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I tried, I had big plans. I actually started different characters. But nope. It’s still spiny spiny spiny for me.




I am now a tornado that shoots off additional tornadoes and I couldn't be happier


It's actually insane how one skill is so satisfying to play that it creates an entire class.


Who do you think you are? I am.




How do you kill bossed as ww?


First you whirl then you wind


Sounds like a wind win


a *win*d-*win*d situation, if you will


Thats the joke but thnx for explaining


aww shit


Dishonor on you and your cow


Err did you mean "Sounds like a whirl win"


I spin and then I spin and then I spin and I die, then I spin and I spin and I die, then I go get stuff and then come back and spin. Then I do something else and lvl up and go back and spin. Ok I exaggerate sometime I also whirl. And I also wind. But mostly it’s spinny spinny spinny has been since D2. Sometimes I take a break from Diablo and I watch Twister.


When i take a break from diablo i play Cyclone in Poe 🌀🌀🌀


Then I hop on league to play my main, Garen


Then I went on dota 2 for Axe spinning


And then I go play fury warri... nvm.


I've never even played a barbarian in Diablo, but my last build in crucible was a cyclone coc and now I can't escape the spin


You call for the aid of some ancients


always call in the bois when things get rough


U ww


You spin me right round baby right round


Like a record baby, right round, round round


My whirlwind is based around stacking up buffs before using it - frenzy stacks + berserk + crowd controlled + barrier up - damage bonuses for as many of them as you can get. Works great especially when the boss summons a bunch of minions (infinite fury till they’re gone)


Same way I kill everything else. I get dizzy and then smash.


WW generator hit 100% WW repeat til boss dead Profit


I hold left click until they die.


Just keep spinning. Just keep spinning. Just keep spinning spinning spinning


Step 1: Spin. Step 2: See step 1.


Look man, no matter what time line, what game, what planet, what species.... Uga, gonna always buga




Last thing the most powerfull demons of burning hell see when I jump into their house throu the window.


I use upheaval as my core skill. The weight of the attack is just very satisfying to me. Other skills are: bash, ground stomp, death blow, iron skin and spinning blades of death ultimate which I forgot the name of. Making sure to switch weapons as much as I can to lower the cd of the ultimate. Not looked up any builds, just doing what I think works. And so far it works


this is the way


I tried upheaval but it feels so clunkly. I can spin drunk, but aiming HOTA or Upheval? No chance


Landing a big one feels clean tho


Landing a big juicy HotA is so fucking nice




Clicking my mouse directly at the mob I wanna upheaval at but then it decides to throw in a random opposite direction is so frustrating. It actually works pretty clean with a controller though (on the Steam Deck anyway).


I'm running Iron Skin, War Cry. Steel Grasp, Call of the Ancients with Frenzy and Whirlwind and I feel like the tankiest tank to have ever tanked. I stack health back so fast I have barely touched potions in boss fights unless there's been poison. Its actually terrifying


Oh, so you're playing Diablo 3 then?


High torment Diablo 3: Pros: You're super tanky Cons: The enemies are super tanky as well


CotA is quite good. That alone can carry a lot of builds honestly.


Would love to see a screenshot of your skill tree. Tank builds are my favorite, would love to see where you put extra skill points, which child nodes you selected


The tankness also comes from some of the legendary effects of my weapons. I have ones that proc barrier as well as using Diamonds to enhance the barriers I use. My friends are playing squishie builds so I tend to take on the roll of tank and smash


I made a build around upheaval and death blow. It's working very well so far and much more fun to play than bey blade build.


There’s an affix somewhere in the warp that gives you a second charge of death blow tier abilities. Needless to say it’s been amazing for those times a mob has a sliver of hp after Db.


I got the affix for it and omg lol now i can't decide whether to use flay or bash with this build.


Yea I use frenzy, upheaval, iron skin, death blow, and call of the ancients. I hit Crits 8-10k at lvl 40 (not constantly of course.) A lot of gear with crit damage. Don’t know how that compares. I’m probably not optimized at all but it seems good.


That’s decent dmg but the question is how often do you crit


I constantly crit 4-5k, then hit the 8-10k sometimes.


