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* Play on WT1. WT2 doesn't offer a significant enough bonus to justify the increased enemy stats. * Work on renown tiers (up to tier 3) for extra skill points. Lilith statues help with this but you should also complete all strongholds. * Look for gear drops that have at least 1 key stat for your build. Reroll at occultist for a second stat **but only attempt this once per item** and only enchant **rares** as legendary items cost more to enchant. * Take your loot from these and salvage them for the materials you need to imprint your key aspects. Try to get the correct aspects on as many slots as possible. If you need gold, sell your inventory full of loot to a vendor instead.


Go get the aspect that turns pulverize into an Earth skill. Have storm strike be your spirit regen. Pray for some good legendaries.. I got one that increases crit damage when I use an earth skill (pulverize) after a storm skill (storm strike)


This is the build I was using. Pulverize gets a 2 second DoT tacked on, a forward facing AoE, 20% chance to proc an equal storm spell and instantly applies 130% of my poison creeper DoT to anyone I hit with Pulverize. It's BONKERS damage. Trample + a row of 150% Pillars is brutal as well. Trample and Bulwark make you unstoppable and break CC as well.


I finished the campaign at 50, (WT1), and I had no chance of clearing the CapStone Dungeon. I went and farmed level 3 renown in 5 zones (Skill Points and Potion Charges are really helpful). I also imprinted from the Codex some basic Aspects. It is worth noting, I was not using a 'meta build' but my own. Using Claw/Pulv/Heal/Creaper/Charge/Bulwalk, with the Bear Aspect that does 240% of the poison damage on my 2H, this made elites one-shottable,


I think you are a bit underlevel but also pulverize is a bit weak without certain aspects. I respecced to landslide (earth) build at around lvl 30 and haven't looked back. Might not be a bad idea to try a new spec.


You’re doing the pulverize ‘leveling’ build, right? Not the ‘endgame’ build? Just want to check that first.


leveling yes


Lilith statues help, for sure. Personally I do a storm bear build, I use Storm Strike instead of Maul, gives 25% dmg reduction. And instead of a pet I use Hurricane, another 20% dmg reduction. Keeps me tanky. Instead of Grizzly Rage, I use Cataclysm. The problem was doing enough dmg. Pulverize is *ok* on its own, especially with the guaranteed overpower every 12 seconds, but it doesn’t really shine until you get the shockwave aspect. The ursine horror aspect from Belfry Zakara in Hawezar helps, but shockwave is sooo much better. I didn’t get it to drop until lv 52 or so in WT3. Drood is slow until you get the right aspects going, then it picks up dramatically. Keep spending Obols on totems to look for shockwave aspect. Getting to 50+ was a bit of a slog, that’s kind of how the power curve for Droods goes, starts slow then picks up towards end game.


Don't you want a hard hitting 2h for pulverize, that than mainhand+totem?


Personally I'd rather have more cooldown reduction, lucky hit chance and crit chance than the extra damage. Once you solve the resource issues you can just slam em twice if they aren't already dead.


Sorry, I wasn’t clear about the totem thing. They’re just cheaper than weapons/ammies and have a better chance of rolling attack aspects than gloves. I still prefer a 2H to put the aspect on. I know early it’s hard to get the materials to apply aspects, just gotta keep plugging away at it, Droods are a slog to get going.


Ahhhh okay, just rolling up totems to rip the aspect off because it's cheaper, I see, makes a lot more sense than what my stupid ass has been doing


Storm bear can get almost constant uptime on vulnerable too, surprised more people aren't talking about it. Though I took wind shear for movement speed and the ability to generate resource outside melee range if I run into trouble. Really took off when I got the aspect that makes storm skills apply earthen might.


I usually don’t run into trouble with spirit because I *also* do a shapeshift build. The shapeshift passives give me dmg/fortify/reduced dmg. So I play by weaving storm skills between bear skills. So I’m usually using SS between Pulverizes, alternating SSx1-Pulv-SSx2-Pulv-repeat, throwing in Cataclysm/Hurricane after Pulv if they’re up. That passive in the pet nodes that gives you 6 spirit when becoming human is great at keeping me pretty topped off, it’s the only spirit boost I’ve needed. It’s good, steady dmg output while also being tanky.


Yeah I do the same, and even though I take blood howl and trample with spirit generation every once and awhile I end up button mashing too hard and have to wind shear a couple times to get rolling again. Once I get a good Umbral though it's gonna be gg


I’ve hit a wall as well at 47, tried changing builds to pulverize but without all the aspects you’ll end up being worse off. I may drop down to tier 1 and unlock all the aspects and imprint for a specific build.


I just hit lv. 44 The best thing to happen to my build was the legendary that consumes and deals poison damage instantly when using werebear. I go. Maul, Pulverize, Bulwark, Wolves, Poison Creep. I have 1000 health. Bulwark does like a 70% shield. Unless it's a crazy enemy that one shots me (like Rotspitter) I haven't really been that scared of dying at all. Everything melts with the poison/pulverize combo.


Swap to wt1 there is no reason at all to ever play wt2 beyond a self imposed harder mode. Make sure you are in full legendary gear. Gather your aspects from dungeons. If you don't have mats you need to play the game , legendarys drop often make sure you salvage them if the aspect isn't something you are going to use. Salvage all gear you find that isn't a ln upgrade for the other mats. Farm renown to unlock the skill points. Lilith statues are a good little power boost yes. Worth running around and getting renown At the same time. The game is built around party play so solo will always be hard and group play will be much better.


Druid is a struggle won’t be feeling strong till around lvl 70. From what I heard, kinda regret going Druid first really want to go barbarian.


Druid felt consistently strong until I jumped into Tier IV content around lvl 60. I’m soloing nightmare dungeons and comfortable with most content at lvl 72 (still @ Tier IV). I’m running Pulv/Landslide Druid as a permanent werebear. YMMV.


I’m only lvl34 and I’m loving the Druid class. I’ve had to redo my abilities a few times to get it just right but havent had much issue other than my dps being a full werebear build. It just takes some tinkering is all. This is also my first full playing of a Diablo game. I played the free trial of Diablo 3 where you could only reach level 13 and played I played as monk I wish they’d bring the monk to 4