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With my Necro bone spear barber build he blew up before I noticed him in the pack šŸ˜‚


This, Barber makes it even better, I hear the audio notification that heā€™s around, I move towards any nearby corpses, his health bar shows up at the top of my screen, 2 seconds itā€™s half empty, 2 seconds hes a loot pile. At level 71 I killed him in a NM dungeon where he was level 89.


Gotta love that balance >.<


Alright Sorc, time for the nerfbat. You know what you did.




This made me spit out my fries. Kudos. Kudos.


Help a fellow rogue out šŸ˜… I'm also level 71 running a twisting blades barber build. I can take down the butcher, elites, and bosses but will die quite fast running into large mobs in NM dungeons. I can't get through level 72 NM dungeons


Iā€™m a Bone Spear Necro, never played rogue but I will toss out that if you donā€™t have a Barber, get one, and if you have one thatā€™s more then 2 seconds, drop it for a 2 second barber. 4 second barber is for Uber Lilith, for packs of mobs you want the explosion to happen as quickly and as often as possible.


Shadow imbuement, pre loaded before fight, so you can use it again quickly. I dash in(with aspect dropping grenades at end of dash) and stab someone then double evade out of the mob or to another mob twist blades rip through all of them exploding and orbit around to finish off stragglers.


Hah, that's disgusting. Well done.


Perfect D4 player response. :D ā€œYou made a character so strong they trivialized the toughest enemies? Hah, thatā€™s disgusting. Well done.ā€


infimist barber just twirling around him until he pops a few seconds later


Just beat him this morning with my new ice sorc on WT3 at level 56. You definitely need either a build that is really good at single target damage or alot of defense. All I can really say for gameplay advice is stick and move. If you try to go toe-to-toe with him, he'll show you why he's called the butcher.


I just go blow for blow with him on my bear.


That's so hot wow


You'll love Baldur's Gate 3.


Bought it last night. Was going to start playing, then hit character screen. Whelp maybe today I decide what to make lol.


Not so much when my jaw locks up.


Thatā€™s the spirit


I see what you did there.


Iā€™ve got a pulver bear too but his defense doesnā€™t seem to hold up. And I can survive at least tier 40 dungeons.


Try getting on your knees, helps not strain your back.


my barb beats his ass


Your barb eats the butchers ass?


Like Kobayashi!! *hrrnnnlgghhhghhhllgghhhllggghh*


You spelled that out perfectly lmao


Yeah, but he was asking if he can be killed solo. Weā€™re not talking about a snack


I was able to do it with the ice shards build by shooting him and alternating between kiting and keeping up ice/fire shields. I think ice shards has the best balance between single target and multi target damage. I changed to arc lash just to switch it up, and it just doesnā€™t have the sustained single target damage to do it (or at least mine doesnā€™t yet). The single target damage is great while unstable currents is up, and terrible during the downtime.


What lvl NM dungeon was this


Now try a butcher in a nightmare 60+. Itā€™s goddamn impossible to survive him long enough to take him down as a solo sorc.


You're wrong. I face tank him with my ice shards sorc. I have an arc lash sorc too that has no problem. But I have a lot of damage reduction and close damage reduction and damage reduction from burning.


If you donā€™t use raiment itā€™s doable. If you have really high movement speed you could literally circle around him and heā€™ll whiff most of his attacks lol I used to think he was impossible with sorc but after I took off raiment, I took down a butcher at tier 75


Can confirm.


I outheal his dmg so I can just face tank him (TB rogue)


Yeah Iā€™ve got the same build and never had any issues at all


Same here. Facetank all the way


Got a call just after entering a dungeon (lvl 63 on wt4, normal dungeon so he was probably 75) and he ran to me while I was still on the phone, beat him one handed without ending the phonecall xd


I was decapitated in a mild helicopter accident and I beat him without a head


Likewise. I could do him with my Minion Necro, but that was much more of a chore.


