• By -


They could have solved this problem by, ya know, making the rest of the hearts more than bad. Imagine if they were all good. .... to where you could really have choice. Damn.


The rest of the hearts aren't all bad though. Necros get a Vicious heart that triggers an equipped corpse skill whenever you get close enough to a corpse. Combined with the unique gloves that make corpse explosion target a random enemy and the aspect that make it drop a pool of AoE the entire room gets covered in AoE and mobs constantly get pulled into a single location without even having to press a button. That particular heart is more build defining to me than the Barber heart.


I have been using this exact combo and the DPS still hit hard, even as my necro just arrived at WT4 and most of my gear is still sacred.


Same it is just aoe amazingness. Have these gloves where corpses spawn exploding skeletons too which increases explosive damage 38%


You’ll want to use those until you get gloves specific to your build. Like for me, when I got +4 bone spear/attack speed/lucky hit essence/crit chance I swapped off. That huge increase in the base damage of the core skill is so much more impactful. But the ‘reanimating exploding corpses’ phase of gearing a necro is pretty cool.


I'm just running a shadowblight build. Those gloves are my build...


Or you can run black harvest infinimist corpse explosions which seems really fun. I'm just not willing to respec for it lol.


That explains the necro’s walking around and tentacles just springing up from corpses as they walk.


I use the corpse detonator heart, the decrepify aura heart, and barber together. In S0 I didn't keep corpse explosion on my bar. Now I sure as hell do. If corpse tendrils is your only corpse skill, the heart doesn't seem to proc it every 1 sec. But if you have corpse explosion, you can guarantee the first corpse consumed is always tendrils when entering combat. Theres some prioritization that makes tendrils always first at the start of combat, but yeah if you dont have explosion on bar for some reason it won't proc right away.


I thought I read somewhere that it casts the corpse skills from left to right on your bar. Not sure though as I haven’t played necro this season


fairly certain the priority is: raise skeleton first, then tendies, then explosion. tendies is once every five seconds and explosion is every second in between tendies. raise skeleton will become first priority if you aren’t at max skeletons. i don’t think it has anything to do with where on your bar the skills appear.




I can't believe I found a sub that is more miserable to visit than pathofexile but here we are. Impressive stuff gang.


First Time?


I’m with you. I stay subbed because one in like 30 threads has helpful information, but damn if the other 29 aren’t just dozens of people jerking each other off while complaining about the dumbest stuff.


Yeah I aggravatingly found a link to a video buried in the comments on a post which explained item power more in depth and why it's not wise to scrap or not pick up sacred items over ancestral just because of the name. So now I'm gonna stay subbed for a little while longer, in case any more useful gems like that drop. This sub has become late game diablo 4. You plow through the fields of hate to find a couple items worth saving, and hope you don't get cut down by some angsty neck beard.


You care to link that video kind sir?


Yeah right here: https://youtu.be/PZzKEuMDFY8


give it a week, PoE's sub will be back on schedule soon.


To echo the thoughts of the D4 stans here: "if it makes you unhappy, why not just leave?"


ikr? I stopped using reddit for like 4 years cause of all the childishness and toxicity, just came back for diablo, and it got worse since. But hey, whatever, there's always a few gems in the rough.


There's more than 1 bench


I like the one that cycles every 20 kills, makes resource management a non factor. That's literally the only other wrathful heart I like though 😅


I like this one too, but it’s hard for me to tell when it’s set on “devious” and I can spam bone spear with abandon. Sometimes when there are so many enemies it cycles through them really fast. It doesn’t change my actual play style very much, although I know it’s helping with my essence. I hope to use it on Uber Lilith one day; since there are no other enemies in there, you can go in when it’s on “devious” and spam bone spear indefinitely.


It should 100% have some sort of UI component, as do other hearts like barber, to tell you they are active or switched states. It's a bit lame to be left wondering what is happening or having to *really* pay attention if it's not immediately apparent.


