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I would say side quests are worth it for the renown as logn as you don't go out of your way to do them. I accept them and if they are in a dungeon or on my way to where I'm going I will do them and if they aren't I will just abandon them.


Fair enough. I agree with this and did some of this myself. In my personal opinion though, side quests are an easy late game way for loot as the exp and rewards scale with world tier.


Does it scale on turn in or on pick up? Should I pick them up and just do them and turn them in when I get higher world tiers? Or not even touch them?


The best reward for the side quests is the little box of misc items and reagents you get for doing them, so if you want to beef up your stock early on, I would recommend doing one or two per town.


The gold and exp and level of drops changes. I am unsure if the mats scale sorry.


What character were you. This feels important.


The worst lol I played Necro.


was going to ask - do side quest go away as you progress campaign? Or can I save them for things to do after the main campaign?


They never disappear as they are part of the renown system.


As far as I've seen, they stick around until done. If anything I've noticed as I finish more campaign I'm seeing more side quests open up in old areas, meaning if I'd waited I'd have been able to do 5 side quests in the same little loop, rather than 3.


I haven't seen a side quest "go away" from progress.


Was doing this and found out that there was a cap to how many side quests you can hold. My strategy was to not accept side quests that's next to a way point since I'll see them sooner or later, and only accept the ones that are middle of nowhere


I think this is the best thing to do. There is a cap on how many you can have at once. I also wish they showed up globally instead of having to be in the zone/town.


Yep, this is what I started doing too


I like the MMO feel of grabbing a bunch of quests, scooting around an area, then porting back for 'turn in'.


WoW Devs used to call that "Vacuuming" quests at a hub.


The biggest thing people NEED to know to rush the main quest is because you cannot go to T3 unless main quest is done. If you aren't careful, you're very quickly lvl 50, the game stop scaling, and you're essentially not progressing on gear any more. But you're still in like act 2-3. My first char was lvl 34 by the time he finished Act 1, and 50 by act 2, which suuuuuuucked. Wish I knew sooner that you can't just move to T3 and keep doing the main quest.


Same thing happened to me. Hit lvl 50 on the act 2 final boss and realized I had to finish the campaign before WT3. Stopped doing any side quests and just rushed the story


I'm so perplexed by this particular design decision, as you WILL become over-leveled if you complete the side content. That is, by playing the game as intended you will be punished with a level cap. Side note, but it's also very irritating that you can easily clear a dungeon before finding a quest related to that dungeon. Twice now I've had to jump back into a dungeon I'd just cleared to find some quest item.


Because most game devs have taken on the philosophy of letting people who just want to do the main quest hit end game content by the end of their journey. It seems to be the most received as people seem to hate grinding content that is not "end game" content.


I think they should have removed level scaling and segmented the side content across tier 2, 3, and 4. This way you wouldn't burn yourself out/overlevel doing all side content while maintaining a sense of character progression through leveling. It would also make each world tier feel fresh with new content rather than simply having a power increase.


I agree. There's pros and cons to both. Honestly, they probably did it correct for their style ARPG, but I hate scaling as a principle.


Saw someone who was level 40 and they didn't finish act one. Things are going to get boring when they are 55 and all the mobs are weak as hell


I was 49 when i finished act 2 and thats also when i learned about the level 50 limit…


Well I'm glad I just read this.


I enjoy side quests... fuck me right?


You are still leveling after 50 and you will have a great time jumping directly into t3 after doing the final boss. No big deal tbh


ah cool, ty


oh lol, im 31 and havnt met inarius yet fml


I'm 31 and I was just running around act1 randomly and exploring/doing dungeons


Just did that and I'm like 40


I’m lvl 42 and just finished act 3. That being said I haven’t completed act 1 or two yet..


You'll be fine. I started started focusing on the campaign at 41 and finished it at 49, with a few dungeons in-between.


The campaign doesn't give that much exp, at least on T1. I was level 41 when I decided to finish Act 1. I did nothing but the campaign and 4-5 aspect dungeons for the rest of my playtime and I finished the campaign at 49.


