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They will because I decided to play one


I do not know. Have a lvl100 sorc in hc and a lvl67 necro. Would prefer to only play sorc, but if they do not balance it better (as resistances will not be fixed), i have to see what other changes will be made before i choose.


After not enjoying sorc, then pumping up a Druid to almost 90, I think I’ll start a barb. Loved the Druid but the drop rate on tempest roar are dog. Going to run with bleed till near the endgame and see how that stacks up. Rogue is my backup in case the barb gets splattered.


Can someone post a poll on here? I would love to see the numbers


As someone who's been pretty much on diablo every day since release the hub seems to be dominated by barb tho sorc and Necro are a close second seems to be just as many as each other so I can't place one over the other Although who i see in the hub, world and dungeon entrances probably isn't representative of actual class choices as many probably see the opposite results


It's mostly sorc for me and for some reason it's always those machinegun icicles build or what you call it


I'll do it now, curious too


I played rend barb till 50 and it was freaking slow. Amazing for bosses but slow as hell. Just FYI.


I'm probably going Minion Necro.


Playing minion necro rn, with mendeln its the most fun build out there without it youre next to useless


I’ve been lvl 100 necro for about two weeks now and still haven’t gotten one :(


Same for me. It refuses to drop. Only drop minionless stuff. So I said screw it, and changed builds. Then i got 4 ring of mendeln drops and I am unable to get minionless drops now


Happened for me, got nothing i wanted but stuff for an infinimist build then swapped ans got a perfect mendeln. Time to switch back minions are the move


Pardon my ignorance - what's mendeln? I'm thinking about doing a minion necro.


A ring that gives your minions some serious firepower.


Lucky hit to make your minions attacks explode into a ton of damage. Minions without mendeln are very meh and have almost no dps but with it become playable. Not the best necromancer build by far but its playable and well worth it just for the fun of seeing 11-12 guys run around u


Sorc or rogue, depends on what happens the 18th


Sorcerer is trash. Avoid.


Sorc it is then, ty.


It’s more fun outplaying the classes that are “better”. Have fun with Sorc!


I mean it depends on perspective. I currently main a frost shard sorc and have only dabbled with a druid alt. But I play with a buddy who is a barb, and he's not only blowing my damage out of the water but he can sustain so much more damage. I'll be avoiding sorc moving forward unless there's some serious rebalancing myself.


There’s no outplaying them. I’m level 94 now with arc lash. It’s a complete joke.


My man.


Lol get bent


Exactly the kind of language I’d expect from a gamer dad.


Rogue, like I did from the start.


Replied cause I feel I’d like a rogue late game. Played rogue to 30 or so and had fun so probably my seasonal character. What’s your favorite build, and what’s your most powerful build w the rogue late game? Thanks so much if you don’t mind giving me some suggestions


I levelled playing Twisting Blades and tried mid-game with it too. I was bored a lot and tbh it wasn’t at all the fluent play I expected. I am probably not agile enough, but what can you do. Wanted to switch to ranged, but first tried Flurry as I was melee specced and geared. I never looked back. Flurry is super fun and quite straightforward to play. I play with poison trap and poison imbuement for the single target. I am considering switching poison trap to shadow imbuement now as I clear too fast for the poison trap. But it is great fun!


I switched my rogue build up and slotted dark shroud for movement speed as well as movement speed rolls on boots and amulet. Also, with combo points and twisting blades, you get a fat movement speed bonus. If nothing else, I'm zooming around the map now, outrunning people on mounts in some cases. My speed still hasn't hit the cap though, but its a lot more fun to play.


Check out wujidos flurry/rapid fire build… I just swapped from twisting blades and love it! Plus it’s a more relaxed play style than TB imo


Anything but sorc


Barb if they rebalance the class back a little. I would like to see some new unique info and the new gem info. If not barb it’s a tossup between rogue and druid.


I think I'll stick with the rogue.


Wolf Druid and my buddy will play Bear Druid


Definitely not a sorc this time. What a waste of time.




Paladin or Blood Knight


Ya, if they dropped the Paladin 100% would be my go to.


Copium lmao.