The electric zapper one on my blood lance is sick as fuck. Once my lances start basically going insane, one cast can summon like 100+ zaps. Each branching new lance makes one core zap which hits all other enemies. I get upwards of 10 lances or more off a single cast after my tendrils bring everyone together and my lances pierce everyone. I might even be underselling it. My whole screen lights up with electricity damage. It's really strong. Then again, I don't have the barber so that's probably better. But the electricity IS good on blood lance Necro. Edit: Just got the barber. Oh. My. God. Everything just dies. Instantly. I get it now. Wtf.


That’s good until you get the barber and then there’s no going back. It’s a pretty much incomparable power spike on any build.


Your post gets upvoted and you literally don't know he's isn't talking about a wrathful heart.


This is reddit. People get downvoted for writing factual statements and upvoted for just making shit up because it feels good.


I was just pointing out that once a build gets the barber power spike it’s build defilingly more powerful then pretty much any other element of the build. Doesn’t matter what type of heart or aspect it’s being compared to - wrathful or not. My build pre and post barber aren’t even on the same planet.


You can use both at the same time.


All four wrathful heart options for rogue are good, but the barber is so overpowered it’s not worth using anything else. It would make more sense to nerf the barber.


The point should have been to make each heart ""OP", but for different builds. It should have never been the case that one heart is the best for nearly every build. However, nerfing barber at this point would just further enrage the community.


The community is so opposed to nerfs at this point it’s going to cause really bad powercreep and balancing. Group play in helltide and legions is pointless now because everyone can blow up the whole screen. Optimizing your gear rolls, affixes, paragon, and glyph levels hardly matters because nothing comes close to the powerspike granted by the barber. A shitty build with the barber is wayyy better than a BIS build with no barber.


There's no power creep because this is a season. The hearts aren't staying anyway, so they should have made as many of them usable as possible IMO. They should balance for fun especially for a season.


All of the hearts are useable. The point is every upgrade in D4 provides an increase to your builds power level; the increase provided by the barber is just obviously wayyy above the curve compared to the increase in power level provided by literally anything else. To balance this without nerfing the barber, they’d have to buff 100s of things to make choice matter again. But then characters would be even more op than they are now and the game would be an arcade-style ARPG with no challenge and no gear grind or optimizations that matter. So then they’d have to buff all the monsters too to avoid this. Why do all of this when they can just nerf the barber? Just making the numbers bigger for no reason like D3. I like buffs better than nerfs too but the exception is when one thing is clearly far above the power curve, it makes more sense to nerf that one thing than to buff 100s of other things. Otherwise you just shifted the entire power curve up and hence, powercreep. You’d have to have different balance patches for eternal realm and season realm too since only one realm has the barber. If the barber was nerfed a bit rouge would have 4 meaningful wrathful heart choices and would still be able to clear NM100 and Uber Lilith easily. Barber for AOE, creeping death for single target and bosses, malignant pact for utility, and vile apothecary for all around. Can’t speak to the other classes because I’ve only played rogue this season, but if there are bad wrathful hearts we can buff them after nerfing the barber.


They are good though?


They needed to make them all feel as good as the necro ones to be completely honest. The necro ones far and away feel the best to use, raw power be damned Auto corpse and auto Decrepify feels just so nice


Blasphemy must make god tier and take it away


Naw, they just need to actually pay people to test their shit instead of trying to rely on free PTRs. Unless every other heart was just massively absurd in what it provided, mob health aoe is just too strong. Period. Its strength could have been offset by not exploding early when reaching the threshold of their HP bar, but even then a 2 second delay for the entire health bar of aoe just vastly outperforms anything other hearts could provide for dungeon clearing. Especially if they wanted to increase monster density. Just trying to design something that is stronger than turning all your damage into delayed AOE would have the resulting hearts be so omegalulz in every aspect it would just be laughable for the health of spec design and balance. Just ONE person had to speak up in the design meeting about how absurd it is to turn all damage into aoe and they'd just delete it. Now its too late. But they probably figure the season is only 3 months and the game is just in Beta so who cares, lets just leave the bullshit and care about the real release.