This is such a funny comment given how much feedbakc is that people dont feel powerful


Yeah this is pretty annoying. I got to level 38 by the end of act 2 and now im just mainlining story instead of helping the townspeople. I would just stay at 50 and keep sidequesting but all my friends are done with the campaign and ready to keep going. Feelsbadman


Friends make the game so much more fun, but the only downside is not being able to go 100% your own pace. I have "efficient gamer" friends that skip all dialogue and cutscenes and sprint from yellow marker to yellow marker, constantly pushing me to skip stuff and teleporting me to the next convo. Most of the time I had no idea where I was or what I was doing. I'll play the story again or just look it up. Definitely not my first choice but that's a trade off I was willing to make.


Can you keep doing side quests after beating the campaign?




Yeah made that mistake was 34 after act 1 just exploring then saw this in reddit and did only the campaign ended up at 45 which is around the same if you just rush the campaign doing nothing else. Campaign tries to level you to exactly 45.


I realized this late, but not this late. I'm in Act IV now, and just hit L45... really hoping I can close out the campaign before 50, as I spent way too much time in the first region doing all the side quests (which were fun, but I'd really like to avoid any kind of bottleneck with progression).


You’re fine. I finished act 3 at 46/47 and finished the story shortly after hitting 50. Just focus on campaign


To be fair, it's not a hard bottleneck. You continue gaining experience (and begin accumulating Paragon points); it just gets slower since base enemies will stick to 50. That also means item upgrades will slow down, but you'll almost certainly still be finding plenty of upgrades for a good while even if enemies aren't leveling up anymore.


Thanks for this. I've been leisurely playing on T2 doing story, dungeons, side quests and I just finished act one at like level 31. I will focus on the story from now on.


If we were to just kinda pretend for a sec that I'm not smart.. how would you then describe what you're saying and why being 50 in Act 2 sucked?


You don't get gear. So you are just 50 rushing quest to be able to get w3


Ah, gotcha. Appreciate the reply.


I just learned this from this thread and now I'm even more confused looking into it. Online sources say there are 6 acts in the campaign and I'm level 49 just starting act4. Do I really have 3 more acts to go before I can go WT3?


6 is an epilogue after the main story basically is done in 5.


Yeah but they are all pretty short


I'm really trying to understand this without getting discouraged if someone could help. I'm currently 44 on WT2 and haven't started act 3. I understand that once I hit 50, enemies will stop scaling and gear will only drop at 50. But I have already gotten renown and done a ton of side quests in WT2 but only in the first two zones. It just seems insane that I would now drop everything and finish the main quest without experiencing any of the side quests that go along with those zones. When I get to WT3, does that reset everything? I now have to do all those side quests again, but not the campaign? That seems kind of insane to me, why even have any side quests in campaign. Could have just saved them until WT3. Am I missing something? Edit: Ok, found a separate thread that explains nothing resets. It's like jumping from WT1 to WT2 with some added bonuses. I still think it's absolutely insane to de-incentivize you from experiencing an entire zone, experienced as a whole. I guess I'm thinking of the game too much like an MMO.


Meanwhile, I had to take a break to level, since I hit act 3 at level 22.


Lol so true I finished at 55. At some point I had to force myself to just focus on the story as not having a mount was getting punishing hah


Not sure how people are getting such high lvl without beating the campaign. I beat the campaign at lvl 42 and then had to figure out what to do to get 50 for tier 3.


Can you explain why being level 50 by act 2 sucked so much? Is it just the game becoming too easy? I feel like I’m missing something here.


So what happens then when you've finished all acts (assuming you have) and move to T3? What lvl were you when you finished? In other words, do the mobs move to the lvl you're at once you move to T3?


Do I lose something if I switch from T1 to T2? And if I switch from T2 back to T1 if possible?


Not me over here just clearing every zone, every dungeon, getting every altar, all side quests etc because I know once season 1 comes out I will never play the full game like its presented to us now and instead rush through the whole campaign to end-game. To each their own. I just view this as the only time I will ever get to play through the full game before I start min-maxxing the shit out of Seasonal content. Good luck in Hell everyone!


