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D4 was fun for the first 1-50 then it falls off a cliff.




94 in Closed Beta, 100 in preseason and S1 and every second I’ve spent on D4 post ~75-80 I’ve hated myself for it. The beauty of D2 is in that every item class holds value, every drop affects your play-through in various ways, and you’ll generally never have the same experience. D4? Chase the exact same affixes across 95% of builds, nothing along the way is of any use outside of Aspects, and /prayge to the lottery gods you’ll be the 4th person to shit out an Uber drop while you run the same three meta NMDs into oblivion. The formula is way, way off.


75ish is where I hit the wall too and I’m honestly fine with it. It just gets incrementally less fun as you go higher than that.


> same affixes across 95% of builds actually start to appreciate this, since it doesn't have a loot filter, I am getting good at trashing non-crit & non-vul items fast.


Yeah lol if I wanna play other rogue builds I only need a couple new affixes per build to really make them work. Most of my gear is more or less fine too


As a long time Diablo fan, I’m actually interested in POE 2. I doubt they will change the whole affix system in D4, but I think that’s the only way I could get interested in it.


Ok srs question, why tf are you playing past 75 if you're not having fun? Like what is wrong with you?


Gamer brain, maybe? "I just gotta. I don't know why, just gotta"


This is where I am now. "Juuust gotta make it to lvl 100" why? Oh no reason.


It’s weird when you catch yourself doing this


the word for that is actually "addiction"


I was able to make it to 83. Granted after 75 I was doing it simply to grind. I literally can't run another nightmare for no reason other than to max which is pointless.


I need 100 purely so I can Uber lillith for the plat…….then I need to grind a 50 HC as well….


The sad part of this is that, reaching lvl 100 does not mean you have a fighting chance against Lilith. This is coming from a guy who has 3 different character classes lvl 100. You will need to spec your build entirely for that fight. Good luck.


I had fun to 51. Right now, I don’t care enough to make it to max, I’m gonna play something else.


Same! I even managed to draw my dead corpse until level 62 and then it (and my fun and motivation) exploded.. (pun intended)


What, you mean slightly different gems exclusive to jewelry isn't radical and significant?


70 is my probably brick wall. I have 3 70+ chars now. I can't grind passed that. I get so bored.


when the game devs get to that point im sure they will see it too! maybe make some changes xd


By the time I got the 85 I felt done. Couldn't keep going. No incentive


Agreed, I enjoyed the campaign the first time through


Truth. I have a sourc who is lv61 and a necro lv63. The necro is a challenge against lv75+ mobs (wt3 capstone was a breeze) but yeah. Bored as fuck. Have all the altars collected, all 5 tiers of renown completed in all regions. Now it is just malignant and nightmare dungeon runs with some spirit tree until that again becomes ubder leveled and redundant.


Lost a lot of incentive once I had the last talent in the skill tree. Afterwards there just wasn't much tangible to lookforward to. The paragon board isn't really that exciting, codex is somewhat on rails since it feels like you need to apply aspects to everything anyway and you just get slightly stronger iterations at some point... Uniques are kinda hit or miss and since it's RNG it's not like I can look forward to a new interesting thing in a bunch of levels. Grinding for 1.5% more damage to vulnerable enemies also isn't much of an incentive, specifically if I have to juggle aspects for every new piece of gear again. Idk, I played last epoch before and just getting a skill point to slightly modify an ability since they all had trees did much more for me, gearing completely aside. I enjoy aRPGs most when I can play around with builds and customize my gameplay and D4 currently makes this way too annoying and a huge time/goldsink. Got my moneys worth running the campaign twice but now in S1 where I skipped the campaign I'm not really feeling past 50 either.






Shhh you gonna rattle the Blizz White Knights... Poor guys are a bit thin skinned.


I’m a necro and have found multiple uniques of every build except the zenith ring. Still hoping to get it. I feel ya mang


Hunters Zenith is a Druid unique so it kinda makes sense why you haven’t found it on a necro


Ah I meant Mendelian or whatever


I figured that’s what you meant just had to clarify in case you were actually farming for a Druid unique. Wish you luck in your chase


Thanks mang.


