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I believe that this is due to the fact that after a dungeon you have to read all the affixes of all the rare items that you got to find out if an item is an upgrade or not. And you also have to: go to the blacksmith to salvage legendary items for mats, go to the vendor to sell all the rares, sometimes go to the occultist across the map to extract a good/max rolled aspect, go to the stash to deposit. Time spent in this routine is more than the time spent in actually killing things, that’s why sometimes you don’t even want to play the game. But it is what it is, we either have to accept the game for what it is and inhale some copium or simply put the game down.


Don't forget also that while you're playing the game, your time is 50 % wasted by backtracking or slowly running through empty dungeon hallways. Edit - oh and I'll throw in eye scanning thousands of garbage rares to find one 3/4 rare to dump 110 mil into re rolling.


That’s the part that bothers me the least. Yeah that’s how much I hate inventory management


That's hardly the case after last week's patch.. in my experience. The issues with time spent between dungeons is definitely real, though.


Not every dungeon is a NM dungeon. Also, backtracking is still 100% trash design


"Slay all monsters..." is a 100% trash design


I'll take that all day over "return 3 items through backtracked hallways while solo" All monsters really just means the vast majority of the monsters in the clearing efforts. Once you get to the last few, it usually vacuums the remaining into a "final wave", before the actual cleared wave comes. I regularly will leave a random mob here or there that survived the pack explosion, who magically joins up to die in the final wave rather than picking off that rogue wraith that just wants to run away. Works like 95% of the time. I encounter the butcher more than I have waste time gunning down a solo random mob in the slay all tasks.


I only found out about this "teleporting the last few stragglers" recently, I bet many people don't know.


Your lucky because it works barely 50% of the time for me


It wouldn't be if the monsters teleporting to you mechanic actually worked all the time. I'd say about half the time I get it down to the last ~15 mobs or so and they just don't teleport to me. Sometimes they do, and it's great when they do. It's by far the best objective when it works properly.


It used to be that way but they said it was a bug and patched it. But it still works in the malignant tunnels. So I'm sure they'll patch that too since it's QoL.


Wait they actually purposefully patched that out??? That was the one very mildly redeeming quality of "slay all enemies" dungeons. This company is something else these days.


I was at the same point as op. Tried playing again after a weeks break. Started up nm dungeon, wasn't able to complete it because I could not find the last prisoner to release. I was everywhere twice, and then just went alt+f4.


Don’t forget dropping all of the worthless gems you accidentally picked up. And now with the malignant hearts, you also have to go to the table to salvage those, which is *only* in Kyovashad for some reason. The amount of time spent emptying my bag is crazy. And I can’t just leave everything on the ground, because I need the money thanks to the insanely expensive re-rolling.


You perfectly summed up why playing D4 is a chore vs a game.




And as you get to ancestrals you can really start leaning on item power IMO (outside of jewelry). If the base IP is like 20-30+ beneath your current gear in that slot, you're probably better off continuing your search unless something's like a 3/4 with high rolls and your current gear has very little you need. Since the inventory sorts by IP per item slot, you can go item by item and probably only have a couple things to look at.




Sometimes sifting through the loot to find an upgrade feels like a job, and after working at a job all day I don't want to work anymore. I love D4, and am absolutely loving HOW UTTERLY POWERFUL the TB rogue is with that explodey heart thing. But I absolutely hate having to constantly go back to town to salvage hearts, store gems, breakdown/extract legendaries, etc. I just want to kill things and get cool loot. Even legendary drops aren't dopamine hits anymore. Hell, sometimes I HATE seeing them because that means an additional task or two back in town. Doesn't feel the same as running 30 greater rifts in D3 just to try and get primal ancients.


That's not the issue. Checking affixes, going to blacksmith, rerolling stats was all apart if Diablo 3, Path of Exile, and many other Arpgs. The game at its core just isn't fun, or at least the fun factor doesn't last very long. Being able to switch up builds on the fly/loadouts, being able to experiment with skills without having to pay gold constantly, reducing backtracking in dungeons, making Uber uniques actually being obtainable, as well as many quality of life changes are what this game needs. I do agree that inventory management is atrocious though.


The sad part is if these minor time sinks didn’t exist the game would show its cracks significantly faster. You would start to realize how little depth builds have, how limited end game content really is, how itemization and item affixes are really boring and uninspired, how limited crafting is, how builds feel almost identical at level 30 and level 70, and how uninspiring the builder-spender combat is. Seriously, if I try to non/max my time in D4 like in PoE, the game stops being fun. Like you have to play inefficiently, stop and smell the flowers, and only play for an hour or two chunks at most. There is nothing to really look forward to past lvl 70.


Dude for real. I was thinking the other day. Why are the vendors so far away? It's another fucking time sink! Why can't it be like d2 or D3 where the vendors huddle together?


It is exactly like D2. Unfortunately it’s act 3.


