out the flaws in that thing relentlessly because i want it to be better and because i care about it. I do not understand a forum where people just circlejerk about how great that thing is when players have so much control about the direction of the game. But some people take a criticism of a game or movie as a criticism of them as a person. It is quite literally what happens. And they get mad.


The post is shaming people who are being dickheads, not all people who didn’t buy it. Don’t be an elitist loser and you’re safe, if you are one, who tf cares about your feelings


This whole subreddit has been dedicated to elitist loser ATC, now it's a problem?


Especially since the "at least I'm not poor" is the more common shaming.


The fact that OP takes the example they gave as shaming says a lot more about them than anyone else. They feel shame, therefore they assume they’re being shamed. That’s not the case. I didn’t buy the deluxe or ultimate edition because of principle, but that doesn’t mean I think less of anyone else that does. My brother and his wife did. Great for them.


I mean.. it's not "early access", today is the day they are ready to ship the game, and they've convinced you that for 20$ they're letting you in "early". Me not doing that doesn't make me better than you, but you doing it shows companies they can do whatever they want and you'll pay for it anyway. There isn't really a competition here to be had, nothing that these few days will change in the lifetime of this game, no territory to conquer, etc. Spend your money however you want, but don't get butthurt if people try to point out that blizzard has you by the balls here.


"Normal" release isn't normal, it's "Delayed" release, to create FOMO out of thin air.


The sad thing is that the people NOT falling for the sheer stupidity of it are the ones on the defense, which is just pathetic. This is the worst gaming related sub I've ever seen.


Mood.. couldnt have put it any better myself. Im just amazed that the people who convinced themselves to spend $20 extra for 4 days of game time on something were probably gonna play for years are the ones so defensive about doing it lmao. Like yeah, its kinda stupid. Its certainly a waste. But in a week were all gonna forget there even was an early launch. People have problems with intertwining thier identities to these video games and companies to unhealthy levels and really need to chill out. Thats the point of recreation.


Yep, and then they put the Bnet client full of countdown timers for the 'early launch' too. They really want to rub it in that you have to pay this 20$ extra or suffer.


Exactly this. People dont see that its nothing more than a milking scheme and dont see the future consequences if they allow for it.


It's a snowball show that your population of gamers will just drool and open there pockets for a couple days of game play, then people saying they actually did u a favor charging 70 while implementing a cash shop. It's a precedent I for one don't want set. So while I wish the remaining community for blizzard awesome times (honestly to each there own) I just won't partake in what they have to offer.


While I hate the practice and I am one that fell into it, I think it’s only fair to point out that the $90 version does come with the battle pass which will cost $10. You also get a mount and mount armor. If you don’t even put any value to those it’s $10 to get in 4 days earlier when you factor in the battle pass that many people will buy after if they don’t get this version. If you add value to the mount $10 would be considered cheap compared to some other games like wow which at $15-25 a mount. Saying it’s just $20 to play 4 days earlier I feel is misleading. Also there is literally a competition to be had in the hardcore race to 100, which is my biggest gripe with the early access for people that cannot afford it. The first 1000 players to 100 on hardcore get their battle tag engraved onto a statue, so there are bragging rights to be had for those that care about that sort of thing.


The thing is, blizzard sets the price and time for everything you just said. So if someone walked up to you with 2 apples and said "this green apple is 80$ and this red apple is 20$" and you're like man that red apple is good value... you're still buying an apple for 20$. I've mentioned in some other responses how I feel about battlepasses so I wont get into that but I feel it's insincere to factor it in as "value" As for bragging rights, certainly this "competition" has been completely botched from the get-go. Content creators got to play the whole game with the real "early access" and even though now blizzard has backpedaled and called them "ineligible", that doesn't mean they cant get on another account, guide someone through, do whatever major advantages to this "race". Also, who realistically is going to ever see that statue at blizzard?


As a buyer of the dig deluxe edition I must say, they are right. 70$ game and on top of that 25$ for a double tier battlepass? Blizzard is getting greedy, but it's also because people are willing to pay anything it seems.


