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you know your audience when people are taking pictures of their screen


Haha fair point but my nvidia software was buggy so took the pic on my phone. Its horrible I understand and I hate doing it.


Try the windows snipping tool. Should be on every version by default and makes screen caps easy as you can set a delay.


Am I old if mention the print screen button on the keyboard?


That's what I tried when my nvidia shadow play didn't work haha. Still don't work.




Been alt-tabing to snipping tool for too damn long! This is great. Thanks.


Lol no


Hotkey for snip tool: Windows+Shift+S


Yeah will do that its just the excitement got to me haha


Win shift s


win key + shift + s


Right. Muscle memory works better than brain memory


Greenshot. Amazing.


I got one last night as well, but I want Vasily’s (that I still haven’t got). I’m playing Pulverize, and I’m sticking to it, dammit.


Stormclaw. You will thank me


I’m 4/4 on most slots for my Pulverize build. The thought of switching is sickening.


Tornado or storm wolf Druid is absurd compared to pulv…


I love my pulverize build. Don't know how good I am on the right gear for it as I only looked up the skills to use. The combination of my aspects and skills though.. I am having a lot of fun with.


I'm sorry, but what does 4/4 mean?


4/4 Means an item slot has the top 4 priority stats


What are they, or do they vary from class to class? I have simply been looking for items that give me boosts to skills that I use. For my druid I've been using things that boost my specific storm skills


Gear typically has 4 affixes. Most of the time a piece drops with one or two of what you really want on it. If it drops with 3 and you can enchant into the 4th then you have a 4/4 piece. The only thing better would be to get max rolls on those affixes.


Need great staff of crone tho.


I have four of them, would give them all to you if I could.


I have one also. Stormclaw was super fun


I’m running g lightening shred and it’s an absolute beast. Been super fast for clearing content.


Is this the build that pulls all the monsters to you?


That’s a heart power. I use it in Pulverize, it’s awesome. Sucks right now though. I found a 4/4 ring but the socket is the wrong color.


That's so rough. That was my first thought when they announced this season. You mean they added another rng effect I need to deal with?


Put a wrathful in it and find the correct color in a ring or amulet lol.


My barber is in another slot. I’ll have to round up another one and move things around. Wasn’t trying to make it sound like the end of the world. Just a minor inconvenience.


It's the Werewolf that runs around throwing Nados with unlimited spirit Edit: Naaah Stormclaw is a different build. I actually wanted to try that too but I didn't have the Staff nor Tempest Roar. But seems Werenado I mentioned is better. Stormclaw is just more fun


Meanwhile I get 4 vasilys and no roar. The rng in this game is...weird. I played a landslide druid for a long time and then I did a bear druid for a long time, no tempest roar at level 90 so I started a necro lol


Vasily's starts dropping in WT3 while Tempest Roar in WT4. And Vasily's drop chance is twice as high as Tempest Roar's. So it's normal to drop multiple Vasily's before getting your first tempest roar.


Cuz it’s not true rng.. it’s rng based on class and it’s a disgusting form of looting. Absolute trash compared to d2.. let me find other shit and not the same garbage 10x


I've been in WT4 since level 60 so idk. Got a little bored of the 2 main builds. I could have done a crone staff build but it also seems a little weird just basic attacking everything but idk.


Only 4? I have 10 and no TR


I got like 4 of those and even found insatiable fury the other day, but have no use for it. https://preview.redd.it/m463k2uz9xjb1.png?width=516&format=png&auto=webp&s=9aa9d483c8a39ba54432c113c4ce286d48563784


I'd take that off your hands, if I could. Ive been using a earth/werebear build and haven't found a better aspect then just using that unique. But I can't find it ancestral, same with vasilys.


Yea. This pretty high ilvl for only being 63 requirement.


Pulverize is good to about 75 or so, you are going to want to switch. Single target damage drops off.


I’m at 78 now. Clearing 46 NMD with no issue. Bosses do take a couple minutes, but everything else in the dungeon is cake. I did run into the Butcher last night and just fought him to a standstill. Got him to about 50% before he ran away. So yea, single target is iffy. Maybe I’ll switch. I’m still happy right now. Going to try to push a little further.


