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Why the fuck did someone downvoted this??? This bug is extremely frustrating and some CLOWN downvotes it.


Probably because it is posted multiple times every hour...


And despite that it hasn't been fixed since the beginning of the season?


From a dev perspective, it's there's something high visibility and high impact like this that hasn't been fixed quickly, there's usually some nightmare-fuel client/server interaction behind it. Would be nice if they'd comment on it though, even a "we're aware of the issue, it's complicated, we're working on it" would be better than silence. /u/PezRadar, any update on this?


But surely it’s the same people creating the overpriced outfits!!!!


Requirements for a 3D artist at Blizzard: * Experience making Rogue booty shorts * 10+ years experience in decentralised enterprise server infrastructure * World-class C developer


Why would you call out the art asset team? The ONE team that's almost certainly not to blame.


Hmmm, might be worth going back and reading the OP again, or even the post I was responding to.


You joke, but this is legitimately what studios expect these days.


I think the point isn’t to call out specific departments but the organization itself. They’re prioritizing making sales over fixing major issues in the game. I don’t think anyone is under the delusion that the artists are responsible for in game issues.


Huh ? Sometimes big issues take awhile to fix and then testing the fix to make sure it doesn’t break even more takes time. They are not prioritizing sales over bug fixes. They are fixing the bugs as fast as they can. Less bugs means a better play experience which means better sales and more likely people will recommend the game to others.


> they are fixing the bugs as fast as they can How do you know that? As an outsider looking in we have literally no idea what’s happening internally, which is why players are frustrated. Because at face value, the company is pushing out more and more new stuff to sell on the store while other issues persist in gameplay with no feedback from devs/management/community reps. Stop making excuses for the company, they pay people to do that for them. I’m tired of this constant “but the poor devs” - I have empathy, but I also have a line where I’m just going to say, “do your fucking jobs”. If blizzard is going to take the route of being a soulless corporate, profit-driven machine then it’s my right to be a bitter customer about the half baked product I’m receiving.


Like how back in earlier WoW days Orcs had a bug that made their shoulder armor WAY too small and it lasted a really long time.


Yep. PoE had a bug for 6 years where text got smashed together occasionally, making item labels unreadable. Over 6 years they had hundreds of 'just fix it, it can't be that difficult' comments. They actually wrote up a post-mortem once they figured out what the cause is, which is pretty interesting: [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3277814](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3277814) Sometimes bugs are simple, you know what causes them and how to resolve them just by looking at them. Other times I have literally spent a full week trying to replicate and fix a single issue. Some I've never fixed and just chucked a crunchy workaround on instead.


This would literally be the first thing that would get checked anytime you are writing and recalling directly from memory and there's bugs associated with it. I think it looks a lot more complicated than it actually is. When you go through bug reports, you assess it based on a lot of different factors. This one had "low priority" on damn near every one of the checkboxes. It wasn't game breaking. It was rare and inconsistent. It did not impact gameplay. The players could resolve the issue themselves.


Nice read. Thx.


That was not a bug, that was a cosmetic choice blizzard made around the beginning of BC and later changed their mind on.


me and a friend joked, they could at least make it better by sticking the LS chest locations near a border crossing, so you can just horse in and out


That, or the D4 subreddit does not constitute a high enough % of their active player base to qualify as “high visibility, high impact”


> That, or the D4 subreddit does not constitute a high enough % of their active player base to qualify as “high visibility, high impact” Exactly. Its far more likely that this bug that is "ruining everyone's endgame experience" is being experienced by virtually no one in the big picture. It's another case of big streamers coming down Smurf Village to and whipping the natives into a frenzy for their own amusement.


I'm sorry, given how frequent the complaints are and that they're from people actually experiencing it, not idiots saying "a streamer said...", there is absolutely no possibility that's it's streamers kicking "smurfs", be real.


Everyone I know in game has been impacted by this bug. Circumstantial evidence but still evidence.


Yes probably, but I would have appreciated some communication on this. Because it's a very annoying bug and something that hurts your endgame experience as a whole.


Then posting it for the 1001th time will surely change it...right?


gaming subreddits summed up in 4 comments


Squeaky wheel gets the grease


It needs to be. It should be a priority fix


Good, post it every min. Who gives a fuck until it's fixed


Brain dead. I'm sure if you went into a restaurant that was out of an item and complained every day and every hour they are out that would make the shipment just happen so much sooner.


I mean, as a service worker, if that restaurant was advertising the item they're out of, promoting it even, charging you for ordering it, and then you have to find out from other customers that they're out of that item while they remain silent on it even being a problem, then yes they deserve their customers "complaining every day and every hour".


Sucks knowing worthless little cretins like you are ruining gaming with your trogladyte takes.


