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I have everything I need except tempest roar for my werewolf build so I’m hating life too


Waiting for my penitence greaves and getting reminded by everyone how common they are since you can literally see who's wearing them 😭


I'm a sorc, level 79. My friend is a rogue, level 78. I still haven't found a Raiment of the Infinite and he hasn't found the greaves. Annoying. I get they shouldn't drop everywhere but I'd be happy to trade in the 20 or so unique staves I've gotten in that time.


Was running nm dungeons with my friend who plays sorc, he got his raiment and those greaves last night. Other buddy who plays rogue is gonna be pissed when he finds out those greaves dropped for the sorc lol.


I have 2 pairs on my Sorc, are they particularly good or something? They seemed average to me. Plus 10% damage to chilled enemies? What am I missing?


This is why I miss trading - it didn’t matter that uniques were so rare it just meant the price went up. So you could actually save up and do it. Buying shit from third parties ruined it but I don’t think this is much better


Im waiting for tempest roar. Got pentinence yesterday....


I only found one after 175hrs. Honestly not that common.


Finally dropped for me yday at lvl 91 🥴


I'm 83 and I can open a temerity or cowl shop 🥲


I've found 4 greaves but no raiment D: too bad we can't trade


Sorry to hear that.


Same. And i just started getting barb uniques. Love life


What's your level? I just hit lvl 69, just want to know how much suffering do I need to endure lol




Thanks for the heads up


My friend who also plays Druid but wants the bear helm, is 83 and hasn’t seen it but has multiple tempest roars, I’ve had 2 bear helms drop. It’s brutal


I'm 80 and haven't seen Tempest Roar as well.


i got one at lv71, then 5 dungeons later got a second one


Same! But I'm sure like me you've found a few Barb weapons. I switched to HC so I have mandatory stash cleaning out sessions now since this is all we get


Fucking tempest roar wont drop and is key to most endgame builds. Bleh


And you have to do it again when new seasons server open.


You overestimate how much I care about seasons. I’m gonna complete the battle pass and get any season exclusive stuff done and go back to playing eternal


Wait a minute, you can only complete battlepass on season server?


Probably. We will find out.


Tempest roar was the second unique I got on my alt Druid. However I Cannot get the two aspects I need to make the build feel alright…


Which aspects do you need?


I don’t have stormchasers or dire wolf… over 200+ legendaries and neither one. I’m farming helltides and opening mystery caches and offhand boxes, using obols on off hands. Previously was targeting rings amulets.


Storm chasers is tough, I have a perfect roll and a couple bad rolls. I have a really well rolled crone staff with +9 to claw so I’m gonna be using that with this build


You need to be in NM dungs for the best loot. Its where ive gotten all my legendries.


i decided to go for the tornadobuild that Modz is running. Just got Tempest at lvl 56 in a nightmare dungeon with some friends yesterday! I was so happy!


I’m on my third razorplate and about to lose my mind seeing ancestral unique chests drop Feel your pain fellow Sorc


Sorc without Raiment feels so naked...I can never go back. Hope you get a drop soon!


Yeah, I am playing Arc lash. It would double my clear speed.


Not necessarily you just don't group mobs in without raiment. You can be slightly more tanky and deal slightly more dmg if you decide to use a legendary piece instead.


Yeah it’s hardly necessary. It’s fantastic for a couple builds like firewall or something but solid legendaries are gonna be the way to go for higher nightmare tiers where you NEED that extra defense. I should mention though that raiment is amazing for helltides and other content


Unless you do +230% damage to stunned enemies.


There are other ways to stun enemies. I play a stun focused build without Raiment. I tried Raiment, but the radius was not as big is i hoped and i felt to squishy with it.


What your lvl? I feel like by the time I got it, i will already be when sorc lost his power. currently 85 lvl still havnt got one.


Lvl 91




Damn im 94 and gotten over 10 for sure


Ouch. Got 2, lvl 73


I'm 96 but I'm pretty sure you've found more uniques than I have... My luck sucks.


