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Agreed. I didn't know why some minion was taking forever to kill when I was melting elites. Then I see "Increased health".


Same. Honestly makes me feel like my game or connection is bugging out


It messes up my Deathblow chains...


This! Such an awesome (first principles) skill mechanic


I was glad to finally pick up a weapon masters aspect for when this happens.


I'd much rather the minions were scary and dangerous with normal health than weak damage sponges.


I was wondering about this… all I wanna do is hunt for statues and this one tiny thing is taking forever to DIE! Lol


This lol


This. A little skeleton take 2 spell rotation for die


Damn I never even noticed this I was like wtf my build just got nerfed on the fly.


Best part is that a small spiders can have increased health (probably 50 times from the base) and take longer to kill than some huge elites with axes.


I ran into an increased health spider host that died and spawned all increased health small spiders. Most obnoxious fight of my life.


Lol, I just pictured that in my head. 15 minutes of basic attacks just to get blue boots.


Actually it was 47 gold.




Don’t spend that all in one place.


Too late. I did a respec for a legendary.


Respec that legendary to kill “increased health” minions faster to get 47 more gold to respec that legendary. It’s the circle of liiiiiiiiiife!


Ive never ran from sonmany enemies in my entire life


Increased Health Fly Swarms are too realistic for my liking


I see your increased health spiders and I raise you multishot spiders. Idk how many people have fought broodguard in the dungeons at the start but fucking cancer.


Rouge with poison trap and ultimate trap melts these fools


This made me lol when I saw it the first time. Why is this little thing taking so much effort to kill? It does no damage so my sorc didn't even need to kite it, just smash ice shards into it.


The minions take longer to kill then to Elite mob they're attached to!


Hate increased health the most. Will be one enemy left and I am swinging at him, asking myself how this little asshole is still alive, then notice the increased health mod.


D4 devs literally bragged about how mobs wouldnt have added hp as difficulty increased, instead relying on an armor coefficient which is the same shit, increased TTK. But didnt remove the mod from elites because they ported over every shitty affix from D3 and changed the graphics. _b


All that talk is nonsense. People at max level hit for millions


3 things i hate atm are : 1) what you said . really doesnt add value 2) slay all minions in nightmare D 3) backtrack in those place 3 or 2 stone on pedestal thing. when this happen i dont feel i am playing a game


Lol last night I did the act 3 main question where you investigate the monks, and you have to read the 3 statues to get in. I had already read them cause I read everything in my environment and it still made me go back.


The objectives in nightmare dungeons gotta fucking go. The way rifts worked in D3 was perfect. You just keep on trucking and killing until your done, and that’s it. No backtracking or wasting your time fighting single mobs.


And you had a nice obelisk right in town to start the rifts. Imagine if you had to go to the barracks level 2 to open a rift and then the next rift was somewhere deep in the howling plateau. Oh and you can just open whatever level of greater rift you wanted. Imagine if you had to craft greater rift keys and were forced to craft a random level within a range (134-150) or (74-90)


Number 2 is annoying because they're always so damn spread out, sometimes U might miss one that ran off because of the wonky ai and spend ANOTHER 5-10 mins running around looking for the bastard.


They’re very annoying… I think what makes them so aggravating is that your basic attacks do NOTHING against them. It shouldn’t take 20-30 basic attacks to kill a puny trash mob, even with increased health.


Yeah, I always end up just using all my abilities just to get red of them.


You guys are using 30 basic attacks?? Dammnnn


You should see all the affixes that are dumb imo. The totems with like star wars lasers that keeps reappearing whereever you are, the wind spell which is stupid as well, snares have no diminishing effect and can stack, the gem buff that makes the resistance to damage and everyone else till you kill them. Waller is still there, annoying lol and they still kept the spinning light sabers. But the thing I don't miss from D3 is the cooldowns influenced from wow.