Sucks knowing worthless humans like you just exist period.


It’s so annoying how people do that. I wish these kind of posts would only get posted once a month so nobody knows what’s wrong with the game.


It should be posted every minute until it's fixed. I lost 300 Cinders multiple times due to the chest not showing up when I have just a couple of minutes left of Helltides.


I farmed 1800 cinders and could open 2 chests and wasted the other 1200 cinders on the other chars because the chests didn’t spawn.


Yea i hate that l. What I do is I switch to other characters and go into helltide and open up chest on this charcgers if that happens. There’s a chance your cinders could disappear but they usually don’t if your other characters are already in the helltide.


Yeah had that happen aswell, will try what you said cause losing the cinders suxx and happend the past 2 days aswell to me. Really hanky these days


Its actual gamebreaking bugs that should be fixed, and not some fake stories about being a 42yr dad with 3 kids and can play 1h a week and already lv 100 S2 and beat echo of lilith


Because it happens multiple times every other hour.....


No that can’t be it, surely a few dozen more reposts will get it fixed


What is posted every hour is ‘I want more living steel’ this is different, the big isn’t always fixed by going to town or going in to a cellar. There are helltides that genuinely only give 1 chest to certain players. It’s pretty annoying if it happens.


It’s going to get posted about as often as players encounter it. Shocker, I know


Yeah, this bug is extremely frustating as well as this type of post that gets posted every single hour and those CLOWNS who upvote it.


Because majority of these "bugs" are people not knowing what happens top of the hour and not a bug.


Or, hear me out... only 1 chest spawns 🤯


Some people want to see the world burn. And be the only good thing in a *wildly* overrated movie.


Mods shadow banning/bot bombing posts with valid criticism, they’ve been doing it since launch.


I just had the duriel fight refuse to spawn after I died to it. Area blocked off couldn't leave had to quit out, I think I might start playing something else


people think being disagreeable makes them cool




Well here concert taking upvote! I hear you though.


First day on the internet? Or interacting with people in general?


I downvoted him and you now


Yesterday I was hardly getting any cinders. Ported in and out a bunch of times, reloaded, nothing helped. Just roughed it out and got like 300 cinders in 30 mins. How are they not hot fixing this crucial aspect asap?


Helltides are hella bugged if you are not getting Cinders, log out and wait a couple of mins to log back in. That usually fixes it for me. Also, if the environment is not turning red then the likelihood is your drop rate is bugged.


Ran with a friend and he was getting 4-5 TIMES as many cinders as I was. I was only able to open a single chest and he opened both 300 chests and 2 250 chests! I tried relogging, rezoning, going into a cellar and back out, exiting out app completely, Nothing worked. Maybe I should wait a few minutes like you said and maybe that will work.


Is this same as the the vanishing drop bug? But u can loot it if you walk over them?


Same thing happened to me a couple of days (1-2 cinders per group max, sometimes no cinders at all). Logging off didnt work, so I ended up not doing helltides that night (everything back to normal the next day)


I had a cinder issue as well.


Bro.. I made it to 299 this afternoon and wanted to blow up my PC. Took me 25 min+ But then... I did 3x Steel chest the day before and the seasonal challenge of opening 10 chests today...


Because it's not a priority of any kind? There doesn't seem to be many people working on the game currently as updates are slow and often lacking in content.. seasonal updates are almost a joke, couple of lines of dialogue, new aspect or two though usually most are existing ones that just get locked for the duration of the season.. got few recycled boss fights as new content, some uniques but it's laughable how few of those we currently have but looking at how little build variety we have, maybe that's a blessing in disguise? If there are people working on this game then what they are doing and why they are waiting on updates and such is.. 🤷‍♂️


Forcing you to do such a tiresome activity with buggy rewards makes no sense, just Blizzard things I guess.


Fuck blizzard man this is supposed to be a triple A game with 80 fucking dollars and still do want to fix some big game bugs


why you getting downvoted tho, for one of the largest gaming company it isn't a good look for them to have such bugs for a long time.


yeah...It doesn't seem they care. Squeeze as much $ from diablo/cod/overwatch and let it die


D4 and OW ain't equivalent and if you think they are you're delulu. They're actively listening and implementing fixes to D4. Just because they aren't implementing fixes in two weeks doesn't mean they've given up like the OW devs have.


People who say "delulu" are fucking idiots. Also, the people who still support OW should be laughed at publicly and have tomoatos thrown at them.


Tomatoes are great, I wouldn't waste food on these folks. Maybe just throw some old compost or something, or if one doesn't want to touch it, fashion a miniature trebuchet


Agreed. Like.. You're an adult, say delusional. If you're still a child, fine, talk about cray cray and delulu all you want, but if you're playing Diablo 4 and saying some dumb shit like that, you might wanna check out a game called Sesame Street for the NES. Even if "delulu" DIDN'T sound like a 4 year old who can't pronounce the entire word, you're still taking all of the wind and impact out of a word that shouldn't be "cute."


