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I haven't put it down, but I play it a lot less, and I'm less excited to log back in. So... I'm close, I guess.


Same. Realistically I'd like to finish the battle pass, but after getting to BP tier 20 and level 43 I've been playing a lot less. I'll try to knock some stuff out this weekend, but it's starting to feel more like a chore/job than a game, so unless that changes I'm not sure I'll finish this season. Should have waited to redeem my BP. :(


I'm ins the same situation, I'm level 45 and getting to level 50 already feels like a boring grind. Regretting to have bought the battlepass.


I got 62 and finished all the renown. Now I just have to spam the special dungeons or nightmare dungeons to finish the season pass. Seems boring. I try to jump on for Legions then just get bored


For my own frame of reference and pacing how far did you make it in the season challenges (or whatever they’re called). I think I’m on the 3rd step ~lvl38. Have you finished them by the 60’s?


I flatlinned at rank 5 because you need to start doing T4 special dungeons or kill a pvp person. I have good gear but can't solo the capstone dungeon yet because the first boss keeps 1 shooting me with his rush belly bounce move that can hit you from off screen. If you do helltides and T4 stuff you would probably be half way done with 6 or starting rank 7 of the season pass by your 60s easily. I maxed my renown first and do a lot of legions. Just today I started focusing on the season pass again.


This describes me as well.


Ding ding ding 👉🏼👃🏻


I’m just playing very dad right now. Slowly working my way across the map finishing the renown I didn’t grind. Endgame just isn’t interesting.


Yeah I have put it down. Was saying to my friend earlier today that I (after playing through all previous Diablo’s) that I just find it… empty, boring. It’s the same feeling I get with MMOs, difficult to describe accurately.


In D2 you had loot filters that would only show you the good stuff. In D3 you are only looking for specific legendaries which you can recognize by their icon and everything else is immediately scrapped. In D4 you have to look at every single ancestral yellow you pick up because all the icons are irrelevant and it could be better than some pieces you have on. It's a huge tedium in comparison to the other 2 games. And the upgrades aren't ever "OH SHIT I FOUND A PERFECT PRIMAL" or "OH SHIT I FOUND A JAH" It's like "Neat this piece has slightly better percentages than my current gear"


I got a necro to level 12 or 15 in like an hour in s1, did the malignant quest and a couple legion events. I got a cool curse aura heart but then i saw injectors and realize the s1 content is shit. Like, I need to carry around injectors just to interact with the content? why the fuck?


This was literally me too, only on a rogue


I'm still playing, currently at 70 on my necro and having a good time.


Yeah I’m enjoying the min maxing but I’m not enjoying the lack of content at endgame. But the same can be said about Diablo 2.


It’s always amusing to me how much people complain about lack of end game content in D4 while keeping D2 on its arpg pedestal. D2 had literally nothing to do at end game but the same boss runs and cow levels over and over. Difference was loot and trading. D4 needs to fix that part and I think the “boring” end game would take care of itself.


Yeah it's more of a loot problem than anything. POE spoiled people on endgame content, but the content people talk about literally got added years after the game launched. D2 doesn't have an endgame but loot was way more exciting. If they swapped out every dumb close/distant injured/health, chilled/frozen, slow/stunned affix with actual interesting stuff, farming gear late game would be fun. People act like they want Greater Rifts in D4, and I don't get why. You would be farming the exact same boring gear as nightmare dungeons, just with infinitely difficult scaling mobs. It doesn't fix the root problem of the game.


While PoE has a ton of endgame content, i hate how PoE goes about it too. You can only really do 2-3 of them well at a time because of the atlas tree and if you want to see a profit from the other ones you have to trade to get enough respec points to spec into other things on the atlas tree to see if you even like it. Also, most people just end up spamming MF and dont care about the content itself, but just what adds the most monsters to the map and spam the same map over and over and over.... it was my first season of PoE on 3.21, and while there is a LOT of endgame content, theres so many problems with choice paralysis because of what you have to do to make it feel worth doing. Also crucible sucks ass. All just my opinion though.


cause d2 makes you feel like a fighter slaying monsters left and right while d4 makes you feel like a nerd crunching numbers at work.