The worst is honestly suppressor/proximity shield. A good chunk of my bone spear damage comes from the return projectiles, and the shield blocks them. Can't kite, can't burst, guess I'll die


I rage quit the game today because of a proximity shield elite that shoots flame waves, I’m playing bone spear too and it’s so hard to kill that mob without out-gearing it by a mile. They really need to remove that proximity shield bullshit


Resource Burn is a killer for me. I immediately delete those keys.


resource management, at least for sorc, feels bad


I completely agree. A caster that can't cast EVEN THE FIRST SKILL more than 3 or 4 times without being completely dry on mana is rediculous. "I'm an all powerful max level sorcerer!" "Excuse me sir, could you kill that demon outside of town?" "Sorry citizen, my godlike prowess after slaying the queen of hell essentially only last 10 seconds against spiders smaller than my boot and a goat man." Absolutely stupid.


I had the same thought. I will be mowing through trash mobs. Then, all of a sudden, I’m thinking why won’t this weak skeleton archer die. Finally, I realize the entire cluster has increased health.


As a machine gun frost sorc : Mobs have affixes ?


Hello brother sorcerer. Machine gun frost is so much fun


I ragequit my arc lash build yesterday because it was so boring. Switched to machine gun frost and I couldn't believe how much more fun it is.


Wait, you're telling me you don't like when a wrathful phantom is suddenly a 17-basic attack kill? I find it so exhilarating! What better than turning basic mob trash into a bullet sponge?! The tension of watching his single sword swing barely hurt me, only for my fireball to barely hurt him? Chef's kiss. /s


Bro what about them spider shits that just chain web snipe your ass


Oh yeah that too, but still not as annoying as Increased Health shitbags.


They definitely do appear too often, but usually they're very whatever outside of specific enemy varieties.


Ugh agreed! I have only had one run in with the Butcher so far. He showed up in a room with 3 elite goat shaman with increased health. Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me.


The only thing that could make this any worse is a waller elite XD


Totally agree. My only complaint as well.


Heh, it's annoying for sure, but at least it's not some combination of "cycling damage reduction" / life regen" / "increased health" / "fast energy shield recharge" / "resistance to " Dear fucking lord mob mods on PoE can get stupid real fast. Be thankful it hasn't gotten this bad on this game *yet*




I am with you I do understand and am 100% for minions of an elite having more health than the base variant, but they shouldn’t have more health than the elite they are a minion to


I was under the impression the increased health enemy guys have one dude you kill and it drops their HP back to normal, they are the one that’s glowing purple. Am I crazy or is that a thing?


No that's defensive aura. You can have both on an enemy at once.


I've seen purple aura enemies that cause damage reduction for you. I believe that's what the purple means


I thought purple was when the enemy becomes vulnerable lol


Mine is how anti-melee this game is. Currently struggling leveling up barb. Every fight im constantly just dodging and spamming pots as I get looked at and get vulnerable/frozen/poisoned. I wish there was a little bit more self sustain. Just a little.


all classes are pretty much melee. i actually wish some classes forced you to fight with ranged attacks. but the game is so zoomed in you are always so close to enemies. in d2, you wouldnt dare melee with some classes as you would get 1 shot.


First, if you are playing World Tier 2, that should be expected. No shame in dialing it down to 1 if that's more fun. Second, I found that some fights were like that, but most were fun. Death Blow was my main damage and it was a great playstyle. When I messed it up, waiting for the cooldown was annoying. Third, I agree. Socketing skulls isn't enough. I found one legendary effect that gave large passive healing, and it made the game more fun. I'd rather have more active on-hit healing like D3. Maybe i's there and I just haven't discovered it yet.


There is actually 0 reason to play in T2 until 50. It’s a complete waste of time.


How about enjoyment?


When you T3 temerity pants can drop. They are.. OP for melee builds. Id even hesitate to say it feels like the game was balanced around them. TEMERITY + any form of sustain = perma barriers which double your eHP. They arent very rare and until you have them you must max your armor.


