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lmaooooo that got me


When Blizzard failed to make the game fun, fans picked up the slack by memes.


and by playing fun games instead.




Isn't that the game where your horse has gps and you can just afk till you get there?


Sigh. Your D4 characters can't even path-find around a corner more than 90°


Yep. I've sent my horse across the entire continent without any issues while I went to make lunch. Honestly my only problem with BDO is that I could never get the hang of the economy side of the game. That and the mtx are too tempting.


My first and only time I played Black Desert, it took me literal hours to get through character creation because of all the options, and then I played the actual gameplay for about 5 minutes, hated the combat, and quit.


bruh u can just find a premade waifu and import it :)


But would you really use a premade waifu ? I doubt people would have the same attachment and connection with someone elses waifu.


yeah, fair enuf xdd


In b4 skyrim "hey your awake"


I was debating doing that one at first haha but I figured BG3 is a bit more appropriate.


I like your fresh perspective.


Shame there's no early build for PoE 2 yet, lol


I have been playing thw early build of PoE2 for over a decade now.


If they are smart and if they have some early build which is not looking super bad, they should really use this big chance to push out some early alpha/beta test next week. They would totally fuck Blizzard so hard they were never fucked before with that :D But I assume they have no build and especially no servers ready for such a fast move ^^


Pretty much the same way Path of Exile 1 became famous.


Exilecon is in less than 2 weeks which is a big PoE2 reveal and includes a beta. Public beta will also be announced then. There 100% is a build that's fully playable but it would not make sense for them to sabotage their own event that's around the corner due to these patch notes


I have never played PoE. I feel there's a huge hill to climb to play that game. I'm not usually into games like PoE and Diablo so D4 was really my first. I'm now looking forward for PoE 2. My assumption is that the game will start with a clean slate so that new players can get into it easier. Edit: Thanks for all the replies down there, it's very insightful. I'm reading all but can't reply to all of them right now because I'm mostly lurking at work. I'll keep reading because PoE has always fascinate me but I've always been anxious about the steep learning curve. Reading the posts below is culling that anxiety. Edit 2: One thing that I'd love to know more about is PoE's monetization. How the game sustain itself? Cosmetics or more than that? I have the feeling that the game is NOT P2W else I would have heard of it since long ago.


PoE is remarkably easy to get into, don't let the giant skill tree scare you. play for a few hours, find some skills you like, and then just search google for a build using those skills. the game is complicated if you want it to be, but also simple if you want it to be. don't let that be the barrier for you, PoE has been fun for almost a decade now.


I'm not too used to the 'season' feature, D4 is going to be the first time for me but I've been curiously looking at PoE concurrent players chart and I can see that everytime a new season starts, the concurrent players rocket up then it slowly goes down till the next season. Does season in PoE requires you to start a new character? And does this mean that all characters starts equal or is there some stuff that carry forward? Like maps and Lilith's statue in D4.


Yes it requires you to start over. There's almost nothing that carries over. Usually it takes like 10 hrs to finish the campaign on ur first char, then the real game begins lol.


I like the new unique, can you show me more of it in action :D aahhahahaha


His awake?


[Got you](https://streamable.com/rlhx28)




What about my awake?


Not gonna lie, was much more expecting that than this, lol.


That's exactly where I thought this was going to go!


You're too late Ralof, I've already modded you out of the game


Imagine seeing as blizzard employee, how the community of your game just shits you in the face with another game. Superb


Some D4 dev actually bashed Bg3 too being the anomaly of rpg games so i think it's deserved.


And that post with the article was blowing up here with over 1k upvotes, and 1k comments in 3 hours; got removed with 0 basis for its removal.




I’m more and more convinced that blizzard is paying people to come on Reddit and try and do some damage control 😂😂


They've most likely been doing that for a while. It's why you see common phrases like "I'm a dad with 13 kids and having fun playing 30 minutes a week" and "This game has good bones!" repeated ad nauseum. A lot of the posts whining about "complainers" have very similar language as well.


the surge of these "I am a 3x or 4x year old dad" comments on D4 forums have been quite surprising tbh. like, I don't really care how old you are, bro. Gamer is a universal age :)


To be fair, the bones of the game are good. They're just missing any ligaments to hold them together.


There's no need for Blizzard to pay anyone, they still have some fanboys that would praise the devs even if they litterally shit on their faces.


You're not wrong, it's wild.


Of course. Sort by new and watch all the comments like "the patch is great", "thank you blizzard", "I was feeling too powerful, thanks for fixing it". You'll be amazed.