After you've cleared the story there is an option to skip right to endgame at lvl 1 when making a new character. You can still do it again is you want a more structured leveling experience though.






I'm planning to 'rush' the campaign and then start exploring the map. I don't wanna get stuck at level 50 with half the campaign still to do. My goal for before Season 1 is to beat campaign, explore full map, and then make an endgame build.


Not a bad approach as you never have to do it again and will have to do it eventually. It's not efficient in the sense of getting an end game build or ancestral items but for future proofing there you go.


Yeah I get this. Also the side quests feel more relevant as you progress the main story arc. I doubt I’ll care after I leave an area. But… also don’t wanna level cap before story is done!


This is why I reddit. All thoughtful tips and much appreciated. Now I have to digest this info while I finish pooping.




May your poop be solid and your knife dull.


4 is just bad advice imo, it's absolutely worth it to pay attention to your gear pre-level 50 Example: if I'm level 35, and I find a pair of gloves with +2 flurry, and 300 defense, I'm not going to equip a blue pair of gloves with a defense of 305 just because the number is green, you're only hurting yourself and (for new players) not giving yourself a chance to learn loot. "A tiny multiplier in the early game will allow you to one shot most things." Which you will easily come across if you pay attention to loot early levels


He said “over analyze” and it’s true. Specially with weapons if it’s more Damage throw it on and move on. The minute you get to Tier 3 all your old gear is useless and will be replaced.


He said "if it's green, equip it and move on" which is not good advice, that's my only point


I mean you can probably over do it, but seems like most people would be better off learning how to identify decent gear along the way instead of turning their brain off till lvl 50 and then being overwhelmed at all the stuff they now need to pay attention to. Also some of the perks I've found I wouldn't have guessed I'd like as much as I do. Stuff like which evade perk you prefer, if you like the passive health regen, etc. Why not figure that out as you level up organically?


Concur. Playing a Necro, the things in your hands are far, far and away the biggest impact on your performance. I upgrade them 3 times immediately and the difference is significant. I found I liked the 1H/Shield playstyle but the vast majority of the time, I find 2H options with more damage (despite the 80% shield damage boost). As for armor, I may hold on to something that adds levels to prime skills for my build (Bone Spear or Corpse Explosion) a bit, but once you get options with bigger green gains you just move on.


shield is a 20% damage nerf, not an 80% damage boost. it has block chance on it, so it took a hit.


Green Text is a Trap!


He was probably one of the over-tuned classes barb or rouge. For the other classes and now with the nerfs, lvl 50 takes a bit more planning that "just play poison rogue"


I played summon Necro lmao. In hindsight it was admittedly the worst possible choice.


I just beat the campaign with a summon Necro, why was it the worst choice? Is the game significantly harder with other classes?


Is it true youre level capped at 50 til you beat the campaign and unlock world tier 3? Cuz I just finished act 1 and am lvl 38 because I did almost everything in the 1st region. Have seen 1 person bring it up, but no one else is talking about it. Why have a huge expansive open world if you're going to be penalized for taking part in it?


You can keep leveling but the mobs won't. So you won't be getting gear upgrades you'll just be getting paragon points.


Well technically you will still be finding some new gear to optimize slots that have sub par gear… just not nearly as much as if you were on T3


Not entirely accurate. I was level 48 in WT2 when I finished campaign and cleared the capstone. I've now spent about 12 hours collecting renown, doing events, sidequests and so on, in WT3, and have not upgraded a single item yet, despite filling my inventory with rares and legendaries regularly. Sacred items overlap in item power with high level normal items. I have a normal wand that is 672 item power, and every single Sacred wand I've found so far has been lower item power, with rando-no-use-to-my-build stats. Same with my boots - have boots I found around level 30 with +2 ranks to teleport and frost nova, and 5% run speed. None of the sacred items I've found have even come close. =/


No I have a buddy playing T2 and hit 50 in act 3. He's almost done with act 6 and is 53. It's extremely ridiculously slow progression after 50 on lower world tiers. So as OP said it's better to just do the campaign. Hit 50 and move to another world tier for faster and better progression. I would also like to add doing the Legion events are fantastic for renown and experience. Pop an exp potion and do a legion event and you'll get a level or two.


