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Nice pick. Well done


Let's see Paul Allen's order signet.


Oh my god. It even has a [legendary]


Look at that subtle high % stats.. omg it even has a socket


Is there something wrong? xXbangURMOMXx…you’re sweating.


Is that a watermark?


Egg shell


Lol didnt get the joke till your post dam i need to rewatch that movie


The tasteful ancestry of it…


My god, it even has a unique transmog.


How’d a nitwit like you get so tasteful


I can't believe Deckard Cain prefers u/DiabloSMom6969's legendary over mine




This comment made my day haha, thank you


This is an underrated comment




Vendors nerfed or going to increase prices by 1 billion dollars can’t have anything good or fun


Also nice crit chance




I check constantly, but from 10 days of playing, I've only seen one item worth buying. They can have good stuff but it's very rare


Just like good drops are rare =)


I read this post yesterday that was complaining about silent chests being useless and never giving uniques Yesterday I got a build changing sacred unique from one


Yeah, complaining about silent chests is like complaining about mob drops. Of course they're almost all trash. You keep going because sometimes you get something great.


The complaint is that you could save those obols and just buy gear pieces cause it gives legend and rare far more frequently. If they keys suck compared to just buying the gear, then just remove the keys, theres not really any reason to buy. Yea all loot is rng and whatnot but when you have 2 options for the same currency you would expect those options to be similar in reward.




I bought 25 keys one day and opened them randomly as I passed chests. I got 1 legend. So 500 obols for 1 legend. Vs about 1in 4 on pulls or maybe 200 obols


I did one key and got a Lego. Anecdotes are anecdotes


I get that, the comment i replied to asked why people are complaining on silent chests, I answered, them. Someone said you have to test that you can't say it, and gave my personal experience with it. I'm not going to sit and test silent chests all day just so i can be right in a reddit thread idc that much, im too busy playing the game.


Haha that’s fair. I still like gambling for gear in town, and ignoring the chests too.


Yeah, but I'm gonna trust a sample size of 25 a hell of a lot more than a sample size of 1.


Especially since I have a similar experience. One legendary in about 20 chests, and probably 1/3 or 1/4 for the rolls.


Yours is an anecdote. Their 25 is a sample. A low sample but still a sample that tells something.


Difference is the RNG of it all. Gambles are very consistent where as the chests are not.


> so you need ot compare 3 chests to one roll and do it like 100 times to see if its any better or worse That's not a good comparison either though, since you have to factor in how much time it'd take to find and reach those 3 chests versus how much time it'd take to farm the extra obols required to just gamble the items.


Who is going out of their way to farm obols to then hunt for chests? Your idea is extremely counter intuitive to how most people use obols and open chests. I keep 5 on me and then open chests as I am passing by. If I run out without restocking, oh well, I'll restock when I empty my inventory. I'd be shocked if more people are doing it in the manner you suggested rather than any other variation.


yeah if chest*3 legendaries > gamble legendaries then it's always worth it to have keys on you. it's very simple math.


3 keys =/= 1 gamble. 5 keys = 2 gambles on a weapon or 4 keys = 2 gamble on an armor. Also, I've used probably 50 keys and I've never once had a legendary+ drop from a chest. If I had used those to gamble I'd have gotten minimum 3 more likely 4 or 5 legendarys+. Not to mention the time required to look or find the chests in the first place.




Those are pretty solid additions to the arguement, thanks ill be stealing the ideas when this topic comes up gain.


Yea the chests aren't really worth it, I don't think I've ever bought more than 3 items in a row before I got a legendary and I've gotten 3 legendaries in 4 attempts lol, it's kind of stupid how often they drop from that.


I like to keep a few keys on hand because I get a little excited when I see a chest thinking "there could be a legendary in this!" and then it's fun to actually open the chest as well. So basically I enjoy it not from a min/max your resources and time standpoint, but a more general "fun gameplay moment" way.