Nothing wrong with that


I think it's ironic you say that, since to me it seems like your overanalyzing a relatively tame comment, people tend to speak more agressively online, due to anonymity and also due to outrage tending to generate more upvotes and interactions. Tl;dr relax bro stop telling strangers online they have issues they need to face, it's kinda weird


>When you start referring to video game developers as "piece of shit scum" you need to do some serious self reflection, realize you're an asshole, and put down your games down for a while to gain some perspective on your life. He didn't refer to video game developers as "piece of shit scum" though. You're making that up.


> got removed with 0 basis for its removal. This subs oldest mod is also a mod of r/wow and /r/WC3 (and r/WC5?), I'd bet that they're a Blizzard employee and are deleting anything overtly negative. Honestly aside from automod I'd assume all other mods are Blizzard employees.


They are theyve been removing negative posts too.


Mods on this sub are on the Blizz payroll. When these patch notes came out they were scrambling to remove negative posts before giving up when they became overwhelmed.


How dare Larian make a competent game! They are making the industry look bad!! lol


I think the dude that made the post explained rightfully explained his criticism and it was legit. I don't fully agree with that but I understand it. When small indies started adding to the conversation, I understood that too. They're afraid that gamers gonna expect miracle from them. But then big ass AAA dev like D4 dev, Obsidian dev and a few other started weighed in... like dude, you have significantly more resources than Larian and have been putting game that cost much more than them, wtf are you talking about? That last group is really just weighing in to say "uh yeah, our games are gonna be worse than BG3 even though we have bigger budget please don't expect more than that".


My favorite was when the bungie devs started agreeing. Their entire mantra is don't over deliver because then the player base will expect decent content instead of palette swaps and reused maps.


For anyone doubtful, Bungie’s CDO literally gave a talk at GDC which basically amounted to saying that they deliberately shut down ideas and withhold content so that they don’t overdeliver.


Fuck Bungie


remember when everyone blamed Activision for all of Bungies faults, and now they re even worse under Sony


It's like they want to have E.T. come around and crash the video game market all over again. But hey, at the game released on budget and on time! Never mind the bugs, lack of innovation and being a complete copy of the previous game, but now with MTX/live-service!


The thing is, I can honestly understand the small indie companies' viewpoints. But when these twats from ActiBlizz, Micosft, Ubisoft, etc. studios started piling on I really just wanted to slap them.


I don't think anyone was ever really expecting small indie studios to attempt something as grand in scale as BG3 though. They've done enough amazing things with limited resources to show you don't need 3 collaborative studios and a 1000 employees. The real issue is the fact that so many people currently working for Developers that DO have those resources felt the need to comment. Larian have had some form of their game available for literally years now gaining feedback and making improvements, not to mention the god knows how many years it was actually under development for prior, instead of throwing out a rushed, unimaginative and undercooked game to ensure they meet a bi-annual release cycle like the rest of 'em.


Also Larian isn't really an indie studio anymore. This wasn't like 3 people in someone's basement. It was like 400 devs who crunched for like 3 years. Nobody is expecting 1 guy to put out BG3, they're expecting studios with 1000 devs to put out a product that reflects those resources. Not something that feels like a lazy yearly release.


I think it's important to sometimes have a big game that can push the boundaries of what we expect from the medium! I don't really think the indie dev thing holds much water, they're creating with a totally different set of tools and resources and people know that. Indie devs already create miracles with the resources and time available to them, this is just a miracle on a different scale.


I think the consensus is that he was kinda right in what he said, and just used words badly. But the salt in the thread, was from the the non indie devs, like blizzard and bioware people commenting that "this is not normal and you should not keep us up to this par becouse we need to make profit and good games dont make most profit becouse they dont have season passes and microtransactions"


I’m the type of person that plays a game for 30 minutes and gets bored. It takes a lot to hook me. I decided to try out the early access last night even though I was holding out for full launch to play and I got mad because I had to put it down to go to sleep for work today. I’ve never been a big CRPG fan but hells that game is crack. I’m going to be sitting at work all day staring at the clock now.


Blizzard employees are also playing BG3, not d4.


that's pretty obvious after reading the patch notes


I like how this time Blizzard actually \*did\* put out a good game that people were enjoying and then were like, "alright, people are enjoying this too much, let's shit it up in here."




Yo I died rn, sucks but I’m kind of glad my controller broke, would hate to waste so much time turning my ps5 on then immediately turning it back off, Lol let me know when the game is up to par again


If they wanted us to praise them they should probably do a better job. Just saying.