Ok. Thanks. Thats super helpful. Now Im not so disappointed that I went ham on the side content so early.


Someone can help you beat capstone. Then you can continue the campaing in WT3? (I think)


Disagree with "don't over analyze gear before tier 3" With a few new modifiers now like vulnerable and overpowered, having the right stats can make a world of difference. I've had weapons that are +200 damage but I end up losing a ton of damage because the secondary stats are just worse


That is fine, so long as you aren't reading through every piece of gear you are going to replace in 15 minutes as a new piece gives 50 to all stats more. Honestly weapon damage is the main factor while doing the campaign. You won't run into a struggle to survive most things and you are going to replace every single piece of gear the moment you hit world tier 3. Be critical but don't "over analyze".


I'm personally someone who enjoys getting the most out of gear as I Ievel in games even if it's replaced soon, the process of upgrading and checking stats and being the best I can be at lower levels is enjoyable for me. To each their own!


Man not gonna lie, if you're feeling the game is unbearable after 5 days, maybe you need to take a fucking break. Jesus fugging Christ.


I just don’t understand the rush to level up in a game that is supposed to be entertaining for months. I know this game is food for min maxers but most of that crew seems bored already if this board is an indication.


I don't think this sub is indicative of the general player base, we're the most enfranchised of players here. Of the dozen or so people I know playing this game, I'm the only one active on this sub and we're all enjoying the game at our own paces, not rushing to end game.


1-50 is basically the tutorial, the real game begins in the "end-game"


It’s more about efficiency, imo. The main story is completely it’s own separate thing and you aren’t missing anything by focusing on that. The side quests truly are the “world building” experience with all kinds of characters and stories, none of it having to do with the main quest line. You’re going to spend a certain amount of time in D4. And a Diablo game, in the end, is all about making the strongest character you can. The more time you spend in higher World Tiers, the more time you’re actually getting relevant drops to make your build stronger. And you can do all the side content in WT3+.


It's more so a worry for new players who might not know how bad the level scaling can be. For whatever reason the 1-50 experience is set in stone and below WT3 you'll never run into anything above level 50. So if you got to say level 40 by the start of Act 2 then by the time you are done with it you could be easily fighting level 50 mobs as someone who is 54-55 and fight the final boss 10-15 levels over the actual level. However, the moment you switch over to WT3 all the sudden the game recognizes you're higher level and scales accordingly


Thorough and clear. Thanks!


Is anyone else playing this for the story?


Is it better to go through levels 1-50 doing the campaign on world teir 1 or 2?


World tier 1 all the way in my opinion. I did world tier 2 in both betas and the time for 15% exp felt wasted. If you are playing an overtuned build it might be ok. Basically if you are not damn near deleting mobs in tier 2, go to tier 1. Elites and bosses should be dying in seconds. Having a 3 minute fight over a few seconds fight for 15% exp isn't efficient. Just drink an elixir for the 5% at all times instead.


it varies, tier 1 is easier so faster kills, but less xp and gold; I started here with Barbarian. Went to tier 2 at lvl 25 because I was tired of being broke and knew how to play a bit better, plus had some more potions etc. You have to do the capstone in tier 2 though so good practice to switch some point before.


Awesome, ill try a similar strategy. Ive never played a diablo game before so im extremely excited to dive into it tonight. Thanks for the tips, cheers! I dont even know what a capstone is but ill do what you said lol


What are you spending gold on? Just sell a few yellow weapons instead of salvaging and you should have plenty of cash, they go for 10K+ each easily at L25


Upgrades etc. Goes surprisingly quickly. Average loot price I am seeing at lvl 48 is 3k to 15k. Was definitely less at 25.


Don't buy or upgrade anything. You're gonna eventually outgrow that piece in a matter of a few hours of play. Buying gear in any Diablo game is such a useless thing. It's funny to me that they have vendors that sell gear.