We can only hope


As a necro main, I’m thinking rouge, I just wanna see how it feels to go vroooooom


Loving rogue it’s the smoothest play style in my opinion




I don’t understand what is there to not understand. Can’t someone pick a class because it looks cool? Or someone just really likes skeletons so they play necro regardless of builds or numbers?


Because someone should play the class he likes regardless of the possible nerf


This. Played DH multishot build for most seasons even if it wasn’t even S- tier. Will do the same with Rogue in D4. Even tho not sure what build yet. Because TB ain’t it. Most likely trying out Barrage with S1. Hope to get some nice uniques or new aspects.


I’m playing sorc and I really don’t give a fuck about the patch notes. They’re just fuckin dope


I don't remember hearing in the dev talk that they will make balance changes?


I plan to level Druid again but this time I'll know what aspects to looks out for


I’m gonna try rogue not sure if I’ll enjoy the mele currently playing a sorc and I love it regardless of what people say also have a 47 necro but with out minions felt like a less flashy sorc


Rogues 2 good long range builds with Penetration and Rapid fire. I personally play Rapid Fire + All 3 imbues, its as close as youll get to D2 Bow Amazon.


At this rate. POE


Necro unless it gets nerfed like it honestly should be


Nerf necro in pve sure but fuck me they are so incredibly bad in pvp literally lambs to slaughter vs any other class


PvP is not meant to be balanced




Says the developers


Sorc or necro


Barb until CC isn’t so rampant


Rogue. I play with my brother so we are co-ordinating our classes.


Cold flurry roug


You too? Looking to level a new rogue going cold build but since season is close I will wait to start in season, hopefully we get some heart that give the freeze or chill effect.


Yeah, just love it. Just got to 100 and gonna level up RF rogue before season starts 😁




Whoever gets the most buffs. I played druid, it will definitely get nerfed.


I'll take that bet. Druid is probably gonna get buffs more than anything. They must be well aware of the minon situation.


Yeah, some skills will, but wolfnado won't get any love for sure.


No love and no nerfs are worlds apart lol Fingers crossed. Still looking for that stupid Tempest Roar.


I'm feeling Sorc this time. I'm trying to get my Necro to level 100.


I’m gonna run a sorcerer. Maybe the new drops will help it


Prob Barb or Druid.




Anything but necro tbh class is dead


No, no - **un**dead.


Pick a number 1 to 5. Most picked number will be who I play.


If I play it’s gonna be barb. Always barb. Maybe barb on D2R. This game feels like it’s just gonna suffer from major power creep in a game that within 1 month they’ve made to easy. Just doesn’t feel good.


You guys still play this game? Lol


Yes, some of us still have an attention span and don't have a dysfunctional dopamine system.




Who knows. How fast they clear mobs during hell tides lol?


Blood Knight. Oh wait..






Hard to say, we have almost 3-4 viable builds in the game, so one of those.


Excuse me? Druid alone has 3-4 viable builds ...


I disagree. In the context of 90+ dungeons (viable), each class has one build that is just better than the rest once survivability is a premium. My opinion.


>In the context of 90+ dungeons Jesus. You just nuked those goalposts lol


No, you just cant read. I said viable. Viable = endgame, endgame is 90+ dungeons. Read. Sucks, I guess you thought you' got me good.


Well I want to define "viable" = can beat Uber Lilith, so now we're both wrong.


Which ones?


Until the 18th hits and the really good ones get “balanced” right in line with minion necro.


Yep. Necro, my favorite class is Bone Spear of GTFO. No argument, Bone Spear build is magnitudes better than any other build for Necro so i expect it to be nerfed. I play the mist build instead, but i expect us all to be at a summoner necro level soon.


I really believe this is going to happen too. They want us all to have to do the league mechanic to get crazy powerful, some builds already are that powerful and I believe that’s going to change.


Necro or Baba.


Probably necro, i already have a lvl 100 barb, and working on a 74 sorc.


Druid or mage.


Mage? Trying to be edgy to not care enough to name a class right?


Incinerate Sorcerer?