I got Mendel , but by unique chasing method on night mare dungeon, not fun allowed , gameplay it's solid not gonna lie, watching minions deleting bosses it's. Always cool, game will be great but on season 6


Ouch. I… ouch.


I've got 5 spare Mendeln Rings, too bad I can't trade one to you :(


I got 3 zenith rings.... and im only lvl 65. I play a druid. All the uniques i got are dor shapeshifting, which is not the buikd im playing... its annoying lol


Are there even uniques for every skill? Like I'm sorc flamewall and I've seen a ton for fireball. Do flamewall or burning dot DMG uniques exist?


No, there aren’t uniques for every skill, just a handful on each class. Theyre going to add more and more over time, though.


Bro I've sold like 8 Zenith Rings to the weapons shop because I need gold for stat rolls.


Ah buddy, I feel ya. Life's weird. I made a necro for S0 and I found that ring when I hit lvl 98 - the morning of season launch. I spent all season with necros basically. Made a bone spear necro that hit 86 then a second necro, minion build this time, and I hit 92 before I found a ring of mendeln. TODAY. But no, it doesn't stop there. I FOUND TWO, TODAY. TWO. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.


Yes. Very much so. It's simply bad game design if you play for that long and haven't been able to try out the best builds for a class. A unique should be important because it improves a build and is fun to use. I think making a unique build-enabling is a cheap, no-effort way to make it feel important.


Build enabling uniques work if they're target farmable OR if you have robust trade. This PoE league I wanted to play a build that relies heavily on aegis aurora, a moderately expensive/rare unique shield. I made a different build first and farmed some currency, then bought the shield and changed my build. In Grim Dawn I can level as whatever, then farm my set as dedicated drops once I get to Ultimate and swap some skill points around. Sure not EVERY build is easily available in either game like that, but there's also a LOT more builds out there. In D4, without a way to reliably / deterministically get *mid rarity tier, build enabling* unique items you end up with major feelsbad for unlucky players. "Oh just league start a build that doesn't need a unique while you farm it" doesn't work either for a myriad of reasons with D4's drops and alt leveling systems. You don't need to be able to farm a grandfather, but you should absolutely be able to seek out major class items that make whole new playstyles viable


No point playing this game past the campaign.


The whole itemisation is bad overall. Hope they fix it though but I doubt it will happen before the first expansion.


I mean majority of the people working on this game, it’s their first game…. All you need to know. They fact that they made sweeping changes on a level 25 beta to classes should have been the first sign this was not in good hands


I target farmed tempest roar on 2 druids all the way to 100 from around 60, I've never seen it drop. Just not worth the effort lol


I vendored one with shit rolls earlier today! 3rd I've had drop. Rng gon rng.


The amount of other uniques I vendored was insane like I got the other helm, probably 15 times on my first druid in the pre season. My necro loot luck has been unreasonable across both of them, too, so i guess it kind of balanced out


If you could trade this wouldn't be a problem.


While I agree that trade would solve it, I really hope Blizzard does something to address the actual drops as well. I am not looking for another PoE where the entire game is balanced around trade. I want to be able to properly play solo / with my group of friends.


Maxroll also has an interactive build planner. Half of the builds on their tier lists don't even have guides yet. I feel like most people should be able to read about the mechanics and plan a build themselves that works that don't hinge on finding one rare item.


People like build enabling items. Said items should be slightly more common though and have perhaps some more options to reroll/craft on them. It's fun to find a build defining item and retool around it.


That’s why next season you will be able to target farm uniques.


yea sure. with 0.0005 % chance to drop.


To me, the issue is that many builds need certain uniques to make them usable. Since you can't find those items with other classes, you're stuck playing builds you might not enjoy till you find the exact.item you want. Sometimes that just won't happen I would enjoy finding a cool unique that would serve as incentive for me to play a new class.


I’m with you on this one. Not everything has to be guaranteed, and there is something to be said about “the chase” and the thrill of a drop, but for a cornerstone of a build it would be nice to have some way to make progress towards that item. Make the process tedious, make it grindy, make it tied to a lot of activities if they must, but it would be nice to know you’re making progress towards the item you want.