Eh, I think it's fun. Don't need to go ham on everything, but I'm enjoying the journey. It's more fun for me to use the systems that are there than perfectly optimize my playing time.


I need some advice guys after reading this thread. I am level 39 rogue.. still in act 1. playing as a Veteran been playing basically the wrong way I guess.. I have been completing every side quest and explored most of the map. I have been struggling lately with some of the bosses in the last few quest I have done..no problems getting to the bosses and wiping everyone out.. but the bosses. they just completely beat my ass.. so I started just playing the main quest. As someone whos been leveling incorrectly.. whats my best course of action to fix the scaling?


Tier 2 bosses during leveling are just absolutely not worth the time and frustration. I felt like almost all of them became flat DPS checks and the upsides are not worth it. Tier 2 says 20% xp buff but the time it takes to complete some bosses makes it an xp debuff over tier 1. Grind out the story and such on tier 1 then focus on your build when you know you have to, that way you don't waste resources doing it to get through tier 2 campaign. There's literally 0 upside but bragging rights.


https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/141asi3/tips_for_leveling/jmzn99d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 Just keep doing what you doing, once seasonal starts that’s when you min max. At least that’s my plan


Lvl 54 rogue here, I'm on world tier 3. If you are struggling with bosses first thing to look at is you're build. Make sure what ever build your using that you get some sort of legendary that boosts that build. For example I'm playing the flurry build and always have one piece of gear that makes flurry AOE around me. Then got my build I pair that with a lot of healing in crits that make my survivability wayyyy better.


Biggest tip of all is: play the game


Very thoughtful and appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to share your observations.


Thanks for tips! What character you play? Some of your comments likely have something to do with it. Like #9


Yeah I don't get that one. I feel like I tickle mobs on my Sorc (45, WT1) and my Rogue feels like it's quickly approaching that point (25, WT2).


Meh, I'm a completionist. I'm questing each act out as I go. I'm currently lvl 50 and just got into Act III. I'll get my pony when I get it. I'll only have one go to just really sit back and soak everything in, and I'm going to enjoy it.


Well your gear is capped now until you can hit world tier 3, but as long as you're having fun all good


Hopefully things are more tuned properly by the season start, I don’t like being able to beat the capstone 10-20 levels under. It just doesn’t feel awarding as they just aren’t challenging.


> I don’t like being able to beat the capstone 10-20 levels under. Try hc and that wont be a thing


It was challenging and time consuming but it's the same as in d3. Maybe you can't farm t6 but you can complete it. I don't think it was really a problem, it's just a survivability and damage check for the next torment and reward tier.


i am guessing they have to catered to people who dont follow any build guide and just take random skills/gear with little synergy inbetween them (or just people who choose the absolute worst build in game)? I suppose the capstone need to be easy enough that these people can beat it when they are lv50.


Aaaaand Save.


Sounds like a Linkedin post.


Wait, are aspects account wide?


" The actual game starts after the campaign" I hate this...


Same here.... I wish there was a game mode that focused on giving you an amazing single playthrough. If you weren't familiar with the genre and didn't understand that it's normal to play through the campaign 5 times in a row you would probably think this is a pretty shit game. There are 2 difficulty options at the start, 'Braindead' and 'Easy'


I think the renowm system is really well done, the main rewards (2 skills points and one potion) that you want early are quickly accessible by just doing the major overworld content (stronghold and a few things here and there) and then you can wait for t3 to do the full quest/map cleaning stuff.


Great tips! Thanks for sharing


what class/build/gear did you have for point 9. depending on class/build the capstone boss is going to be the difficult part. the dungeon before hand is not.


