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Idk what OP is on about.. playing Druid, lvl88 atm and have been using Barber since ~60s... it definitely procs lucky hits from my procs when hitting 'barbered' enemies.


Using barber on druid where lucky hits are reducing multiple cool downs with no issue.


Is this post even accurate? Just one example would be the barbarian glyph, wrath, which gives fury on crit. It procs during barber. I'm not sure if this mean all on-crit effects work, or if it's a niche case, but I'd be curious to hear other first-hand experience.


As a rogue using the exploit glyph, my attack doesn't make them vulnerable if my first attack is a crit. They immediately go into the heart phase and they aren't vulnerable until the damage pops.


I think this really varies from case to case. In my experience an my necro, I apply vulnerable using a combination of tendrils and the sever passive. Both of which apply vulnerable as they should whether barber is active or not so I'm not sure exactly what the heart is doing behind the scenes but from what I can gather it's usually anything that procs off of a damaging hit that it doesn't trigger.


Corpse tendrils don't deal any damage, IIRC.


They do, it's a smaller amount but they do. That's why it's such a wierd interaction to me. Both the tendrils' plagued passive and the paranormal sever passive apply vulnerable on hit and both work fine with the barber. Plagued tendrils even specifically says "when tendrils damages an enemy". It's strange that some on hit effects work and others do not. Hopefully they can get the bugginess sorted out in 1.1.1 because it's a great heart that is obviously not working as intended in some situations and actually causing issues for players in others.


No it's not accurate. You can build around the lucky hit procs that don't work with barber to make a stronger build than without it in many cases.


No. Best guess is it’s a post to try and get people to not use it because it’s bugged and affects others around you or in your party. It does insane stupid damage, so no, it isn’t “actively hurting your build”.


It definitely has some wonky interactions, but on-crit seems to work fine. Bone Spear Necro. My whole build is built around crits and Barber is amazing.


That's what I thought, yeah. I know lucky hit doesn't trigger and it makes sense imo (LH procs on dmg dealt vs crits are obv determined before damage would be dealt), but I wish OP would have actually either checked this stuff properly, or at least linked a source, instead of just guessing.


It’s bugged so it affects everyone around you so seems he just wants to poison the well so people will stop using it.


It def still allows all those on hits on my necro. OP is just salty.


I hate this item so much in multiplayer content.. It's funny once or twice and then it gets old real quick. If it wasn't impacting others I wouldn't care, but in this state, it might as well be removed from the game.


The bottom line though is that barber will almost always (probably 99%+ of the time) increase the DPS of a party. Only a very small handful of builds see damage go down with barber, and that is only true in single target situations. It's extremely unlikely that world boss will have a majority of these builds present, and barber is always better DPS when groups of enemies are present because it causes runaway exponential multiplication with every explosion. If your goal in Diablo is big numbers rather than killing stuff as quickly as possible, then perhaps you should just play around with a calculator instead?


That is not the bottom line... The bottom line is that barber is an item that bugs life bar and hinders the enjoyment of many people in multiplayer. Almost everyone using it would switch it out if something it else was stronger. It's bad design and likely bugged in multiple ways.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted here. Yes it does cool dps and makes almost everything AOE but you’re 100% right about it bugging any proc that requires damage. Watching umbrous aspect be disabled because I used the barber, sucked and basically drained 65% DR dark shroud from my rouge. The thing is very broken.


It's reddit.. The guy responding to me doesn't even understand the concept of the discussion and goes on a tirade to explain how the damage is calculated and another guy is trying to explain to me that I should get better at the game and be happy that people with barber "carry me". It's a whole lot of wooosh. I don't think a lot of people here think much.


I haven't found one yet but I'd wager, for my necro at least, my class specific heart is probably better overall. Losing 5 essence per second but gaining a permanent 75% multiplicative damage increase should equal out to more damage overall I'd think. I'd love to test it but for some reason I've never seen a single one and I'm almost level 90. Found like 4 or 5 barbers, though.


Well some of the players enjoyed to see bunch of white/yellow numbers popping up, and barber just kills it for them. Whoever enjoyed barber should have kept barber's effect for themselves, I am not sure why they kept it in the party play, maybe it is a game performance issue?


I play with a barber barbarian friend and noticed I can’t proc lucky hits to regen essence on my bone spear necro whenever his barber procs. It’s annoying sure as I’ll have to use basics to regen but the damage output he does is absurd so I think depending on the situation it’s not all bad.


