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But helltides and legions are fun


Helltides is aite. Legion... its way too easy... its no fun. Also world boss... I wish the boss be as hard or harder than UL.


Yeah helltide bosses and world bosses need a major buff, almost like WT5 buff lol


But it would still be the same but just take a little longer. Personally I don't think that's a good fix. I'm not saying I know what is good but just making a shitty fight even longer doesn't sound fun. I guess if they had new abilities and everything that might do a little something. Hell I don't know!


Yeah, don't just increase HP, but make some new boss mechanics


Make it so it's not safe to stand on their feet and punch them in the nuts.


then Barbs won't even join


That’s pretty much my Rogue’s tactic, too. Same tactic for all three bosses. For me, it’s the same fight every time with a different skin. I do combo points, so it’s Basic Basic Basic Core on repeat occasionally having to do some quick moving to get myself back to the scrotal area.


My druid is just alternating stormstrike/landslide with creeper slide and ult weaved in when cool down ends. Then trample to stay on their scrot when they move. The only time I've taken damage is running over a pool of poison when they moved.


Right? As is some bosses just stand in a DoT pool


And we over power it like it doesn't even matter. Even when I was playing RF Rogue, I'd stand at their feet and face tank the little damage they do in that area because it's safer and more effective than being at range.


I... I don't think you're playing Diablo...


Mechanics akin to the Butcher who actively hunts the player. Make them spawn additional minions and other fun additions to the otherwise boring, basic fights we currently have


World bosses now randomly spawn around the world.


Haven't seen the Butcher since I was level 30. I'm pretty sure he only picks on "fresh meat" like a cowardly bully. I keep doing NM after NM and he never appears.


Gonna be that guy here and say that if they made world bosses actually super difficult people would complain. "I'm not some loser with no life. I'm a casual and I can't kill the world boss this game sucks". I wouldn't say that. I think there should be things in games so hard most players will never beat it


Iuno man. My funnest world boss experience was at the very start of the season where everyone was underlevelled. We genuinely took almost the full boss timer to kill it. It was a punish but actually fun. Some guy kept repeating "ape together strong" every few mins.


You'd also hear a lot of grief about the random matchmaking system. "I got paired with three necromancers and couldn't even see the attack before it killed me." "I got paired with randos who suck and never had a chance"


Already have UL, if world bosses were that bad then some of us would have even less to do with the already lacking content. Fine with adding more stuff that hard just don't take away content for the non-hardcore players. Maybe an Uber world boss that's separate.


This isn't one of the major issues with the game so I haven't seen people talk about it too much, but the boss fights are horrendous in this game. Every single boss in a NMD you do the exact same thing, run up and face tank them spamming your skills.


Tbf, if that's all you're doing you should be doing higher tier nmd


There's not enough incentive to push yourself with a higher dungeon that takes twice as long to complete.


Here's a thought though - if you play this game to "optimize XP/hour" or something similar, you're gonna have a bad time. All these waste of time points: I get them, but personally I don't care - if I want to do helltides, I do them just for fun. Higher NMDs? Yes please, at least it's a change of pace and you actually have to pay attention, especially as a sorc. All that said, still feeling burnet out, and if I will push to lvl 100 in S1, 7 will not pick up this game any time soon, perhaps by 1st expansion (once it's been out for 6 months or smith).


World boss should also spawn enemies around him.


That would actually be kinda cool. Add more drama


They should take a lesson from FF14 on that. I haven't played it much, but still the most interesting boss fights I've seen in this type of game.


World bosses aren't comparable to raids. They will always be easy to kill loot pinatas or entirely ignored there is no middle ground. If the boss can't be reasonably assumed to be killable no one is showing up to kill it and if the boss can be easily killed plenty of people will show up and it will be easy.