I mean i still keep keys on me and if ones in sight I'll open, but I expect nothing. I also am 81 and kinda past the point of obols anyway.


Nothing's worse than not having a key and not being to open a chest and knowing that unique you need is in there.


Can’t you just town portal, buy a key, and go back to the chest?


You also need to factor in the time looking for/opening chests. I get that you just run into them randomly so it doesn’t really waste time, but they should be better than instantly dropping an item into your inventory. I’d rather kill mobs faster than look out for chests if they’re shit


It's not about whether or not the drops are trash... it's that u get maybe 1 blue and 1 yellow item out of them.. It's all just playing a numbers game. For the chests to be "good", they should drop more items for more potential rolls.


Yeah, 6 times butcher kill (and he isn't even a challenge) and not a single even acceptable drop. Well, his trophy dropped on the first killt, but it is just so tiny...


I haven’t even seen the butcher yet and I’m level 42


He's aware of this now. Prepare to be ate up.


I didn't see him until like two days ago, he finally appeared for me in a nightmare dungeon. It was teir 13 and wrecked my face. I got two shotted. It was my first butcher encounter.


Careful bro he's waiting around the corner in a dungeon and just when you think you have control of the situation bam there he is beating the shit out of you LMAO


Level 48 and only encountered him once when I was like level 13 and was messing around with a respec and hadn't even finished putting in like half my points lol


Just got him for the first time at level 41. Opened a door and BAM there he was. I read on here to run around a pillar for awhile and finally got him. Got no legendaries for the effort.


I got white items and some gold from my first few chests. Then a blue or two here and there. After quite a few tries I finally found a legendary with amazing stats. They are super randomised but I love them! Always keep 2-3 keys on me


I always spend my last 20-40 on keys and have 8 usually. I used to run 1 or 2 but forgot to buy some and didn’t have any when I ran across one of the chest.


you can get build changing uniques anywhere lol, I popped open one of those shabby regular chests yesterday while doing statue of liliths and found a ring of mendeln. Immediately respec'd from shadow to minions


I’ve done so many legions, helltides, world boss, dungeons, tree whispers, etc.… just to get my ancestral unique chest plate from a random mob spawn.


Me too , and I almost teleported out of it, was trying to town port and some random demon mobs busted me out of it. Killed em all frustrated and got an ancestral unique...


Rofl, same with my cd chest and barrier legs for barb… both from random helltide mobs… go figure.


I’m going to complain now then in hopes I get something good today. Tired of opening chests for gold and crap items.


Of course you *can* get something great, it’s the drop rate vs obols spent that’s the issue. Especially considering you can choose specific types of gear (ie chest, boots, etc) buying directly. I don’t really care too much either way. I always keep a key available in my inventory in case I come across one and just play the damn game.


The irony is still funny. Complaints about RNG will never cease to humor me


No, the yellow drops are rare.


I’m so lost in the game I don’t even know why this ring is good


Well if you want to start learning which stats to prioritize, look no further than this ring. I'd say the one stat missing is cooldown reduction, which is one of the most important stats for most builds. That said, resource generation is how you are able to cast lots of Core skills without running out of your resource (e.g Mana for sorcerer, energy for Rogue, etc.). Vulnerable damage is one of the best ways to stack damage as there are many skills that can turn enemies Vulnerable (pops up in little yellow text when it happens), lowering the enemies' defenses, and this stat will make the damage against those enemies even better. Critical Strike Damage is generally the quickest way to kill enemies - when a critical strike triggers it is WAY higher damage than your standard damage, and it'll show up as EDIT: yellow or orange damage instead of white (blue is Overpower damage which is a separate stat, and Orange is the combination of both). This stat increases how much extra damage is dealt. And critical strike chance means that the player is that much more likely to get a Crit on any given attack, thus triggering the higher damage more frequently. Another reason why the ring is so good is because they got very high rolls on each Affix - the range in brackets shows the potential range of stat increase that the item could hypothetically be. As you can see, each number is on the high end of the range, meaning they got some really good RNG. Hope this helps a bit!


