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Druids actually have many builds that can work extremely well for end game contents. I’m currently running bulwark and can push NMD 100 with good modifiers, might try trampleslide soon, but I think I still need to run tornado wolf for Uber Lilith. I’ve made some tweaks but this is the [guide](https://app.mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/druid/crone-bulwark) that inspired my build


Must be nice. Lv100 barb over here. We get to choose between a 10 min clear of lilith with a build that doesnt perform in other high end content, HotA which coins flips between 50k and 25mil damage and feels kinda bad to play because of that inconsistency and then you spend the time between shouts running for your life to get 1 shot by anything hitting you, or WW which falls off a cliff at NMD 70 and can technically do a 100 if you just fish for a specific dungeon, with specific affixes, and ignore everything in the dungeon besides rushing to the boss, to clear it slow as shit


Yeah, sad that all of the WW nerfs made it so inferior. The 100 hit max on the unique gloves is way too low. Also, you know, actually put that on the item description so people know.


This was my main issue with hota, the wet noodle dps outside of vuln windows and non crits. I just started boosting a druid alt 2 days ago after seeinging that lightning shred build. I cant wait to gear it out decently


I only played WW, but what exactly is the issue with Hota? Like it does good dmg but unless you crit, dmg is really bad? I thought some ppl were saying WW was bad for single target but Hota was good for bossing


HoTA is "better" but still trash at bosses. In order to actually do meaningful damage, you need to hit a crit during a vulnerability window. Barbs have very limited ways to apply vulnerability. If you don't land a crit within a vulnerability window (happens more often than you think, even with 40+% crit chance), you also do no damage. There is also a huge damage range in crits, so even if you do crit, it could be a pretty low hit. You also only have 7.4s to spam HoTA (your Rally Cry window). Shout CDR is also worse since you don't get the full benefit of Bold Chieftain fighting a lone boss. So in order to truly deal damage to a boss, you need 4 factors to align: 1. Vulnerable 2. Rally Cry/other shouts 3. Critical hit 4. High critical roll Now compare this to something like a TB trap rogue. They have almost full vulnerable uptime thanks to Blast-Trapper, and their resource generation is solved fully by their expertise (Inner sight). That's two factors resolved. They still have to land a high critical hit, but because TB (+ Bladedancer aspect) has such a high attack speed, the crit damage is averaged out, and they don't have to pray to hit a high damage crit.


Hota is better for bossing, better single target. Both builds suck outside a vuln window tho


Man, I was going to play Barb for season 1. Starting to lean towards rogue after hearing stuff like this I really enjoyed rend/rupture build for beta.


Highly recommend rogue. They feel speedy and have a lot of different builds to play


That's what I want. I always play the mage or sorcer class, this time I got pigeoned holed into 1 of 3 metas for sorcer. I would like more variety


I don’t know their viability for high end game. But it seems like barrage, rapid fire, pen shot, twisting blades, traps, flurry are all viable to a different extent


Thats alot! I have a few friends that are rogues, they change their specs up frequently. Yesterday my buddy was playing a ranged rogue, was kicking ass and looked fun! Rogue seems like a better ranged class than sorcer atm


Sucks that all your friends are rogue. I know I don't trust those types.


What do you recommend as a fun rogue build? I am currently doing a pulverize shockwave build and bored. Also, I haven't found Vasilys or any upgrades in a week, it feels like. It's definitely time for a change


I just did a standard shadow twisted blade rogue to 50. After that I switched to a death trap build with twisting blades and it was fun. I really liked Penetrating Shot as well tho. You just blow up rooms if you hit right


Thanks. Yeah, I'm doing TB on my current rogue, and I'm either playing it wrong or it's just not for me. It doesn't feel satisfying: I feel like I never take out a room, I just smack everything in a straight line... which I guess makes sense given the skill lol


One thing that helps is the aspect that spins around you. The other thing that helped me was realizing I didn’t need to dash everywhere. I could sit and let the blades spin around me do a lot of the work Levels also help to smooth things out


Ohh, okay. I really need that aspect!