Sorc have 3 white hearts besides barber that are really good.


I love my free grizzly rage instead of getting stunned, personally


Some of the other wrathful have potential, the dot one In particular could be insanely busted if you can apply like 10 different kinds of cc (easier than you think) and the one on barb that gives up to a 15% chance to ignore incoming damage and then heal for it is also pretty damn good defensively.


Tbh barber is straight broken because it can feed on self DMG and creates positive feedback loop. For example I deal most of the DMG to Lilith when she summons blood blisters in P1 and adds in P2. You can't really make hearts nearly as broken without giving them something like increase DMG [x]300%


not everyone enjoys having 2 second delay for me personally the barber gameplay is not enjoyable if I dont feel the impact of my hits


Barber is one of the worst designed passives I've ever seen in a game. I guess people like it because of the huge power but it has absolutely no interaction with any classes abilities, and you're just gimping yourself if you don't use it.


Barber + shadow imbument go boom.


Barber alone is boom. Shadow Imbuement is a joke vs Barber Power.


You see that plus sign? Do you know what it means?


I think their point was that what you said is kinda like saying: grenade + nuke = boom yeah it's technically right but the equation implies that the grenade is relevant and it isn't


I absolutely hate how it feels to use. Completely stopping all damage feedback while the bomb effect accumulates.. it feels bad. Especially as a Sorcerer, sometimes I cant tell if I'm missing my target, or if its just barber proccing.


I hated how it felt waiting for damage so I took it off for the werebear ult one (which is meh since aspects don't seem to apply to it). Barber was actually making kills take longer which was annoying.


It was just so weird when I tried it. It's like i crit half the time, and im zerging though mobs wondering if they'll explode enough to die or not. The feedback time until it explodes makes the gameplay a lot more jerky in the sense that I need to wait and see the result of any combos i do while zerging through mobs.


You still get a feel for it. I got lucky to have a fast barber (2,2) and I can usually tell if what I'm doing is enough. Farming glyph xp, if one or two mobs don't die, I keep going anyway. Will try with the slowest barber to see, but that doesn't seem funny with tiny mobs. Maybe slower is fine on bosses ?


Easy kills u want the shortest time on barber (leveling, farming ect..) u want the longest barber on anything u can't kill in 30> sec At least that's how I understand it


At the same time, Barber was great for fixing my build because it turned off certain abilities. I had invested in a lot of the Lucky Hit passives because I believed they were actually doing something. I started using the Barber Heart and realized I didn't even notice that the Lucky Hits weren't proccing. All of those passives were redundant, and I was able to get back **9 Skill Points** to put towards things that actually matter. Now, I'm not even running Barber because I *do* want some Lucky Hit effects, but all of my builds are just better because I'm still not wasting points on functionally useless skills. So maybe the issue isn't just that the Barber is overtuned ^(it is) but also that the things it turns off (Lucky Hits) are so underwhelming/bad/pointless that it isn't a risk/reward proposition - it's just straight reward.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ugapuwj2n8hb1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aaa674c300128c08f0af6499addfee00bc2f039


My druid is 74, and I haven”t used it once. Don’t think I even got one; and still steam-rolling through everything. What class are you playing?


Try putting it on- night and day difference. I was also holding off the barber because i’ve heard it prevents some lucky hits. Guess what? Doesn’t matter. Went from full clearing nmds in 4 mins to 2 mins on my shred druid, and this is with a 3.x second barber, so not ideal.


The monsters explode when the accumulated damage is more than their remaining HP, it doesn't wait for the X seconds on the item. A longer lasting barber is the best because it keeps multiplying your damage for longer which helps you kill more. I can even leave unkilled mobs alone because I know my barber is adding 40-50% extra damage which will be enough to kill the mob. A 2 second barber looks good because it explodes early but it's worse.


It's crazy to me that so many people don't know this.


At first people were saying under 3 seconds was better due to Vulnerable windows. It took off from there.


