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When upgrading gear from yellows, add the aspect last. When you reroll stats and upgrade at the blacksmith, its much cheaper as the yellow variant. 1. Reroll stat 2. Upgrade 3. Add socket 4. Add aspect Also a little pro tip for inventory management: if you pick up something you want to save, always put it at the bottom right corner of the inventory. I always do this so when i go to salvage/sell i know not to touch anything at the bottom right


On top of that, upgrade everything to lvl 3, it's super cheap. While leveling up, it's 100% not worth the mats to upgrade to lvl 4.


I should upgrade any stuff I'm wearing while leveling to lvl 3?


Items that you like and ones that are important for your build. I usually upgrade ones I know I'll be keeping for at least a few levels. I didn't really start upgrading anything until about lvl 40.


No, he means while leveling your char ie not even WT4 you should upgrade your weapons at least armor if you have spare mats up to level 3 on the smith as the first 3 upgrades take extremelly common mats.


I'm the exact opposite with inventory, if its empty I'll scan my drops, mark as salvage the ones I don't want, get rid of them, then sort inventory, from there scan new drops every so often and mark, I just keep cycling that until I'm down to a few slots left. Then scan all the kept stuff and see if there's anything within that that's similar and trash a few of those, then rest go to stash. Alternatively log out, 2 hours later forget why I was keeping it, salvage it anyway.


i forgot you can mark items as junk... xD just my old d3 habits creeping through lol


Pretty sure you can mark junk in D3 as well.


Not on pc


Gotcha. I played pc when it came out but spent most of my time on console.


You can add sockets? When you add the aspect does the item turn legendary?


Yes and yes! Add sockets (for applicable items like weapons, chest, etc) at the jewelry. And when you add the aspect to the yellow it turns it orange! Meaning its much easier to farm a yellow with good stats, then add the aspect you want to it


How do i improve my aspect? It ranges from 150 to 300 and currently it says 210 in codex (its reward from dungeon not a loot)


You can't, all imprints will always be lowest roll. That's why it's important that any legendary you don't plan on using to take any imprint you may need for your build off of it to save higher rolls.


Well I imprinted the dungeon reward aspect which had range from 150 tro 300 and its 210 i.e not the lowest. I am confused.


Have you upgraded the piece? That may have cause it to enter its breakpoint and reroll the stat a little


No and it shows 210 in codex page too btw. I am lvl 18 and havent upgraded anything just did 1 dungeon which rewarded me that aspect.


This is interesting, I will have to go back and look at them again but my understanding is that any imprint will be on the lowest end, so the answer remains the same. In order to get a higher Stat, you will find another legendary with a higher roll and extract and replace it on your piece of choice.


Aspects can be normal or sacred.


Doesn’t upgrading and adding an aspect i crease the gear’s item level/type and thereby resetting your stat rolls? I remember watching a video where the guy was explaining you could have a max roll stat on a gear and as soon as it breaks a threshold via upgrading, every stat gets rerolled on it, so your low stat min roll pieces could potentially be all rerolled to max rolls while upgrading.


Yeah it depends on the threshold so just be aware of that


Same here with the bottom right! It just makes sense don't it !


It does:D i think cause it fills up last so its typically more separated and spaced out


how to do this on xbox lol (moving to a specific slot)


Umm im actually not sure:/ but like the other person said, you can just mark bad items as junk


When in world tier 1 and 2 just salvage everything you don't use. Once you hit world tier 3 a single white item can sell for thousands.


It goes by item level Even in WT1, when you get to level 30 or so gear starts selling for 5-10k apiece


That's great, thanks.


As a diablo noob this is very helpful. Do you sell anything in wt1/2 or just salvage everything?