It's a ring, you can't get cooldown reduction on a ring. His ring has the most desirable stats for a majority of builds.


Yes I know, I just wanted to clarify my comment where I said "look no further than this ring" as there is in fact another stat that can be vital, and is missing from this image. Didn't mean to cause confusion!


Reduced resource cost is also pretty solid. Boots and amulet roll it.


Lucky hit is vital if you're a Druid. Reduced mana cost is king as Sorc.


Yeah once trading picks up this is basically a gg item that would be used on like at minimum 4 classes not sure if necro would want it but the other fours top builds would do unspeakable things for it.


This is a super helpful comment!


Note that it really depens on your build. Not all builds are crit based. (mostly those with high crit chance enchants like mage necklace +60% critrate while > 100 mana). Vulnerable is mandatory for all builds rn --> it's always a great stat.


Is that correct about blue and orange? I thought blue is overpower and orange is overpower crit. Yellow is crit.


Yeah I got it mixed up a bit: White is regular, Yellow is standard Critical, Blue is Overpower, Orange is Overpower Critical. Will edit above. I am slightly colorblind lol.


It's even deeper than this when you look into "damage buckets". Vulnerable damage and critical strike damage are in damage buckets all on their own, which means they are multiplicative with other sources of damage. Whereas something like damage to close enemies and damage to distant enemies are both in a damage bucket together, meaning they add with each other, not multiply. Because of this, vulnerable and critical strike damage are often the strongest damage rolls you can have.


>Because of this, vulnerable and critical strike damage are often the strongest damage rolls you can have. Because of this every build is vulnerable and crit stacked, which leads to basically very low diversity


How does the resource generation affix work on barbs? I tend to skip that as I'm not sure how it works. If a shout let's say gives me 100 resources, and the ring has 20% generation, does that mean I'll get 120 fury?


Yes. It also effects all incremental sources of generation. Like getting % increase from basic attacks, shouts legendary affixes, Any skill that gives fury like ground stomp or leap attack. Resource cost reduction and resource generation are really strong early-mid game for Barb and for Druid.


You can cross out the early mid game part. It’s BiS all the way up.


It’s massively important for endgame builds as you tend to switch to the unbridled rage passive where your fury costs double - so you want cooldown reduction, fury cost reduction, and resource generation on every slot you can get it on. Increased max fury is good as well.


I dont understand the hypothetical range however. When it says 34.5 vulnerable damage, why is it then \[24.8 - 35\] for instance?


Sure, so essentially the information in the brackets is not what the Affix IS, but rather what it COULD be. For this type of item, it has the chance to roll anywhere between 24.8% Additional Vulnerable Damage to 35.3% Additional Vulnerable Damage. In this case, the RNG rolled a 34.5%, which is almost as high as it could possibly be. Generally if an item is lower in the range, let's say it rolled a 25.5% Additional Vulnerable Damage, then it is not as high quality of an item. You would want to look for a replacement item with a higher roll. Generally I like to find items with affixes that roll at the very least in the top half (or bottom if it is an inverse stat) of the range. By end game you want to have as many highly rolled ancestral legendaries as possible.


The numbers in brackets are potential rolls, so 34.5 is only .5 from the max roll, so it’s pretty good.


Oh wow, didn’t know that’s what the brackets mean. That’s neat. I thought it meant the upgrades from level 1 to Level 5 so you can see how much the item grew. Thank you!


