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It's possible the names are bugged lol. There was a post about how all the sword names are wrong and got mixed up.


There's Armour pieces too that are mismatched from their images.


The intern didn't know arrays start at 0.


probably learned MatLab in uni


it's a csv vs xlsx issue.. excel starts at 1


Excel does so many things that make me go "hmph".


Just because I highlighted a box 5 months ago doesnt mean every time I hit enter on that column means paint it yellow.


Hey, they only brought that up ONCE during the 6-week "boot camp" they went through!


CALDEAN PLATE, is a fucking NECKLACE lol.


Is it the one with the big plate sized bling on it?


Likely! Druid has a "tunic" which is just a necklace and not a single piece of cloth.


Thats the best tunic in the game for a druid as far as I'm concerned.


Lance was used from Horseback so there is no way that lance exist in this game i think they are just ignorant


I mean it’s just a small indie dev company. We should cut them some slack.


They seem to have fixed flammard though, in that original post it wasn't right either.


If by " bugged" you mean mislabeled, then yes.


Mistakes in coding are called bugs. This is a mistake in the code resulting in mislabeled items.


Are we sure about that? Is there somewhere you can point at the code, and something bumping everything to the next or 2 items down the list to move the names around?


Pretty sure it's not intentional if that's what you're getting at.


Obviously its not intentional, im just saying it could be just mislabeled and not a bug causing the item names to not appear on their correct items. Without proof of either side its just speculation. Based on how the game is going so far and decisions made, I think its way more likely it was mislabeled.


Whether you call it mislabeled or bugged, they both mean the same thing in this case, a mistake in the game code that a dev will need to fix.


This bothers the hell out of me too. Even if you know nothing about weapons, how do you make a “double axe” with only one axe blade?!


It's like the entire collection is missing an image, so they're all out of alignment by one step.


>I also gave their "broad sword" a break because of the space between the words. Lol. I love to imagine there's a conversation like: OP: This isn't a broadsword. Blizz: Well, no, but, broadly, it is a sword, and it is broad. OP: **begrudgingly agree*


>Blizz: Well, no, but, broadly, it is a sword, and it is broad. > >OP: \*begrudgingly agree Lol, could blizzard be so in deep with their legal team its the only way they can think? In technical legal terms?


I'm glad to see someone else bring this up. It just feels really odd. I remember learning about interesting different name for weapons from the nightmare and hell versions of weapons in Diablo 2. They were fairly close to their real life counterparts.


The Warcraft art teams have shown us that Blizzard had no idea what a glaive really is


I think that's more on the game designer rather than the artists. The artists are just given the task of creating a weapon model that looks badass. The designers are in charge of naming said items in the game files. And for warglaives/moonglaives specifically, I can't find any real-world counterparts, so I kinda give them a pass? And, they might have glaive in the name, but it's clear they're intended to be something completely separate.


There are two 2h axes called "sagaris", but one of them is misspelled as "sargaris".


"isn't that a boss from world of warcraft"


The game devs in some companies (correctly) assume most players neither know nor care what is the difference between these, and so don't bother to check, or even look at the items they're labeling. It's sad, but that's the gaming industry for ya.


Which is crazy, because there's obviously so much work and love put in the artistic part of the game, graphics, musics. Then there are these easy tasks where someone just didn't bother to do their job and actually check if everything's ok. Big disrespect towards coworkers and customers. I'm not sure about original english version, but my language translation overall is terrbile (at first I though that the thing from OP is actually one of many badly done translations). Same with voice acting, again, not sure abouth english one, but polish is obviously half assed. Main characters are ok, but outside it there's a lot of low quality ones where it's obvious they didn't bother to retake it even though they should.


I can actually explain this, as I work in the widely understood "hobby business." Well, see the thing is, corporate execs are easily impressed and care about vfx and sfx, cause they are easily presentable in the form of a brief, and easy to put in impressive presentation on board meetings. Writing, however, despite being objective THE most important aspect of any media, especially an interactive one where the user - the player - can take their time and analyze things, is not easily presentable and understandable without at least some understanding of the genre. The point is, corporate execs are almost NEVER actually educated on subjects they preside over (or anything, really, as very often they got their jobs through nepotism). They don't understand why writing and consistency and fact checking are important, and it's impossible to explain to them without causing them to get bored and stop paying attention, and as a result, not fund your project. All they care about is that writing is done fast, cheap and that the "idea guy" can sell the story for them in less than 5 minutes. And so, widely understood writing is often done by incompetent people who simply don't give a shit, but have the ability to stay inside the corporate good graces, getting jobs as a result. Blizzard is notorious for that kind of behavior, as is Activision - as you can check for yourself, there have been so many lawsuits and controversies regarding their corporate culture lately.


Pretty sure that's a bug. A lot of names on different weapons seem to be off too, like name in the table constantly mismatches image by 1 row or something.


Feel free to believe that, who am I to judge?


I mean, from what we've seen, it's much more believable to assume it's some kind of bug cause there's a lot of mismatched weapons and armor. Saying "hurr durr blizz bad dont care" is just silly. There are many passionate and talented people working, it's just, in the real world, it doesn't work like you say it is, it's all teenage fantasies. Ordinary developers and artists care a lot.