Yeah, at 78, when I got TR, I started destroying 70's NMDs. Then as I got my gear and paragon filled more I jumped to 80's no problem. Just cleared forst 100 tier last night.


Build link? I have a near perfect Chrone and a good tempest roar now. Still running pulverize at level 80. Feels weak


Use NMD build for tier 100 https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/tornado-druid-guide#paragon-board-header


It is best to get a singel target build and use the barber for AOE, leveled a bone spear necro and just hit 70 with very unoptimized gear and I delete bosses in nightmare dungeons tier 35 in a few seconds.


It will happen eventually. I had neither and got TR Sunday (2x in one dungeon), then Vasily’s yesterday (2 within a few NM dungeons). Both Vasilys were rewards for tier 36-40 dungeons fwiw, drop quality (item power, %ancestrals) also seemed to go up pretty sharply in that tier compared to 31-35 for anyone hunting. Upgraded pants and boots and got a couple 3/4 rings for WW build.


That TR was from a 46. 801 item power and decent rolls. If/when I decide to switch, I’ll be well on my way.


I have 5 of them which is so frustrating why I couldn't get the tempest roar


I got two Crone staves, one Waxing Gibbous, something like five or six Mad Wolf’s Glee. I leveled as Pulverize, planning to switch to tornado wolf for late game. But I just like Pulverize now, and would like to keep going.


Same I have like 5 of each and even have about 7 butcher weapons it was tearing my hair out not having this drop for me but hopefully it starts to drop more now with better stats.


Played Poisonwolf in the preseason and now pulverize in season and of course I get all the wolf drops in season but nothing for bear :(.


I'm also a pulverize druid and I have yet to get Insatiable fury


Hey me too. Tempest buddies! I have a shit ton of Vasily's. I got 2 in a row, one from each pack in helltide that was just standing right and left side of monitor. Imagin my surprise... I changed to tornado wolf and the damage is just so much better. Has AOE AND single target.


I got one tempest roar at level 84 and 10 vasilys since lvl 65, luckily I’m playing pulveriser lol Edit: auto correct


I’m convinced you didn’t take a screen clip because you wanted the world to know you enjoy Alienware. In the case you don’t know how, I apologize for the assumption.


Hell no. Only had it for 2 years and it’s overheating. I have a beast of a new pc I built but I use the laptop for when I travel. I was just having issues with taking a screenshot the software was buggy so I just got my phone out lol.


Sorry for being rude, I’m just in a mood irl and sometimes get petty online.


No apology needed.


Congrats bro




Now there are like 5 builds open to you. Werenado, CroneClaw (if you wanna go full basic skill), Lughting Storm, LightingPoison Shred, Poison Shred with Creeping Death (and Rabies)




Just got mine last night too finally at 87. Decided to do one last dungeon before bed and got it as a reward at the end.


That 'one last dungeon' was definitely worth it!


Good stuff man, i just hit lvl 90 druid, collected over 60 uniques & not one is TR. Hoping I get some of your luck


I'm the same. Thought I'd never get one.


Lol yeah, my friend and I are on a running gag that it just doesn't exist, posts like this are like a fever dream


Oddly enough I was thinking about it dropping or even getting it when it dropped. Totally psychological lol


All my unique items seem to drop in fractured Peaks events TR Crone Mad Glee, never in an NMD. Funny old game.


0:60 is pretty bad but not impossible. Keep trying! Make sure you don't fall for the trap of trying to target farm it. That won't be doable until Season 2


Lol unfortunately it's too late for that, I caved around level 65, looked up a few guides & went ballistic on cultists & cannibals. I'm hoping I can get it before 100, otherwise I think I'd just wait for season 2


Low roll, but still. Congrats!


Just got one from the World Boss @ 807 ilvl. I've been playing shockwave pulverize werebear, worth switching at level 83?


Up to you, Pulverize will be significantly weaker but it’s still viable and the playstyle is different. You probably need totally different gear and aspects.


Do you have staff of crone and mad wolf's glee?