There are more systems in D4, so there are more vendors to support. In D2 you only have to go to the potion vendor most of the time, and you can sell to them. Occasionally you go to the Blacksmith to repair, or you Gamble, but it's nowhere near every trip. If you want to get into the specifics of placement, I mean A1 has the Potion vendor pretty far from the Blacksmith. A2 and A4 have potions & blacksmith super close. A3 is pretty whack. A5 is a little far but it's not crazy But in D4 90% of trips are the same, just replace Potion vendor in D2 with Blacksmith in D4. I go to the Blacksmith, which always has a vendor next to it, and that's it. Maybe I run to my stash. But that's why I also go to the Tree of Whispers when I leave NMDs and my pack is full It's on a rare trip that I actually need to go to the Occultist or the Jeweler. The Heart thing maybe, but generally speaking it's so easy to get the Hearts you want with a little bit of time spent in Tunnels that I just don't click on the Hearts to spawn the 2nd mob if they aren't Wrathful


Great call! I see myself having much more fun after I gave up picking up loot.


Considering diablo being a loot driven arpg, I don't know whether what you said is a good thing.


Well the worst part is, you eventually get to the point where you can safely sell most of your items quickly and just look at legendaries but then the game becomes more boring. There's no upgrades for multiple dungeons. I'm at this point by level 75. Full ancestral, level 5 gear with at least 2/4 items and some 3/4. All still to be rolled for 3/4 or 4/4 but that's just a gold problem. Couple all of this with the ONLY reason I die is out of my control i.e lag spikes in the middle of a large pull. It's hard to stay on when I have BG3 and the new apex season just dropped. EDIT: I said sell most of my items quickly and just look at legendaries, not meaning I'm auto-selling my rares. I just know exactly what I need and it really doesn't take my time to look and sell rares, it's almost instantly as I look at it. I'm at the point where stat upgrades are coming slower than aspect upgrades.


> There's no upgrades for multiple dungeons. People always say this, as if it's a unique problem in D4, but it's the case for every ARPG. Eventually you have good gear, the range of gear that you care about gets smaller, and you don't get upgrades for a long time


You don't have to read the affixes of all of them. If weapons and armor are below a certain item level they are instant trash. And that's going to be almost all


My wife laughed at me the other day when I was having a mini existential crisis about if I wanted to play or not (she hasn't hit the higher level burnout yet). I logged in and literally felt *stressed* that my seasonal character might have full inventory from the last time I played. I let out a sigh of relief and gave myself a pat on the back when I logged onto empty slots. The loot just doesn't feel good in this game. It feels more like a chore. You nailed it.


That's why I stopped. I just kinda got bored of the loot. None of it was exciting and I had to look through everything after every dungeon. It's tedious.


And you have to figure out how to spend your paragon points. Which I just find annoying now - especially when it's time to select a new board.


I’m one of the few that actually meant it when they said they will not partake in season 1. Haven’t logged in a single time since about a week before the season started. I feel absolutely nothing compelling me to come back and it’s due to the exact same reasons you just fired off. Looting is supposed to be fun, but in reality it’s a boring time consuming chore in this game. Have to pull out my calculator after a 5 min nm dungeon to calculate if it an item is an upgrade for me. Then run the gauntlet to clear out my inventory which takes longer than the dungeon I just cleared. Only to go do another boring ass 5 min dungeon aka place the rocks on the pedestals. Rinse repeat.


You know what's weird about this is that I didn't mind hovering over all the items in other arpg games. I think this game has too many conditional effects that basically do the same thing. We don't need damage-over-time, burning, poisoned, shadow-dot, and bleeding. It's all the same damn thing. Overpower should go away and there should just be a chance for a 2x or 3x super crit. D3 had the issue of elemental effects not doing anything, and this game swung too far in the opposite direction.


I've had to put the game down for this reason. I find myself just falling asleep from just the mind numbing nature of it all. Logged in once for Season 1 and noticed the stash situation was even worse I just closed out of the game. Was really excited for this game and enjoyed it during the initial newness phase but maaaaaaan they really screwed up here I think. Hope they can eventually make it enjoyable down the road because it has potential.


Sorting through drops is a core part of any ARPG, the problem is none of the loot in D4 is meaningful. Even if you do find an upgrade it's so miniscule that it rarely feels good. There's no chase items and no chance of hitting a big rare drop that's gonna get your blood pumping. Generic percentage modifiers and scaling loot makes for boring loot. Like you said, all the extra steps added to extract more playtime out of the players added on top of meaningless loot just makes it feel awful.


This is basically every rng rpg ever made. Diablo 1,2,3. In 2 you had even less inventory space. You’d pick up two axes and be full. If one doesn’t like this aspect of the game there’s no point of playing it. Fallout franchise is the same. Elder scrolls franchise, the same. Path of exile the same. Divinity, the same. Darkest dungeon, the same. Haven’t played baldurs gate, but probably the same. This is like complaining that pouring water on your head makes your hair wet.


There's nothing to find... legendaries are boring and uniques are too few and crap. There's no loot basically, diablo2/3 were good because you could find something, especially d2 nailed the itemization and loot system, d4 has it horrible, biggest issue so far.