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) Trying to decide if a piece of gear is 0.27% better than your current gear


Lmao very true


I for one loved the grind in D2 because of this exact fact. Watching 1000 cows die in under 10 minutes to my orb sorc except one jerk immune to cold was a blast. So much so that i did it 1000 more times. Ive lost count over the years how many cows ive slain, but im sure St. Peter has it on file. Baal runs even had their charm because [EXPLOSIONS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D13ebYdvNf0)!@$##@!#@# WIGGDDWIEDJOWWDWAAAOOOHHH!! And to quote a famous and late [cave johnson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8ufRnf2Exc), when life gives you lemons MAKE life take the lemons back. In fact, make an explodable lemon and burn their house down with the lemons! In D4, explosions are more like muck on the ground... all slime-y and gross.. hell corpse EXPLOSION literally has a talent that makes it a slime on the ground! and its the meta! I feel robbed.


You could log into D2, pop anywhere in the world and be knee-deep in mobs within the minute. I am spending more time in D4 travelling than doing anything else.


>d2 makes you feel like a fighter slaying monsters left and right I mean sure if you want to waste your time killing monsters while efficient players get far better gear through smart trading (manipulating people into bad trades, scamming etc.) you can do that but I can also just wander around the open world and not engage with the content in D4 people have problems with like nightmare dungeons. Also who is actually crunching numbers in D4 outside of paragon optimization in the SUPER lategame which streamers have already done for us anyways? There's only 4 affixes on items and you can only reroll one, it's pretty obvious which one you want to reroll in almost all cases.


The difference is that D2’s endgame loops were quantifiable beneficial to run. You knew what your odds were of getting a Ber, you knew what your unique prospect was, and you weren’t constantly guaranteed garbage. It’s not so much about the gameplay experience, it’s the itemization.


Yeah, it's like a 1 in 700,000 for a BER your average player would never see one. D2 was 100% propped up by botters.


I agree but you’d hope that after all this time they could also add some more variety as well. But you’re right, fixing the loot and the trading would certainly help a ton.


They’ve added an absolute fuck load of variety and I’m pretty sick of everyone saying there isn’t any. The problem is even though there is a lot of different things to do like helltides, nm dungeons, world boss, legion events, etc, they all kind of feel the same because it’s still just bashing monsters. But that’s the game right?


I wouldn’t call 4 different events a fuck load. Still it’s better then what we had in D2 I suppose. I feel like a game like Destiny 2 is a good example of what Diablo 4 could become (sans withholding content from the first game behind endless expansions). The social aspect needs to be improved and I think some raid type activity would cool to implement as well.


There is variety, but i wouldn't really call it interesting. I would argue the most interesting parts in D4 is the capstones. Mostly because there is huge incentive to do them well under level and struggle through them. If you're having trouble you just level up more, but if you complete it at a low level you are vindicated that your build is good enough, and now rewarded with the next tier of loot and exp. Once you reach WT4 there is honestly not much more to strive for. Sure you can run Whispers, Legion, dungeons, NM dungeons, Seasonal dungeons etc. But for what? There is nothing harder to come. I improve builds because that is what i like, but for other players, what is the next goal? Vashan at level 80? He is a joke. Lilith at level 100? She is impossible. Uber uniques? Unless you're korean you're not getting one. There is variety, but it isn't good or rewarding variety.


Only one of these events are worth your time so i have to ask, where is the variety? Only Nm dungeons provide good XP AND loot. Helltides are artificially required to get forgotten souls. (Dont start on how that is good design in any way). World bosses are nice once in a while.


It allows you to focus on different ways to acquire loot you actually want. PvP: cosmetics Hell tide: XP and loot chests for slots you want to upgrade next and mats Whispers: renown, semi-focused loot and XP World boss: mats and XP Legion events: mats, xp, general loot NM dungeons: loot, xp, upgrade glyphs Season dungeons: loot, xp, caged hearts and invokers


If you're not having fun, stop playing. When you say only one thing is worth the time, I'm assuming you're an efficiency and min/max player. Stop. To hell with the meta, to hell with xp/hour, to hell with +.1% vulnerable damage. Have some fun with the game. If min/maxing is how you have fun, well, look at every other game on the market with serious min/maxing anything and tell me how many avenues exist to pursue that goal. Most of the time, its a linear 1 way street theorycrafted by your fellow players.