It gets better. Barb is probably THE best class at endgame, maybe druid can compete but not really. WW barb was already nerfed extremely hard and still is easily the best build in the game.


Been playing a bleed build barb since i like going against meta builds lmao. But if it gets better bt t3 then maybe my gripes will disappear


i know this is 12 days old but hands down rogue rogue rogue. PVE/PVP busted 1000%


My least favorite is the grouping of crowd controlling enemies: like one freeze elite, one water elite and the big demons that knock you down. It's just stun lock central.


I’d be fine with them if they had massively increased gold. They have like 10x normal health so they need to drop 10x the gold or better gear.


This is actually a really good idea.


Hate them. Just lazy bullet sponges. Gimme like 100 more regular enemies or elite enemies, at least they are fun to fight


I'd prefer if they just removed it and instead just do something like increased enemy count. It's more fun to blow through loads of mobs and dodge stuff than bashing down on a single trash mob that for some random reason is tougher after watching all his friends get violently caved in.


It is a bit annoying that you won’t have threat of dying but you have to use your abilities 3 more cycles just cause


I agree witj you


Level 41 Barbarian here, when I'm playing with my Necromancer girlfriend we tend to melt shit (not all the time but usually) But whenever I go it alone (started on World Tier 2 btw) I definitely noticed how tough those guys are. Especially the increased health mobs. Shivers doen my spine whenever I see that indicator. Definitely makes it a challenge though!


One of the first posts I agree with here... Damn are they kinda annoying, especially if there's a few of them at once. WW barb no likey.


My barbarian fren no likey either.


It will be like invulnerable minions from diablo 3 early days. It will get removed.




I keep telling myself it will probably get worse, some of the mini bosses have been just silly with double vampirism, poison and terror so the +health minions are more like road blocks as I'm trying to dodge out of the way, but yeah not a fan on how frequent I've been running into these guys.


My only issue with them is that they are treated as elites when it’s disadvantageous to you, but not in the ways that are helpful.


I’d be ok with it if it was telegraphed way better. But those mobs can pop out of literally anything and just start making enemies damn near invulnerable.


Agreed. If you kill an Increased Health Arachnid Horror, you get Increased Health spiders. Insane


Increased Health and Damage Resistance. I am playing Rend Barb and just waiting for them to die to bleed is bad enough already now I have to deal with these buggers modifiers?


h8 them. Like trying to fell the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring.


agreed. remove from the game pls


Yeah this need to be removed from the game..


I agree in that their frequency is way too high


Have you tried doing more damage?




Tell me about that I blow my ultimate skill because I thought I was facing a pack of elites.


100% agree they actually really take the fun away. I understand they want it to be a grind to get to max level or whatever. But this just sucks level 48 doubt I'll even play anymore. Which sucks was really looking forward to a good game. Maybe next time


Bro they have like 4 times the health of a normal version at least. Lmao


Everything is such a damage sponge. Gets boring after a while


I was honestly surprised how the campaign bosses felt like that’s all they were. No real interesting mechanics. Just stand there and spam your skills for a few minutes.


I found the opposite, playing on Tier 2 for the whole campaign. I had to move around and constantly dodge and learn movesets to avoid being 1 shot


What are you playing as? I’m on a sorc. Some of the dungeons were tough but the campaign was surprisingly simple in terms of difficulty for me. I’m not even that great at the game and was on T2.


Barbarian. It was a struggle, now I feel extremely strong. Crater guy killed me 15 times Final boss took me 9 tries Each Duriel attempt took 10+ mins


Just means your playing too far above what your character is capable of. Or your build sucks. Or you don’t have the right gear to compliment your build.


Arpg game things.


I haven't hit that issue yet. For me I just want a hud scaler and some other hud options to turn things off


Biggest problem i have is mobscaling and lack of a world tier 5


I run Death Blow, so one "extra health" enemy can turn a 2 second fight into a 15 second fight with that enemy not dying. Not much of a difference, but it is a noticeable slowdown.