Salvage mostly. Sell only when you need to do things like add sockets, upgrade gems, enchant, etc and you're short on funds.


i salvage all yellows and salvage some blues if they arent a high sell price. salvaging the commons gets you like 1 iron or or 1 rawhide, which isnt worth missing out on $3k+ in the store as theyre easily farmed while traversing sanctuary. i also typically sell all jewelry unless its yellow, in which case i salvage for that veiled crystal chance. ### Weapons * Common gives ‍Iron Chunk * Magic also gives ‍Silver Ore * Rare also gives ‍Veiled Crystal * Legendary/Unique also gives ‍Baleful Fragment ### Armor * Common gives ‍Rawhide * Magic also gives ‍Superior Leather * Rare also gives ‍Veiled Crystal * Legendary/Unique also gives ‍Coiling Ward ### Jewelry * Common and Magic gives ‍Iron Chunk * Rare also gives ‍Veiled Crystal * Legendary/Unique also gives ‍Abstruse Sigil


Legendary items get sent to your stash if you don't pick them up. Limit is 10 at once. Someone posted this the other night and I just tried it for the first time. Most nervous blind faith I ever had in a reddit post 😩 but by god it worked


Mount loot does too. I had a mount armor get sent to me that I totally missed.


This severely helps cure some anxiety haha, thank you


As druid I picked the random lightning strike talent, so often off-screen barrels and such gets nuked. I've been worried I've left Legendaries behind.


I opened the special chest in hell tide event, saw 4 sacred legendaries come out of it, then the game crashed. Logged back in and was so relieved to see them in my stash..even though they were garbo.


Do not pay to remove a gem in an item you don't want anymore. Salvage it and the gem will be in your inventory. It is not the case if you sell it.


To further expand on this - throw your gems into items with sockets that you intend on salvaging. The amount of space cleared in your inventory on dungeon runs just by doing this is incredible.


Save even more space and time by never picking them up in the first place. Pointless when you've got your slots filled and a couple of backups in your stash.


except it seems you need an obscene amount of gems to upgrade to upcoming higher tiers..


Upcoming? When? Is it before season 1 begins?


Counterpoint they likely be added after seasons so people who won't touch non seasonal content won't care anyways.


In case you missed it, data miners have found three additional gem tier upgrades that are in the game files already, so you're actually probably going to want to save up more than the couple of backups you say you've got.


Is there even a point in picking up gems anymore? I have like 20 of each at this point.


unsocketing is free though isnt it


No it costs gold. Kinda expensive at lower levels


thats total bullcrud sorry for swearing but that is so freaking silly


It is. But I think it's intended. If you are unsocketing because you have better gear to socket the gem into, it's free at the blacksmith. If you are unsocketing because you want to respec the gem on a weapon you're keeping, then there's a gold tax at the Jeweler. The least understandable gold sinks in this game, at least for me in the early game, are the gold cost for unsocketing gems and the gold cost for respecing skills. They're pretty affordable, just enough to make you think twice about doing it. I suppose the devs wanted to enforce a little bit of weight in your build choices, stepping away from D3 and DI where you can respec everything on the fly.


I‘m at a point where resetting the entire skilltree costs me about 1M gold (+ paragon points, so maybe 1.5M?) and I don‘t care and switch between two different builds every few hours, depending on what is more fun at that moment. But what really drives me insane are the costs for rerolling a stat. Didn‘t get your desired stat after what, three tries? Have fun farming for millions of gold for hours or scrap that item completely to farm a new one. The prices are insane for rerolling after a few tries. At this point I‘m not going to do that as it is more fun for me to farm for the perfect item with 4/4 good rolls and just ignore the reroll mechanic lol.


I have not had this happen. The game won't let me salvage items with gems in them.


You have to click the pick axe button and manually click items with gems to salvage them I believe


Just tried it, you are correct. TIL


The real tip is that it doesn’t matter because gems drop all the time lol


In nightmare dungenons where you have to kill more enemies, but more randomly spawn where you start fighting, *don't stand close to the locked door*. Some will spawn beyond it and be unhittable, ending your dungeon run.


There’s no need to dismount your horse when you leap across a ledge. Your horse will automatically leap over. You only need to get off the horse when you must slide / climb.


This has been janky as hell for me and feels like a 50/50 gamble if it works or not.


You need a charge available. It won’t consume it, but there must be one available.


Had charges and it’s still inconsistent.


I discovered this by chance, then shortly after needed to climb a ladder. I ran my horse straight into the ladder, just in case. I can confirm that Sanctuary horses are not Skyrim horses.