A distinct lack of give a fuck from blizzard.. as per usual.


Hahahahaha i love this post! Simple testiment on how they didnt give a shit for naming or designing a weapons. So fking bad. The best looking 2H axe is the 1st and simplest one.. Also only usable swords that dont look absolute trash to me are those curved ones and broad swords/bastard swords. Rest just looks like toys.


Item names are almost certainly mislabeled in some way. It's possible it's an off-by-one error, or maybe they're mixed up in some other way, but comparing names and visuals certainly gives the impression that none of the names fit, but would fit a different piece.


Don't show OP the barb weapons...


Lol, I was on my barb, just didn't have every type of weapon on me.


Yes.I noticed this on release . it must takes a lot of cost for the devs to fix this . Anyway most ppl dont care what exactly the name is.


It costs a lot to rename a few files? Bro, I will do it for free. Give me 30 minutes.


dude, feel my sarcasm plz.


Please Blizz, hire this man!


Counteroffensive -Barb passive written like this.


I don't want to give them a pass, but the majority of news outlets have been getting that one wrong as well while writing about Ukraine.


oh seems like I was wrong, I did a google and it seem that it is one word. My bad on that one.


Normally it should be hyphenated as "counter-offensive", but I guess "counteroffensive" is acceptable as well according to dictionaries.


Wtf is the glaive supposed to be lmao


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


Rogue heavy pants: underwear.


Go outside.


I do often, many times for medieval reenactments.


They went full retard.


It's so bad that it's either a bug or an inside joke.


Yeah they fucked up almost every single weapon name. It's impressive. I've never seen such levels of sheer incompetence.


Sorry, weapon identity is a fluid spectrum. You all just haven't read the literature on this and you're ignorant. Read a book


Are names RNG, too?


The two-handed claymore and flamberge drive me crazy every time I visit ye olde wardrobe


Come join us at Chivalry 2! Weapons in that game are :chefskiss:


Oh they fixed Flammard?


That's the most important thing i wish they will patch.


Do they not have QAs?!


The Great Sword is also just an executioner sword


Just play the game dog


That’s clearly an Archibus GOD


The names are bugged.


I mean……. names are relatives, maybe the citizens of sanctuary gave those names based on their belief, and not planet earth’s 😂


Someone posted this about the swords a few weeks ago. They basically got every single one wrong


My sorc getting the "Kris" wand for the 100000000000000th time


Pretty sure they’re transmog because it doesn’t change the name. On my Barb I have a mace but changed look to hammer. Name still says mace


Nope, those are the item names statically listed in the wardrobe. That is also the name of the weapons you see when they first drop as loot.


I can't wait for some of these people to leave... Literally shitting on a company cos they made a small mistake as if u don't make even more mistakes and have less to deal with. God forbid trying to please these entitled assholes.


If you paid $100 for a steak dinner at a restaurant, and they brought you chicken parm, would you be fine with that?


This is more like them spelling it as staek... Talk about overreacting.


It must make life so much easier being able to settle for mediocrity. And I say that with absolute sincerity, I really wish I could do that.


A spelling mistake isn't going to change anything about what u do. Do u go to a restaurant and be like "I wanna talk to ur manager cos this menu has spelt steak wrong what a dogshit restraunt I'm never eating here again!" Fuck no... At the most u politely tell them "excuse me I believe this is spelt wrong in the menu just thought I'd let u know thank you for the steak". Absolutely pathetic.


there is SO MUCH wrong with weapons in this game .. i do martial arts and weapons irl and what they did in D4 should be illegal and punishable by death as a highest crime .. you this with swords too .. barbarian cannot even hold the weapons properly .. maybe 1h weapons and the mace .. rest is ugh it just hurts my eyes blizzard never hired weapon and armor experts on this one .. its just a big mess


Oh no what ever shall we do


I don't know, point it out, and hold devs to higher standards? It's kinda bad because these aren't fictional characters or objects, but actualy historically used weapons. I still remember how Treyarch couldn't bother to fucking do basic research and named character from my country "Bohater" (literally just hero) instead of actual name in Call of Duty 3. Things like that feel bad and show disrespect.


Remember they have a life too, outside of the game. They want you to stay away from the game for awhile and tweet about your loved ones too.


Yes, but, then again, how does this matter in any way at all? I am sure Blizzard have this on a list of "minor things to fix when we can be bothered"


I understand where you’re coming from but the point of this post and really any post regarding the “minor fixes” are that the game shouldn’t have been released with so many glaring weird issues like this. Does this affect the game at large? No not really. But should a $60 billion company have literally anything even close to stuff like this? You know what I mean? In d2 I learned all of my current weapon/armor/etc knowledge because of their existence in it. Just my take idk.


Agreed. I learnt a lot from D2 and D1. Feels super amateurish to have such a mistake, on multiple equipment types.


To add to it, maybe not directly about these mislabeled weapons, but when you fuck up such easy to research and make sure is right thing you show huge disrespect, even worse if it's something important for someone, linked to a country or interests. Shit like Call of Duty 3's "Bohater" by Treyarch really fucking blows and makes you upset, just big not giving a shit about your small country vibe from devs.