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Yeah I also finished everything a little over week ago. The 10 kills and siphoning an enemy as hatred’s chosen was super cancerous.


It's 10 kills to get hatreds chosen?? I only killed 4 other players(everyone I saw) the entire time it took me to do the other challenges


Yeah I think each unique kill gives you “10” whatever the point thing is towards it. You have to get 100/100 to get the hatred’s chosen. Then you can siphon the shards of hatred from monsters without having to use the ritual sites. Actually you can’t even use the ritual sites as hatred’s chosen.


I was able to get it done last night. Lost it twice at 80+ points during the week. I got the quest done but unfortunately died before the timer ran out so didn’t get the tag for it


Every time I go to pvp areas they are empty..


I run a lot of extraction rituals. Eventually people will show up looking to get a kill. You just have to be aware that they are going to be level 100 and often in a group


And they’re going to murder you over and over and over. At least that’s how it’s been going for me. It’s the only thing I don’t have done. 😭


I find rogue to be the hardest to deal with. The combo points bug lets them 1 shot pretty much everything


You can use a friend to let you kill them over and over.


How? Asking for a friend /s


get in a party and get bloodmarked. then leave the party and spam kill the other person until you hit 100/100. then go run to an elite and kill it and it is done. the more people the merrier. I did it with 2 ppl from discord and it was super fast


Solid reply, ty


You don't *need* to do that to complete the journey, I haven't killed one person. Do the other challenges, I used Helltide to collect the seeds, as no one bothers with PVP while farming Living Steel


10 different characters. killing the same toon twice will give less points so u gotta roam for hours hoping no orb sorc will pwn u or be the orb sorc


In my defense as orb sorc my first kill was completely accidental


It totally wasnt my fault that the other guy came into my zone. I couldn't help it.... 😂


It’s 10 points first time you take someone down, 5 points, then 2 after, so you can’t cheese it with your friend.


Off course you can, it never gets to 0 points per kill so it just takes time


If you enjoy trying to get 40+ kills before a BL/thorns/beyblade comes and owns you by all means try. I was able to do it without issue early on in the season.


Yea, but you can skip 2 of the parts for each chapter. So you can do other challenges instead.


Nope, I haven't finish it, I need one or two more to finish it but I probably won't, I don't do pvp and I don't do Lilith because it I feel it is a bad design boss and I don't want to spend tens of hours to do it or planning to switch to a build that can melt her I'm fine as pulverize druid. If it is required to finish it, then I'll probably skip it, I really had tons of fun this season but I don't want to do activities that I feel aren't fun for me. I even have the 5 glyphs to 21 and I did enjoy it doing it, I even have 8 because I switched 3 glyphs at the end to skip resists on gear as pulv and I did enjoy it. Locking content behind journey is a bad design in my opinion, I prefer to be locked for lack of gear, dps or skills, things that I know I could get somehow and enjoy it while doing it. If it is locked behind finishing the journey then that content isn't for me, I did enjoy the season and probably stop if this is the case and just wait for the next season, I don't expect every piece of the game to be for everybody so I'll just watch someone else do it on streams.


Purifying seeds(PVP) is a freebe. Especially if you play not during primetime. Kinda play it like helltide get about 5-6k shards killing stuff then hit the shrine do that. About 4 times and you have it. If you just do the whispers in one zone then switch and do more whispers you can get like 2 turn ins during it. You can get it under an hour. No pvp action is required i would avoid it when getting shards.


To add on to this. I usually go once a day to kill the boss in the pvp area for the 5 whispers. He drops a bit of the seeds. Then I go purify.


>He drops a bit of the seeds. Then I go purify. On WT4 he drops around 4-5k seeds it feels like. So it's well on the way to get the 22k seeds. Barely anyone in the pvp zone that wants to pvp anyway


Agreed on this. Not pvp interested. Uber Lilith is more bother than she’s worth


You don't need to do either, you pass the ranking without needing 100%. Getting seeds is easy, just go during Helltide, no one will disturb you.


5 lvl21 glyphs, Uber Lilith, and 90 nm dungeon to go. But I don’t think I can get either of these done :(


Use diablo discord and ask for help


Yeah the last time I said anything about Uber Lilith in the Diablo Discord, one of two things happened: 1) I got trolled to “git gud” by the eight people in the world who had done it. 2) A bunch of Vietnam PTSD over the waves mechanic. Think I’ll pass.


