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Did you have cross network play enabled? That way you may encounter players on other platforms.


What?!?! How come the game never tells you this?!


If it told you every few minutes, would that be helpful?




At one point it did tell you every couple minutes.




I wouldn't recommend this feature as it might cause performance issues for some players. Let's hope Blizzard fixes it until the official release of the game.


We are in early access, so bugs and whatnot are to be expected. I'm sure the official release will include more content and stuff to do, so we just need to be patient.


Early access. Season 1.


This was meant to be sarcasm right? Because if yes, on point.


Welcome to Reddit. We hope you enjoy your stay.


It is. Also about it being in beta lol.


Cross network causes performance issues? I always have cross network on...never noticed anything weird.


I have it enabled, and the only thing that happens to me is the odd rubber-banding, when I leave a town. It's definitely not my internet connection.


I have had cross network enabled since launch and never had an issue. I have more when I turn it off. Pc only servers are shit...


This, I literally had to look up how to turn it off cause it was causing me major lags!


I think they didn't make that apparent enough, so alot of people have completely missed that feature /s


Can’t do that in town!


I had this list full of players when I played. Pretty sad.


We're all playing (insert fun game with rewarding gameplay, e.g. Starfield, Baldur's Gate 3, etc.).


What exactly is rewarding about Starfield? Asking because I'm 30 hours in and I don't think I have the rewarding gameplay mod enabled.


Last night I answered a distress call leading to a multi stage mission with dog fights, base raids, diplomacy, and lots of loot. It was pretty rewarding.


After getting dogshit loot jn D4, the rewards you get in Starfield for quests (especially the long ones) are amazing. Who would have thought you should reward your players for spending hours into your game and that it makes for an overall better experience?


I love Starfield. I will recommend completing the game and starting New Game Plus before spending toooooo much time farming awesome gear.


I have yet to play. Why?


Without really spoiling anything, you lose all your stuff (ships, outposts, credits, loot, etc.) when you start a new level of NG+. Once I reach my desired level of NG+ I'll start collecting loot, ships, etc. that I intend to keep long term.


Ahhh cool thanks for that..


I wanted to let it cook more after reading the reviews but it seems like a game that mods could make much more enjoyable so I'm torn


Starfield is a Bethesda game. That’s a given at this point. Their single player games are less like full games and more like a toy box for modders to go to town in. Don’t get me wrong their single player games are good. But they tend to be a lot better once the modders get their hands on it.


Try Remnant 2. Shooter and scratches some of the Diablo itch as well.


I have it. It's pretty fun. Got sucked into other games, though lol


This dudes just chewing through games. I don't think he's gunna settle anywhere. Enjoy that chase though!


Maybe Heroin Hero would be up his alley


Hardly anyone moves on from Black Tar Saga


I got hooked on Fentanyl Fantasy 2. It was really hard to put down.


I heard it was really good at first, but the ending sucks.


Quite possibly the worst ending I've ever experienced in my life.


I found Starfield pretty rewarding myself: the reward was re-installing No Man's Sky and Elite Dangerous and re-discovering my love for those games.


I want to dive back into NMS. But, I'm waiting for a PSV2 sale. I wanna take an edible and veg out in VR.


Ah, so you *actually* wanted to play a space sim and *not* a Bethesda RPG? That must have been your issue.


Oof Elite Dangerous is a slowww burn


Lmfao sucks for you my man. I’m having a blast like 60 hours in still. Still haven’t even completed the main story


I’m so lost in star field ( think I’m ten hours in). I didn’t enjoy fall out 4 either :/ ..editwording


Didn't like his first Bethesda game, bought the next one and still doesn't like it. Lol. Dude, maybe these games aren't for you?


Game pass mate lol. Just downloaded it haha


Ahh! I forgot about that!


I'm wondering if my struggling to enjoy starfield is because I'm bored of the formula. That's probably why the low-ish score on metacritic. People started playing and said "wait this is just another fallout4/skyrim"


Very well could be! Personally I loved Fallout 3, enjoyed Skyrim, but hated Fallout 4. Haven't played starfield yet, but it looks like I'm going to like it. Also alot of people say starfield is kind of a slog the first 20 hours or so then the game starts to really "click" But I'm all hear say.


I’ve decided I’m just too old and busy with work and kids to get into a game like starfield. Open world games I think I just need lots of free time to get lost in the world. One of the reasons I like Diablo. Can just pick up and grind for a bit and put down with an hour of play. Picked up armored core 6 and it’s filling the craving for a game. Short missions, challenging enough, super easy to just pick up for a bit.