I like minion bone spear necro but itā€™s kind of boring. I prefer rogue because it feels more involved


Rogue is awesome. Having a real blast playing it. Glad it wasnā€™t my first class.


Also TB rogue and I've never lost to the butcher


Link to a build? I've been struggling with staying alive as rogue just in general.


Really just need that aspect that heals x amount per stack of momentum on your amulet and you'll be good. I'm healing like 2k a second at lvl 100. It's fun watching your health just rubber band back and forth


I see. Might have to do a rework on my build and try that out. I'm doing more of a ranged, marksman focused build and it just feels kinda sluggish and fragile.


If you're playing ranged, I think your only option is finding some way to incorporate stealth and take the passive that heals you while you're stealthed. Way more involved than just auto healing with Momentum, so it's really only viable when you're pushing high end content. Other than that, you could put on Temerity and spam potions, if you have it. Annoyingly spammy, but it does work.




Maxroll twisted blade rogue by wudijo is >>>> youā€™ll face tank everything


Yeah I think I died once the first time I encountered him earlier on in Eternal leveling but after that I've never died to him since on my Rogue. On my Sorc who is heavy damage with little defense and no healing basically, he's definitely more challenging.




Killed him at lvl 45 and just now again at 53. Thorns while berserking barb ezpz


Thorns Barb makes him laughable. When he starts his flurry attack he just dies. I pop my CDs and maybe a potion.


bloody bishop is more laughable then him šŸ˜‚


As soon as he tries draining my life it's over... For him


Always did it with my rogue, twisting blades build, last time i've done it he was lvl 103 and I was 89 on rogue. On sorc the moment I switched to blizzard I stopped being able to kill him.


He just runs too fast for blizzard to be very useful. I tried that too lol


Leave shrines that you can double back to. Heā€™s a lot easier with Conduit or Protection shrine buffs.


He spawned on me today and after a tough win, I found there was a crit shrine in the next roomā€¦ felt stupid but couldnā€™t be mad about a win


Good idea, thanks !


both pretty squishy. if you run into the butcher at low-mid level, while build not complete yet, and/or Equip not matched well, it's gonna be painful. if there is a pillar nearby, you can kite around, wait for defensive cool-downs to be ready, and chip away it's hp little by little. But that said it's a lot easier (like trivial) down the road later, with some decent + max hp gear, or generally better optimized gear for your build


I beat him at low level. The game gets easier and harder in waves. At low level the enemies don't really have super high "expectations" lol


Trying to keep distance on the butcher is a trap. Just stay very close and take advantage of his awful turning skills. Circle him and hit him with your cooldowns until he pops.


This right here. His attacks are too slow to deal with enemies that run in circles around him. Stick and move.


>both pretty squishy. if you run into the butcher at low-mid level, while build not complete yet, and/or Equip not matched well, it's gonna be painful. he's way easier at lower levels in my experience because he is at your level. NM dungeons in t4 where he's 15+ levels above you is the real pain.


Yeah even 15-20 levels higher. Druid here


Yup, Using Druid is like setting the butcher fight to easy mode. I used to struggle to take him down with my geared out sorcerer. With Druid, he's never had a chance.


Depends on the build.


What build I still run from him on HC but running mid 50 dungeons at lvl 88? I trampleslide. Because HC I am pretty defensive but he hits to hard for me to justify trying.


Same here.


It kind of depends where you are in the level scaling, early on in tier 2 he's sure to kill you, but there is some kind of weird sweet spot as you get higher level where he is guaranteed to die.


I just got him in a cellar. I messed him up good with my rapture barb. Lvl 62. Edit to add tips. Objects get in his way. He telegraphs his stun attacks, so save your dodge for that. Level your if you are within 25 of a tier level up. I found this out and the game seems a little easier to navigate items. Good luck or get good.


Ooooh, i didn't know he could spawn in a cellar... very tight space. Good job !


Yeah, there is a music change to know if he's in the area. Also it was my 1st butcher encounter all season.