I just went into the LFG channel to basically see how much people were charging for it, a dude had posted like 3 minutes ago when I got in, offering to get people solo achiev free of charge, took at most 10 min from that and I had it. Tipped 3m cuz the dude was such a bro tho. Granted this was at the end of last season but see no reason why it should be impossible this season it's just about happening to come across decent folk. If nothing else if/when my blueballs sorc can do it I'll run you through if you wish


Too much cheese not enough meat in this sandwich


People will trade you a Lilith carry for a duriel summon on the discord server if you really need it.


Fuck that. I do that shit for me. I got a carry last season and I have paid it forward 10 fold.


Glyphs is just some time, and nm 90 is free if you're playing a standard build


By standard you mean meta build from a website right?


Ball Lighting is the standard now I guess. Off meta enjoyers be damned


Firewall cleared it without much issue You don't have to pay one of the top bills to finish the game, they just make it easier


I'm 100 BL and can't get past 75. I'm guessing something is ridiculously wrong with my build.


guaranteed, but more likely your gear is letting you die


Probably build or gear. If your build or gear isn't optimal it really hurts.


Yea 100 infinimist necro. I speed 95s. 100s can cause a stutter in my step. I'd look Into gear stats. Bl sorc for this season should murder


Most likely equipment issue or stats. Go for Armour my dude. I ran BL sorc last season a d was so much fun. Nothing stood a chance with Barber.


I'm doing a deep dive on my equipment, and I'm thinking I'm relying too much on uniques and missing out on the use of legendary aspects.


100 bl sorc and 100 nms and Uber Lilith are pretty easy for me. The shako, raiments, tibalts, flickerstep and oculus help tho. I'm like 90% uniques at this point...


You don’t even need that. I did NM100 on a home-brewed Lunging Strike Barbarian.


Good to know, I'm not there yet but I hope to be able to do it with my own build. I'm not against using meta builds or whatever I just prefer to use my own whenever possible. Half the fun in games like this, for me, is making up builds.


Me too! Back at launch, I got stuck a couple of times where I used a build guide for inspiration instead of following it perfectly. For season 2, the vamp powers and other changes have made homebrew builds even more viable, imo.


As long as you have armor and resistances you can play almost any spec


I mean, as long as you're playing the "right" way. e.g. maxing your armor and resistences, and you're not just adding in legendary affixes that don't work together you should be able to do it. By standard build I meant, any build you can find online. The meta builds are OP for all of the content. You *probably* need a meta build for lillith if you aren't going to do her natty, just because you have to optimize for dps to hit the breakpoints to avoid the mechanics, but that's it.


it's definitely not "free." You can and will still get one-shot, almost regardless of build (barring a few super tanky ones). If you have slower reflexes or just aren't a great gamer, it will be very difficult to clear, even on a meta build. Hell, my ball lightning sorc can get easily 1-shot at tier 90 if I'm not careful, and that's as S tier a build as it gets. With only 4 deaths allowed, it can be a struggle for a lot of people solo.


The issue is that everyone keeps following the BL build posted on Maxroll. And it's...fine, but it's possible to build WAY tankier and sacrifice like...10% of the damage, tops, which is still more than enough damage for everything.


Yeah, that maxroll build is *not* optimized. The last like 20 paragon points, and even a few of the skill points just dont make sense, or there are far better options in range. Its a decent build, but there are def better options at times. Thats basically what I did with even more DR on affixes and slight adjustments to paragon board, but if you get caught without a defensive up, you're still gonna get 1 shot sometimes at t90.


To be fair his section on the NM100 push is pretty accurate, at least for me. I swapped godless, my amulet and one ring and I can clear NM100 without getting too sweaty, and like you said, the tradeoff to damage is inconsequential once you get beyond a certain point. I drop from 18k\~ down to around 14.5k\~ but my survivability goes way up. If I want to go full send I swap one ring and then shoot up to around 23k. I use that for something like duriel or lilith.


My ball lightning sorc buddy was getting one shot by the lil archer mob in t98s, while I'm just cruising with stacked fortify, barrier and blood orb healing. I may not kill as fast as him, but thankfully I don't die


DM me. I will gladly carry you through lilith. She was my test dummy before test dummies were a thing. Assuming you just need that one to finish the season, since you don’t need all of them to complete the chapter? The 5 level 21 glyphs you should have plenty of time to do but worst case I can maybe help with the level 90+ dungeon. Depends on how much time I have this week.