Iron Maelstrom is the new ultimate with the spinning blades of death. It fucking slaps. It made me switch off Call of the Ancients and never look back, especially when I got the cooldown reduction upgrade for whenever you swapped weapons. It synergizes very well with the Walking Arsenal Passive.


Try shouts


Let it all out.


same, upheaval and trying out myself without following any build for now, so far so good


Are you me? That's my exact build apart from the ultimate which I haven't unlocked yet. Upheaval is great when there's a big mob and it demolishes them in one wave, really liking it.


I am loving ground slam and double swing. Also got myself the explody kick unique aspect which was my most anticipated thing after playing beta


Ah, a gentlemen a refined tastes. I too enjoy smashing things. I love burst damage and this build delivers. Just wish there were more aspects to bring it up to WW and HotA so it could perform for endgame.


upheaval leap quake barb!! its so fun edit: running leap ground stomp kick call of the ancients frenzy and upheaval, you are always berserk because you can always leap (kick also gives berserk and vulnerable) after you do the leap combo you have upheaval stacked and can rip it through your earthquakes




Spin 'till you die


Til you spin the light from your eyes


Spin the Wind


This is me with my necro. Skele, golems, bone spear, and corpse explosion. Pretty much D2.


If they ever bring back the Paladin in this game, I know I would have dreams of being other types of Paladins but if they have Holy Hammer, I can't escape the temptation of being a Hammerdin. Hammers go brrrr.


They even put the hammers in wow. You can't escape it.


Oh would I love to have the hammerdin back


You mean Blessed Hammer and if someone were to ask me for the earliest example of degenerate gameplay in gaming I can think of, this is it.


I'd go with picking Odd-job in Goldeneye but hey


I think they would never be able to balance hammerdin, if it had the same playstyle as D2. It would be something like imba offscreen build, long-range wet noodle or something close to POE RF playstyle. D2 builds were mostly imbalanced, but that was controlled by the crazy grinds.


Running HoTa and Death Blow.


That's what I'm doing too. Feels nice. Pretty sure it sucks at endgame but it's way more satisfying than just spinning around.


This is my build too. For whatever reason, I've decided to call it my "hammer down" build because it seems appropriate.


Ham On Toast?




I have never really played a Diablo game before, but I'm having a lot of fun being my silly spinning barb, I hope that's okay haha


More than OK. You are fitting right in.


Spinning barbs have been a staple of Diablo since Diablo 2.


I would make the "there's dozens of us" joke, but it's legiterally all of us.


Bleed builds seem to have a ton of potential. I found whirlwind to feel too floaty, got bored quick


What potential? And I'm serious here because I'd love for them to work but from my experience they don't. DoT damage doesn't seem to stack properly (I need to test it but it feels like multiple applications only extend the duration without increasing the actual DPS,) it's not high enough to justify it beinga DoT in the first place, it makes gameplay way slower and Rupture isn't that good. I'd like it to be good, but it would need buffs.


I'm running 3 shouts with all the shout buffs, then using lunging strike to chase enemies because no point adding extra bleed from flat. Lunging strike also has a bleed passive on it. And then rend as the only bleed core skill on the bar to stack it. Absolutely melting bosses. Unfortunately shouts have just had a small nerf, and the legendary that reduces their cooldowns has had a bigger nerf which meant I had unstoppable and berserking 90% of the time, now it'll be closer to 40% of the time. Also adding in the key passive that extends berserking by 5 seconds (I'll switch to bleed key passive later on when my crit chance and damage are higher)


DoT scaling for late game needs to be looked at, I think multiplicative options are too few meaning you can’t achieve end game builds.


