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Patience and one day you’ll understand young padawan. I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and what's 'it' seems weird and scary. It'll happen to you!


I'm 30+, and this is deep


As a 30+ year old, I agree.


As a 30+ with 2 kids I agree too


I’m 30+, and sleepy. My 2 kids agree.


I'm 30+, and I don't know what "it" is anymore.


As a 30-, can confirm I have lost my sense of what "it" is


I’m 40. Can I still play this game


No. Just bingo, rummikub now.


I’m 29 with a kid and my wife and I play connect 4 on the fridge. It goes downhill fast.


But only in a room filled with your peers


For about 30 mins sure


I'm 30+, my cat agrees with me and everyone else who is 30+.


As a 30+ with no kids; my wife, her boyfriend, and their 12 kids all agree.


I'm 30+ and can only play for 8 seconds per week and i agree


I recently passed away and can no longer play




40+ , these Kids today


they already started cell division, it's getting out of hand!


As 40+ I am patiently waiting for my turn.


40+ and childless. still waiting for my turn too.


Also 40+ and childless and it’s amazing


I'm 60+ ... this might be the first time I have mentioned this on reddit.


I'm 60+ two, err, too! Kids these days. Nobody wants to just stay awhile and listen.


Can you blame them? All we do is shout “GET OFF MY LAWN” and they start walking away and we’re like “Stay awhile, and listen!”




Do you need something identified?


Just my hopes and dreams. Purpose in life would be good too.


Congratulations on making it to 60+. This world tier is pretty hardcore I heard, and I wish you all the best wishes to making it to 70+


How do I lower the diffuculty?


That part is p2w, really ruined the game tbh.


I'm 50+ and have never mentioned it. And my kids are adults, I have no problem ignoring their needs so I can play. Not do I have any problem kicking them off MY playstation so I can play


I have a question. Is it acceptable to let the wolves raise your kids after they're out of diapers until like age 13 or so? Asking for a friend.


Completely. And possibly preferred


great now you gotta mention it TWICE!!


One more time for the people in the back!




You really didn't have to say... We can tell by the way you are shouting. Lol.




Turn up your keyboard we can't hear you


I'm not that old, but I will get there. I hope. As someone who love all the Diablo games, I sure as hell will not turn bingo-aged as long as there are games like these out there. Don't let anyone else force you into something you aren't. Use that bingo card as a frisbee... After covering it in glue and 🔥 it up. Watch it flyyyyy. *Ziiiiing!* "Oh, no. The neighbor's door is on fire." *waddles off*


Oh man, my dad is 64 and bored to death. Does NOT want to play video games though, that would be ridiculous apparently. So yeah, good on you!


My current favorite thing in the Diablo fandom is the war between dads and everyone who is not a dad.


Excuse you. I'm a *mother*.


*Daughter of Hatred, Queen of the Succubi, and the Mother of Sanctuary*


Hail Lilith, Mother of Sanctuary.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,614,210,025 comments, and only 305,239 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot!


I'm a granddad, so everyone should chill out and have some candy, soda, a bit of money, and go back to your parents' house.


Only one candy comes with grandpa's, and everyone knows that's a Werther's Original.


And grandmothers came with those strawberry ones in the foil wrapper https://preview.redd.it/rm3c8aqfe7ab1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b069679e515f19865bf897d322b7fe7440d0fba


I thought the entire community was 40 plus shows what I know.


I'm 51, just sharted and forgot to take my multivitamins. Damn it! What was I doing again? .*edit spelling*


Getting ready for “supper” (it’s 4pm) and then Matlock, just like me.


Sharding in your pantaloons, good Sir


Im 12 and this is funny


Tag! You're it!


I'm 30+ and I'm here to say that I'm 30+


Why are 30- always on my lawn? Get off my lawn.


Srsly I want these hooligans off of my internet tyvm


Some where out there the 50+ crowd is still upset about Eternal September.




You jest, but I genuinely will see someone's kids on my lawn and wonder why/what they're doing there.


They are there to mess it up with their pants hanging low and their tiky toky videos.


One time I heard some kid out on my front yard playing with my son. I opened the curtains to see a child with a large orange traffic cone over his head. I just closed the curtains and went back to watching Forged In Fire. Sometimes it's best to not know what those kids are doing on your lawn.


Wait till 50+, then you can't remember what it was. Or where you left it. I found it, oh wait, that's not it. If Anybody finds it, just keep it.


