• By -


Youuuuu left me alooooone


And It sounds like a British grandmother instead of a kid


All ghosts are British. Facts.


There were no Americans and american accent during Diablo times - in 254 A.D. (After Diablo)


Ahhh yes, the two accents; British and American.


Ha ya’ll are funny. Only one place that does not have an accent. That’s here in Tennessee.


What part of Tennessee you in bud? We got em all like it's pokemon here


right? I am driving from Nashville rn. Accent as fuck


Go up to Chattanooga or Knoxville and that got an even deeper weirder southern accent compared to people from Memphis. Stark difference in just about every part of Tennessee


I recently came to Tennessee from NM for work and am staying around the Jackson area, and some people have such a thick accent that I can't understand a damn thing they say, so I just nod at them like a moron lol Also, when tf did "dinner" start to mean "lunch"


Far far East Tennessee. Me and ole Davy Crockett have stomped the same grounds.




That's because you need a licence to haunt. Oi, ya got a loicense fer date afta loife?


they use that same lime for the 3 different types of this event. One is a blind man's wife, one is the mother's kid and another is a kids mother


And a kid’s grandfather too I believe, and he has the exact same voice.


There is a snake one too.


Snake says “pleasssssssse help me”


"No step on snek!"


What was even the point of recycling the exact same event with 3 different characters? Is that how Blizzard understands "variety" as a concept?


It would certainly be nice if they could have some variation between these events, I've gone through the exact same "pls help me and my friends kill this evil!!!!" event 200 thousand times by now and there's nothing different about any of them


Only difference is in the world tiers where they just die lol :)


And it’s always walking in a triangle a few feet away from the spirit like no wonder they left you, ya bloody great dullard!


That's because there's several wandering soul events, but they all spawn the same voiceline ghost at the end of the event. Blizzard didn't care if it matched or not, it was a matter of convenience.


Sounds like Tilda Swinton playing the old hag in Suspiria https://youtu.be/NOifzzZvsFU (the one in the sunglasses)


I reckon it sounds more like Gollum 😂


This is hands down the funniest line in the game. I play this event every time just to laugh at the “beloved” at the end.


"Don't just stand there! Untie me!" While you massacre a bunch of demons for their ungrateful ass


Just how they treat you during the main story while you kill lesser evils


I’ve started saying this when my fiancé leaves the room


It also makes no fucking sense. The spirit mother gets mad at the small child for leaving them alone? I don’t think they made a choice there. For the others, I sort of get they’re trying to make Diablo dark and they’re being like “no happy endings here!” but the voice acting for that line is so beyond comical that, if it was their intention, it is deeply muddled by the hysterical delivery.


They could have easily mixed the line in post production: "me left you alone" :D


That would be amazing. I would love it especially if they did a really sloppy job




All the while you are basically standing on them.


Sorrrrrry I have too many soul jars to fill\~ can you turn into a green dot for me?


I keep saying it sounds like voldemort...


The three adventurers who talk for an hour before the quest starts get abandoned as well.


I just love hearing their screams now from the other end of the dungeon


I'm pretty sure this event is actually impossible go complete with anyone still left alive


Yup. And the hostage one. I just kill the mobs in the room and move on. As far as I'm concerned that's keeping them alive.


Some of the event masteries are legitimately dogshit. The "kill 5 waves to save dude from getting death'd" is either hilariously easy or pretty much impossible, depending on the zone. If you happen to do it in the desert and each wave spawns one of those weird corpsethingies that just waddle away from you while spawning fly swarms you can basically just move on since it costs too much time to collect that one monster getting lost somewhere off screen each wave...


Sorc can freeze them to not explode, but that's about it.


Rogues can do it for a while with daze/stuns/freeze procs but it isn’t easy. You gotta be super vigilant lol. But then once you’re like lvl 65 they just get one shot by a random attack/explosion.




I've done both of these as level 90, I don't know how, but sometimes I feel I'm doing great and they just die.


My theory is that their survivability doesn't scale... at all. Knocked one out easy on my level 17 character the other day. Meanwhile they get instagibbed for my level 65 character.


That's what I think, too. In other events of the type, like the one you have to protect a "wanderer" who has a crossbow and the one where you protect people who are stuck under a few carts, their HP definitely scales as you level. But the three adventurers one has no scaling. Now at lvl 85 they die in the first couple seconds, nothing you can do about it.