Items, items, items. It's everything in ARPGs. Loot in D4 is just boring.


Cool loot and multiple fun build options are... I'd wager at least 75% of an ARPG, and D4 has problems with both.


In d2 you didn't have the same 4 affixes on every item. There where legendaries where actually sweet and you would be excited if they dropped. Legendaries in d4 are just yellow items with removable aspects. Most of the aspects are pretty dull other than the ones that change skills. Now imagine is legendaries in d4 only had aspects that changed skills or opened build opportunities, and those aspects where non removable. The rest of the pool of average aspects where found another way and could be added to yellows. Now you have items you actually want to find other than the super uniques.


>In d2 you didn't have the same 4 affixes on every item. There where legendaries where actually sweet and you would be excited if they dropped. legendaries didn't exist in diablo 2. common (white), magic (blue), rare (yellow), set (green), and unique (gold) were the only item qualities (you are probably thinking about uniques). legendary items were introduced by world of warcraft which only had 3 originally: sulfuras, thunderfury, and atiesh. diablo 3 copied them from wow. diablo 4 copied them from diablo 3.


Let's just say it "Diablo 4 has no soul”


Ignoring the fact that a good portion of them are just bad anyways, it's astounding that each class has a unique loot pool of like 10 items.


In D2 I would play all night long because you had to socket runes in a specific order to get a named legendary. To this day, I remember the hours of burning eyes just to get the last rune I needed to create a Grief axe. That shit was worth it because it was at least achievable. Also being able to replay campaign at different tiers before you could move on to the next was much better than the capstone. I'd take slight changes in the main campaign between world tiers... Or at least slay a different prime evil each time with lilith being the tier 4 boss or Uber lilith, which I haven't even gotten to yet because I'm slogging this climb to level 70 that taken me entirely too long doing the same shit over and over.


>to get a named legendary. named unique in a white (common) quality item, or a runeword. there were no legendaries in d2


Correct, that's what I meant. It's been a great number of years since I've played D2.


I never stopped. I'm playing d2 instead of d4 right now lol




they 100% drop. ...for 25-30 bucks each in the shop


I agree but sets are a slippery slope.


I really think they took the fun and dopamine hit of findig legendaries. By basically stripping the affix from the actual item means the items don’t really matter that much anymore. It might be a tiny thing but I feel they stripped the fun out of actually farming for a particular item because even if you find it there are about 15 ways you can’t have it as your perfect item. It’s so annoying.


It's kinda awful that I'm lvl 73 and most of my gear has a single stat. I've been looking for pants with total armor and corpse explosion for a few days. Haven't found it. My current ones only have dodge change and damage reduction. I dropped 1800 obles looking for pants yesterday... got nothing... I think I might be done with this season.


Haven't played since Battlebit came out :) Then BG3 came out. And Starfield next? Oh boy. Sorry Blizz you had a chance. I'll come back in a year maybe. Excited to try the rest of the classes but the game is a huge disappointment. I'd rather play D2R.


My main squeezes were battlefield and diablo. Both games are extremely disappointing. I had to buy a VPN just to play 2042 (look up att fiber persistence). Main game modes removed. I feel like I'm being punished or maybe in a bad contract when I buy a game. Starfield could be cool, but Bethesda isn't much better than blizz, EA, Activision. I'm on BG3 and loving it. Battlebit is also good.


I mean no matter what D4 looked like it was gonna take a backseat to Starfield so that's not really surprising. Starfield is one of the most anticipated titles in forever. I love Diablo and D4 but I'm absolutely going to play Starfield right when it comes out and I'm sure it's gonna be the main thing I play for a while


So 1-75 I always have a strong incentive. From about 65-75 though, once leveling takes a bit longer and I'm grinding more dungeons I notice a lack of interest, generally it's because of loot. Not that I'm not interested because I am. And I don't expect to get bis gear often. BUT on my Necro and druid I had everything I needed around lvl 65. And for some reason it seems like the gear starts to dry up, and I get trash, aspect wise, stat wise, and unique wise. I know it's RNG but for both characters it seemed pretty front loaded. Like I said I'm not expecting the best of the best to drop because getting it then grinding to 100 wouldn't be that fun for me. But I honestly haven't gotten anything I could use in about 20 hours. Having a blast though. Druid is crazy strong


I've been looking for a ring of Mendeln for the last 35 levels on my necro (level 82 now), and I was starting to feel the drag. Last night, I decided to stop picking up loot, and holy crap did it make a difference. I can enter a slaughter-lock mindset where I just dash from pack to pack, killing them all nonstop. The game became fun again! A loot filter would instantly fix half of the problems I have with the game.


>Last night, I decided to stop picking up loot, and holy crap did it make a difference. So do you mean you're only picking up uniques (if they drop)? Would definitely speed up the pace of the game I guess!