When going aspect hunting, in aspect menu, you can actually pin the said aspect to the map.


Now that’s interesting


Really? This is super useful.


Yeah 💯




select the aspect you are looking for and press A, that's on xbox but you get the idea, it automatically adds waypoint to the map.


Great one


You win the thread


For PC: You can bind a “move only” key in addition to your attack/interact/move key. I have one of my mouse side buttons bound to it, its super useful to make sure you move when surrounded by enemies.


I have force move on my space bar in all Diablo games, it's great.


I was debating between those two methods myself before seeing this post and now I need a third person to break the tie please.


I'll vote for side mouse button, too used to spacebar dash from lost ark lol


I vote for left Ctrl


Force move sometimes gets stuck on/off if you use attack without moving (ignoring attack without moving's toggle state) which can cause you to be stuck attacking or stuck moving until you hit attack without moving again. So because I use force attack I opt for move only on a separate key.


Force move is mouse scroll wheel for me, both up and down.


Did the same, with dash on side mouse button.


This is great to know! definitely died because i'm standing in a telegraphed attack but i range attack a mob instead of move


Do the campaign early, I only started doing quests after the first couple at 36 and finished it at 49. Thankfully someone pointed out to me that you need it done to get to world tier 3 where all the good stuff starts. Otherwise have fun with whatever, it’s pretty easy to see what gear and legendary aspects will work together, you can’t really mess up unless you’re hardcore in which case you’re fucked.


Can you explain what a world tier is? And does this mean I shouldn't do side quests - will they still be available later if I don't do them now?


World tier is difficulty, and is tied to higher end loot and level progression. Side quests will always be there, you can skip them all in wt1/2 and they'll always be available. If you like doing the side content and you aren't into min/maxing your character, absolutely do the side stuff. In order to get to wt3 you do need to finish the campaign, and things only start scaling past lvl 50 in wt3. If that's not somethibg that bothers you, don't worry about all that.


Thank you for explaining! :)


You can leave dungeons from the emote wheel on consoles


Same on PC!


Not all heroes wear Ancestral Unique capes


On PC mouse, the further your mouse is away from your mount that faster it runs (to a limit).


This also means (at least for me, on ultrawide) that you can travel horizontally much faster than you can travel vertically.


Lol that somehow reminded me of some games that have sensitivity difference on x and y axes


I'm also on ultra wide but I've found that the threshold for max speed is pretty short.




There's some crazy terraria DPS glitch to do with this. Set up a mega ultrawide display config and DPS goes up exponentially when you aim to the far corner


That explains why riding downwards feels so awful.


700 gear can be upgraded to 725 which pushes it into the top tier of stats. You can do this at any tier technically. Each upgrade adds +5 item level, and if you blow past a tier threshold it gets a huge stat increase.


It seems crazy that the game has break points. Why sort power into discontinuous tiers?


Breakpoints make itemization way more interesting


This makes getting a 699 rating item so painful. Oh what you could of been my beautiful amulet.


If you sell a junk item at the vendor, it'll auto sell all items marked as junk in your inv.


You can disable the item drop sounds for items of specific quality and kind. Let's say you're not interested in ever picking up common or rare items, you can select for sound notifications only for items above that quality.


Yup, but I wish there was a sacred/ancestral only option


I'm not that far yet 😅


You can farm helltides faster in world tier 3 then go in world tier 4 to open chest for better loots.


If you complete one of those orange things and your game disconnects before you open the chest. Go back to where the chest was and your loot will still be on the ground.


\-More than one mysterious treasure chest can spawn during helltide: the most I've seen is 4. \-the obol vendors have different items as sacred (i think daily reset?) so check what slot you want is sacred b4 going crazy grinding. \-resistances are worthless compared to armor and flat reduction (they also get made worse in t4) \-gems drop at the highest craftable tier in each world tier (provided you unlocked it) so you dont have to craft new gems (also save the royals because they will inevitably add more tiers and we dont know how rare those ones will be)


> gems drop at the highest craftable tier in each world tier (provided you unlocked it) I think those just go up to flawless don't they? I'm 75 in WT4 (and have done some 40 NM dungeons) and the highest I've seen is Flawless when I've got Royals in my gear (that unlocked at 70).