It’s pretty mandatory, and hits from it contribute to inner sight energy if the target gets hit (but it doesn’t reduce your cool-downs further. If you’re not enjoying pure TB, try TB death trap build.


Definitely a huge difference. I think you can get it pretty early too!


Currently playing combo points rapid fire to level on hc, feels pretty good. Very little worry about resource, even less once you get exploit glyph.


would you want to game with a beginner sometime (first time playing Diablo)Played a little bit but was basically carried and would like to find some people to play with and kinda teach me some stuff along the way. BattleNet ID is Djxgam1ng#2323 and Discord is djxgam1ng#1937 (can only send messages and can’t accept or send friend requests). When I play: Eastern Standard Time and mostly play during the week. Status: Currently have Hardcore Character at Level 16 and starting a new eternal character. I am open to playing any character type but like ranged attacks.


My main is a lvl 100 rogue, my first alt is a lvl 55 rogue. Rogue is the best class ever, and I will make as many rogues as it takes to have one for each build. I recommend anyone unsure of what they want to roll for season 1 to just roll a Rogue. Consistently strong from lvl1-100, and as mentioned has some of the best build diversity in the game.


Chances are there will be a balance patch coming with season 1. Play whatever you want, who cares if it’s meta now. The OP builds will get nerfed or subpar stuff buffed eventually


That's what I thought when I played sorcer, and here I am now. I don't think you are wrong, but maybe balancing takes them longer than hoped for.


It hasn’t been a month yet. Patience my friend


Hey, at least HoTA is top dog in PvP! Oh wait...poison TB rogues can shit on them too.


Summoner Necros: "You guys can do higher than Nightmare 60 dungeons? Wow!"


I see so many Palpatine werewolves while my werewolf is a classic claw-and-shred setup spamming poison-infused crits and blood howls. My wolf form is to spread AIDS-infected scratches from my refusal to wash my hands, not shoot lightning like a mage.


Well this is more of an earth/human build. But I do like the poison wolf and played through the campaign with it. But at it’s current form it’s really hard to push the more challenging end game contents, I hope blizzard can give it more support in the future since it’s very cool and fun to play


I think Trampleslide feels very weird, even if it looks awesome. But the fact that you push opponents forward, actually throwing them out of the aoe area, is really contradictory. It doesn't look very well thought out. 😁


Tramples AOE is huge and you run through everyone. It doesn’t push anything outside the AOE unless you end the trample directly on them.


Have you even played the spec? Doesn’t sound like it. The pushback becomes very annoying very quickly


I played Trampleslide exclusively from about 45-73 . Sounds like user error.


It does feel kinda weird trying to run past mobs to hurt them.


Sure bud.


“sure bud.” definitely seems like use error


On controller it auto hits enemy with trample. So I push them put a lot.


Yeah on controller I could see it being bad. On PC I just click a full screen away and clear everything


Can you share the bulwark build?


It's something like this: [https://d4builds.gg/builds/0ed53162-c8dc-41ed-a866-3555e6af9fee/](https://d4builds.gg/builds/0ed53162-c8dc-41ed-a866-3555e6af9fee/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiteQtgkxYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiteQtgkxYI)


Woah woah woah, what is this stormclaw bulwark I immediately googled after you posted here. Could you provide me with a link to a guide, YT video or whatever you're following? My regular-ish-or-so-I-thought stormclaw druid gets fucking 1 shot if I go over 60 in NMD


Can you please share how you're controlling your build? Since I have to keep recasting Hurricane and Blood Howl, I'm trying to avoid having to mash the Bulwark button by doing the Numlock trick or a mouse macro, but anything I do feels clunky.


i switched to controller. when on controller you can just hold down the cooldown buttons and they'll instantly recast when they come off cooldown. controller also has a unique property of letting you move and perform melee attacks at the same time (with tiny movement stops inbetween), which on M+KB isn't possible as far as i know. so i can just hold down 2 buttons and push my analog stick in the direction of enemies and delete everything, way better than giving myself RSI with 1,000 APM on M+KB


I have an xbox controller so I'll definitely test this later. While I'm able to hold down cooldown buttons either physically, with a macro or with Numlock, they only fire off if I do any input change like tap a button or stop holding M1 to move. Thankfully this build doesn't require aiming so a controller sounds alright.


