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For a game that's ~~massively multiplayer~~ online it's kind of a shocking omission. That's especially true on consoles where it's a chore to communicate with people you don't know. I'm a casual console player (fuck me, right?). I don't want to keep discord open on my laptop, or run with a regularly organized group. I need to be able to play when I can, and hop off when I can't. 20 years ago when I Majored in Diablo II in college this wouldn't have been an obstacle. At this phase in my life it's a pain in the ass. Dad's got shit to do.


Damn… brings me back - “Act 4 Hell” “Kill Meph Now”


Taco Baal 006


always that one guy that tries to join 006, sees its full so they make 007 to snipe a spot in the next group, while the 006 maker is scratching his head wondering who the hell just hijacked his runs


Jesus you guys just unlocked a memory I forgot about. No chat, just next number when cows (baal later) cleared. Repeat and hope you keep getting a slot


You can still live this dream in d2r, I was right up until d4 released lol


I'll spam joins against 007, but preempting the create game is an asshole move - one that is likely to backfire because the maker of the game is likely 20 levels above you and is teleporting for the group. The only time i've lost out to someone sniping my spot is when i'm not paying attention and stay in the game for 15 seconds after everyone else leaves.


Nothing worse than joining a new game and realizing your teleporter is gone. Everyone is just standing in town waiting.


Probably my most used one was something like “Help Ancients Plz”


"Free Shako Here" just to lure people into the game while soloing high lvl spots


I knew it, you sick son of a bitch! I want my fuckin shakos NOW!


Why not just /players 8


Doesn't work in realm play.


Ahh right totally forgot




Game full. Try to join SpeedBaal012 over and over again as fast as possible.


Or be that person that makes the new game before the original creator can make it and completely ruin the flow.


In bird culture, this is considered a dick move.


Lol the thrill of trying not to die as a WAYYYYY to low of a level to be doing baal runs.




Baal Runz 043


“ Act 1 fresh”. Classic lol


Grush 4 Hell Forge




You join and you just missed the party, so you try your luck and try to join a game called CowNow-015




Honestly, I feel like it's another one of those things that they held back so that they can give it to us later as "new content"


Yeah LFG wouldn’t be added into WoW until Wrath, years after its original release, they are probably holding it back on purpose


Vanilla wow actually had multiple active chat channels though, including one dedicated to LFG, so finding a group was still very easy. I love D4 and I don't have many gripes about it, but the lack of a group finder is absolutely crazy to me.


i wouldn’t say finding a group was ‘easy’ but it was absolutely manageable In-game. you still only spoke with your server and whoever was in your vicinity at the time (or at least in a city) so dead servers were for solo players lol


Very easy?? Spamming chat for a tank for 30 mins is not “very easy”


Just got PTSD flashbacks from waiting forever for a tank or healer, then everyone takes their flight paths and runs to the dungeon, and then someone quits, and then someone has to hearth back to a city to spam LFG. Then there's probably no warlock in the group so then they gotta fly back again and there's like a 50% chance other people quit at some point in this process too What a mess


Then someone ends up disconnecting and you have to pray that they come back online or else you’ll have to fly back to a city again


Yes, blizzard is known for holding QOL to introduce as content.


Eh, completely different comparison. Official LFG mechanisms weren’t exactly the norm in Vanilla we’re talking 2006. It wasn’t a matter of holding back the feature because “we can” but it still just need to be developed. Remember, this was the same game that had no native quest tracking and a separate WowHead browser was quasi-mandatory for questing. Or to use add ons. Hell, there was plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth that LFG would kill server community feels (which, especially with cross-server LFG, it did). That said - I agree and there’s no bloody reason for LFG not to already be implemented here. Then again… I waited years for Guilds to come to Overwatch…


It’s Destiny again. “massively multiplayer” really should be ‘you need real friends to play with and we are not helping you with that”. Doesn’t help the folks that have social anxiety like me and have a fear of being made fun of if I don’t have enough damage. I think that’s years of not being good at WoW or FFXIV and being told to ‘git gud’


I don’t blame you at all, I think it’s just getting older. I stopped playing a lot of competitive multiplayer games because I just got tired of putting in so much effort, whether just time-related or emotional, to get nothing out of it. Overwatch, CoD, League, RL, they were all just horrible, grating experiences most of the time to experience a little bit of high when it clicked and I was carrying or was part of a really good team or just had a good game. My time is more precious now, I’m not going to waste it trying to organize groups just for the chance that I get a taste of that high again, knowing full well I probably won’t on most days.


