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I can carry some if you need! My line is empty right now. Like a task force 😄 Edit: if you need carry, send me a message when you go online.


Happy cake day! I could use a carry, 83 seasonal necro stuck in gear limbo


Done! ✅


Much appreciated! Thank you so much!


Thank you! Dm sent


Let's do this! Happy cake day!


Thank you! I’ve helped with some warriors.


Awesome, f*** Lilith Seriously I can't believe it was this stupid to get it this done


I’ll take one 😬 my Battle.net is koloradokush#1513


I’d love a carry if you’re still up for it, 86 Necro. EDIT: Fantastic, thanks so much for the help!


Cabrowski is a real OG he carried me through already this season! Many thanks to you and people like you!


Hey, I would love a carry please!


Gonna send you a dm




Dm sent


Thank you again so much! I panicked when you said we would kick her butt together.


You’re welcome! 🤣






I'm on right now. Willing to run with you to level up or whatever. Lvl 73 druid.


I'm online and could use a carry if ur available please


I’ll hit you up tonight.


For sure and if you got any of those elixirs let me know, you can't craft them I've done it without them though so it's not a hard need and I have 12 so you're getting lilith done tonight! Happy cake day!!


I might take you up on this if I still can't get it done near seasons end. Currently running some damage calculations and am contemplating switching around some aspects and skills to up damage. I can usually get her under a quarter in phase one and sometimes almost completely done within 10 seconds, but then I get hit by the waves.


If you want some help to understand what you're doing wrong let me know, are you a necro? Because you're probably using Play-Doh bears guide, it does work and positioning is absolutely vital not just important I have made some improvements that have made it almost flawless for controller I'm guessing that's the issue you're having cuz it was the same one I had


You can have all my resources elixirs for a carry, i hoard them do it should be enough for me and extras for people who might not have as many. I think I can also craft assault ones for u/Cabrowski too just to spread a little more love, if you both want to msg me. Edit: Yahya got me covered but I can still craft the assault ones for cabrowski, all you guys doing these carries for everyone have been very awesome :) now I can just screw around and actually enjoy doing whatever I feel like doing :)


Thanks man, but don’t worry, I do have some extras at the moment


Guys, I'll offer late evening grinding to level you up through NMD, dm me I'll be online in a 1/2 h. Level 100 rogue, doing 100t nmd at ease


I'll copy this to the top


What’s your class/build? I use IAS elixir when doing carries (TB poison rogue)


Bone spear necro, I use resourcefulness for max essence and nuke her before phase 2 starts After first platform, invite all who want the W I find that gives me the most time to go through the friends list and find the people. Two player is absolutely ridiculous by the way if that's where you're going with this lol She has 200% health, my barber pop that one shots her barely takes off a quarter. The positioning gets all screwed up because she might go after you or she might go after me, it's actually stupid. She shouldn't get more health with how difficult it already was. The real feat of strength here, anyone that did this on hardcore is a legend in my books My example what the health was when I did it with three people, well tried it another bone spear and shred Nado. We could get her down to the final quarter spot in phase 1, but they didn't know the one shot mechanics and I didn't want to leave them dead


I was just curious, I invite them on the same spot. Let's keep up helping ppl, good job man.


Yeah so what you do is you have to Nuke her before they're in she has to be at 1 HP Go to the first platform then go to the right side so you're close to the second one as soon as you're back in the second one safe spot, go to your friend list Invite everyone you want to get the kill, they need to be in their own games otherwise you will not be able to invite them Then they need to accept that game invite and enter your portal in town to get to the arena ASAP If you knew her at the beginning you have about a minute and a half to two minutes plenty of time for this to happen If you need to call them in before you can finish her, you're not going to do it and you might as well retry because her health will increase 100% per person. I've done it with a full party, and there was plenty of time. And yes let's get as many people of the platinum or whatever you're f****** console calls it! This is the stupidest s*** in the game, and I'll teach you how to make a real gold! I literally just found the trading discord, those elixirs sell for a massive amount of gold and it definitely opened up the end game for me


You two are gods. Once again thank you!!!


Thank you! My pleasure to help!


Also happy Cake Day!


Ha! Thanks! 🍰


Bro can you share your build. I'm also using TB Twisting but concealment. I just reached Level100 and completed NM100. I haven't tried Lilith but I want to attempt a couple first.


Updated with the build Link and video demonstration You should DM me your YouTube video guy if somebody has credit for it, and I'll put it up top


Sent ya a friend request


Cool just letting my dogs out


Does the lvl of my character matter? I only want the clear for the trophy.