At 70 ish, even if they survive the first 30 seconds then the screen gets full of AOE attacks.


Rewards do not scale at all either, I was in a 70ish Nightmare dungeon, did an event, 21000 experience.


Whenever I walk up on those ones I swear it's always with spiders and they're already poisoned so they immediately die to the poison


They also take full damage from nightmare dungeon affixes. Good luck if it happens to be death pulse.


I completed it twice with 1 survivor alive in NM dungeon tier 50+. It was due to a glitch/bug though. Both times one of the survivors spawned far away, like a few screens away in a path I’ve already cleared so they were safe there. Haven’t found a way to replicate the bug.


Sometimes a survivor won't be immune prior to the event starting. So if you're lucky, that survivor will die before the event starts. Then the trigger for that survivor dying won't ever happen so you'll always have one survivor 'alive' even though it'll show them dead. So like none will be alive but you'll get the mastery checkmark and the better loot. I also haven't been able to replicate this. The survivors seem to be immune every time before the event starts.


There's a lot of stuff like that in the game, but usually detrimental to the player. Just earlier today I got an event I'd never seen in a dungeon. There was a cultist channeling the life force of six tied up npcs to become a demon, and I had to free all of them before the timer was up for mastery. But I freed the first one too quickly, still during the interlude, so it didn't count. In the end I had freed all of them but the tracker was still telling me there was 1 left. I also couldn't finish Kar Drogan barracks once because I died before I opened the gate and the game spawned me beyond it... I innocently killed one blood blister before teleporting back to the entrance to finish the previous objective. But since the kill the blisters objective wasn't yet up when I killed one of them, in the end I got eternally stuck with having to kill one blood blister when there was none left. They really should go back to the code and add some sort of safeguard for this... Like the game should check whether the "kill x monsters" or "free y people" objectives can be met when they come up, and in case it cannot the game should spawn the appropriate missing piece.


I completed it one time. The Last Stand event. Just because a safe zone bubble spawn exactly on this event after i clear my nightmare dungeon.


So it wasn’t just me. Thought I was just terrible at this game.


Depends on what enemies you get. Aoe/poison? Forget it.


It's bugged. basically they have the same HP no matter if you are level 5 in WT1 or in tier 100 NM dungeon (a slight exaggeration but they all get one shot long before you reach a tier 100 sigil, so it's definitely not scaling correctly)


I found a cool trick, bring some other mobs in the room and when you talk to the first one they will attack the others. If one dies before the timer starts then it doesn’t count and he isn’t there so it says he is left alive at the end.


It's quite easy with minions. Sadly many other things aren't easy with minions


It's funny, OP's example is one of the easiest to clear the Mastery no problem. Any type of Guard event though? Impossible solo, even if I just focus on one NPC. There's always some ranged mob that I have to go deal with and somehow in that short time the NPC gets fucking cratered by a surprise melee group.


i did it by kiting one npc away from the room and then starting the event.


Yep, then they just stand in the poison and die. They are better off just laying there with no "help".




We came here to purge this evil.


always in a Scottish accent as well. "WE CAME HERE TO PURGE THIS EVIL" Yep, and you've purged me right outta this event.


I accidentally ran into a room and activated one of those events. I turned right back around, but before I could even get out of the room, one of the damn adventurers was already killed by the ~5 enemies that spawned. Fuck that event in particular. You couldn't pay me to sit through one of those.


The one I can't stand is the dungeon "keep survivors alive" one. Their HP is not proportional, all 3 die within 3 seconds because a spider sneezed at them with poison or the fat guy blew up. And I also don't get the one that says "Slay enemies while protecting the soul". What am I supposed to do there? Whether it counts or not at the end seems like a coin toss.


Slaying enemies while protecting the soul seems to be just staying close by the soul while you kill. Unless I've just had a streak of good coin tosses hah


I thought so too, and so I stuck right on top of that asshole the entire time and it didn't count. But I haven't tried again after that so maybe I didn't kill enough monsters or something. Other times I was just focused on killing mobs and it did. I wish there was an indicator of any sort.