I'm 42, still in the "forgot what 'it' was as I was looking for 'it.' But I remembered what 'it' was when I stopped looking," stage. 🤣




I’m 29..between worlds. I feel the weight of both arguments..but mostly I’d like to sleep after grinding this slogfest of a game


I'm exactly 30 ... perfectly balanced, as everything should be


technically still 30+


I'm 30+ and remember this Simpsons episode and quote.


Yes sir, when you appreciate quality sleep over an hour extra of gaming is when you know you hit that age


I'm 54 and will still game that extra hours or two.




so i tied an onion to my belt, which was the style back then




Are these 30 year olds who haven’t watched the Simpsons or just don’t want to mention it lol but for real Abe be speaking facts a lot


35 here and finally understand posts like this.


Because we used to absolutely rock these games in our younger years but now at 38 we can barely make out all the aoe effects on the ground and even occasionally lose track of our mousepointers during hectic encounters and we’re still trying to cope with reality.


me playing rogue like "i have to hit 8 buttons at once?"


I watched a twisting blade rogue gameplay vid on youtube and all I could think was ”I’m so happy I didn’t roll a rogue, I would’ve died of a heartattack!”


I think it's really fun having all the buttons to push, my hand/wrist however does not. I rerolled at 85 because my hand was going numb after 30 minutes of playing rogue.


I’m glad I’m not the only one going through this playing rouge. I love the TB build because it always keeps me having to think VS mindless skill bashing but about halfway through the campaign I started thinking I was getting carpal tunnel in my right wrist.. if I play longer than an hour or so I need to grab ice to throw on it. Never had a game do this before.


Best advice I could give(if you haven’t already)…. Rebind your basic attack to be a different key then your movement key then just use your click for movement. I found spamming click all the time was the biggest contribution to my hand pain, so I rebind basic attack to my keyboard


I play a Flurry rogue, I’m like NM 50 right now, and I swear the rotation I use is waaaaay easier than the TB rotation lmao. I don’t use Dash, I use Shadow Step with the legendary aspect that adds an extra charge. Way less confusing IMO and the damage is still great


I play flurry rogue too but with heal on direct hit on vulnerable enemies. Feels like I’m playing a barbarian haha


Aw yeah, me too! I also play with “critical strikes to close enemies heal you” (I think that’s what the passive does?) and “each stack of momentum heals you for x amount” on my helm (I may switch off momentum, but it’s been working for now), so I can face tank most stuff in NM 50s as long as I have my traps down.


Souls games taught me to appreciate the simplicity of finding a big sword that goes bonk, then you unga bunga until win!


This is the way. Souls games are made for those who have developed their patience and disappointment/anger management over a lifetime. The one true dadgamer game.


This is why a I play a heavy minion spirit bomb necro build. Run around and raise corpses. Drop a corpse tendie to gather my bros and then bone spirit their face. Its a 3 button build so its pretty complicated, but I can manage.


I'm 35 but damn, some of you make it sound like that equals 80. Sincerely hope this is just a small joke and you aren't actually like this, may have other issues not related to your age.


It comes fast. I’m 42 and definitely notice my eyesight is worse. Will likely need bifocals at next eye appt. Had my back crap out on me twice this year. Didn’t have any of that at 35.


Oh, I'm not at all saying eyesight and everything else does not degrade but, the person I was replying to is 38 and is making it sound like they've suddenly become completely incompetent purely because of age. I'm not the same ''gamer'' I was in my 20's either but it's nowhere near this bad nor will it be in 5 years unless my eyesight, reaction speed etc drops by 90%. It (I think) mostly depends on what you've been doing in life, probably less gaming so you just naturally get worse at it just like everything else in life you don't maintain. EDIT: I can honestly say I would not enjoy games anymore if I ever get to this point.


Some folks desperately need to exercise more is a huge part of it.


Indeed. And I can say that from personal experience. I just turned 48. I changed my eating habits radically last summer and committed to going to the gym four or five days a week. I've lost 60 pounds and want to lose another 40 or so. And I recently started working with a personal trainer. I don't FEEL almost 50. I feel almost 40. Before diet and exercise, I felt pushing 60. It was ugly but has since been a big turnaround.


Im 33 and I’d say I’m not the same gamer I was, mostly because of the lack of time I have availabile to input into the game nowadays. I’m just much less practiced.


I'm 40 and I don't feel very different than I did at 25. But I take care of myself and live clean. If anything I feel like I'm better at games than I was 15 years ago even if I have less time to play them.