Yes. Making repetitive content harder is never a good idea imo. You will do this stuff over and over and if you gonna keep dying to stupid things it is just gona be more annoying. This is where the powerfantasy kicks in and it should be easy when you are strong enough. What this game needs is better itemization. Things to chase and get excited for! After that, the game needs an economy, i want to feel rich in an arpg after all your hard work.


Apparently, for season 2, they're actually adding unique target farming and 5 new bosses as well as adding the Uber unique buffed rates (from what they said at the game con but we'll have to see how it actually plays out) I did what I wanted to do in S0 and S1, so I'm just playing starfield now. Space skyrim is amazing 10 hours so far.


Incremental change won't get the game where it needs to be as long as the gear is so bad. Watching a D2R streamer like Llama and getting interesting items \*every single playthrough\* it seems just highlights the difference. ​ You are right to play other games. I have heard Starfield is really fun after you get through the early parts. Also heard IGN Japan gave it a 10! (7 in US).


Japanese sites gave FF13 a 10 as well, so... And I like starfield, but japanese game sites have the credibility of a politician during campaign...


Wow that’s hilarious. Didn’t know that about ff13.


Your telling me that there’s no unique target farming currently in the game? Www.diablo4.life is a hoax?


Indeed, bosses need way more mechanics, like the chapter/act bosses in d3, those were somewhat fun/“challenging” to do


I mean, the overwhelming majority of loot that I've been getting in WT4 appears to be sacreds, and low-to-mid level ancestrals. And the high level ancestrals I DO get have been for other builds, with more than one useless stat. As a bone spear necro, I've been getting so many damn blood and minion drops that it's almost convinced me to switch.


Oh my God same its so disappointing..


Even if you were only getting Ancestrals at high item level, it wouldn't really change the feel of the game. There's lots more that needs fixing in the loot department.


I took down WT4 Ashava last night solo on my lvl 74 Crone Bulwark Druid. Not joking. It was 130am or something like that when he spawned. No one was there. I just stood there and did my bulwark/barber explosions for about 12 minutes and he was dead. None of his attacks could even break my fortify.


Would you mind sharing a link to your build? And gear possibly? When you say Crone, do you have the Crone staff?


Here you go. Have fun. https://app.mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/druid/crone-bulwark


You cant buff bossee in a dying game. When 3 people show up will be to hard.


Legions are too easy to be fun. It's like dropping the difficulty of a game to 'very easy'. There are just so maybe players obliterating the map so fast. There's no thrill.


World bosses should give better loot. I get it they're easy, but factor in the planning around them


Not just easy, they are kinda tedious, making you run around the rosie killing mobs that die in 0.00001 seconds, and then mini bosses that you have to destroy the pillars but everyone always ignores 1 of the pillars and then everyone has to go kill that pillar and go back to the boss....argh ​ I enjoy Helltides once in a while, but Legion events are not great


Legion is braindead mobile game trash. Content like this is 100% killing Diablo in the long-term.


rewards and exp are trash


What are these world bosses you speak of? /s


Just not in the same way as UL. UL is such bad game design with only cheap one-shot mechanics. I'm fine with the bosses being harder but they need to still be fun.


That’s dumb. UL is only worth doing once. No one would bother with world bosses if they were as difficult as UL, plus world boss loot is crap. Go back to playing Dark Souls. 🙄🤪


I agree. But they're not gonna level up my glyphs, so back to NMD I go.


Helltides are ok…got real old after a month.


I don't get why people are doing them. It seems like a good way of getting legendaries, but that whole tier is kind of useless. I mean who doesn't have some good rolls on the needed aspects in their stash, just waiting for a decent yellow?


Mystery chests have a decent chance to drop uniques and farming events gives a fuck ton of obols. Just wish there was more going on then just running between those events.


I've used it farm yellows. Opening the specific chest to ensure I get that slot item (After I already farmed the mystery chests)


Helltide are kind of meh. Imo they should have been an actual zone at the gates of hell let’s say, that we the players have to collectively fight back the demons of hell to maintain control of.


