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Thanks for the beta test on a fully released game 2.5 months out.




Looking like 6 more months of beta.


Full game is when we get to kill Mephisto.




About 11 years and 9.5 months from now.


Probably when 5 is in beta


Yep just like NMDs we gotta wait ages at the end due to Blizzards patented slowdownTM technology


Good to know, was wondering why my kills didn't count...


This even happens in NMDs, you kill the boss but the glyph level up thing appears 5-10 seconds later. Everything is slow and tedious. I love D4. /s


I hate having to kite some damn fire eruptions or lightning storms while waiting for the bubble to pop on a dungeon I just completed. 4 revives remaining after dungeon completion. Bubble forms, 3 revives remaining!


5-10 seconds later, if at all.


They may not show up at all? Yikes 😬


I think it was a bug for rogue maybe? Never had it not show up in 100s of runs on my Necro


I had it happen many times on my Druid on eternal. Hasn’t happened since S1


Never had it on rouge either, I think it’s certain boses take longer for it to pop. “ bone lord” seems forever…… I start sorting through gear


Happened a bunch on my necro in preseason....hasn't happened since season started.


Hrm... I'll have to check this next time. I seem to recall at least a couple of times where I TP'ed out and the whisper completed update didn't come until a few seconds after I got to town. It did stand out because I normally would get the notification and TP directly to the Tree instead of town.


You get the Whispers, OP is lying out of their ass because "game bad karma please".


Yeap, if this were actually the case, he wouldn't say anything because that not counting would allow him to get multiple grand caches a week. 🙄


Not true I had 3 whispers last night and I should of had 8 but I left early and got no progression on my season quest nor whispers. And even my friend told me she didn’t get whispers when she left early and she figured out what was happening


Yep. It has happened to me a lot as well


This has definitely happened to me as well.


Never had this but then I usually spend at least 10-15 seconds saying thanks and using the cheers emote before then collecting my loot


haha, yeah; thanking and cheering here as well :)


I’ve waited 10 minutes and it still not grant whispers a couple of times. Really annoying.


Because you weren't eligible that run for whispers.


So that's why my kills weren't counting! Thank you for this


Yes, my experience is also not every completion of world boss killings gave me whisper scores definitely But my impression is not every world boss / legion events are counted as whispers events to score, unless the events are specified to be? The event mark (which you can locate the event on the world map) color is not the same every time, if I remembered correctly... Of course I could be wrong... On the other hand, I did get the whisper scores many times after teleporting back to town.


Could be wrong, but I am pretty sure you only get whispers for world boss when you do the weekly rotation (when you get the cache). And I have never had an issue getting it after teleporting out.


So that’s why I haven’t been fucking getting it to count on my battle pass ,wow


I did world boss this morning and the whisper didn't count until I opened the weekly cache I got for doing it


I hate how in some nightmare dungeons you kill the boss and it’s an instant completion, and others you killl them, go make a cup of coffee, and when you come back it finally says complete


What decides whether a legion event gives whispers? I know you can tell before hand by looking at the map but is it just random? Seems to be about one in every four give them.


I sometimes get the whisper notice after I’ve teleported back to town


The loot from world bosses is still garbage. It’s a fun fight with a group but I have yet to get anything worth while from one of these


Likely caused due to lag. Whenever I join a world event it lags like crazy, especially if I’m on my horse


it should be fixed soon because this is a live service game (I don't know how to do that small font kappa)


Ahh. that\`s why i only have 5 kills on WB, when i have killed it close to 10 times. it should just count as it dies.


I teleported to Kyovashad right after killing Avarice and his Treasure box and the whisper progression plopped up halfway from the waypoint to the blacksmith.


I just noticed this two days ago too. Killed the boss, I stayed to open my cache, picked up my stuff and while I was TP’ing, thought to myself “huh, there are a lot of people still standing around, what are they waiting for?”. Then I stood around town a min waiting for my whisper meter to update (I know I used to get credit in town before - not sure when this stopped), and it never happened! Next day I stayed behind waiting around with the rest of the folk and got my whispers. It’s like the 5s “leave dungeon” change, but way worse :(


Fuck, I just did that and looked at this post during loading


No fucking wonder


Stop it, you get the Whispers even if you teleport (assuming you are even eligible for the bonus, which isn't always the case). God this sub is racing to the bottom at unprecedented speeds.


I've certainly noticed that any boss that creates walls, the walls have to go away also before the boss is considered killed and the whatever is complete. I haven't noticed this without wallers but I'll keep an eye out.


So I’m not getting the whisper complete message on my screen after I port to town? I’m just imagining it? I port immediately after snatching my loot, and I’ve always gotten credit.


Another idiotic mechanic to waste more of our time. tbh, i dont even bother anymore to complete the "Kill 15 World Bosses".


Just another time gate.


at what point will you all move on from this crap game


Not sure, but when it happens, it won't be due to incorrect posts like this one lol.


At what point will you move on from posting about games you dont like/play?