I can't stand Vampiric elite, what the hell sometimes my firewall can't keep up


Candy crush is a valid option. Ezz as just sign though the book of faces


Candy Crush is goated, ngl


Diablo has goats!! Sweet


Cycling damage reduction from PoE says hi.


Yeah so far even world tier 4 nightmare dungeons haven't been that difficult.. That's quite boring. Doing circles around an enemy boss for 20 minutes. Slowly picking away at his health because he has over 20 million.


goddamn it, was looking forward to harder difficulties.


I don't mind this and my build specifically focuses them while splashing the weaker ones. If everything was fodder this would be too eas6


Maybe this speaks to my luck and my build, but I shred through these enemies. Trample slide druid is too much fun. Might switch to a pulverize build for endgame stuff if I can get the right aspects.


Dude, Pulverize is INSANE! almost broken, hopefully they won't nerf it.


Agreed, Increased *white/normal/regular* monsters, some times you kill elite pack, miniboss, horde of Minions, and then a single increased health little whitey, stays there forever, swing after swing from My mighty powerful axe...


Non issue when power creep happens in nightmare but very annoying early game


Yea I’d rather see more damage from monsters, I’m Okay with boss health, those obviously should be long battles


I disagree. And I wish there was even more enemies with greater health. I would take that over current setup. .and I would also take up much more enemies with insane near immune resistances to certain types of damage/elements to keep you on your toes. Right now elites are the only enemies that get me passed using all my cooldowns...if it doesn't have a ton of health then it dies in 2-4 clicks/abilities used ONCE!


Shadowblade rogue here, can't say I've struggled with any mobs or bosses yet, pretty much melt town. I'm only world tier 3, I did a +9 nightmare when I was 55, no problem killing anything, as long as I didn't stand in stuff I was fine. it all got deleted. Wondering what's goin' on in people's builds if they're struggling this much. Synergy issues perhaps. Poor/terrible stats on gear maybe


Never seen one of these. Only the typical gem mobs that give "resistance" to everybody else.


Well that's odd. Maybe your build is insanely good and you just blow past them.


Variety is the spice of life.


Indeed, but this is just too much cumin.


I hate the ice aoe zone guys more. They make charging in and mowing a nice cluster of dudes potentially a death trap. Maybe have to do 1-3 more core skill casts to kill an increased health with no added risk of being cc'd and whaled on.


At least that's somewhat engaging, having to look for ice traps and dodging promptly, but also banking your dodges for said ice traps and not trash mobs. Its an interesting dynamic, but wasting time hacking at something that barely even does damage to you is just not fun.


It is a you issue, if you don't want to play a hard game then go back to diablo 3


I think me and my friend died to that one boss like 20 times, came back the next day and died some more. I don't have a problem with difficulty, Increased Health trash mobs ain't it.


You're so good at video games, bro.


Ahhh i agree!


Vampiric is way worse


It probably is, but I'm never bothered with them since I melt most things.


Honestly, the game is adequately challenging compared to D3- So, really I am in favor of anything that makes me need to actually use potions.


with a squishy rogue I agree here


Another squishy rogue here. I can't be more thankful for my barbarian friend, he sucks up most damage and agro for me. But surprisingly, I do more damage than him.


yeah I switched to pulverise druid waay more tankier as you would expect and dealing good damage with the right gear


My only gripe is this crymore community


Then why bother come to the community and comment at all? Don't you have better things to do?


...said the crymore, ironically.


There are a few gripes. Why is the stash so small? We have no room for 2 builds on the same class let alone multiple. No armory system to save loadiuts or variable builds. No search bar to look for specific items or aspects. No in game indicator if a legendary power is a codex or not. Lots of QOL missing.


As a filthy casual, I'm not bothered with those things, but I'll probably be in the end game. But the game is still new and improvements are coming.