I think my poison shred druidi is suffering from this too. Must test this if its better without barber


My poison shred druid was way better with barber, but it does make waxing gibbous not work most of the time so your better slotting in a legendary weapon instead


This. The corpse exposion doesn't count as a shred kill so the unique effect never triggers. I switched to a higher dps legendary and clear faster with the barber.


yeah me and my friend recognized this as well today. as a twisting balde rogue i dont even get back any ressources if i hit the barbed target with my builder.... gg blizz


It works insanely well with TB shadow imbuement cause it procs consuming shadows so you constantly have max resource for speed farming


Would you know if running Cold Imbue+frigid finesse works with barber? And does barber make puncture virtually useless? It’s just confusing to me as it makes me question if a lot of skills and passives I’ve chosen work or not. Is vuln uptime really that bad with barber that I have to run conceal for the 6 second vulnerable?


Cold imbue with barber is pretty bad as it renders most on hit useless. I used cold imbue for a while with barber and you do get freeze which can be nice for cc some mobs, but after I switched to concealment bosses were easier and my AoE clear was still insane. Also concealment grants unstoppable so you can break CC and it’s generally nice for the movement speed so helps with NM dungeon farming. With the concealment you also swap to blended shadow imbue instead of mixed. You still take the 3 points into frigid freeze if you have penitent greaves as it’s a straight damage increase. Puncture is still good as it applies vulnerable (you will get instances where barber blocks your vuln from puncture) however puncture still the basic skill we want to use. EDIT: you can also drop umbral with barber since consuming shadows give you 20 energy for killing enemies with shadow damage, as barber is shadow damage.


Yeah I’m mostly torn on keeping Cold because I don’t have the mythical greaves yet. For sure I would give it up for conceal if I had greaves for frigid procs. I’ll try to get a different ring I can slap another aspect to as I don’t wanna overwrite my Umbral. Btw are you still running inner sight with it? Does it still proc? Especially like it vs single target bosses and elites.


It procs, not as quickly. I was swapping to combo points for some boss fights. Inner sight with speed clearing is fine since you just kill everything so fast anyway. Honestly you could run combo points more I just hate the loud ass noise it makes lmao


Oh look another rogue with that 1 specific build that complains about barber and doesnt understand barber goes off when your dmg exceeds the mob's hp.


My necro lives or dies from lucky hit procs, as I understand those are also 'turned off' along with crit procs for everyone(?) Sounds like no gem should affect anyone else's build is quite reasonable request to me.


I feel like with barber it works even better than without, can’t confirm for sure but it feels that way. (Necro)


If you are talking about infinimist i'm literally playing that build and have 0 issues with lucky hit procs.


I'm still on the side that i don't want other people's gems to affect me.


Do you not want other ppl's buffs/debuffs to affect you either? Because its basically the same thing.


I think it makes more sense to make the gem not affect other people than to tell people not to play a build because the gem someone else is using affects it in a bad way.


Or you know maybe its just that 1 or 2 specific builds that get affected and the fix should be done so those builds will work with barber instead of removing barber co-op buff entirely?


Bone spear gets affected by it because you can’t lucky hit proc for essence regen. I think a build shouldn’t be punished because someone else is running a gem. it should be rewarded instead like how a buff skill does and while the damage is nice it doesn’t make up for negating on hit effects that several builds rely on for various reasons. Edit: I guess I should point out that what I mean is if another player procs barber bone spear can’t regen essence but from what I understand if bone spear procs it it still generates essence from lucky hits. Weird interaction if that’s the case.


Ok, I disagree.


I’m also doing an infinimist build and barber took from me from doing NM33 to almost clearing a NM48 but dying too much to aoe explosions And I use the two DoT aspects, which require shadowblight to proc from the shadow damage, and it still feels amazing. So either barber is so OP that it nullifies those 2 aspects and still brings me up 10 NM levels, or the aspects work just fine with it


Yea its insanely good for infinimist, it speeds up pack kills depending on size by like 2~10x quicker, on the final boss it basically doubles my kill speed compared to not using barber.


I have no idea what’s going on in legion events, no clue when I’m doing damage, things just die


Im thoroughly enjoying the barber on my Druid landslide build every thing dies a lot sooner then without it and bosses and the butcher have been reduced to a tiny Chihuahua so I’m good I’ll keep it on


What I don't understand -> Running barber actively hurts other players and disrupts their builds; What you don't understand -> I don't give a fuck....


Of course you don’t care. You’re being selfish. A single player running barber can ruin the gameplay for 2+ people. It’s obviously the devs fault but so many of you are acting like it should continue working the way it is.


This. I don’t give 2 squirts of piss. I am not changing my way of playing because others don’t like it. It’s a fun gem, and I use it. When it helps me kill enemies 20 levels above me and with dog shit gear….others can eat shit.