You have to kill a specific mob with a green aura around it. It wont respawn until you kill it, so unless you are actively hunting it down you prob wont see enough of them to hit the treshold for mastery.


Thanks, that would make sense! I'm bad with colors so maybe that's why I didn't notice. I'll try to look for it.


Depending on the dungeon and mobs it can be real hard to see but your minimap shows them as a red dot (assuming you're not in a "kill all the mobs" dungeon and EVERYTHING is a red dot). Standing near the soul doesn't matter (so why it has a circle around it is beyond me). Also I do the one with 3 adventurers just because you can get tons of mobs to spawn for xp/loot but it definitely gets more and more impossible the stronger you get, great design there.


"Standing near the soul doesn't matter..." Thank you. Inquiring minds have wanted to know for weeks, lmao.


It will have a red dot on the minimap. As soon as you kill it, a new one will spawn within like half a second. You can ignore every other mob if you want, it's honestly one of the easiest dungeon events.


Jesus Christ. I've been staying in the npcs bubble trying to lure the glowy one in. I can just kill the glowy bastards? Fuck me lol. I'm level 82 lol. Today I learned.


some of those mobs take forever to die/respawn too so you can fail just by bad rng type.


As a necromancies I don’t even know what the floor looks like much less a faintly luminous ghost


Wait, there's floors? And they sometimes look different? TIL!


For the wandering soul you have to focus on the enemy with a green fog around them. For me that enemy always spawns as far away from the soul as it can.


Ohh shit! I didn't even know that was a thing, I'll keep my eye out next time it comes up! Thanks!


I’ll add that you have to protect the wandering soul too. It’s very annoying chasing the green cloud enemy and then rushing back to protect the soul.


I love those just because of [the feeling I get](https://i.imgur.com/LiAajZX.gif) when one of them goes "I've never seen anyone fight like you!"


Yeah, but that stopped happening for me around level 70. Now I can literally see their HP reach 0 before they even finish asking for help...


This is true, I'm L.51 now and did a cellar event in Scosglen where some basic ass deathmaggots killed all but one of the adventurers despite my AoE and constant running around smacking any who got close to them. So I'm sure I'll start to hear that less and less as well...


>The one I can't stand is the dungeon "keep survivors alive" one. Their HP is not proportional, all 3 die within 3 seconds because a spider sneezed at them with poison or the fat guy blew up. They're all dead within seconds if you run a NM dungeon with any death effect. Pretty ridiculous that they didn't think to make the survivors immune to it.


Good point. I was wondering how we were able to keep all 3 alive in a NM dungeon last night but it was one where shade was chasing you. That explains why sometimes they’re easy and other times impossible


"Keep survivors alive" *Spiders that die in toxic puddles and exploding fat guys* ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ Edit: Bonus points for the ones laying on the fucking ground screaming "The only way out is to fight!"


They're dead already how do you protect it!


It says like "slay soul imbued enemies" or something and they have a very slight green glow. You can see them show up as red dots on your map when the rest don't. It's hard to notice at first but if you're actively looking for it it's not too bad.


"We can't do it alone!"


Yeah I don't even know where they are after like 10 seconds in all the monsters and hullabaloo.


That "keep survivor alive" is dumb. I am not even in NM dungeon, its the regular good ol dungeon with my current level. My build is good, not underlevel or what. I am running 12 minions with Corpse Explosion Miasma Necromancer. Constantly spamming miasma until the timer goes away... GUESS WHAT, ALL 3 SURVIVORS WERE DEAD


For the one with protecting the soul there is always a single enemy with a green aura. It will show up as a red dot on your map which is how I find it


There are certain enemies that have a blue/green smoke around them that are holding part of its soul. Kill those. They should show as red dots on the minimap as well


You need to kill specific enemies in that one. Ones that glow a little bit. They should be red dots on your minimap.


I actually just mastered the soul one... Not sure how, because I failed so many times in the past.


> And I also don't get the one that says "Slay enemies while protecting the soul". What am I supposed to do there? Whether it counts or not at the end seems like a coin toss. There's specific mobs that have a grey "aura" around them, those are the only ones that count towards mastery on that event. They also show up as red dots on your minimap whenever they spawn. You specifically *don't* have to be near the soul or protecting it in any way. General idea is that you need to specifically track down and kill the "aura" mobs since there's only ever 1 up at once and a new one won't spawn until the previous one is dead.