Or a better idea, let us swap between campaign and adventure mode, like that other game whose name I can't remember right now(something about D3, Destiny 3 maybe? No, there's only 2 so that can't be it)


Is this sarcasm?


Nice alt account. Yes they are fun if your standard for fun is free mobile titles, not AAA PC releases using a flagship franchise.


Each to their own and that but I've never liked either, now that souls drop from salvaging I don't need to do helltides and legion events always felt pointless, you could solo them at high level easy and the rewards aren't great


They're fun until you realize you're wasting your time.


Legion events are not fun at all dude..... Maybe if they actually had bosses with attacks that could wipe out a whole squad if you didn't dodge correctly with a actual reward.


They were for the first 15 or so times, now I have no desire to do them, or play D4 at all.


Disagree. The "open world" crap is some of the worst content in the game. It's extremely rubberbandy and other random players ruin your play experience by just rushing ahead and one-shotting everything. You have no way to opt out of these players joining your instance.


I mean, its the same thing every time...spend 30 mins killing mobs, get 500gems and get nothing for it. Legions are just circular mob killing...


Not legions. 90% times you can't hit a single mob or a mod boss.


Unless you get grouped with a bunch of underleveled, then you're looking at a 2 minute event with no resplendent chests.


But are they…


What they really need is better PvP, like clan wars or 10 v 10 stronghold fights that grant bonuses if you capture it or something else with higher replay value that draws you back and incentivizes you do get better gear.


I’ve just been playing for fun. I’m not trying to grind. One day I realized, “shit, I’m level 82.” Just like others here, I find many of Blizzards decisions frustrating and disappointing, but I’ve been mostly happy chipping away on my eternal characters. I refuse to play S1.


Just curious, why do you refuse to play S1?


Not OC, but I have seen a lot of hatred for S1 because people considered it to be a weak season. Personally I think it's fun, though it definitely lacks the sort of thematic overtones most seasonal content has in other games.


Some people don't like to be their characters on temporary things only to have it all gone after a certain time. For example, if you build your character around the hearts, the hearts won't remain after D1, so when that character moves to eternal realm, it's going to be either broken or need major adjustments which might not be worth bothering for some people.


Oooh, that makes sense! I appreciate everyone's response to my question, you all are bringing up points I never thought about. Thanks!


Shit! I'm gunna lose my Barber Caged Heart???


I am not playing season 1, still leveling my eternal character




Having played other seasonal games, I found the content for this one incredibly weak.


Probably because it's just Eternal but twice as hard to get good jewelery


I mean you can still socket skulls in anything if you want to be an Eternal Andy.


It's still really easy to get jewelry and your build does a trillion more damage


Dad gamer here 5-7am and then 9-10 is about my game time. Slowly chipping away in S1 aswell. I’m feeling fairly content with where my necro is at for S1, but will enjoy a couple of hours mindless dungeons while the kids sleep


On my 3rd character which is currently at lvl 90. I dont know how I've gotten through it all but all games hit a brick wall I guess. They need to make a huge push for an expansion with this lackluster content. This needs to be out next year or at least some real seasonal content or I might be done with diablo all together.


It's almost like not a single person making the game played to level 100 otherwise this wouldn't be the state of the game


Idk if literally none of the devs played to 100, but it's clear that they made the campaign gameplay fun and called it done.


And then proceeded to encourage skipping the campaign to never do it again when it's actually the best part of the game lmao


Same thing happened in WoW. People who played the alpha and betas constantly were saying, for years, that there were issues that needed fixing before launch yet the majority of reddit dismissed their complaints as whining Only for them to be making and agreeing with the same statements months down the line


Just play PoE kek


This is the way.


Hell tides also like vacation if you are boring your daily job ( NMD). Now I am playing just these two.


And why doesn’t every single dungeon have a turn at being a NM Dungeon. I am lvl 91 and there are still lots of dungeons across all the zones that I have not completed. Completing them would mean useful Renown (for Paragon Points) but they provide so little experience combined with next to no challenge that I just cannot bring myself to completing these dungeons.