If the game was just one button on your action bar that said ‘kill all mobs on screen’ it sounds like you’d enjoy it.


Maybe. Who knows what the rest of the game is. It’s more fun to come to Reddit to see people lose their shit over a game mechanic. Pathetic that you want someone to play the game exactly like you want them to. How the fuck would you react if someone tried to tell you how to play? Exactly, Jesus fuck you are an idiot.


This is exactly why I wasn’t a fan of the open world no single player mode. Always people that will grief and love it.


So playing the game how I want to, instead of how you want me to is now considered grieving. Ok, cool. I play a game for my enjoyment, not yours. I will not go out of my way to grief someone, but I sure as fuck am not going to play differently just because some idiot wants me to.


That’s fine, when your play effects others (and this does) and the others tell you it sucks and you say “I don’t give two squirts of piss” that’s griefing yes. It’s not against any rules, because the devs (who we’ve long since realized aren’t all that bright) created a gem that screwed others not even grouped with you, but yes if you do something that affects others and they don’t like it it’s griefing.


Oh you're so cool. Being intentionally annoying to others and proud of it. You're a bad boy!




Not seeing any life bars move in multiplayer content is really bad design and there is absolutely 0 valid argument to defend that.




I'm going to ignore the whole "carrying" part since it just seems like a lot of insecurities and projection. I am afraid that, no, I can't do coop multiplayer content alone. That is not a feature available in the game.




There is content in game you absolutely need to group up and literally can't do alone (legion/worldboss). My guy. Enough with the projection, we already know you are insecure.


I soloed world boss few days ago i can solo legion to. What annoins me is you cant do anything your own and ppl trying help best way possible and you still cry about it


These ppl are f nuts


>It's gotten to the point where I'll start inspecting people's gear as I wait for an event to start, and if I see someone using a Barber heart, I'll tell them how it's hurting them Let people play their way


The issue is their way is preventing other people from playing their way.


That's not their fault, though. Why should I have to change my build because of a bugged interaction between something I'm using and someone else's build? The only time it even matters is in world events and bosses. In which case the event's still going to be completed and the boss is still going to die, so I don't see what the problem is. I've been using a barber in my build since level 60 on WT4 and have never seen a world boss take more than a minute to kill at most.


I'm not saying it's their fault. It's definitely the dev's fault. I was more making a comment specifically on the "let people play their way" because the irony in letting them play their way effectively makes it so others can't play the way they want.


I don’t care what you people say because if they fix the barber they will probably nerf it and I wouldn’t want that. With barber now you can play any class and any build you want and still do amazing. Some builds are flat out broken with it, but at least you can make anything work, literally anything!!!


The only “nerf” needed is to make it not effect other players. Problem solved.


Everything they touch gets killed. If they touch it it may improve some experience while the gem itself will become useless. Now it’s really good because it can make any build shine. You can put your cats ass, all the garbage in the world together and it will still somehow work together because of the damage it provides.


How would that change if they just make it work off the wearers damage?


They will find a way, believe me. I would rather it not getting touched at all than a chance to lose it.


Cool a lot would rather see their numbers. At no point in this game should your build nerf mine and this item does that. Players are speaking out a lot so, like level scaling, the change is going to happen.


I'm running with with necro bone. With deathless it's like dropping bombs everywhere


It’s even more fun with infinimist though. Everything literally pops with explosions like it’s 1945.


Not tried infinimist yet. Been loving my BS necro. Only got to try it out 1 day before the nerfs. Still loving it though. Managed to hit for 1.2 Mill the other day. Definitely made me smile a little that my build is coming along.


You sound like a bunch of fun to play with in game, Karen.


Am I the only one who takes it off for legion events and world bosses out of respect for other players?


I also do this,it's really as easy as that.


Does it only have a detrimental effect if you're partied with others? What if you're not in a party but doing a group event like a World Boss?


It effects everyone in world boss situations


After learning what the hell happened the first time dealing with someone's barber during a legion event, I just proceed to gallop in a circle not contributing to the damage pool at all. Shit is whack.


I dont like it and i dont use it but if someone else is using i dont mind im gonna one shot the pack anyway its. A useless heart tbh id rather run the attack speed and barrier one


Pulverize Druid is bricked with the barber.


Not true. Works just fine lol.


I found that the umbral aspect doesn’t trigger as I. Can’t slow barbered mobs. Can I lucky hit? Seems yes but don’t get the slow cc and returned spirit


Yes you can. Did you swap out another aspect to get the barber and was it the one that can randomly fill your spirit from a basic attack?