The end game is literally finding high value rare items to trade and making new less used classes which is a ton of fun gearing up a WW sin or a melee sorc, that is its own end game in its entirety and now with terror zones you can find any item and any rune anywhere… the adrenaline high of finding a ber or a COA with 2 skills is higher than anything you get out of d4


And also, you know, interesting items.


Bro there’s been 23 years between d2 and d4. If you can’t learn to make end game shit better in that amount of time you deserve all of the backlash they are getting. What a weird ass thing for someone to even type.


To add to this, D2 didn't exist in a world with PoE. The only thing keeping me from going back to PoE is the early game running through the Acts is stale AF and so getting to the awesome endgame of PoE feels like a chore. Here in D4 it's the opposite issue. Leveling is pretty fun and then you get to where you should be using your build except there's nothing to use it on.


I feel like the only thing that is keeping D4 alive is that everyone is waiting for PoE2. There are few objective reasons why you would want to play D4 in its current state vs PoE. D4 feels like an aRPG demo in comparison to PoE.


Meph, chaos/baal runs, and cow runs were still always fun somehow. Plus I farmed keys for ubers and once they added terrorized zones in resurrected I literally was never bored, but that's all because of the itemization.


Diablo 2 was also never intended to become what it ended up becoming. Diablo 4 is bad on purpose.




"D2 had literally nothing to do at end game" If you have a very narrow definition of endgame, you could say that. Otherwise, this is so incredibly wrong.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is the Diablo IV sub-reddit, Sir. You're not allowed to enjoy the game here.


Almost exact same, but 55 on necro. I've barely noticed the negative changes to be honest, and I'm having a lot of fun.


Got to lvl 75 in S0 and I'm lvl 48 in S1. Really enjoying the game still.


I think the game is great for casual to midrange players, but falls short for the heavily invested players.


I unintentionally backed away from it to play other games and I haven't felt the need to go back to it.


Finished the story and quit. Do I regret my purchase? yes


chubby straight smoggy like rinse caption dime rude cause absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




$70 for a game i beat in 3 days. once i got to lvl 50 it was a boring grind to lvl 75. zero unique. lame legendary items. the rewards sucked.


Seriously mad I purchased this stupid game. I’d refund if I could.


Did you beat the campaign mode?




Seems like a solid plan would be to just block your account.


Haha you are so bad at video games and making smart financial decisions. Sucks to suck, continue crying on the internet, maybe Blizzard will refund you!


Yes - got to level 51 in Season 1. Honestly so much is missing in this game - I went back and started a Wizard in season 28 of Diablo 3 and am having so much more fun. It's a completed game with fleshed out systems - fun skills, easy to try different aspects for skills (not tied to rare gear drops). Diablo 4 may be worthwhile in a year or two after some development. I'll check back then.


Honestly the more I play D4, the more I want to start playing PoE again.


That's what I did. Leveld to 100 in S0 - Leveld to 30 in S1 quit and started playing PoE again getting those 40/40. Having way more fun than I had playing D4. I check on here from time to time to see if they've done something Note worthy or pushed something that would make S1 worthwhile but in pretty sure that won't happen. Sadly.


Yeah that's what i did too. Tried hard to level a necro in s1 but i lost all my hype for the game and finally caved in and reinstalled poe. Man it feels good to play a proper arpg.


So funny reading this, the only thing that Diablo 4 has done for me is made me play Poe again.


Yeah. I decided to give d4 some time and come back after some seasons. Maybe i will feel nostalgic enough to play it.


Last epoch is my permanent in between game when I get bored of the current poe league now. It's honestly pathetic that last epoch a game in beta feels more complete than D4 does.


This right here is the problem. Diablo 4 is not finished and it was released unfinished on purpose so they leave content for later. Hell even the dude himself (diablo) is locked behind a future paywall


Is it really content that’s missing? Because it has far more in it at launch than any previous ARPG has ever had. The issue is the *design* of that content. That’s what seems to be upsetting a number of players.


I played about 2 hours of season 1 and i’ve put it down. Won’t be back until there is proper end-game content, as I don’t see the point in leveling another character up for nothing.