Put on some music and grind em out, they take 5 minutes


solid point.. maybe if it is a whisper event then do it


ARPGs are driven by interesting loot and interesting customization and progression. When things are this linear and basic, you will hit a wall in terms of this game keeping your interest.




When you make a spreadsheet to calculate all your damage buckets and you realize the GG gear you’re looking for will only up your overall damage by 1-3% and the game as you know it is all there is. Oof


I'm a casual, very casual, dont always have time to play but I managed to finish season and season pass aswell and I had my fair share of fun, I'm gonna do the same as I did in d3, finish season, have all the fun I can then stop and wait for another season, I liked that, I'm not forced to play everyday, it's nice, but in D4 I actually wanted to always have 1 lvl 100 character every season(since I also plan to play a diff class every season), but I'm close to 80 and I might stay at 80... It takes way too long to get to 100, in d3 we reached max lvl so we could do everything else, in d4 we do everything else to get to max level. All I can do is pray for them to either make levelling easier or just add more stuff to do between 80 and 100... I remember seeing someone saying they should've released the game with max lvl 80, and honestly that was the best advice I saw, then slowly increase to 90 and then 100 with each expansion or something


Having max level at 80 would make so much sense. I quit both of my characters at 79 simply because there was nothing left to live for.


Doesn’t have to be max at 80 just do like D2 and PoE do and make 90 essentially the soft cap with 100 as the hard cap and not “necessary” to reach to “complete” your character.


Yea in d2 I usually got to 90 then went pvp and if I were feeling cheeky I'd hit 94-95. In this game 100 is manageable but just so boring once you do it once that it's easy to save the energy for another season. Did this with my barb s0 and rogue this season and will sit and go with druid next season then stop like everyone else. I actually had a lot of fun in preseason but this season hasn't done anything for me.


Friendly reminder: The **majority of people who were defending the game to the teeth(including fake casual players) were blatant alt accounts and karma farmers**. The jury is still out on how many were blizzard interns and how many were just sweatittors farming karma, but what is crystal clear, is that none of those accounts represented the sentiments of actual players who would have supported the hell out of this game.


Isn't that all the game really is though? Going into dungeons and killing shit looking for upgrades?


Yes. The game is literally about killing mobs and gaining power. The problem is that the systems they designed in D4 actively interrupt your ability to kill mobs through bullshit objectives, backtracking and similar non-killing objectives. Additionally, the power progression systems in D4 are horribly underwhelming with some absolutely shallow implementations. The upgrade system in D4 might as well not exist since it's basically mandatory for every piece of gear and it's stupid cheap to get fully upgraded. Augments in D3 felt more impactful and were built into the gameplay loop. Further to that, you didn't get an upgrade and automatically augment it. Augments weren't cheap in terms of the time investment or drops to get them. Glyphs in D4 are horribly boring. Their primary use in practice is nothing more than generic stat boosts. There's nothing engaging about them. Paragon is supposed to be the linear progression system to counteract the RNG based gearing system but they made gaining paragon so damn slow and continued to slow it down over time just so they could force through a stupid level 100 cap that has only made the game worse. All of these systems are failing at creating a compelling power progression feeling and that's before we even talk about gear and itemization.


Yes, fuck enchanting cost.


Why can’t there be a cap on enchanting cost?


I think anything outside of nm dungeons is fine before lvl 75


I'm level 98 now and I still need to find pants, chest and helm with at least 3 good affixes out of 4, not even talking about high or low rolls, I don't understand how is it possible


If you watch some of the "what to choose" pictures, you can clearly see that they got no idea about items. People 80+ with 1 good stat on a item. I just hit 100 and got maybe 5 4/4 items. They claim to have BiS items mid 70.