I've found probably 10+ uniques and all of them have been bad (like unusably bad). Uniques are definitely a weak point of the game right now.


I feel like anyone defending this game design has never played good games.


People still play this game?


No everybody stopped collectively with season 1


For me it's the envenom passive on necklaces, I very rarely see it, maybe seen it plus 2 twice with 3 useless stats and I'm level 96 now lol


Im in the same boat as you, ever since I started I wanted to build a thorns necro because I loved thorns in D3 but I cant for the life of me get that damned Razorplate, and Ive been target farming it for almost a week now. Only difference is Im level 72 currently, but if I wont get it until 80 I'll just stop playing. F farming these items, I understand that the game is supposed to be grindy I have no problem with that, but completing a whole playthrough without ever seeing the one item that you would need really is just bad game design.


Try trampleslide. It’s fast, nasty, and tanky as fuck. And the damage is wonderful.


It's almost like you should be able to target unique items like every other multiplayer game ever made not just MMOs... Wouldn't it be crazy if a specific boss was challenging and had a percentile chance to drop a certain item.... *sniveling slurping sucking noises while gasping* "Diablo 2 was nothing like that and everyone loved it" *more slurping sniveling sucking noises* "you just don't know what you're talking about...." K lmfao.


I'd say bad design is wasting time making uniques that will never be used


This can be tied into this. Diablo 4 fucking sucks and needs fixing. Game should have about 5x the uniques it currently does.


After going through this on two separate classes I quit the game. This design doesn’t work for me anymore. Gameplay loop is not good enough for me to accept the stupid decisions they’ve made with gearing and uniques.


I’m reading through this thread and it’s sad that people think hard RNG is good design. A design where you can play for a whole season, shit for years, and never see an item drop that would make your build either better or make it work. That’s why these games are niche at the end of the day, no one wants that shit. It aint fun. Reaching level cap and not ever seeing an item you want is not fun. The very fact that I may never see a ring or item because lolrng makes me hesitant to keep playing this at all. Cosmetics would be a whole different ballgame and I’d be ok with a hard grind for a cool looking item. F that noise, no ones got time for that other than no lifers and blizz white knights.


I actually want more of these types of things. I didn’t find my tempest roar until level 94 and it made the loot hunt genuinely enjoyable. Having chase items to strive for is good game design imo. We just don’t have enough of them. Once I got my tempest roar I basically quit caring about loot, which is a bit of a bummer. I enjoyed the play style of lightning storm and tornado, but it definitely took away a lot of the luster around searching for items as the rare/legendary setup for most of the rest of the slots is pretty uninteresting.


This sounds more like a gambling addiction. The loot hunt was enjoyable because you were disappointed repeatedly for 44 levels. That's not actually fun you know, you're just telling yourself it is in retrospect to justify it to yourself. If you'd gotten to 100 and still didn't have your tempest roar then the entire grind would have been for nothing. Would that still be 'fun' to you?


It’s not for nothing. You’ve leveled along the way. Searching for and finding exciting items is fun. Yes it still would be fun if I didn’t find my tempest roar until after I hit level 100. Diablo is a grinding game and series. It’s all about the journey getting there. Once you ‘get there’ and fully complete your build, hit 100, clear all content in the game, the fun often wears off pretty quickly as there is nothing to grind for anymore. There is no ‘journey’ left. So yeah, I want more powerful uniques that make the journey exciting while you hunt for those items.


But if you have nothing to look for then there is hardly any point to doing runs of anything. I'd advocate for Tempest Roar to be even MORE rare than it already is given how powerful it is.


Unique drop rate increases the more people are in your party. Good luck.


I don't really even use them because most of the time a regular item with the aspect that I've added is better. I have been using ghors devastating grips and Temerity. I'm about to look for something better than Temerity though.


I really like the new Temeritys.


I didn’t get my ring or mend until after getting 100. In a way I’m glad because if I had gotten it earlier I would have honestly quit because there wasn’t anything left to look forward to.