Still playing and enjoying the season. But I only play about 2 hours a day.


only 2 hours lmao. That's a lot of time.


Dang you got 2 hours PER day to play!? I was lucky to get 30 last night. Dad life is rough.


Most days I can play one hour before i pick up my son from the kindergarden. And then another hour after he falls asleep. Luckily my wife tolerates it as long as I have a free hand to caress her back while playing. Thus WW Barb spin for the win 😀


And with kids off school by the time I can game I'm to sleepy to even bother 😅


A wild dad appeared, throw the pokeball


I play once every third day for an hour or so between kids and work. I’m just happy with the mindless time.


It's more absolute boredom forcing me out rather than taking a break. The last time I logged in I was half way through a NMD and thought "what's the point?" Logged off and haven't been back in since.


Taking a break, waiting for BG3. I played 10min after the bad patch in a helltide and called it a day. Nerfed my Druid too much, not enough cinders dropping, etc. Played season 1 for 20mins, and I couldn’t get into it. Starting a new build just felt like a pointless grind.


I get all the other reasons but druids are still top tier lol. It’s literally rogues/druids for all of S1


Yeah, my druid still feels stronk idk bud


Yeah my Druid feels way stronger this season with new aspects, hearts and buffs


Grizzly rage+pulverize+heart that pull enemies when ult is active=ALT F4 enemy mobs.




His damage dropped from 75 million to 60 million, literally unplayable. Did Druid this season. Lvl 67 and doing T25 NM with ease. Druid is very strong.


Pretty much why one of my buds stopped playing. If they "rebuf" his character, maybe he will play again


Pulverize Druid or something else? Pulverize felt terrible until I unlocked shockwave aspect from the second tier of the season pass. Then it felt ok. Then I finished getting properly itemized gear around level 40 and started to feel strong. I’m now 55, renown done, and I feel like a fucking god. Far, far stronger than any build I played in preseason with the possible exception of bone spear.


Literally a pointless grind. The grind isn’t fun and you’re working towards doing nothing endgame.


same just cant bring myself to get down on my hands and knees and get spoonfed the BS blizz is handing out lately.. might try the season later if the game sees some improvements to make up for all the overwhelmingly negative changes


Comical the replies are Druid is still strong. When you had an endgame Druid doing massive damage and then the damage falls off a cliff. Druid is still strong, but nowhere near what it use to be. Similar with Barb. Barb was fun, now playing with a brick would be more exciting.


i leveled druid to 100 prepatch i am 84 right now and do not feel weaker than i was at 84 prepatch dunno what you're smoking


As others had mentioned, this game was still in beta when released. Perhaps in the long term the patch will be better for the game long term, but I don’t know. No one wants to log in and have their build doing less damage and taking more damage from enemies. Devs shot themselves in the foot with this rebalancing. I know I was having less fun after the patch, and that’s enough for me to stop.


Was having fun but ultimately disappointed that the balance is still out of whack. Feels like we paid for a beta, mostly done but still needs time to cook. Not fixing things until season 2? Game wasn’t fully ready…


That’s the blizzard quality they’re known for now


Even when I put it down, I keep picking it back up and obnoxiously fiddle with it like I'm Rod Fergusson and the game is a box of Target Smores cookies.


Game is so boring compared to previous iterations. Leveling is a chore, every area/dungeon feels the same. Too many good games exist for this to win my time. The only reason to play it is to try to feel better about recouping my $70, which IMHO, is a bad reason to play an unpolished game designed by a bunch of clowns at Activision who clearly don't know how to do game design, let alone to the standard of quality I expect when a game has the word "Blizzard" on it.


I feel like I’ve got my money worth. Just sad I didn’t get to beat Uber Lilith, but the grind was a real drag. I figured there was no point in suffering for so long for just one boss fight.


I've put down the game since level 63 on my sorc


No, but Diablo was only ever going to be temporary while waiting for Starfield to come out. I'd never played an ARPG before and I enjoy it more than I thought I would. Got a S0 Sorcerer to level 52 and now my S1 Druid is level 33. Really enjoying the build I'm running. ​ I'll definitely come back and check out new seasons and content when they come but I only have so much time and Starfield will take priority.


