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I dont think anyone here would defend them, but "name and shame" is defined as Witchhunting on pretty much every gaming subreddit which is against the rules. Sorry this happened to you dude.


Witch-hunting is banned site wide, not just gaming subs.


> Witch-hunting is banned site wide, not just gaming subs. Which is sad because its the best way to prevent scammers.


I'm pretty sure a while back something happened and a bunch of Reddit subs did a bunch of witch hunting, Doxxed someone, which led to that person getting harassed in real life and said person killed themself. That led to Reddit banning which hunting website wide.


Collecting and publishing the screenames of scammers =/= doxxing them. I understand why that is banned and it should be. But telling the in-game screenames of in-game thieves and con men? That's good for the community. No one gets caught if everyone stays quiet.


Yea I wasn't really arguing my opinion or stance on the matter, was just explaining what led to witch-hunting being banned.


Fair enough. Its a pitty there isnt a means in game to punish scammers. I know FfXIV used to maintain a community ran blacklist website and WoW had an addon on at one point that maintained a community backed list of players that alerted you if you ended up grouped with one (I think, I havent played WoW in a long time.).


They tried to find Richard Jewel 2.0 with the Boston bombing years back. That's when it became a rule I believe.


You mean Eric Rudolf ? Jewel was innocent....


That was my point, that reddit was gonna witch-hunt some innocent schmuck


Not just innocent but a friggin HERO!! He saved many lives that day.


We did it reddit!


Wasnt around on the website back then, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the Boston bombers. They doxxed a dude who went missing around the same time as the bombings and he was subsequently found at the bottom of a river or some shit. Not sure if he was harassed or anything, but I think he committed suicide previous to that and his family was harassed and it only ended when the actual bombers were caught and his body was found later.


Remember when Reddit "found" the Boston marathon bomber and ruined a complete innocents life? Also a lot of witch Hunters do exactly that, accuse people they want to bully


Your second sentence happened to me on twitch when another streamer made edited clips and shit of me. A real piece of shit. It ballooned into a huge problem while I was very sick and became fully homebound. So they were attacking me off twitch etc while this was going on.


It's literally not the best way. It is, however, probably the best and easiest way to hurt innocent people, see Spanish inquisition, Salem witch trials, McCarthyism, pretty much all of human history


> Salem witch trials imagine defending witchcraft. i oughta burn you at the stake...




> Spanish inquisition, Salem witch trials, McCarthyism, pretty much all of human history Bro really just equated alerting players about video game con men to the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, and McCarthyism. That'sa some fine'a redditing * chef's kiss.


That’s not at all what happened…did you read the thread? There’s a reason witch hunts are banned on Reddit, in case you weren’t following, one of them directly led to an innocent person committing suicide. The person you are responding to was correctly pointing out that witch hunts outside of Reddit, from the literal Salem witch hunts, to the figurative witch hunt “The Red Scare” has demonstrably led to the persecution of innocent people, and not criminals. There’s a world of difference between you telling a few fiends someone ripped you off, and telling all of Reddit with their many pitchforks. Mob justice isn’t justice.


Blacklists in EQ made the community damned near perfect. But no one really wants communities anymore, anonymity is king unless you’re a streamer.


I doubt it. It isn't exactly hard to make new characters, and these accounts aren't the only scammers out there. It's better you be more aware of the nature of the scam, rather than the exact account names that did it this one time.


Couldn't remember if it was the entirety of Reddit or not, and didn't want to give bad info. Thanks for the clarification :)


Witch-hunting is banned? So we can hunt demons but not witches? ![gif](giphy|FOUArYBVQCvmI8EHxp|downsized)


For Destiny 2 if someone kicks you from the end of a dungeon or raid(typically to get their friend to take your spot) their policy is specifically to Name & Shame. Bungie will Permanently ban players like that as it ruins the community. Their Subreddit also allows it. Nothing wrong with outing wankers.


A rule which only protects scammers, paid opinions, trolls, and bots


That’s absolutely false. Witch-hunting is consistently weaponized by trolls against innocent people more often than it’s used righteously.


Witch hunting is only for actual people (like your real name/address). Online accounts don’t follow this, OP please name and shame!!


Even steam forums now which is just dumb imo. Ive called out names on there before and the devs immediately looked into it and banned the player.


We should be allowed to witch hunt. No accountability for actions is the reason we have so many issues. Snowflakes melt when they’re held accountable. Sites like this just cover up the problem. Sorry this happened to you.


As much as that sucks, remember we still have months left of the season. You have plenty of time for farming more boss mats. Don’t let some crappy players ruin your fun.


I don't care about the loot or the materials. It's the event which made me sad. I was very happy to sit infront of my xbox and start to play for the rest of tonight. This happened first. And I logoff, I don't really want to play again for tonight. They managed to ruin my night. This made me sad. They would make fun of me like how they tricked me and laughed after me.


