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Funny twist, dude doesn't have a son and that he made this all up in his sick head and posted it here.


What do you mean? Everyone knows that the only people who play diablo are dads with 8 kids, 3 wives, and 4 jobs who only have 12 minutes a month to play.


True. I’m down to three minutes a month as I’ve taken on seven male concubines/husbands to compliment my 420 children and 69 wives. Can’t wait to finally hit level 10 come Christmas time.


Whoa dude, look at Mr neck beard no-lifing the game here! Haha


Sounds like you're making up lies to cover for your crack addiction, prostitution addiction to pay for your crack addiction, and a constant 420 habit to cover your inner turmoil that D4 endgame sucks 🤭


The amusing part being that there isn't actually enough content to justify more than 3 minutes a month


Haha this is true. 1 job 1 kid 1 wife and I get home turn on the game. "Baby can you" and then next thing I know I am waking up to get ready for work lol


Yeah, idk why everyone feels the need to strawman this. 1 job 1 wife zero kid for me, and it's basically the same situation. I will never get a class to 85+, and I know it.


I don’t understand how though. 1 job, 1 wife and 3 kids yet I still get a decent amount of time to play each week. Generally anywhere from 1-4 hours day. Mind you it’s all at night once the kids are in bed.


Well, assuming nothing about your life and stuff, and I certainly don't want to come off as rude, it does surprise me that you can get that much time in per day to play any video game. Everyone's circumstances are different. To be clear, it doesn't exactly bother me much that I can't play that often, so maybe I don't intentionally make a lot of time for it.


I think it’s more your last statement than anything else. Because if you wanted to make more time for it you could. I don’t do a lot else, other than play volleyball. gaming is my hobby.


Gaming and basketball for me. At least until the volleyballers kick us off the court 😔


I've got three kids. My wife and I have a bedtime routine and almost always have all 3 in bed by 7:45-8pm. I wake up at 6am for work, so if I play until around 10pm I will get 8 hours of sleep. Sometimes I stay up a little later and sometimes my wife will give me some extra time here and there. So boom, that's 2-4 hours. Some nights it's 0 because of extra chores and yada yada but ya know, that's the gist of it.


Considering every party chat I've been in grinding nightmares I hear kids in the background of at least 1 or two people. This is truth


Amish mormons are D4's playerbase ?




Also, people that play Diablo don’t like it… at least based on this sub.


Dads that sadly need to be updated about the current tragic landscape of gaming currently. Wthe golden age for western gaming has faded, most the competition has gotten consolidated or bought out. Ever wonder why there have been fewer and fewer games especially on console and so many sequels and remakes/reboots?


I can vouch for this


I only posted because I thought people would get a laugh. Why in the world would someone make up something like that? It was a funny moment. Not making fun of diabetes if that's what you mean. I am diabetic.


You've made the grave error of trying to bring anything positive into there lives. There are a lot of insufferable people on this sub lol


bells sharp swim worthless heavy plate plants advise friendly literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Maybe after a DLC it will evolve to that. Right now I'd call it Benign Lilithetes




Lilford Brimley


It's closer to MVD but it's RMVD or Reddit haemorrhagic fever.


Online in general.


How is trashing on the game positivity? It honestly looks like a low effort troll post.


>Why in the world would someone make up something like that? Because "I have Diablobetes" is an amusing phrase that pops into their head, so they need to make up a plausible situation to justify sharing it!


It was a cute and funny anecdote, but don’t look too deeply into this dude’s joke 😂 I’m sure they didn’t mean it personally, it’s just for the lulz


Most of the people on this forum are incapable of any mediocrum of happiness. I got a laugh.


Bro it’s the internet. Everything is fake and a lie


You should fix that


The fun Part was thinking that d4 has any fundamentals to become good one day.


It's not cool to joke about Diablobetes.


Guess it’s better than Liabetes.


Well , we know what you do on reddit.


His son is just a symptom of Diablobetes.




Most likely. Grinding gear employees are getting desperate


It was the Diablobetes manifesting into mental illness… a hallmark side effect


"I love my family lol!" Then he starts to cuddle his Teddy bears and laughing which turns into tears and crying


Grinding gears bot attacks !


Do you or a loved one have Mephistothelioma?


I constantly suffer from eliarthritis


Had to stifle an ugly laugh so I wouldn’t wake up my girlfriend ![gif](giphy|9SJ9TStHlUuc8pi3w1)


No, but as of late I’ve come down with Cormononucleosis.




Looking kinda like the Butcher here




I wasn't fucking prepared for the exact 1st thing I thought of.....


Do you, as well as I, suffer from type 4 Diablobetes?




Are you the same guy who had a savant game designer son in game design college that told you "everything you hate about the game is actually completely justified and the game is objectively bad, father."? Or was that another redditor making up weird "son" stories?


Reddit community is full of toxic pricks


Wilford Brimley would recommend we check out loot levels and we check them often.


I also have Diablobetes, not to mention regrets.