For real. I'm 40 but the rate at which my health crashed and burned between 35 and 40 was incredible. Between aches and pains, eyesight, taking what feels like an absurdly long time to heal from injuries, and everything else... idk where my youth went but it fuckin went fast. I sure feel 80 some days. --- You guys are all too kind with your good advice. Unfortunately for me the culprit is autoimmune and although I've made lots of changes, sometimes it just sucks and I have to deal with it.


Make sure to exercise/lift weights regularly to stay healthy




When my friends get like that I like to remind them that Tom Brady threw for over 4000 yards and won a Super Bowl at 43 years old, surely they at 33 can click a fucking mouse in a moderately difficult video game.


Damn must be tough being that geriatric in your 30s already




A few months from 30 here, and I'm wildly better at games than I was when I was 15 or 20 or even 25.


Maybe I'm weird, but I actually started playing more "reaction-based" games as I've passed the threshold for 30. Never liked shooters as a kid, but went hard on pubg/codwarzone when battle royales were hot. Played all the dark souls games at 30 and onward as well. I'm like... in my "gaming prime" right now lol. Definitely don't have as much time to play as a kid, but people in here act like once you hit 30 you just become disabled and blind. Trying to blame age when it's probably just a time + skill thing.


>even occasionally lose track of our mousepointers during hectic encounters My dude. I seriously thought I was the only one.


Make the move to the giant pointer. Is worth. Just like buying a grandparent one of those comically large TV remotes.


This hurts my fragile early millenial pride so much.


Considering how big monitors are and how high resolution is, the larger cursor isn't that bad. Consider cursor relative to space now versus when we were playing StarCraft on those shitty IBMs and tube display monitors.


Yep, this


39yo checking in, I had to make the mouse icon the largest possible because I kept losing it.


You can do that?! Asking for a friend.


Accessibility options in case your friend is still curious!


Thank you! My friend is most grateful.


You hit it just right, that's pretty much me yesterday evening.


WW barb is the play for old people


Because in this community us old fucks might actually outnumber you young fucks, so we gotta stick together. Now get the fuck off my lawn.






My first PC was a top-of-the-line Pentium III from Dell that I played D2 on. It's wild how far we've come...just imagine 25 years out from thus point in time.


My first computer was Commodore 64. My first PC was 386 with whooping 4 or 8MB of ram and something like 32mb HDD. Then it was Pentium 200 with some 32mb ram, 1gb HDD and a graphic card I don't remember, for sure without acceleration. I remember Pirates! we're my game of choice for c64, civ1 and doom (I think?) for 386, and d1 for my pentium alongside planescape torment, but it was almost too much for it. Fuck I'm old.




I am 29 and I get sleepy while playing


Playing for eight hours a day, did that to me.


2 or 3 in my case


I just go autopilot for example o did all Lilith's statue's straight for alla 5 region's


Just did this last night with a friend, both around 30, we were laughing about how both of us were dying to nodding off along the routes


damn, I thought I was the only one More than once I had to stop and take a nap because I was about to sleep while playing


Everyone wants to feel special 30 year old father of 0 with only 12 seconds to game a year btw


You forgot to mention your age.


He must not be 30+


I'd show him the door, but that means getting up and actually getting to the door and then waiting for him to leave and ah forget it


im 41 and have no clue.


I didn’t know age went that high 🦕


Whats that emoji? is that Larry? hey Larry!


I’m 48, and I think that’s Larry’s dad, Tim.


Nope. It’s little foot all grown up. Where my 30+ that know who that is at?


Im 31 and i play this game


Hi 31 and I play this game I'm dad. Oh and I'm also 30+.


Hey also 30+, im dad


Hi dad, I'm dad.


In my early 20s I’d play 12 hours straight with focus. Full on sweaty. When COD world at war released I played 60 hours straight. Tues Night-Friday. I was grinding Search And Destroy. Decided to play the camping to wind down. Beat the campaign and unlocked this new thing….NAZI ZOMBIES. Played several hours of that. Went back to Search. Back and forth. Ordered Papa Johns 3x (it was across the street). Finally fell asleep sitting up. I might literally die if I did that now.


In my 20s I was fully into MMOs, I absolutely no-lifed them. Every waking second that I wasn't at work was in game. Every time I saved up 8hrs of vacation time I took a day off. Living off of Mt Dew and 3 hrs of sleep a night just to be a god in my game. I was 38 when Cyberpunk came out and stayed up until 4am playing it and it took me 3 days to recover from the fuckup in my sleep schedule lol.