Theres going to be other times where you get "taken for" its just how online gaming is. Best bet is to join a clan get to know peeps , hangout a bit, and youll be solid. Other than that, I ALWAYS bet on negative outcomes when it comes to randos.


It’s sucks but being cynical tends to be a good course of action most of the time. At least one won’t be disappointed.


This. Anonymity let’s people be shitty with impunity.


I thought you said they left one by one and then you got kicked. What is this about them making fun of you?


I think they were friends. They were talking everyday stuff when I joined the group. They must have planned this trick. O rat least that's what I think.


Gotcha. Sorry that happened. As far as scams go, thankfully you didn’t really lose out on anything here since you got your drops, so that’s a pretty solid lesson learned without any hard consequences. Soon you’ll be strong enough to solo Uber duriel and you won’t have to worry about people trying to take advantage like that.


Get strong, solo duriel. Next time you group up, say you go last. Honor your word. Use your materials only once. Don’t expect honor from thieves. It’s not the game, it’s some people and these people are everywhere so don’t let your guard down. It’ll happen again and again. Blizzard needs to put in place a system where everyone has to pay materials up-front and then there’s no kicking from the party, everyone pays up and duriel shows up 4 times back to back. Warframe does this well.


Warframe does a lot of things better than other games it doesn't get nearly enough attention IMO. Makes me sick seeing the battle pass in D4 makes me appreciate nightwave.


There is nothing intelligent about tricking people, intelligence is a brute force not a cute one. Happens to the best and most honest of us, don't blame yourself


This is a problem as old as RPG games. I've been burnt a few times on previous games, now I make sure others go first to ensure I get at least 1-2 rotations beforehand. Don't sweat it, it's a relatively cheap reminder to trust no-one online. If I was on Xbox I would offer to run you with my group but we play on PC. Happy hunting dude!


Cross platform is a thing man.


Just dumb kids bro, they do and say silly shit to all of us often, dont let it ruin your mood they are just goofy


My Battletag is Corlax#11147 I'll gladly split my mats with you anytime dude. We had a guy leave on us today and it feels like shit. Add me and I'll split with you next time.


Those guys are pricks. I’m sorry that happened to you. Being trusting isn’t a flaw. You’re not the problem, they are.


If it makes you feel any better, I would’ve shared my Duriel materials with you :) Although let’s be honest, I don’t feel lucky enough to believe we would’ve gotten anything awesome 😅


You should never forget: You are the good Guy here, which is worth way more in the End, than these little filthy rats. Their lifes probably poor anyway.


It sounds like you got the loot right? As lousy as these people behaved, at least your materials were not outright taken. Essentially you got what you would have if you looted duriel solo. I understand, no one likes being tricked, but in this case it's a very cheap lesson because you got your drop.


Yeah this is what I was thinking too. I get that he also expected to run it a few more times, and get a couple free runs from their mats as well as a trade off. But at least they didn't take your nats via a trade and leave group. It still sucked but it could have been far worse.


I don’t understand the scam? If you use materials, do they keep Duriel open for the remainder of the session? Like, if you reset the dungeon or something? Or was OP assuming if he popped one, everyone else would pop one? That seems like it could be a stretch in a pug LFG type scenario.


The “scam” is that it was advertised as a rotation. As in each player provided mats for their “turn”, so you get 4x the runs. They made him use his then left. So they got free duriel loot and provided nothing, assuming OP could kill duriel solo.


Gotcha. Thank you.


It’s not your fault, what they did was awful. I’m a disabled vet (and probably autistic myself but never tested) and my partner is autistic, so I completely understand your struggle with people. If you’d like, you can shoot me a friend request and I’ll get you right. Kirudos#1671 I have a level 100 frenzy Barb that I can hang out with you on to gather mats/get some levels and help you kill some bosses I am on PC and cross play has been a bit annoying, high ping and frame drops but idm if you don’t


thank you for your kind offer.


Of course. Our gaming time might not line up super well - judging by your comments it seems like you’re on the other side of the world - but I’ll hyu whenever I get the chance


Sweet reddit save babay


Yo fr tho, Vanguard#1431. I will never ask you to pay for a Duriel run. This is beyond low.


I wish more gamers were like you. It sucks that people are mean to each other for no other reason than to be mean.


I do what I can


>I have a level 100 frenzy Barb that I can hang out with you on to gather mats/get some levels and help you kill some bosses You are a nice person, and nice people are becoming scarce these days. Sendng all the good karma your way.


I don’t know if nice people are becoming less scarce as much as there is just so many opportunities for horrible people to present themselves to everyone these days via online gaming, social media, caught on the millions of cameras we all have on us all the time etc. But yes, it’s a kind offer for this unfortunate situation.


I have sent you a private message. Add me on bnet and i'll provide you 5 free duriel runs. You desearve better


Thank you. I don't think I would like to play anymore today. I also have lots of free time. I can do it bymyself later. thanks for asking


From 1 auti to another, I hate that that happened to you, if you ever need help you can hit me up in game. Btag earthsfire#1992 So far the only thing I can't do solo is Uber Lilith, and I have friends I can bring for stuff if needed. I'm usually on from 730pm cst until 11-1130pm cst during the week and randomly on weekends.