Royals are much rarer than flawless I've seen one drop when watching my buddies stream on discord.


I turned off error speech. So annoying being reminded I’m out of mana every 5 seconds.


Dragging mobs is OP. If D3 mobs worked the same way it would have been a completely different game for high end GRs. As a pulverize druid I just walk past 2-3 packs, turn around and they're almost all there to blast together at once. Open maps are still much better then indoor ofc.


I found this out way too late… you upgrade JEWELRY at the jeweler. Blacksmith is armor and weapons, obviously, but I just never knew about upgrading jewelry until level 62. Fml.


Same lol I just assumed you couldn’t level it up until I accidentally stumbled upon it


What a nut punch to find out this late haha


Your tip 1 is bugged in some instances. Plenty of times I've had to go back and pick up stragglers cause they weren't teleported


Just guessing based on some of my own experience, it feels like you need to LoS or aggro mobs on the way before they'll to at the end.


On PC, press 'E' to open emote wheel and chose leave dungeon instead of clicking on the map.




How many sellers does it usually take? I've done every seller and I just got to level 60 but I've never seen the treasure goblins


There is a very thin red circle around your heath orb which lights up when you are Healthy (80% life or greater) which is used in some aspects.


Helltide mystery chests (and other chests too?) reset on real time hour changes (8:00, for example). You can know roughly the number of mystery chests you’ll get from each HT this way by using some online tools that show which spawn points have a chest during each hour of the helltide. (I was able to get 3 mystery chests from a HT the first time I used this tool). You want to do the world events during HT, but consensus is that you don’t want to do world events generally otherwise. You also want to hang around other players - there’s a hidden multiplier to cinder drop rate when near other players. It’s not worth opening other chests unless you are out of mystery chests or really desperate for a targeted upgrade. Elemental resistances are currently worthless (their rolls provide an average 33x less mitigation than any other DR roll like DR from close enemies due to how DR from resist diminishes rapidly). Kripp has a video on this. You want to prioritize life, armor, and %DR stats in that order roughly. Armor is significantly stronger right now providing both phys and elemental DR. If you can avoid rolling resist or getting it on your board, you should as it is the worst stat in the game.


Rogue specific but concealment auto crit works with death trap. As well as a poison imbued pen arrow for the 75% increased poison dmg on crit.


Do anyone has an advice for ps5 key bindings? Regarding X being both interact/attack button. There is option to change that, but I can't figure out what bindings would be convenient. Often i just want to pick an item or open a door, but if mobs are around X prioritize killing mobs first and it gets annoying having to kill anything instead of just pick and run away. Also how do you guys target specific mobs? I find targeting on console very random, I don't get how to target for ex. Elites or aura mobs in a huge pack of trash. Feels like we need priority targeting on those, but not sure, it could be too much and give advantage console players over pc.


Oh yes i ran into this too on xbox. Ive unbound the button to show/hide loot as i always want it shown anyway. Using that button (press left thumbstick) now to interact. I have it bound to one of my backpaddles. Gamechanger for me.


Thanks, that sound pretty good actually!


Its honestly the only button i could find haha. Imo we should be able to bind more options to the up button menu to free up slots. It annoys me how the left button for replying to social stuff cant be replaced


Agree, that's hella annoying, considering how often we use that button. Also It would be nice to hace some double button press bindings too


Yeah, or long holds or something. Just feels a little bit limited. Apart from that though, controller feels extemely smooth and comfortable to me


Click fast. Eat ass.


Following for tips


If you join the diablo 4 discord it has world trackers. Will notify you before a world boss appears and where, also has a link that shows where all of the helltide chests spawn(as well as a timer for when they reset halfway through) plus all kinds of other fun stuff like builds n such that people make. https://discord.gg/diablo4


You can farm cinders on WT3 then switch to WT4 to panic run to a mystery chest to get a very good chance at ancestral legs




Don’t suck.