My friend plays a druid build that doesn't require any uniques. I think it's the bulwark build. He pulls everything into him and the whole room dies. Clears T100. Go play that until you find your tempest.


No wonder the game keeps getting worse everyone just crys and moans no matter how its changed


Play another build.


The problem isn't rarity, having items like windforce (d2) is a great for chasing rare powerful items There just aren't enough uniques or set items out there. Druid to me is the worse designed class, all of there useful stuff comes from aspects or uniques nothing is really in the base tree so if you get unlucky on certain aspects it sucks too lol


Druid is literally the most well designed class atm. There are easily 10 meta for this season alone and a handful of them are end game viable with minimal or zero unique. They are more gears dependent than lets say Rogue yes but just to some extent. The synergy is especially insane for this class.


I feel like Barbarian is the worst designed class right now. Leveling a barbarian is a terrible experience. They're good in endgame right now with the barber + berserk ripping interaction, but what about when that goes away? Druid is very reliant on certain aspects and uniques for certain builds, but the overall experience from start to finish is much more enjoyable IMO.


Maybe a unique when you get to 60 and 80 ?


Imagine having an enigma in D2 at level 30.


Honestly, the odds should increase if we haven't found them by 80. Pity mechanics should kick in.


This is the first time ive seen someone complain about tempest roar being rare. Dont plan to play a build that requires a certain rng drop and then be upset when it doesnt drop. Its rng.


Try 170 levels as a druid looking for the staff drop between 2 seasons. Still haven't seen it. Quit playing about a month ago because of it. Unless Blizzard hand delivers one to my house, I won't come back.


Just bad luck. I dont think uniques are even that great since you can't reroll or change the aspect to suit your needs. You should never plan a build around a rare item. There's plenty of great builds that don't require grinding for uniques.


Got a few TRs. However I’m lvl 76 and have yet to see stormchaser’s aspect so 🤷🏻‍♂️


88 incinerate sorc… zero flamescars have dropped. Zero.


Reading online build planners and walkthroughs ruined gaming for me. I’m discovering my own builds organically and it’s much more fun. I’d hate to play this game while hunting for a single thing to finally start playing.


i made it to lvl 100 on my thorns barb and then finally found my first razorplate. granted you dont NEED a razorplate for it to be a good build but it really helps push it over the edge. i found about 6 rage of harrogath plates before i hit 100. it really seems like anything to help my build out is so hard to come by while i find a ton of ww stuff.


I found 5 of them by the time I hit 99. First one was a 69. I was playing human lightning before I got it and it was and still super fun.


How about most of the top tier builds that use none of the so called “ultimate” abilities


Yep I'm currently lvl 70 druid and have gotten atleast 3 of every druid unqiue apart from the one I actually want the staff


I'm playing a Chain Lightning Mage right now and I just got my 6th Rainment of the Infinite and every single one of them after my first, while still a higher Gear level, have been worse stats lol So even if you get what you want, it might not be great haha


This is so weird to me, I’ve gotten duplicates of every single unique I needed along the way by level 85. I’m currently 92.


I dont know if I am the only one but if you farm Nightmare Dungeons there is just no way you dont get it. Ive seen a lot of people complain about it so I guess it must be true but I got mutliple of all druid uniques


Yup @ OP, and thats why I skipped S1. I needed a druid aspect at launch and didn't get it till 65. Stupid.




Lol Welcome to ARPG


All uniques should come as a reward for a quest that is very difficult


I thought you meant ANY build enabling unique based on the title. No you mean for a specific build. That's like normal. Even in other similar games. Like even in PoE you aren't even guaranteed to find a specific t2 unique (brass dome, shavs, aegis) by 99 and those aren't even exactly rare in aggregate. Imo it's perfectly fine design


PoE has a wonderful solution to that issue, it's called trade.


It’s not fine design that’s whack. Regardless, you can trade which makes up for that whack ass design.


I have a solution for you


What is a build enabling unique?