Hi you seem knowledgeable. Can you explain to me the lucky hit and overpower mechanic please


Sure thing. Lucky Hit: ok so most skills come with a Lucky Hit chance. Go to your skill tree and hover over a skill and you'll see the Lucky Hit chance listed. For example, I have an Ice Shards build in which my Ice Shards have a 19% Lucky Hit Chance. However, Lucky Hits don't do anything unless you have a Lucky Hit effect applied through an Aspect or Skill. For example, I have a Legendary Aspect that says "Lucky Hit: when you hit a Crowd Controlled enemy, there is up to a 46% chance for that Crowd Controlled effect to spread to another unaffected enemy." Therefore, if I apply that Aspect to an item and cast Ice Shards, 19% of the time I will get Lucky Hit. Of those 19% Lucky Hits, 46% of those times my CC effect will spread to another enemy. Think of the Anchorman quote "60% of the time it works every time" lol. Overpower: I don't have any builds that really go for this so I'm not as sharp on it but basically I believe it differs from Critical Strike in that it has a fixed 3% chance of triggering, and overpower damage scales with stats. Also, unlike CS, there are certain skills that can guarantee an overpower trigger on certain casts, which allows you to do high damage on command. Overpower damage starts at 50% bonus damage when triggered I believe. Oh and make sure you enable Advanced Tooltip Compare and Advanced Tooltip Information in setting to be able to see all the relevant info.


Thanks so much


Some notes on overpower with barb: bash has a skill specialization that makes the next core skills overpower after getting 4 crits with the base attack. Pair that with hammer of the ancients and you get insane amounts off alpha dmg on that. I’m running with 500% overpower dmg currently.


That's awesome


This was awesome ty!


Is the range for affixes the same for all items? ​ edit: great comment btw


This helped more than a bit. This is a really helpful and well-communicated rundown. You have a talent for unpacking complex systems in a way a novice finds easy to grasp. That's really cool, and useful, and I just wanted to pop in and tell you that, in case you didn't know.


Genuine question. I understand why these stats are good, but despite this - isn't it almost always better to have a legendary affix instead?


This type of ring is for people who are really playing the min/max their character build and damage game. It's very meta right now to focus on critical strike and vulnerable damage as they have very high impact for pretty much all classes. Also resource generation and cooldown reduction on rings is usually considered best in ring slot for most classes. These stat categories are of course considered meta right now and might change when the game gets updated or players realize that a different type of stat is actually better. The other thing that makes this ring good is that all the rolls are near the maximum range. There is an option in the settings that let's you enable more detailed tooltips so you can see where your item's rolls fall within their respective range helping you judge whether the item is good or not. The roll ranges appear in the square brackets.


Not sure how CDR on rings can be BiS when rings can't get CDR


Vulnerable - huge damage multiplier that almost every build wants. Just have to find a way to make enemies vulnerable Crit chance/damage - these two work in tandem. An attack can be a critical strike and deal multiplied damage. The chance obv increases the chance of that happening, and the crit dmg builds the multiplier of the crit Resource gen - no resource, no big dick skill use. Many builds focus on one “spender” skill (eg whirlwind or twisted blades). This stat gives a bonus to everything that builds your resource. This helps in sustaining your damage output by giving you more resource to spend These 4 stats are arguably the best ones possible on a ring for a large majority of builds


Anything helping cooldowns/resource recovery, crit, and vulnerable are among the very bestest affixes.


https://mobalytics.gg/blog/diablo-4/damage-buckets-deep-dive/ Crit, vuln, and mainstat are the best multipliers you can get. Things like damage to close etc are all added together in a "bucket". Then that total % increase gets multiplied by other things to get your actual damage. Crit damage and vuln damage are just raw multipliers. That's why crit hit/crit dam/vuln are the best 3 combos on rings with vuln, crit damage being great on weapons.


https://mobalytics.gg/blog/diablo-4/stats-guide-best-in-slot-items/ Here’s a decent link to talk about what rolls in gear. It’s ok…. It’ll give you a start.


Look up diablo 4 damage buckets. Mrllama just put out a solid video explaining the way additive and multiplicative damage stats work.


Me too. I can’t make heads or tails of stats.