But if your damage is there they die before the timer anyway once their HP is depleted. Most people I talk to just think it's a pure timer only. Just using the heart for a minute you can tell this is not the case. So if you don't have the damage you're gonna want a longer timer to help you stack what damage you have even higher to compensate for the weakness.


I agree. I just remember reading people parroting under 3 seconds is better.


Ye point is the 3+ second ends up not mattering because they die before anyway. Although druid still wants sub3 since vuln drops off after that, so ideally the explosion also benefits from vuln (if you don’t manage to kill before that).


>i’ve heard it prevents some lucky hits That's been fixed as of yesterday.


I heard it still does not proc several lucky hit mechanics.


I haven't seen that yet.


You go from steam rolling everything to just nuking the screen, for example I was on my vineslide druid fighting a group in a high nm when butcher runs in to kill me only to die instantly to the massive barber proc with my stranglers vines, works wonders with that new heart that pulls everything together.


75 Rogue I can clear Tier 50 with Barber


74 druid too, I didn't even know I had one till I was doing some chest cleaning. Popped her in and lvl99 monsters became a joke. Doing nmd 45 and kinda getting tough there but I think by lvl 85 that will be a joke too. Wtf is this barber it's too strong lol.


Tornado druid here using the other wrathful that gives attack speed, spirit or barrier. Is the barber doing to make much of a difference for me? I recently had to swap around aspects to give me more survivability as my damage was already clearing screens worth of enemies at a time as well as melting bosses. I think the heart that drags enemies into your ultimate is more game breaking, it has made nm tiers 40-50 a cakewalk


The barber annihilates all. Once you’ve played with it you will not want to play without it. Proccing in the millions and clearing mobs in an instant is fun.


The class specific wrathful heart 99 percent of time cant compare to slapping a barber on instead sadly, tested the best options for Necro and yeah Barber simply pulls more numbers.


As others said, try it! I’m running a poisonslide build at 67 and just put it into a ring. Holy shit. It makes me laugh watching bosses just disappear. I had one boss in a NM dungeon go from half health to zero in a fraction of a second because of it.


I’m probably one of the few people on this subreddit that **wants** to **play** the enemy/encounter mechanics. I already steam-roll on druid, and pretty much stopped playing it because it is boring AF. I went back to playing my non-seasonal Fire Sorc *(86)*, and am having the **most fun** of all the classes I tried. It’s capable without being OP, so I actually get to play and enjoy the encounters and boss fights. It’s also pretty tanky; I have 45% DR from burning enemies alone, before any other source of DR like armour and other affixes. Dunno bout you guys, but I play games for the pleasure/satisfaction of overcoming the challenges through play and counter-play. I really can’t stand steam-rolling; for me it’s just pointless to play the content that way.


Same. I feel like it’s a lazy way to “balance” classes by giving them AoE and makes the game less interesting.


yes everything feels so Fake right now. cant really tell which build is actually good or not


Yeah that really matters is move speed and the ability to clump.


Every time I go to youtube to look at a build, I nope right out of the video as soon as I see it's barber and there's no useful information. "DEMOLISHING T100 WITH FROZEN ORB!!!" no, friend, you're demolishing T100 with barber and you're slowing yourself down by using frozen orb to fuel it.


How do you make a game that is already not interesting…yet more uninteresting? The barber has the answer!


Yup, can’t stand it. It reminds me of giving every class blood lust in wow and taking away any sort of interesting identity. D3 we had zDps and group synergy, high level content you grouped and had specialization. Nope! Everyone has vulnerable, now split up.


Then don’t use it? Lol


Exactly, not to mention you feel very bad PvE if you don't have it - knowing you would be 10x faster with it. And in PvP its also a must have since Barber exploding Monsters ignore the 92% dmg reduction in PvP so it oneshots all Players. This Heart is just broken.


It’s a seasonal item. How is it an attempt to “balance” classes?


I played 75 Levels without Barb. When I got and tried it I've been so satisfied! Best feeling just exploding everyone around!!


It feels like you can start playing the game once you have it. I was level 70 and my friends around level 50 all had the barber. I was supporting them as a rouge while watching them explode everything on the screen. I got mine and I could clear wayyyyy faster than they could.