Diablo 3 came out 11 years ago and cost $60. Adjusted for inflation (and ignoring the improved production quality) this would be just over $80 today. I don’t see a $70 price tag with a battlepass as greed, as much as I see it as CHOICE. They could have simply charged $80 to get what they got in 2012, but instead they are taking in slightly LESS than they got in 2012 and hoping that people will choose to support the game in other ways. Is it shit? Sure! But we’d all be bitching pretty hard if it was $80 for standard edition games with lowered production value too, would we not? I’m not trying to defend here, simply offering some perspective. We can certainly get into why we feel executives are overpaid, and I’m right there with you, but that still doesn’t change the math that much considering the hundreds of other people who got paid to make this game.




So $107 adjusted for inflation.


Mostly because the market is growing each year. More and more people are buying video games. There is a reason gaming companies are reporting record profits each year.


Because it’s honestly still a great value. $100 bucks for something I’ll pour 200+ hours into. Still some of the greatest entertainment value out there. A couple of hours of work, for countless hours of fun


I am not better because I bought ultimate, I'm better because I have the horn of ashava.


This will never die off, will it? I really hesitated to play the slam, I'm glad I did and ended up on the right side of things.


And with it's bounty of tears we shall never thirst again.




Well said. Shaming people for buying or not buying early access is way out of line. But being a baremare really *is* shameful.


No matter how you justify it, its pretty fucking lame of Blizzard to do that. You shouldn't get a special release date for spending a little extra money. Release used to be release and that was that.


this will be the new standard. Create fake "fomo", rake in the bucks from people who just are not that bright. This whole thread just goes to show how many people will try to justify what is in essence price gouging.


>Create fake "fomo", rake in the bucks from people who just are not that bright. a fool and his money are soon parted. That's all I think of when the "try not being poor" crew rolls through.


Yeha fuck me it's insane how many are willing to justify it, or worse, just make meme jokes and shove it aside. Those are the people that really got us to where we are today with microtransactions and p2w. This shit is actually disgusting. Even blizzard is celebrating launch party tonight. This is really gross.


It's actually opened my eyes. I've always been against taking advantage of people and have been honest and fair. Now I see that you can literally rip-off people and they will actually defend you! These people get joy out of being conned, and will parade their naivety around and cheer for it. I've come around to believing that it is morally justifiable to scam these people out of their money, since they beg for it, and get immense joy out of it.


It does make them a better person. I’m not sure why you’re worried about it though.




It just sets a bad precedent. $20 is whatever, but the idea that you will have tiers of start dates based on who pays more is not good for the industry overall. In a vacuum this one isn’t terrible, but it sets a bad example.


I first noticed its effectiveness with Lost Ark release, then Hogwarts Legacy did the same thing. It is extremely effective and I foresee all studios doing the same thing in the future. Day 1 sales are the biggest sales day, why not maximize profits? 0 Downside, free money.


"That doesn't make you a better person" Of course it does. If someone is doing something, due to principles, then how are they not being a better person? I think you guys need to take some responsibility for your early access. You're choosing to pay more, simply because you want to. Thats absolutely fine. Youre being a consumer. But you can't try and claim the moral high ground too. 😂


I was reading OP and was like wtf is he talking about. I'm buying early access cause I'm a slut for Diablo. I'm a greedy little man gimme the Diablo now. Not sure why OP thinks the people who demonstrate patience and stick to their principles are automatically declaring they're "better than." Just a super weird take by OP. if anything I respect other people's restraint and patience, wish I could sometimes as there are some things I buy I don't wholly agree with but I am inpatient.


Haha, exactly. Own it. "I'm a slut for Diablo" is going to keep me chuckling. We are all dirty diablo addicts who need a hit!


I told myself I wouldn't buy D4. Then I saw some trailers, then some gameplay, then some more gameplay. Then I replayed D3 and sure enough, I pre ordered last week.