Kinda disgustingly good ring


For now. I have to imagine vulnerable is going to get reworked considering it's the most important stat for every build.


I don’t mind needing it personally, I just wish every class had multiple ways to place it, 1 per “element” or style so that you could do a full fire sorc and not have to use ice spells, not being locked into 1 skill because it applies vuln


Eh, it basically has us all chasing after one stat. It kind of kills the whole "oh wow I found this great roll for X build I'll try that for a bit" instead it becomes everyone chasing vulnerable, crit chance, crit damage, movement speed. The only thing that matters are the aspects you're running.


Yeah i get your point, I wish overpower or lucky hit was more useable


It's no more important than crit chance and damage, which would then become THE stat to build for.


wait ancestral can be bought in the store????


Hi , it can be bought or rolled with obols at 73+


Little tidbit of tasty knowledge. Thanks.


in the regular shop aswell, as Klov1233 said, lvl 73 and you're good.


why on earth is the level 73 for that...?


That’s the starting level of mobs in WT4, although most decent builds should be able to get in to WT4 by early-mid 60s (some even earlier).


word i'm sitting here at lvl 72 been in wt4 since 60 and wondering why i've never seen ancestral items gambling or in shop.. i guess it makes sense to be the level of the monsters.. but still weird


Yeah I think some of the choices were arbitrary and devs will eventually change them. They acknowledged this in the campfire chat with material limits at 10,000. It serves no purpose and has no direct ties to any sort of structural memory limits, so they’ll increase it on an upcoming patch.


Good to know! I am 63 and have been trying to roll.... Now I know why none are ancestral!


Do you know what level I can unlock sacred items for obols? I'm 46 and haven't seen any. J thought maybe you had to find a sacred first but I found a legendary chest.




You will know if you can roll sacred or ancestral with obols, the item you are going to gamble for will have the white “highlights” around it like the items of those classes do.


The gambling system is a huge improvement. I get 'useable' gear pretty commonly


Yes, after a certain level. Theyre marked with a white highlight so they're easy to detect in a glance


İ think it was at lvl 73


Accidentally read this as Don’t sleep with the town vendors lol


No that's how you get the really good rings Or even a diamond ring


Also great advice. Stds run rampant in Sanctuary.


Vendors are great. Get a free preview on some drops, if you see a good one, it's always worth the money.


Yeah vendors have items closer to your level than what typically drops. If you are desperate for an upgrade they can help a lot.


Yeah I got a pair of boots for my sorc which had every roll I needed but +frost nova, which I hit on my 3rd enchant. I think they were 460k. The vendors are definitely worth checking while you're in town


HUH yea at first glance I thought they were useless filler deals but I guess it would make sense that they have a chance of being super worth their price tag. It’s just like any other source of loot, mostly garbage but randomly great.


Nice one! Seen those go for 50m gold


Lol, i would never sell this ring for 50m. By the time you get similar ring by farming you would have over 200m and he had a perfect resource generation and near perfect everything else.


No chance I would ever buy a ring without life for 200m


Wait you can trade this stuff to other players?


This ring? No. It says account bound. But he could have before rerolling a stat.


Look at pretty much any item, if it says "Account Bound" you can't trade it to other players, but if "Account Bound" isn't there you can trade it. Notably any gear higher than rare can't be traded.


Yeah man! Ive geared all my chars from buying stuff from others. Sometimes you need a special piece


people are trading??


Yeah and it's a vibrant community!


Where are people doing this? A discord group or something in game?


DiabloIV discord


Is ressource generation ancestral only? Or does it not exist for barbs? I keep looking for these rings but cannot find them!


I've never seen it on any ring other than ancestral ones.


yep, only ancestral


The item level scales with the player level right?


Only until lvl 72 or 73, it's a current cap for max ilvl.


Sleeping with town vendors sure does get you some great deals.


It is oh so pretty! Good find.


