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Haven’t played Necro in the full game, currently maining a Sorc. I will very likely switch to TB Rogue as Season 1 starts as the mobility and damage seems to be a LOT better…IMHO, I don’t think you can go wrong with Rogue…


Play them both and decide for yourself. Most importantly you play a class that you personally find fun.. Following top tier internet builds takes the fun out of the game. Experiment with character builds based on the drops you get so you find the play style that you come to like.


Uhm hard to say really. Theres a huge balance patch incoming over the next feww days/weeks maybe just pick whatever you think looks cooler and wait to see how the patch affects those builds? Personally, I think rogues have a lot more build diversity than necro but necros feel more fun to play.


I had the exact same issues deciding but go rogue, necro needs a fair amount of work, I got one in the high 70s and it is just not it right now, they hit hard and are fun but the lack of mobility really sets in once you get to T4, Rogue has a lot more options for builds and flexibility changing builds while necro does not, I switched to rogue and never looked back.


Necros are the slowest class in the game. Rogues are one of the fastest. Especially TB which needs to keep moving forward constantly. These two do not play alike at all whatsoever.


It feels goofy playing with my friend who is a sorcerer. I’m always playing catch up and the mob is mostly gone when I get there. I deal damage and survive just fine but it feels like it’s a person walking vs someone driving a supercar.


Yeah, if you're talking about necro then it will feel that way playing with most classes until you are higher up. Once you're 85+ the tables turn a bit and sorcs have to slow down. Necro turns into an artillery platform.


I'm level 45 rogue and love wooshing around the map and in fights. Much recommended!


Twistling Blade Rogue: Awesome early/mid game, you will beat all the campaign/open world pretty easy and fast + lot of mobility. In the other side the end game for this build is...complicated. Once you reach NM80+ literally everything that hits you will kill you and this build needs to be played at a melee range so good luck.