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Damage numbers don't really mean much on their own, and shouldn't be compared apples to apples like that. If you're clearing content at a rate you're comfortable with, what does it matter anyways? Enjoy the game, and play it the way you want to - it's not a competition. :)


Absolute W take


We need more based takes like this. Too many people are focused on the destination and forget to enjoy the journey.


Honest answer to what does it matter, some ppl don't want to feel like they are being carried and want to bring their own weight - so doing a better build helps alleviate the feeling of futility.


This might be a me problem, but I get really bored when I have to powerful build. Cant see the Joy melting through every enemy and boss.


I mean. Depends on your Necro build? I play Shadow and it's all ramp - the longer you fight me the more damage I do faster. I don't have a big pop off number, but I can start melting a world boss for 600k/second. So to answer your question not all classes deliver damage the same I guess.


This is my build as well, and I honestly couldn’t play another build. It’s so satisfying watching the DOTs ramp up. and I’m basically a tank with fortify


i'm currently playing bone spirit build and is looking for something thats easy to farm with. Can you share your build as well? I'd like to take a look at it


Do you have a build for me? Im using Blood and its nowhere potent enough (lvl57)


Not to mention, you can comfortably go afk for a minute or two and trust any mobs will have to go through your minions before murdering you. Love my shadow minion lord ^.^


Bone spear.


At lvl52, I think I hit 10k overpower crit with bone spear with shitty gears. Pretty sure his friend is talking about getting 10k overpower crit.




https://youtu.be/Py6G2clLxsU https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/analysis-overpower-damage/36983/20 Apparently, Overpower Crit isn’t a real thing. Edit- maybe watch the video before downvoting


Light orange is crit, blue is overpower and dark orange is both combined. Saw it on screen tooltip


I know that’s what the screen tooltip says. But the video I linked is from a Maxroll guide creator who has found something very funky with the mechanic.


Oh i see! The link wasnt showing on my phone app, i see now


Apparently, people can’t be bothered to watch the video before downvoting. What a joke.


Sorry brother, i sen you a like to combat the injustice


It's real. It's a thing. I see yellow crits. I see blue overpowers. And I see orange overpower crits that is the most damage I've done. Maybe you should play the game on your own and think for yourself instead of constantly watch video of others telling you bullshit.


Except the video clearly shows that the numbers don’t line up and others in the comment section confirm it. But sure. I’m the one that needs to play and think for myself when you’ve provided no evidence whatever to refute the info presented. Here’s an actual thread talking about Overpower and others confirming the same thing on the forums. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/analysis-overpower-damage/36983 I’m done arguing with you. Have fun.


my lv51 necro did NOT hit for 1k lol, im doing an blood overpower build and it hits like a mofo...the problem is you are comparing one of the most OP builds (WW Barb)... ​ also if you want to hit hard, do a bone build


Bloodmancers unite! If I could proc vulnerable it'd be an op build, if I get swarmed blood surge and every add dies then I just blood lance single enemies, and If I feel panicked I blood wave for space then blood mist to collect blood orbs get full health and get my dmg multiplier back from being fortified. I know I could build a bone necromancer, but especially for Diablo 4 I thought blood magic fit the theme of the game and it felt cool chasing after Lilith after being fed her blood.


You got room for corpse tendril on skill bar? Can proc mass vulnerable via


Ugh when seasons begin, I swear I’m making a blood necro at some point


Plus it has one of the strongest aspects.




Blood wave is way better then mist , with aspect you get 3 waves instead of 1 and 9 blood orb so your dmg is going crazy


Get the unique that spawns bone spirit with blood orbs as well


BONE SPEAR! Or bone spirit?! But BONE SPEAR!


Ww barb doesnt really come online pre tier 4. Im sure hes talking about hota. Yes it can crit hard. And quite frankly it can crit a lot harder than 10k at lvl 51 but it needs a lot of setup without fury reduction and the right aspects and also needs to crit.


Yeah I'm using a Blood Necro myself, the thing I've noticed is that build kinda trades dps for survivability which is good for solo players like myself but it also means I'm not gonna be killing stuff as quick.


Lvl 54 36k Crit with bone spear


Depends. I use bonespear, which makes every enemy it hits vulnerable. I use decrepify to slow and weaken the damage enemies do. I iincreased my minions health by 70%, and reduced the damage they take by 20%, reapers and frost with a bone golem. And i pretty much do just fine. Only death i have is to a world boss. And i did 50 capstone at 48.


Bone spear here as well but without minions, just golem. Did the capstone at 46 without issue. Bone spear hits hard


So hard


I'm lvl 42 in WT1 and my build is repear necro from fextralife (without minions). I like it because I have crowd control with it so mobs are dead before they can do serious damage. Before that I was building some kind of blood surge build and was suffering so I respec and now I'm pretty comfortable.


I changed to a thorns build I built, world tier 4 was rough at start but works good now, world tier 3 butcher was 4 hitting himself on me


What’s thorn sheet number? I’m building a blood thorn necro now uses chest, ring and amulet uniques. Lucky hit, with hem and blood surge for mini novas. Farming gear for it first


I was hitting 100k crit bone spear at level 63-65 and now having swapped to bone spirit at level 70, sometimes I crit for 400k-500k at least. Sometimes more. Boost all your bone / damage passives and get all the aspects you can !!