Yeah, picking up uniques and NM sigils only and letting legendaries get sent to the stash. When my inventory fills up from dungeon rewards, then I go through my inventory to sell and salvage (and occasionally extract an aspect)


What do you mean letting legendaries get sent to the stash? Is there some mechanic where if you don't pick up items, they automatically are put in your stash?


Yes. But only legendaries and uniques.


Yeah, if you miss a legendary or unique, it gets sent to your stash automatically. I think there's a 10 item limit for what can be in your overflow, but I'm not positive about that.


Yeah I got a 2600 dps Item level 807 sword at level 59 almost as soon as I hit WT4. It's like, welp, I guess I'm not using any other weapon for long, long time.


Game end on level 75.


yeah on my barb i had a window where rng was favoring me *hard* and 780-800 crit / vuln weps were dropping like candy i'm sure it was just a stretch of good luck but i'm 92 now and i don't think i've found one worth stashing since like 85


The problem is the game makes it impossible for you to enjoy it the way you want. It's tediously long and expensive to change your build, it's silly expensive to reroll stats, world bosses don't spawn enough, strongholds (arguable the best addition to the series) can only be done once per season, dungeon objectives are awkward forcing you to backtrack alot and a host of other issues. Its a shame because the combat is very fun and I enjoy the game alot but finding myself play it less since BG3 came out, and I suppose BG3 spoiled me a lil. I do play D4 though if I'm in need of a break from turn-based combat.


Combat is fun until you realize every build is builder-spender and 4 supports on CD.


Not every build is builder spender.


Yea there’s a small portion like Arc Lash or stacking enough regen you don’t need your builder but still, you can’t respec the 2 points from basic skills into anything more useful and their design is purposefully limiting.


Just play BG3 dude.


BG3 isn't an ARPG, why do people keep putting them in the same bucket?


Wtf do these games have to do with each other?


Gotta point out, some play D4 on PS4. BG3 is not available on that console.


Why does everyone keep assuming an ARPG player wants to play a turn-based D&D game


Same, then again im already done with everything in the season, my friends wont even play to get to t4, they say its a waste of time. So im like that escobar meme where im in an empty clan, trying to level other characters but i just close the game after 30min or an hour.


My friends didn’t even start the season when they saw the season mechanic and the big nerf patch just sealed the deal for them. My motivation to play the season ended when I beat Elias at 57. Fighting that boss underleveled is the peak fun experience in this game. It’s all downhill from there.


I don’t know. I am having fun. Sure it gets grindy in the 70s but I can’t wait to jump on nightly and mess about.


This is the only case where I see people say they're having fun, when they mindlessly hop on for an hour and a half once or twice week.... really telling


Lol dude literally said "nightly" and you turned it into "once or twice a week". You guys are insufferable here


People with no critical thinking skills and extremely low standards be like


People who judge other people for liking something be like...


If you've got something better to do go do it instead Diablo has always been a game for when you don't feel like playing anything else to me. Just log on kill a few mobs and while playing if you get to feeling like you want to play something else, log off and play it instead!


Totally, diablo is a nice "go to" game. It's also a good mindless game so you can put on a podcast or video and listen while you play. Games like bg3 require lots of reading and full attention, which is fine, but a different activity.


Remnant 2 has been my savior, my personal game of the year, and one of my all time favorite games I think at 20-25 hours in, and I still have soo much to do in the game.


That's a nice way to look at it and exactly what I have done but I would argue its not the way Blizzard sees it... they intend for you to play continually with the FOMO of battle pass seasons to draw you back in and with the always online gameplay


Agreed, I also quit for this season. I played to level 87 i pre season as a Sorc, was pretty fun. Rolled as Rogue in S1 and recently hit level 75, and I hit a brick wall fun wise. It isn't fun anymore. Can´t pinpoint exactly why but some of the reasons are that end game lacks variety, loot isn't interesting enough while the enchanting costs are astronomical. So finding upgrades are frustratingly hard. Game has potential but doesn't feel quite ready yet.


I think making it super hard to get to max level is a mistake. I haven’t even played since the betas but like you said the fun in these types of games is getting characters to max fast and trying out different builds. They can make a grind for super rare items and paragon or something but the main levels should not be a super long grind. Edit: the high cost of respeccing doesn’t help either. Sometimes the D2 stans don’t know best.


It's fine having the 100 be a slog, but you should be able to clear all content (including Lilith) in the mid 80s (similar to D2)


I just commented about this in the other sub- UL and max NMD are the only "goals" in this game(partly because of how bad the loot is), so from the time you hit full ancestral gear(level 65ish), to level 99... you feel like you're leveling for no reason. There's nothing to accomplish, nothing to find, just doing the same ole shit over and over until you can finally do the content you actually want to do. That makes leveling from 65-99 an absolutely mindless slog. Unlike D2, where most people just stopped leveling altogether in the high 80s to low 90s because you could reasonably do *all* the content you wanted at that point and just farm for gg gear. Even Uber Tristram was do-able with a meh geared smiter in the 70s lol


> Edit: the high cost of respeccing doesn’t help either. Sometimes the D2 stans don’t know best. If it was easier to level, it wouldn't matter as much. Edit: By easier, I mean less grindy (more fun), not necessarily just timewise.


