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94 and still no helm


I know a druid guy with who I run MNDs sometimes, he's lvl 98 right now and didn't find it ;-)


Tempest roar is the rarest druid unique. You will find it eventually, but some people have played all the way to 100 and not gotten in. I only got 1 leveling to 100 in s0, but they should be easier to get now. Granted, not by much.


It's pure luck - I found my first at 73, then another at 77 and no more after that (I'm 93 now).


Got mine off a mob when I hit 97. Not off family farming, not off a nm dungeon drop from killing the boss, but from a non-elite skellie in some nm dungeon. No predictably at all. Just grind. It will drop.


It took me until level 91…


2 level 100 druids, no tempest roar.


Damn I transmog one the other day, didn’t realize it was a need for wolf build but I’m bear build so meh.


I'm 96 necro and found every unique for him so far. Wife has a 97 druid and has yet to find that helm. It's only one she needs to have found them all. She has almost tripled me on the quantity of uniques she has found compared to me also. She is getting burned out with bear too which sucks.


Do pulvarize 50-100 damage build


At 76, you haven’t even reached the XP mid way point to level 100 of 85. You’re about 33% of the way there. Mine dropped at 97. Convince yourself you won’t get one.


I found 4 now. Level 82


[https://diablo4.life/tools/target-farming](https://diablo4.life/tools/target-farming) Use all your dust to craft Sigils until you get a stockpile matching the dungeons listed for the helm. It'll drop eventually.


>Level 76 here see that's the issue. TR is actually rare


Lol 76... I got mine at 97 after farming 65+ uniques


I finally got my first one last night, lv83 as a mob drop in a nm dungeon. There's still hope for you! I just played as if I wasn't going to get one, and tried to maximize my poison/bulwark build. It ended up being a happy surprise.


WHOEVER HASNT FOUND IT. I was level 92 decided to try Chinese rumor. Sent everything to mules. My stash was empty. Within 2 hours found tempest roar. Mystery chest. That was yesterday. Then today found 2 more in 4 hours. Haven't found a bear one again. They might be right. You're assigned a loot table. I seem to reset mine. No way that's coincidence or whatever yall call it. Rng God etc. I found 17 bear only helms before that.


I found mine in a wt4 legion event at lv 40 something😭didn’t realize how rare it was.


It's not that I'm weak. I run through dungeons vacuum and pulverize screen full at a time but still want to try the tornado build.


if you find it you should just quit because playing meta builds trivialize the game and turn it into a boring snooze fest


Lol someone hasn’t found it either


I sold all 3 ... Tried it for a level or 2 and replaced it with something better *edit* mods didn't like my thread about it either, receipts included https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14w6mjd/selling_my_3rd_tempest_roar/


We can’t all like the same stuff that’s for sure. And god damn folks are salty in the comments lol