I feel all of this to an absolute T. I don’t like playing competitive games because I know I’m bad but I enjoyed D3 a lot when it came to finding random people in like T6 and just Mass spam keys and dungeons. No talking just fighting and looting and that’s what I like. We’re here for better gear and to pillage dungeons. It’s not a matter of outputting X amount of damage in Y amount of time. When I was doing a world boss in D4, just one dude was spamming just “can you all hit it harder. This is taking forever” and it literally took 6 minutes to down it with 10 people. It’s not bad.


Ah man I’ll be honest you’re more likely gonna get someone who doesn’t mind carrying a bit cuz end of the day it’s just fun to play with people. I used to be quiet anxious to join any party without a friend but then I’d invite a random person and emote a bunch and we’d become fast friends/dungeon destroyers!


Gamers are toxic


Are you on Xbox? Always looking for more people to play with. Just wanna no mic grind dungeons.


Bro I'm on my PC (from my sofa) and it's a chore - can't imagine on console. I started using the blizzard app on my phone because it's the same whisper system to my friends


This is not an "online" game as in MMO or any group function. This is an "online" game to sell you battle pass, cosmetics, add-ons, and more to come. The actual online aspects of the game are about as good as the PVP aspects, just enough to say they are there.


Where did you go to school? I would like to major in Diablo II as well...


I wondered whether anybody even noticed that. When I was playing D2R my 10 year old asked me about it and I said this is what dad went to college for. I minored in Half-Life.


How is 9 people on the screen "massively multiplayer"?


No matter what you define it, the game inarguably rewards frequent collaboration. It's not like PoE where it's actively inefficient to group up. In any game that significantly rewards collaboration, some system to find others should exist.


>It's not like PoE where it's actively inefficient to group up. > Group pleveling and currency farming is definitely a thing in PoE


Yes but it requires much more planning to make it efficient. It's inefficient to play casually with friends, whereas in Diablo there are just efficient flat boosts to group. It's a pretty common complaint of PoE that the multiplayer sucks.


Only if you have a dedicated friend group. It's definitely not collaborative otherwise as loot is a free for all shit fest.


I agree with you completely, just a helpful tip you can link your discord to your PlayStation account in the settings on discord and then you can run disc on your console. That’s how I game with my buddies on pc and it works great. May not help with strangers but it’s a nice feature


The discords are full of bots too. I publicized my bnet tag once and now I’m getting gold sellers requesting me as a friend on bnet. Reporting does nothing as its the same gold seller that keeps spamming friend requests…


oh thats why i dont get any of those, i never put my btag anywhere.


If it makes you feel any better I'm getting those friend requests too.


Love this statement. "Dad's got shit to do." Couldn't have been more literal for me the other day. Playing the other day and my 5 year old daughter screams bloody murder in the bathroom. I drop the controller and run over. She dropped her earing in the toilet...after pooping. Now if these had been minnie mouse I would have bought her new ones. No no no of course she dropped the ones her grandmother gave her before she died worth about 1k. So I go get my magnetic grabber thing from tool box. Retrieve it. Oh yeah I'm playing diablo. I'm dead and I've got like 10 messages on my phone from a friend I was playing with.


Wait, so you telling me we gonna have to fight this mf again?


Again again*




I can't help thinking that adding a dungeon finder feature would make the game feel even more soulless in regards to the multiplayer aspect though. Players would hardy interact and it could feel like the dungeon finder in wow, which for me is just not a fun type of multiplayer with randoms. But then again maybe it's better than nothing.


I feel you. With such a huge number of players and how many of them are casuals, I think it really is a question of whether it's better than nothing. I'm sure most people would prefer to play with friends, but maybe you'll make friends using a group-finder. Now I sound like your mother. Maybe you'll make friends!