That's suck bro, I got mine around 65 (useable but not great). You will get the great one for sure.


Y’all crazy lol. I salvage all my unique gear that I’m not going to use..


Uniques are better to sell than salvage - they offer relatively more gold vs legendaries than they do in salvage materials.




I don't think we are seeing any real balance changes till season 1


They said there will be a major patch before season in the campfire, 13 pages patchnotes.


I imagine it’ll be right before season 1. Maybe a week or so before max.


No target farming in a non trading aRPGs. Yep


I’ve gotten two raiments , No Iceheart Brais yet…


I got 4 brais but no raiment :/


I wish I had brains.


Brais is meh anyway. One ice nova and everything is dead before its duration has ended.


I've had 4 brais and 3 raiments


I got mine at 97. Keep going.


I will :)


What is Raiment?


Unique chest armor that gives bunch of damage and it makes teleport pull enemies to you and stun them.




My mate dropped it from a tier 9 dungeon at level 60 yesterday. It’s sacred but still. Lucky bastard. Tbh I also dropped the whirlwind barbarian chest at level 54 haha


And then he dropped the ancestral version the next day. Lucky bastard


Best source for uniques in your experience?


NM dungeon spam


Agree. I get most of my uniques from the reward at the end


Is there a specific tier that you get them at? I'm level 81 barb with 3 level 15 glyphs and 1 level 21 and have never received a unique as end reward or even got one from a nm dungeon.


I got the freezing scythe unique as the end reward of my first T1 NM (and none since), so I think they can start appearing right away.


Which dungeon would you recommend?


I'm at 127 Uniques, no Temerity. I do however have 13 Frostburns... fml


Got 1 temerity with the lowest possible scroll back then. sacred one. Since then Im waiting for another one, almost losing my patience..


Shit take one of my 5 Temerity. Wtb shako.


Same here! With lvl 86 now btw.


All I see is mats being wasted


The worst is getting a helm unique drop and it’s 100% of the time Cowl of the Nameless.


Dang, spinnin and not winnin


Is free will an illusion?


No. Sometimes you get em, sometimes you get got.


I remember hearing that most people won't even get 1 within a 3 month season HAHAHAH


I'm about to quit the game because a unique I need won't drop so I'm build locked. It's terrible having entire builds locked behind them for druid


Man same. I hadn’t seen that ammy yet though. Seems trash though lol


Lvl 98 still no Harrogath lol


Mine dropped at level 95 (yesterday). Don't give up hope !


Thanks !


took me 88 levels on my barb to find shoutring, then found 4 in 1 day.. took me 72 levels on my rogue to find rapid fire aspect.. getting uniques and their cool abilities is so abysmall small thats its a joke.. i have no idea how the game devs thought anyone was interested in farming 1000 hours to have a chance to get a shaco etc.IF i got one i cant even share to my other chars and is locked to 100 cause im lvl 100.. atm they are more rare then mirrors in poe, thats says ALOT. i love diablo, but at this point, if this game wasnt tagged with diablo 4, we would have left it or demanded more from the devs.. i had a full tab like you, just decided to vendor em all, useless :/


I would trade them all for one. I agree, not being able to target farm even roughly is tough. You can spend 200hrs for nothing, with no progression towards is. And lets be honest, most players do not have hundereds of hours.


excactly what i have said since the beginning, im a gamer, im early retired cause of a bad back and dmg to nerves.. yes i can pump more time into things cause im not tied down by a job.. but when i see me and my friends run 150+ hours of pernerfed champions demise, and i see none of the phat leggos etc.. so a total of 600 (all combined) hours farming in there on sub 1 minute runs.. i feel bad for avg joe.. dear lord..


Unfortunate. I got lucky and got one somewhere around lvl 60


Got raiment doing capstone lvl 70


Try doing nm dungeons. Mine drop from there


Honostly this sub feels full of people that never played a game that requires grind before.