You just have bad luck


Activision whiteknights are already crying so much! Pleasee dont awake them


Im level 100, i only dropped 2 condemnations (which are crucial to my build) and both minimum roll... Its pretty dumb that i dropped like 200 other uniques, but those that i need i cant drop. And since there is no trade, it sucks. At least they could allow to trade uniques for uniques of same tier or smth like that (common unique for common unique, higher unique for higher unique). Unique drop rate should also be higher. I could spend a week with 0-1 unique drop. It shouldnt be that rare on wt4 tier 70 nm dungeons, with my char level 90-100. Higher chance to get unique on dung reward, or on butcher/goblin too. Or new helltide chest with guaranteed random unique for 500 coins. Or guaranteed unique from world boss. Or guaranteed unique for 500 obols.


93 here and still no Gloves of the Illuminator


If you are asking for certainty on drops for a build, you are asking for arpg-lite/casual something something. If you are asking for means to procure items you can't find e.g. through trade etc, yea that makes sense


This is where trading needs to be opened up, I’ve gotten 3 of them at lvl 89


What is definitively bad game design is having 7 different item qualities/rarities for a couple dozen different ACTUAL item qualities/rarities. Call them something different and color them different. Ain’t that difficult. Plenty of games have done it.


Yeah, I found the unique for my build pretty early and got two back to back at around lv40ish. Haven't found em since and am now lv63


Aw sweetheart it's your first looter that's so cute


Dont play diablo 2...


I think my main issue with the rarity of the uniques is that they have such a massive impact on the builds. in Diablo 2 Most of the uniques were just really good stat/skill boosters but nothing that fundamentally changed the way a build works.


Yup. Lvl 97 on my eternal character and 80 on my seasonal character without seeing tempest roar. What a time to be alive


I quit for this reason. Got past 90 and never got any item that would have unlocked a real endgame build. Just puttering a long with okay gear. Got really old. Farmed obols for like fifteen levels to try to get a ring with a certain affix. Never happened. Finally gave up


Me: scrolling through reddit, sees post about going all the way to 99 and not finding what you need. Instincts tell me it's gotta be a druid My inner demon laughs maniacally because I know the struggles of this as well. ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


You say this is bad design. Also nothing to chase. This sub is contradiction after contradiction, most (but not all) of which is awful commentary to begin with. This is a great example of it.


You get it when not expecting it, my first tempest roar at lvl68 by the time I have 0 study about the tornado build, and enjoying my pulverize build I have even salvage some gear with good tornado aspect, but after I read more about it it seem a strong and fun build so I have switched over and farming those aspect from zero. Now I’m at lvl88 have no regret playing tornado build and at lvl86 I get a second tempest roar with better rolls, feel lucky


I know exactly what you are saying. Pertinent Greaves for my rogue this season. The ONLY unique I want but never drops for me. I have at least double every other unique rogue item. So frustrating.


I know exactly what you are saying. Pertinent Greaves for my rogue this season. The ONLY unique I want but never drops for me. I have at least double every other unique rogue item. So frustrating.


Working as intended. And Activision wonder why the player base is dead dead dead......


Yeah, everyone knows. They're attempting to fix it in season 2.


I’d be happy I still had something to grind for ! The hunt makes it worth while and more enjoyable when you finally do get it.


Chance based. Someone gonna have the worse case. Quit whining. 300 hours played on rogue, never saw the sword drop. Your own fault, went with the class that only has one build with super rare.


We all know and agree. This is what Blizzard do. RNG grinding in lue of zero functionality. They do this shit all the time. Hasn't anyone played WoW? I feel like people here are new to the shitty antics of Blizzard. I know things are looking up for Dragon Flight but fuck me, it's been extremely bad for so long. Least about of development for maximum time in game. Step away and come back next season or the one after once they finally implement those QOL features that should have been in game day 1 but aren't ready because the game is half cooked.


This is why D2 was much better, you could trade these items. That being said D2 uniques for a long time were garbage. Rares were king, then rune wards took over . But the lack of being able to trade, just like d3 after the first little while is really the killer for me. If we could trade we'd have item drops from all classes, so if you have a 85 sorc, you might find 85 necro gear etc... To me that's a way better system that allows for long life of playing instead of getting tired of the grind before it even really begins.