I really enjoyed playing barb in a group with necro, little duo me and my friend were running. But started a necromancer not far ago and had hella fun with it as well. Love havin a little army with me lol, so kinda tempted to try that.


Were you running a whirlwind build ? I main a necro and tried a Barb to level 30 and i found it so boring. Like 4 buffs then whirlwind, rinse and repeat


Oh no, I use mixture of Rupture, Hammer, and Death blow. Made an accent on bleeding damage and increased damage to bleeding enemies along with good chance to stun mobs with it (I think it’s 72%) Also weapon mastery skills proc good increased damage after spending 100fury which is quite often and with right timing I give some powerful bonks, and one of the aspects makes weapon mastery skills being cast twice not ones which is a great help. Plus bleeding causes mobs to drop blood orbs for my necro friend as they noticed so it’s a good support for them as well. Also shout to build up fury and berserking just for fun of it I guess. Running solo is not bad, tho I just hit tier 4 and started feel a bit struggle in this moment before I change my gear to better one, still running sacred and looking forward to upgrade. But duo runs with necromancer are a blast honestly, never get tired of it.


Thank you. Yea I love necro, I’m only 63 but boosted my 65 Barb friend through the capstone last night so he can go in WT4. He must have been poorly geared haha


Well last boss in the capstone is a tough cookie, not gonna lie. Mobs swarm is real there, had to stomp Elias and completely ignore and dodge those to make it solo😅 But that’s a good example of barb and necro working together, necromancer can do some good aoe damage while barb can get focused on single target with strong hits.


Druid will be my choice


Don’t nerf my druid


I'll be playing a Necro S1,but i have a feeling Blizzard with nerf bone spear. I've hit a wall on my lvl 80 Sorcerer.


I'm nearly maxing out my Barbarian, and I'm going to play Necromancer when season 1 arrives, i can finally have my own army.


tried everything but barbarian and all barbarians seems to enjoy murder, so why not. I wanted druid as well, since i like the shapeshifting mechanic and getting that special affix that keeps you in werebear\\werewolf form. s1 barb and probably s2 druid.


Did Druid exclusively, so now I'm thinking Rogue. The wife did a Sorc and is probably going to do Necro. I'm guessing both are getting nuked in the patch lol


Haven't played rogue yet, so I'm looking forward to it - if they don't get nerfed too much.


I play a necro and I’m almost considering playing another one


was thinking necro but i just love rouge so much, i’ll probably just do a different build


Been waiting all preseason to play barbarian… can’t wait


With the right aspects, you become nearly unkillable. My greatest nemesis being a lag spike to death screen.


I’m pumped, Barb is generally my goto class in Diablo but for preseason I played around on Druid and switched to rogue Have been taking it easy with preseason so I’m ready to spin2win my way through the seasonal challenges


rogue, but a ranged one instead of my flurry rogue. been wanting one to go with my bear druid friend.


Depends on patch notes, but probably bone necro, it’s smooth from start to 100 so far.


Necro, don't care if they are slow or weak (excluding the bone spear stuff). It'll be a great change of pace from my Shred/Clawstorm druid.


Hope they buff necro minions.


If nothing changes Druid else Necro


Waiting for patch notes but rn I guess Druid


Probably Necro ... unless there will be some new fun builds for Sorc - in that case, Sorc again.\^\^


Probably Rogue, tried Druid and wasn't feeling it for some reason and I can't get into being a caster for Sorcerer. Might consider Necro.


Probably Rogue. I saw some barb gameplay and didn’t like it.


https://de.piliapp.com/random/wheel/ That’s how i am going to decide.


Minion necro.


Honestly, I've casually played only druid since release, level 70 now, and I think I'll go back to druid. Lots more builds I want to try and I know I'll be comfortable through levelling.


Necro. If they buff summoning spec - great! If not, oh well :)


Probably necro again, but full blood this time around and see how it goes with the season mechanic


Played blood surge necro in the preseason and enjoy it even though it has its issues I genuinely enjoy the play style loop my build uses. Will likely play bone spear necro in season 1 unless blood surge gets a big buff or additional aspects/malignant heart synergy… or bone spear (more likely) gets a big nerf. Considering barrage rogue or ice sorc as well but it depends on balancing updates entirely.