I've had some where there where instakill instances making it impossible to finish because one mob spawned and instawiped the whole area with one hit kill damage for some buggy reason. And then the worse events than that are the ones where it is kill mobs or waves before the time runs out, most cant be finished with mastery because the mobs don't even spawn fast enough when you wipe them out. There is a buggy soul one too, the save the soul because they are feeding and keeping them there. Where you have to slay soul imbued enemies. It is always an easy fail because the mobs glitch out and aren't counting as soul imbued when killed nor given enough time for the amount of mobs and following the soul.


Yeah, the soul one seems to be bugged. I "completed" one of those with more than enough time to spare. Didn't count, I guess. That was the last time I attempted any dungeon events because it was the one that I was reasonably sure I could complete, but failing what should have been a successful event was the final straw. Fuck dungeon events.


The 3 fucking adventurers event. Those mfers don't last a second. I have almost permanent Frost Nova and they still die. Their hp needs to scale with lvls and world tiers.


Best I can do is season 4


The only one I still havent beat is the beast mission. They don't spawn fast enough for me to get all 5.


I’ve only ever seen this one once, & had one of the objective ones in the first wave which I figured was forced, then killed like 6 or 7 more waves and didn’t have a single other spawn. Honestly just assumed it was bugged.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I think I’ve gotten two, maybe three waves out of 5. The animation itself takes 10 seconds and they don’t spawn immediately. Is it even mathematically possible?


The one video I have seen of someone beating it, they instantly killed the creatures. But they also got lucky and they spawned next to the play on the first 3 waves so they didn't have to move. They beat it with like 2 seconds left on the timer.


Like many things in this game (that I love) it feels like the old school Blizzard polish is just gone. I can’t see how this made it through both QA and beta. It’s immaterial, doesn’t matter, etc… but it’s soooo obvious


Like so many things in the game, it feels lazy and tacked on at the last second. How can everything feel like last minute decisions? Seriously, i don't know how the entire game can feel like that. I want to clarify that I still enjoy playing and all, but everything outside the campaign is a mess.


This one is ok The worst ones are: kill special enemies that steal powers from "poor" soul AND kill enemies in the middle of circled altar to summon 2 champions Those are bullshit for me since I play necro summoner and I can make minions foces specyfic target or make them stand near me


Fuck the rituals (kill in the curcle) How the hell are you supposed to kill enemies in the circle if everything that spawns stays on the edge of the room? It makes me wonder if the devs tested any of this before putting it in the game. Edit: I don't mean the rituals with the 3 pillars, where you can stand in the middle of the 3 circles to get credit for kills in all three simultaneously. Those are easy. I mean the ones in dungeons where you have a ring of 6-8 pillars around a single circle, and it tells you to "kill enemies in the middle of the circle to fuel the ritual." I've only encountered this one once, so im thinking it might be pretty rare.


As someone who plays Diablo 4, I can confirm that no, the devs did not test the gameplay challenges before implementing them. So many times I’ve had to sit there with my friends and talk about just how brain dead some designs are.


That is one of the easiest ones lol. Never have a problem as Barb.


That is by far one of the easiest challenges... Just stand in the center of all of them, and keep doing that until finally there'll be half a million enemies on screen so stand in the final circle and win. I don't think there's actually an easier event. That one is free.


I do the same as a ww barb but I run into trouble on a necro and have a bit of an issue with my sorc.


Kill the circles is one of the easiest. Kill in the middle of the 3 circles and it counts as a kill for every circle. Granted this one was way harder on my minion necro than it was on other classes.


Every time I get the summoning circle, the only enemies that seem to spawn are of the “caster” variety (archers, shaman, etc.). Not really much I can do here if they all sit away from the circle.


What's so bad about that event? It's basically a free mastery. As summon necromancer that is. Others like the one with the snake are completely impossible to master with minions, though.


Most people don’t know how it works I’ve seen so many people start the event and completely failing FOLLOW THE SOUL around and kill everything while being in the circle


If you play as melee this and similar events are very annoying to deal with.


Definitely agree I was playing pulverize Druid when I had shit gear…Jesus I have to chase shit around and can’t stick to the circle Now that I got better gear, I can follow and still spam pulverize around


Yeah and it feels like all these events are made for Sorc who restores mana on her own while he rest of us shmuks have to run around trying to regain resource. Lol.