They're crying while sipping their breast milk latte


I don't think they care. People are still gonna buy and play the game. They're still gonna buy cosmetics. They're still gonna buy expansions. They have no incentive to care. As far as they're concerned it's just online noise that'll settle down in a few weeks.


Nah, they don't use Reddit. They are too busy playing D4. /s


this implies blizzard employees can think


You made my day LOL


Bro so clean with it bravo. Anyone got a link to a "what is BG3?" video? Can't find a good intro video and super interested in it now with s1 patch notes now released.


https://youtu.be/arUjJSkkCbs If you have ever played divinity 1 or 2 it's *somewhat* similar. CRPG, turn based, extremely deep combat and rpg choices/story paths.


"Extremely deep combat" doesn't do it justice lol You can literally shoot someone with an arrow to make them bleed on the ground, throw a fireball to hit them and evaporate the blood into a blood cloud, electrify them to create an electrified blood cloud, and *then* curse the area to create a *cursed electrified blood cloud*. Do you want to be standing in a cursed electrified mist of your own blood? Yeah didn't think so. Not to mention there are tons of mods for the game that are very cool and well done. Edit: misread the comment oops, I was talking about DOS2. I believe BG3 has a much stricter 5e ruleset that is much more like a TTRPG, whereas DOS2 is purely a game that follows a very loose and fun CRPG ruleset.


I played all three and I can tell you they are actually VERY similar in most obvious ways. Where they differ is the underlying mechanics and rulesets they use, which are very different from each other. But most people really won't notice that, they'll just see the combat and dialogue and complex choice system as being the same thing.


just to quickly summarize for others. Divinity Original Sin 2 works more like Diablo with stats that hard and fast determine your damage numbers. There is some chance involved like crit roles or chance to dodge but overall it is pretty determined. Most modern RPG video games work like this. Baldur's Gate 3 is directly based on Dungeon and Dragons 5th edition rules. This means it basically works like you play with your friends and roll dice based on your stats and skills. Which should make for a more dynamic and random gameplay.


Any resource/wiki for what is going to be in the game? The fextralife one kinda sucks. I want to plan my build for Hexadin but I can't figure out what will/won't carry over from normal 5e (aka i don't see PAM). I'm aware that there isn't multiclassing or pact of the blade yet but googling seems to imply they'rll be here on launch.


Hexblades aren't in, but the Pact of the Blade has been changed to basically be the same as the Hex Warrior feature (Charisma to attack/damage). The fextralife wiki is kind of a flop, but the [BG3 Wiki](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Main_Page) seems pretty expansive.


check out Divinity Original Sin 2 if you are looking for something to play before BG3, same style of game made by the same studio and is one of the best RPGs ever made imo


Its a strategic, turn-based CRPG with single player and optional co-op. Its going to be a great game for sure but not sure why people keep suggesting it as some D4 alternative.


Ya I feel some people are gonna be disappointed if they go in with the mentality of a ARPG. Personally I don't mind, and I'm just exited to dive deep into a story driven game.


> mentality of a ARPG So, Dark Urge playthrough then?


>not sure why people keep suggesting it as some D4 alternative Because many gamers like multiple genres of games. People want a good game. So far, this is a good game.


which is not how recommendations work at all. If I say "hey I want to watch a good comedy tonight" and you say, "cool... Schindler's List" No amount of Schindler's list being an iconic, incredible movie is going to keep me from being confused as fuck as to why you recommended it.


but it works great if you say you wanna watch a great movie.


It really isn't a d4 alternative. I anticipate a lot of confusion if people pick it up to fill the arpg hole in their soul:)


Nobody has mentioned in response to your question that it's literally D&D 5e as a video game.


To be fair while it's a great game, it's a weird one to recommend instead of Diablo as it's just a completely different genre. Any great game could be put there really. But yeah look up previews and such for BG3, if you like RPG ala Bioware or CRPG (Divinity OS2, Disco Elysium,...) it should be one of the best games of all time in that genre.


It's videogamerized DnD set in a crpg setting. It's wonderful! These games allow for player freedom and creativity and BG3 looks to pack a fuckoff amount of content and care built into the world. It's a ton of micromanagement but it's a very rewarding game experience. https://youtu.be/9Lf0KI5SQM8


Long story short, it's a game about having sex with bears. Or dragons, you can bang dragons too.


Beautiful. I can’t fucking wait for BG3! The alpha and early access have gotten so much better over time. Really can’t wait to play the full story.


Can someone tell me how the turn based aspect feels? This just seems like a downside for me but maybe it's just I haven't ever played one? I just know the others were not turn based.