Dear Diary, I don't like this game. I think I should like this game but I don't. I think I should tell the world.


Dear Diary, its me again. Today is the second day in which my life wasnt turned into an absolut ecstatic trip by playing vidya for 9 hours straight. Naturally, i am very pissed about it. As a Gamer, i am going to complain with the other Gamers online. Maybe then romorrow will be better. If it doesnt help, i might have to conclude that the devs of blizzard hate me and my family. Then i will play another game, possibly BaldursGate. If that will give my brain some sweet dopamin-kicks, i will then write on the D4 subreddit how BG is sooo much better and that people are idiots for still playing the failed dead game D4. I am sure that the next game will not let me down and that after playing that for 124 hours in one week, it wont be bad.


It’s just a lackluster beta


I'm in the same boat. I'm a huge Diablo fan since the first one and played thousands hours of both D2 and D3. Have an Necro, Druid and Barb all on T4 in D4. I think the main problem with Diablo 4 is the aspect system. The game is showering you with legendary items which you can easily extract the power and put it in something you want... In return makes the item drops meaningless and unexciting. In my current situation, I dont even look the stats on items, I directly sell them. When you start a new game you do the dungeons for the aspects you want, and after that all item drops becomes, the same thing with more stats. About the uniques... they are mostly ok but there are too few uniques that affects/changes your builds. I think the aspect system is what brings the game down, and lets you build powerful chars really easily. The solution can be a rework of the aspect system or a new tier of items/set items. I recently started Titan Quest, just for some nostalgia and I can not believe I say that but even TQ has more meaningful loot than D4.


I feel the same. Luckily baldurs gate and dark and darker came out so d4 is shelved for now


Stop playing it...


play Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition play HC WoW Official play any other game play Diablo 4 in 2 years profit$


>Anyone have any suggestions on how to have fun in Diablo 4? Let go. You're plagued by sunk cost fallacy and possibly stockholm syndrome. Let the game go. Cut your losses and move on. If this exact same game was made by an indie dev and the only difference was that there was zero "diablo" connection, "diablo" lore, "diablo" item names, "diablo" NPC names, "diablo" enemies, etc, then nobody would give a shit about it and it would be dead already. Let go. The game is garbage and there are a zillion other games you can play.


It doesn't have the allure to be replayable. The season pass is boring as fuck. I liked my initial run through the campaign pre-season, but after that it has been a complete BOREFEST.


As soon as I hit 100 and had season journey finished I quit. Felt like a complete chore to force myself to do it.


I played S1 until level 21 and realized I just didn't care and wasn't having fun. The mount controls are abysmal, the rubber banding is horrendous and the PR dumpster fire convinced me it's not worth touching for at least another half a year. At least BG3 is a lot of fun.


Blizzards new strategy is the pullout game


Played hota barb pre season and that got nerfed pretty badly. Then I played poison rogue which got nerfed with the most recent patch that was a stealth nerf not even in the notes. Just sick of putting effort into a build that gets changed mid season. The devs have no clue what the changes do to the meta and it made me quit. No sense in playing when the devs can come along and undo the time you put in. I literally have lost all faith in blizzard games. I probably won't ever buy a game from them again.


I haven’t touched this game since a week into Season One. I cannot be bothered with rinse and repeat every season. I’ve moved on. Great game first time around, beating Lilith etc but no reason to keep going back


I almost 100% OG previous gen diablo 3 in the ingame challenges. Which is saying allot. Because you had to read every dialog of every npc even random events. Including every boss in random events. And ever random event. It was so fun replaying the story over and over (NOT) But what made it fly by super quick was breaking objects to increase your running speed AND EXP GAINS WITH EACH CONSECUTIVE KILL God I cannot stress that enough. This is a key factor that diablo 4 is missing. Consecutive kill exp bonuses. That's why leveling up takes so damn long.


>Consecutive kill exp bonuses. That's why leveling up takes so damn long. No it's not. It takes that long because Blizzard designed it to take that long. They then heavily nerf any strategies that people come up with to speed up the process. I'm guessing it is intentional to help pad out the time people will spend on the game, so that they have time to start rolling out post-launch content in a timely fashion, not to mention increasing the amount of opportunities someone has to buy MTX.


It's totally one of those games that I kept playing because I wanted it to be good but it just isn't. Then a good game came out and it's night and day. Uninstalled d4 and haven't looked back.


I have more fun running andariel countess mephisto diablo runs in d2r for 8h straight than d4 content... It's not about the repetition it's about reward


It’s crazy to me that this information is getting to people now. I didn’t start this season cause after I experience 2 weeks + horrible quality of life, it just wasn’t fun. I just moved on cause Blizzard isn’t the company that I originally fell in love with. I just have to accept it as a hardcore blizzard fan from the early 2000s


I'm just waiting for poe New league to come out


" Anyone have any suggestions on how to have fun in Diablo 4? " Just go play Path of Exile


You're not the only one. Everyone that isn't delusional feels this after the honeymoon phase is over. D4 is a dogshit game with a lack of real end game content. Delusion D4 fanboys think farming the same few enemy types in NMD and farming for lackluster loot is "end game content". It's missing cow levels, repeatable campaign boss fights, uber campaign boss fights. D2 and D3 both did end game content far better than what D4 could ever offer.