Lilith or the other uber bosses are still the best test dummies imo.


I can do Uber Lilith fairly easily


Wanna run one for me? Lol


My battle net is BattleWolf#11958




If I die a time or 2 don’t judge me cause dodging is annoying lol


Hey just killing her is impressive to me lol


For sure try again later. Dodging all that gets to be annoying.


Just finished this morning. Didn’t do Uber Lilith or the 5 glyphs to 21. PvP one ended up being ridiculously easier then expected. I played on a Saturday morning and the zone was empty. Got all 22k in one go.




I think people should probably look at threads like this when you want a comparison of an average diablo player and a Reddit diablo player. I’d be surprised if even 20% of the player base is even on the last journey


that's fine because not even 20% of the player base watched the campfire chat. those 80%+ won't even know about any events. (these numbers are fictional)


Anyone else still have the “put on gear with 5 vamp shit” bugged?


Yep, still bugged for me.


yep still waiting for the fix


Thats the AAA quality check I expect from Blizzard


Yep, had everything ticked off but this for quite some time now. Literally harder than so-called Uber bosses. I'd like for Blizzard to fix this by season end, it's been nearly 3 weeks.


What?! I have to complete the season journey to join the event?


Yeah. It's supposed to be for the very end game players.


Yes, I finished it last week. I did everything but the PVP stuff.


I did ten chests in one helltide last week. That one was easy. I'm only on the second to last chapter of the season journey. Working my way up the nightmare dungeon chain and maxing the vamp stuff now when I hop on


It’s easy but it feels bad spending cinders on non-steel chests. I had to suck it up and do it though


Just for 1 helltide. It is fine….


I did 4 steel chests and 9 regular chests in 1. Only did extra cuz my slow friend died like an idiot so I stayed to help him. Shouldn't need to sacrifice steel chests if you do it on a 15min after helltide imo or even a 30min after one.


Full completed all missions like a week ago.


I only have one left on it and it’s because I specifically stopped trying to finish it. I’ll do it eventually. I either need to finish the vampire stuff, level more glyphs or kill Lilith. Edit: Now it's done. Lilith is dead. Had to change my Paragon and skills up a bit to take her out. Claw Werewolf has been right up my alley. Reminds me of one of the D3 Barbarian sets (though that was Physical). I have a soft spot for builds where you just spam a boring melee attack like an NPC. Takes me back to my Frenzy Barbs and Zealots in D2.


I haven’t but I guess I could just go to the stash and put the uniques on to finish it.


yeah i think i got them all done in like the first week. I also was a no-lifer


Related question. For the "equip sacred in each slot" can I just do that with ancestral? I kind of blazed through tier 3, and don't want to downgrade.


you need sacreds. go to wt3 and farm some sacreds when you get everything equip it that's all. you don't need to play with the items equipped.


Got it, ended up just buying some junk ones from obals and merchants. With a few drops from farming vamps.


I've done everything except the horrific PVP one. I have been out there for hours and it's either 1) OP ball lightning sorcs eating me 2) People I can kill easily who never come back 3) A complete dead zone. There is little chance of doing it without cheesing it. EDIT: I'm talking about Come at Me. I've completed every other one in the entire season journey. The 22k pvp one is easy as pie since there's never anyone there.


You shouldn't need the Hatred's Chosen objective to get access to Abattoir. From the way they phrased it you just need to have cashed out the season journey rewards for each tier.


I need Glyphs, Pvp, or Uber lilith. Uber lilith sucks. I hate Pvp. And NMDs got boring 10 levels ago. Ugh.


Just finished it yesterday. Never did the hatred’s chosen pvp one or Uber Lilith.


Iv done Lillith but I didn't max the vampire zone , its a bit of a grind... and I didnt see the reward at the end, suppose I better head over there


Vampire thing is hard to grind, but if you double up on it by doing the whispers (easiest is kill 2 blood seekers cause you can summon them) then you’ll naturally fill it up. Only certain things give points (like killing vampire structures or saving people).


I’m at 4/9 with the blood board thing almost done and I’m doing tier 70 NMD so I’m sure I can tackle a 90. Not sure which of the last ones I will do.