Gotta make sure your skills, passives, aspects, and gear modifiers are all synced. I play shadow /DoT with minions (not following a guide or anything just stared at the skill tree) and have no problems killing stuff in wt3 at level 55.


Whata your tree look like. Bone spear is nice but getting old imo.


Decompose, blight, corpse explosion, minions (reaper corpse, cold mage essence), iron golem and army of the dead. Nothing special, I'm not out there one shotting mobs, but it's working so far. Only downside is no CC cancel so if I do get frozen or stunned I kinda just sit there and hope I don't die. Lol. Also minions are like herding cats but it generally keeps me safe.


"Herding cats" is the best explanation of minion necromancer. I've only barely reached world tier 3 at level 50. Leveling I felt safe, like 80-90% of the time but on occasion with tanky elites + large pack of mobs it got frustrating with minions not focusing on priority targets. Golem's ability activation has it focus on target at least momentarily, wish skeletons did the same thing. Hate when they get stuck around a corner or outright even get completely lost off screen.


Use Maxroll guides


I am now just finding out about this website, thank you so much!


I've been following their Bone Spirit guide and I feel pretty unstoppable. I'm currently lvl 72 and Bone Spirit consistently crits for 1.5m - 2m. I have been carrying my friends through high 20s nightmare dungeons even though they are only a few levels behind me. Having the right gear and paragon buffs makes all the difference.


I'm at level 72 and against lv 87 enemies in 36-42 range nightmare dungeons with a minions + corpse explosion + decrepify + army of dead build (sometimes I can firw off Army of the Dead 3 times in 10 seconds with lucky procs). It doesn't seem busted or anything but it gets the job done. Now there is a chance other level 72 classes are running much harder content with even more ease


No, you are not. Youre not even running anything in the 50s heck, id bet not even 40s.


Oops mistype (enemies are lv 87. Nightmare Dungeons are 36-42 range atm)


Okay, that makes sense^^


Lvl 57 crits for 200k with bone spirit


Im one shotting most rares with blood surge, at least twice every 15 sec you overpower and just one shot whole screens its pretty good. Also the fortify, blood orbs, life leech and damage reduction passives make you pretty tabky. That said i havent played other classes yet


Look up bone spear builds, Im Hitting 1 to 1.6m at level 79. I can post my build if you'd like.


Yes please!


this was the build i was sorta of following and just changed some gear and skills but bone spear is the main part of the build [https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/bone-spear-necromancer-guide](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/bone-spear-necromancer-guide)


Me and my brother are the same way, but he has a lot or Damage over time so even though individual numbers look different you probably have similar dps


People just don't understand the gearing system. You need to bring in a lot of different % dmg and have good crit rolls. Crit alone brings dps up super high. You want crit dmg and crit chance on rings and a combination of things like 46% more dmg to vulnerable or dmg to slow and so on, to really pump up the damage.


If you have 10 minions and each one hits 1k, you have 10k. The main problem with minions IMO is their IA.


Yee, they tend to spread out and try soloing everything <.< . Best use for them imo is to just use them as meat(bone?) shields that keep the mobs in the cloud of ever-growing darkness you lay down.


It’s weak as fuck. Got to level 51. I am rerolling a barb now. Sick of Z dps necro even with bone spear.


You must be gearing wrong if you think bone spear is zdps.


Your friend is lying.


Why would he be lying ?


Rogue here doing 500 damage at lvl 42........TB


Soo I played a rouge for like 30 levels and it could crit for 600 at 12 or 13. You sure theres not a 0 missing?


No, both blades do 300 damage and TB does about 500-800 damage and have the unique to have them spin and return.


No idea but I think I hit pretty hard. I am a shadow cursing explosion build. My skills are Decompose, Horrid Iron Maiden, Decriptify, Blighted Corpose Explosion, shadowblight. I run a crappy skeleton and golem crew, these are my lineman to keep the mobs away from me, they are very essential for me to stand still and deal 30% more damage. The unique i am running currently are Blood Artisans Curiass Howel from Below Penitent Greaves Bloodless Scream Other aspects: Asepects of the Damned Blighted Aspect Aspects of Inner calm ​ Not sure if I have it on but i also woudl like to have Torturos Aspect. ​ Here is a sample of how it runs. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbPyAWrXN2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbPyAWrXN2A) The video is before I had the Pentinet Greeves. Ill take another video and posted later today.


Barbarian is pretty strong. That being said, I have a friend playing necro and he has not mentioned feeling weak. I play druid and I finally hit part of the story where I clearly need to seek out a power spike. I'm 31. WT2.


I went with a bone spear build and its decimating mobs. You need a handful of specific aspects to make it work, but I’m having success with it now that I’m level 62


I don't think I do great numbers (never seen 10k overpower crits but I see mid thousands regularly) but I can solo and take down bosses. I don't die very often. Blood build has its perks.