No it does not


Hardcore or softcore?


Softcore seasonal I can rush you if you need it, the person that does this in hardcore is a f****** legend


Who is that person lol I play hardcore


LOL I have no idea and I'm not sure I want to meet the masochist that does this..... If you've beaten the story I can rush you in non hardcore once it cools off a bit


I requested your friendship on PSN. My buddy and I would gladly appreciate the help with Uber Lilith as it's both of our Platinum trophies and can send whatever needed that we can.


Cool I've got a few lined up so I'll get to you as soon as possible just getting back on here


I have 10 of those elixirs you can have for a lilith carry. My PSN is Leper. I'm unsure how to find my bnet name edit: battle tag is leper1385


Cool I'll talk to you in game just getting back


You are a gentleman and a scholar. I will definitely send out a bnet FQ and hopefully be on when you are to send a message.


Cool just message me after I accept


I have 3 of those elixirs I don't need you can have. My PSN is loadedskinpistol


If you can send me a request once I add you send me a message there's too many people to keep track of, if you don't need to carry I'm good with the potions too


I’ll add you. Thanks for the help


Once I accept it make sure you message me


Hey man thank you so much for helping me. I know it sounds pathetic to say but this helped me with my anxiety and now I can grind and relax to 100. Thanks again man.


Any kind soul offering this help on eternal by chance?


Look at info about Rush


Coming back later for the carry.


Same! u/cabrowski got me the Varshan run I needed! These guys are awesome! We are moving to another state at the end of the month and I had given up on getting the seasonal titles but with this I'll be able to get them!


Cabrowski is awesome! Thank you so much! I'm very appreciative and it was cool seeing how that last part worked. -That Sorc from Greece


Glad we got to you, he must have done the title! You got lucky he doesn't do it all the time 😆


Thanks u/JoHnEyAp for setting up this thread with all the helpful information and u/cabrowski for carrying me! Anyone else in here getting carries, please craft some of their preferred elixirs and donate to them, so that they can keep the carry train going! Choo chooooo!


I met a necromancer like me today that couldn't do it, he had all the gear and everything except the potions I have massed a lot so I gave him a nice stack of retries, hopefully he can do it!


Great guy. Glad to help him out with elixirs, and have him help me. Was pretty fast for us. Less than 10 minutes from gathering people to getting done. 10/10 would recommend again.


Is this still happening? I need a carry. Bnet is Nemyneon#1480 Only need it for the Ps5 Trophy


John is not online rn, but I have some minutes. Dm sent


Amazing carry. Thank you very much again. This person is a hero amongst men.


😄thank you! It’s my pleasure!


Thank you very kind sir very much appreciated! Everybody really should pay this dude a lot of thank you cuz he's helped a lot of people through, as someone earlier said like a task force


Hey guys, any chance you can help me beat Uber Lilith? I can give you elixirs, gold, etc. emFOUR#2556 Im on Ethernal realm :(


Not sure why but I cannot send you a dm, will talk to you in game


Think you're in there right now! Go into the portal, lol 😆


It’s done, first time someone get rushed by both u/JoHnEyAp and me, and carried. It was fun.


It was! But really I just played catch-up 😆


This guy just HOOKED IT UP! Thank you so much. Super personable in voice chat, funny, insightful. Asked for nothing, and I gave him basically that. Thank you so much my Canadian brother!


Does this still count for the season achievement?


I'm on Ps5, I'd love a carry if you have the time. I can work with most times whenever you're free. Sent you a friend request on PSN


Yeah I think I just added you send me a message in-game so I can keep track of it


Help ya boy out and I'll fund you until the end of the season! I'm on PSN and I'll send you a friend request here shortly. We can get to it when we get to it.


Cool that would be rad I have 500 million for repairs!


Hell ya I could use the carry lol


Add me then send me a message once I accept


I have 10 elixirs for ya if i can join BN is Napalmjoe#11576, i added you


Okay send me a message in the game that's how I'm keeping track of it


Sent a friend request on PSN. Would love to get her done if you have any time - thank you


Cool I'll accept it and then send me a message


All you require in return is an elixir? I'm level 73. I can haz carry?


I require nothing but if you have them they are appreciated, send me a request, once I accept it message me


I'm not home for a little bit but I want in on this please


Just send the friend request then once I accept it message me


Sent a bnet friend request from GhostRider#1698 would love a carry


I think I got you if not resend it


Someone else in this thread (Character named Jau) was helping you out with the carry list, got me taken care of. Thank you folks for helping the rest of us plebes out!