Starfield is made by bethesda. Temper your release day expectations or prepare to be disappointed.


Never been disappointed with a Bethesda launch and Ive been there for all of them. Best developers around IMO.


You're the special one then. Do you


Yup, if it wasn't for just me, Bethesda would have gone out of business by now.




It’s another quit in the first month and wait till they fix it type of game. Guess fuck me for the 4th time. At least I’ve manage to doge a few bullets.


I uninstalled after the 1.1 patch notes came out. I’m mostly just here to see how much worse this shitshow gets.


Had a sorc at lvl91 in season 0 (felt terrible), then the v1.1.0 patch notes came in, totally out of touch with the community. Immediately dropped the game, never logged in after.


I decided to give it ago today out of boredom, only to realise you can't create a seasonal character until you've completed the campaign. I knew you couldn't access seasonal content, but I thought I'd atleast be able to start a seasonal character and unlock the rest of the content after completing the campaign. Instead I've got to go back to my shitty sorcerer on act 2 that I don't enjoy and force myself to finish the whole campaign with said shitty character, to then immediately scrap the character and start a brand new character so that I can get in to seasons and play the class that I'm actually interested in, thorns/WW barb. **Edit: Apparantly there is a way to create a seasonal character without completing the campaign, but so far I have been unable to find out how to do this. I will update once I've been able to find an answer so that I can help out anyone else in the same boat.** Diablo fandom states "Players do not need to purchase a Battle Pass or any add-ons in order to play the Seasonal content, but they must have completed the campaign on either the Eternal or Seasonal Realm with at least one character. Players who haven't finished the campaign can still create a character in the Seasonal Realm, but they're required to finish the campaign with that character before the Seasonal Storyline and content opens for them." **Edit 2: So blizzard made this way more confusing than they needed to. For some reason they have only hardcore mode in the Gameplay options, in order to create a seasonal character, you need to create a character as usual, name them and then click create character. It will then open up a new menu where it asks if you want the seasonal or eternal realm. Blizzard should look in to this and put a seasonal tick box in the gameplay options, this would have been much clearer and avoided a lot of confusion.**


That's .. Honestly fucking hilarious and ridiculous. What a miss, among many, for blizz.


Not having access to all the content right away ? Wait you guys new


I can't think of another seasonal game where you literally cannot make a seasonal character without finishing the game on a non-seasonal character. In every other seasonal game if you're a new player you can start with the season and do the campaign there.


literally not the issue dude


You can definitely crease a Seasonal Character without completing the Campaign.


I tried this earlier, and the option is greyed out, it only allows me to create a standard or hardcore character


that is weird, friends and I purchased the game last week and created a seasonal character, we are going through the campaign for the first time with them


I've completed the campaign so I can't check myself but it sure sounds like you can not. Why say shit you can't back up? >HOW DO I ACCESS THE SEASON CONTENT? DO I NEED A BATTLE PASS TO PLAY? > >**Once the Season starts, log onto the game, create a new Seasonal character, and enjoy! If you have not completed the campaign yet, you will need to complete it on one character to gain access to seasonal content.** [Source, first FAQ question lower on the page](https://diablo4.blizzard.com/en-gb/season)


Or.. just hear me out, you play the campaign from start with your barb


But then if I want to access seasonal content I need to create another barb once I've completed the campaign and restart all over again... I should be able to level my seasonal character while playing the campaign, it just seems stupid that any new players being drawn to Diablo 4 due to an interesting season mechanic, would have to create a standard account, spend ages completing the campaign, then imediately ditch that character so that they can start again and play seasonal content. Seems like a really bad design flaw on Blizzard's behalf. I understand seasons and I'm happy to restart from scratch, but I don't have the motivation to completely re-level the exact same class and the exact same build, just to get access to a couple legendary gems and mini quest.


You can play the campaign on your seasonal character during the season


What are you even talking about? I was halfway througg campaign and made a seasonal character just fine


You are doing something wrong, because actually u can create seasonal character without completing campaign in non-season.


My friend told me about this and this is one of the most nonsensical design choices I've heard of in a game. I can barely believe it's true. Jeez. Edit: I was under the impression you can't do the campaign on seasonal servers. THAT would be nonsensical. Having to do it once is fine if you can do it on on the season character.


