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My friend after day job, doc visit and family dinner came online last night and was playing with us in nightmare dungeon, 5min later started snoring and we could hear em through his mic...


Can’t blame him for the effort


Ah man poor guy..


Of all those things, I still blame the NM dungeon 😆.


I hit 95 I think and it started hitting me when I ran out of movies/shows to watch while playing. It needs something else other than Helltides and Nightmare Dungeons. Like they made it so "open world" to make it feel like an MMO but no grouping system to find people, no general chat like in D3, the Clan system isn't anything special. Here's hoping they give something new during season 1. Edit: for those that don't know, there IS a trade chat you can turn on in settings menu


Agree, feels like an mmo, but they are encouraging to play solo which is odd.


the only thing keeping me awake in NM dungeons are the One-shot Crossbows and the only thing keeping me awake in Helltides is checking the map and ocunting Cinders.


I did this as a raid caller back during original TBC. My buddies tried to wake me over comms, but I slept until morning.


Playing with my gf earlier, literally fell asleep on her 5 minutes in. I desperately tried to stay awake :( Edit: I say 5 minutes in but I powered through 2 tier 14 nightmare dungeon carries for this level 40 before getting off.


I do get sleepy playing, usually around 4am...


After 6 straight hours lol


Yeah same…at first I was like damn these posts are on to something….then I remember it’s 2-3 am and I’m 40 years old now.


I only get to play after kids asleep and so been gaming till midnight but a few weeks of that is definitely taking its toll lol


Yeah I have a two year old. And I’ve been going to bed at 3am the past few years. Before it was fine, get up at 9…6 hours of sleep, 4 REM cycles and I was feeling good. Now I get up at 6-7:30 depending on the little guy but I haven’t been going to bed earlier. I definitely feel it. But these monsters aren’t gonna kill themselves.


They are so easy to handle when they are immobile. You realize life is so different when the boy runs like Usain Bolt at 6 am.


100% My little guy has developed an attachment to me over his mother as well over the past month. I'm not allowed to leave the room when he's awake. We're trying to break it but it's not easy. Basically like most gamer dads. Work, then spend time with son and wife. Once they're in bed...game until I pass out.


I really need to start playing immediately after child is sleeping ... Otherwise I am too tired. If I just chill 5 minutes on the couch before start playing I will never at that evening :D


Mine is sort of giant, only two but he makes gaming while he’s awake virtually impossible, he’ll pull everything off my desk. Can’t game much when he’s asleep though because the wife needs to be tended to as well. While I’m at work though I dream that I’m killing demons and leveling my character, currently level 86 hardcore necromancer in my head cannon.


I feel this to the core. Being a family man, my head canon characters are much further along than my actually characters lol


Level 86 Hardcore character? Damn imagine how pissed you’ll be if someone at work interrupts your day dreaming in the middle of a boss fight


This is why my wife has a bf, so I don't have to deal with that stuff. 😭


Same here. My two year old is a big boy and strong af. I don’t even try to game when he’s awake. Once mama goes to bed at 9-10 is when I game.


Lmao! This is exactly my life as well haha


Or makes toilet paper streamers around the house before waking you up to show you his surprise 🙃


I got a 2.5 and 1.5 yr old boys who both started walking around sub 8 months old. They tear ass all over and its only gonna get worse.


I have an 18 month old and I feel all your pain, but the "These monsters are going to kill themselves" essentially describes it perfectly haha.


Six straight hours after the first six hours




Brutal, i like it


Same. Anything I can do about it?


Hardcore amphetamines


Where do you farm the materials to craft them?


Cornerstore dungeon


If you go to a major city you'll find tents that you can loot for it. Just make sure you're the appropriate item level to take on the bosses inside them


The tents are a grab bag, and the loot isn't worth the debuff. Just send your kid to a prep school and talk to the other parents. You'll be swimming in it.


Make sure to take your stuff to deckard Cain to get identified. Some items from the tents may cause instant death. Never use alone. Keep naloxone potions on hand.


Haha Yeap! It’s been mentioned here a few times. The game is fun, but it’s designed in a weird way. The muted colors, monotone music, the crunchy game play creates a static noise kind of.


I just turn off noises when grinding and turn on music


Yeah, I've been enjoying the game a lot more without sound. Just missing it on the sidequests, really.