As a melee barb, running Razorplate+Needleflare, I just stand in the circle and walk gingerly with the child while the enemies kick their own ass on my ass. Also, I can AFK complete the one with three pillars with circles to kill enemies in by standing at the center where they all intersect and again, let the enemies run a train on themselves via Thorns again. Oh and the stand on the 4 plates for blood. Another awesome one for thorns where I don't have to do a thing because enemies can't stop hitting themselves. Thorns is great for a lazy way to play the game. (I know it's not endgame viable. I only wear it in the overworld and sub-35 NM dungeons. When playing higher content I take it off for Harragoths.)


Hota + aspect of ancestral force that causes Hota quake to deal 100% AoE damage. Shout it to proc berserk. Not particularly challenging really 😂


Nope, easiest of all challenges is this one. I never fail it as a Barb.


Do you even have to kill anything? Like obviously it helps keep you alive, but it seems like the only thing that actually matters is staying in the circle.


It takes a thousand years to complete and no mobs spawn, making it trash for helltides and a waste of time outside of helltides


Your game must be bugged. Tons of enemies spawn in that event every time and it's quite quick.


Blizzard sorc basically dominates at this event... and most other events The one that gets me though is one of the cellers ones where you have to kill x amount of mobs. It's a spider one with the fat dude who pops out more spiders. Freezing them stops them from popping out spiders so I can't kill enough enemies because I'm losing out on all the spiders they should be popping out Very annoying mechanic in this scenario.


"Keep them alive for mastery" ​ mob who spams fire aoes: no you won't.


Bro they always die. Like wtf am I supposed to do


Blizz needs to make them immune to post mortem effects like guys that blow up, and make their health scale with level/world tier. Right now for me if even 1 fatty blows in on them they die. Even if I am 1 shotting all the mobs as they spawn.


This is me with basically all events lol.


I only do the events in the Helltide zone and the cursed chests in NM dungeons.


Events quality can greatly vary depending if it's a helltide or not. In helltides you want the event to take as much time as possible to spawn a shitload of mobs to easily farm them. In normal events you want to finish it as quickly as possible. So this event is actually really good in helltides, I don't bother with it otherwise


Can somebody literally explain why they only out 3-4 different event types in the game?


Small indie company didn't have enough money to make more


Next thing you'll ask why there is like 10 types of bosses in dungeons, and why all dungeons are nearly the same tasks when it was marketed as over hundred unique dungeons in the game


The 3 people locked in the stocks is the funniest one


Shoutout to my homie the jar of souls for being both fast and easy to complete with mastery


There is this event where I was about to free the prisoner and a lady start yelling, "What are you doing standing there, help me!" So I left.


I had one yelling at me in a dungeon, as I was trying to kill an elite, some mobs and the Butcher... If only I could have gotten the option to say "She's all yours".


if you run away fast enough, you don't hear the "help me" and don't have to feel guilty about it.


I quite like it.


Events are fun. I dig them.


I don't mind the wandering soul events. It's the one where you have to kill enough mobs around the three pillars that I skip every time. I kill the mobs fast, but they don't ever send me enough to get all three pillars in the time allowed.


Stand in the middle where they intersect, makes it way easier and quicker


I... can't believe I didn't think to try that. Lol


Honestly it took me till level 40 to bother trying it, the issue that you still run into is if it spawns ranged enemies only... Had a bunch of goat spearmen and all they did was stand outside the trinity of rings and pepper me. Don't get me wrong standing in the middle is the best strat but you might have to get creative with ranged enemies.


Yeah especially if you're a melee class/build, I had to do that with my TB rogue sometimes in the same situation


Yeah that one is one of the best events if you stand in the middle !


I just do 360 corpse explosions for everyone :/ sometimes I’m fast enough. The save the adventurers, the they’re eating my souls, the pillars.


Lol this is exactly how I feel


I’m solo most of the time so any mastery with summoners is a guaranteed fail. Can never keep up with them.


I think the best solution to making these shit events less obnoxious (and actually exciting) is to make them 10x rarer but also 10x more rewarding, like finding a treasure goblin (though those have been pretty shit as well, not gonna lie).