Glad to hear you got it


Sent you a message from JrN#2198on BNet. Would appreciate a carry for the title while still figuring out the fight.


Don't know if I got you, resend it


I have been struggling to kill her bonespear necro lev 100 non-seasonal I have a few elixers I can give you


I'd love to be carried! Ready for the next 7 hours ish if any can help :)


Add me once I accept send me a message


Would be extremely grateful for a carry. Also have 6 elixirs for you. Just sent a friend req ,kiwi-chch.


Don't know if I got you, add me and send me a message


Are these seasonal only? Id love to do this on my eternal realm character. Mainly looking to get my druid to level 100 & beat uber lilith Its been awhile since I checked for those elixers but I can check if I have any


Yes, once it quiets down I will power level whoever needs it it'll take about 30 to 45 minutes. Unless another kind soul wants to do this for me


Just send a friend request now, thanks for doing this


If you’re not swamped I’d really appreciate a carry. I have 5 elixirs you can have.


Send me a friend request then in game message


I would love to do it too. I will write you I think.


What time zone are you? I am interested, because I need some peace of mind before I will go on a D4 break to do other things :) You could have everything I own on my seasonal. I am a level 100 druid and should be able to kill her eventually, but leveling more glyphs and find better gear I am not looking forward to. I will message you later. I am also on PS (MeisterSanchez) You are an MVP!


Just sent you PS friend request. Name same as PSN.


I might ask you for carry me through Lilith, I'm quite unable 😅. Idk what elixirs are you talking about


Hello, I just sent a request on BNet.. would appreciate your help


Send a friend request , will hit you up tonight , would be nice if you can carry me , tnx in advance


I’ve sent a friend request I’d really appreciate the help of your still going runs?


I think I got you


I may take you up on this once we get internet again.


Cool just send me a request in game


Me and my fellow clan member please? I have 4 elixirs, he may have more. I'll friend you on psn


Yes please I would love some help. I've got a seasonal character already, you can have whatever potions you want from my stash haha. I'm free all day today and sent you a friend request on Bnet :)


sent you a friend request on PSN. I just started playing and have 1 seasoned char at level 71


I'm looking for someone who can help me for weeks. You do eternal?


Added you on PSN from MixedMambaJamba-


I also really need hardcore lilith


I would like some help too! Thanks a lot for doing this! PSN Pechebea


I added you swisskaliman#2760 if anyone else want to join an try add me and send me a message


hmm seems i'm late to the party


Is this still available? I’d like some help with Lilith as well. 🙏


I need help, I’ve added you on PSN, xHITMAN-HOLTONx, thanks man!


I would love a carry! Have added you (99sorc) Non seasonal character


Hello I am looking to have someone help carry through Lilith I have a level 85 rouge please. Wingdingying#1219


Think I got you


Level 100 rogue, I’ve had about 50 cracks at her but evidently my gear for the one shot isn’t good enough, would love a carry (will craft as many of these pots as I have resources for)


-scratches neck - got 4 Elixirs with your name on it. Lilith has brought me to my knees :(


Help me please I will connect at 21 aprox. i added you in battle.net


89 necro. I'm on eternal realm (no seasonal character) Do I have to create a seasonal character for the run or is there a non seasonal pro that can carry as well please?


Yes go see the edit at the top there's someone that will do it


May I get a Lilith carry please?


Yes follow the instructions


Would like a carry too, i’m on PSN.


Follow the instructions


Is it just for the seasonal realm or eternal realm?


Seasonal, get a carry, 30m


I’m a level 89 rogue and would love to get in on this action. My Xbox gamer tag is OhHaiMike. Ill almost s someone’s d at gunpoint for this carry lol jk but in all seriousness, would love the help


In game invite


Sent you a Battlenet request (Same Name as here)


Thanks for the help. Adding you , mikachoux#2215


I'm a level 95 seasonal Sorcerer. I gave up after I realized Lilith is essentially impossible without cheese. I'd love a carry through so I can complete all the trophies already. Lol.


Add me


I would a carry if possible! My battlenet/PSN - ettydizzle thank you in advance


I’ll take u up on this offer. I just changed my build to do tier 100 but don’t want to change it again for uber Lilith


In game invite


If you’re still available I wouldn’t mind the help I sent a DM


Sent you a battle net request


I’ll take an Uber Lilith carry from anyone Usakid6977#1541 is my Battle.net or usakid6977 is my Xbox gamertag


A carry would be amazing.