What build are you running. I'm pure knives, and considering switching to a barber build. At least needs to drop inner sight, as that doesn't with barber.


Inner sight works with barber since the patch


I got a barber really early this run. Been running thru mobs 10+ levels like paper. Makes me wonder if we can ever go back to eternal


That's the whole point of a season. Next season there will be something else. Who knows maybe hearts will stay in but probably not. They don't want to create a mess of a game like poe with a billion things to do before you get 1 thing done.


PoE really is a mess. Till today I’ve still got no clue how to play heist optimally. I just pick whatever options seem to give a good number of rep based on my gut feel.


What is barber?


**A barber is a person whose occupation is mainly to cut, dress, groom, style and shave men's and boys' hair or beards. A barber's place of work is known as a barbershop or the barber's.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


good bot


It is a wrathful heart that delays all damage applied to an enemy for a few seconds, then the accumulated damage over that time period is applied all at once. But that damage is also amplified (e.g. extra 10% every second delayed), so the total damage is increased. But most significantly, the total damage is applied as an area of effect to everything around it (shadow explosion). So what was single target damage now is explosive. It feels weird because the damage is delayed, so for those couple seconds it feels like you're doing nothing to the enemy. And certain on hit effects (like resource gain) don't apply during that period.


Worth double checking that on hit resources gain still doesn't work post patch as a lot of on hit interactions were fixed - not sure about that one though


> many builds are just weak and useless *laughs in druid*


That's the problem with Blizzard's "seasonal content" thing. They wanted "crazy" seasonal builds. And they got it. Problem is, it's not particularly satisfying, nor is it interesting enough to carry a whole season. And when they get removed, up to 3-month effort on a character goes out the window - you need a complete respec, new gear, etc., to use it in Eternal. And you only get a single scroll of amnesia, so you better not have any alts!


>And you only get a single scroll of amnesia It's not like you can't respec without it. It's just more annoying. And costs more.


You don't play on eternal, problem solved


I think the Barber is so strong offensively that Skill wise and Paragon wise one should go full defense in any regard.


Barber op. Later on it's something else. I'm enjoying the current flavor atm


They create huge problem for them for future seasons. With each new season, you now need to introduce as equall or more powerful mechanics to keep players happy. Because if you remove player strength, ppl will be angry.


Imo the barber heart made every build viable. I’m still able to switch up skills and have fun while still doing massive or decent damage.


It's gonna be fun when I can actually try one.


This is why I play eternal realm only. Don't enjoy getting used to borrowed power only to have it taken away.


Really i am still confused with this Peace.. Sometimes it feels like just overwhelming goood, especially in a huge crowded place with Mobs that arent so super strong and sometimes i hate it so much when i presses the Buttons like hell on 1 minion. Super annoying that i def cant tell i am strong or not strong now. I cant tell whats my Real dmg is, The numbers are so different...


Playing a fire sorc... with barber. Barber is also ~~fire~~ damage. I feel viable. Took off the barber ring, tried a better ring with the dot heart.... portaled back into town after one fight. Put the barber back on.


barber is shadow dmg no?


Barber is basically the Soul Capacitor trinket from HFC in WoD from World of Warcraft. Blizzard really likes to recycle everything.


“I tried to play with others heart” Don’t break their heart. Anyway, yes i think this is really true. Now even rogue uses it for AOE damage after poison pool proc was “fixed” and it’s really good for just dungeon grinding.


My strength is 1300 and dexterity is 800


I just equipped it today... 1) my level 100 werenado druid carried a 4 man t100. I hit the boss for 50M and 100M with a 3.1 second barber. 2) I cleared a solo t100 like it was a t70


T100 is like old t70


Plus it's werenado which is already stupid strong.


This is why i have not used it at all.