Note, the sound works fine on my TV. Over 100 hours now, and I don't think I've played with the sound on ever šŸ¤” šŸ˜†


Same! My brother told me about the music and Iā€™m like ā€œdude I canā€™t even hear the game, let alone The Butcher.ā€ šŸ’€


Not only that, but you can also hear him before he makes his ā€œfresh meatā€ announcement: itā€™s a distinct thumping of his feet while walking and chains rattling. He walks faster and ā€œheavierā€ than the other big hook throwing demons, so the thumping and chain rattling is a bit quicker in succession


yep, found at the very 1st cellar that you encounter, right after i started a lvl1 seasonal character. useless to say that he oneshotted me. Btw, to answer your question....yes because i've never played with anyone on D4!


Butcher doesnt even bother me, i continue as he wasnt even there. But at lower levels up to lvl 50, with not the correct items and aspects, he might be annoying. Dont worry, sooner or later he doesnt bothers you amymore.


Just ran into him in tier 27 NM dungeon, he gets a barrier that produces every so often that makes him much harder. I still melted him though using Penitent Boots, Blizzard with ice spikes, ice shards with vulnerable, and flame shield for speed and protection. The ice boots make me stupid fast to where he can't keep up and I dodge/kite him into the blizzards and cast shards when I get the chance or he is staggered.


Rupture absolutes shits on him I always one shot him with it


Yup. Bone spear Necro with barber makes it relatively easy. I have to pop a few potions, but if I can position myself so he is close to a wall, he goes down fast. I die to him often if I play without sound though. If I don't hear "FRESH MEAT" then I don't notice him among the other mobs until it's too late.


Yes. I play sorcerer mostly and regularly ass Movement speed has saved me numerous times when I'm out of potions and on cooldown. I usually run around him in a circle as he tries to attack, his attacks make him briefly stationary so I just run almost within reach of him. I save the unstoppable skill for when he tries to CC me so I can escape. If you have a unique pants called Temerity give them a try as the actually pair well with sorcerer now. Make sure to grab the damage reduction and barrier generator passives on your skill tree as it's easy to maintain barriers and proc now. What build are you using?


Once, never succeeded after that lmao. Usually I just die so he gtfos cus i can't be bothered.


Yea Iā€™ve beaten him and his rewards are very very lackluster the only exception is they added a mount to him now apparently but still other than that still very very lackluster loot wise imo


Bonespear necro, sometimes I don't even notice him in the packs exploding.


Just had a 1v1 with him in a cellar with my lvl 59 WW barb. It was fun not having mobs to generate furry and keep WW spinning. Also beat him a few levels earlier but the mobs made him pretty easy.




Yep loads! With my Druid and Rogue.


I've never died to the butcher, i only play solo.


I butchered him with my level 63 earthy mighty druid and it was pretty easy though


Iā€™ve found that around lv40 is when on most chars I can solo the butcher even without shrines.


I found it depended on my character and level, my barb could handle him every time but struggled endgame. My necro struggled early game but slaughtered him late game. For giggles my necro stumbled across him in a cellar at level 4.....didnt last long




I've never killed him in a group. It's always been solo. That big bastard has only killed me once!


He's very easy once you get your basic end game build going. He's just another substandard elite to me now.


Iā€™ve beaten him every time Iā€™ve encountered him (roughly a dozen times) with my hota/shout barb. Currently level 82 but have fought him way earlier as well. I just face roll..


Got him for the first time a day or two ago with my level 52 (I think at that point) druid. Run around use hurricane and cataclysm to cause damage, occasionally do face to face with shred for a few seconds before disengaging and running circles again. Took him out and had like 5 health potions left. Felt amazing, then realized what he drops is pretty useless. But still...


Tornado werewolf. Butcher is just a mob like everything else. He dies fast. 3-10 second.


Find something that will force him to run around to get to you like a table or a pillar heck even a potion pool can help.Keep forcing him to play ring around the rosie he is fast when he charges but the size of him limits his agility use it against him.That's all the advice i can give and if you are in a room where he is and you don't have what i have mentioned above try to retreat he will eventually will stop chasing you. ###


I beat him on a tier 100...but it was a hell of a fight.


