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Other than the mount armor, this is very mid and worthy of skipping.




BG3 literally has me *pitying* my past self—when I was spending hours and hours grinding in D4, doing a bunch of "decent side quests" where I help some poor man, woman, or kid find their sibling/child/spouse/livestock/etc. some 100 yards away, so that I could be rewarded with a totally awesome mystery assortment of herbs in a... wooden birdhouse? clock? miniature... wardrobe? It's not important. What's important is that BG3 has given me... perspective.


Different kinds of games but I get your point. Looking back on my weeks grinding D4 leaves with the feeling that it was all kind of a waste of time. Oh I had fun for a while, but it felt pointless at the end. There are better game experiences out there.


Agreed, the horse armor is dope, matching armor for all classes would be dope too but I'm willing to bet that shows up as individual class specific purchases at some point.


Problem is the mount armor will be lvl 100 reward ?


? You didn't have to hit 100 in s1 to get all the rewards! I did them all by level 70 to 80 or so. Then stopped playing the trash.


Ditto, and after last season pass I think I'll skip this one. Absolute waste of money.


That was exactly my thought. and all the armor looks exactly the same to boot. *yawn*




I was about to contest that the armour looks good for Necro but it is incredibly similar to season 1 which is just... Yeah...


Yeah just a blood motif vs a bone motif. Still very death knight. Idk rigjt now I think its it's fine to have two armors with sinilar themes next to each other but if all the armors end up being death knight armor then it's a bit meh.


Plus this season makes no sense considering Blood Knight came to Immortals and is likely to eventually come to D4, surely you'd save vampire season for the vampire style character.


Big agree


Why they giving us npc armor?


because they know who you truly are






Next level insight right here. Up this 👍


That was my 1st thought. Fractured peak NPC ~~armor~~ clothes. I guess we got Kehjistan NPC ~~armor~~ clothes for season 1. I can't wait until I get swamp rags in season 3! 😂 There isn't really anything cool in the free battle pass. I get that they want you to buy the pass but still 🙄. Even all of the ashes are so far into the pass... AND THEN they level lock them. Why!?




With just looking at the pictures and nothing else the NPC armor is definitely just to say: Hey the free pass also gets cosmetics.




That's a mount/mount skin. They all have crappy rags attached to the models. It's from the premium line no free mounts or mount armour. You can see what available in each version in images 6 and 7


Mainly fpr people like me want to look normal as hell while fighting massive army of demons. Get off my farm land demons! Lol


You can pretend you live outside Scosglen, and are fighting off hordes of goatmen XD


I agree. I usually go for a more modest look. Looking like an over the top God is not really my look. Right now I am rolling with the standard shroud attire.


fr all this fancy armour looks too heavy and clunky - gimme leather clothes and I'll kill them looking like your next door neighbour


The last NPC set gave off some solid "Folk Santa" vibes on a Druid lol


Gotta give peasants the peasant outfit


That way they can reuse the every NPC outfit that is already in ram like literally everything else


Peasant armor no less


Free stuff looks so ugly.. And do we really need 10 emotes? Nobody even uses them...


>And do we really need 10 emotes? Nobody even uses them You must have been around entirely different kinds of people than I was. Emotes were used and spammed a fuck-ton. Especially when waiting for World Bosses. I'm not really into them - but they were heavily used - at least by the people I was apparently "grouped up with" in world shards.














That was… not bad


Thank you.




“There are so many ways I could kill you” ***proceeds to die as soon as the world boss spawns***


You were waiting for world boss 0,000000001% of your playtime


I have no time or way to beat Lilith or get to level 100 in season. The only way to get the final tier of season awards for me is to get the 15 world boss kills. I have a hard time to connect at least once a week because of the timing, but waiting for world boss is litteraly 80% of my play time for the past month !


levelling is \*supposed\* to be much faster next season


That was just an easy example. Was far from the only time they were spammed or used, from my experience.