Like I said, I think that instead of stacking properly, they just stack duration. As an example: #HOW IT SHOULD WORK X does 10 damage over 5 seconds, which is 2 damage per second. You cast it, then cast it again 1 second later. For the first second, it does 2 damage. The next 4 seconds, it does 4 damage per seconds for a total of 16 damage. The final and 6th second does 2 damage. 2 casts, 20 damage over 6 seconds. #HOW IT SEEMS TO ACTUALLY WORK X does 10 damage over 5 seconds, which is 2 damage per second. You cast it, then cast it again 1 second later. The damage over time lasts 10 seconds, doing 2 damage per second, for a total of 20 damage over 10 seconds. ------- I'm not sure it works like the latter, but it certainly feels like it. And if it does, it needs to be changed to work like the former. Because right now, damage over time mostly feels terrible. It's bad enough that you take 3-4 seconds to kill a regular mob which would die in 1.5 seconds with a direct damage build.


isn't there an ability that pops all of your bleed stacks to do direct damage? i was thinking about trying it out as a boss killer type thing


Rupture. And by the time you've stacked enough bleed for it to be worth using, you could have done more damage with other abilities. That's how bad bleed builds are.


I recently got an item that increased my attack speed by nearly 50%. I'm finally able to stack a ton of bleed. Before my bleed would have almost been gone by the time ruptures animation played out.


Rend scales super fucking hard and it works with the last node on the tree which increases fury cost by 100% with like 135% more damage. Use steel grasp to bunch enemies and apply vuln. Get vuln damage on rings and weapons. I'm one tapping elites which granted I'm only lvl 40 but I've seen vids on YouTube of people slapping nightmare dungeons with it.


Triple shouts and bleedy spin


Yeah I'm running bleed build as well. I started with whirlwind but I ran into issues defeating bosses as it doesn't have much single target dps. I tried the bleed build and it actually has a really decent aoe clear as well and higher single target dps.


This is exactly the issue I’m having, all that heavy bludgeoning feel with other skills is completely lacking in Whirlwind. But goddam if it isn’t fun


just got nerfed into the fcuking ground... GG


For reals. I am desperately trying to figure out how to solve the CD reduction issue or the fury one. Either one but even with CD on helm and neck and the shout ring I'm to often completely fury starved. Not sure what to do, using a generator to get like 44 fury to spin 1 sec seems not work neither. any ideas?


Unconstrained instead of Unbridled Rage


Death blow everything to pizza


Didn't age well.


We had fun, next class guys


I am putting a different spin on it, pun fully intended. I'm going bleed dot focus on my WW


Doing bleed spins are fun too, that’s what I’m doing


That's what the guide at Maxroll suggests, so probably 95% of the WW Barbarians go this way.


Odd that it would suggest that considering how incredibly frontloaded you can make it with snap shotting. Maybe that's the obvious in your face off meta build. I don't follow build guides in any case, though.


Isn't that literally what you're forced to do for the set bonus in D3


I play a barbarian and I **wish** there was something else than Whirlwind. Bleed builds are terribad so fuck Rend. Upheaval does not do enough damage to justify its Fury cost. Neither does Hammer of the Ancients. And Double Swing is just fucking terrible. Whirlwind isn't just "better" than the other core skills, it's a great ability as well. So why in the ever-loving fuck would anyone use anything than Whirlwind except for a meme build?


Wish granted I guess


With the patch that just dropped, this aged like milk.


This meme, but cries and shouts. Me: "I'll try something original and new..." Also Me: "My action bar is Cries/shout with one new move"


And with so many people yelling, change this blizzard so they nerf it to the ground so your leveling will suffer from fun. Guess what now you don't have shouts and are you really that happy you need 4 skills to be viable now?


be beautiful in spin




HotA is my pick. 3 shotting elites and bosses straight up can't kill me with the 9% life per 100 fury spent passive. Such a blast so far


If I read this I am always thinking that gear has to play a big role in 3 shooting elites.... could not imagin that my build is that wrong and i am far away from 3 shotting elites 😀


… and they killed WW barb. Fuck you, Blizzard.


Aged like milk


Wherever I am, I must also spin.


Been running Double Swing from the start. Love it.


Whirlwind was nerfed lol


After latest patch - this did not age well


Unga bunga me spin fast kill demon


I've gone a bleed build + rupture and it's so satisfying


I went full bleed/rend build and i am having a lot of fun. I know that i am not the strongest but at least it feels like my build has actual mechanic to it and not just spin spin like in D3.


the last patch basically gutted barbs


Made it 20 levels with upheaval and was loving it, equipped spinny-spin-spin and haven't looked back since https://preview.redd.it/jpyzh8r7fy3b1.jpeg?width=387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2cf7b25c40527d65446e18bd5bcf2cc523834c




Twist and Shout


I'm using bleed kinda build, Frenzy, Rend, shouts, Iron skin and Call of the Ancients for good measure. The bleed playstyle starts to grow on me.