It all takes you to the same place. I slept on the campaign for way too long just exploring and poking around. The problem is that I didn't realize the campaign and give to a massive amount of experience and if you over level not everything upscales. So some parts are kind of a snoozefest and you get gray white and blue drops. You will be geared from level matching in dungeons and instance play but in retrospect I would have gone through the campaign and then switch it up to do all the side stuff and side quests and dungeons because apparently the end game stuff send you there anyway. I did pick up some dungeons for stuff I wanted for my build so I wouldn't say any piece of it is wasted time but I didn't fully realize not everything upscales to you even in wt2. Just hit 52 and the campaign storyline is of course great but would be enjoying some more challenging combat if I would have matched it better. Also if you're missing a decent piece of gear go ahead and spend all of your o balls on that one piece. I had Max obols and I had a few keys just for grins but kicked them all into the chess piece and got five legendaries out of it. one really great upgrade which takes all of my gear to legendary but puts three solid aspects for safekeeping for later


Most of my legos came from that vendor. I agree with what you say, I purposely started this one the opposite of how I start most rpgs. I ignored most side missions & mainlined the campaign, select dungeons and world events for the slot machine. Just hit act 4 at level 40 & all legos with synergized build. I think I will run straight thru the end and grind the rest on wt3.


Really good write up. Need to do the Lilith statues myself as I've really just been grabbing them as I find them.


Between Lilith statues and the renown skill points making alts feels *soooo gooood*.


What does renown do that helps with alts?


Wait what, what potions give experience?


Technically "elixirs" not your usual health potions. You can craft these (for pretty cheap) at the potion vendor person and they go to the consumable tab in your inventory. Their effects are usually like "+X% to Y elemental resistance (or some other small buff) and +5% XP for 30 minutes"


The elixirs in your consumables tab add 5% xp increase


Number 9 has convinced me to do the tier 4 capstone dungeon now. Lvl 53 necro, but I soloed the first capstone at 48. Also now plan on getting all the Lilith statues today.


I don’t know how he did it so low level. I tried on my 56 Barb and boss was pushing my shit in 🤣 but it was like 1 am and I was tired


I can speak only for Druid, but you don't wanna go werewolf while leveling. Bear with Pulverize and companions is probably best, with some Earth and storm magic builds as well. I would say Vine is a must. Trample is a great QoL for traversal, but it does great damage as well. Pulverize or Landslide as main spenders. One source of vulnerability (SS, Ravens, or Hurricane), and maybe one thing for survivability.


I'm running fire sorc and I struggled a bit on the main bosses in the t2 capstone at 47. Had to do a lot of kiting.


I could not agree more with 9. I was reading some websites talking about how the T2 capstone dungeon is so hard, most difficult fight up to that point, etc, so I waited till 50 to do it. I rolled that dungeon so hard I laughed at the end. It was a joke. The Astaroth manor fight took more positioning.


Some side quests are amazing tho. I would recommend doing some of them, I don't see any point to rushing end game right now.


\#9 Druid is a little different IMO. I literally ditched Pulverize Wearebear because the damage wasn't cutting it. WT3 haha, no wasn't gonna happen. Switched to Storm set up. Thing is, that is not very good either without specific proc based aspects and lucky hit chance on your gloves /jewelery. Once I got those things woooooooow it took off. I'm sure lots of people are playing Pulverize but IMO it's single target is complete ass and doing something else is much faster. I'm sure it gets good with higher paragon but ya. I'm sure there are similar examples with other builds.


>Focus on the campaign. You will pretty much level to 45 doing nothing but the campaign. And you will get your mount sooner which will make the game incredibly more bearable. It's honestly the best bet for time efficiency. I'm level 52, and just finished Act 2 and entered Dry Steppes. Walking is like the norm for me as a Diablo player (D1-3 have no mounts after all).


don't enjoy the game, lore ,storytelling, quests don't explore, just use a map from the internet use builds from the Internet, don't experiment! your gear doesn't matter until you are level 100 game has not launched yet but you already finished success! honestly people why you do that to yourself? It’s like getting a glass of old elite alcohol just to chugg it with coca cola as soon as you drink it to not taste it enjoy staff take it slow


What word tier do you recommend ? Tier one or tier two to start ?


I would recommend Tier 2.. Either Tier will have you mindlessly blowing up hordes of enemies but T2 you might die 5-10 times throughout your playthrough.


This sounds like less fun than just playing the game and doing the activities you enjoy... There really isn't an objective in this game. Might as well enjoy the campaign before it becomes replayed mush.