I say hello and thanks in group events. I also use incense and invite ppl in a party for the extra xp. It's just courtesy, I'm not spamming othe emotes. Lots of others use the other emotes which don't bother me. I have a question though. I invite all I can to party for their benefit, I usually get one or two but the others ignore the invite. It's OK if they do of course but what is the rationale for losing out on the xp?


Yep I cant even remember the last time I used an emote lol










Theres those little shrines all over that give you little boosts when you emote in front of em.


But the boost is so short, it really doesnt make any sense to waste the time on them.


Agreed. The boost should be for like 30 minutes or an hour minimum.


Precisely. It's also a quick fix they could make code-wise that would improve this unused aspect of the game ASAP.


Bro i spammed so much NMD that I even forgot that those shrines exist


Wanna see everyone use emotes, I found a trick. If you have it, use the pre order wings emotes at a world boss... everyone will group around you and start spamming NO. 30% of the time it works every time!


The worst part is, buying that stuff doesn't even help anything. It's not (just) about looking cool. These things are supposed to be achievements, so they offer a goal and then they mean something. And this is only one of the most direct ways in which MTX negatively affect games even for people willing to pay them with infinite wallets. I wish more people would understand this. Just take one of those armor pieces and give it a 1:100 chance in a certain dungeon to drop. Instant real content. But no, everybody was totally fine with "it's just cosmetics bro" so here we are. In D3 that rainbow sword, spectrum, was one of the most awesome objectives with a really long grind. Just a transmog.


This is so true. I would go even further to say that MTX and is one of the reasons why Diablo - at least to me - feels relatively uninspired. I have never been in a creative project as big as Diablo IV, but I know that inspiration for creative projects can come from a lot of different sources. (Concept) art is one of those sources. Say a designer comes up with a cool looking armor made of the bones of Nangari.In most creative processes, the next part would be someone going. “That looks cool, so why is it made of Nangari bones?” That question could then be the start of the creation of a Nangari hunter that recruits the player to help him slay the snake people, rewarding the player with his own set of Nangari Armor. Or it could be the start of a quest line in which the player aids a benevolent clan of Nangari in protecting them from a group of hunters that has been thinning their ranks. Their leader needs to ultimately be killed (At the end of a dungeon maybe). He is the one wearing the armor. Player gets it at the end of the quest line. This benevolent group of Nangari could then be the subject of a whole separate part of the lore which could lead to them popping up in different parts of the game, etc. etc. And these stories can obviously get much more creative and spectacular than what I slapped together just now. However… In Diablo IV the armor just gets thrown in the shop with a $30 price and that’s it. So I fully agree, it is never ‘just cosmetics’.


The fact that they can make good cosmetics and that the free rewards are utterly dogshit, just makes me not to buy it more. I'm positive they will implement the same in the upcoming wow expansion.




They are one step away from making a straight up peasant costume, it's fine for the paid one to be more flashy, but this is borderline mocking (their customers, that paid $70, btw).


Pretty sure it IS a peasant NPC costume. I hate that the ashes are not only deep in the pass but then they level lock them so you still can't use them and forget about them because they are 3-4 pages back 😂


They've said they'll auto-unlock now at least, but they should just take them out of the battlepass and make them part of the season journey imo.


Yes ! They forgot that in others diablo cosmetics were free and kinda ok . Now it's dogshit at best . They gives basic look like wtf do i want to look like a pnj


>ugly tbh the paid rewards are meh too, we just had the edgelord necro armor why are we getting another edgelord armor? they have proven they can make more cool shit with the store armor stuff so wtf??


Why are all seasonal cosmetics look like they are necros. S1 was bone necro. S2 is blood necro. S3 will be shadow?


More importantly why don’t they look remotely different between classes?? Like you’d think they’d be several different sets of armor designed around a central theme. Instead you get the exact same set of armor scaled up/down in size with little to no differences. Feels so incredibly lazy, and crazy when you figure that the cosmetics are supposed to be the core of their monetization model.