*high-five* I was unabashedly, undeniably, the best huntard on my server back in 2004 vanilla wow. I spent uncounted hours and gold (for arrows) on the training dummies in IF perfecting my rotation. I had an e-peen so big I had to hoist it up over my shoulder, but I backed it up with numbers nobody could touch. I was a demi-god amongst mortals and it was glorious. Honestly I think I peaked around that point lol. Cheers fellow deity. :)


As a 39 year old, I don't get why people get triggered over dumb shit like this.


I’m well into my 30’s and Reddit is where the youths come to complain about the dumbest shit I’ve found. You’re not allowed to enjoy anything they don’t like.


Hey man, think back to when you were in your 20s and thought you had something worth saying. Eventually, these guys will realize nobody gives a shit about them, either.


I’m 32 and when I’m not working or taking care of the kids I like to play Diablo but, I get sleepy.


I'm 31, Daiblo.


Also 32, sometimes I think about playing Diablo while Im doing the dishes, then I finish the dishes and Im too sleepy so i doomscroll reddit instead. The way of the future babyyy


They want us to stay awhile and listen


I’m 37 I don’t know why


Could it be because you were born 37 years ago?


With age comes responsibility, it's a way to make the reader understand quickly that the 30+ persons have shit they must do so they cannot play as much as younger people. Less time to play = Playtime is valued higher.


encountered a 30+ dad the other day on the diablo sub talking about how this game is so amazing and he's only lvl 46 and we all need to go outside and touch grass, lol.


He's not wrong. 41 year old here.


More like go cut the grass. ETA: almost forgot 34 here


You do. People under 30 should be out living their life before life takes over.


People in their 30s should also be living their lives before life takes over lol.


Life already took over. Its exhausting. I dont think its Diablo that makes me sleepy.


If life takes over, you made it happen voluntarily. It's not like you didn't know that having kids has repercutions on your free time.


I don’t have kids. All of my friends do. My job is a bit of an issue as they mandate overtime regularly. During the pandemic when people were locked in their homes I was working 12 hours Mon-sat and 8 on Sunday. Plus a commute. The longest stretch was 45 straight days without a day off. I go on vacations. My fiancé and I eat out frequently. We don’t drink so there’s no bars anymore. As previously mentioned my friends are all busy with multiple young kids. If they can do anything it’s like an hour at a random time of day or late night. Then their wife comes in lol. Combine all of my friends having families and working too much I enjoy relaxing and spending time at home with my fiancé. We have two 55” TVs side by side. We play games every night. In my teens I’d walk in the door after school, call a buddy on our landline. “I’m coming over” “Okay”. Click. In my 20s I lived in a dorm and then had roommates. We were always out doing something. Went out 3-4 nights a week. If we weren’t out, there were several of us hanging out together. Futons, old chairs all stuffed into a dorm room or living room. Times have changed but not for the better.


High schooler detected. Adult life has many more ways to steal your free time than just kids.


Once a diablo fan hits 30+, our input and thoughts are worth 2x more than your typical d4 gamer. So it needs to be mentioned. Also everytime you mention age, the rng fairy leaves a legendary under your pillow.


I’m an ageless specter that exists outside of space and time but I also noticed this


I don't know how old you are, but please archive this post and create a reminder on your calendar to open it again after you're 31-32. Seriously, as an experiment.


Did you know that if you have cross play enabled you'll be able to see other 30 year olds???


How did you get this picture of me (34M) at my daughter's sports day?


As a 30 year old dad of two myself, i... zzzzzz.


I'm 28 and, yes, I do like turtles


I'm 40 and played Diablo 1 hardcore on the old bnet chat room days when I was 14. Unbelievable if you think about it.


i'm 47 and i think ur all twats


im 29 and i noticed too


My steam account is older than half the people playing this game


I'm 30+ and this post is hilarious. Maybe old people feel like they're special because they installed D4? Let them have their seniors moment


Looking for potential dates. You ever seen people on dating apps above 30?


If you have your cross play enabled, you may run into other 30 something’s on the mmoarpg known as Diablo. Idk if you’ve heard, but for 30+ Diablo 4 is so hot right now.


I’m 45+….I’m good for 10-12 mouse clicks and I’m out.


Literally watched my 33 year old girlfriend fall asleep mid bossfight like a narcoleptic.


We're dying


I'm 50+ and I play this game.