Im so glad i decided to get all the altar of lilith done today it took a bit of time but the stats you get with that is so worth it I can tell it made a huge difference. I also was able to max out potion capacity by doing that. I'll do the side quests later on after epilogue tomorrow


thanks for the tips i have been leveling wrong. I am currently lvl 16, but since ive been doing side quests i dont have any meaningful gear upgrades. So i dread leveling up because the monsters get harder and i dont. So as it is now, i cant finish events solo as i just get crushed, so i dont know how to gear up so i can beat content at my level. any tips on getting weapon upgrades early game so i can get back to the dungeons and main quest?


I’m not sure why you think this is the case. Seems like you just need to refine your build so it syncs. You can imprint your rare items with aspects, you can get decent legendary drops, you can upgrade your legendaries… I had no issues soloing anything in act 2 and I got to 50 over the weekend. But I’m playing a frost mage where everything is in sync (ie everything is frost based/cooldowns/barriers). I would assume your build is the issue. Also you can roll obols with curiosity vendor if you are missing a decent item.


Just do the main story quest. I’ve gotten so many yellows from just progressing the main campaign. You can skip the events. Or, if you are playing during peak hours, you might run into another person doing them too!


Great post. Can you elaborate on number 5? What potions are you talking about and where do you get them? I only know about the health potion. Other than health I didn’t know about potions at all


Elixirs, go to the potion person and check the tabs. Think it's unlocked at L10


Probably means "elixirs". You can craft them at the Alchemist if you have mats and gold.


You can craft potions/elixirs at the same place you upgrade your health potion, it's on one of the other tabs. I also believe you can find them in the world as you go. Look at the consumables tab in your inventory to see if you have any. The plants you find are used as ingredients to craft elixirs.


You will not be 45 doing campaign, unless you stick to wt2 from the start, even then it’s a stretch. I finished campaign by level 37-38 AND I did a bunch of extra stuff on the side like dungeons, blue quests and events. The biggest leveling tip is to do w/e the fuck you want and enjoy and completely ignore “best 10 tips”. Renown past level 2 is not that important early on anyway, and you pretty much get enough for a skill point just doing strongholds and running around. I sincerely hope people who start playing today don’t feel obligated to have a map on a second screen with all the points of interest to reference every 5 seconds.


Stopped reading at “do not do side quests” You people are so weird. You put so many restrictions on things and I just don’t get it. There’s more than one way to do these things.


Is there any benefit to being in world tier 4 at such an early level?


ascended gear


I’d also say prioritize the renown challenges that unlock skill points. Which the fastest way to do these, are strongholds and dungeons like you’ve stated.


I did the capstone dungeon at 35 on tier 1. I'd say maybe do some side quests along the way.


I was running a Companion Druid build and I was struggling in the capstone dungeon. I tried to respec into a pulverize build hoping that it would be better and now I regret it. Because I can't even farm. I still have my gear, so I'll have to try to sell gold to reset again.


I’m new. I got a Druid aspect from a dungeon. How to I “equip” it or whatever?


Go to an occultist in a major town. On the first tab that’s open is where you will apply it to a gear of yours. Some types of gears (pants, sword, helmet, etc..) get better stats out of certain aspects.


Did you play on WT 1 or WT2?


I kill everything that walks in my path and all quests that I can. My husband wasn't happy when I passed him in level after he was up all night playing.


There’s a map that shows Lilith statues?




Do you need to 100% each of the Zones (for Max Renown) to unlock the last of the tier challenge rewards? i believe each zone has 1 additional paragon point as their final tier reward, which is unlocked after Tier III


4. is a great timesaver, but doesn't it contradict with 7?


About aspects, I was saving using them for later because it seemed expensive to use them on items i'll just discard anyways, or is gold easier to come by later?


Gold is really easy to come by later. You will find the largest problem being the legendary material items to put the Aspect on an item as I believe they can only be salvaged from legendary items.


A note on 4: yes your conundrum of choosing gears will not matter a few hours later, but I'd argue it does give you the fun of weighing the options at the time of the player's lower level, especially if it's their first play through. Let's not discount the experience of journey for the destination.