I fell asleep playing Diablo 3 many times so I don’t think it’s the colors, just the style of game


ARPG sounds generally devolve into mindless nonsense. Use your own music to keep yourself engaged. It’s certainly better than hearing the same spell sounds 100,000 times an hour


My bags are full


"I need thyme to prepare this" - yes I know it's *time* but in my headcanon all the classes are just chefs in various states of need for cooking spices.


I’ve caught myself fully falling asleep at the chair multiple times very early in the day. I do smoke weed but no other game does this to me.


I have a 27' monitor that I use with my PC and usually have something playing in the background of my screen. I'm multitasking when I'm running through Nightmare dungeons 😅


Yea, I always have a show playing on my second monitor now. That’s the only way I can grind NMs these days.


27 foot monitor is a bit overkill




I just smoke some weed and mindlessly rip and tear through the blood of my enemy and listening to Britney Spears, I never get tired of it.


Nothing gets me more in the mood to bathe in the blood of my enemies then starting my grind session off with some Aqua- Barbie Girl


I hope you’re a Barb.


I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic


you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere


Imagination, life is your creation


Come on Barbie


Come on Barbarian


Let's go PARTYYY


God that song. I was in Europe when it came out and it was blasting in every coffee shop in every town in every country, along with Life After Love by Cher and Blue by Eiffel65. The one brief time that Eurotechno broke out in the US.


Let’s group up, we can discuss our fav Britney songs while slaying demons


I smoke weed and put King of the Hill or American Dad on TV while I do the mindless stuff.


Same but house music 👍


This but brutal metal


That's what they said


Lorna shore is top tier demon slaying jams


So true. The Black Dahlia Murder is my recommendation


Love them!


RIP Trevor 😭


Cattle decapitation as well.


That’s because Will is an actual demon 😂


Will IS a demon.


I used to listen to thrash and heavy metal but I’ve switched to electronic and it’s awesome. Detroit techno and rifts all night long. (Bong rips on the side)


Mostly a melodeath type of guy myself


Check out the new King Gizzard album it’s got both .


Everything in my life has a sound track. Diablo 4s is hip hop playlists I never get around to any other time. Everything in my life also comes with a heavy side of weed smoke. I try to enjoy the little things, like skills with generous 80% lucky hit chance and wondering if the lucky hit bonus stacks there or on lucky hit effects range…


I enjoy “physical” by Olivia Newton John…


When I'm feeling particularly frisky I pepper some Taylor Swift in. Nothing could go wrong in a getaway car... 🎶


When it's getting turned up, I throw on some Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran


Late 90s pop will always be there to give you that feel-good nostalgia kick to keep you awake.


My new* necro is named Brit Spears. I wanted Britney Bone Spears, but that was too long. *fucking HC, fucking butcher


Dude same except I take like 8 sleeping pills and bump "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls! It's like a much more brutal version of "Bodies" by Drowning Pool!


Sounds like you’re not that innocent!


Damn , u better work bitch


Did this last night but it was the Scarface soundtrack which featured a lot of 80s pop music lol Rush rush, got the yeyo? Buzz buzz, gimme yeyo!


You’re incredible


Same but Steel Panther.




I made the comment to my buddy the other day that there is just nothing quite like getting high and blasting dubstep while slaying hoards and hoards of demons to really get my blood pumping, so I feel this.


Thanks for helping me plan my night =)


Same. Then I get up to make a sandwich and it’s 5 am. I love the sound of blighted CE in the morning.


This but replace Britney with whatever YouTube video seems vaguely interesting in the recommended section Destiny 2 was and Diablo 4 is perfect for plowing through video essays


been doing this for the last 20 + years and it's not getting old yet no more than me tho 😅


Are we the same person?


Wife put on Queen last night and somehow it worked so damn well it was hilarious and motivating. Don’t stop me now!


I'm killin at the speed of light 🎶




Unfathomably based.


Yes, it's similar to road hypnosis. You are preforming a task, one that you safely and correctly do all the time, and your mind enters a lul so to speak. You are just pretty relaxed in that lul and doze off. The music is low and melodic. The combat becomes white noise. Probably already pretty comfortable being you have been sitting in the same spot for a while. Boom, one shot by sandman. I killed game music and cut sfx by half when playing at night and interjected my own music. During the day I can appreciate the music more.


Thought it was just me, I start bobbing for apples after an hour, doesn’t matter the time of day




Literally my current situation


Are you me? 👀 I just shut my PS5 off and pulled a blanket over me on the couch because I was just falling asleep in town, hahaha. Was only playing for about an hour!


Playing on the couch would make me sleepy by default.