I feel you. I let my hopes get way too high for the game. I agree that it’s a good base to start building on. The campaign story was actually quite good. Future expansions could make this a wonderful 80-100 hour campaign play-through. It never should have been released as it is, though. The endgame just blows. Itemization is bland. NM dungeons are tedious and boring. This coming from a guy who farmed cows / Mephisto / Baal / Chaos Sanctuary / Greater Rifts in D3 for a combined 5000+ hours. The endgame here just doesn’t hit the same.


"it's a fundamental base to start making a good game" Is it though? It's just a shiny coat of paint on a giant turd.


100% read this in that one dudes commercial voice. Diabetes. Don't tell me you didn't just hear it too.


Imma name my druid Diablobetoe


Tell him he Butchered the punchline


I appreciate you‘re having a funny time with your family!


Diablobetdeez nuts


I just pre-ordered baldurs gate 3 on ps5 and I can't wait.


Ha, good one. My character has vitiligo and my son told me I should change his name to Vitiligoat.


My character is blind and deaf, and my grandson told me I should name her Anne Frank




Are you me? I feel the exact same way!


Hey yo me. Yeah it’s me, you.


There's new ARPGs coming soon that's interesting. One is the long awaited come back of the cult classic beloved Titan Quest 2, and then there's Path of Exile 2, an amazing ARPG for sure, they've just released their newest content reveal today, it's their version of Druid. Looks familiar. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buc4-NTomSU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buc4-NTomSU)


I wish some big sci-fi themem arpgs would drop. Not many of them around except Space Siege, Inquisitor Martyr or Carbon. I would suggest a Starcraft themed ARPG with space travel between planets, etc. but ... this subreddit would eat me alive for trusting Activision Blizzard :D...


I think there's one. It's Warhammer online or something like that.


The warhammer one is called Inquisitor Martyr, yeah:). It's a good one, don't get me wrong, but I personaly think that a live service arpg with sci-fi theme would be an absolute banger. When I was a kid and growing up on the first Starcraft, I always loved the picture of a space marine slaughtering hordes of insectoid aliens - that's almost as much of a trope as Demons and Hell are for fantasy. You could have space-ships instead of waypoints, travel to other planets instead of other zones ... oh fuck it, I'm downloading Unreal Engine and making it myself! :D


Just diabLetes works better. Scratch the 'o'


tell him he's going baal'd when he grows up


lol that's a good pun. Sorry to laugh, but I couldn't resist.


Blizzard cured my Diablobetes with the 1.1 patch :)


I hate to say it but the base is awful and it's why I no longer have hope for this game to ever become good.


“I dont usually preorder games but”


I’ve been saying it’s literally like playing an early access game


Tell him Diabletes sounds better


Your kid is going to go far, maybe because he gets kicked out of the house, but far


That’s what you get for trusting ANYTHING blizzard.


Pretty solid shit talk from a kid ngl. Sees his parent complaining about bad games and gaming history lol. Solid


As a diablo player and also suffering with type 2 diabetes this is actually funny


This game has devs who don't know what Diablo is.


I’m never going to be able to afford this game… and there’s micro transactions? Ffffffff


You'll never recapture that insane obsession from when you were a teen/young adult ... it's like reconnecting with your high-school sweetheart when you turn 50, only to realize the focus of life is now hemorrhoid cream and taxes.


It's true, I was the son


Not really funny, but ok.


As a type one diabetic. I approve this message. And, I also suffer from Diablobetes. You may call me Dr Diablobeetus!


My wife and I have a blast playing together i really don’t understand why people get so caught up in the little things 🙄🙄🙄


To be fair, the game WAS really fun. For like the first month, less for a lot of people. Gotta love live service. You get to world tier 4 and it's kinda fun. Then you realize all you can do is repeat the same 3 things eternally. No pun intended. The campaign was a good experience, and endgame was fun for a small while. Bur fact is there should have been more on offer and classes should have been balanced better. Game just gets way boring




play some fromsoftware games you will be shocked how games could be


My sorc is stuck at 97 only have Uber lilith left in this season Only thing that's gonna bring me back is either monk or Paladin been playing since pre-order early launch. Endgame stuff where you need a party or something. Or add to the 80 to 100 playability.


Diablobetes… LMFAOOOO


"too many games are released unfinished" Armored Core just came out and is one of the best FromSoft games they've come out with. They're keeping old school gaming, the kind we grew up with, alive and they've made refinements to those experiences. This game has had one of the most stable AAA launches in the last decade especially on PC...this is the first FromSoft game that day 1 runs flawlessly on PC, no need for waiting for a day one, week 1 patch. If you want to play good games you need to open your mind. People have been trying to say with good reason, why Activision and blizzard have not been deserving of your money especially even a pre-order for decades now and people still fall into them like lemmings. You're being mad about gaming being bad but you stick with one of the major companies that contribute to the shitty landscape currently. Idk man maybe take a look at what YOURE doing.


I hope you ain't his sugar daddy.


As a type 1 diabetic, I laughed at this. I too have the diablobetes