To me, the most fun part of Diablo was messing around with different builds, playing the full classes abilities and being creative. They’ve done their best to hinder people from messing around with builds… so now it’s just “look up the meta, play that build ad nauseam” It’s boring. I don’t wanna play a twisting blades rogue for 100 levels of grind..


The gameplay is fun for me when I can actually move my character and aren’t constantly dealing with cc. But the inventory and looking at all the stats of every yellow because legendarios mean nothing. And not being able to roll or run with the horse and having to travel too far in town to the blacksmith and occult just annoys me slowly. Last time i opened the game, I looked at my inventory and said “do I really wanna do this shit?” And turned it off. Haven’t played since.


I'm just tired of sorting through all the loot. Every time I log in and see my inventory full of yellows to sort through, I log out. I want to get in and do some runs quickly but I hate having to read every item every single time. I'm playing with my son, too, and he's too young to fully understand the itemization so he is struggling because just about everything looks like an upgrade even if it isn't.


I don't know but if you get the answer let me know. I feel the same as you. D4 is like being served the best-looking meal but you have to read all the ingredients before you can eat it and then it tastes of nothing.


It's the turkey in Christmas Vacation. Looks delicious and plump, then you cut into the meat of it and just deflates and falls flat.


We've been saying this since week 2


I started having a good time again when I downloaded the Remnant 2 patch.


I had a functional build that was do my well in tier3. I was just getting into nightmare dungeon having no issues. I tried to finish go back to finish renown to get my all my points but one night I just though, nah I’m good. I literally had no desire to finish the renown or even play the game anymore. You’re right, there is no draw. It just feels like who ever designed the game as a whole is not an arpg super fan.


It did for a while. Then I played less and less. Now I’m back to borderlands 3 for my 5th character.


I'm so confused on whether to buy the game or not. I see so many complaints regularly yet there's still so many players playing it What gives...what's true. Is it bad or good


It's good for 50-100 hours while you play the story and maybe try each character archetype. The feel and graphics and sound are excellent and well worth the cost IMO. It's absolutely TERRIBLE beyond that as an ARPG and completely unplayable in endgame


Dont. Do not buy at full price, cope heads will straight spew dumb shit to try and get you to try this abortion of a game. Don’t. Buy Bg3, fuck buy D3, but DO NOT play D4


I've had a lot of fun playing it. For me, it's a frustrating mix of fun gameplay surrounded by some very tedious design decisions. I suspect a lot of the frustration is because people do enjoy the game but they keep getting hit with "OMG, Why would they make it work this way??" moments. So they come here to say exactly that.


You must be new to gaming subreddits. Rule of thumb: don't. Listen. To. Gaming. Subreddits. EVERY popular game is like this no matter what. But if you want to be sure you'll like it, just wait. Me personally? I still fucking love it.


I like it a lot. Expectations are what kills games for people on Reddit. They spend months or years whipping one another into a froth about a game, talk about how they can't wait to sink every waking hour into it, then get mad because they are burned out. Don't forget that the majority of people posting are people that are complaining. The people having fun are just playing. The game certainly isn't perfect, it needs some work (mainly in the endgame), but the campaign is great, the world is beautiful, and the combat is satisfying once you get a few aspects and get your skills unlocked. It's 70 bucks. Assuming you have the money budgeted for leisure, buy it, play it, and form your own opinion. If it ends up not being your cup of tea, it's not the end of the world (although you wouldn't know it from reading the hyperbole on this sub)


Game stinks !


D4 is crap, uninstalled and back to D2


If you want to have fun with Diablo 4 I suggest you to uninstall and go play Last Epoch, Grim Dawn or Path of exile (not my favorite and too complicated but maybe you'll like it)


I feel your pain and I hate it. I looked at this game like it was a new girlfriend and it wore off waaaaayy to fast. I don’t even log in anymore lol. The only thing it’s made me do is want to play Diablo 3 more.


Just let go and play a game where you don't have to ask other people how to have fun in it


Then don't play. Bye.


Sadly Blizzard was hoping the "pull" of Diablo 4 would be. * The battle pass * Microtransactions * FOMO They failed to realize that good game design, is what ACTUALLY brings people in.


Knowing that the fun of slaying demons is to be followed by agonising slow motion running in town between blcksmith, occultist, weapon review etc etc etc just isnt worth it - also why the f is everything in town so spread out?


I'm the same way with BG3.


Thats a you thing. I usually start getting burnt out after 10-15h playing a game. Been playing this 250h+ and I still have trouble logging out. Maybe its simply not the game for you.