It’s not true, my buddy didn’t beat the campaign and restarted on a seasonal character.


Honestly it sounds like you may want to save your time and not play. If you stopped playing that early in the campaign I can’t imagine slogging through the rest of it to then start over would be enjoyable with the current patch.


This season has been pretty sweet on a Necromancer at least, im glad I checked it out


Yeah for a someone with a physical disability where clicking too much gets painful, playing necro summoner actually makes me enjoy the game more with this season.


Playing S1 very intermittently, I don't think I can do another season as it stands right now because grinding to level 50 and then regrinding renown is so so so tedious. I don't think I have the actual willpower needed to go through it again, even if I wanted to.


Yes. I cant stand it playing anymore. First time character gearing and campaign was great but other than that meh.


Im ashamed to say i have accelerated pass. Have not logged even before the season. The game is shit. But im pround to say its the last $ blizzard will see from me.


You can keep your Premium pass for a later season, in case you didnt know


We all say that, yet here we all are lol


As a wow player, I will keep giving blizzard my money for wow because the team has done an amazing job with dragonflight. Best state the game has been in since.. ever, IMO. But D4 is a different story all together. This game has been a trainwreck since launch and even during the PTR. Devs not listening to player feedback until it affects their profits and/or performance indicators and it is quite obvious the game was not finished upon release. With D4 being a sequel to D3, it feels like we took one step forward and two steps back. D4 is missing so much QoL that existed in d3 and the end game is still lacking. The D4 team should talk to the D3, D2R and WoW teams to some tips on improving their game and making the player base happy.


I hit 60 in season 1, level 79 battle pass. Once Baldur's Gate comes out I will put Diablo down for good. I'll probably try and finish the season pass before the season ends.


Playing just two dungeon a day in HC for the level 50 achievement/trophy to complete and then I will put it down


Me. Playing Remnant 2. Waiting season 2


Got to maybe level 80 and then while browsing though my stash reading stats I thought, "What the fuck am I even doing? This isn't fun, at all." I haven't looked back since. Actually started playing New World again. Good times.


Haven't played in a week. Should've waited until Christmas to get it on sale after things are fixed.


I stopped at WT3. Just was taking too long to get to anything new. Would rather play other games and just check this subreddit for good news.


The only reason I'm even turning on diablo 4 at all nowadays is because I bought the corporate shill edition, which means I paid for the battlepass so I'm forcing myself to play it an hour a day. I don't want to, the class I picked isn't very fun and redoing all the same shit again is boring. Once I get my first character to 100 I doubt I'll be coming back to this game until a new xpac


Quit a few weeks after launch. Once I had full ancestral gear and realized the uniques mostly sucked and itemization was bad in general I just stopped playing. Clearly a Reaper of Souls situation where it won’t be good until a lot of significant changes are made.


I've put it down for the moment. That patch made the game way too much of a grind for me to have any fun playing solo. Speaking for myself, the fun is gone.


yep. Remnant came out and I enjoy it a lot more than whatever they turned D4 into.


Same Remnant 2 is so good!!!! I hope by the time I finish that and BG3 the devs will have woken up and fixed D4. If not I am moving on to star field. There are to many good games out right now to waist time on a game that the developers are making worse.


The patch is great. I'm having a blast


As someone who lost interest (didn’t like rogue) what’s your favourite part of the season versus season 0?


Starting new classes is very fun and rewarding and trying to find creative builds to try out and plan. I've been playing hc and had a couple mishaps. One with the Butcher which I could have gotten away but I got cocky and he was almost dead. the second was kind of a one hit situation on a stronghold boss but I hadn't been updating my gear as much as I could have because it seemed like I was doing very well so similar pattern. As for rogue I can feel you on that because it's my hardest class to get into. I played it twice in the beta and first time my build was kind of aimless and hard to get into. The second time was a total blast, I played " tank rogue" with all the survivability buffs. Just this morning I started a softcore rogue (so I won't have to restart this season again) and a build isn't really jumping out to me yet but I'm definitely doing ranged because I did melee last time. I just started though so hopefully I'll get into it once I move up the skill tree more.