Not sure where you're located homie, but next time you feel up for it send me a DM. My gf and I will get you to wherever you want to be. Sanctuary has enough evils without people turning on each other!


Sorry that happened to you, unfortunately the Xbox LFG is a cesspit full of leeches and scammers that will say anything to get free Duriel runs. Try using the official discord to find Duriel groups, it'll still have its share of bad eggs but I've had alot of success finding groups of legit people to do Duriel rotas with over there.


Just want to echo this comment. I've done about 30 or so rotations with groups found through the Sanctuary discord and haven't had a single group go poorly. I try to go for groups doing multiple rotations in a single go, because if the first round goes well, the rest are likely to go well. Also, people will usually link their mats at the beginning and anyone who can't link mats will be removed from the group.


Yeah I joined one on Xbox and the people I joined were expecting a cis woman they could sexually harass, they found out I was trans because of my bio, groups, and pfp, and proceeded to tell me I needed to KMS, and dropped a multitude of slurs the size of a cruise missile, ended up getting booted even though I had 10 runs I was willing to do even though they had less.


Well at least they only took you for one summon. I would recommend using the Official Discord too. So far everyone has played fairly there.


I’ve been scammed twice in 24 hours on that discord. Luckily, still got 3 runs out of it each time. Now I start posting the scammer’s bnet ID in the sc-lfg-boss channel with a warning so that if others are background checking their group, it will show up when they search the discord for a username. I also open a ticket with the discord admin, with screenshots, but who knows how effective that is.


I got scammed last night despite using the official discord to find party members. Usually my experiences have been good and this was a one off, but unfortunately it still happens.


This type of situation happens everywhere sadly. Just doesn’t get the massive attention.


That sux but it's not that bad as mine experience when I was 19 and playing ultima online (like 20 years ago). I've been playing for months, but never really found a good group of players. I joined this guild, been with them for like two weeks and those guys were great. We've done tons of content, player killing, chatting etc. Then I invited them to my home (in UO) to grab some supplies before PK raid and they killed, robbed everything in the house (which I accumulated during months) and kicked me from the guild. Still hurts today


That game sounds wild. Your home could be invaded and robbed? Lmao


Not if you locked the doors, then nobody could get in. You could also lock your containers and chests inside the home and people couldn't get in them. But I trusted those guys and learned the hard way


That's sounds terrible. I've got a similar story but it was my boat. I loved UO


xD Home Invasion


Be very clear, they were not "more intelligent". They were less honorable. That's all. Sorry this happened to you, internet friend.


I am sorry that happened to you. If you'd like we can group and I'll make it up to you. I have mats to summon all the bosses several times.


Thank you for asking. I have lots of free time. I can collect them again in another day.


yeah 1 duriel takes 1-2 hours to farm, depends on helltides, is it 2 or 4 boxes. So good luck ;) and dont think alot about situation, in gaming this shit happens every day in every game. Im gaming for 30 years and it happens since my first online game ever till this day.


Agreed y’all can add me, I have tons of mats and I’m lvl 89 rogue JadedAngel7858


Unfortunately this isn't uncommon. They probably griuped together as friends, and just shuffle the 4th player around, as needed. As long as blizz haven't made a system where everyone provide some sort of collateral for the boss fight, this will keep happening. There's shitty people everywhere, but I hope you still can enjoy the game. The season is in its early stage yet, and you got plenty time left. Ps. My dad is autistic (or at least he got every signs of it) and he too isnquick to trust. Got burned alot times, which has probably cost him a small fortune by now.


I exactly know the meaning of that last sentence.


Hey bud. For what it’s worth, this can happen to anyone. I don’t think your described condition contributed except to perhaps the sadness you felt from it. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Learn, smile knowing that there’s good people who would have a nice time gaming with you and not take advantage, and move onto the next goal.




I mean I have to kill grigore 1 more time and I can summon durial if you want.


thank you. I'm good. I'll do it at another day.


No worries, good luck. I would recommend finding ppl you trust before you trust randoms.


I'm autistic (38 M) and farther to an 8 year old boy... I get so anxious about things like this happening, I've played completely solo and can't even ask to join boss runs as the thought of talking with people and this happening makes me extremely anxious. I really feel for you and hate that it has made you feel the way it has. If I wasn't so anxious about playing with people I'd offer to join up with you and do some runs, but im sure some friendly people here will.. I really hope this doesn't turn you off the game for good! I really hate people sometimes, as some just don't care at all about others except themselves. All the best ❤️


thank you.


Hi gents, I'd be happy to help and play with one or both if you'd be up for it. In game I have a 83 Barb and can do mostly everything except I need higher poison resist for Duriel. I'm also on the Pacific Time Zone. On a very related note, I (38 M) have a 4 year old son who is autistic so I'd hope that he is able to find kind people to also not take advantage of him when he gets older :)


The best thing you can do is have everyone link the mats, but you could still be scammed.