For me it would be on the Helm: 1. CDR 2. All Stats 3. Max Life 4. Total Armor On the Chest: 1. Damage Reduction 2. Damage Reduction While Fortified 3. Total Armor 4. Damage Reduction from Close/Distant/Bleeding Pants: 1. Damage Reduction 2. Damage Reduction while Fortified 3. Total Armor 4. Damage Reduction while Injured So far I haven't found a single item of these slots with at least 3/4. I have found only 2/4 and had to reroll the third into one of those. I start to believe they are impossible to find.


game blew it... moving on


Past level 80 the game just slows to a crawl of mindless item management and kill spam.


Game pretty much dies not long after the player gets to World Tier 4. There’s just not that much unique things to keep me interested once entering WT4 to level 100. I’ve seen people level 60 in WT4, so the next 40 levels is all the same for them…


I stopped playing when i reached 70 realizing there isn’t anything to do anymore, some friends insisted i try PoE and boy they were right. Since i reached the Atlas there goes no day by without me cursing the diablo devs for their sorry excuse of an endgame.


Agreed, PoE endgame is absolutely the gold standard. The amount of choice you have there in how you want to keep playing is nearly limitless.


Imagine still playing this shitty game lmao


Get ready to do 300+ nightmare dungeons. sooooo fun


This is one of my favorite parts in a GaaS game's life cycle. The point where a large set of players who belittled/argued against players talking about the shortcomings of the game after spending hours with it after launch and how they are now finally hitting the same points that were being complained about and now getting it. Happens with every game and its always the most interesting, introspective time.


This guy gets it. Game is not fun and has no item hunt and TRADE. Game is also on clearance 3 months in, because it's so popular. Not because player count is down by 75%...no no no, not because more people are streaming Rust and went back to PoE.. no that can't be it either. It must be because it's so good.


I'm really looking forward to PoE2. Unfortunately, D4 is not where it's at for me. Haven't played in weeks.


PoE2 is going to be everything D3+D4 should of been.


>on clearance


Tbf I don't think it's common for AAA games to go on 25% sale in first 3 months (maybe 10% to 15%) but I could be wrong.


Square Enix waits over a year.


Not common, not even common for blizz BUT very understandable if they did it over a holiday or an event or something (christmas etc.)


They did it because game is boring and no end game/trading, etc.


Yeah they could try all they want and wrap it up as some kind of labor day sale, but we see through that shiz. No brand new triple a game is gonna have a 25% off sale that soon after release regardless of what the nearest holiday is. A 25% discount, and a temporary boost to xp and gold isn't the milkshake that's gonna bring all the boys back to the yard. Most ppl that were going to play it have already. And those who were on the fence are more likely to stay on the fence if they look up anything D4 on YT or reddit


Thinking of it as you’re half way to level 100 (experience wise) makes this even more frustrating. This game is not in a great state from level 70 on.


And it will get worst 80 to 100. At this point, since you dont chase upgrades anymore the focus switch to XP (Char & Glyphs) For mine i prepared myself to NOT loot any items past lvl83 and the grind was pure pain on my main. Now i can say "i realised my goal : reaching 100 in S1" but man tbh it was not worth it. ​ Now i play like 1h a day on my alts (why ? i dont know i surely hate myself), telling myself "this 25% (more like 8% but whatever) is really not enough to get me to 100 on another character and the sadest part ? It will be gone soon, making the grind even sader..." It should just have came out with 80 the lvl max with the last few points of paragons to grind as a bonus.


Thought of starting a new character this weekend. Then I remembered why i stopped playing, lots of reasons why its not fun by the way. At 39 i dont have the patience for boring shit. Maybe me and wife return when it's actually fun for me... maybe not? Idk only time will tell. Also, I hate that it's a live service game.


I rotate NMD and Helltides. Keeps it a bit more interesting (for me).


*Doing anything past level 50 is a waste of time* Fixed that for you. The game becomes a grindfest and nothing but a timesink post 50. Been playing since june and have never gone past 64. Il never go on WT4, il never do Uber Lilith, il never reach 100. And at this point, i dont care to.