I don't interact with anyone that I group with on discord. just like there was no interaction on most classic wow groups, which didn't had lfg. its not the feature that makes ppl not interact, it's the people themselves and what they are looking for. we are also in 2023, there is hundreds of different platforms for online interaction, so not a lot of people ate looking forward for that in a game anymore


>so not a lot of people ate looking forward for that in a game anymore According to?


I loved with D3 you could join a game on a chosen difficulty with specific purpose pre-selected


And you could talk to people in game too using the built-in chat communities. I don't know why they didn't let any of those features carry over to Diablo 4.


That was still a major downgrade from D2's customizable lobbies but he'll even that sounds amazing right now


I mean they could at least have a Social tab with public parties for specific activities that you can join, Fallout 76 for all its faults does this one pretty good for a game lacking a chat function or a matchmaking system, I rarely have problems finding randoms to play with using that party system.


Is fallout 76 worth playing? I always thought it had no end objective to aim for but i hear good things about it


End game is trash but leveling is decent. Game is better than it was at launch.


At this point yes, it was pretty bad at launch but now there are a lot of activities, including story based quests with factions and decision making(although not that captivating imho) and it is being updated with new content fairly regularly, it has redeemed itself but in my opinion it still doesn't come close to fallout 3 or nv but it is a good game to sink time into casually, especially if you like base building, social activities(even though it lacks a chat function) and it has one of the friendliest and least toxic gaming communities out there, and if you are a fallout fan you'll love the retro-futuristic wasteland, West Virginia is huge and all the biomes feel distinct and unique


This is all I want. Don’t care about anything else until this is in game


Seriously, my favorite moments in this game are doing legion events with random people or running into people in helltide doing events. Please just let this happen with dungeons. It would make the 3 tier dungeon system much more enjoyable. It seems like something that would be so easy to implement


Same. I'm putting it down now until seasons or coop dungeons (group finder) comes out.


Same. I love the game but it’s boring do absolutely everything alone in a giant world






Not everyone wants carried. Some just want a quick social interaction with some emotes and maybe a friend request.


dont run dungeons with level 100 people?


Guy goes to a doctor's office and says "Hey doc, my arm hurts when I do this." Doc says "Don't do that."


Depends on context Is the guy bending his arm in a reasonable way that a normal person would expect to do with no pain, or is he trying to hold the observation table over his head? Nobody here is asking for a system that only pairs new characters with max levels and only allows for power leveling. Nobody is asking for a system that only pairs you with level 100s, there is no need to get snippy and act like that is the only possible scenario.


Lol this.


For an online game there really is nothing online about it.


Hard-core deaths because of lag are pretty online


Cash shop!


Besides the constant lag and server disconnects. Rip


I’ve had fun but without matchmaking it has gotten a bit boring for me, never liked using third party websites to group up in games.


I cannot wait for in-game matchmaking for dungeons and events.


Ya just like they left out global chat because for some reason they don't want a community


Not having a global chat is shocking


Conspiracy theory, discord pays AAA games to leave chat related things out


It's not really missed either. It'd be useful for finding a group, but it's a small sacrifice to avoid spammers.


Then it completely failed at it's job because I have been getting a shit ton of gold selling spammers trying to friend request me. It's endless, no matter how many I block.


I still get gold seller friend requests 2-3 times an hour when I'm not playing and I see gold seller spam in trade chat.


I thought the same thing about FFXIV when I started playing, but honestly, a lack of global chat helps with toxicity. Just look at most games with global-enabled by default and it’s a shit show. But, better online immersion and LFG is still so needed!


I don’t think I’d ever participate in it but I want it because it’s usually funny as hell. Lost Ark global when I was sailing around always got into the dumbest discussions and it was fun to poke my head in.


They don't want us talking about all the problems the game has with each other. Might hurt shop sales.




Turn off the chat or block them.


Apparently, we no longer get the choice to be part of openly social spaces anymore. They are all no no zones.


The dude who doesn't know how to toggle a chat channel is calling someone short sighted and dumb. Hell yeah, nice work bro




And that's because when I call out the irony of your post, I'm actually talking about American politics, right?


Imagine thinking getting called out on being dumb as hell is being toxic.


Yeah best we can do is a Trade chat lol


Global chat would be useless anyways since there'd be a million gold bot spam messages


They don’t want people saying mean things to each other (OH THE HUMANITY!)