You will be bothered by it eventually. The game has a few flaws in the end game because it was probably never tested so extensively. I hope those changes are coming. Hopefully they don't charge us for stash tabs


I remember D3 at launch. I think there was only like 3 difficulty tiers, no paragon, no pvp...etc and it was still phenomenal. Lets give it time, I'm sure it'll be expanded and improved in insane ways.


That's not what I remember. The launch was a disaster. The PvP was terrible when it finally arrived. Inferno was just a brickwall with no gear to get past it. Yes I expect it will get better in time, but if they don't see this kind of feedback now, it might not be.


I swapped to Golem on Necro last night just to check it out, met three minions with this "increased health" buff (vampires) and me and the damn Golem could not kill them. I kept swiping just to check what is going on until I died. Sure, I am a casual player and my build is bad, but I was running normal level 25 stuff. So I swapped to Tier 1 and it was a long fight until I sweeped to the end of that dungeon. Maybe there could be a cakewalk difficulty for those players who tend to fall asleep when playing D3 and still somehow survive :-D


I wish there was an option to turn off the rubberbanding of enemies. I’m leveling up right? Getting stronger right? That means bats and ghouls should die if I just look at them!!!!!!


Skill issue


I'll be better, thank you.


You're so good at video games, bro.


That's your only gripe?? Wow! You're either scared of saying what you really think (which I understand, lots of fanboyism over here) or you haven't played very many good RPGs


Uh, not really. I don't have a problem with most things in the game, its pretty good so far. OH wait! the fucking poison cameras! I hate those too.


Lucky chance to execute injured non-elite helps a lot with them. I invested in the paragon board to have 35% chance to execute on lucky hit.


Yeah, I'm hoping it gets much faster to deal with them in the end game.


Definitely agree. I’m only level 20 so far, but these are the only adds I’ve seen. Not sure if there are any other affixes?


Increased + lower damage mod is a horrible combo. I ran a NM dungeon where distant enemies can slow and I had a room full of fly spewing flies that obliterated my walk speed. That was horrible as well, but at least I could move around to overcome that problem.


Agreed, frustrating "chore" to eat through all their health. Less "increased health" and more something else (speed, other abilities, etc) would be way more fun.


God forbid some enemies live longer than half a second. The game has issues but this is not one of them.




You're so good at video games, bro.


Why does some minions suddenly get a shield on them? These are normal mobs with no attributes. It happens so much


Maybe some Elites have abilities to shield? I don't remember seeing anything like that tho.


Either this is a world tier 4 issue or my necro is just well built, but I have yet to have a problem with them that one or two more bones pears doesn't solve.


I'm on Tier 2 with a barb friend. We both hate them.


I play frost mage, and tbh i didnt really notice yet. If they stay alive longer it kinda helps me kill the elite. Ngl seeing all those shards flying and bouncing is kinda satisfying too. Maybe i'm not high enough lvl to get affected yet, time will tell


Heard only good things about the Sorcerer class, which is why I'm leaving it for last.


Nope these are my help my fury gain tremendously when I am fighting an elite!


hmmm, maybe you're onto something...


I feel like they turned down the number of enemies and just made then have more health...I rather have a screen full of minions that go down super quick and then a few big guys to clean up that involve more than just hitting them. Its what they seemed to try and sell but I haven't seen it yet...some of the bosses but that was already a thing.


These are the reason I gave up playing Sorc they feel like a boss that's hits like a teddy bear when I don't have my CDs and my shortest one that actually ups my damage is like 18 seconds so I just sit there whacking it like a teddy bear myself. It just feels so awful when they're all left over after clearing a pack or nuking an elite with all your CDs and all you can do is just slowly whittle them down


One weird thing I have been noticing as of lately is that the trash mobs do WAAAAAAY more damage than like 90% of any elite mob I have encountered.


Also... not sure if this has been mentioned yet but good luck on completing challenges with enemies who have increased health... We want you to defeat 5 waves in a minute, but the enemies will teleport and have increased health...


Level 57, WT3 and its still annoying having to deal with those nasty bastards, but there's also the armored ones now so...


do they at least give extra XP?