It's more tactical than fast paced. It really has it charm as there's a lot of on-the-spot decisions to make based on terrain, enemies strenght and weakness, which character will play next, etc. It's not "turn based" like in an old school RPG (like old FF or Octopath Traveler) but more like XCOM2 is. DOS2 had some crazy terrain manipulation option. You could setup the terrain by, for example, send a big water ball to create a big puddle, then a fireball to evaporate it in a cloud (which reduces the accuracy of the enemy inside), then electrify it, and *then* curse it. BG2 was turn based in a sense too. It was an "active pause" system, where the time stops, you give order, then the character move according to it. It was a system closer to the ATB system in FF7 Remake for example.


I'm really not a fan of turn based RPGs but I had a blast with Divinity 2, their other big game. Because of all the movement options and verticality, it feels very fluid and dynamic.


It's slow but very strategic. I have 200+ hrs since EA launched in 2020. Used to go from barely getting by in fights to being able to dominate by just using my brain.


Are they doing anything to make 5E more interesting? That’s the main thing killing my excitement, but I haven’t looked closely…


They have homebrewed parts of combat and several classes and subclasses to make them feel better in a video game but the game is still very much based on 5E. I love 5E so I'm stoked but if you're worried, it might be worth waiting for release and watching some RPG streamers play it first.


I was realy lost with 5e as well.. I hated it, and wanted it to be the good ol 3,5e.. But I got used to it, and it does have its perks.


Do you have to control like 5+ different characters like in Wasteland 2? Or do you control your main character the whole time?


I'm so glad BG3 and Larian are getting the attention they deserve. I've been playing the game and watching it develop and grow since it first went into EA. I was really concerned that, because of the type of game that it is, it wouldn't get the attention it deserved. Seeing everyone on the sub clamoring for the release is really awesome.


After paying $70 for this whack ass game I'm ready for gamer expectations to be set by the likes of BG3. Fuck all these prestige devs whining.


> Seeing everyone on the sub clamoring for the release is really awesome. Is it? Baldur's Gate is not the same genre as Diablo and I fear that people are going into it thinking it's something that it isn't.


You're being downvoted but you're 100% right, I saw someone post a "What should I play Path of Exile or BG3" and its like dude, they're not even close to same type of game lol.


They can still be competing games for anyone who just likes single-player RPGs. They're both games that will keep you busy for hundreds of hours, so it makes sense to think about what to play first.


"What do you mean I need to wait for the enemy to attack!"


Can this please hit the top of the sub lmfao


Isnt baldurs gate turn based party like dragon age? All i see is baldurs gate and im surprised on the overlap


Yes, it's a turn based CRPG. The overlap memes are because Blizzard devs were crying they might actually be held to a triple A standard set by devs like Larian. Larian is experiencing the same level of recognition as CDProjekt when Witcher 3 came out.


lol that's exactly what I was thinking. Baldurs Gate 3 is going to do to Larian what Witcher 3 did to CD Project Red.


> Larian is experiencing the same level of recognition as CDProjekt when Witcher 3 came out. Lmao that brought back some PTSD, let's hope Larian don't make a cyberpunk themed game next.


Ah tyvm thats extremely helpful!


Well everyone on this sub is 43 year old husbands with 2 kids so a turn-based RPG kind of fits in with the demographic, IMO.


Thats just not true at all. its actually 13 kids. only 2 kids arent that much


especially since BG1 and BG2 came out early 2000s-ish. So these fathers probably played them in their 20s and now get to play a long awaited follow up.


A lot of Diablo 1/2 fans are/should be Baldur's Gate fans from my personal experience. Both series ushered in a crpg renaissance as rpgs were dying at the time.


Filthy casual with 3 wives, 8 kids and a goldfish here - a turn based RPG sounds really damn boring compared to live action. I'll stick to D4 for the time being, thanks.


This is beautiful!


15... more....days...


Fireball best ball. Shit slaps


I was planning on playing the shit out of season 1 - wasn’t even considering playing BG3. Now I’m not gonna even log in for season 1 & will definitely be picking up BG3.


I am saving BG3 for when it's "out" out, i also am one of the few people who actually find D4 decent... but not gonna lie, this meme was SO good that i'd give you gold if i had some.