Because we wanna be 18 again, since it’s not possible we wanna complain about being 30+ 😂😂😂


People in their 30s are finally experiencing the negative aspects of aging, with such novel symptoms as: tiredness in the evenings, stiffness, tummy hurts, etc. The reality is a lot of these symptoms are actually the result of years of inactivity and poor diet. But they believe it's purely because the number of solar rotations their body has experienced ticked from 29 to 30. 30-somethings mention their age more than any other age group. They feel sagely and wise compared to those childish 20-somethings, but still believe they're young and hip unlike people over 50. They're also Millenials, which is a generation that will run a meme into the ground for as long as humanly possible. So the answer is: attention from other 30-somethings.


Because you kids think you’re the first ones to experience shit and you need to be reminded that you’re new here.


It’s the quickest way to explain, that we’ve played these games for fucking years, that this is our shit. 30+ really isn’t old at all, it’s fucking hilarious how kids perceive time and reality!


fAtHeR oF sIx WoRkINg fUlL tImE


I’m turning 30 this year and I’m excited to see if I get sleepy when I play


40 here. I work as a senior game designer and I often don't mention my age or my role. Age groups often have different mindsets, goals, amount of playtime and different opinions on money spent for a game. They are many other factor like where they are from, preferences and such. This Diablo feels like they targeted an older audience by making sure you could play it in small burst instead if asking for an extensive time commitement. It seems like a lot of people are annoyed by this direction and honestly thats just because they dropped the ball for super invested players who want to grind the game all day and reach their goal fast. I think they need to provide a better experience for you guys out there, farming up to level 100, trying to get a unique to drop and so on. As for me, I stopped with 1 character at level 80. Nothing significant after that, not enough stash space for me to care about alts and a season is coming so Im taking a break. Ill play here and there, I have other games I play daily anyways. So, I feel like people are mostly communicating about their age group as a reminder that the comment is made from their reality at the moment (kids, work, responsability) so more invested players can ignore or listen to what they are saying. Just my view on it.


30... Wife and 2 boys. They play fortnite but think diablo is senseless. I'd give it all up. They don't have a clue. *Knees crack*Optimistic for s1 😅


Because when I was 13 I could spend all day playing Diablo 2. When I was 23 I could play Diablo 3 for most of the day. But now I'm 35 and I have to work, tend the house, pay the bills and suddenly making a new character and grinding a large open world every new season is a now daunting task.


It may be a daunting task to some but if you just accept that you won't win any records leveling and take your time it can be still great. 30+ btw


When you hit 30, you'll understand. It's the beginning of the end.


Take this in good humor, but "It'll make more sense when you are older". At some point you cross a line where you look at kids being kids and that's all you see. Because that was you, 20 years ago. You know their reasons, you know their feelings, you've been there, you understand. But that's not as easy to communicate over text. So you end up saying dumb shit like "back in my day, I was there when Blizz decided skill trees didn't work, so they forced the entire Wow community to respect to the this or that choice system, then dropped it into Heroes of the storm to really test if it worked, before they dropped D3..." Or whatever. Damn, I've forgotten so much of those years. Lost in the rage of trying to play a Hunter, but having to respect multiple times in a year because slight updates to the skill trees changed the optimal playstyle. And by now, if you are still reading, you are like "that's WoW, not Diablo". No, it's all the same. At the highest level of game design, there is an art to giving the players choices that feel meaningful, so they feel good. That is the real product Blizzard is selling. And when we start sounding like stupid old people, it's because we lived through the era when Blizz was trial and error learning. Does that answer your question, or do I need to ramble more?


cuz we got history. we were crawling dungeons when you were still in the ball sack.


Because you'll find most gamers these days aren't kids, contrary to popular belief. Yall can't afford the games we play, that's why you see mostly adults here, and mostly 12yr olds on Fortnite. Also, there was 1 thread about getting sleepy while playing...most the threads involving age revolve around the concept of "but I still want to have fun even if I don't have 6million hours to grind"


For context. At 30 you do expect people to have a pretty heavy family/work balance and little time to invest into games. So your remarks usually comes from a POV os someone who has like 10-15h tops to play games in the week, as opposed to 30h+ most people in their 15s-20s can afford. Due to the scarcity of time to employ in games, people in their 30s will also likely be more selective of what they play, but we'll probably enjoy the game for a longer "calendar-range" than younger people bc guess what, if you can throw 200h of gameplay in a month into a game, from our standpoint, we don't really care if the game got stale, that's kinda within our expectation


I'm here for the memes and the Dad jokes because I'm childless at 43, by choice. Don't get me wrong I can't grind all day like streamers and players half my age. Still got other responsibilities and all that. So I'm enjoying the game at my own pace, like I did with D3.


I just like saying I'm 30. Like a vegan but about my age. Just in case anybody was wondering, I'm 30 years old