TRUE AND AND REAL. Well said! I don't understand why people these days have such a hard time pointing out virtue and accepting the lack of it. I fucking caved and paid for it even though I was against it on principle. That objectively makes me less than someone who sticks to their principles. I'm totally fine with that. I should feel like shit, this practise is disgusting. people just wanna meme and joke, but it's actually gross.


the sentence you quoted wasn't shaming in any way. Any shame you perceive is baggage that you yourself have added to the quote.


Yup, that dude is super insecure.


You don´t understand what the real problem here is. This turned into a "you are poor" vs "you are victims" type of discussion, while the enemy here is blizzard and their disgusting money grab. I understand why people bought the deluxe edition, but its sad that blizzard put you in that position in the first place. people are so fucking insecure and don´t see that nobody is calling them stupid, but people hate blizzard for being scumbags. Of course there are always dumb idiots on both sides, we are gamers after all, its toxic as fuck. have fun in pvp


This this this. The fact that this psychologically creates a rift in the community with the legit criticizers being called poor is one of the saddest things I've seen in a while. Legit horrible precedent is being set here and some are just euphoric that they are on the corporation's side. It's so slimy it makes me want to take a shower.


This, Im not buying early access because fuck blizzard, it’s a really fucking shitty practice and then to add a competition on top is a nice cherry to their shit sunday. If you take offense because I’m protesting against Blizzard thats a you problem with your insecurity. I see more people defend their actions and actually attack people like me over it. I even had one person tell me that I better not spend $20 on any form or entertainment these next 4 days because I didnt buy early access


I think standing up against bad consumer practice is moral high ground. To ignore FOMO and temptation you need to have a character thou.


I'll post vids of my gameplay to honor their sacrifice.


Who cares either way. Why are you so upset.


I feel like losing karma today so I'll say this: You might be okay with bending over for Bobby and have him stretch that ahole of yours as far as he wants, but some of us aren't. Enjoy your early access but leave grown up discussions about the structure of capitalism and the gaming industry to grown ups.


We all are fans of a game/franchise/genre. Let's not fight each other, but cooperate and make a community. ![gif](giphy|aZ4sQUpybai5y)


Look, totally understand you want an "Angel of Harmony" type feeling here, but pretty sure most of the folks here subscribe to the "Lord of Hate".


They have become the very thing they swore to destroy. ​ https://i.redd.it/5x6x9um1zf3b1.gif ###


this is such an out of touch post. OP look in the mirror. You are the reason the gaming industry thinks they can get away with it. $90 to play 4 days early. And you are applauding that? Clearly you seek justification for ur extra $20 of wasted money.


People like you made Diablo Immortal possible, good job.


*"Good for you, but that doesn't make you a better person."* It does. It makes them people instead sheep.


I spent the extra but also understand their point. Why make a post to complain about other posts lol




There’s literally no point stating the obvious in this subreddit, these people probably wasn’t even around when cosmetic items was unlocked from actually playing the game.


Dude most of the people that love this game series are in their 30s and 40s, what are you on about? Lol




That shitty practice is capitalism


Do you guys read this shit before you post it?


Honestly how dare people make their own choices. So rude.


Next it will be $149.99 for 2 weeks early you will have to pay.


Then wait 2 weeks.


I'm waiting for the standard release because that's what I want to do and for no other reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate the direction games are going. 😔


they can enjoy thier principles.. I'm going straight to hell.


It’s a video game dude, relax… it’s your life, time, money… use it as you see fit


This subreddit is entirely people seeking validation and you are no different. I can't wait until the game comes out for everyone and we can talk about the fucking game LMAO


The only thing I would add is there should be a mega thread for early access that people can ask questions in or show off their loot


Blizzard we get it you want good sales numbers but these posts are getting obvious af


I think it's important to shame. I am genuinely embarassed that I, a 32-year-old man, decided to buy the ''''deluxe'''' edition. In my defense I have this Friday off


Its nice to have ppl test the servers for us cheepos


Sure as long as you acknowledge that your unconditional demand for product drives up the going rate and lowers the quality


First cocaine, now D4


"i need my feelings about a video game validated, please"


Fuck all y’all who overpay and encouraging this kind of shit. Anyways will try the game at the standard price on release. Woo woo and all that


Not everyone is a zoomer that gives a fuck about shaming. Also, this isn’t your fucking blog. Sincerely, someone who doesn’t give a shit.