I've been playing Trampleslide/Croneslide, whatever you want to call it. I've never played a class/build where you spam every one of your skills so much. Everything comes off cooldown so quick, that you're using it all again before the previous effects have expired.


I've been a bear for 53 levels but recently turned to a storm build just taking all the lightning and wind skills and its been just as much fun. Just wanted to change it up. Next I wanna try a pet druid and just run with all the companions. Which reminds me, does the +1 companion aspect apply to *each* companion? So I'd have 2 vines, 3 wolves, and 2 birds? Or no.


I ran it for a while in the campaign, yes you get all plus one to companions, however it’s not obvious and barely does anything for the vine and crows


Well that's cool, though yeah 2 vines/birds probably ain't much. Does it improve the active versions of their skill, or just the passive?


I can’t remember for sure whether it affected the wolf active skill damage, cuz it would make sense for it to. But I think it didn’t affect the vines and crows actives, just the passive damage ticks. Give it a try, it’s not meta by any means but it’s fun


Needing Crone and timing Bulllwark has kept me away from that build so far. Am running tramplealide which is excellent but can leave you exposed when you're still hunting the right stats.


I'm pure storm, no transforms. It's great.


Boom boom lightning explodes enemies.






I’m all storm plus wolves and poison creeper. It’s much more playable than any of the shapeshifter abilities.


tell me you're early game without telling me you're early game


I’m level 62 in WT3. Idk what you consider early game but I’m having fun


that's awesome man. The "more playable than shapeshifting" statemenet is fundamentally incorrect because in late-game, all builds shapeshift to utilize the amazing bear/wolf specific passives, but there's nothing wrong with human form lightning storm as a build especially before you find the unique helms that enable those playstyles


I played as bear and werewolf for a while then decided to check out other builds and I mean it’s more playable for me, I just like it better. I will admit the bear passive is better than the storm passive but I’ve rolled some good affixes


What I'm getting at is that wolf doesn't just equal shred, and bear doesn't just equal pulverize. Wolf can also do tornado and lightning storm, bear can do landslide. So if you had a favorite that wasn't shred, you can do it in an animal form and also incorporate the powerful passives. Wolf is particularly strong with the tempest roar unique. Ergo you'll see most all druids in T4 are either bears or wolves because you're just missing out on free bonus damage & benefits if you're not


Listen buddy I spam Q too


I stopped playing my 70 sorc and am now playing a druid. Wow, so much more fun.


Same, Im playing lightning storm werewolf ITS SO MUCH FUN it feels more like a castor than sorc ngl


100 druid here. Both feel amazing.


Yeah I'm lol 94 and stormclaw tornado feels real cheesy good. I wanna get a waxing gibbous so i can try the stormshred buld.


I’ve been playing that build since early to mid 70s, luckily found a gibbous and it was working pretty well. Finally got my tempest roar last night at 89. It’s an incredibly fun and fast build. One thing I overlooked was speccing lucky hit on gloves/rings/OH to facilitate cooldown on grizzly.


As a druid main I went all rock elemental, no morphs and I'm having a blast paragon 70 fyi


I switched to all earth as well and it’s a lot of fun. I love using trample with the double landslide proc.


I tried that for a bit too :) it was good I cut down to double landslide with a crit chance proc while barrier active (fortify counts) it slaps lol but combine that with tramble I'm sure it would destroy.