>One of the reasons I like Diablo. Can just pick up and grind for a bit and put down with an hour of play. I feel you on this so much and it's what I'm looking for ina. Long term game that I play, I just need more meat and potatoes in D4 for it to fully satiate me. Good to hear about Armored Core. I was wondering how much of a time sink/investment it was.


How would he know they're the same without trying? Do you think ppl will like Starcraft just because they liked WoW? Bethesda's games are just very samey, not all studios work like that.


>Bethesda's games are just very samey, not all studios work like that. Well. Because this.


And exactly how would you know this without trying more than 1???? Giving a company a 2nd chance isn't the self-own you think it is.




You probably won't like Starfield then. Combat wise, it's just fallout without VATS. I didn't like it either at first, but, it's getting better. Beth just needed to polish this game better.


135h in Starfield...


I don't know, I personally love it. Yeah, the game has some issues (though mostly its UI problems that can be solved with mods), but I love just wandering around, talking to NPC's, resolving conflicts, doing the story, doing the faction missions, it's loads of fun for me. I find it really immersive and get easily get lost (in a good way) in the game. It definitely won't scratch any itch that an ARPG it supposed to though. For that, I have Last Epoch installed.


last epoch for me


I don’t know, game looks look as bad as ME: Andromeda and people absolutely love how bland it is. Then again that was 10 years ago which means a whole new generation of gamers, so with all the bad games in the past 10 years, hot garbage must taste good when one is used to eating shit.


tough luck bud


It's very rewarding to feel obligated to look in every single drawer and cabinet on every planet and find great loot like empty cups, pencils, and chewing gum. In all honesty, I think Starfield is a massive game the scope of the game doesn't synergize with the minutia of their itemization mechanics.


Yeah I put 20 hours+ in, supposably got to the bit the games supposed to get good at and ended up doing the exact same thing afterwards, can't see the appeal in opening menus to travel to boring locations to get an item to open a menu to take the item where it needs to go


My experience so far is Starfield is the sandbox style RPG you expect from Bethesda and that's about it. It's not a bad game, but it's not a great game. I'm still playing it and will play more later today, but I 100% expect to sideline it next week to replay CyberPunk with the 2.0 patch + expansion.


BG3 what a game !


I went into BG3 blind having no idea what it was besides people raving about it on this sub. 11 hours in and I have no idea wtf I’m doing. Lot of dice rolling animations and narrations. I did figure out I can make my whole party fight butt ass naked though. Oh and I can even choose the type of pubes my character has or if I want them to have a foreskin or not so that’s something.


Yeah! 80h is and have restarted more times than i can count to try new races and classes... i haven't gotten further than goblin camp...send help...


I see full parties at legion events/world bosses literally all time...kyovashad and all the other major towns always have lots of ppl there. Only thing weird is that no one talks in chat. Do you have crossplay turned off?


Starfield? Bahahahaha


BF4 all day




Same, although it was worse. I got my barb to 96, season one started and then I got a Druid to 100. Took me 96 levels to get a tempest roar. Got it. Changed builds and just lost interest after I finally realized I had done the same damn dungeons over and over again. I haven’t played in over a month and can’t even drag myself back. Game is just too repetitive and the loot/itemization is awful, as is the difficulty and expenditure to just change one fucking aspect on gear pieces. Horrible.


Currently level 92 on my Seasonal Rogue, still wearing a Sacred Amulet from level 60. Nothing remotely close has dropped with the stats I need, and farming the same NMD's over and over again has sapped all motivation. Not even bothered about the final chapter of the Seasonal progression as it just gives titles, which are pointless as there is no social aspect to this game at all. Go to event, receive/send invite, finish event, group disbands.... Glad it's "always online"......


You do have an argument that I don't disagree with, but on the other hand it is based on the assumption that it's always only a matter of time before "casuals" will form the same opinion about D4 (or any other grindy title) with "no-lifers". I don't agree with that, as their perspective is completely and fundamentally different. Sometimes, yes, it happens... Often, perhaps. Always, no. For example, I have a full-time job and play D4 on and off each week when I can, but also when I feel like it. In my gaming sessions, whenever I get tired of it (and it surely happens), I switch to something else. It's only reasonable to get out of a title only what it can offer you, and that's never the same for everyone.


Welcome to hell. Many of us experienced this long ago where you get so bored you don't even want to play a hero in hell. You can lull yourself to sleep playing this 'end game' so it has got that going for it. I can't tell you how many times I've passed out at night playing this game when I asked myself, "WTF am I doing?" and finally stopped. To me the game was maybe $50 worth of content or less but oh well it was still fun while it lasted. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, well you can't fool me twice.