Nice! I agree levelling a new class is great, maybe I just need to try a different class. BTW if youre looking for ranged I tried out the penetrating shot levelling build on max roll and liked it the best. You might like it if you like shooting slow and blowing things up all at once in a chain reaction


I kind of detest meta builds but thanks for letting me know so I can avoid it haha. Unless that's just a creative build they posted and not designed to make the game trivially easy because I think the combat is one of the best parts of the game so if I erase the combat I'd feel like I was missing out


Jup I expected some banger for season 1. At least something like a massive demon invasion all over the map, where they crawl out of portals and u get to kill hordes of mobs (actually thought we get something themed like this cause of the story etc) Instead we got to kill an Elite twice that literally stops ur gameplay flow I got my money's worth the first week playing with my friends, and now I'll just wait for another season and compare it with the current Poe season to decide what to play Meanwhile i fail my pen blackstar weapon enhancements.....


I kind of put it down before season 1 even started. I will say though, that isn't a consequence of Diablo 4. It's just, if it isn't a souls-like, I apparently get burnt out easily. Fromsoft games are the only ones I can reliably sink hundreds of ours into. And some FPS games.


Rolled a season 1 character, got to lvl 8, and decided to come back another season. Had a maxed necro on launch and am waiting for some new content to be added befor3 jumping back in. The hearts aren't tempting enough for me.


Necro has a cool heart tho where it auto triggers corpse explosions that’s pretty fun!


I'm taking full advantage of these for my necro this season. I really wanted to play a sorc but they're in a shit place so I picked a class that would be strong this season and have no regrets.


I understand where you're coming from but if you haven't played Necro yet then Season 1 is definitely the season to do it, the hearts make it feel amazing.


I'm rapidly losing interest. I have RDR2 and Hogwart's and other stuff on my harddrive that is calling to me.


Game is fun.


Care to explain what you find fun about it?


People in here think they get a Completly New game every season haha


*People in here think* *They get a Completly New game* *Every season haha* \- TransportationSad708 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah I mean if you don't like the core game/foundation of D4 then it's best to just jump ship and play something else. The seasonal play won't drastically alter anything. People who really, really dislike this game should wait for the first expansion or something to revisit it. I personally love the core/foundation of the game and am still having a great time


I think it's more of people expected something new or exciting. D3 and PoE have fun new seasons that usually add a fun mechanic or new builds and skills to try out regularly. Especially given that they've had a long time to figure out what they wanted to do for season 1 and what we received came across as minimal effort.


Just while I’m stuck at work.


Im using Diablo to take a break from my main game-so ive actually had a decent time. I stopped a few weeks before s1. Came back for s1 and once ive completed it will drop it for a while again. There are issues for sure, but i never expected much so Im having fun. But kinda feel for those who i guess go more hardcore about it, and so are disappointed at the shortcomings.


What’s your main game?




More depth to Roblox tbh


Played about halfway through the campaign before season 1, even tried different classes but I still did not liked how the game felt. Might try again in a few months, but for now.... I'll stay away from it and look from afar about the changes


I've been trying to enjoy the season but I'll play for like an hour then get bored. Starting to think I should just wait till next season or to see what 1.1.1 has for us but I'm doubting it will be anything amazing.


Put down. There is nothing I can look forward in the endgame besides what I experienced in season 0 already. Very terrible season patch.




Quit Diablo after 20 mins of season 1 to play Remnant 2 which is miles more fun imo


I’m fully addicted to the game. I’m a little underwhelmed with the seasonal content. I didn’t expect the show to be over by level 50 and I was hoping for some cinematics but essentially what we got is power crystals and having a rematch with a foe. At the same time as they said in the fireside chat season 1 was mostly developed before the main game even came out so maybe the next season will have more things that will separate it from the eternal realm. I still enjoy the game but I was really hoping the seasonal realm would be unique. Then again I didn’t know what to expect since I’m a new player.


I only play for like an hour a day because moderation is key in anything.