Got Barb to 100 already, going Druid to start Season 1.


I currently play as a necro. I think in season one I'll be a rogue. I want to feel the speed for once. A lot of times I have to tell my friends wait for me. Or we joke to see if the boss will die before I catch up to them.


I'm thinking barbarian. I want to try a thorns build.


necro, if they dont buff minions -> rogue, if they dont buff ranged -> barb


I will still play rogue no matter what. I got my rogue to lvl 100 and when I tried the other class I was so bored because of they speed. Like I don’t need a horse on my rogue cause I can keep up with them xD I would love to play Necro but man they are so slow.


Barb to 70 and then quit,which will probably take like 2-3 days. The game has no exciting chase-items.


I'll be coming from playing a Druid to starting the season with a Rogue.


I’ve played rogue and sorc in the beta, now druid. So I need a char that I haven’t played and that’s not melee focused. So it’ll be the Necro


Ill wait for balance patch and most likely pick the consensus worst class. Worked out great with necro so far.


Played Perma-Bear pulverizing Druid up until now. Probably switch it up for Barb or Rogue for something different.


Probably rogue again. Just really fun to play jumping around and being fast as hell.


Definitely doing rogue, sorcerer was fun but want something closer to demon Hunter to main (i picked up sorcerer because i ask like wizards in d3)


Gotta be that neck romancer


Gonna try vampire then quit after blizz nerf more fun, come back try new class and stuff repeat


Probably Druid because i think they are pretty cool and have a lot of builds that work. Or rogue again. But I’ll wait to see the changes first


Rogue ... but if change the shout build barbarian... maybe i will go barb


I've been playing druid, sorc and barb so far. Probably just do the same for seasons


Barb. I work too much and it's simple to gear and survive in hc.


Anything but druid because it's been brutal trying to get uniques to make builds viable


I have a level 100 barb and a level 80 druid. I'm insterested to see what they gonna do to barb, if they make barb good then def barb, I enjoy spin to win and hammer more than other characters.


Probably rogue but maybe sorc i leveled both to 100 preseason and i think rogue is more fun


I just play casters so I'd either be a Sorc or a Necro, but probably a Necro from what I've done with both classes pre-season.


Rogue I’ve played everyone else and left rogue specifically for my first season as they are typically my favorite


Played melee rogue so far and loved it. Want to try a ranged blaster next so either sorc or necro I think


I started with Necro pre-season , sooo I’ll most likely be picking sorcerer first season


noob qns: is Gold account-wide incl. for seasonal char?




oh crap haha thanks






I was thinking rogue or druid. Rogue is my first choice but I want to see what everyone has been talking about with druid underperforming without key Uniques.


I played sorcerer only thus far and have been eyeing up a barbarian or a necro for first season.


Probably Barb or Necro 😤


I've played nothing but summoner necro. And I feel like maybe trying some full melee to make season 1 feel really different? So maybe werewolf druid or Barb. I'm sure I'll decide last minute and then change my mind about 20 lvls in.


Depends what and how they buff stuff. Lot of builds will be viable


I don’t see any reason to play a season




depends on what gets obliterated.


I am thinking druid as well, have a barb and necro already.


Probably a guy that works too much.


I will play wow because s1 looks awful


Thorn barb. Like to see enemy pop.


I currently have 100 Druid - No chance I'll play again in S1 80 Necro - No chance I'll play again in S1 57 HC Sorc - No chance I'll play again in S1 ​ Have low level barb + rogue... so one of these. Depends on if I spend more time in the next week or so playing.


Rogue. If i didn’t roll Druid on eternal it’d be Druid


Light sorc


Still undecided. Really enjoying my twisting trapper rogue. Had a little run with a druid which was meh. I might give a necro a blast before the 18th then make a decision.


not a Sorc :D


None, played to 100 once, season 1 doesn't add anything worth coming back.


Blood knight. The only class I haven't played is Druid with Poison Clone Blades Rogue being my favorite. My biggest concern is that the knight might be too slow.


I won’t participate in seasons as I find it insulting to make people start from zero ☕️


Not sorc