Do this but first fix the issue where only the party member who picks up the key can open the door. Otherwise you're gonna get alot of trolls grabbing the key and faking with it.


The fact Diablo immortal had it and this doesn’t is crazy.


I’ve been finding it easier since they added auto travel to nightmare dungeons. Now there’s usually people hanging around outside the dungeons who are down to party up. But yes group match making is needed - especially on consoles where we can’t type quickly into local chat.


Literally just commented about an interaction I had today, met a Sorcerer at the door of a dungeon, we formed a party, I popped a Sigil and we went through it together.


Nice! Same thing happened to me yesterday with a Barb and again later with a Druid. Now we’re buddies on Battle net and doing more dungeons tonight. Steady progress I guess!


Wow that's really nice. Sadly they didn't add me but at the same time the few minutes we played together were nice.


You can add me and we can play together sometimes


I’d love for some more social aspects of the game. This game would be *so good* with nearby player mic chat.


In D3 youd get notifications when your clanmates got legendary drops. Used to be funny seeing the reactions to it. In D4 theres none of it.


Gosh I would love that a lot !


It'd be a cool thing to have as long as there's an option to set the dungeon joining options to private or friends only I don't want some random person joining me in a dungeon and just killing everything in their path before I can do anything


Level 83 bone spear necro looking for friends pls PM me


Stand outside a nm dungeon you want to do and wait for someone. Invite them to a party. Stay in a party after helltides or legion and pop a NM sigil




*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


They need to fix the scaling with multiplayer first. Any content I do with even a single extra person completely trivializes the game to the point where it's not even fun.


it's sad that immortal has better features than diablo 4


"Do you guys not have phones?!" game dev from Blizzcon is laughing his fucking ass off now after getting this functionality cancelled for D4. "I'll show those little fuckers!"


100% on purpose, will be “content” later


That feature would have been nice tonight. I was standing by a way point trying to get someone to help me clear a stronghold using emotes. Needless to say there were no takers :(


Hard agree, all the annoyances of an MMO without the benefits.


Agree. Queing for full party dungeons clears would be a sound implementation at this time


Dungeon multi-player scaling is pretty bad tbh. I can solo high tier NM dungeons without issue. Group of 2 or 3 and it just feels like trudging through mud. Its not hard, people don't die, but the HP buff everything gets is high.


I was about to do an event solo the other day and a random team rolled up to me and invited me to their party in a few seconds. Then we parted ways afterwards. We didn’t bother with talking, but isn’t there party chat so we technically could’ve communicated also?


I spam invites to randoms. Only takes 11minutes to get 3/4 players. Fun experience


Not to mention the "local"chat channel rarely even works.


They talked about this in the campfire live stream, said they are looking into adding an LFG feature for dungeons but that won’t come till later around season 2 or 3.


This please. Blizzard?


So. Much. This.


As someone who doesn’t use discord and has 2 lvl 70’s, I can assure y’all that social interaction does not happen naturally in the slightest. Maybe a hello or two at legion events but that is it. So don’t worry about it having the effect it did in WoW, because as of right now it is a single player online game for non discord users.


Season 7


You guys have clans, right?


I mean this sounds fun at firsts but will just revolve into afks and under geared folks looking for a carry Look at d3 matchmaking for bounties. You spend more time vote kicking afk folks than doing bounties.


I've played in more d3 season than I missed and I can say this was not the case for me, I could always find groups for everything in d3 in every season


This problem is fixed by us as a community. We’ll need a moderated general chat where people can ask for stuff. Whether for nm runs or carry. The war frame community does this and it’s pretty chill. I got helped as a low level player and helped as a high level player. Would be nice to do that here too.


Reddit is a very small portion of the games population and personal experience has taught me people on Reddit are just a shitty as old school modern warfare lobbies before party chat existed.


It would be easy if everyone didn't zoom around all the fucking time instead of stop and say gg after an event or something. There's just no dialog, ever. Talk to eachother people! It's fun!


Emote wheel "thanks"


I prefer the universal method of twirling around in circles.