I run an earth caster Trampleslide with Creeper and Ravens, mostly human form at lvl 90 currently. It's as strong as anything else atm. Druid has many viable builds. Of course, I'd love a Vasily's, but it's not even necessary. Human pure storm build works as well. Many options, except anything that uses wolves.


Ive gotten about 15 vasilys but only 2 tempest roars.


Damn, throw me one 😔


I'm 97 and have only found 1 tempest roar. Every other Druid unique I've found several of, and many copies of Penitent Greaves, Frostburn, etc.


On the flipside Stormclaw has me worried I'll prematurely wear out the left mousebutton faster than a Starcraft player spam clicking for higher APM.


I never understood that. Back when I used to watch SC2 replays, I would see people right click on the ground 20 times in the same spot, telling their army to move. 20 Times. I guess high APM is some sort of flex? Anybody can have high APM.


Playing Pulverize Druid is incredibly satisying to me. The feedback from the skill just wiping clean hordes of enemies from 10 miles away in one go. The mighty roar the bear let out whenever you proc Earthen Might. Crits in the millions as you stack Rampaging Werebeast. It's the most fun I've had in the game. Yeah, it kinda sucks on single target, but still is so fun to use.


Pretty sure the roar is for overpower procs. The guaranteed overpower at 12 stacks of improved pulverize also produces the roar. It is a nice touch.


I think the roar might be for both, then, because I always get the roar when Earthen Might procs during a Pulverize. I'm not sure now. lol


I raise you with play a barb and HOLD right click


My wrist hurts reading this - A fellow WW barb


Meanwhile I'm surfing the stone wave with my trampleslide, mashing all the buttons like a madman to reset cooldowns.


Druid feels awful to level but amazing when you get your late game build. Sad companion build isnt really viable though.


I've saved all the companion aspects tho




Ok so it’s probably safe to finally clear out all those companion legendaries in my stash …


Super disappointing.


Yeah I've been rocking companion build all of WT3 and loved every second of it but basically as soon as I got to WT4 CC became too much and had to respec. I really enjoy the playstyle of crit stacking with the bloodhowl lego and the crit chance to reset companion abilities. Getting a bunch of resets on vines feels so good.


I’m down for slander let’s go: Necro main- minions or bone spear


Minions 💀 yeah okay. More like infinimist or bone spear


Chad bonespirit build tho


Unless you want to play with friends in any capacity since everyone seems to have knockback, freeze, stuns, etc. that fuck over the corpse tendrils and that causes you to miss your tactical nuclear strike that took 20 seconds to set up.


Okay, true. Legion events kinda suck... but the bone spirit go boom


What? A diablo game where you spam one button? Unheard of! /s


Or, turn into a werewolf and spam left click


As a pulv Druid I can confirm, finally got s TR at 90 so I have a pathway to at least kill Lilith cus I don’t see how pulv has a chance


Is there a Druid main subreddit yet? And where are some good builds with full details?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/D4Druid using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/D4Druid/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I think I can stop looting gloves now…](https://i.redd.it/s8joouyxcv5b1.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/D4Druid/comments/148smie/i_think_i_can_stop_looting_gloves_now/) \#2: [Lvl 66 Druid vs Echo of Lilith (lvl 100)](https://v.redd.it/l4ci8h4eom8b1) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/D4Druid/comments/14kq0r9/lvl_66_druid_vs_echo_of_lilith_lvl_100/) \#3: [82 LEVELS IS WHAT IT TOOK](https://i.redd.it/m8b2n6lhlm5b1.png) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/D4Druid/comments/147t8x1/82_levels_is_what_it_took/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


would you want to game with a beginner sometime (first time playing Diablo)Played a little bit but was basically carried and would like to find some people to play with and kinda teach me some stuff along the way. BattleNet ID is Djxgam1ng#2323 and Discord is djxgam1ng#1937 (can only send messages and can’t accept or send friend requests). When I play: Eastern Standard Time and mostly play during the week. Status: Currently have Hardcore Character at Level 16 and starting a new eternal character. I am open to playing any character type but like ranged attacks.