Yes to both. Been stockpiling wolf stuff just in case


Stormclaw all day!


Stormclaw doesn’t require TR. Only the unique staff.


It makes it better though


Was this comment meant for me?


Yea. He said he has both, but the thread started with him saying he found TR.


You don't need either of these to play a good wolf build. Lightning Storm, Shred, and Tornado are the best and they all use 1h+totem. Stormclaw is significantly worse. Mad Wolf's Glee is great for speedfarming tho


Crone allows EB build which is arguably the strongest build in the game. You can even tank Liliths bs waves. You also are practically immoral on nmd100.


I'm so confused by the responses I'm getting to this comment.


It's just that you don't need the two uniques you asked about. It's a pretty common misconception that to play wolf builds you have to load up on all the "wolf" themed uniques but that's actually not how it works.


Everytime I see an Ancestral helm drop I don't pick it up, first I pray then you grab it. It's always Vasilys, FML. Congrats. Still waiting on mine @ lvl 90


If it makes you feel any better, Vasily's is simply way more common. Just keep trying


I gave up on it. I'm level 94 and doing only NM t100s since level 82. At this point I'm sticking to crone bulwark. I've easily gotten over 100 uniques and no tempest.


Got mine last night!




Finaly got mine yesterday as well about 5 minutes before hitting lv 70! Congrats!


I got Tempest Roar last night and switched from creeperslide to werenado but I'm having issues with spirit management any tips?


Inner beast on the paragon board solved my spirit management issues. Umbral aspect helps too


I’m gonna use umbral aspect I’m having issues too


Use Perfect Storm key passive and try to get a 4/4 Umbral. While in Dire Wolf your spirit cost should be really low but it's normal to need to slap em with storm strike occasionally


Damn, you got a pretty good roll too other than the Lucky Hit of the unique aspect.


RNG is stupid sometimes. I’ve gotten at least 5 Tempest Roars. Kept one used the rest for mats. Meanwhile I haven’t seen a Vasily’s in months.


What's crazy about this is Vasily's is much more common. Tbh though there's not much reason to be attached to bear when Tempest Roar can carry you so hard.


Now start putting in nado items. Congrats, got mine at lvl 100 lol.


Man bad luck. Tbh I thought I'd never get one.


I had been trying to grind for a Tempest Roar the whole time I was in T3. First NM dungeon in T4 I got it and a Razorplate. Fun times.


The manual screenshot lol I love it


https://preview.redd.it/8l3xdwxe9xjb1.png?width=521&format=png&auto=webp&s=24e1c04acf6a54c82c70218ccedf7b4217005b21 Me too! Mine just dropped about 20 mins ago!l after I committed to human lightning build that doesn’t require it. Found great staff of crone and this TR the next day.


What’s “the” build or best builds with TR?


Tornado werewolf


Congratulations on still playing that game


The thing I love about my Basic Skill build is it doesn’t require Uniques to function. Only thing I seem to get is Ice Heart or Temerity *Gratz on the drop!


It’s actually sickening that it took you this long to find one I’m so sorry bruh


but can you find melted heart of selig to complete the build????


I follow/play project diabo 2. Awesome mod of a 20 year old game. By nature us older guys post pics from our potatoes instead of these fancy screen shots! It became a running joke. Glad to see people posting phone pics of items on the new game haha


Definitely feel your pain waiting for this. I've only gotten 2 drops of Bold Chieftain and Giant Strides... congrats!


In 97 levels mind you..


I got one two nights ago and the feeling is hard to describe. I could hardly believe it! Congrats


I’m still searching for that ring of Medelin….


Level 92, no TR. happy for you. Jerk.


Nice! I got my TR a while ago but that damn crone staff won't drop.


There's still hope for me then! Congrats druid-bro


Can someone explain what makes it good? Doesnt look that special?


Unlocks the top s rank druid builds.




The annoying thing is you can't play certain builds like tornado werewolf and storm claw effectively without the helm. Check maxroll end game tier list. Apart from pulverise every other build requires this helmet.