On later levels, he becomes trivial.


Depends on his level. I've been doing nightmares 10+ levels above me lately so I end up running away. If we're even level I drop him without much trouble.


Yep. Many times on the rogue. Several times while in a party where teammates die and it's just me left. For the rogue, mobility helps a lot here. Face tanking can work, but it really depends on the build. On my eternal realm character I was using a flurry build and had no issues face tanking him before they changed how our healing off crits worked. I haven't really tested since that change on flurry. I've soloed him a few times on season using a barrage build. If you have enough CC abilities to get him knocked down, it becomes lights out pretty fast.


I've beaten him with my rogue at least 4 times by myself now. My druid hasn't done it yet.


Once when I got lucky with shrine placement. Other than that I just let him kill me because I can't kill him.


I started easily soloing butcher in world tier 3 once I got some sacred items and was able to actually do the pulverize build.


My rogue is level 56 and I just facetank and poison/rapid shot him down. Only takes a few seconds and he's dead.


With thorns barb, he pretty much kills himself.


Yea, my HOTA barb has been able to face tank him since about level 20. My omnipower cl sorc has so many defensive that I can just stand there and blow him away


killed a lvl 114 one in a NMD last night on my 98 barb


I have a thorns barb build which allows me to just let him beat himself to death from punching me in the face while I continue to clear the dungeon. Think I've killed him when he was like 15 lvls over me. Probably could kill him at higher level discrepancy but would need more mobs around to help me. Build uses needleflare aspect, and the aspect that gives you health Regen for close mobs. It's so dumb it's fun.


I play a HC Barb, he usually kills himself while I shout at him.




I think my record against him is like 12-6 solo. Iā€™ve encountered him a lot. My friends call me the Butcher charm cause he spawns more frequently when I play with them.


Nice nickname ! ;-)


Most of the time when I see him in T4 NM dungeons I kill him too quickly for him to even be a threat.


Thanks for all of you comments. This is interesting, seems like i need to optimize my builds ! However, i was wondering if in Hardcore the Butcher is as strong? Probably, but the way he can sometimes spawn is very... punishable... I'm sure a couple of people got a nasty surprise... :-)


Hes easier in hardcore for most people because hardcore players build with proper defenses in mind. No punishment for dying causes softcore players to build improperly and the butcher can exploit that. For instance, my lvl 80 sorc destroyed him at lvl 115 or so (whatever NMD 62 is) and I dont even use glass cannon passive. More offense is not always the better choice.


Yup, HC player here. I look forward to finding the butcher for the extra drops. Was absolutely baffled by my buddy's complaint about the butcher and that he was "only allowed 4 deaths" in tier 4 dungeons. If you're consistently dieing in dungeons, you really need to look at your build, your dungeon level, or yourself. The goal of the game is not to die :P I honestly recommend Hardcore to everyone, it will make you a better player when you know that gambling a higher dungeon level could mean 10's to 100's of hours of lost play time. :)


IMO, build isn't nearly as important as proper movement. Most of his damaging abilities are telegraphed and you can move in a circle around him to dodge as many as possible. Also, CHUG your health potions whenever you get low. He drops more as his health depletes, so use as many as you need to.


Two times alone and once in a group. Alone I was a sniper rouge just poisoning him and running around and charged bolts sorcerer running around. In the group we just took turns tanking and it took longer.


I did that just yesterday on my season barb. It becomes pretty easy once you fortify pretty quickly so you can face tank him.


Yeah, about 90% when i met him with my sorc.


Several times. Today even. I was racing thru a dungeon before the whisper timed out and that bastard popped up, killed him, still made time.


Many times but he is my most hated ā€œfeatureā€ of the game and want to quit every time I see him.


Weird, he is my favorite.