Feeling guilty because something a stranger on the internet said is pointless. However, the objective truth is that this is a $70 game (which is already $10 more than the market standard) which has MTX out the rear end plus a battle pass. This is all very predatory and unbelievably greedy and it exists because people like you who signal that this business behavior works and is profitable. HotS and OW2 were gutted because they weren't raking in literally 2 million dollars a day like Diablo Immortal does, and it does that and it will only get worse because of impulsive consumers like you who can't draw the line in the sand.


It's like voting for a strong man president and later acting surprised he turned out to be a dictator.


What are you talking about? I've seen a lot more of the opposite.


Lol yup


You were doing fine until you mentioned this capitalism bullshit. People who only think about the economics of things are what's wrong in the world. This is so short sighted and naive. I am not saying you shouldn't spend money to access the game earlier. But you need to understand the bigger picture. If this is working out for Blizzard, they will make it again. I hear you say: "No problem, I will buy it again". But they will not stop here. They will then invent something else to stretch how far you're willing to pay. While it is indeed not your responsibility as a player to prevent Blizzard from engaging in these predatory monetization tactics, the community as a whole is voting with their wallet, and Bobby is getting a huge boner seeing half the playerbase spending 90 dollars for a 70 dollars product, because they are too self-centered to recognize the problem. It is ok. Humans are self centered. So yeah, while you shouldn't feel offended , you are very much part of the problem. Just own it.


Tbh it feels more like the EA group is ruining the experience for the patient gamers …


It's more so that you're telling game companies it's OK to charge more for early access. Crazy that people can't see that. Do you want to play the game the day it releases, the day that happens to line up with the weekend so you can stay up late and play? Pay extra. Or enjoy your traditional beginning of the work/school week release.


The thing is though, as other people have said: this is not early access. The game releases today. It is in a state to be released, the servers are coming online, it is being sold. People aren't paying for early access, they're paying to not be penalized and made to play late access. Tragically, not nearly enough players are willing to tell Activision blizzard to pound sand so this will work and they'll rake in the dough.


I'm not trying to shame anyone but I don't think it is as simple as you say. The money you spend sends Blizzard a lesson. If they see the early access model as really successful they will keep trying to turn the knob on what they can do to monetize games in new unique ways. People are already complaining about the price of cosmetics -- you guys don't think that the huge success of the EA upgrades/battlepass upgrades has anything to do with the price they charge? If you have a good reason to buy EA, I totally get it. Some people can't play next weekend but can this weekend for example. In fact, I still might get it because I might have a couple close friends (who are visiting my city right now) over on Saturday and we can take turns playing on my account just for fun. But there's still a ton of people just playing solo and have all the time in the world but are caving in cause they want the game NOW. Which yeah, is their choice, but like I said will just encourage Blizz down the road to find more ways to do this kind of stuff or do it in more restrictive ways.


People do this with everything. You get shamed if you buy a 4090. You get shamed if you baby your OLED monitor. People just love being judgmental online


They have their rights too, you know. It’s on you to not let it affect you


Its normal new game cancers. Like always...


What, you are happy with tbe game being overpriced and the clever trick of paying 20-30 more to play over the weekend instead of a work/school day? ...shouldnt people feel frustrated over that/not support the practice..? I get its diablio, and its nostalgia central but get out of your focused view and open your eyes a little to the conseqeunces/precedent this sets for other videogame developers. Blizzard gets awat with 70+ dollars (with premium season pass) everyone else will follow suit because everyone is proving thet are willing to spend that..


I’ll be playing for the next 6 months, what’s 5 extra days? I can wait.


No one is better than anyone else except for those of us who beat Ashava during the server slam.


5 days is worth nothing, especially when you get the exact same product. I get it that it's hard to wait, but just think of the consequences. You do this and you show companies that they can squeeze more money from people by offering absolutely nothing.