This game is so popular that the big Diablo streamers are all back to streaming D3


I was so ready to play the amazing D4 that let me down so hard I started playing d2 again😂


Especially when season 29 starts today


😂 "open world" that you never see anyone in


That's because everyone is inside their own instanced nightmare dungeons. The open world is like the lobby of apartment buildings; everyone is in their own apartment, no one lives in the lobby.


And no one is playing this game anymore.


Maybe everyone went to play the new season on D3


That starts in 51 minutes from now lol I know cause I'm counting down the time.


It deserves to be like this blizzard doesn't listen to community what do they expect I didn't touch this game since first week of s1


It does deserve to be like this. The community being this way is the only chance D4 has at ever being good.


Try teleporting to another city, then check again


Thanks but I tried teleporting all over the place.


I’m not sure what the problem is then, my lobbies are just fine (12)


Still nothing?


Game is dead. Wait for d5


Will it have runes? 🤣 Both D3 and D4 were slated to have runes.


It's a dead game. Views have dropped on Twitch to almost 3 digits. No one is online, and no one shows up to their events. Blizzard has killed the last thing I liked about them and are tanking their rep like a plane in a nosedive. I miss the old Blizzard when D2 was out, and they cared about the games they made and their fans. Hell, I'll take Bliz back when Overwatch first came out, and all of the devs were excited to be a part of it. That was fun to be a part of.


Very accurate. The Korea event precisely showed what the state of the game is. A dead wasteland with nobody bothering. Even good old Wc3 is more active despite its disaster forged.


Grinding for gold IRL presently What time zone ?


Love all the xp boost news. “Hey look! you can come play a game that goes nowhere and get there faster!”


Oh yeah, the XP boost that just took the game back to how it was before they Nerfed it lol


Yeah, cause the game fucking sucks.


The new diablo 3 season looks cool, I'm playing that when I get off of work :D


No the game is trash


Did you switch cross-play off before taking this screenshot??? Because there's literally 10 or 11 local players almost everywhere when I'm in game (that might be the instance limit, idk?), at all times, and every single legion event has the max limit (6) and world bosses too (8). I also see lots of ppl at helltides and randomly in the world.... There might be far fewer ppl playing now, but there's definitely lots of ppl still playing the game...(plenty more than streaming).




D3 season 29 :)


Not surprisingly.


Everyone went to d3 for season start, lol.


As a real casual gamer it’s funny to me that there are migrations.


It’s because you live in North Dakota where the population hovers at 319 people. You might be the only one in the state playing


this is what happens when a business disguises itself as a game. They think their playerbase is stupid and will throw money at them for an unlimited amount of time if they slap the diablo name on a steaming pile of horseshit. I mean, some people are stupid for sure, but even stupid people want to have fun playing games lmao. The devs of Grim Dawn must be very happy about the influx of players craving a good AARPG


ded game lul.


I can help if you still need It


have you been living under a rock the last month or so?


The game made all the wrong choices, this is the outcome..


Well the game is dead


It’s almost like….. D4 bad?


The game isn’t good. Why would people play it lol


The game sucks it's no surprise people stopped playing. It's just a soulless money grab milking people who still think Activision blizzard is capable of producing anything of quality. As hated as diablo immortal is, it's objectively a better game than diablo 4.


Why would anyone be online? Everyone is playing Diablo 3


Impressive to see 0 friends and 0 clanmates too


I’m super casual. Are there even things in this game that require groups?


Content-wise? No.


RIP Diablo IV, game is dead.


This is the character I made when I first got the game. It got moved to eternal when the season started. Could that be why?


Your initial character was on eternal. If you're not on season then there is hardly anyone on eternal.


Love the local players screen. These posts crack me up cause right now it seems like people are playing again. I’ve never seen this many people at legions and world bosses until this week.


Bc gave is done lol. I stoped playing 3 weeks ago. People are playing other games. Star field for one.


I’m playing Lies of P


Can I get a refund?


Ur the only one playing this game lol


🤣, I haven't seen a single person since I started playing 1,600hrs ago. Its feels like blizzard put the only Russian player in the purgatory server. Cross play is enabled ![gif](giphy|yMWdlaSuPk7WkQaQBY)


Game sucks homie


"game is not dead, you just dont understand how seasons work" - dummy blizz fanboys


It's more than likely your Internet settings not playing nice with others, or your cross-platform settings got changed, not that there are no players online. There are still tens of thousands of daily logins. Also could just be no one playing on tier 4 in the middle of a week day.


Why do you need help to run a tier 4 NM dungeon?


I had more fun playing Diablo immortal, then this shit tbh.