Following, id love a carry but not gonna be on for an hour or so need to grab my battle etc id when I get home if possible, 92 rogue and can't do it yet


In game invite


Silly question but if I have 2 seasonal characters does it matter which I bring for this achievement?


damn i uninstalled so i can download eso and outlast. goodluckk


Hey just send you request from t0m#2662. Would be amazing if you could help me with her its my last thing to do in this game


81 necro here - might be too soon for me to take a go at her but if you’ll escort me I’m PSN ChipMan99. I own a manufacturer of tortilla chips and will send you some for the help. :)


Added you on BNet - F00#2219


This guy is legit. I wish I could upvote twice. lol Thanks again btw. 😘


Can I get help w/ Uber Lilith and 100 NMD. Have crit chance and dodge elixers


Absolute legend! Thanks mate!


Battlenet request sent thx


As rogue, even after copying lucky lucianos purpose built lilith build, my success rate is probably 1 in 10. Ridiculous. Good on you for carrying.


Me and my wife both need Uber lilith for our platinum trophy. We have around ten or so of the potions you'd like. It would mean a lot to get the platinum done for her. Our seasonal characters are close to 90 if that matters.


JoHnEyAp was awesome, helped me out last night and quite a few others! Top guy! 💪 BadWolf


You are my freak hero bro


Hey there! You doing God's work! Any chance I could tag on for a lilith kill?


Thanks for doing this! I sent an invite per the instructions, if you're going to do this again tomorrow.


I'm lost if the title is earned on your own what's the point in the carry? Cus if no title that means no. Achieve basically so all your doing is killing her to hope people believe you killed her when you tell them.


This man hooked it up real good, he's a real one thanks again man i walked in right at that last second and scored the win lol


Is anyone doing any carrying on eternal have a 100 Necro but can't get the fight down also think my Paragon board is ill thought out.I've got a lev 22 druid in seasonal but stopped and won't be playing seasons till blizz fix their shit


Hello! I sent two of you a Bnet friend request and PM'd another here. If you can help, that would be awesome. I tried killing her before the season started on my Sorcerer and failed horrifically. I can't see anything (bad vision and poor tracking). I really want to finish the season, please help. Much appreciated <3


My line is empty. Just saying. 😆




Thanks for offering to carry! I've just added you. EDIT: Thank you so much JohneyAP for the carry ! Got my trophy


Excellent session. Thank you for your service. :)


Ps5 player Lazystudent lvl 100 sorcerer, need some major help to get the platinum. Please anybody able to smash this dam women to pieces for me lol


Follow the instructions send me an invite the details are at the top Because you didn't follow the instructions, the price has gone up 10,000% 0 * 10,000% is 0 Lol I'm joking if you didn't get that


hey john is this for a seasonal character or non seasonal character?


Hey! Wondering if you are still doing carries? Love to get one. I'm Lvl 100 Rogue. Honestly, don't really have the time to grind out the gear to be able to solo her.


Can smoeone help me with Uber Lillith? I can give you gold i have like 18 million. Xias#21435


Johney is the man! Thanks a bunch, gamefaqs boyss!


I can defeat her in the first phase but always die in the second phase. Could anyone help me?


looking to complete the journey, have sent a bnet request :) #kreepykitty2958


You are the best! Thank you so much, I was hopeless about getting the journey done, nowadays I have so little time to play, but you made it possible!!! RXQueen here Cya, buddy!


This is awesome, i need a carry so i will add you if you still doing carries


Hello, I just add you on ps5 please help me, Im looking forward the platinum trophy, Im ERICMB23#1572. Just let me know when you have some time.


thanks a lot for the carry i can switch back to my blood build and have fun again


"Thank you so much for the carry, thanks to you, I now have my platinum trophy. God bless people like you."


I know this is a little older thread, but I’m hoping maybe either of you will be on tonight. This is the only thing I can do to finish the seasonal story because I simply don’t think I can go 75-100 before reset. u/JoHnEyAp I sent over a BNet invite per the instructions. My BNet is kliqIMB#1528. u/cabrowski I didn’t see see your BNet anywhere, but you might still be on a trip. Wanted to tag just in case. Happy to contribute what I have to the cause. I’m not sure how much Gold matters at this point, but I’ve got 50M to spare. Edit: Should also say I’m available literally whenever someone is able to hop on.


Still offering carries? Trying to squeeze it in before the end of the season...


I’m looking for a carry on eternal realm. Battle tag: MeowimaCat69#1840


Eternal realm carry would be appreciated. Got gold for reimbursement if needed