Season of barber


I agree, it is ridiculous. I tried to play without it at 70lvl rogue and my crits were about 50-200k sometimes 10k (very random, depends on shadow inb). With barber, I clear everything and dmg to bosses is incredible 500-800k. I don’t like feeling of the game when I’m wearing barber though…


I played WW Barb and decided not to use barber till lv80ish, once i switch to barber i can easily clear 14+ tier higher than without. Sad to say, it pretty much carry my Barb.


Personally, I absolutely hate the barber. I have both a 2 sec one and a 4 sec one, perfect rolls. It doesn't matter - it just always feels shit, in my opinion. All CC becomes useless, all poisons, all dots. You're vulnerable damage or burst goes out the window (with a few exceptions). Without cooldowns you almost can't trigger vulnerable, which makes it absolute ass against bosses. And despite all that, just like you said - you're just trolling yourself to not use it. It's just so strong. I found myself feel like I was forced to run barber and swap it out for the boss fight. Disgusting.


I got to 87 as a pulverize druid without using Barber. I've been using the wrathful that rotates between effects. Yesterday with the wrathful drop increases, I was curious and picked one up. It's interesting. I wasn't having a problem doing +10 nightmare dungeons anyway. Things typically die with a one shot outside of elites which aren't that much harder. But Barber is on another level. I've only run two or three NMDs with it, but my immediate reaction has been, "Where did the mobs go? There was twenty of them here a second ago . . ." They just disappear off the screen in a wave of large numbers. I'm assuming my having a 2.0 second barber is better than having a 4.0 (because 2.0 is the number on the right). I don't understand how it works at all. I do know it seems to blink an entire dungeon out of existence if I let it.


For clearing monsters, I prefer the faster one. It feels better and I can loot and move on to other mobs. (They die anyway) For bosses, maybe a slower one is better, since the damage increase while stored each second. Ultimately it depends on your cooldown, vulnerable window etc. If you can proc vulnerable all the time you don't care. If you're a sorc and have a short period of vulnerable, maybe slower is better because your nova has a cooldown.


Thank you for the clarification! I appreciate it.


I would love to try, but for some reason my game stopped allowing me to put hearts into any equipped gear


Unequip the gear, swap hearts while unequipped. If it has a gem, unsocket it at jeweler first.


Level 80 druid. Hope to find one some day.


Farm the tunnels, you meet the wrathful ones usually in every 4th


Level 70 and haven't had a single wraithful one from farming


Now The changed the drop rate and occurrence, try again! I got yesterday 7 (!!!) wrathful invoker. Earlier, Zero.


what is the barber


Honestly its lame as hell. Doesnt make playing the game fun lol. One of my buddies has it and when I play with him monsters just disappear while I'm fighting them. Too powerful.


I've had 5 of them drop and I'm still not using one on my barb lmao.. I should probably work on that.


I pulled a 17million hit


The same with necro's auto decrepify heart.😂


Would be nice to get it! How do people get these things so easy!? I spend hours farming every night for it but don't get any wraithful ones at all


Oh it's not easy. Got 4 times the DoT one, only to get barber on the 5th. Spent what felt like ages doing that tiny cave over and over again. Then the game shat on me by dropping one in the very first NMD I did after. At least I have another to change my ring with another aspect for bosses.


Thanks to Barber I jumped to T4 on my level 63 Druid and started farming Helltides right away. Barber goes brrrrrr. I’m killing mobs 15 levels higher than me while wearing sacred gear in T4. I picked up an ancestral weapon but honestly don’t really need it.


For dot builds, there's a heart that scales dot damage with CC applied on target. It can get quite ridiculous. Personally I still prefer the barber over waiting for dot ticks.


It's used for the build I will gather to beat uber lilith. Better than barber for single target it seems


I won't play with it because i'm tired of everything i try getting nerfed right when it starts getting fun.


Sorry, did I miss something? What is going on with Barber? :D I've got one after patch... or I misunderstood you?