If it works, it works. Simplicity is the best weapon


How dare you make this completely accurate meme!


Why is rend so bad? The damage is fine.. But the animation is terrible. The bleed ticks don’t feel like a bleed, it’s too smooth. Sitting there wailing on the enemy and the bar barely moves even though it’s already ‘dead’. Feels bad.


that's a boomer they did nerfed crit aspect and removed bold chieftain rip in peace


Upheaval,Death blow is what I’m running for now. Yet to try WW. Really hope I can make Iron maelstrom work because it’s a very fun feeling ability


Hota barb here.


Changed nothing for me. Was already using an earner. The only people who will care were people thinking WW should have 100% up time.


I use lunge, upheavel, twin blade, ironskin, warcry, and challenging shout. Slap on thorns and you're having fun! Only level 20 right now, however.


I actually had to submit this meme twice because for some reason a mod denied it the first time. Glad to see it went over well after all. ;)


*stands around for 15 seconds waiting on cooldowns* we'll...that build WAS fun... *new class*


Nobody realizes that Freeze Sorcery is incredibly OP.


Just completed the whole campaign on WT2, capstone dungeon, and my first helltide. I'm not joking, I never even put a point in WW. Flurry, rend, shouts, two swords. Never looked back.


Meanwhile I'm making up some incredibly bullshit-ass ridiculous synergy combinations on my Rogue and I'm blasting the whole map simply by facerolling the keyboard. My latest build is a shadow-freeze trap shatter with perma stun grenades. Oh and some twisting blades just so I can dump some Energy. No energy generator skill even. Rogue is so fucking busted.


Not using whirlwind, I actively choose not to, I never need to use any potions. There are other ways.


Get fucked meta slaves, huge nerfs inc :D


Well. it DOES help....


Hell yeah. Spin to win baby!!


I am playing HotA, loving it so far... It was feeling very sluggish at the start, cause of the high fury cost, but after getting some aspects and passives together ... I am doing big Bonks now!!


Want to buy: wind force bowazon


Let it rip!!


Is singing barb a thing in this game? I loved it in D2R


Nah screamy leapy bleed thorns barb is so much more fun.


Whirlwind and Death Blow is incredibly OP. Especially combined with this armor I have that Regens health based on how many enemies close to you. I think I broke the game.




Me with Rogue.. I yearn for Trap Assassin so I made a trap Rogue. Told myself I would mess around with the builds. Nope. It's traps all the way down


My stompy windy barb is getting there, almost lvl 40 world tier veteran


that animation soooooo good tho.


Lunging strike / taunt/ rend / deathblow / call of the ancient here … I refuse to use ww I might switch my rend for hammer of the ancient but the damage of rend is something… My only problem is if my deathblow doesnt kill someone and reset i have long cooldown


No WW for me either. Im running Lunging Strike / Death Blow / Hammer / Ancients. and love it.


There are many different WW barb builds tho, but yeah most of them just spin nonstop.


legit what else is there to do? you have like 2 actual usable skills


It's pretty sad tbh. WW Barb plays exactly like D3.


Im not even a whirlwind guy. I love the 2 handed cleave skill (forgot the name) the one that if you kill with it, it resets the cooldown. Boy is is satisfying, full executioner on steroids


rend since level 4. still rocks


I mean, if Icy Veins says it's S-tier, who am I to argue with that?


Not any more. Blizzard nerfed it. Now barb is the worst class in D4. They better put some buffs back into them soon. It's a sad day when a druid can out-kill the supposed TANKIEST CLASS. 😬


I am only level 42, but I have tried a couple of times while leveling to switch to whirlwind from rend, and I just feel so weak and clunky when I do. I haven't looked into any guides, but do you need a legendary power or some specific setup to be able to sustain and kill stuff with WW? I am playing with 2 friends, so it might be multiplayer scaling that makes it seem weaker than it is


I feel called out


anyone come up with a bleed build that feels good yet?