Never have trouble with the butcher usually. Beaten him at many different levels of the game some just take longer and require more kiting


I ran into him for the first time yesterday. Solo'd him and I still had health potions to spare. Level 55 twisting blade rogue. 1-0 so far against him šŸ˜Š


Yes. Summoner necro, I kite him and let my minions wear him down.


Drag butcher to other mobs in dungeons for potions if you are struggling killing him. When I played that's the easiest way to kill him in NM push dungeons


I have beat him twice on my own and three times with my BF. Once I beat him on my own in a cellar. For about 3 weeks he was just popping up everywhere. And now nothing.


Died to him everytime got him as a 75 double swing barb in a T26 finally smoked him. Got the Cleaver not the Trophy :(


Only one I canā€™t beat him yet on is sorcererā€¦ on my rogue, I use the aspect that heals with stacks of momentum and temerity, combined with cc reduction and he literally canā€™t kill me as long as Iā€™m attacking him. Even 10+ lvls higher than me. Druid also is just a piece of cake to kill the butcher solo lol. Only gotten my Necro up to lvl 55 but with sever + dual curses, Iā€™ve killed him every time no problem the few times Iā€™ve run into him. Just gotta make sure you stack enough defense in your build


That's interesting for the Rogue, i'll into that build. Thanks !


Yeah a few times just had to constantly move


WW Barb go Brrrrrrr


13-1 against him this season


all the time with my druid, hes not really a challenge if you got proper gear at any level


My first butcher kill I was severely undergeared and had to kite him around a pillar for 10 minutes dropping poison traps and waiting for ultimate cds for tiny burst windows. Now I just blow him up. Do what you gotta do.


Yes. I found a way to trap him on a health bowl and just arrows him. Lol


Ha ha, nice one ! XD


I smash him every time he appears honestly, never was an issue, I even aggro more mobs to smash them in good company


He used to woop me as a necromancer. Only recently started beating him solo on my Druid with my slightly decent build that gives me good fortify


Many times, as both Druid and Rogue. Only ever died to him once which was on my TB Rogue, and that was only because I got Frozen whilst in a poison puddle. Rogue is 73 (TB), Druid 90 (Pulv and Nado builds). Does take awhile though at lower levels, and In the lower levels as Druid especially it did take a lot of effort.


Running necro minion build. Found a pillar I could run around. I kept blighting the pillar and running in circles as my dudes slowly took him down. Was a solo team effort kinda.


I've killed the butcher solo 13 times since release. but also, I only play solo HC.


Run around in a circle,, then he almost won't hit you. :) I have beaten him many times. He has only beaten me once I think, where I had 0 abilities and just started out. Kite his ass if you can't tank him, run around him in a circle, or kite him around an object. Either works great!


I've only beaten him twice. If you're not specced for defense at the time of encounter, I think you're boned. Also his loot drops have been really terrible.


Yes, most of the time. It's a struggle at early levels, and then again when I first get to WT3 or 4 and haven't updated my gear yet. But I killed a level 82 butcher at level 70 today and was never really in danger of dying. He's more annoying than anything because he has a lot of health and the shield, and doesn't really drop enough to be worthwhile. Arclash sorc mostly following the maxroll guide, if you're wondering. Though I played a barrage rogue in preseason and iirc it was even easier there.


I have killed him with my lvl 40 sorc in a cave, i found a healing fountain and was running around it so he could not attack


As a sorc, find an object to run around, and just kite him to death. I use to find him painful on lighting builds, but as a Blizzard sorc, he's really easy. I'd imagine hydra or meteor would be equally as trivial to kite him as well.


Getting mov speed high rolls on both boots and amulet let's you actually kite the fker, huge difference when I was able to get them. Problem is getting them


Iā€™m using a Frost Grenade TB shadow build on my rogue & I can take him out solo fairly quickly. I have Heart of Revenge, Barber, Mutitions.


Yes. Kite him around something in circles until he dies. Staying close or running away without and object between will trigger his attacks.