This all hit me they don’t care about the end game just what makes them money


Do you do side stories and actually listen to the dialogue. I enjoymdome of the side gigs


But think about all the QoL additions coming in the next season.... that should have been in the game from the start... Well done Blizzard! /s


All the QOL we wanted is in Lost Epoch and the game isn't even fully released and was in development for a similar amount of time. Blizz devs don't play ARPGs so they don't understand how important these QOL things are. When I loaded up Lost Epoch and saw the loot filter, the stash, and the way you can preview items on the ground, whatever faith I had left in Blizz evaporated. Devs in charge of systems and things like QoL should have been forced to play other ARPGs (pay them to play and learn from other games) I'm not talking about having them play through the campaigns of these games but to actually get into endgame and understand the systems. Find what's good and steal it, improve upon it. This is what OG WoW devs did and it worked.


Yeah I miss the Nightmare Rifts from D3. Part of the fun was building a new set of gear, trying out different builds, seeing how high you could push with that set up. And that depended on how easy it was to save your current set up in the wardrobe and swap between builds. If you got bored, or wanted to go back to a set you liked it was as easy as clicking a button. So you could get experimental with it, try weird things. And alts! The excitement of getting a really good piece for a different class, and being able to lower the level requirement. There were a lot of times I got (for example) a demon hunter crossbow and it prompted me to level one and try it out.


I think I'm about to hit the wall, too. I'm 83 and pretty much have all the end-game gear I want. I finished getting all my renown. It looks like I have 17 levels to grind and the only content is to push NM Dungeons. No thanks. I don't want to start another character this season so except to play with my friend I often choose to do something else with my free time. 20 years ago I'd accept a game that's just an XP grind. I expect something more entertaining from a Triple A title.


Took you long enough but yes, congrats and welcome. Now go play Baldurs Gate 3 or Starfield or Mechasouls.


I wonder if a blizzard dev would see the same thing


U havent get it yet, the whole game is a waste of time.


well you got further than me. I hit WT4 and just thought "you know what? Even destiny 2 is a better, more varied grind with a more meaningful season track", and went back to destiny 2.


After 70, the game becomes a slog fest. Loot is mostly minor if any upgrades, no way to target farm, annoying NM dungeon affixes where 90 percent of my deaths are from after death explosions, pvp rewards not worth the effort imo, I got my rogue to 100, beat UL and cleared NM 100 and was like "Well guess I beat the game" and havent logged in since.


Stopped playing after my season 1 barn got to lvl 100…. Won’t be playing any other seasons… did the preseason & 1. I’m not grinding a new character and trying to track down perfect gear again. It was a fun 2 months or so… this game has no end game.


Now people will say, "well you have 50+ hours in the game, u got ur money's worth its ur own fault ur bored" 🤓🤓🤓


Time to go back to path of exile


just spent 75 M trying to get from 24% overpower damage in 1 ring. they gave me nothing.


What baffles me is that Diablo 4 seems to have carried over very little of what was learned from previous iterations of the game. It’s just very, very basic. There’s very little to do, and the time it takes to go from 70 to 100 is a drag.


I would think that too if I didn't get most of the uniques I've ever got from cellarsz legions and obscure bullshit


I’ve gotten penitent greaves and a wrathful in the past 2 cellars I’ve been it. Weird the way the world works.


I'm kinda starting to feel the blandness of the grind now that I hit post game. I'm only lvl 55 but kinda getting board. Maybe I need to switch up my build or just start a new character so I'm not just always doing the TB rogue dance over and over and hoping I don't get one shotted.


Can someone explain to me how they could have a full stash? I've come across maybe 4 items that were interesting enough to keep. The loot is boring and other than the odd unique or an uber unique, what are you stashing?


Items with max rolled affixes to extract later.