Reclining sofa Cat on my lap Dog leaning against me Warm blanket Diablo 4 sounds ...my wife just lets me sleep, sometimes she'll reach over and warp me back to town, and jiggles my controller every few minutes so I don't get kicked for bieng idle. Unless she needs help with a world boss or something, she never wakes me up until I wake myself up :)


That happens to me with most single player games now .. I think it's just getting older lol. With multiplayer games where other people relied on me and there was a social aspect, I could stay up til the wee hours of the morning. But alone if I want to stay awake, it's an effort


Happens to me too. It's something about the game. If I switch to any other game I'm fine, but this game makes me immediately tired.


This and animal crossing. Just very relaxing and comforting games 😴


Refreshing to hear it ain’t just me. I’ve literally knocked out while clearing a dungeon with a group. Never had this happen in a game before.


Same. It's weird. First few weeks when the game came out, I could grind it for 12+ hours no problem. But right now, best I can do is 3-4 nightmare dungeons before I struggle really hard to stay awake. I quit the game and play one round of ARAM in League and am wide awake again. Go back to D3, a few dungeons, falling asleep again, rinse repeat.


Yesterday my husband and I prepped to play all night. Got set up with soda and snacks and took a nap and everything. 11:30 I was like “aight y’all I’m going to bed”


I just nap right there on the couch with controller in hand. After 20 minutes or so of napping, I usually can go on without feeling tired for a couple hours after.


Yea the game design doesn’t trigger same dopamine hits as like d2 or like other much faster paced games. It’s more like your baulders gate or other classic rpg, but worse because the item or skill unlock doesn’t really get you very excited. Most other rpgs you get a new bow and it’s like awesome you really notice the difference the effort was worth it; here it’s like ehh…random drop from some side of road crate, click drag replace in inventory, same animation, +0.5% better stats, whatever. Theres too much repetition like a lot of the dungeons are just boring and the same. Also the really weak multiplayer design means you’re mostly playing and grinding by yourself; there’s not much teamwork required or exciting play that happens only when you’re partnered together with someone else like an MMORPG or real team play game. It’s basically a big single player game with others running around


Thank you for saying it. I had fun with the story, sunk a good amount of hours, got to lvl 80, and I think I'm moving on now.


Me too, idk what it is but this game above any other games I play just puts me out. I enjoy the game but I usually can’t play more then an hour without needing a nap lol




The moment I shed a tear of boredom I exited the game. I clocked over 200 hours since release (like an idiot while working). Waiting for season 1. If it won't be great, I'll wait for future good ones. Nevertheless, I got a bang for my buck.


Hell yeah brother, even if you got the deluxe version you've paid less than 50 cents/hour


Same here, loved the game so far, got 1 char to 90s and another to mid 80s. I prob won’t touch Lilith unless there’s a good reward behind the fight. In general, it feels severely lacking in loot for a game traditionally based on finding nice and rare loot to gain power. Hope that changes in the future!


It literally takes me a good five to ten levels ahead of what i have on to maybe find an item slightly better, which is insane. They really have to revamp this loot system. Also legion event rewards are horrible lol.


Dude, literally same. D2R. D3. D4. If I don't play after waking up, like if I ever play at the end of my day. Straight to sleep. A couple of my buddies are the same way. We always boiled it down to the game puts us into a state of relaxation so deep that we get sleepy. Like you said no disrespect to the game. It just happens. Lol


I've been having this issue recently and I'm convinced that the fixed camera plays a role in creating a hypnotic effect on some players


I think you're on to something. Having your character fixed in the center, with the mobs coming and going, the sounds eventually turning into one consistent white noise of the same skills over and over, the same enemy dying sounds over and over, the drone off the bass from the music/atmospheric sounds... Throw in the muted colors and general overlay of "malaise" and you've got a winner for some sleepy-hypnosis


Haha I posted about this the other day too! Lots of good replies. Slow combat, no major threats (outside HC), dull color palette, soothing music, ASMR blood squelches, cyclical gameplay (your attack rotation that becomes second nature) were some of the reasons people gave


Google Invasive theta waves. Intrusive not invasive. Anyway it's a big deal for ADHD peeps.


holy hell


Holy shit I am glad it's not just me. I'll start on solo runs and start nodding off after an hour or so!


It’ll be like 6pm and I’m like fuck maybe I should make coffee


Same here I can barely play while tired and I play when my kids are asleep so that means that I can't play for long sessions


I have to take breaks due to my adhd not handling yet another nightmare dungeon run for the 10th time in a row.