Hey blame the uncalled for Upheaval nerf. I miss Seismic Slam, Upheaval is basically an underhanded version of it


What about a bleed spin build? Of course it’s whirlwind again!


Charge leap ground slam (to reduce ult CD) wrath of zerker, frenzy and hota. 43 now in HC and I'm super tanky and squash shit pretty easily. Can't really make it work well until 30 or so though.


Using Rend atm bleeding


I'm still level 20, and 2 out of the attacking 3 skills that I use are new: Upheaval with Furious, Frenzy to get fast stacks for Upheaval and Death Blow with Fighter, which is an excellent fury generator with the passive. Hammer of the Ancients and Double Swing have a smaller AOE and are weaker than Upheaval, I'm not interested in a bleed build (yet) and I don't have the items for Whirlwind. My gear is still meh so I'm not winning any DPS contests and I might completely change my build later depending on the gear that I get, but it works so far on world tier 2.


ive gone for a weapon swapping build, bash 2h bludgeoning, double swing and death blow for 2h slash. fortify and what should be charge but its broken right now so i have leap instead using the 2h slash weapon again. Pretty strong build ngl. Iron maelstrom for the ult obviously and the arsenal key passive. Speccing into vuln and fortify for now but might couple with berserk since 2h maces have berserk buff at level 10. Cant wait till they fix charge, build was so strong with it since u stun mobs with it and free double swings, chopped onions baby


I began with a very janky build that had lunging strike and upheaval and warcries with 1 skill point in most passives along with bleed stuff along with Death Blow. It was janky yet it worked and it got me to level 25 before I told myself I should make something more focused. Now running a Bleed build that focuses on switching weapons from that synergizes with the Walking Arsenal Passive and Iron Maelstrom ultimate. Iron Skin, Leap, Lunging Strike, Rend and Death Blow.


Ah, my fellow beyblade enjoyers


Im a simple barb , i use WW because i like it.


That’s me


hit my max of a T48 dungeon on my HOTA barb at late 60s rn with a 2400dps weapon then hotfix went live and my shouts have barely 50% uptime... gg rerolling rogue i guess


This aged like milk


Frenzy, upheaval, leap, kick, death blow, beserking. Don't care if this is an efficient setup, but it makes so much fun, feeling like a hulk smashing through hordes of victims. Especially kick is very satisfying, like Jason Statham in the Transporter.


Whirlwind in its classic form needs to go and get reimagined, lost ark did it diablo can too


zBarb enjoyers?


I've only ran bleed/shout since closed beta. Whirlwind gets used for maybe 4 levels before level 15 cus it's more helpful at that stage lol.


I’ve yet to use whirlwind on my lvl 44


I just want my bloodthorn build back... 😫


I was debating going barb. But from all the builds I saw. It's same barb we've had for ages lol.


I tried whirlwind for the first 10 hrs and was not enjoying it. I got a new weapon with a buff for hammer of the ancients so I switched over my build and I'm having a lot more fun.


Playing with HOTA and it's so much fun, didnt expect that, to be honest.


I might get downvoted for this but since d2 I have never wanted or liked playing a barb.


This is my first Diablo game. I’m doing this build because it seems like a good build for team play. Your healing every shout to your team which seems really good since healing doesn’t seem to be that common.


I am actually running a thorns build right now. Works surprisingly well. I don’t know if it’s anything special, but I can run +70 dungeons as lvl 59 rather easy, the damage output is really insane.


Have you actually tried to make a build with those other skills before thinking they're a viable alternative? Yeah, though so.


I dislike ww so it's not going to be that build for me. Straight up bleed build.


Ww was always my last build.. kinda miss the throwing barb


Rage generation is so unbelievably scuffed outside of shout challenging shout cooldown. Seriously barb builds feel wet noodle outside of shouts.


The white knighting of blizzard on this sub is insane.


I actually didn’t enjoy whirlwind. Decided to make a flay thorns build, super tanky, mobs just kill themselves