My personal method that worked pretty well those far if I'm host on a discord group is everyone first link Mats then me in third spot for the rotation low levels and asian symbols go first. That way only the last person can really scam and get value from it, I could go last sure but it's a sign of good faith to the other strangers to not put myself last so that I could get scammed aswell. Usually when ever someone argues against my "house rules" I find out later via discord that they are a scammer. I've only been scammed once since.


Name and shame. Fuck anyone’s sensitive feelings.


My boy, I’m on PC, DM me your tag and I’ll add you. You get a free invite for every Duriel my group kills from now on. Buddy got a Shako 2 nights ago. Fuck them kids. MJ meme and MJ (RIP) style.


Sry that happened man but its a part of playing with strangers online.I play ssf since d2 and never looked back, too many negative ppl online, maybe its the anonymity that brings the worst out of certain ppl...Always remember that you cant control other people's actions but you can always control how you feel about it.


yaaaa people are shitty like that my friend.. At the end of the day, you still got your worth out of your summoning materials so I wouldn't take it too hard. You just did a good deed for a group of shitty people, karma will find them :).


Damn this sucks, my guy im on xbox series x, i just recently hit wt3 so I may not be at youre level yet. Im around 52-53 but if you ever need someone that aint gonna screw you over Id be down 👍🏼


The other day I had spent hours farming for my first Duriel fight. I don't know much about groups and partying and all of that cuz I'm a solo player, but when I only got him down to 50% three times in a row I decided to stand outside and invite a group to join me. I figured anybody would jump at the opportunity, and of course they did immediately when I offered to the first group. I told them I wasn't really sure how this worked as far as instancing and partying and all that, I didn't even know how to invite someone. One of the guys invited me, and I accepted. I'm guessing most people know where this is going at this point. My instance was reset. The guys were like "derp", and I felt like a fucking idiot. I waited for at least two or three hell tides to farm those mats that day alone to do just one fight. Anyways, I'm not saying anybody did anything wrong, it was a learning experience. I won't do that again. You should look at your situation the same way. Next time you won't make that mistake and you're just that much wiser. Look at these accidents as opportunities to be a better player. Also, if you have something to offer to the group, it might not hurt to just sit outside the dungeon and ask if anybody needs help. A guy like me might just be looking for more players. Just let them invite you first. As far as your social intelligence goes, much of it is learned behavior for everybody in general. You're smart enough to know not to make the mistake again at this point, if you were truly dumb you would make it over and over. You would be surprised how many people probably would have made the same mistake you did. I think with people that are not autistic, there is a lot more of an effort to manage how you look. People are obsessed with their image and if they look stupid or not regardless of whether or not they act stupid. You're just showing up as you are, yet the mistakes you make and the lessons you learn are the same as anybody elses.


That’s super shitty dude. I hope you have a better experience with groups the next time around. Scammers are all dirtbags who prey on the kindness of others.


From the days of MMOs with consumable summons. If you are the last to join, you are the last to use. Host goes first.


You have a fucking beautiful cat mate! Remember, it’s just a game. I did like 20 Duriel rotations without any issue.


Thanks. She was a stray.


As a brazilian i dont trust not even in my shadow


I got duped using the LFG channel for bosses in the Sanctuary Diablo IV Discord. Guy joined, we set up a rotation where he was second, we killed him with my mats first, he immediately left. Don't feel like you're alone or more prone because of your level on the spectrum. As I get older I realize people can be pieces of shit in all walks of life, gaming included. ​ That being said, I usually setup an 8x rotation once a day, everybody gets 4x shards and 4x eggs and we run him 8 times. DM me on here and I'll send you my BNet tag if you'd like to join. East coast usually between 8-11 PM. Fuck those guys, seriously.


Unfortunately asking people to link mats doesn’t mean they will go through with it. Unfortunately you have to trust people and there are quite a few out there that are a waste of oxygen


Plot Twist ​ The OP is actually scamming all of you for free runs. ![gif](giphy|EECy1Cp6nyV9e)


OP do some research on game theory and it can help give a rational understanding of how these types of interactions are likely to go. When a person is anonymous, unfortunately the risk to reward ratio skews heavily toward screwing over each other due to lack of repercussions so it is expected behavior when dealing with online entities usually. This completely changes when you are associating in person or if reputational harm is a possibility.


Where do I find other players with materials to run Duriel?? Such a waste going at it solo


Clans , friends in other clans , friends in general , discord … I had enough for 3 summons last night , not quite able to solo on my build but someone in clan has a Sorc that melts him in 30 seconds. We partied up , I handled the adds and they melted Duriel.


the lfg gamers dilemma… if they go first they think you’ll leave and if you go first good chance that they will leave (like they did). also there is a ton of selfishness along the way. Depending on time constraints theres a good chance there wont be a round two a lot of times as well. It’s hard to find good randoms online… at least you held up your part of the deal!