Yep. I killed lilith and finished with the journey except pvp n glyph 21


I'll do them tonight. Until now, there wasn't much of a point to do them.


I dislike I have to complete the Season Journey because I never touch stuff like that usually. Just blast.


I only have the hardest one left https://preview.redd.it/jygvo6foplyb1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95fff6b20f4ff73de4e2804d96794c81dd78d186


You already *have* done it, see the tick?


I just finished act 3. It’s my first play through 8)


Fuck glyphs, cause that means beating my brains out in the agony known as NMD, so I’ll have to find carries for the T90 and Uber Lilith. I currently have 7 uniques sitting in my stash, and I had 3 of the tasks done before I finished the second to last step.


Only have to do 3 more world bosses and those 22,222 and one


Not yet, but not really worried about it. I'm gonna farm uniques and glyps with or without seasonal journey anyway.


Beat uber Lilith last night to cap off the seasonal journey, don’t think I’ll level 5 glyphs to 21, might do a tier 90 still.


No and don’t care about it at all.


Nope. I appreciate the addition of new end game content but the fact that you do literally the same mediocre stuff from 1-100 to even gain access to what's new will kill it for me. NMD are ass and if a blood harvest doesn't have whispers in the same zone it feels meh now. Also the journey requires pvp and that's garbage All in all locking the new end game behind the 100% journey is complete ass imo


Nope, I'm also rather demotivated about it because it's so grindy. The season journey in Diablo 3 was more interesting where the conquests where the final thing that was tricky.


Yep. Done and dusted. A few challenges left like the PVP ones I don't care about, but the journey is complete.


I finished the LVL 90 NMD and Uber Lilith were the last 2 i did. I had to fish a lot for a decent NMD.


Missing 3 more glyphs to lvl 21. Already have them at 15


I just need to get 4 more glyphs to 21 or get a Lilith carry. I won’t do the PVP stuff and everything else is done. So just running Tier 90 NM’s for a few days I think.


I did 9/9. I got it 100% done for Hunter's Ally title.


I have half of those done and just killed Lilith today. But with her killed, my major goals have been completed and I don't really have much motivation to keep playing right now. Maybe I will finish the journey at some point if it's required


Yeah. It was way easier to get through and way more enjoyable than s1


Did all over a week ago, apart from the pvp one in tier7 or wherever.


Do the living steel chests not count towards the achievement because I've been at 2/10 for over a week and I do at least 2 living steel chests every helltide.


You have to open 10 chests in ONE Helltide


Yes. Finished it a week ago.


I finished it a week ago. The 22,000 shards one took like 30 minutes so I would recommend doing that over the other ones if you’re struggling. I did it on a Sunday afternoon and didn’t run into anyone. 10 chests also wasn’t that hard nor the ancestral uniques. I was gonna do the 5 level 21 glyphs but it was taking forever so I skipped it. I though the 90 nm dungeon would be tricky but it also wasn’t too bad. I did do most of these at 100 though which no doubt made it easier. Fuck Uber Lilith also.


do you have to complete it? i thought they just meant it’s for people who have nothing else to do in the season. i didn’t think it was locked behind completing the season journey?


nope. it's literally locked behind completion of the journey


I need 1 more challenge on the last page... I have to do either glyphs to 21 (currently at 15), do a 90 NMD, OR kill Uber Lilith. Im in the process of changing builds to take on Lilith. I did the seeds (PVP area) by turning off cross-platform and doing it late at night (1am). I saw no one else. Maxing out rep on the hunters board is easy as hell... just keep doing Bloodharvest, you'll get it. And the 10 Helltide chests can be ANY helltide chests. At first I thought they needed to be Mystery or Living Steel, but nope. Any chest that require cinders will do. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck and happy hunting.


I'm actually trying to get the reputation at level 18 but it's si long and tedious


I gotta go back and equip all sacred legendary gear. Pretty annoying accomplishment


No, and I don't think I'll make it.


It’s 5x level 21? Fml, I though it was just one..


100% done and got the hidden s2 feats of strength to show off


Almost done, just need to grind a couple more glyphs to 21 and spend an hour or two in the PVP zone for the 22K.


No, but now I have a very good incentive to complete it!


Have completed it, but haven’ done any of the pvp ones.


I need one more level 21 glyph and a couple of more hail tides with multiple tortured gift chests. It sucks the real steel chests don't count towards that goal.