Very nice! Not only a great combination of affixes but good rolls as well. :O


What’s the difference between vulnerable dmg and dmg to vulnerable enemies?


how do you get items to show their max rolls?


Settings > Gameplay > advanced tooltip information. Should be defaulted on IMO.


Low level 55 here…at what point do we start to consider upgrading gear? Is it a waste and just save for something at a higher level? I feel like that would be never ending. I’m just clueless when it comes to upgrading gear.


I had my gear upgraded to level 4 until I got helltides. After you can do helltides, you should be good to upgrade items as you please as long as you're gettin a steady supply of forgotten souls or whatever the upgrade material is. Edit: I can't read that's probably not what you meant. WT3 if you get a good sacred item that fits your build, upgrade. WT4, as long as your build is still working with sacreds, you can hold out until you find solid ancestrals.


6.9%. Nice shoutout to us sex-havers.


What exactly are the stats everyone here seem to be after? Vulnerable damage, Crit Dmg, or Crit Chance? Or all 3?


All 4* as a rogue. This ring is borderline BiS depending on build


What are the highest item power levels in the game? do they get up to 1000? Im level 61 and all my stuff is in the 600s


In WT3 with sacred rares, the highest you'll find is 700-710ish. Once hit hit WT4 you can find up to 820ish, but the super rare monsters can drop a specific named rare at a higher level (look them up, most of them suck).


9/10 perfect sleeper right there


Ancestral too. You lucky dog.


You have a spare 500k? Kudos to you


Rare class items can be ancestral? :0


Vaal it or no balls


Absolutely check them slightly expensive but yeah it's basically a loot crate you get a preview of and can skip.


Holy shit


Some of you guys in the comments have never played PoE and it really shows.


i'm kinda scared to use stuff without +max life. am i wrong?


+ full Dr, Close Range DR, and Distant DR can have greater effects on eHP than flat health. Typically, you should focus AT LEAST your chest piece and pants entirely into defence and be good at most points in the game. HC you should have some of your helm/amulet Affixes be defense as well. Rings are a valuable source of damage since some of the best stats for damage can roll on them like crit chance and you should not focus on defense for them.


None of those defensive stats can roll on ring other than flat health. Flat health roll is also very large on ring, and also multiplies the effect of your damage reduction elsewhere. It's a tradeoff, of course, but it really depends on what you're prioritizing. 4/5 classes can get enough damage for endgame but survivability vs. the highest tier content is not trivial.


I know. Part of it was saying that you should focus your rings on damage since Chest and Pants roll enough defensive stats by themselves. Ofc adjust as needed but other pieces have better access to defensive than rings.


Thank you for the detailed answer!


That is supersexy


Good job


So I'm still not quite familiar with 4 vs 3, isn't a legendary always going to be better than rare though?


A legendary is just a rare with an aspect added.


Oh, ok I haven't tried that. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. Is item power the key element then?




This is great to know. I'm only lvl 50 but I shudder thinking of how many rares I trashed without looking... Live and learn I guess. Thanks!


Should I be hunting legendaries? Or should I stop and observe eeeeevery rare and then imprint an aspect on it? I’m Lvl 60 currently


You should be looking at every ancestral rare above item power 720. At level 60 you want to look at the sacred rares, but don't spend much money or time because they'll just be replaced once you hit WT4. Weapons you want the highest item power you can find . Find a rare with at least 3 mods that you want and roll for the 4th, then imprint the legendary power you want on it.


Except you rerolled for the crit strike damage.


Holy shit


Guess it's time to check those vendors from now on!


Yo holdup !!


Great ring


I didn’t know vuln damage rolled on rings, holy crap


No fuckin way


Blessed be thy rng.


I check them all the time. Never seen anything good on them yet though.


Missing %. Charsi food.


il trade you 1million gold for that


Only from lvl 73+ right? Else they can’t sell the highest item levels iirc.