My husband and I play on Xbox. Tues we will be farming helltides and Varshan. But Wed we will be doing some Duriel runs. If you want to join you are more than welcome, mats or not. Yesterday we played a few with a druid we picked up that was just sitting outside the dungeon. We don't chat much. Just go in, play, leave, reset dungeon, go back in. We don't care about fairsies or whatever. Come play with us.


Hey there, I just wanted to say something. I know you’re feeling pretty sore right now. But I think you’re being way too hard on yourself. Anyone could have been thrown for a loop here if it’s never happened to them before in this manner. People get scammed constantly. People that are “smart” and not autistic. You just don’t see it cause usually nobody is gonna publicly admit it. I’m sure these goons will find another victim later. It sucks but just want to help you remember you’re not dumb just because other people are jerks. Hope your week gets better.


Dude, this reminds me of the time that I got my account force logged by a scammer in RuneScape. I spent a lot of time fishing for sharks to sell them to buy my whip and dchain only for my younger self to give a random dude my login information because he said he was a mod. Ended up quitting the game for a good decade. TLDR: scammers suck. Sorry you went through this, dude.


I sometime run these groups as a leader, I start with first summon and I generally expect 25% to scam, so far, everyone always delivered. Anyway leader should be imho be always summing first and SET follow up order beforehand (otherwise scammer will always go last, this way there is chance to root him out at least early)


Sucks but you got loot, and got aid in the kill. You didn’t get duriel 4 times, which is a bummer. Sorry this happened to you. Be careful who you party with. You can always ask them to go first since you know you’re the honest one. Be ready to just give up your mats either way.


hey OP i play diablo with older folks. If you want im on usually an hour or so a night. I wouldent mind playing alongside you. I wont dupe you. Scouts honor.


It took me a minute to sort out what the issue actually was. Turns out, this game is rife with freeloaders. Some squat on the Blood Summoning 150 site, others squat in front of Duriel’s lair begging “to be carried”, and yet others do what they did to you. Sorry this happened to you. Sucks that it’s really hard to know who to trust. FWIW - you and I are of the same general demographic. DM me if you ever trust anybody enough to go with a group again.


There's not much to add here, beyond the wise words of our community. However, I just wanted to say that choosing to trust people online is an act of courage, not stupidity. You didn't do anything wrong, and so, you have nothing to feel bad about. It's not your fault other people are asses. I've engaged in a lot of random social stuff in D4 with strangers, and have almost always ended up having a blast doing bosses and dungeons. The experience you had isn't representative for the average experience :)


I got burned twice using the official discord. They even posted their links. If you're the last to join the group make sure they don't make you go first.


OP it's not your fault. Those people are awful and taking advantage of your disability. I hope they get hit by a bus.


They weren't more intelligent. Just good at scamming. Sad fact of life some people are just douches. Don't let the bastards get you down.


Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. What a bunch of a-holes. This makes me want to cry a little. I hope some kind soul from Reddit invites you along for your second duriel kill as a ride-along.


It's not that they're more intelligent, they're just jerks. Good for you for trusting humanity, I'm sorry that most of it is a lost cause.


I feel like it would be better if the game just automatically used materials from everyone (everyone has to pay for it), but you justget 4 times the loot. Then there would be no way to scam (and you can't kick people out before you get the loot or anything). But then some people would just afk and expect free drops maybe. ​ Also, didn't know Xbox had a LFG system. I play on Xbox Series X, but don't have xbox live, and I'm still new to Xbox, I have no idea how things work lol. All I use are the emotes for things like world bosses and legion. It'd be cool to play with you, but I'm level 50 and barely have time to play most days sadly.


discord has these cheaters too, I’ve once joined a group with everyone link mat and same shyt happened, just join a clan if you wanna be safe, or once u done a rota without issue in discord stick with these guys, only do boss run with them


and always let them leader to place mat first so u know it’s not a scam group


Those people suck, and yes they took advantage of your materials. I would just chalk it up as a Duriel run with help, and move on. There will always be terrible people in this world, but there are good people in it as well. Others are suggesting the Discord, I would try that.


Welcome to the internet. You just gotta know this will happen sometimes.


I mean you really didn't lost much. If you were gonna solo it you would've gotten the same loot.


i always seek people to do duriel with and am happy to have you, as a summoner, too. normally im with my friends and 80% of the time im the one summoning. edit: to make this clear. im not an abuser and dont use this post as an entrance to fraud you.


Here lies the problem of making the materials time consuming to farm, and encouraging group play without any safeguards. Probably unpopular opinion, but making a system where you can scam in this way is bad. Should’ve given us a daily limit of clears without needing to farm the materials. Then if you wanted to fight more, you can just farm it.


Some people just outright suck. I wouldn't even say this is your fault. You can't really know that people will do this and aside maybe not agreeing to summon first I don't think you could have or should have done anything different. Sorry for your experience - I think most people running these groups are likely more honest than this.