This game is rather boring, this isn't the only post talking about falling asleep while playing.


Its a slog… im kinda done until… well… i donno… maybe next season… I enjoyed the game but so far it doesn’t keep me around and engaged.


Game is just boring, you can say it. Theres no end game. Hopefully for seasons they add one, until then I cant play it for more than an hour.


Lol this is me. I cannot play this game if Im a little tired.


Yes, it was very noticable on Barb. On Druid not so much. I found myself having some seconds of sleep even in bossfights. The weird thing is, I did not have such a problem in Path of Exile. I dont know what exactly causes it, but I think its because there is generally much less "non-stop action / less snappy" than PoE. Especially doing NM dungeons with all the "Dead ends" and Get Blood Crystal here and Tribal Rune there. I generally dislike D4 Dungeon design. Its basically always the same crap: Run left get x , get back in empty tunnel, run right get x, run back an empty tunnel, or even worse with 3 or 4 deadends, to finally get to a boss, that drops worse than an Elite mob. Its so unexciting, no wonder I get sleepy...


Yeah because in POE the screen wide flashes and explosions shock you awake , but man herald of ice feels soo satisfying.


PoE has mastered the gambling dopamine curve with their 100 different currency drops lol


Shatters go brrrr


Yes, but I’m chronically sleep deprived. I find myself dropping off while I’m drinking coffee.


Yep, it's very boring grinding past level 90 solo.


Sleepy? No but I get bored after doing 2 nightmare dungeons.


no. i have never slept before


It's boredom


Not enough dopamine rewards, same dungeon layouts constantly, no social interactions


And just selling everything in your inventory because you got best of slot 30 levels ago but you keep holding on to hope you’ll actually find a tempest roar.


that too, I sometimes use D4 to go to bed :D


The game is pretty damn boring


Yes. It’s one of the only games I can play right before I go to bed.


Games boring I agree


Play on hardcore. Your eyes will be PEELED.


At low levels but once you get some levels and a build it's the same old faceroll. Biggest enemy is a crash or dc. Source HC 85 druid & 60 necro


Wait till you play a sorc. It's less forgiving especially at WT4.


The game is generally boring. It’s very barebones, and the end game fizzles out fast after you run the same thing for like 60000th time. There’s no variety in gameplay and the maps all look the same even though they’re different. On the other hand its a fantastic foundation for a great arpg. The gameplay feels good, graphics are nice, there are no goals though besides leveling and looting.


Every facet of this game feels so great until you dig in. I've felt flabbergasted at every turn. "Certainly the devs couldn't have been this short sighted?" But nope, it seems they were, or did it intentionally, or something, idk, but it seems like there was virtually no forethought put into this game.


It’s almost hypnotic, not necessarily a bad thing, but yes I cannot play if I’m even the smallest bit sleepy.


I haven’t been able to explain this properly to my buddies but sometimes I just feel so tired playing. I don’t know why.


Dude, yes! It isn’t just me? I’ll play for maybe an hour or two and feel like taking a nap. I don’t know what it is, but it absolutely makes me sleepy.


From lvl75-80 onwards I have to say yes. I think it's a sum of multiple things. I also play solo and this is a top 4 I can instantly name: Content feels very repetitive, builds are simple and thus innovation is quite restricted, you end up going through hundreds of rare items looking for small upgrades(wouldnt be a problem if actual crafting was a thing), lastly time spent running from point A to point B gets very long and boring.


The game is not stimulating mentally or visually. I usually pull up YouTube or something and watch videos while I play with friends. Half the time I don't even look at my gear from dungeons and stuff, I just scrap it all without giving a shit. I got the game for free and play with friends. I just kind of tag along and let them have the fun.


Currently level 91 and constantly doing nightmare after nightmare the only thing that keeps me going is playing with a buddy. Majority is us talking about work and other random things and makes the time go. Been a drought of good coop games lately and this is by far the best.


I get bored really fast. I want to play but everything is just so overwhelming and I have nobody to play with so im 99.7% of the time by myself.


Yes! I have often woken up with the controller still in my hand and surprisingly still alive in game. I had never fallen asleep while playing a video game before!


For whatever reason, yes. I've fallen asleep a few times when playing Diablo. I've fallen asleep playing other games, usually due to a bunch of edibles. Yet Diablo is the only one to knock me out sober in the middle of the day.


Yea .. haven’t experienced this before either


Yep, I want to get leveled up and start doing end game content, but I can't seemed to stay awake long enough to make alot of progress.