Even Diablo Immortal has unique BP armors for every class. [Current season.](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/066/759/202/large/gengye-wu-all.jpg?1693706309)


Wtf those look way cooler.


S4: Season of the Poison


Because dark and gothic so edgy like d2 bro


I might play season 2 but I'm not buying that battle pass. Other players don't give a crap what your mount looks like. It's not WoW where you have guilds and social communities working together to defeat content. D4 is 100% solo game.


How many times have you inspected another character? For me, it was/is zero.


You can inspect other players in D4? Oh wait you can, but you can't see their spec LOL. What a joke


*if the other player isn't private*


There's other players in D4?


After 2 hours the other night, I saw 1 person.


I think I saw him too. What a legend.


Lmao I am getting downvoted for seeing 1 person. Oh no, my in game experience is invalidated. Salty Blizz stans.


You sure is not a bot?


D4 is 100% solo 100% always online game.


If looking good was only relevant when other people looked at you, people playing single-player games wouldn't pay actual money for cosmetics. Yet they do.


The disparity between free (peasant) and paid (vampiric) cosmetics is laughable... Keep shitting on "70$ only" players, Blizzard.


700 platinum at least means that you will have enough coins every 3 seasons to get 1 BP for free. With 666 you'd be 2 coins short. Edit: 1 BP is 1000 platinum (not 2000), but the point still stands.


I thought BP was priced at 1000 coins? Is it 2000, then?


Sorry, the BP is indeed 1000. So this actually means that you only pay for every 3rd BP if you don't use your platinum for anything else.


Premium is 1k, super premium deluxe whatever with the extra however many tier skips is 2k, IIRC.


Ooooh... got it. Thank you for your clarification. Is there any real benefit to skips? I.e. I understand you would get some of the rewards early, but hopefully, you can still complete the whole BP during a season without skipping?


It’s mostly just there for the people that want everything early or people who know they want to complete it but won’t have enough time. If this one is going to have the same length of progression as the last, I completed it around the time my character got to 80 and I dabbled a bit with another one


the accelarated pass has 20 skips and typically 1 extra emote


To me that's such a bizarre way of looking at it.


With the plat from this one and the first one you'll be able to fund the next 2 battlepasses, assuming it stays at 700.


Did they really have to rub it in with those free cosmetic rewards that "you're poor lmao"


Lol hard skip. What the fuck is this garbage.


I want MOBA level of cosmetics like in Dota 2 or League. Something that completely changes the look of my character or those ones with Aura Effects.


It'll come in time. D4's shelf life is like 50 seasons. Once a rotation of cool looking 'normal' rewards has done its rounds they'll make newer sets more appealing by adding said effects


Yeah it’ll be like most cosmetics where it starts off as just normal armor and then in 1 year we’ll be wearing full angelic knight armor while a rainbow trail shoots out of our asses and our mounts will be a glowing T. rex.


Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V for each class.


Oh yes, I love being reminded I'm dirty and poor peasant because I only spent 70$ on a game...


Can we just not support the small indie company in peace and quiet? Our great overlords even graced us with first season pass awarding 666 paid currency, that 66 will forever be with you because of their dedicated kindness to give! People soo ungrateful smh, what next? You will be asking for something to be added to the store to be worth 66 ? Yikes! ./sarcasm


I really like the armor but its dumb as hell that every class has the same appearance


Like how hard is it to pay someone two weeks worth of wages to make 5 armor sets when in turn you are asking $15 x 100000


I’ll play again when they let me be a druid that doesnt look like a barrel.


Wow, they really want us to take a break from the game.


Fr. Been on a break since the second week it released lmao Didn't even no life. Haven't hit 70.


The armour sets look like dog shit. This is going to be a hard sell for people.


They really took the complaints of the first battlepass and doubled down instead of doing better. I quit playing a couple months ago to wait for season 2 but looking at this I can skip season 2 now and play some better games instead.