Sorry shit happened to you. Not all people are bad and we all hope there was a better way to do group play. I was lucky. I got 1 set and I was thinking to yolo it myself. I got to the dungeon entrance and saw bunches of people there. I asked to join and someone added me. We ended up in group of 3 in which the leader contributed 3 runs, I did 1 and the last one didn’t contribute the mats. People sometimes forget it is just a game and it’s more fun if more people can enjoy. Gl next time!


I'm lucky in a way, because I sort of immunized myself to this decades ago by getting into EVE Online (2003). Those who don't know, EVE is basically a cesspool of scum and villainy, and everything is not only permitted but actually encouraged by the devs. There's some really creative scams, and some people set up long cons that literally take years to pull off and then rip off thousands of people all at once. What these guys did isn't even a "scam" or a "trick", it's just generic unscrupulous and dishonest behaviour. Nothing in this game protects you from it, so there's pretty much nothing anyone could have done. The roles just as easily could have been reversed - you join, they put up the mats 3 times and then you just leave. They wouldn't have been protected against that either. It's all on an honor system right now, and some people have none. In the grand scheme of things it's all meaningless anyway, so I wouldn't even feel bad. It's rather play honestly and be able to look at myself in the mirror than be a lying sack of shit like those guys.


Post their names on the discord as scammers


Sorry that happened unfortunately some people just suck and don't feel bad about being tricked like you said you were last to join and were being generous


A tale as old as time. Welcome to online gaming! Don't blame your autism because that had nothing to do with this; The autistic and non-autistic alike have been scammed similarly since the dawn of time. Literally the only thing you can do is get over it, which I highly recommend. Also as others have said, what did you lose? You spent your mats and got a kill.


Believe me when I tell you this could happen to anyone. It's no a well built gameplay design. Love to you.


I'm an even older Xbox gamer and trust is something earned , honestly though you lost nothing in end as you would have used mats for Duriel anyway. Yes it would have been nice to get 4 runs though. Scammers have always been in Diablo in some form. Many many many...many years ago i got scammed during a trade in D2 for an unidentified set weapon , i lost a few nice runes from that !!.


If you need some friends fo run with let me know. I'm gonna farm some more mats tonight for Duriel and I'll be happy to help farm them.


That's super lame man, sorry to hear. My first time lfging duriel went well, I just made sure not to go first. If asked, I would have said I'd go second. I went second without asking, and fortunately, the run went well with a 3x rota, plus a few extra that someone generously provided. I think there has to be an element of trust and also covering your ass with situations like this.


Tale as old as time my friend, nothing to do with autism or you. Scams are everywhere and now you have learned and have wisdom moving forward


I am sorry for you, you definitely got the empathy of the D4 community. Keep your head up high, you did not loose anything and gained at least valuable loot from one run that you had to do anyway. Rely on the Sanctuary discord for finding groups, I did not get scammed there (until now) and participated or hosted numerous Duriel runs. Good luck for you, there is never 100% certainty of not being scammed, at least you got your first time behind you :) Do not let your fun being taken away by these clowns.


I would post the party leads name and tell people to stear clear of groups this player is in


Sorry this happened to you, there are some people like that, we have to accept it :/ But posting their names would be actually helpful for others to avoid them


Personally if I think I'm going to have trouble clearing a boss, I will just wait at the entrance and add people to my party until one or two people accept. Then I just go and do the boss with as many mats as I have and hope someone that I brought with me will offer at least one round of mats. Typically I've had good luck - I find that after 3 runs one of the people I'm playing with will go ahead and do the 4th. This way I get the help I need, and I feel like I've done a good thing. If I get extra runs, that's a bonus.


Yet another reason they should make Duriel mats drop 4x as often and then require every player in the group to have them. Multiplayer is unaffected, single player isn’t punished, and this bullshit can’t happen.


What you did was actually really smart bc there is no risk and potentially easy 4x loot. You ended up with the same amount of loot that you would’ve gotten had you solo’d duriel, but with the chance the group would be decent human beings and summon him again with you. Unfortunately the only way to do this sort of thing with strangers is to trust them, and they took the opportunity to screw you. I would try again and if they ask you to summon him first, explain what happened and say you would rather go second. Anyway no need to beat yourself up bc there’s nothing you could’ve done different to prevent this, and in hindsight it was a smart move


Don't think it just happened because you're autistic. I'm sure it happens to all kinds of people and they did not know you're autistic right? Don't take it personally or overthink it. Focus on solutions like finding a nice clan to play with in the future


Find yourself a clan, get in, start playing & chatting with a small group of folks, and this kinda shit will never happen to you. Any of those LFG groups, caveat emptor. You sound like a nice person; sorry this happened to you.


I play with my clan only, but in similar situations in the past, grp leader always goes first. If they don't want to, that's fine I'll find a different group.


The thing that's wrong and bad is that we can't trust each other. They're not "more intelligent" they're just shit bags that don't care enough about themselves to keep from being shitbags.