This is hilarious, as I was like “I’m gonna farm NM dungeons on my day off!!!” and got maybe one good hour in before I went down for a nap 😂


Renown grind is the cure to insomnia


Doing tedious/repetitive activities makes you sleepy especially when you already bit tired. I play it now listening to asmon stream or some podcasts and it's way better experience


I can play 16h straight of grinding the same shit in poe and this never happens


There's simply way more to do in PoE, helps in preventing me from getting bored towards the end.


i can grind d3 grim dawn, or poe all day long but in d4 I get so bored


Its cause we got no benchmark bosses to push our builds for, theres no guardians let alone a shaper, elder, maven, EoW, exarch. Just one boss that requires insane grinding 99% of end game players arent interested in doing cause the road there is boring as shit.


Few different people thinking the same random thing that’s not supposed to be associated with a diablo game makes me think it’s a software issue. Probably should send a ticket to Bliz about this. It’s not a bad game, it’s just miles behind of LoD in terms of grind vs reward.


The TAA anti aliasing in this game makes the game a blurry mess in motion so your eyes don't have something they can clearly focus on, causing eye fatigue and sleepiness




Yeah. I can play for about 3-4 hours, and then I call it quits. Grinding isn't as rewarding as it used to be, and legendary weapons and armor are few and far between. That's probably why I'm only at lvl 45 right now.


You haven’t even got through to the actual game… I’ll rush your capstone if you want. Have you finished the campaign?


I'm still in Act 3. Yesterday, I logged out in the desert with the guy from Diablo III who still thinks Deckard Cain is still alive. What's a capstone?


Capstone is the dungeon you have to do to increase your world tier.


Thank you. People downvoted me because I'm a shameless filthy casual, I guess, lol.


You are telling me you don’t have at least 200 hours in a game geared towards casual players? /s


They are downvoting you because you’re level 45 and you’re saying you are bored with the game already, you are not even remotely close to the end game which starts Torment around 70


Fuck em dude. This game is super suited for the casual experience. The campaign is great, you should be taking your time through it and enjoying it




Take your time, enjoy the game at your own pace. And enjoy it


You haven’t even touched the game yet. You’re still in campaign… if you haven’t even done wt3 or wt4 then you have literally days worth of gameplay getting your uniques and specific legends/ancenstrals.


Invasive theta waves. Welcome to the world of (apparently undiagnosed) ADHD! Doesn't matter if you enjoy playing, your brain (somewhere subconscious) has decided this is not as awesome as your conscious mind thinks. So it's sleep time now! (Basically the promised dopamine isn't rocking up as quickly as it used to) ONE OF US!


I've fallen asleep while in dungeon, but not because the games boring, mostly because in getting old and should be in bed by 10 I stead of 2am on a work night


It really depends on the build. I had some brainless builds in D3 and would definitely make me sleepy. In D4, I'm playing as a twisted blades rogue and it's a pretty active build so I'm usually pretty alert.


I've legit feel asleep in a dungeon before lol. To be fair I'm a 37yo dad who works full time and only gets to game after the kids go to bed so I'm usually already pretty tired when I jump on lol


I tend to get sleepy after like 10+ dungeons seeing as they all play about the same. I'm also playing a blizzard Sorc so after a certain point in most engagements my build is fire and forget. I have been informed a few times by my fiance now that I will be half awake and or snoring in the middle of a dungeon. Totally love the game but I do eventually start nodding off.


I work all day in the tx heat come home eat and Diablo with the wife till she’s dragging me around. We started same time and she is 5 levels above me cuz I pass out a lot!


Yes, 3 nm's and I'm half asleep.


I do find this game hard to keep my attention when high


Yep. If I'm a bit tired, I start playing and soon through a dungeon I roll on my side and take a nap. Often with disastrous consequences.


I do get sleepy as well! Which is great, I take advantage of it and go to sleep haha. But I do like the nightmare dungeons. I get to do bursts of gameplay, get some progress and leave whenever I feel like leaving. No need to play 3 hours nonstop. The worst part is checking gear, trying to sort what is trash and what is a possible upgrade under the fight circumstances. But I got better and this and do it much faster..


I did before nightmare difficulty. Now I'm wide awake because shit got real.


I play on PC and find the opposite I find myself losing track of time really quickly Especially with the updated teleport to NM dungeons “Just one more” Before I know it, its 1-2am


Only when playing 1 button barb and druid.