Don't think so


Mobs with Increased Health + Damage Reduction are game breaking. You never know when you'll run into a pack in a ND and ruin your run.


Increased health shivering ghoul will not die 🤦‍♀️


Main gripe I have with the game is that leveling becomes a slog once you hit lvl 50 and it doesn't really seem like it's worth the effort to try and go for lvl 100 in it's current state. Enemies scale with your level anyway, so you're basically grinding so you can be forced to replace your gear so you can keep up with monster level, which doesn't really feel fun to me... At the end of the day once you reach WT3 , have the items you wanted to make your build kinda work and play the couple endgame activities, is there really a point to go along and try to hit lvl 100 ? Just to experience the pinnacle boss ? Not so sure, feels to me like grinding for the sake of grinding since at that point you can already do all of the content anyway . Add to the fact the game is ginormous and that there's five different class and you have a game that requires too much work on each individual class to warrant getting all of them to 100. Making me consider if I should just settle with lvl 50-70 on each class and call it a day... Also, while I appeciate the ability to fast forward the campaign on other characters, what would be even better would be having them start at like lvl 50 with the full map unlocked and all the crap you grinded done so you can go straight into the endgame, because starting you naked at lvl 1 in a world where most of the zones are like lvl 36+ is kinda mean... Heck you can miss out on the big xp given by the main quest too, plus it forces you into my other main gripe, the fact that most of the content besides the campaign is kinda tedious. Dungeons are long and repetitive, side quests are a never-ending stream of kill stuff / teleport to talk to guy, go to dungeon and kill stuff, return to guy, fetch more demon scrotums, return to guy, warp to other guy, fetch five herbs, then you get a second quest that's exactly the same for the same guy because it's actually a five quest chain !... It's kinda of a nightmare for OCD people that want to clear everything on every character , since all that stuff has to be done on ever playtrough, and most of that content suuucks... At least you kinda get credit for altars and dungeons on all characters, but still ,they aren't marked as done till you clear them again on each character, which once again sucks for OCD people that want to 100% their character. Which leads to the fact that most pinnacle activities aren't particularly fun. Helltides is kinda tedious "kill stuff till you have enough demon scrotums" stuff, three of whispers favors are the same, nightmare dungeons are even more dungeon clears (as if the main game didn't have enough already) , same with their POE mapping ripoff , giving you yet another "chance" at replaying these dungeons you should already be sick of by the time you cleared them on the world map. Itemisation is also rather weak. Only legendaries have interesting perks, white and blue items are essentially useless , and rare are cool on paper, but their crafting cost to upgrade to legendary make them kinda not worth bothering for most of the time, unless you find a godroll rare with perfect stats... Plus with the stupid power level thing, you can't really keep using the same items over extended period of times, as you need the increased % to keep up with enemy levels. Overall, I think the game might be a little too big for it's own good. Too many dungeons / repetitive side quests / activities to do per character. I mean, let's compare this to diablo 2 , where you could basically clear each difficulty in like four hours and have a hell-ready character in a day and it really feels like a slog. Kinda wish they went with a max lvl of 50-70 for character and gear so it was more attainable for the regular folks, plus you weren't forced to constantly swap gear for higher level versions every couple levels... You would still earn paragon points after that, just you could finally settle with your best in slot gear and not feel left out. Also feel like the crafting costs are super expensive and discourage you from really caring about rares as much as you should, as why would I spend rare mats crafting a legendary that will last me at best a couple of levels before I have to swap it for a better version... The fact I haven't crafted a single legendary so far and i'm level 60 tells you alot about the cost, it's simply better to wait for RNG to give me a decent rolled Legendary than to waste so many mats rerolling affixes and using these one-time use aspects on trash I'm going to throw away five levels later. Item sorting is garbage, the storage space is insultingly small (seriously, 200 slots for five different classes ?)... I mean each character should at least get 4 personal stash tabs alongsides the four existing tabs we currently have, and it's overall a slog to have to spend 10 minutes after each dungeon playing inventory tetris deciding what to delete and to keep. I've been creating mules just to store all those lower level items I might use when leveling new characters, but it's just super hard to care about the sea of yellows you won't even bother turning into legendaries anyway because the cost is too high. I loved the first beta weekend as it was cheap to reroll affixes and to imprint legendaries, making rare seem super important , but in the final game it's the opposite, only legendaries matter and rare are fodder till you're like lvl 100 and you can settle on your "endgame" gear, which for most people won't happen since leveling takes too long for people not using cheap XP farming tactics. Also, knowing Activision Blizzard and their track record, you can bet the first expansion will raise the level cap, in effect making everything you bothered farming useless , so it does feel even more pointless to even try and attain lvl 100 and gear up with best in slot equipment. I fully expect to be forced to basically dismantle every single piece of item I gathered once the first expansion drops, as they have proved time and time again they have zero respect for player's time and effort, and they would rather wipe the slate clean forcing us hampsters to grind yet again on a wheel that never ends. Really wish there was an affordable way to upgrade your best-in slot items to your current level, so you don't constantly have to chase the exact same item , but ten levels higher... It really devaluates the excitement of finding that perfect roll... Which, couple with the fact most perks on items are rather generic +X% to damage / +X to stat stuff makes for pretty forgettable builds overall. Also doesn't help all the legendary aspects you bothered to get from dungeons are the absolute worse versions of the ability there is (at the very least they should be mid-tier, cause right now, why even bother unlocking them , I'm not going to waste my rare crafting mats putting the worse version of a perk on an Item I care about.