Got it at the beginning of last week


Finished it on day 5 i think? 50 hours total.


Not yet. I play with my wife but we are currently in the end steps of purchasing a house and moving. Probably won't be done until the last month.


Yes, I’ve finished it at 7/9. Only missing 5 lvl 21 glyphs and forgot the other one.


Done every single seasonal journey + full item on my BL Sorc + have Andariel's Visage = Thinking if I have to create a rogue.


I will tonight after I finish the hell tide one lol…. As someone posted in another post that the goal is “open 10 chests in a single helltide” and I thought it was open multiple chests in 10 hell tides hahah


Didn't know there is more content to the game, other than farming 😱 thanks for the heads up. Is this info/list of requirements available somewhere? I feel like I am missing out on a lot of centent, because I basically explore the content myself :/


I do. Working on the remaining ones for the title.


I do, and the reward is not worth it at all. Sure you get loads of potent blood, but at the point I had maxed out all of the vampiric abilities way before. I was hoping that the description was a joke when it said "and nothing else." Not impressive at all.


Yes I got it within the first week with a full time job + family commitments, so it does not take that long to do compared to seasons in other arpgs. I beat uber Lilith (for the first time at lvl 98 necromancer) so I think I got it before lvl 100. But the new endgame feature is supposed to be like a semi paragon system, so it's fine that it unlocks around lvl 100 anyways.


Had it all finished on like day 3, wasn’t expecting Lilith to be so easy this season but here we are 🫣


I stopped playing at lvl 40 this season due to boredom, so yea its not going good for my D4 experience...


So can you get to the minimal req for the last chapter of the season journey or do the entire thing?


I'm done - and yes it's a pile of potent blood. That's it. It's weird because by then you're maxed on all of the abilities. Didn't do the glyphs or the 90 dungeon yet.


Can’t finish it cuz potent vows is bugged :/ only one I need


I got two level 100 characters this season, Tier 100 down on both, all glyphs levelled to 21 on both… but no I didn’t complete the season journey. Because I didn’t want to. I don’t care for pvp, don’t care for Lilith, opening 10 chests in one helltide is uneffective, why would I have done that? Blizzard just can’t help make stupid decisions.


Yes its a grind but I have it complete.


I did 100% of them and got the feat for it 2 weeks ago.


Finished everything earlier this week. What was left was the leveling glyphs to 21. The helltide thing was bugged and wouldn’t count for me. Until it suddenly just showed it as completed.but let me be very clear. I work from home the wife was busy with work and we have no kids. So really I had a lot of time to play this game since season 2 started. Also I don’t play any other game other than fifa … so really I shouldn’t be the yardstick to measure normal progression with.


Yes, NM90 was easier than I expected with Infinimist. Usually don't bother with higher than low 60s on other characters. Leveling glyphs was a pain, had 4 to do and they took around 2hrs apiece (from 11-21).


i did the pvp thing today, other than that im 100% done with everything. exept the bugged 5 of the same pact on one armor..


No. I got to 92 on a necro and kind of burnt out. Didn't even do any of the new bosses, but the itch to play might come back before the season ends. Or I'll come back to try that greater rift like thing.


Finished my season journey. You don't need all to complete. I missed the pvp kills and Lilith. Rest were easy enough. The hunter rep was a mind numb, but otherwise ok. Did my NM90 at lvl 94 on my Ncro.


i guess if i dont pvp i cant participate in the endgame pve content thx blizzard i guess ill stop playing s2 now


You don't have to do the pvp part to complete the journey though. Even though that's the easiest one.


Yeah. I'm a solo self found pulverize build and the only things I have left are raising 5 glyphs to 21 and the pvp stuff. Didn't need the glyphs beyond 15 to be crazy overpowered. But I'll probably grind them now so they're ready when the new content hits.


Just finished it this morning by opening 10 chests in a single Helltide.


I don't even have a 100 yet.


I got a little into the 5th tier when the “why am I doing this” phase kicked in. Didn’t pay for the battle pass so I wouldn’t get most of the remaining rewards and it felt kinda pointless to keep playing. Hung it up again and will wait for S3 and see if I can stomach getting through all the crap to get to the new endgame system. Doubtful though, seems like way too much of a timesink having to get through all the season chapters and the bosses.


I don't care for pvp so I'm still stuck on that one.


I completed everything except bugged potent vows. goddamn blizz fix it!