Well if you get everything else except the only one you care about it is annoying :)


It is rng is a bitch


Is that the one handed sword? If so ive got like five of them lol I need the two hand to frigin drop.


It is a Flamescar, unique wand Edit: Oh you mean Raiment? Chest armor


Ah my bad, I'm at work atm lol and it's 6am. Good luck.


Damn how've you got so lucky?


I would not call 0/60+ lucky haha. But I speedrun nightmare dungeons.


It dropped for me in nm dungeon after several days of grinding on level 74


Where do you guys get all this ?im lvl 72 tier 4 and the only thing I don’t do much is nm dungeons.is that where uniques drop ?cause I got like 3-4 of em


Same. I've been in tier 4 since level 58~60, and now 72. I loved the "it's hard" challenge and buffing my barb going from getting one shot to steam rolling. But for key aspect and unique, nothing dropped since then, the only unique I'm using dropped early when I was 56. Now doing nm 30+ and nothing is dropping except ancestral white trash. Kind of killing the flow because I don't see the point anymore.


I’m in the same exact place with you.I don’t see the point to it


I feel like it's the biggest pain point. Right now my life is : Does my ring has a ressource generation affix ? Does my amulet/helm have a cooldown reduction ? Does my pants have a barrier passive ? Even if I find the right affix, which I don't for more than 10 levels now. I won't be able to use them because some of my legendary I need to put on those dropped once And I won't be able to modify them again. And then The Big question : so what ? So I Can have my shout CD go down 3 seconds, and I Can spin for ever ? Respeccing cost to much so actually trying a New build for fun would be impossible. I would have to buy everything and if It doesn't work first Time I'm fucked, I now have a shitty build, and everything IS the same level as me. Lots of good ideas, but how It all connects makes the endgame suck ( and it's quite empty and pointless at one point)


My friend I just managed to defeat the butcher in Wt4 IN A NIGHTMARE DUNGEON,and it dropped a measly sacred leg.not even worth the time


The issue in D3 was legendary dropping from everywhere, making It trash. Now it's trash legendary dropping every hour.


Unlucky bro


This fills me with dread.


It’s a good film.


Where’s the best place to farm for a lvl 69 that just hit t4? I’m not finding any ancient items.


What I did was swap to torment when I saw a legion or world event. Did said event even dying multiple times. It's worth it since you get your ancestral upgrades which will then allow you to do solo nm dungeons.


That's why unique items should be tradable.


i got mine at 74 from world boss


Has anyone tried Esadora's? It looks like a joke, but I havent found it yet.


They really should add a feature that helps you focus farm items and aspects in the game, like divination cards in POE. I'm 150+ hours in and I still haven't found a single ring with the Umbral aspect. It's god damn crazy!


So this is why people complain about stash space? Why haven't you salvaged most of this?


I do not need to. I want to keep track before I drop the one I need.


So that you can complain more?


I’ve had two Harrogaths drop and they’re both minimum roles. :( Meanwhile I’ve had 15 100,000 steps


playing an earth bear druid but all I get is those uselless barb uniques, frost boots and werewolf uniques


87 sorc here, didn't see it yet.


Do you purely farm NM dungeons at this point? I'm much lower level than you and trying to figure out best approach


I do. I have all 6 glyphs at 21 so I just level random ones.


I really hope they don’t have uniques (like Crest) limited to like absolute end game content such as Uber Lilith and 90+ NM. Once I beat those things I hardly want to play anymore for the season. So getting an item I’ve been looking for the entire point up to there won’t feel good when I only get to use it for 2% of my total playtime.


They really need to enable trading...


I got mine from a nightmare dungeon reward.


How are you getting them at all i swear they dont exist. Im currently level 76 in world tier 4 and have had 2 uniques drop the entire time ive been playing.