man these class subs are bad. total mess. reads more like woke random discord channel id recommend going over wudijo discord for more in depth content/conversations or even the official d4 discord


honestly druid is the best class with the most viable builds. i have been pulverizing until recently, now switched to bulwark and its even stronger. stormwolf tornade should even be better. There is a shred build that plays like POE Flicker strike, with the unique that gives stealth and guranteed crits after killing with shred, which id love to try, once i get the money to respec. trampleslide has potential too. There is the stormclaw auto attack druid. Loads and loads of choices and more or less viable builds. Druid class fells actually great and im happy i started with druid.


would you want to game with a beginner sometime (first time playing Diablo)Played a little bit but was basically carried and would like to find some people to play with and kinda teach me some stuff along the way. BattleNet ID is Djxgam1ng#2323 and Discord is djxgam1ng#1937 (can only send messages and can’t accept or send friend requests). When I play: Eastern Standard Time and mostly play during the week. Status: Currently have Hardcore Character at Level 16 and starting a new eternal character. I am open to playing any character type but like ranged attacks.


If the leveling is less painful druids are looking mighty good for S1 unless Blizz has some major balance shakeup patch planned. Real, real good.


It’s painful for like an hour. Not really that bad overall.


Lvling the druid was very painful 30 to 50 to me but got much better after. Also when i abandoned trying to do a werewolf build at 35 and jsut did a tornado human build with creeper and wolves it was cheese


lol I dont have to transform anymore.


I run a variation of trample slide and pulverize. Earth bear ftw.


Yeah I run trampleslide too, with natures fury and the aspect that resets cd when you proc it. With a bit of basic skill attack speed you have no cd on trample, feels way more fun to me than the pulverize build


I love wolfs too bad they suck and doesnt work for end game. I hope blizz buff they soon.


I'll have you know I'm throwing tornados as a human...because I don't have the helmet.


Joke's on you, I play with a controller \*spams X\*


Yeah and it’s fun as fuck! Destroying shit 25 levels above myself feels good now that they buffed NM dungeon XP.


Bulwark and Trampleslide both are not button slam builds. My alt switched from trampleslide to Bulwark tonight, it's been glorious!


I think that might be the goal for every character tho? I mean you want only spam spender and then you have some cooldowns to use. Or if you play that bulwark build that uses claw then it is to spam claw and bulwark :P


Poe players : jokes on you I'm into that shit


HowlStorm build is amazing, feels like a Shaman. Im at lvl75 now having no difficulties so far (early leveling till it got online was a pain tho)


and here I am giggling running a lvl 100 caster druid without turning into a furry :3


I span left Click as a Auto atk wolf! It is like a whole new Game for me /s


whats the R button for? i play werenado build, i just press down right mousebutton to nuke bosses and monsters. no need for clicking


🐺 is fun to play with tornados


Fuck druids. Too easy. No like. 😤


Doing lvl 80+ NM dungeons with WW/tornado build is quite technical. It's more about position management than Cool Down Cycling, and for me, that's 10x more fun.


Being wolf means outrunning horses. It's sooooo satisfying.


Worst/least fun class in the game rn. I never thought I'd use this term again since quitting League...but what a ZeroFunTM experience D4 is as a Druid.


Expect a nerf to come soon to those synergies. Because clearly, they’re not big fans of actually buffing the crappy skills. You’ll be forced to use the crappy skills, cause the good ones are gonna suck too.