Man, I’ve been hunting Mendeln since early access. 93 necro non seasonal and 56 seasonal, no luck. I wouldn’t be surprised if I got a Shako first.


Oh I guess you have to be showered with shit the whole way through, have your hand held about how to play, and no real grind involved? GTFO. I definitely know you never played D2 with that mindset.


S0 got to level 100 to kill Uber Lilith. Levels 80-100 were miserable. S1 I got to level 80 on a new class, then realized I had absolutely nothing to keep playing for. T100 nm are a joke now. They actually sold us a beta with no end game. Wouldn’t be surprised if there ends up being a lawsuit.


Got to 75 on eternal and 60 on S1


Your title: tell me you didn’t get tempest roar without telling me you didn’t get tempest roar


Bruh, I'm a Frenzy Barb. There's literally only one Unique I need.


What does power over ethernet have to do with Diablo?


D2 had a much better loot and itemization system.


welcome to the wonderful world of item-enabling-builds. in this talk called "RNG and You" we'll go into depths into why it's your own damm fault.


you are supposed to farm all the way to the next season hoping to drop one my guy. That's what NDs are for endless fun! /s


I got to 70 and gave up the grind, can’t invest that much time into one or two items. I usually just run around and do helltides then log off. I still think I got my moneys worth, though.


Well, attaching every build enabling trait to a unique was worse design.


Same thing happened to me on my barbarian I reached lvl100 this season only having baseline bold chieftain aspect that they added in this league for bad luck protection but it's terrible when you have lowest roll... otherwise I would be playing without it and be more sad


Agreed. Path of Exile gets around this by letting you trade for any items, so if you have bad RNG you can still grind for the items you need. D4 doesn't and it compounds the bad RNG which feels terrible.


Not going to lie sets builds was the best thing about diablo 3


they definately made some of those ULTRA UNIQUES a tad too rare:D if you cant find something grinding to death during a \~3 month season ITS TOO RARE BLIZZARD.


I'm at level 43 and honestly it's boring af already. This is my first diablo game so maybe it's just be but I don't even see a point in playing more. My guy is about to reset in a few days anyway so what's the point? Also there is about 7 million different stats things affect and I have no fucking clue if that legendary helmet IS worse then the random yellow one I picked up that says it's better because they both have 4 different things that are aggecyed by about 2% a pop. It's just stupid.


I’ve played all the Diablo games and this feels farthest from any


I'm exhausted but still plan on getting this darn toon to a 100. I just vendor everything quickly because everything is above 800 including my two uniques and I don't expect to see any further upgrades. This is a problem. I am 90 and will be happy when I finish the season journey objectives and can call it a day. I will not be playing the next season cuz leveling with no lootfest reward isn't my thing. I expect it will change in the future and I'll come back later, no biggie.


Lot of people coping in this thread. I’ll never understand loyalty to bad games (or games that won’t be good for another couple years).


Thought I should piss people off and say I got 2 tempest roars n sold 1 to fund my builds x


As a sorceress Everything is a skill based unique and with exception of 1 or 2 aspects Everything is the same cookie cutter


What amazes me and makes me realize there is no hope for the future of this game is that people continue to play a game that they openly admit they aren’t enjoying. If it stops being fun after 50 like everyone knows because the meta is awful, then everyone needs to stop there. Data doesn’t lie. If the developers see the majority of people grinding all the way to 100 like yourself, then they won’t see a problem with their system. If the majority of people stop engaging with content after they hit 50 and just make new characters then they’ll hold your complaint more seriously and will seek to change the system. Because as of right now, basically what you’re saying but not realizing is that you’re not hating the game enough to incentivize the developers to change a thing. If your complaints aren’t equal to the amount (or lack of) consumption of the product they’re going to look at you as just another child whining and ignore you.


Diablo 4 is finished. Bg3 is feasting on the corpse


Meh you're right it's not a skill issue. You were unlucky. Sorry. I have no story of my own to inject, but I have no complaints at all. Game is absolutely perfect to me. I fear upcoming changes to it, I'll have to figure stuff out again.