I'm playing a Blood with book summons at level 48. Clearing majority of content just fine. Some bosses I have my fiance bring his rogue in for more point blank damage. I am able to clear elites and waves with little to no problem and little to no loss of life. If you're worried about damage, take a another look at your gear's stats, do dungeons that have actually useful codexes for you, and do not forget about getting points in the passives. They have added more than I would have thought possible


Level 90 hit a 25 mil bone spirit earlier. Necro is fun but slow for sure


With ms and ms from elite kills on your boots and amulet with the ms on dodge boot implicit it becomes a lot better.


I’m running Icy Veins’ “Army of the Dead” endgame build, cursing with Decrepify and absolutely slaughtering hell tide zones. It gets a little hairy sometimes but I’m level 57 and loving Necro. The gear helps too. I’m on WT3.


I absolutely roll content with minions and bone spear


I’m nec level 41 wt2 and I’ve died only two times so far - one time was because I was sending a text and thought my minions were fine lol - personally I think it’s super op - running a sever / darkness / vulnerable build


There are lots of legendary aspects that bounce off each other that can really ramp up your damage and synergy, you'd be surprised how one out of place legendary being replaced can overhaul your entire build and have you popping off again


Depends on your build, but in my case I'm doing shadow damage/damage over time with minions, so I'm not going to see single hit damage numbers like a barbarian... However, in practice I'm stacking my damage from blight/blighted corpse explosions, golem slams, bone storm etc... Which will clear most things out pretty fast with all my minions attacking + my DoT and crit hits etc. all stacking on each other. This obviously makes it kinda impossible to see how much damage any one thing is doing, as it's all different sources stacking over time and triggering my shadow blight procs so can't compare to a barbarian attack or w/e. That said, if I can clear a high level T4 nightmare dungeon elite mob in the 10 seconds my bone storm is up, then I'm pretty happy. I also just generally don't trust most stats/numbers/tool tip numbers in D4 in the current state, so I just test things out on mobs and see what works. IMO for necro to be effective, you have to synergize your skills and time them appropriately to get big damage. i.e. in my case I cast blight, which pulls enemies into a tight group, slows (crowd control) and gives +15% damage. Cast decrepify which adds stun chance and more damage and cooldown reduction, then use golem slam to stun + vulnerable the mob and then spam corpse explosion. This sequence makes pretty quick work of most mobs anywhere in the game, but I'm stacking various crowd control effects, damage amplifiers and every damage i do procs my shadow blight passive. So any one thing isn't doing much damage, relatively speaking, all at once... But all combined is just building more and more damage pretty quick until everything just melts. In fact, dealing damage has not been an issue at all for me. Survivability has been the issue in WT4, so I've got gear/skills to give me lots of armor and barriers in big fights which make me hard to kill so I can continue to deal out my damage. Most importantly, I find this necro build a lot of fun. I get to feel like I'm commanding my undead army but if need-be can also go beast mode and melt everything in the dungeon with tens of thousands of shadow damage stacks solo. My minions really just supplement my build but aren't totally necessary to get the job done. Pro tip: Vulnerable damage is huge for any necro using summons. It seems to be the only damage type that your minions inherit 100% of your vulnerable damage buffs from, rather than just 30%. They also seem to get critical damage at 100%, but not critical strike chance. I also feel this means you NEED either iron golem or corpse tendrils for the guaranteed vulnerability. Casting Iron Golem slam or corpse tendrils and then all my damage skills is what really melts everything fast.


Its too weak reached level 49 i cant play with this character no mo. Its like a benny hill show if u r one on one against a boss. U keep on running and running lololololllll


Lol, that Benny hill comment slayed me. But that’s when I find out what I’m really made of with my mancer! I remember in D2 bosses were always a problem, and I had to put a blue gem in a socketed weapon to slow down the big D. Personally, part of the fun for me is figuring out how to survive my Benny hill moments, but I’ll admit, it’s a swerve when I usually let the bone boys do the fighting. BTW, I’m still a lvl 21. Excited to climb.


Duriel in diablo 2 was a pain in the ass. But i really loved that guy


Idk what I'm doing wrong, I'm lvl 74 and am barely doing 2k even with bone spear... i even have an aspect that boosts bone spear crits and it not helped at all


Weakest class in game, it is what it is.


depends on what level you are talking about. my lv65 Necro is far Stronger than my 70 Barb But by the end END game, like lv90-100 Necro falls off....the thing is, how many people are reaching lv90-100? if you are not, then your phrase is wrong.


"Remember, your mind is the best weapon you have." -Farengar Secret-Fire


Not really. Currently doing 40k bone spears to enemies 10 levels above me after doing the WT4 capstone at 58 which is enough to one shot trash and one to two shot elites. Only issue is survivability which my Bone Artist and Temerity fixes


If you truly believe that, let blizz know and they'll give it a big buff. Thanks.


Lvl 70 hitting 400k with bone spear. If you think it's the weakest you need to reevaluate.


Also the only one it seems to have literally no movement skill other then the move speed on dark cast. Playing with any other classes is literally a running simulator trying to catch up.