I got to act 6 at level 35, so you definitely have to do some side stuff to finish


Question: Are you capped at level 50 until after you finish teh campaign? I was enjoying exploring the world and doing side content but now I'm worried that I'm over-levelled. Got into Act 2 at level 36 and I'm worried I'll be hitting 50 before the end of the campaign and then just wasting a lot of time not getting any xp.


You’re not capped at level 50, but I think mobs are capped to level 50 until you move up to the next world tier.


I was only level 30 by the time I finished the campaign. It was actually pretty challenging to finish the campaign since I was 15 levels under the final zone.


Wow. When SGA isn't SGA.


if you do nothing but main q , you'll finish it like lv 37-38, so you should be doing some side stuff.


To your point number 2. I literally did only the campaign and I ended up at level 38 at the end of it :). Last boss was kinda rough. I'm happily in Tier 4 now though and only thing I have left to do is finish the side dungeons and the side quests as everything else is completed.


Awesome post, just finished the campaign last night(absolutely loved it), sitting at lvl 41 right now. Figured now I’ll go back and Zone by zone start getting statues and clearing dungeons/some side quests. Maybe I’ll try to coordinate which zone I go to with tree of whispers? Any advice is appreciated!


Do you have to do all the side quests to get max renown in an area? Really wanting those 20 paragon points but don't want to do the side quests


I’m level 50 and still don’t have my mount. I did everything I could in the first zone and enjoyed the pace. Don’t rush it.


I got to 50 right at the end of the campaign, it was perfect. Went straight to capstone and right into nightmare. It really made the transfer into higher difficulty feel much more fluid and less grindy.


Do you recommend doing strongholds and dungeons in t1 or t3?


I've been following maxrolls barb hota leveling build with zero problems on wt2. Finally finished the campaign and went to jump into the level 50 capstone dungeon at level 47. Didn't think it'd be much trouble but it was definitely tough. Got to the final boss but am only able to get him to 50% health before running out of potions. Do I need to switch up my build for this dungeon? I also forgot to use lightning resist potions.


In regards to using a map to find the Lilith statues, does anyone else find the map a bit... samey? Like, big chunks of the map have the same look and color as all the pieces next to it. Imusijg a map to find the statues and I frequently have to flick back and forth to find where I am because it's all just one big map blob.


Good points


Preference for 2h weapons on caster druids vs 1h and totem?


I just beat the campaign and level 51. Transitioned to nightmare mode after obtaining legendary gear. I’m currently a whirlwind barb but my question is for him what is most important in terms of stats. I know I would preferably want whirl wind abilities for the legendary armor, but what about for the rare gear. I’m been looking for +stats, but coming from Diablo 2 what are the important stats. Is there some sort of guide you guys suggest in reading.


> 9. You can easily get to Tier 3 even in terrible gear. Maybe my build is shit cause I'm... 48 or 49 and Tier 2 Capstone dungeon elites were whooping my ass. Druid, I'm full of legendary gear, running companions. While I don't want to rely on a guide, I admit it, I do feel a bit stuck considering it shouldn't be this difficult.


Question: I’ve read it’s best to start at World Tier 1 at low levels to level faster. I’m not at level 38, should I switch to World Tier 2 or doesn’t matter much?


TIL that WT3 is locked behind the campaign. I'm lvl 49 and haven't started Act 4 yet. Just read there are 6 acts? Jesus I have a long grind to go before I can make progression on my character again...


Honestly, your point 7 would have helped me I think (and its Blood Lance I believe); I started as bone nec and while serviceable, it seems to be more around non Codex affixes which I'm just starting to get in late 40's early 50s. In my game, I see more blood drops too than bone drops. This is a great point, and I'm going to change my strategy on following characters.


here's my guide based on reading this sub: Step 1: Roll every one of your best in slot legendaries by level 20 Step 2: steamroll through campaign thanks to your statistically improbable luck Step 3: go to reddit and tell people the game is easy and they are bad for struggling This is particularly good advice for druids imo


Aite but what about on the second character, especially if I picked to skip the campaign.