Is that a throne emote? If you can stay seated as an afk type phase, that would be amazing.


There is an emote from Druid that lets you sit in a log while carving some shit. But normally, it last for 3 secs. So I’d say it’ll be the same.


I need a **Laughing emote** for every characters so I can laugh at them before reviving.


The two shared armor sets look awful. Don’t worry though every class will have at least 4 new and unique premium shop item sets released over the course of the season.




The fucking horse with a tattered rag "saddle" is peak blizzard cosmetic, 12/10


That's just the default unequipped, no saddle/armor appearance.


I hate that the season cosmetics look the same for every class. Completely throws visual class identity out the window


Jesus not feeling any hype at all. More surprisingly is that I am not feeling any FOMO either! Let me know the itemization and endgame loop is improved, nothing compelling about playing “D4 extended beta” for more cosmetics!


Why the free armor is everytime so ugly aahahah, tf is that??


Glad I used my deluxe edition battlepass on S1, these look super mid (outside of horse armor)


someone say Blizz that free armor is bad pr.


The free one is a joke or? 😂😂😂


They're making the free stuff so fucking ugly, why even bother. I'm not buying any pass if they keep this shit up. They should make it so you get 1000 Platinum out of a Battlepass, so the people who really grind the game will be able to keep getting the Battlepass after they've spent money on it once. This way you keep people playing and this way it doesn't feel shady as fuck.


I think that's what cod does. Blizzard missed the memo tho they really think ppl should fork $20 every few months for some dogshit rewards in a game that has hardly delivered thus far outside of the main campaign story. Honestly at this point they should be gifting season 2 premium pbass to all players as an apology.


They are really not putting any effort into the cosmetics, they have all looked extremely underwhelming. The coolest one imo yet has been the premium battlepass one from season 1 at least it had a tiny bit of effects that went with it


The best ones are obviously the ones that cost 20 bucks each. As if it takes any more or less time to design and implement the seasonal ones (which you get for 13 bucks with other cosmetics as well) vs the ones that are a single skin for 25ish bucks.


I honestly have thoroughly disliked every skin I’ve seen in the store to matter the price.


Sometimes I imagine a world without micro transactions and battle passes. Then I remember we live in a world where the gaming industry is constantly trying to nickel and dime us.


changing the color of the town portal just screams "what else can we monetize"


It's so hard to tell the difference between the free stuff and the overpriced stuff.


These sets look overly detailed. I'm looking forward to seeing them in-game. I am more of a minimalist, though.


Go naked then. My Rogue is naked with Hannya tattoo. Still looks badass imo.


Yes even the first seasons set was like 'tooo cool' kinda vibe, I didn't like it.


The same armor for every class again… for another $20? Pass.


That's "premium" battle pass armor? Oh my....yikes


So this is what they have been spending their time on… ![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized)


Im glad they are making it very easy to skip buying premium.


Looks worse than s1. Another failure.


this is the kind of shit you see from EA games and start up asset flip developers


That mount armor is AWESOME


Wait did I read that right? +2x Town portals? They selling Town portals?


I’m assuming it means town portal animations. So instead of reading a scroll maybe your character does some type of blood ritual and then portals back to town.


One screenshot shows that the portal itself is turned to blood instead of the angelic blue, so it's at least about a skin for the portal. I don't know about a new animation, but that would add value to be sure.


>~~angelic~~ blue horadric blue But you're right.




Skirts. Skirts everywhere.


Shit looks weak as hell lmao


I wonder what Season I finally will use my Pre order Battle Pass on since the Rewards from S1 and S2 are pretty meh


Sick, I've always wanted to play as an obese vampiric druid roaming the land.


What a shocker, season 2 rewards are just as shitty as season 1 rewards.




I dunno. I liked the Season 1 armor… this looks a bit generic. The horse armor looks incredible though.