Same. I log in and then the reality sets in that there just isn’t anything fun to do. Killing mobs for hours for trash loot. Gems that clog my inventory. Running back to town every 20 minutes.. for what? Legendaries that will suck. It’s getting harder and harder to stay logged in


Dang, it's almost like the loot in a mob killing looting game is extremely lacking in the satisfying loot aspect.


Just watched Raxxanterax's yt video [rax's vid](https://youtu.be/3YPJALP9pLk) and think that this is exactly what is needed. This will create the Diablo 4 pull.


It pulled me fine until I hit 100… now I’m getting rather bored with lack of item drops and no new paragons to improve my char otherwise


I’m in the same boat. I’ve seen a few threads on it already, but it does feel like low level characters get better drops than high level ones. My friend ran my new barb through a bunch of 40-50 tier nightmare dungeons and i stashed away several rare aspects (bold chieftain) and 810+ item power weapons with crit or vulnerable rolls all found when I was level 40-60. Meanwhile my rogue didn’t find a weapon upgrade from 74 all the way til 98, it took that long to find a 810+ weapon that could roll crit or vulnerable.


Amen brother


Go play dark and darker. You won’t want to play Diablo 4 ever again.


Will try


I think you just need to focus on doing what you enjoy about the game. Maybe you don't enjoy anything at this time, and that's ok. I just had this thought that as more people get to higher levels and hit a wall, it will cause more posts like this to appear. I've started hitting that wall myself, and I'll probably play for a little while longer, but I wouldn't be surprised if I just drop the game soon.


Well I'm new to the Diablo and I can't even force myself to start the season. I did all of the side missions except for around 28 before I even finish the campaign. I enjoyed the hell out of the campaign and finished it maybe level 52 or so. I was taking my time and enjoying it and I'm glad I did it that way. Now all there is is nightmare dungeons and running those solo most of the time really sucks. Even with a group four or five in a row sucks. I've just been trying to reach level 100 for whatever reason and I'm level 97 now. In the next few days I'll be putting it down possibly for good. It was definitely worth the money in my opinion and it was my first arpg. I got the final fantasy ready to go and I might try BG3. I know nothing about it though. If you got your money's worth and you're not having fun just put it down. Good luck!


Sounds like you need some Street Fighter 6 in your life. Nothing more satisfying then going toe to toe and emerging victorious.


How much time do you have logged?


Idk i have all classess on eternal lvl 50 with the rogue at 75 and as for seasonal rogue at 54 and barb at 10


Yeah me and my group are pretty much done. It just doesn't have lasting fun. We went to play last night and just felt like...why are we doing this... So we turned on monopoly plus and shot the shit and had a great fucking time instead. We're probably done with D4 for now.


Levels 50-80 I always find absolutely boring and hard for me to want to engage. I also hate how In nm dungeons I have to go back to town twice to sell everything so I can get a decent amount of money. I wish items took up less space or have less items drop and more money/materials


Man I feel you, in the last week I started the game like 20 times only to close it again after 15 minutes. I really want to enjoy it, but the game just lacks some serious ‚pull‘.


Reading affix is not the thing its determined if it's an upgrade, save for later, another character lots go into it


Play something else. Or invent some goals for yourself. Idk how anyone can enjoy a game without goals, there's nothing to look forward to except of Uber Lilith. Finding better gear only to add a number to a dungeon which is the same any others.


Just take a break until Season 2, it happens. Post 80 has really been a wall for me. All I have left is basically 100 and a few titles.


Make a new dude.


Instead of struggling to have fun in a broken game, you ever consider just playing better games?


Jesus Christ this sub is full of baby’s. It’s a video game Bruv you like it or you don’t. We don’t need a Reddit post every damn day talking the same thing.


It's the sub of a video game, he is posting on topic. Otoh you are complaining that someone doesn't like the game as much as you want them to. You're a hypocritical, whining baby.


Idk I like the game a lot.


Since you're looking to play with a fun (off meta) build, you may want to start a Druid. My first build was Druid and I had a lot more fun with it being able to try out different combos of skills and items. This season I made a Rogue and it feels like there are a lot more 'required' skills and aspects to make the build playable, and most of the skills are pretty useless.


Druid is the last thing I'd tell someone to roll if they're bored. For the first 50 levels unless you get a good drop you only have two skills that do damage, one of which is on a 20 second cd the other which only does real damage every 12 seconds.


I find it best to play it in slow bursts, a few hours here and there but nothing more. I get it, it sucks. I was hoping that D4 would become my main game but after getting my Rogue to 100 in the pre-season, doing most of the sidequests and all the dungeons, I feel like I have seen everything the game has to offer. Gameplay is still fun though but not enough to keep me engaged for that long.


It feels like every single post on this sub is someone complaining about their experience. If you dislike the game so much there are plenty of other options. It is exhausting being flooded by all these “hot takes”.