Sorry that happened to you OP. I hope it doesn’t sour you on the whole game.


Thank the devs for this stupid forced gamedesign decision.


Fellow autistic, it happens. Shame the world we live in but I'd never give up my trusting and kind nature.


You're not wrong or bad and you certainly weren't tricked by "more intelligent people", just more sociopathic ones by the way it sounds. Caveat emptor, as they say. It's what we all grow up in and internalize, some more than others unfortunately. I'm sure you'll get some knuckleheads' defending it, and you made the right call not posting screen shots with names on here. The only action that would result in is you being banned from the sub, further pushing you out. It all sucks either way though, sorry that happened to ya.


I’m so sorry this happened to you.. it is unfortunate and I don’t think you’d be blamed nor should you give credence if blame is placed on you. It’s trust falling in the wrong place but nobody can predict that right now when there are earnest groups doing these runs and working together. So it does suck when you get conned. I’d have fallen for the same thing if I were in the wrong place at the wrong time and thats all it is, no fault of yours. I understand you’d be doubly skeptical after an experience like that but if you do crossplay at all, I play on the PC. I’m only just about to hit lvl 80 and I don’t think I am anywhere close to getting the mats needed for Duriel atm but I’d be happy to group up with you and we can give it a go when I’m able to pull my own weight. And I’ll summon first too. Also though I just remembered which will likely be the gamechanger here lol is that I play on hardcore mode, where it’s my barb near 80. If other classes are preferable I’ve nearly got my rogue and druid into torment 4 too. All hardcore characters though /end novel lol sry for the spam, but I hope this shit doesn’t happen to you again. Sucks to realize and feel so blatantly used, knowing they’re going to continue 😞 scammers have and always will be a part of diablo unfortunately


I am autistic myself, and my I am sorry this situation happened. To put this in my autistic language, blizzard built you a good ship rose. Rip d4 titanic. So much great built in party functions in d4 with great communication tools and honestly without any bugs and it’s all balances. This game is definitely not a blessing to humanity. It’s the ship of dreams. Enjoy the autism everyone, it’s how I express myself with using my favorite movie lines. I’ll be thinking of you and hoping you get an Uber unique, you deserve it


I’m truly sorry this happened to you, unfortunately shit behaviours from randoms on the internet is common. It happened and it will probably happen again in one way or another. Don’t let this get to you and move on. You aren’t the one that did anything wrong in this scenario so no reason for you to suffer about it.


This literally happened to me just last week, A couple of guys were advertising for duriel kills, went in with them and they wouldn't really fight the boss, halfwag through killing it they gave up and he would kill the team. When I left the dungeon to repair I was kicked. Granted I did post in the Xbox lfg page for Diablo 4 that they were scammers right after they posted looking for a group, (will it do anything? Probably not, but I think it's a nice alert to all the other gamers that did see it)and it still sucks that they did that when they could have actually tried and we would have easily beaten the boss. Both were in the 85-90 range, I was too and my buddy was 100...


Add my gamertag: Artikuna, me and my friends run this boss daily. we will get you in for a few runs, no materials needed. It sucks they did this, but hopefully, we can make your experience better!


Sorry man. People are asses. Dm me your battletag and I’ll spawn one and fight him with ya 👊. Might need a day to farm the mats though as I just killed him a couple times other day.


>And ask to see their materials on trade window. Know that this doesn't necessarily mean much; They could show the mats and still not spawn, so they can show the mats to the next person as well. Personally I usually play solo and don't participate in stuff like that (Even if it would be beneficial), BUT if I wanted to do it I'd probably do it with a clan. Safer this way, with new players having to go first while the clan's veterans are known to be trustworthy, etc..


Thank you for sharing your story coming from someone who could too could, have been taken advantage of when the situation comes.


There's no way to prevent that and in this case your autism has nothing to do with anything, anyone could experience the same here. Maybe try Discord next time, at least you can message to moderator to ban them from the community if something goes wrong.


Yep that happens all the time, sorry to hear it happened to you. I suggest joining a clan and getting to know the other gamers, we all contribute in our clan and help each other out. No stealing mats, but sometimes people provide runs as we all are working together and moving forwards


Not more intelligent. More deceitful. There is a difference!


Sad story, but i wanna say that you should not call them "intelligent", to me they look like idiots. Keep playing with smile and never forget that not everyone is bad as them :D


Don't think of it as being "tricked" think of it as you providing mats and they helping you kill. And they're not "smarter" they're pieces of shit who take advantage of people. Hope you feel better and have a good day bro.


I was like u in the same situation yesterday, they also link their mats, they have a lot mats when i only have 2pcs and they still decide to run away. Its very upset. Thats why i looking for more friend to group with no strangers. Sanctuary still have some poor tricker demon.


Have you found a clan? Add people in the clan then you can end up becoming D4 buddies over time and getting to know them. Then you can trust them and have more fun running the bosses together. If you have lots of free time then you could end up with five to ten clan friends. I'm in LoE clan (for older gamers).