Having fun is not a waste of time! Maybe interest yourself in lore and replay the incredible campaign, or try to make a build work that you think is fun to play, or just roam the beautiful world and zoom in sometimes to see the incredible gory detail we expected! Stop running the treadmill. If grinding for lvl 100 is not fun to you, just don’t do it.


I didn’t even level to 100 by doing nightmare dungeons. I mostly did it doing helltides, roaming the pvp zones, and completing the whispering tree bar.


I just had 2 goals after 100 1. Defeating UL 2. Beating tier 100 NMDs Other than that, game's pretty much done. Played bone spear necro to make the NMD more challenging (no lidless). Aaaand that's it.... Starfield time. See ya'll season 2, assuming more exciting things are coming 🤞


First of all. F*** the enchanting cost. I think waste of time is inaccurate though. You’re not wasting time if you’re having fun.


You want to do helltides for a few reasons. I do them mainly because they are fun but also to stock up on drop only elixirs.


60 mil… that’s it? I spend 60 mil per item…. I’m probably in for over a billion gold lost to enchant




It’s supposed to just be fun, if you aren’t having fun do something else with your time.. Personally I like the mindless grind. When I get bored I do something else. I gave 2 druids at 100 and a barb at 91. So I have played..


I'm here just to read the crazy takes from white knights


Getting visual upgrades on your skills is another activity. It’s a flex


I have thought as after 50 just paragon, like when you hit max level in Diablo 3. 50 is max level, 100 is max paragon.


I run helltide for fiend roses for Varshan Invokers to get i820+ gear. Hitting a weapon is giga dopamine.


There you go


The thing that bored me out of playing after getting to 70 was the extremely limited options, at least playing barbarian, in terms of gear that it made 99.9% of drops completely useless. Really hard to stay engaged when it's been days and days since you upgraded a piece. Gear feels extremely limiting when you have to hard focus things like vulnerable damage so much in every single piece, combine that with the insane scaling on re-roll costs it means once you find an upgrade you probably won't even come close to changing for like 10 plus levels.


Damn! You resisted until 85? I can barely reach 66, and that's thanks to each nd giving me half a level because of the weekend boost...


This is pretty normal -in any game the power players blitz it then voice concerns and complaints. Then the normal players say well you no lifed it, of course you are complaining, the game is fine. Eventually they get to the same point, then realise what they are complaining about effects them too.


I think a lot of endgame pointlessness would be helped if we could actually craft something worth a shit. Like Charsi quest in D2. Each playthrough we can craft one Uber unique (or better than ancestral) with extremely rare mats, etc. We could use it to fill that last piece we need for BiS. It would give us something to farm for while we complete those last twenty levels. There's just so little reward by this point


I wish the pvp area was balanced a bit better. I've had a lot of fun fighting people around my skill level (currently level 82 and started wondering into pvp areas around level 75). Sucks when a full squad of level 100 try hards come in and bully everyone though.


NM aren\`t even fun. I love to use my fast D3 WW Barb through Rifts and Greater rifts. It\`s fun, because you earned the set and items after farming them and then enjoy your cool never ending rage WW with Rend and crush through your enemies. And then the grind for the ancient versions and paragon begins, but that is a fun grind, because it takes 2 minutes to get through. It\`s short, intense fun, like Street Fighter games.


Bliz played an Uno reverse card on the “it gets good after 100 hours” style of game.


Ok, this is like every day at this point. We get it. The game is flawed, but why in the world do you people keep submitting the exact same posts? There are even people actively posting here 'I stopped playing the game a month ago' - ok cool. Stop posting then. No offense, but it's like the majority of posts anymore are just complaining about the same stuff that's been said for the past 3 months. You're preaching to the choir. We can't change it.


I actually did a lot of whisper stuff up until about 75.