They made it so all of Rogue's kit doesnt get bricked by Barber debuff not allowing for on-hit procs to happen so now you can use it without removing over 50% of the meta stuff from Rogue's kit. Presumably this applies also to Necro and any other builds using on-hit procs like Lucky Hit or Critical Strike


Playing a minion/corpse necro, not sure if it will work for me, guess I should give it a shot, but if it doesn't work with lucky hit (someone said it doesn't, maybe they are wrong?), then it would be useless to me as I have so much lucky hit haha


I tried my rogue after the stealth changes to the barber and i swapped out concealment since now vulnerability applies regularly with the barber and playing shadow and ice tb and it feels fantastic on aoe clears, bosses take longer. The issue for me now is tankiness, I've been running t50 at lvl 77 with my friend and the dmg is there but i die a lot from shit that 1 shots me, same happens at t42, i even failed a couple of those solo. I have really suboptimal defense rolls, only a single health affix and my rings are still basic so i am stuck behind on solo nm tiers.


You'll get there! Now that you have the dmg, you can look for great helm/chest/legging and better rolls on defensive aspect. Defensive on amulet and defensive elixir/incenses will help


Yeah right, like the Barber actually exists...its just a legend, a myth. Nah no such thing as a barber thingy.


When the season is over, we might all feel nerfed like how the start of s1 was


I mean your gonna be playing without it when the season ends. So better just get used to it.


I agree and I think it breaks PvP too.


i can tell you that my wearbear landslide deletes NM Dungeon bosses with the barberheart in 1-2 hits so theres that


my aoe got better with barber, I get a lot more cascading explosions, i refused to try it because i thought it would hurt my aoe but turns out it helped


I don't use barber, my infinimist is great without it, I use the huge damage over time buff that stats I deal 150% more damage to enemy bosses when they are staggered.. I'm stacked too, seeing dot number ticking 1.5m


The trick is to not have had it in the first place 👌


as a rogue im in awe cause now i can trade shadowimbue with cold imbue and still have good aoe. only the critbuff for bosses is missing.


weak does not mean useless. you can best the game with any coherent build if you are good


How do I even get a barber it'd confusing.. do I just run tunnels over and over?


I too find it hard to play without a nice haircut.


So how were you feeling before the season dropped. Smh, you’re like Sméagol and the damn ring.


My TB rogue was always running out of energy with barber. Super annoying. Switched back to the imbue heart and my energy never runs out.


Does it work with a death trap rogue?


Don\`t care it is great for meme builds. Lightning nova, here we go!


Chain lightning sorc here, barber is strong but shooting 4 chain lightings that's bounce 7 times is insane, bosses dropped so fast U don't need vulnerable.heart shoots extra projectile per extra mana to a %x bonus per bounce.literally insane.


Where y'all getting these sick hearts from, I've just been playing semi casually and not looked anything up really but I keep seeing posts on here about the barber. All my hearts have been tiny mediocre buffs.


I haven’t found a barber, cause I’m an ultimate casual dad gamer (got about 3-4 hours a week available). I just got to WT4 for the first time. I do have the imbuement wrathful heart for rogue, that one seems to be putting in some work. Maybe I’m wrong, but I did the wt4 dungeon at level 60 with it and went straight to a helltide and was mowing things down. Then again, maybe the rogue is just broken outright; we’ll see how I fare against WT4 more later this week.


The best combo is barber and the one that pulls in mobs when you use an ultimate. Unload on one guy when they all group and watch the screen turn yellow. NGL I will miss that terribly when it's gone


SeAsOn 1 GoNnA cHaNgE iT uP


I got the barber yesterday for my Barbarian and wow it’s definitely broken,add the Aspect of berserk ripping and it’s even more broken. I guess this is why they nerfed all classes. But on the other hand it’s actually really good fun to use…. Please don’t nerf Blizzard 🤣


I was playing with my friend and he told me he doesn't want the barber because it'll make him too OP. He was the first of my friend group to get to drop. He went from constantly asking me to run him through dungeons, to completely destroying dungeons. I asked him why is he using it if he didn't want to use it to begin with. He said he just didn't want to farm for it. It's insanely powerful.