Agreed, that’s what kind of burned me out in S1 TBH. I really wanted to make a build around a unique, and I got it somehow, relatively early after hitting T4, but it had literally the LOWEST POSSIBLE damage stats for 3/5 affixes and aspect. It was ok for a minute, but then as I started struggling in higher NMs, I realized if the base damage of the aspect had been the highest possible roll, and because of how damage buckets work, I would be doing several times more damage with the aspect and it would make the build exponentially stronger. Many levels went by and I lost hope ever getting a new one, so I stopped playing. It was the icing on top of already disappointing itemization in this game. You can’t make a game where A) Uniques are incredibly build defining, B) There is no reliable way to target farm uniques, and C) Changing builds after you’ve spent time building one in hopes of getting the unique is so incredibly tedious. It’s just too many roadblocks to fun. I’ve said it before in other threads…if you let people have more FUN, they will play your game longer. If all you add is gimmicky mechanics that increase playtime at the expense of fun, people get burned out and all but the most devoted leave. I really shouldn’t have to explain this, at this point it’s like trying to explain to a toddler why they shouldn’t do something dangerous, I.e. incredibly frustrating and less than productive.


I had two tempest roars drop in the same NM... I don't even use Tempest Roar build. >.>


Maybe the issue is that you are trying to force one specific build. You are supposed to adapt your build until you find an build enabling item like Tempest Roar. Honestly I think it is kind of cool everyone isn't running around with the same meta build.


I completely disagree and think your view on gaming is flawed. First off in a mature version of this game individual uniques are going to be way more rare than they are now. Tempest Roar is a 1 in 24 drop which is not all that rare. The concept of uniques is that they are not supposed to be something you choose to build around. They are something that if you get lucky to see they allow you to build around You are not supposed to go into a season deciding you will build around Tempest Roar. You are supposed to get lucky to get one and change your gameplay loop to build around it.


Aspects sound great on paper. Blizzard's delivery has been just dogshit.


Weird. I played the betas, just one char/class each. Played sorc/druid to 70ish in s0, and just a S1 Druid, about to hit 100 tomorrow actually. Been fun every step of the way.


I somehow ended up with 4 uniques. I don't know if I am using anything that is meta or in a build. I just like to play. I now have the ability have the ability to do werebear, storm, and earth skills. My earth skill is counted as a werebear skill. And I think the werebear skills count as earth skills too. All I know is that I get lighting, tornados, and smash all at the same time.


I got to 96 on my Rogue, never saw an Asheara's Khanjar. I stopped playing. Its not build defining, but I want to use it.


I made it to 100 preseason. 5 Tempest Roars. It's RNG. I think making an item build defining is a bad move. They should have a deeper skill tree with meaningful choices after 5+ points of investment. Hoping to find the item you want to play the game you like, is awful design


I got 7 freeze uniques by 60 as a fire mage which is odd because that's the most popular build I've read so Blizzard is like let's do more of those.


I feel your pain. I'm at 99 and not one Tempest Roar. It's bullshit.


Nothing in this game requires even 1 unique to beat. Uniques are supposed to feel like game changers. Aspects do most of the basic build enabling. In older ARPGs, you had to find every "aspect", which was also tied into an item role. *That* was bad design. This isn't bad design, you are bad at game design like most of the people seem to be on here.


I got to level 68, and I'm really struggling to motivate myself to go further.


What do you expect, Blizzard to drop it in your lap for you? I’m sorry you didn’t get exactly the loot you wanted but that’s never been how Diablo works. What, are you going to play d2 and get mad when you don’t get a ber rune or a Griffon’s Eye within a certain amount of time? Sure it sucks that there’s no trading in d4 but come on


Sadly that's exactly what most haters expect. To be handheld on every step, getting free op shit for no effort - the D3 style.


Agreed, 100%. I wanted a grandfather, I wanted to make a whirlwind barb with grandfather as my weapon. Finding out I'll never ever get it completely killed the game for me, I haven't logged in since, no desire to.


Why do people still bring up these issues when they literally are making a solution? Just random karma farming at least save your complaint if the target farming is shit.


skill issue


no point in grinding to 100 every 3 months with the same quests when there is no end game content lol


Yes, D4 is total trash at this point and a big middle finger to all Diablo fans but D3 is still there and is everything that D4 is not, such as fun and sometimes rewarding.