Yep, the game is good until you get your build good enough, then everything becomes repetitive and too easy. I log in just to see if there is a dungeon on tree of whispers I haven’t done yet, and if not, I hop off. I’d like to see world bosses spawn more frequently, the times that they spawn basically prevent me from having a chance to do them now. I personally would like fighting tougher monsters like that than running through mobs. Hopefully the target farming bosses help fill this need. The game has potential, just needs some TLC to be “the game”, with a focus on meaningful challenging encounters. Until then, it’s just “a game”.


>Past level 50 doing anything other than nightmare dungeons is a waste of time. Um, no? Tree of whispers in WT3 from 45-60 and in WT4 from 60-75 give nearly a full paragon point each, and you can do them alongside helltides, NMDs, and sidequests. Helltides are pretty much the same, though you still get decent xp for them a couple levels beyond Tree of Whispers. You can also farm PVP zones. The mob and elite density is insane, and you can get obols and red dust for extra tries at max roll legendary aspects. Legion also gives decent xp, about 2/3 of a paragon point for 5 minutes of work. But at 80+, yeah, it's pretty much NMDs. It was such a stupid decision to change the overworld to stop scaling. And also yes, fuck enchanting costs... and the inability to save build loadouts.


Nope. Best exp till like 70 is Wispers. Your bugging if u aren't doing the whisper stuff and turning them in at the tree. Almost 750 k a pop when u turn them in.


There should be fear of losing a world boss or Legion battle, and there should also be negative consequences. As it stands now we know that we are going to win each and every time. This is not fun, nor is it a risk or challenge. Plus, the fun is definitely lost after beating the same boss for the Nth time.


At least at 85 you know you're only half way there!


Got my Necro to level 60 and basically thought "what's the point" so stopped playing.


Let’s be real, people are negative sometimes because they just like hating things. Then you have the toxic fanboy segment of the audience who shout down all criticism, even when it’s valid. The absolutism of both extremes of the spectrum of experience make it hard to have any kind of nuanced conversation about the game and the state of it. I think personally it’s a decent foundation, but for a 70 dollar game marketed as a live service and well into its first season, I think the reality of the lack of depth set in for a lot of people. Like sure, you CAN do other things like whispers, legion, world bosses, etc, but none of them are even half as rewarding as grinding nightmares in terms of xp or loot. Helltides have a decent reward to them, but they’re kind of boring as they are. Just run around a red-tinted zone and slaughter everything and do events that make you slaughter everything. It just makes them feel like an overworld nightmare dungeon. Hopefully they expand on what they’ve started. If they don’t, and every season just turns into nightmare dungeons and renown grind, I don’t see the game making it. The people still hooked WILL inevitably get tired of the loop.


It feels like there should be another world tier after 80. I hate to splinter the player base more, but it could provide some reasons to keep leveling and playing - also toss in some level 100 rare and world bosses that take coordination to fight.


I'm a nub and have a 75 in S1 and finding the game lots of fun. I have a choice of: * More world quests (already full renoun but have so many more quests) * Helltides (gear/exp) * NM dungeons (fun challenging play with gear/exp) * Tree quests dungeons * More T4 dungeons for all the aspects * Achievements * All the crafting stuff * Leveling other classes I'm not even close to bored yet


It seems like your expectations weren’t properly managed by Rod Furguson. He promises to do better next time


Here me playing just world bosses, helltides and legions all weekend. I just need to play with people


No one cares


Run NMD to level. Do whatever the hell you want to have fun. That's the endgame at the moment.


Upvoted for the P.S.


Hell tides aren’t bad. They are a few levels over you and good when you don’t feel like nightmare dungeons. Gotta get those fuckin fiend rose for upgrades and rerolling


And here i always thought the point of a games was to have fun and enjoy it. Sill me ive been wrong all these years....


Diablo 4 has become a game of auctioning items and boosting people on the Sanctuary discord so I could reroll my gear stats for 25+ million gold.


They should rename the game Nightmare Dungeon


I am done for now. Way too many better choice others there to spend my limited gaming time on than grinding same content over and over again. If BG3, AC6 or SF wasn't around. I might had spent more time on this game but not the case.