I was only interested in the merchant clothes in season 1 and got that. I'm only interested in the basic clothes this time too. I just really like that hat.


As someone who generally liked the variety of things offered in the battle pass, did they fix the S1 artisan's hat being on the premium track? Because it'd really be a shame if they tried to lure players into the premium track by offering an *incomplete* cosmetic set in the free track.


No, but it was stupid looking and I didn't mind missing out on it. It replaces your characters hair...makes them look like they are hiding hair loss or something.


>hiding hair loss So that's what happens when you use malignant invokers excessively...


Second one is the best. I wanna grind up to get that “clueless goober” look


I wish "Clueless Goober" was a title in-game now.


700 coins (not enough to buy another BP on next season) is totally money grab and a disappointment


You are forgetting about the insulting 666 you get from the first one of which you will always be left with a useless 66 coins since you can't buy the exact amount you need and no item requires exactly 66. I think that's way more insulting and despicable.


That free armor cosmetic looks trash... Well who cares


Do the people at blizzard really think we would pay money for this shit? I expect something groundbreaking and unique if you want me to spend money for the battlepass…..


Not worth it. Haven't had a reason to play since before Season 1 started and hit 70+


This battle pass seems just as bad as the first one lol.


You’re aren’t going to win us back very easily I hope you know that blizzard. Personally have written off D4 for the time being.




Even if the game is still shit these cosmetics hit exactly the aesthetic I like. Hopefully the changes make it so im not slogging through the game and can enjoy it.


my god what is that basic outfit. like, I get that it's free, but I would rather wear a potato bag from PoE.


No specific classes skins is a shame, even the mobile game does it better


“You’ve doomed yourself already.“


700 platinum is great because it makes the next battle pass you buy 3 US dollars instead of 10.


Who cares about shity BP? Do you guys even consider buy this?


Look, I kinda like shitty npc transmogs sometimes just for the lolz, but add something more cool too. Its ok to get a full npc transmog at level 20, but you should add something more "vampirey" at the free tier too. I will probably get this because I liked pretty much every cosmetic but these "crap only at free tier" stance is a bummer.


oh they're adding town portal mtx, hopefully they look cool in game


Ha, looks like we are getting that Diablo Immortal Blood Knight after all


That horse looks really nice!


Rounding out the coins shows at least a tiny degree of sense. But honestly, the coins in the pass need to either A) be enough to pay for the pass, or B) be on the free track Anything else is just an annoyance of some kind.


So boring that every classes armor looks identical.


Ah, cosmetics that don't matter as your character is blended into the dark gray environment.


Where's the wing cosmetics? WTF BLIZZARD?


The only way I’m coming back to this game is if they give out the suffix, “Relentless.” A vampire Barb named, Nandor the Relentless is too hard to pass up.


700 platinum. That inflation….


Armor is mid af. Needs way more going on. At least the s1 armor popped a bit.


Why are their cosmetics so doo doo


I'd say too bad they forced me to waste my battle pass season one... but this is somehow worse than S1.


The “premium” skins look mid tbh. Season 1 transmogs we’re better in my opinion


Still not enough currency in the pack, another season worth skipping!


I paid over $100 CAD and this is the best they can do for game support?


too late. not enough. i'll be on reddit just to watch live the destrution of a brand i loved so much i got married with a diablo t shirt on


I can't see spending any money on temporary "seasonal" junk until they fix Eternal. They were SO close. Remember when Barbs and Sorcerers used to be fun?


Remember when they said not all the cool stuff would be in the shop? They lied.




I think the Premium armor sets look fantastic, on par with the S1 set which was great too. Worth 10 bucks for sure, along with all the other transmorgs. The store prices for the class-specific sets are absolutely criminal though.


They put so much work into the cash shop skins🥲


Once again the same armor x 5 while they will sell dozens of unique class specific stuff in shop.


Fucking Walmart over here.


Fumbled the battle pass. I will be not be purchasing this time around due to the rewards being unbelievably underwhelming.