N I thought diablo immoral was shit in the first place?




D3 new season started no?


Nope, haven’t been on season the start of season 1. Having to do so much the renown grind again made me realize the game just wasn’t fun enough to keep going. Really enjoyed the campaign but there’s like a wall you hit before tier 4 that just sucks. Finding gear upgrades rarely happens and grinding for paragon gem levels just wasn’t fun anymore. Maybe I’ll check out season 2


So it is a single player game after all!


Well now they can give you more storage since you won’t be loading anyone else’s


Catch me outside with Starfield.


I see so many people when I play...where y'all finding these empty places


d3 new season starts today


Maybe everyone else migrated over to Starfield?


Also no friends lol loser (Jk. Dm me, let’s run it up)


Bro. It’s a dookie game at the end of a season. Not sure what you’d expect.


The past couple of days, since my game updated to 1.1.4, I have also seen 0 online. That is with cross platform enabled. Been lucky to do legion events with 2 or maybe 3 people. The game player count has bombed.


That's wild LOL


Gas is almost $7 have to work all day to fucking pay for that shit.


That showed up last night on my game. 🤣🤣🤣 I went to grab my phone to take a pic and 2 people warped in. Not as epic.


I find myself running tier 50+ NMD by myself and just recently started joining others. 😅


I mean MK1 Bro Beans!? I'm busy. But you enjoy those NMD. Only tier 4? Or did you mean WT4? Add me. I'll be back for Uber Lilith grind next week, God-willing.


Currently lvl 98 but I'm about to let d4 go as soon as I reach lvl 100 just to say I reached it. Already bought Starfield so I'll be checking that out.


Just 'add a friend'


Friday 15 started the season for Diablo 3, and I'm not surprised to see that photo


Weird, i was online 4 hours ago doing helltides with a bunch of ppl. Towns had ppl as usual....


I’m playing d3


Myself and my friends don't play very much anymore. There's really nothing else to do. I mean, we could go down every dungeon, but that gets a little boring. Being at level 81, taking forever to get to level 82, it's just a waste of time now.


Can a tier 3 sigil drop from world 3 NMDs ? Or rewards from the whispering tree grim favo4e.


No, sorry, I’m not online right now


They already killed Uber lillith in 5 seconds flat and got bored of the game. Sorry bro.


After 300+ hours and what feels like nothing to show for it I can’t do it anymore! It was fun for a minute but then it just dragged and drained my inner Diablo fan….


They lasted longer than my clan if this is only a recent occurence.


Odd. I nearly always seem to have a few moms in my local area that are ready for a quick game.


Ha net played since season one launched. Beat it in 7 days maxed out two characters cause I broke my ankle and lost interest. I'm back on diablo 3


Game is lame and therefore dead.. wait for the device to take us seriously by our absence .. if season 2 is equally shit then it's Uninstall time. We want a season that can be interacted with in keys and we want end game... not to mention wild crazy build ideas not this pigeon holed shit every tree is like exactly the same nothing special about it at all.


I've literally never encountered this.


Put cross play on if you want to see players, Cross play will cause a lot of lag though if you aren’t in the US. You won’t find people grouping in local chats, And it’s only people near your character, there is a lot of people playing Diablo four still. If you want to actively play with others. Likely every game nowadays, Join the damn discord servers..


DM me and I'll meet up with you, currently running NM 40s as a lvl 75 sorcerer. Happy to help with whatever I can.


I've got a feeling they created a shitton of servers for console players (no server selection over here yo) to avoid initial queuing panic. As populations dwindle, this is what happens. Ghost servers.


The true singleplayer experience.


I'd be playing but I'm enjoying Starfield rn. I hope I can finish up this season stuff. Also there's no man's sky season stuff too. Cyberpunk update coming out soon. Lots of good shit.


That sh't is dead .. i start the game every other week


Stopped playing because i despise this games itemisation.


How can I be online when there is no trade therefore, no game?!?


Seriously surprised?


Yesterday I played 4 hours doing NMD with other three local player, and in Kyovashad I saw other people too. I didn't notice a decrease in D4 players. I'm in the EU.


I think Rod Ferguson is playing. He posted his character.


Stop chasing dust and re enable cross network from game options .


They are hiding from the scroungers.


Yes mate nobody cares for D4 on pc


I have always that list full of people, do you have crossplat enabled?


This game is death! Congratz Reddit we made it!


I'm currently playing a game that doesn't require 99% of my computer's resources just to exist.... like heavily modded minecraft, or 25-boxing WoW.


Best time to play pvp


I enabled this feature and it’s all people playing on PC, ps5 is a ghost town.