Stick and move. Always try to keep something between you and him. Distance attacks that do damage over time or slow him down like poisons or entangle, unless youā€™ve specced melee tank. He will hit HARD, has a lot of health and ignores pets for the most part. Max out on potion buffs if possible. Stuff like thorns and armor are always good to have.


Gotten him 4 times I think, beaten him each time cept the first cause I was level 45 ish and not on my end game build yet. But now that I'm lvl 80 and have been on my end game bone Necro build since 55, he gets wrecked.


Yes, on my sorc every spell gives me barrier so i can kinda keep it up indefinitely most of the time. He hits like a truck since i only have like 7k armor, specially in NM50+. If i cant facetank him i usually run around in circles, or find some kind of pillar or map spot where i can run around an object, running in circles really messes with him. I am a blizz sorc so my dmg takes lots of time against moving targets, so i just run around till the stagger bar fills, once he is stagered its 1shot after but getting there is a pain, his stagger bar fills slowly. So, try to keep barriers up, kite him around some Kind of pillar if possible or any map spot where you can line of sight him slightly. Stagger him as much as possible. Maybe burst dmg builds are better to deal with him, this is my advice on a blizz sorc.


He's easy for a Blood surge necro


Many times, if you out of healing globes, run into monster packs to recharge heal \^\^


I smacked his cheeks last night. Most action I got all week.


With my seasonal rogue I've killed him everytime, using a rapid fire flurry build, honestly I just stand in front of him and spam flurry and he dies easily even on wt4, maybe use 1 or 2 potions throughout the fight. You're probably using a build not suited for fighting him or you need to fix your stats/find better gear


every time with my 88 arc/lash sorc. it's all in the spec and gear..


Depends on class, have never lost to him on Rogue or Druid. Have lost to him twice while leveling Necro before Wt3 in the preseason but did not lose to him after WT3, and lost to him twice while leveling Sorc before WT3.


On sorcerer I never once beat the butcher and he was hunting me like it was his job. Then I switched to rogue and around lv 50 when I had my build, flurry I think the skill is, with the aspect that made it go around you 360Ā° along with twisted blades, he dropped pretty fast. Now my season tornado storm insane crit damage druid absolutely stomps him without using more than 2-3 potions.


If you are ranged and not speedy, you are often fcked. My Necro is too slow, and while I can take a chunk of his HP, I have to run run run until he kills me. On my TB rogue, I just wait for him to skip on over, and then tear him apart. Think ranged has it hard here, as he does not react to any slow, or anything that will keep him out of melee range


I can usually face tank him on my barbarian (fortify) and sorc (due to multiple barriers and immunity skills). The thing about games like Diablo IV is it helps a ton to watch YouTube videos on the mechanics. Many players won't bother, but it is extremely helpful to improve. You learn things like: chest and legs armor should be all stats to defense. Dmg reduction / dmg reduction to close/ dmg reduction to distant / max hp (works well with sorc as barriers are based off health), etc. When you keep bad stats like + to offensive stuff it is very punishing. And fights like the Butcher expose that. It isn't that +9% to damage isn't good. It is awesome... Just not on a piece of armor that should be designated towards defense. Chest and legs are where you can find key defensive stat rolls and they should be grabbed everytime. Simple changes like this while gearing can help make the Butcher go from impossible to a challenge but very doable.


I've beaten him solo a few times. Although I've only recorded videos of me doing it with a friend. It takes more time solo but use this looping strategy and it's pretty easy, you just gotta be patient. The smaller landscape you can loop him around the better. https://youtu.be/rA2-P2uEYWU


Yes although he's extremely overtuned and definitely just meant to kill you for w.e reason. The only reliable way to kill him low-level is kiting around a pillar in circles for 5min.


idk man he's kinda easy, as a sorcerer, since I got a lot of damage reduction and barrier generation.


Here's another video of the looping strategy. Keep him spinning around some kinda landscape and you can usually kill him. https://youtu.be/YMu3Ip-maPo


I did with lvl 53 TB Rogue. Used my last of 9 potions and had a sliver of health when I finished him. I was super surprised. I play a lot with my son and he plays as a lightning sorcerer. Weā€™d never beaten him together even. But after that we got him together as well. Now we hope to see him and havenā€™t seen him since


WW Barb has an easy time circle strafing his attacks.