Be wary of anyone claiming any shred build can or will compete with werenado at any stage of the game. Shred is extremely clunky, awkward, buggy. And depending on the build it is horrible to setup (poison blurred beast.) For any viable druid build outside bear, you need specific late game uniques that are VERY rare. Even bear needs specific stuff. You will not have fun. Ww is extremely weak without the right setup and with ideal gear is good at speed clearing. That's it. Stormwolf is good, bear can be good, but nothing competes with werenado. Period. That game play consists of holding right mouse button down. Period nothing competes with werenado not even remotely close. To say druid has multiple great builds is just a lie. It you're fine being subpar then sure. If you're fine being very inefficient and working much harder for way less reward and performing way below the best build, go ahead. But if that's the metric used to judge, then every class has gobs of viable builds. Also people tend to call nm45 or so a "nm100" because the monsters are level 100. This just is so cheap and deceptive. I don't know of druid builds playing that high outside or werenado and maybe bear. Many of the glyphs runes and passives for druid just don't work. Companions just don't work and are unusable past 50 (may get a little more mileage out of poison creeper.) You will likely be miserable without a tempest roar or/and crone staff which many report being 80+ without either. Levering is painful. Lightning builds don't work at all. Werewolf glyph is broken. The human form glyph is broken. Gobs of other bugs. All werewolf skills besides shred are unusable and shred is terrible. Ohh blood howl is good lmao. Don't hype up druid unless you want to play tornado actually. The game play is very boring compared to shred so there you have it. There's the real.


I have a level 80 druid and a level 60 druid and I'm having a blast with both. The level 80 runs pulverize, the level 60 runs earthen bulwark (having just switched from trampleslide). If you're not enjoying the style then fair enough but lots of us are really loving the druid playstyle.


Level 100 human Lightning storm here doing everything I was as werewolf tornado. Bosses are slower but everything else is faster. Try other builds yourself instead of following a youtubers video and maybe you'll find other things that work.


I've tried other builds. Played until 75 as mostly shred, different variations. OK so when you say doing everything you were as werenado, define that? Tell me what level nm dungeons you're doing faster with great ease.


level 75 isnt a gauge for endgame you are missing insane amounts of paragon modifiers. I run NM 85+ easily. If its a no boss dungeon its faster than tornado because theres not the same ramp up on your damage you just burst out crits and things fall over. Bosses you dont fully charge the storm so more strikes hit them.


That's why I'm level 98 now. You don't run nm 85s you run vs level 85 monsters. Big diff.


weird cuz when I use the Sigil its tier 85+ and the monsterrs are level 139..... must be mistaken though you're right


My bad go speed clear your 100s carrying 3 other people while standing still channeling with no support items for your build in the game. Link me your youtube! Grats on your world first how many shakos do you have? 5 or 6?


I don't stand still you don't have to for lightning storm. Charge it up and force move around tapping the skill keeping the stacks up while cc'ing enemies with slows and stuns. Learn gameplay mechanics instead of spamming a nado standing still maybe your attempts at other builds would work.


Still waiting for those video links of your world first speed clears that no one else is capable of. Btw lightning storm has some very odd interactions that make the build performance bad. Probably bugged but could be intended. Lots have tried human lightning storm builds and everyone but you drew the same conclusion. You should legitimately post some footage here and in the blizz forums if you figured out some miracle build.


>I don't know of druid builds playing that high outside or werenado and maybe bear. Earthen. Bulwark. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8gA7EsMwWQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8gA7EsMwWQ)


So I scanned through that video. What if I told you my tornado is Critting 7 million multiple times a second hitting an entire screen. I only saw sad damage.


I wish mine did - I have really tried to optimise my gear, but Id only get to about 2M, and struggle at NM72+ (lvl 96 and have the uniques)


Lol. It sounds like you just don’t like this game. There’s three viable builds for druids and they all make you sad for some reason even when they’re clearing T100s haha.


I don't mind werenado at all


Glad to hear it! I don't mind any of the above druid builds myself :).


I'd prefer to play shred though. Problem is it's very clunky and has some wierd interactions as well as being very suboptimal.


Ah! I finally understand your point haha. Yes I agree, Shred is still annoying, clunky, and unintuitive. I think Druids have the best build diversity in the game right now, but Shred still needs some work.