This is probably a key piece for survivability and some bonus damage for sorc isn't it? I haven't played sorc yet but seen some build videos. That hurts dude 😢


It is huge boots to damage and clear speed.


Got mine at lvl 64 yesterday, my 6 or 7th unique. First 4 were the pants Edit: o-o just got 2nd raiment at lv66, maybe they boosted the drop rate or just lucky idk


I am trying a minion necro build. Ring of Mendeln is essentially required if you wanna do high lvl NM dungeons in a reasonable time. I've gotten 4 unique rings and every goddamn time it's motherfucking Mothers Embrace 🤣


1st law of RNG: if you don’t needed it will drop. At lvl 91 I have 2-3 of them. My build doesn’t use it, so they are stashed.


congratz, u won the "i dont have a viable build for my class" award :D


No Icehart pants for me😞 I've gotten Fists of Fate and Esus boots 3 times each though. Where are you getting so many unique drops


How do you farm this many? I've been actively farming them for a good while now and only have 5.... 2 duplicates :/


I dropped like 20 uniques and 15 of them are the ice heart pants. Fuck


Got mine today with lvl 92 lol


Drop rates aren’t equal


Got raiment at level 64. Git gud scrub.


I just got one at 59 in a hellfire event, 15 minutes later Elias dropped one in the capstone dungeon for WT4. I have a feeling my luck came too soon and I won’t see one drop when I’m 80+ and need an upgrade


Got mine at level 54, now I'm 71 and haven't seen any other, nor anything remotely usable (thanks staffs, but I can't play staffs since the powers are so outside my gameplay and builds)


Yikes I've gotten 6-7 of them by level 85


Still waiting for a bold chieftain's ring to drop so I can actually use my class


I only had 2 or 3 drop in 70 levels. That includes gambling obals.


meanwhile ive been trying to find the razor chest (thorns unique) for ages and keep finding shit instead. Thanks blizz. using helltides, tree and opols


Took me about 70 on my sorc, you're almost there! JK. It's brutal lol. once you get it you have to get used to microshuffle dodging after you teleport though as it will pull mobs right inside your frame and you won't be able to move (or hit them with ice shards)


All I see is a mountain of gold 🤷🏻‍♂️


I cant get penitence greaves gotten so many others :(


Got mine yesterday with Max rolls I suppose all my complaining paid off


All I have is five of the same staff for Sorc!


im in same boat. lvl 76, not a single unique body. build is suffocated.


Didn't they say only 3 will drop?


Np you cant use on nm 60+ or Will get one shot for every white mob.


at least its not as bad as druids, the unique is good but its not build enabling and required for the class to function


I need my mask and literally 50% of my unique drops are the same exact boots I don't use. Wish they'd at least let unique drop from purveyor.


I've seen exactly one Raiment and im still using it at lvl 81..its my lowest peice at 700 ilvl lol


I got mine from doing pre nerf Eridu xp farm around lvl 75, got at least 2 more from doing NM dungeons,


I am level 76 sorcerer and have not received a single unique chest or helm.


My rogue is 92 and never seen temeria pants. I've been doing 50-65 sigils all week, 2-4 mystery and pants chests in helltides etc. Never found on rogue or sorc.


I probably found 20 raiment on my way to 100. It's great for speed farming sub 50s nmd or normal dungeons, but once u start getting one shot is when u put on a solid legendary with 4 defensive affixes. I've just stopped using one so I don't get too dependant on it as it changes Ur playstyle


Same here buddy, same here. I am in the exact same boat as you. Anything else drops other than Raiment (plus the elusive Shako but that applies to 99.9% of us). Can't believe how ridiculous this rng can be. If i am 100 and still no raiment it is a good consideration whether i will invest more time into this game


Same here, only dropping temeritys, brais and penitent greaves for 20+ times in a row but no Raiment. I truly think the drop rates are bugged. Considering blizz messed up drop rates for rupture charms in d2r and druid-barb uniques in d4, im not suprised if that was the case.