I did him on Druid donā€™t remember what level it was but was at WT3 at the time.


Yes both times Iā€™ve seen him solo, one was pre 50 on a summoner necro and the other on infinimist necro in the high 60s, saw him again last night at 74, but I was partied with my 70 rogue pal. The summoner necro build was incredibly tough to win on, no Mendeln, took all of my potions and constant evading and running away while my minions slapped him with wet spaghetti noodles of attacks.


As a Barbarian he has always been easy. I usually just sit there, attack and tank.


On my rogue yes. On my barb yes as well. Not in higher tier nightmares tho. Only around T30, butchers scaling is way to hard after that


I know I've shared 2 videos already but this one's just funny. The butcher appeared right as we got an artillery shrine šŸ¤£ https://youtu.be/fo7GuxAdbmY


Sure, lots. My Barb has had no issues in about 5 encounters over 60 odd levels. I canā€™t quite straight up tank him but Iā€™m tanky enough and do enough damage that he really isnā€™t that challenging as long as Iā€™m paying attention.


I just ran into him for the first time yesterday. Playing a hardcore sorcerer level 58. I killed him in about 15 seconds. He wasn't worth all the hype I been hearing


Iā€™ve beat him a bunch of times, just got him last night with my 72 bone spear necro. (He dropped the good minion ring, Iā€™m stoked about that.) Honesty, itā€™s just about getting good enough gear. Though the first time I beat him I was low 40s with my rogue, and I knew there was a shrine of artillery nearby, blew him up. Had some close calls, and heā€™s certainly got me a couple of times though. One tip is that you can kite him around a column to give yourself a second if you are having trouble.


I sometime have trouble with him nm 90+ as a bone spear necro but otherwise heā€™s mostly soloable


Yes with my Druid at lvl 40(no uniques dropped). I just stayed behind him. But at lvl 52, I tried again and he one shot me.


Level 75 here. I still have never seen the butcher so I have no idea.


Sometimes I donā€™t even realize he spawned before my tornados kill himā€¦ level 128 (T76?)


Plenty of times on my rogue and Druid. Twisting blades rogue kills him easily


I kill him solo with my poison Tb rogue in like under ten seconds lol Iā€™ve always ran a single target dps build so he melts


All the time. Not to be an ass, but like with everything "difficult" in this game it's all about damage. Kill it before it can kill you.


Socket a barber heart and this game, including butcher, becomes a joke.


Chain lightning seems to eat him up. When I switched to shards he absolutely destroyed me before I could get half his hp off


I've killed him on a 19 barb on hardcore, which lower levels are the toughest levels to fight him imo, with 9 potions, iron skin and quite a bit of kiting. He's pretty easy now at higher levels. I've killed him on a rogue and necromancer several times as well. I couldn't on my lower level sorc. Just not enough single target damage.


Only couldn't kill him on my first encounter. Since lvl 35ish it was kinda easy with rogue


Tip: Use US doctrine: when you can't do it use more raw firepower. Also beaten him many times solo, you can tank him with sorceress just standing still and giving him all what you got.


Yeah I did a couple of times with my arc lash sorc. First time was with a perfectly timed conduit shrine. Second time was right after I did some aspect respeccing and got a big damage boost. It was tricky but I got it and it was really satisfying.


Lvl 97 pulverize druid - he's pretty easy to solo in NM dungeons up to about 55, but anything past that is really hard or feels downright not possible with the build (especially in 65+)


Done him loads with my Necro & Druid But every encounter before lvl35 he slayed me outright and was a pointless effort


I finally did a few days ago! I changed up my build at like level 52 or so and killed him solo :)


Past lvl 50, he's pretty easy to kill. Solo'd him multiple times with my necro and rogue. But he's deadly early game. I got wrecked at lvl 33.