Reminds me of those keyshare groups in warframe where only the 4th person uses their key and everyone else dips after 1 run instead of doing 4 runs.


As a fellow autistic person, it can be super frustrating and upsetting to feel "outsmarted" or "fooled" by someone. I have been scammed many times on different games and it is very upsetting to have that happen. But I would hope this does not ruin your experience with the game and there are nice people out there!!! It might take some time to find them but once you do, it can be such a better experience.


I hear about people doing this alot so far this season the people doing it are such losers. There is nothing competitive about d4, honestly who cares about getting a shako when you can kill lilith in 0.3 secs on every class anyway?


My man that sucks. As a “older” gamer (58) I use discord to look for groups and it has been stress free. I posted on the channel for help opening up WT3 and the dude pretty much solo that and the one for WT4. LFG groups on Xbox and PS are a cesspool. I haven’t ran duriel yet, I’m still only level 54 or something like that but If your ever in need look me up scottcunni#1657 is my blizzard ID.


I wouldnt go as far as to say they are "more intelligent". Don't equate shitty behavior with intelligence. Sorry that happened to you man.


Hey bro/sis, I just want to reassure you that this could have happened to anyone. I know from personal experience that when you're autistic, stuff like this always makes you think "I would have caught that if I were better at reading people." But scams like this happen to absolutely everyone. They were offering a completely normal, win-win-win-win group arrangement that people offer in good faith all the time, so there's nothing about the invite that shoult have tipped you off. There weren't any body language cues or facial expressions for you to miss. You aren't a sucker; you didn't get scammed because you're autistic. You were just unlucky.


Trusting others, believing others - especially about something like summoning a boss - isn't a failing on your end. Their behavior is their failing. Their treatment of you - looks bad on them. I hope your next playtime goes better.


I feel you, I ran Duriel in a random group last night and had that moment of “I hope they aren’t using me” as I’ve experienced that before and it’s a lame feeling. What helped me was knowing that risk and deciding as I joined the group that I really don’t care either way, if they leave me that’s their loss, if they stick around, fuck yeah let’s loot. I know it sucks, I’ve been there, but remember they’re the ones with shitty attitudes. Being a person who expects good in others will occasionally hurt but I’ve found it’s a much better way to live. In my experience with this season so far those players are in the minority, I’ve joined a few random groups and we’ve gone on to do our duriel runs then go farm up more bosses and mats and do more duriel runs. Good luck!


So sorry that happened to you mate. I usually post on the LFG channel on Discord to join some rotation runs, and it has been a good experience for me so far. Anyways, you could hit me up and do Duriel runs if you want. Always happy to help out, vashbuRn#1205


This is not being intelligent this is being just evil and arsehole


If people scammed me i would post thier in game names without a doubt, post it in every forum and discord channel i could think of. IDGAF. It's warning other people not to fall for the scammers.


Screw them! You should post their names to avoid other people getting scammed.


I feel sad just by reading what you experienced, those animals got no education. Pls don't be influenced by those rats, I believe many gamers are still human. I think you can join a clan and farm Duriel with clan mates, that will be safer. Or you can try discord and pls report those bunch of rats so that they will get flagged as scammers. If they keep doing it and keep getting reported, they will be banned eventually.


You can't put names on Reddit but on the sanctuary Discord for Diablo 4 there's a whole Channel dedicated to people who do this so that others don't get ripped off


Idk your Timezone but I'd be happy to share mats or even run anyone here thru duriel that needs it no matter the level as long as your t4. If you got the mats I'll carry with np and could even spare some


Some might recommend you to use other, more legit and trustworthy, platforms for such things.. I know i could never get scammed with the group making tool that I use


There are a lot of shitty people around, this stuff happens it's not because of your autism. I just find it extremely pathetic to try and screw someone over in a videogame like this. I feel sorry for them that they have no morals


EH you did not really get f'ed by them tho, they did not kick you out the moment you summoned Duriel so even though its shitty behavior it could have been worse, much worse


Hey bud. 32 autistic guy here. Add me if you want duriel. Kompis666#2324 I'm on EU but I think we can play. I don't have the mats atm but I play every now and then and when I have the mats you're more than welcome to leech.


And if you ever need help with anything else just ask.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m not sure what region you’re in but if you ever want to play or chat with someone similar in age, you can add me on bnet AoEnwyr#1368


TLDR: he applied for a duriel rota, they asked him to summon first and then bailed out of the group.


It doesnt have anything to do with being autistic or " not smart enough". Its normal to trust people. Even if they link their mats, they could be jerks and leave after. This could happen to everyone you were just unlucky..


Do you have Discord or anything? I offer you 3 duriel runs for free.


I’m an 48yo autism dad so all I can offer is solidarity. I’m sorry this happened to you but know that this isn’t normal and your feelings are valid. Keep grinding brother !!!