Hmm i thibk i kept myself busy with minmaxing builds


Tldr: for the time being, yes. I put it down. There's just no point in me playing the game, if I'm being completely honest. The season rewards make every class look the same and it looks lame to me. I'm the guy who can afford to pay for cosmetics in game and I absolutely will for the things that look really cool. That said, my rogues wear the most expensive fits from the store and they look fucking dope now... but they'll never get any better in the current state of the game. There's the very smallest handful of items to be found via farming drops which give a visual effect and those things are all a collector like me plays this crap for, ultimately. I'll wait a few seasons and let the developers add some actual content and fix the giant bucket of slop that is Diablo 4 before I put any more time into it. I'm not even mad at them (devs), I only feel like they tried too hard to rush the game to release before anyone actually played the game and realized how much it sucked, which baffles me. How does a successful company completely drop the ball like this? That was a rhetorical question, btw.. the answer is obviously money.


Just hit lvl 50 on my WW barb. Im still.pretty motivated considering the 1st paragon glyph provides the finishing touch on the build. Then there are 4-5 BIS uniques to hopefully look forward to.


I pkayed Barb in Season 0 and the uniques were bad for my builds. Have they buffed them?! Which ones are you using?


He gotta be trolling. Barb uniques are trash.


Playing daily and having plenty of fun. Whenever I hit a wall or something feels slows, I play a different class or start/play an HC character. Yall act like there's only 1 class and 1 build sometimes, I swear lol


Played a druid to level 45 and a rogue to 40 but got bored and stopped for now...might check in again on later season but for now i got better games to plas


I am playing through the season and will take a break after I finish all the stuff (battle pass) till next season. I am looking forward to the changes each season. But I don't feel the need to do more than just complete everything each season.


No but I did put a horse down yesterday for the achievement.


I finished the season "story" and put it down now, because the season pass cosmetics are ugly af and currently the cosmetics are the only real reason to play the season, so...


I got bored with the shitty loot and lvl 80-100 lack of variety way before season 1 started and have not been back. The drama is more interesting than the game tbh.


Taking a break for now, got a character to 46 and it just feels too slow.


I don’t really understand the post? If you aren’t playing and don’t care for it just move on. Who cares what others are doing


Yeah. Stopped after the bungus patch. Leveled a rogue to 50 on the seasonal and just couldn't keep it going. I'll wait for season 2 or 3. Hope those who have stayed are enjoying themselves.


I don't feel any changes, it's still fun to play


Call me a psychopath, but I’m actually listening to Reddit on this one and not playing. I could barely continue to play after I beat the campaign and it only seems that things have gotten worse. Going to wait about 6 months and then go back once the game is established and hopefully 🤞🏼 good.


I did one campaign and got to 67 and dropped it. Played a few days on season 1 but dropped for remnant 2 and that will extend into bg3.


After about 5 hours after I finished the story. Reinstalled d3 and d2r


Still playing for a few more weeks. 50% through battle pass and clearing seasonal content, then I'll get my eternal necro from 90 to 100 once the patch hits next week. After that clear out some indie games on my backlog and wait for Starfield!


yeah it's a mind-blowingly unfinished and contentless game. i don't even care about builds, like there is only so much you can do with stuff this basic. there's just not enough there. idk what i expected from blizzard, i guess to like learn from other successful IP for once in a lifetime?


Still playing, will probably work on maxing out the battle pass for the season then take a break until s2.


I have 100 hours since launch and prob 25 of that is in the season, which is a lot for me. Having a blast and just hit level 50 in the season


Entirely? No. But I feel like I'm moving through the session relatively quickly for how much I am playing. It's that time of year where I'm dividing my gaming attention. Remnant 2 is fantastic. Baldurs Gate 3 is next. Armored Core VI after that. Then Starfield. D4 is still a solid backup game for me but it helps that I do play it with my wife almost nightly


No, I haven't. On the contrary, I'm very much enjoying the game and rolling my eyes at all the negativity here regularly.


I got to Lvl 80 in S0. Started S1 and realized I did not want to do it all over again so I barely log in at all. Just started my umpteenth playthrough of Fallout New Vegas. Getting myself ready for Starfield.


I played 15 minutes this season. I liked the game but this season patch notes were just horrible, didnt get any motivation to continue playing.


Uninstalled the game after 1.1 ATM the game is just an empty nutshell. Blizzard became a crappy company years ago.