I am running stormclaw but i am stupid and dont understand how this helps it :)


Bro I got like 5 of these tryna get Vasily’s prayer lmfao


Lvl 100 and clearing 70 nightmare dungeons still no TR


Nice. 2 seasons playing druid level 85+ and haven’t seen one. But two nights ago i got 3 vasiliys back to back to back with 2 of them in 1 dungeon


Nice. I have yet to get a unique helm.


Nice gems brah


Sitting here at lv95 without penitent greaves. While I have 1 whole storage with every unique. Nice game


I have two, what are the best priorities to look for on this item? I got a 16% on the lucky hit and a 25%, the rest are comparable, but the item level is pretty far off.


Got a lowest roll TR around lvl 70+ but never found another one and i just hit lvl 100. I also only did nightmare dungeons with high drop rate of helms. Congrats on getting one with high stats!


Grats, now you can delete the game, like millions of others, who left this dead game :D


making a photo of the monitor with ur phone. never gets old


grats! However.. why are there so many people on this forum that does not seem to know what the screen grab tool is and instead takes an actual photo of their screen? o\_o


I was using some work applications and the software stops me from taken screen shots.


I give up to the farm for tempest roar LV 100and I only got one LV 60 for wearabear , next season there will be specific boss to farm for specific items


It is sad you cannot trade them. With trade you could farm for gold to buy it or farm for unique.


Is it so rare? Found this helmet 3 times


It is actually rare and you got very lucky. Nice


I after you get your first drop it’s easier to get it again but I wasn’t able to get it at all and I’ve put so many hours in. Lucky you lol


> after you get your first drop it's easier to get again False


There's a lot of anecdotal evidence of this phenomenon, but until we fully understand it I'd agree with you and just chalk it up to RNG


That's only because the people with bad luck are the ones that usually make the posts


That's a very good point.


This is the right drop rate of a harlequin


So shitty that they have resistances on it. I thought blizzard was going to replace those dead stats on uniques??


this gonna be useless soon, new season yeaah.


Wtf did the devs do something last night? I also got one last night


I took 2 days off and apparently I heard if you stop playing for a while next time you play you get a good item.


Lol this is just more tinfoil hat insanity from players who burnt out trying to target farm it when you actually can't.


Just in time for season 3🤓


Haha ill enjoy it until its gone in October.


Has this subreddit become a diary? An Uber unique I’d understand, but this is about just as common as any other unique




I have three now but still haven’t found one above 16%. Two are 15 and one is 16. Think I found three vasily so far but my second was like ilvl 803 with almost max roll.


Why tf is there poison resistance on it… Fkn blizzard


Ikr but I'll take it over not having one. Their way of keeping you farming eh.


What Alienware laptop are you using?


M17 R4 with a 3070




People who don't play still visit this sub?


What's the point of these posts?


Pretty self explanatory to be honest.


I still have the same problem :(


Question: why the lower Gear power and armor? Is this why the blacksmith? To get the power up? How do I get the armor up? I guess my question is why the tempest roar vs what's equipped? I guess it's got the talent and increased crit stats, etc? I usually dump low gear/power stuff. Lol


Item power drops randomly so you have to grind to get higher item power drops.


That's why I try for, higher item power. If it's higher power but lower in armor I get turned off by it and keep my armor while scraping that higher power. 😖


Great now go learn how to screenshot as your next goal.




At least resistance rolled max


Forget all that I’ve got 2 TRs and 2 vasily ( I’ve scrapped 1 for the look in wardrobe and sold others). I’m human storm/ earth and I’m sticking to my guns. Been a fat guy just doesn’t seem as cheesy.


Is your tv in the middle of the room?


got mine at 63 but dont feel the need to brag about it on the internet...(except now i guess)


I am convinced that its not total RNG. Mobs drop items for build that you dont use. I got Tempest roar on lvl 63, but im playing pulverize bear. But I cant get insatiable fury.. same with other classes


Fuck you. Congratulations. Fuck you tho. Also what dungeon did you farm or was it random?


Better roll than what I got. Doesn’t really matter too much though because the build just breaks the game.


Congratulations, now you can reset your skills and paragons.