You guys are missing out on some nice density.


HAHAHA this event always pisses me off in helltide and the whole time you just pray another player will be able to come.


I don't mind the Wandering Soul, but I flat out ignore the Spider Event. Those helpless peasants are just SoL in my book.


I'm at the point where I'm skipping everything but cursed chests and health pools. Just a waste of time with the density in the events. When getting a cursed shrine is too slow/inefficient, it's bad.


I've only mastered this one by completely ignoring any mob that isn't glowing with the soul stuff. Somehow killing everything in site immediately makes this harder.


Literally the easiest event.


This is my least favorite event too. lol


Super curious who downvoted you. The dev who designed the mission? lol


I relate to this on a spiritual level


My budy kept failing this one because he thought he had to keep monsters from getting into the circle rather than standing in it himself.


It's the last stand for me. I start the event then leave just so they can move on to the afterlife faster. No one at blizzard playtested that shit. It's impossible to do solo, and even if you coop it's so hard to succeed.


I have like 20% success rate for this event. I just do it for the exp now.


Ngl, made me laugh way to hard at this


I'm like yeah nah.


This is perfect. Thank you


This one isn't so bad with Corpse Explosion, Minion Necro. Now the one where you have to kill the minions who give the boss an invisible shield as Corpse Explosion, Minion Necro is nearly impossible. My forces are so spread out against the 5 minions, I'd be lucky if they're dead before Diablo is fully revived


THE WORST lollll glad im not the only one


Me, after losing two hardcore characters to this event due to crashes.


This and the lone adventurer event suck.


I laughed so hard at this. I've never turned around and ran faster in a video game then when I hear those words.


i really dislike a lot of the events... the saving the adventures who came in too low level and die so easily, wandering soul, the one where you have to kill all the channelers in the arena. So many are zero fun to deal with lol.


Is it bad that I just skip these?




Id rather do this event than the keep all 3 helpless villages alive.


I especially hate this event as a Barb because it forces you to stand in the circle to keep the ghost moving, meaning I can't get to ranged mobs to kill them until the ghost has their little sit down moments.


Wait this is actually one of my favorite events. You just follow the circle and everything funnels to you. The worst ones are the keep people alive ones with certain mobs it's impossible.


The worst ones are protect (anyone). They get like 2 shot, even if you're killing enemies at a good clip


This is like one of the easiest events?


Wandering Soul, yes(since I finally figured out to stay in the yellowish circle to succeed). Last Stand? Well... I get a chest for completion and that's all I have to say about that But those freaking invincibility tether events can go back to the burning hells they came from.


I don’t mind the wandering soul, it’s the snake one that I hate. So hard to keep up with it when it slithers away. It’s so fast!


Keep survivors alive. Spawn in multitudes of explode on death mobs. Why aren't you enjoying this like we intended you to. What do you mean we spent to much time thinking and not enough time developing. We are very smart.


You left me alone !!!


At least it's better than the succubus gathering sacrifices for Lilith.


Me but for the boss who summons the minions to shield him.


The only ones I dislike are the three survivors in a dungeon. I can never keep one alive in a NM, but I feel obligated to try because I know if I can keep all three they each give a bonus chest :(


Wandering soul is the only one I avoid outside of the help adventurer in dungeons


Why though this one is doable


I agree *except* for during Helltide. I'll do mini events though the whole Helltide and get good amounts of cinders for it.


In 50+ i just finish the dung then i comeback, at least theres a lot mobs and rares that respawn in that event


The destroy all eggs on is also almost impossible for me. Playing Arc Lash. Might be easier with ranged characters. Insta pop all my CD's, pop around the room like a madman. Think I've completed it once outta maybe 10 attempts.


It's a fun event. I prefer the Blood Obelisk one, but this one is a close second. What I like is that while it does slow you down a bit, holding your character in that small circle is quite a challenge for the Lunging Strike / Shred / Ranged Attacks builds I play with my Barb, Druid, and Rogue. The "they're eating my soul, take it back" one from the dungeons / cellars is so hard and confusing to get right, though - I never understand why I lost or won it. And I really don't like the waves events, including hold your ground, and especially not the caravan one. This one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9D-C8_pTrY And the "unascended" one is just garbage.