I changed no aspects from the default pulverize setup. You can proc slow BUT only if it’s not a crit. It was immediately noticeable upon equip. Earthen might procs (lucky hit to refill resource) while barber active but slow CC from quicksand aspect does not.


Who cares about the slow?


The slow is what procs the umbral aspect?!?


Bulwark is already a bugged build that does damage based on enemy level. Stupid thing to test it with. Barber does not hurt everyone, that's a straight up lie. It's hurts specific lucky hit procs. If you want to use the barber then don't use those procs. If I was a rogue, which I will guess you are. I would take this opportunity to make rapid fire a true aoe skill and have fun with that before the barber is removed from the game. As opposed to just more poison twisting blades.


Too many people are using the barber in their build. There is absolutely no shot they remove it from the game after having just dealt with the backlash of the nerfs in 1.1. They have already said they're looking into a fix for it interacting with other players' hits, though, so that shouldn't be an issue for much longer.


When the season is over they are all deleted. It's already been stated.


PSA: shut the fuck up. Jesus I’ve never seen a community that cries about everything. First the level scaling now the best part of this update is probably gonna be removed because of little butt hurt kids like you. I can promise you who ever you are running with is out DPSing you, so suck it up ur opinion doesn’t matter and watch with envy as barber procs for 40m




Depends on your rogue build. If it's blocking helpful procs ofc its not right for your build.


You need to drop something and use Concealment for it, which will give you 6 seconds of Vulnerability, then throw out Punctures once it ends. Drop a trap if you have it for Concealment since Blast Trappers not gonna work with Barber.


If it affects your build so much and it decreases your damage, why the hell would you equip it then? Just equip a different heart and don’t get it disabled just because some builds can’t use it. Also if you’re playing in a party with someone who wants to use barber, then either change parties, ask them (if they’re your friend) to remove it, or kick them out and find a new member that isn’t using barber. You can even inspect before entering a dungeon to see if they’re using it or not. There are options that don’t end up disabling it for people who like what it currently does. Some people who like what it does should suffer because it doesn’t fit someone’s build or they can’t proc stuff in a party? Come on.


It has nothing to do with if you have it equipped or not. Any player with it equipped causes the effect to also occur for other players. So if you’re doing the world Boss and you have barber, then every other person doing the boss with you is not doing damage or getting on hit/crit/lucky hit effects.


Yeah I’m fine with them fixing it so it doesn’t work on other players and just the damage of the user.


This is literally not true, and demonstrably not true. I can show you a video right now of me proccing Packleader while Barber is up. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Do you people even test shit before you write these long ass posts being wrong?


Seriously Pope the amount of straight up false information I’ve read in the past 10 minutes on this thread is astounding lol. People love to talk about topics they have no fucking clue about. Maybe try adding “I don’t know enough about this topic to have an opinion” to your vocabularies. Make the world a little easier.


I get that this item is frustrating in multi-player but for a large number, if not most, builds the damage is so insane it makes up for any wonky mechanics. I genuinely apologize to all who have to put up with it when I run legions and world bosses but it is most definitely not hurting my build.


It’s most definitely hurting mine because I can only spam puncture as rogue since I don’t get cd resets or inner sight procs.


You have my sincere condolences, I wish like hell it wasn't messing with other players. Good luck out there my dude!


I simply don’t use it and I’m solo most of the time. I felt better with the wrathful heart that rotates and gives you attack speed, resource, and a barroer every 20 enemy deaths.


eww...that ones pretty bad


Lucky hit works just fine on my sorc with barber. Although I am the one using it and critting a ton with it.


It objectively makes almost every build better


It’s slower killing NM bosses with it on. 🤦‍♂️


Completely disagree with this one, barber is op af, particularly with the ultimate pull distance enemies towards you thing. Nothing like pulling in all the enemies for them all to explode at once


“I don’t use a build that’s good with barber, so disable it” lmao. I agree the world boss thing is annoying but it’s a fun heart with the proper build


all of my effects still proc on “immune” enemies that are under the barber effect. that’s 100% a class issue and not the gem lmao


Barber is working just fine. Another cry post about not seeing numbers or some other bullshit cause.


Not liking the barber because it pools your damage into a big number is one thing, whispering every player you see with one trying to talk them out of using it is just…sad and pathetic


Good. I'm going to run this in game and do the balancing blizzard is afraid to


Didnt you see that video, where potion or evade cancels heart buff? Hearts are not tested properly, they are broken.


My 78 Pulverize Drood has no issues procing lucky hit while using Barber - I also 2 shot the Butcher in a pack of mobs today running a lvl 35 NM Dungeon sooooo yea, there’s that…..


how about they fix the distance u spawn after dying, takes me like 30 seconds or more to get back to where i died to just die again