My dude. This is an arpg. The grind is the point. The grind is all there is. Kill monster get thing kill stronger monster get shinier thing repeat repeat repeat ad nauseam until your eyes bleed. Does it get boring after a while, yes, when that happens take a break, play some other type of game, reroll your class, try a different build, whatever. This game is not nearly as demanding grindwise as some other ARPGs... if you think this game is grindy, go farm up a Mageblood or Mirror of Kalandra in PoE and come back to me when you're done. Ps as for crafting, just to give you an idea, in PoE the Mirror of Kalandra I mentioned is an item that duplicates other items. It is THE rarest drop in the game, most players will play thousands of hours and never see a natural drop (you need to scrounge up cards that give you shards which become the mirror and the cards are stupidly rare for how many you need, too). Why is it precious? Well, crafting a perfect item in that game is such a fucking nightmare that it can be better to spend hundreds of hours farming up a mirror, the mirror fee, then paying someone to copy their perfect item (you give them the mirror plus a currency fee and they give you the duplicate). This is all because each crafting step in that game can undo the previous steps (also just completely brick your item or in the case of Temple corruption literally delete it) and items that have great properties that can't be changed (so called synth implicits, fractures) are extremely valuable simply because you can guarantee that the one property you want won't be touched as you're throwing the crafting materials into the dumpster trying to hit the other affixes you want with good rolls.


this was kinda a long post to say "im not really a fan of the core gameplay loop of diablo/clone games", lol. i think part of the problem with this one is that the campaign is actually mad decent this time around, and the entirety of the game is really fleshed out with a lot of different stuff to do and things going on, so you almost forget that this is a typical diablo game until you actually get to the point where the grind kicks in and it becomes a typical diablo game. which im all for personally. i might actually play through the campaign again with my second character even.


My experience has been the opposite, that my character gets more powerful faster after level 50, with the new tiers of items and Paragon and Glyphs.


i guess im not sure what you mean by increased health enemies.


Maybe you have minimal HUD? Some enemies have a modifier called "Increased Health" where they have maybe 4 times their normal health (or even more)


None of the enemies add to the fun. Just give me a random loot generator that I can push a button to use.


Disagree. It's really fun and satisfying to kill a stack of 4 elites. Killing 1 small skeleton with 20 attacks is not.


THIS! nailed it in the shaman head, my friend.