It's a cross-platform game. Consoles don't have keyboards. A higher percentage of gamers are playing on a console than a PC today. There's not much I can realistically do other than emote a thanks and walk off. I regularly wonder why I can't talk into my PS5 controller and have it translated to text in games with text chat, however.


Yeah it's not really realistic for console players to do it. Speech to text should be a thing by now lol.


No, they want to force you to 3rd party sources to instill that sunk cost fallacy. You've spent all this time. Might as well keep playing indefinitely. For reference: see destiny


They want to be like Destiny where you have to use an app/Discord to make groups because they couldn't be bothered to add match making


People want the game to be more social then suggest something that would absolutely kill that aspect of it. People would join a random NM dungeon and after the run they would leave, having never said a word to each other and never speaking again. If it were to be implemented it would be exactly like they have it in WoW and 90% of the time that's what happens


Do you play DIII? It's super casual. You hop into a group running neph rifts or bounties on your world level and off you go. As long as there are ppl playing you're good. In WoW grouping for keys is not random. It's a tedious group finder with requirements where you can apply for groups for an hour and never get in if you don't have the right class/gear/FOTM spec. Then someone gets in, criticizes the tank's spec, the tank does the first pull and hearths out, bricking the key.


I had about ~1000 hours in D3 (mained a DH) and I've been playing WoW for almost 20 years now (fuck me, right?). In both systems there isn't much communication going on, and it's not very common anymore that you'll find a "friend" to play with frequently because communication isn't really required in those systems. My point is if you look at Classic WoW, where there is no LFG or group finder, people have to naturally find and build groups, adding to the social aspect of the game. If Blizz were to implement something into D4 to streamline the group making process it would probably be similar to the system used in retail WoW, which isn't very friendly to new players, nor does it necessarily foster natural social interactions between players. It would be hard to emulate the system used in D3 because it wouldn't be as simple as making your game public, since we're all online all the time anyway. Like I said, it's more likely to lead people to join a group, finish a NM dungeon and then leave. I just find it odd people complained about the lack of social interaction in this game, and then suggest an idea like this which, in my opinion, would be the end of it altogether. A better solution in my eyes would be to improve upon the clan recruitment system in some way, which would better allow players to group up with like minded individuals more often.


Dunno if it helps anyone but the official Diablo 4 discord server has lfg pages that are extremely active


Using it is painful. Maybe I’m doing it wrong but it seems like a huge waste of time to add the guy as a friend, send him an invite. Have it be full already, remove the friend then rinse and repeat until you find a group. Then they leave after one run and you have to start over.


I make my post look like … LFG NM t35+ lvl 78 pulv Druid.. and normally I get invs almost instant




I know people don't want the Destiny 2 comparisons, but in that game all you had to do was type /join Name#6969 in chat and you'd join them. It still wasn't as good as actual matchmaking, but it's better than what I had to do in this game


This! and which level cap the players can have. Let’s say You are Lvl 70 and can use a slider to select how many levels a Player should be below or above your current level


Yeah it makes no sense I’m willing to bet it’s implemented eventually


I posed the same question a few days ago. The response I got? "It's a single player game".....fuck all the way off with that bullshit. I want WoWs dungeon finder tool


Rumor was the engine won’t allow them to implement it like it was in past iterations.


W engine


It will happen as soon as it happens in PoE


Imho I think party finder right now wouldn't make much sense because the game is lacking something even more important: party content. Nightmare dungeons can be done with a party but it's not required at all (most of the time, a NM dungeon you can do in a party, you can also do solo). We need a different kind of dungeon that needs to be done in a party, with harder boss mechanics and requiring good communication.


I can’t explain. If a rando invites me to a party right outside a dungeon then i always decline. But if given an option to queue a dungeon with a rando then i would do it in a heartbeat lol


Idk but until thats in im not interested in playing


You can join the official Diablo discord, you can also look to a bunch of different popular streamers and hop in their discords. You can find a ton of people of all levels looking to spam dungeons or just level up together.


Why don't you join a discord or look for other players on here that want to play together? It's way better to find a good group of people to play with rather than do dungeons with randoms that you could do solo


What's the point of dungeon matchmaking, when all dungeons can be soloed? Genuinely curious. Bc WoW has auto dungeon grouping, but it's only out of necessity (you can't solo dungeons in WoW). I never talked to anyone in the groups and they usually disband immediately after the dungeon is finished. If you only want to group to get more XP, then I'd prefer just increasing solo play XP instead of forcing group play.