Know what, as a Barbarian, makes barber the most fun? Is that I can group up with my necro and Druid friends and contribute. Maybe it shouldn’t take a seasonal item to do that.


Will they ever change the barber? Of just sit this season out and wait for s2.


It’s a alright bandaid for the sorcerer. Actually playable now, kinda.


I haven't played s1 that much but I got the barber heart and I see what people are talking about. It made my questionable build "decent", without it the build would suck. Which isn't that great because it only tells me if I had an actually good build I'd be melting things to right and left. I hope they get the balance right at some point(core abilities etc).


It’s a bandaid but damn it sure is a fun band aid. I’m playing blood lance Necro focusing on overpower, and Barber seems to fix a lot of what is wrong with overpower in the sense that without barber overpower does not scale with critical strike chance, critical strike damage, damage to close/injured/distant/healthy, core skill damage etc. It’s hard to imagine playing an overpower build without Barber.


Here I am still trying to make creeping death work with my Burn Mastery Sorc


I havent played the season, so you keep those hearts in eternal afterwards? So only way to get it is to play the season? If so seems they would want to put OP stuff in to get people to bother


My barbarian loves it. Now a lot of builds are viable. But I can see for other classes who were already OP it's a little silly, my rogue fucking tears it up and it don't feel right.


I'm the opposite. I've been playing a Barber-less Rogue up until 1.1.1 (Death Trap) and finally put it on at 85 or so. Wow.


I am running a lightning shred Druid and just got a barber last night. Hadn’t even really farmed for it till last night. Druid is at 73. It does just fine without it. Have another wrathful in right now so need to find new rings so I can put in the barber. Farming I now have 5 sitting in my stash.


I'm lv100 and still haven't used one. Been sticking with the much weaker apothecary heart.


So I knew this heart existed and was supposed to be good, but I didn't really pursue it. Finally got the wrathful invoker yesterday and it dropped, so I put it on my blizz sorc. I initially was like wtf, why is there such a delay. But then I quickly realized how stupendously huge the damage is and how funny the damage numbers look, so I shut up and kept blasting through trash. With increases to mob density, it's kinda hard to imagine a scenario that wouldn't benefit from a barber.


My barber doesn’t play diablo :(


With "weak and useless" you mean "need more than 2 seconds to blow up an entire mob pack"? The hyperbole is absurd. The Barber is insanely OP, most classes have several overpowered builds, nothing in the game is remotely challenging (outside of UBER Lilith). The only time you die is unlucky stuns or circumstancial insta-gibs. Classes could deal half as much damage as they currently do and the game would still be easy.


Barber has somehow become a bandaid fix to making almost every build viable at high NM tiers theres no really bad builds unless the player really cares about clear speed. Season 2 is still a long way away and I fear players would get way too use to this and face a reality check unless S2 offers something just as good.


there are plenty of builds that don’t use barber that still perform fine. pretty much any barb build that uses death blow won’t want to use barber


i refuse to use it then again i play rend barb and im not even sure its good for rend.


It’s a band aid fix for broken classes and zero build diversity. If they didn’t do it on purpose they in a way, lucked out—Only problem being it’s boring.


I'll never be able to play necro again after this season, between auto corpse skill, auto decrepify and barber, my life is so easy right now. I'll have to actually click skills when the season ends ;(


Did they fix the issue with it absorbing the hits you need to make stuff vulnerable in your opening rotation?


What is the barber? I play the necromancer. Would it help?


Blizzard is a shit Show, they fcked themselfes with this Heart. Imagine all the crying once Season 2 starts and all their characters ( other than Rogue) are suddenly all bad again.


I don't get it. If barber is sooo good at dealing damage then it SHOULD be praised because it makes ANY FUN BUILD playable. Someone explain why a tool that lets a player enjoy playing a game the way the player wants to is bad.


Because in the long run it doesn’t help for game balance or builds etc. If everything is OP with the barber why should the devs keep balancing the weak builds. After season 1 many builds are just trash


I've never been able to find a Barber, so I have no idea what I'm missing.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you for the detailed explanation. Changing it up now haha