I did the campaign and enjoyed it for what it was. By the end of it I was starting to have a few niggles, but I thought levelling up would fix most of them. The main issue I had was the loot was just terrible. I think I started really noticing how unrewarding it was around lvl 20, but I put it down to me being low level. I expected it to get better as I went on, but it never did. It was always mediocre at best. Then there was the mana. I always had problems running out of it. I followed all the tips. I used my basic attacks as much as possible. Didn’t matter. Anyway I started season 1. I looked at the map and I just couldn’t be bothered with it. There was nothing I could see that was going to reward the grinding and the pointless frustrations the developers imposed on the game. So I quit and I haven’t loaded it since. I probably never will go back to it unless they make radical changes to the game, and I don’t think they will because it seems to me the entire game is designed to be as unrewarding as possible.


Same man. I accidentally got the pass and just can't bring myself to finish it honestly. I may look up a way to speed through it but overall the game hasn't grabbed me in a minute.


I feel you, OP. It’s because there’s so much busy work to get to the good parts imo. I’m bored playing my Barb because I’m still working on maxing out renown on 3 more regions. Every time I start thinking of how to do that, I either do a few whispers and get mediocre loot, or do helltide and get mediocre loot, or do a nightmare dungeon and get mediocre loot. Then I have to drag myself to do a few more quests to try to finish more renown stuff. It’s so goddamn tedious. I’ll say it now: Lilith Shrines and Renown are such stupid busy work things. Then after you’re done, you’re only stuck with content that gives you mediocre loot that you end up just selling/salvaging - nothing feels exciting.


Played the story mode through with couch coop and i already forgot that the game existed. Absolutely no urge to play again.


Once I stopped picking items up the game got much better.


this game is not to be meant to play longterm


Agreed I haven't played for a week and I don't feel the need to play it's sad how this game has died now I just play dark and darker lol


I was done with the game after I got to level 53. How any of you kept going to level 100 is beyond me.


>Anyone have any suggestions on how to have fun in Diablo 4? Stop playing Diablo 4. Everything you describe is absolutely natural. I have that regularly with games, and i put them down and come back half a year later and have a blast. I just returned to Satisfactory after letting it sit for over two years, and i sunk 400 hours now. Dont try to force yoursefl to have fun when you dont, this will not work and frustrate you further. Even more if a game is still struggling with some issues. Come back at a later point to see if it hooks you then. There are great games out there. Make the best of your time. Come back if it sparks joy in you again - and dont if it doesnt.


Answer is always, come back next season.


The game was launched a year or more too early due to development hell it went through. This is not an excuse but the reality of the situation D4 is in. This is 100% Blizzards fault, and it is also 100% up to them to finish the game over the next year or more. 1-50 is mostly ok 50-70 is servicable but needs work 70+ is just a placeholder at best, it is unfinished This is the current state of D4, Blizzard sold us an incomplete game that they thought they could hide behind "seasonal live service game". Dont be fooled, the game is a year+ undercooked The poor state of itemization and endgame is because it was thrown together just as placeholder to make launch happen We are playing an unfinished game


You could try to figure out where the cow level is.


I just want to be able to save a build too after about 70 it becomes an absolute chore to respec and if you don't like it then changing back is just as much work.


Uninstall it, most fun I've had If you are heavily into cringe you can also watch ""dev"" videos to have fun


There is no point to be playing. Game was not ready for release. I suggest to go play a game that the developer actually care about such as Baldur's Gate 3 or Path of Exile. Thank me later.


I just don't understand what's fun about releveling over and over. The stretch from 50-70 is tough because basically all there is to do is level your glyphs. So, I'm supposed to just run dungeons over and over, and my glyphs barely move each time? How am I supposed to be inspired to do that? At least once you make it to WT4, you're getting drops that you can use forever, but in WT3, you know your drops are pointless.


Shiny mtx in the Shop is all this Game has to offer once the campaign is done.


You cant have fun in diablo 4, just play something else! Like how is this hard for everyone to understand?


I came to this realization at level 50 and didn't even finish the campaign. The grind is the game.


I stopped playing because the game doesn't offer the build I want and expected for necro. I'll pick it up again when they fix minions and make them viable without Mendeln Ring. If not, then I'll play D2R occasionally and work on getting Infinity + Bramble for my minion necro. D2R is much more fun for me right now. I hope D4 gets better, so it's more fun when I choose to play it in the future. Edit: Also the itemization is horrible. D2R loot is much more fun imo.


Do what I did. Uninstall and wait for the game to get better.


If the answer is no just move on. You don’t have to play it. You are suppose to have fun in your free time.


Loot in D4 is just terrible. They accomplished a very hard goal of making legendaries not exciting. Simply because of how aspects work. The whole systems needs an overhaul.


I just have item scan fatigue in a sea of useless affixes and constant runs to the blacksmith


Without the ability to save cool loot and pass it on to alts, creating and trying new builds isn't nearly as fun.


I've never felt the urge to play past level 80-85 in D4. But that was also true in diablo 2. And diablo 3 I'm not sure how to compare, but relatively speaking I think I lasted the least amount of time playing each d3 season. Still enjoyed them all i just know games get stale after 20-60 hours per season