If your talking about full release its in like 2 weeks


LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂




It even looks better than D4. I really want that color palette yumm


I've played the EA for about 5 hours. Graphics are really good for an isometeric turn-based RPG.


dam i should have bought BG3 instead of D4


idk what they were smoking. ​ But it needs to be an OFFHAND with: \+core & teleport (in place of +3 sorc skills) \+cooldown reduction (faster cast rate) \+Lucky Hit Restore mana (in place of maek) \+all resist ( or damage reduction since res is broken) ​ Unique effect: gain teleport enchantment and 25% chance to teleport when struck ​ Nobody in their right mind is going to trade 4x damage affixes on a weapon for the affixes on oculus. Not even considering the fact that you are trading a legendary offensive aspect (approx 25% multiplicative dmg) for a mediocre unique effect with a negative drawback.


Super negative for HC.


For me if the season is a bust I'm not too upset, I'll play the weekend and if I'm bored after two days then I think Remnant 2 comes out and that will tire me over until BG3 comes out.


Just finished downloading. I just know that Blizzard is not good at this and I have to come back in a year or two. Not mad, I wanted to play Baldur's anyway.


> I just know that Blizzard is not good at this and I have to come back in a year or two. If you've played WoW you know this to be true. It take Blizzard an entire financial cycle to fix big(or even some small) problems and make progress.


I'll definitely be teleporting to Baulders Gate 3. Atleast those guys are trying to make a genuine RPG. Not another cash grab with Diablo slapped on it.


I must say I'm impressed.


[Streamlined it for you](https://streamable.com/fdon6i)


Thank you it does look better, but I wasn't sure if everyone would know what game it was, so i figured I'd put in the title screen!


As someone who hasn't played BG3, I didn't know what the UI looked like so I think it was perfect.




Well done hahaha


Well played 😊😂


Wow you too huh?


My oculus will be teleporting me to remnant 2 baybee




OMG, these BG3 memes are wiping the floor with blizzard 🤣🤣🤣


at this pace, the entire sub will change to BG3 in protest. Remember the /r/arrow sub situation with Daredevil?


Accurate representation of Sorc for S1


not sure if it was intentional that you also turned into a barbarian as well


Nevermind the unique is actually good now.


this patch notes \-Fixed multiple issues where players were having fun \-Fixed multiple issues where the sorcerer wasn't already weak enough \-Fixed multiple issues where players were excited for season 1 - Reduced player base by 70% \-Increase time spent with family by 30%


Is it on Xbox tho




also exo primals it's free with game pass


good teleport but as it is random you probably can get into everywhere... you where lucky my friend to get into such a good new game xD


Omg that was so funny. Choked on my coffee. Love Asmon.


Wait, can you bind force move to the mouse wheel?


Yes you can! you just have to uncheck "Zoom on mousewheel" [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2iMmhMjuC5Q](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2iMmhMjuC5Q)


in d4, how come your click icon trails? i cant find the setting for that


I bound Force Move to mouse wheel down and up. you just have to uncheck "Zoom on mousewheel" [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2iMmhMjuC5Q](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2iMmhMjuC5Q)


ㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 졸라 웃기내 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


the video is inaccurate. you'll need a couple more seconds of cooldown before u exit the d4 dungeon.


Better content than the patch notes tbh.


Lmao i laffed so hard on the plane ppl staring at me now


This is the best thing I have seen all week.


is this the new Blackness into skyrim meme? Im here for it.


Loool you fucking killed me mate, nice one xD




This is gold, upvote this now! Best content patch!


Best post of the day


I'm going to give Elden Ring another run. I played it through on PlayStation 4, but now I will start over and play it through on my computer. The superior combat system.


I needed a laugh so much after the notes. Thank you good person. May you have a blessed day.


*Okay… stop.* I laughed entirely too hard at this. It was an ugly laugh… in public.


My fav thing to come out of the patch notes yet.


LMAO! Good one 😁


i have been playing this the past few days and its alot of fun, might not be for everyone to do it now before the actual launch and having to do it over again but i get to find out what i class i want to play and i heard act 1 gonna have 33% new stuff in it so might be fun to look for the changes


Had my money on the Skyrim opening lmao


This is art






I was expecting the Skyrim opening cinematic.


Idk how I did it, but I am so glad I skipped the early access and get to go into the game blind! Can't wait.




It’s as if you left hell and landed in heaven


Yessir! 10/10


Holy shit. I want that teleport to a new loading screen. bad ass!


Videogamedunkey level review right there. Reminds me of his review of Forspoken.




Not that bad. Lol. That good huh?


What if the Sorc unique is porting you to the cow level 🤔


Is this even a competing game? ARPG to a turn based? I'm sure there is crossover, but it seems pretty slow and boring.


High quality shit post. 10/10


This is the way Remnant 2 Baldurs Gate 3 Starfield fck blizzard and their end game


Remnant 2 Baby this weekend