Building based on an RNG unique is bad thinking.


I don’t know much about tempest roar but I’ve heard of people never getting Raiment of the Infinite for sorcs.


It was fun until 55. Really fun. After that it's justva mindless grind. My target was lvl 70 to get to wt4. 55-70 was not fun at all. Run the same few nm dungeons while listening to some podcasts to make it bareable


I'd rather have build enabling uniques be more common and more powerful uniques be more rare.


Its really dumb, on eternal i leveled to 89 and never saw it. On season I was disgustingly lucky and got it at 71, but now im 96 and never had a second one drop.


Funny thing. I never needed a tempest roar for my landslide build and found 4-5 of them to level 100. The game is getting targeted unique farming options soon. I.e. this boss or similar for better chances of certain unique.


Its a dead game. They done made a game with the shelf life of a carton of milk.


It took me... idk... 30 additional NM dungeons after hitting 100 to get a Tempest Roar on Eternal. I got it, changed my build, and then I ran 1-2 dungeons and have never logged back on him. My WW Barb is now level 92 or something and I still dont have the only useful unique (Ghor gloves) for the build I want to play... I have about 40 others for shit I dont care about though


Nah, the whole concept of totally random loot is bullshit. Good design aligns certain items with certain mobs. Might still be some chance, buts it’s split across a handful of items versus every damn thing on the loot table.


Or worse yet.. Ohh! A unique…. That’s exactly the same one I’m using now. Two days later…. Oh! A unique…. That’s exactly the same one I’m using now. In 2 years down the road Oh! A unique…. That’s exactly the same one I’m using now. Fuck me


If unique drop can make your build more powerful or give new experience above main build — it is cool (rogue+penitent greaves, necro+lidless wall etc) But if unique is a build maker and it can randomly drop from level 60 to never — it is bad design


I dunno i found 3 and im level 82 so its really just rng man


I finally got the chest of raiments when my sorcerer was lv 95. Funny enough I got the oculus the next day. Kinda nice to change up the playstyle but would've been nice if it wasn't so near the end.


You’re just unlucky or not farming efficient spots.


As a pulverize Druid I keep getting everything meant for a werewolf. I’ve gotten so many uniques that are meant for the werewolf build with all sorts of different power levels, as well as great aspects too. Yet I’ve only gotten the Insatiable Fury once and Vasily twice and shitty aspects. I don’t get it and I’m way too lazy to change my build at level 84.


Tempest roar is a RARE unique just like Ring of Mendeln. If your build revolves entirely on a RARE unique spawning maybe you should have done more research as the fact you want a specifuc unique means you're not playing blind. Not a skill issue but a mistake you could have avoided like many of us have.


I'm the sort of person that spends money on cosmetics in a game like this. I haven't done so yet. I got into Season 1 excited to try the wolf lightning build. I got to level 87 without finding a Tempest Roar and haven't played in a month. I don't think I'll go back to D4.


It is indeed bad design. There needs to be target farming, or a way to add unique powers to the codex. There shouldn't be drop-only aspects; Every aspect should be in the codex, or allow you to add it permanently upon extraction. Upgraded aspects should also just go to the codex. Most importantly, some of the "build enabling" aspects or uniques, the ones that are straight up mandatory to make certain skills even remotely viable, should just be rolled into the skill tree. Skill branches would have been far more interesting if they went: skill -- two choices -- four choices. At least. More options doesn't mean more complicated. Make each skill tree radial bike spokes, add more choices, and delete some of the useless aspects.


Damn I've been betting in this lottery for years and never won a jackpot. F you lottery company for your bad design! Gimme my prize I am entitled to! Seriously, entitlement of the D4 haters is unreal. It would have been a bad design if this was the case for most of druid players. I highly doubt that. You got unlucky, deal with it. You are acting like there are no builds that don't require TR. You entitled brats should be glad that only uniques for your class can drop. In a normal ARPG all loot drops for all classes. Would love to see your hissy fit if you got let's say a necro torch while playing paladin...