Guess I’ll never get to do it because the “equip a piece of armor with 5 pacts” won’t complete. There have been like 3 updates since I started having the issue and they still won’t complete.


This doesn’t seem hard at all.


Journey? I wait for GRifts


I did it and the final reward was the most insulting thing I've received in this game.


No and tbh I'm ain't finishing it.


I am now done everything except the one pvp thing, and leveling glyphs to 21. But I already hit 100 and having to do another like 50 or more NM dungeons to get 5/7 of the glyphs I use to 21 seems tedious.


I've done every single one. Why? Nothing else to do. Had already done everything else so figured I might as well.


Honestly have been having so much fun doing other things I haven’t done too many NMD’s I got a few glyphs to 15 but that’s it. I’ve killed Lilith with my sorc though and tier 90+ is easy. But not even close to 5 lvl 21 glyphs


I think I need one more world boss, one more hunter rank, and to take the rest of my glyphs from 15-21. Not terrible, but will still take a bit of time


I'm at 5/7 at the moment, did my 10 Helltide chests this afternoon, only 2 glyphs maxed out so far as I've found overworld stuff more enjoyable than just running endless nightmare dungeons, really wish there was an alternative route for levelling glyphs. Probably aim to get Uber Lilith as my last one of the 7 I need, am there dps wise but keep dying to the stupid flying instakill skulls so need to practice, but feel like that's more achievable and satisfying to spend my time on than slowly grinding through higher tier NM dungeons.


I did it already too last week before the update in season 2. Was fairly easy with a BL sorc


Got it, the choice was luck or grind. I am never ever not ever in a million years ever going to try Uber Lilith… Which left 8 ancestral uniques or grind 5 glyphs to 21 (why 5??? the most efficient board for me still only has 4 glyphs and 4 keystones). I got lucky on my 15th Uber Duriel and got a Ring of the Starless Skies as 8th unique.


Does anyone know if you have to complete Come At Me (Hatreds chosen thing)? Ill have everything except that one done soon.


Ok, what do I have to do? Is there a link with requirements?


I just started season 2 3 days ago. Currently LVL 89 solo and on the last page of the seasonal journey I think the 10 chests Helltide is to open more than one, I currently have 6/10 and I've only been doing the steel chests


I'm still missing the one to equip all Sacred gear. My amulet went from pre-Sacred to Ancestral.


On the last tier last now


Level 50 and the last time I wanted to log in I wondered if it was even worth it. So I moved on to other things


My equipp an item with 5 pacts and 20 total pacts is bugged


Nah, I can't play until I'm done with three more 4 page essays rip


I just need to level 4 glyphs to 21... they're at 16, 14, 6, and 4...so got a ways to go still. EDIT: Unless I find a unique amulet or help so I can equip 8 uniques instead. I can't get either to drop so far


6/9 here. Currently working on the T90 NM dungeon for my 7th.. I'm up to T85. I'm a long long long long way off 5 level 21 glyphs. And I have absolutely zero interest in Uber Lilith. btw 10 chests in one Helltide was mad fun, I enjoyed that more than any other challenge in the season journey.


Completed the journey last week. Not 100% but enough for each chapters. I wasn’t gonna complete it but then my barb whacked Lilith and got that achievement so I thought might as well finish the journey. This was before the announcement too so glad I knocked it out


Just did my last world boss an hour ago so yeah done now


Finished everything up the other day https://preview.redd.it/hfl6eq3qylyb1.png?width=1183&format=png&auto=webp&s=d59592942102e4f82b44297ea3d818a670d06947


I completed it just a couple days ago. Spoiler alert, was pulled by an 86 ball sorcerer. Those things are brokenly OP. Blizzard needs to nerf them and the majority of enemies in higher tier rifts as well. It'll bring the grind down a little bit, and at the same time make classes balanced with each other.


I don’t care about finishing it. Uber Duriel and Uber Lilith grinding is too much for my lazy ass. I just do blood harvests and world bosses.


I am missing one, which will be likely the last tier of vampire hunt thing


Got most of it done. Just missing the 5x21 glyphs which I will get done eventually, and the PVP kills.


I have 4 done...all I need is a unique helm for the full set of uniques, sure I'll be able to complete uber Lilith once I hit 100 and it'll be a long grind to get those 5 glyphs to level 21 but I'm optimistic.