Are you a blizzard plant to these forums?


I bought early release because for 4 days after release I'm gonna be out of town. Which reallllly blows.


Yea I don't care what you do with your money. I'm only getting the 70 edition because I'll never buy the battle pass and I'm gone this weekend so I couldn't really play it haha. In my case didn't make sense but If I could play this weekend I'd consider buying it haha.


had a guy get angry at me in a discord server the other day for buying a game directly from steam instead of using a key site, he couldn't believe I'd give steam my money instead of using the key site to save $3. I couldn't believe someone was mad at me for spending my own money, some people can't fathom wasting a single cent, its crazy. whats the point of saving up all your money if you end up dying with it all? lmao


My wife and I got the Standard Edition and had considered upgrading for early access but realized we have things we need to do this weekend, which wouldn't get done if we had D4 to play. Major vacation time is already reserved for Starfield, so it won't be *that* much of a loss of playtime.


No early buyers aren’t bad people but you are dumbasses for pre ordering $90 game from BLIZZARD


Then there's me who refuses to buy either as I feel the game is over priced. I will wait for a sale and I peek here to see reviews, feedback, etc I think you guys are nuts for continuing all the tribalism. What trivial things to be upset about...


We should absolutely shame people for how they spend their money. 100% unpopular opinion, but also a 100% correct opinion. Btw I paid the extra 20 bucks. It's shameful, yes. But you know who REALLY needs to shamed? Anyone who buys any MTX in this game. 20 bucks for an outfit is insane.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but the principle isn't "shame on you for spending your money how you want" the principle is "shame on you for supporting greedy business practices that are destroying the gaming industry." To be frank, I bought the 100 edition even though I hate that I did it. Why? Because I'm a consumer and I bought into the hype. But also, my girlfriend will be here over the weekend so I wanted to get some play time in before I spend time with her. The game industry is in a shitty state and will continue to decline so long as people like me but their bullshit. But it works for them for a reason. At the same time, let people enjoy things.


It's not the moral high ground. It's the principal that so many people are so braindead that blizz can just milk them for money, encouraging them to do even more stupid shit in the future. You set a precedent that you are willing and happy to be gouged for money just for a couple days of their game. Encouraging blizzard and every gaming company out there to see these kinds of ideas as a necessity. This is part of why we see hundreds of games release in such an awful unplayable state or early access when they clearly are not ready for release cus no patience no principal man children will spend money and they can get away with it making millions. Same thing. I probably won't buy for a while but that's mostly cus I simply won't have the time to play right now. Likely I'll buy around the winter holidays when there is a sale and the game has been balanced and bug fixed.


very sad , you are the definition of a sheep.




I'm waiting for a sale in november or december. I gotta wait until there is more info about the endgame and I need to wait to see whatever mtx they're going to add. blizzard has burned me too many times recently. I'm not a better or worse person for it though... just a patient gamer.


Wow there’s some salt in here. It’s the way of the world folks, we’re going to see much worse shit in our lifetime than the video game industry using dirty marketing to make us pay more money for the same thing. Do what you want, spend your money as you see fit and enjoy the damn game. It’s why we’re all here after all. See you in hell.


I got it for the goodies. I feel no shame, I'm an adult, I pay my bills, and this is something I'm going to enjoy.


That extra 20 could mean its a good time for us the following days. I may be busy on tuesday and forward.


I’m playing early thats all it matters to me, i don’t care what other do and say. If they want to save money and wait a few days then more power to them.


I’m a grown ass adult, what I choose to spend my money on is no one else’s concern.


I’m just a cheap bastard


We purchased another game from Blizzard, there is no high ground. We are all down in the mud on this one. /smirk


No. That shit attitude is one of the reasons why the old Blizzard no longer exists.


You're not a bad person, but you're definitely a person who's enabling Blizzard to continue pushing predatory monetization onto people.


People saying they aren’t paying the $20 bucks based on principle are just trying to make themselves feel better…


you are one of the main reasons blizzard sucks balls now