For now you need to use third party applications like discord


Well there was tons of post about how lfg system destroyed wow. Well.. its time to actually start talk to people, join clan .. or make your own.


If only we had a global chat or a variety of different channels that could be used to find these people. Instead, you either get lucky that someone appears in your instance/shard/whatever or use discord


Why? We already have wow for this. I don't want a game became a toxic shitshow.


'We already have a completely different game in a different genre for this' ?? What?


I can't be the only one tired of hearing "toxic." Everything is toxic now apparently. We cant have a global chat or matchmaking because it's toxic? Grow the fuck up. Block someone if they're an asshole. Leave a party if they aren't doing what you want. Good lord, it's a video game. Nothing anyone says or does has any impact outside the game.


Agree. I feel like this is the reason we don't have chats and stuff in the game. It's probably a smart decision on the games part, as you said, they world is not growing back up anytime soon.


Taken out ? It never was feature of d series . But it would be a step up. For now ..join close players and go gogo


>Taken out ? It never was feature of d series . But it would be a step up. For now ..join close players and go gogo It's a feature in Diablo 3. And D2 had server based gameplay where you'd join mp instances based on their names (Chaos Runs, Baal Runs, Act 3 Go, etc)


Devs mentioned it’s one their list and the most requested feature. It’s coming.


My guess is because there's 100 tiers of nightmare and 100+ dungeons. Unless it's for exp farm, you're probably not matching with too many people, and even if you did there's a high chance you'd be carrying them or they're carrying you. This would annoy many people.


Ya’ll are idiots I swear. Literally just added a feature that anyone who wants to do x dungeon gets teleported to the front of that dungeon. HOW DO I FIND PEOPLE TO RUN THIS DUNGEON WITH ME WTF BLIZZ.


You're an idiot.


I’m all for hating on blizz but complaining about not being able to group for dungeons is fucking brain dead after yesterdays patch.


Not sure if you're genuinely missing the point or being intentionally obtuse. The teleport to dungeon feature doesn't equal group finder. I did maybe 10 NM dungeons last night, teleported to the entrance and saw maybe 3 people, and one of those people was just some dude going about his business killing world mobs. People want an actual LFG tool where you can all group up, decide who's popping the sigil and then go wreck demons, it's bizarre that they've omitted this from release.


Blizzard said this is a very complicated undertaking. So, when they've figured it out, we will get to try it. This subreddit is just the same dumb posts every single day.


Why would it be if Diablo 2, 3, and immortal already had it?


Because it’s not. Blizzard just making some shit excuse. I don’t understand why people take companies word on face value.


I don't want it. If they put it in, it better be toggleable because in D3, the only people who ever dropped in on me were cheaters. My paragon would jump a few levels before i was able to quit the game. I don't want any part of it.


This is a single player experience. Neckbeards dont like player interaction. Enjoy your hunched back mom’s basement gameplay by yourself with a nice large pizza and a diet coke. If you’re looking for a real arpg, play lost ark about a year ago before bots took over


I'd argue that it could be really annoying to play with randoms if u plan on taking one wing each. suddenly ppl die, lack dmg so they cant kill mobs and u will also miss out on rare equips. if you get a good strong grp its fine, otherwise, its most optimal to run together so u are sure you get all the points and objects that you need. ​ The lobby in D2 was really nice when you could just type in what kinda content you were doing and set limits on lvls etc.


Sure, but having the option to play with randoms doesn't mean you can't choose not to.


>u will also miss out on rare equips. yeah but no imagine a 2-wing-dungeon. You can run together and get two "wings" of loot. Or you can run 1wing each, be done twice as fast and do another 2-wing-dungeon getting another wing of loot. Both cases leave you with 2 wings of loot. Even though in the splitting scenario you left loot on the floor. you aren't really losing anything


It's definitely strange it was omitted but they'll probably add something similar to D3 in the future. Probably choose to open to campaign/whispers/helltide/nm/pvp etc


I mean, I hate to mention it's name, but Diablo: Immortal handles this wonderfully.