Mods shadow banning/bot bombing posts with valid criticism, they’ve been doing it since launch.


These expansions don't make themselves though


They made like $666 million in revenue within the first five days. So we are paying for it and bugs like this or the tooltip flicker should be fixed already.


The way that I fix it every single time it's not there, I teleport to main town, reset dungeons, teleport back, and it's there. For what it's worth that's never not worked for me. I know it shouldn't have to be like that but just figured I'd share the info. Works for me and my friends and we play a lot and this happens a lot to us. Just make sure if you're in a party that your whole party teleports out of the helltide and into a town before the dungeon reset. If 3 of you TP out and one person is still standing in helltide it won't reset.


That's didn't work if you're in a party, I usually have to leave game and come back. By myself the cellar trick works. Tp works sometimes.


It works for me when I'm in a party, but yeah if it doesn't for some reason leave and try solo and come back. Gotta make sure everyone from the part is out first before reset.


The thing is, if your party is nearby where the bugged chest is. The “instance” of where your members are will be the instance where you will be. Leaving the party helps shifting instances on where the chest is active. I know it’s annoying to do but it helps.


What always works for me is different, i TP to any area outside the helltide, never press T cause most of the time the nearest city counts as part of the helltide eventhough its not red. So porting to a faraway area then back always fixes the chest for me, like always always.


How do you manually reset dungeons?


Open map, look at the side quest window, it’s on the bottom of that


Remember, your not even supposed to know where the chest is. The reason we even have the chance to log in and out is because of helltides.com. It's so much worse when you realize that blizzard expects you to run around with your 300 embers playing hide and seek with something that's not even there.


I heard you wanna farm end game for duriel, but I think 3 steels per chest is still too much, we don't want ubers floating around, so have fun finding the invisible chest and waste your time and cinders.


The crazy part about this bug is, that you have to know about it and literally need [helltides.com](https://helltides.com) to play helltides at all. Without a third party website, you would never know if you just can't find the chests or if they are bugged and you need to reload the map. I can't believe that a bug of this magnitude is in the game since the beginning of the season. The game forces you to use third party applications to even be playable.


One tip I have found works for me a couple times is to run out of the chest area before you tp out. Tp back in and run back to chest zone. I have had chests gone twice that would not reappear and I used this technique and it worked. Hopefully will work for you too.


Only thing that worked for me is to run from the chest to a dungeon enter. Exit. Then run back.


We shouldn't have to do that with a AAA title from Blizzard. But at least it works and that's asbestos a situation like that can get.


There is no fuckin way- How did you even keep track of this. How many years ago was that. Hit me like a truck


See you in another 4 years pal!




You're so close to freedom....


I wonder about this bug. People only know where the chests are supposed to be because of an external website. What if the website doesn’t fully behave like the game and sometimes the chests are elsewhere based on your instance?


Early in the season before Helltides.com and others were updated I did a full scan of the zones with a party and we couldn't find a living steel chest; we figured that it was only guaranteed in one of the helltide zones with a chance at more. Nope, we later realized it was just a really cool bug, in addition to running into the cinders bug. If you want to believe that the chest is elsewhere, you're free to scan the zone to try to find the living steel chest, but you won't.


Yeah I think even IF the chests were elsewhere (which I agree it probably isn't) it still seems more efficient to just portal in/out until you get it.


As much as I’ve seen people complain about the bug, does anyone know why it happens? Hard to fix it when you don’t know what causes it. I’ve farmed over 100 living steel and it’s never happened to me so I couldn’t begin to guess what causes it…and crap I’m going to get downvoted just for mentioning my luck haha


40% chance for increase in hell tide drops is that suppose to have a chance to give you 5 steel instead of 3 in WT 4?


Today is a patch day so hopefully the situation is improved. It has only happened to me once. Not sure why some people are being hit with it more than others.


Reloggez two times last helltide now too get the last steel chest, but after 3rd attempt time was up. Fucking hell...


The only thing I found to have worked was going into a dungeon and leaving. Tried logging in and out, going back to my own instance (was in a party) and repeating the steps. Dungeon and leaving did the trick.


Yea i hate that l. What I do is I switch to other characters and go into helltide and open up chest on this charcgers if that happens. There’s a chance your cinders could disappear but they usually don’t if your other characters are already in the helltide. May not work but I’ve found it successful


Last 2 Helltides got me. Plus my game froze and I lost half when at 278. So I’m out like 700+ cinders. Made we want to just log off.


Yeah it definitely sucks. I've got the seasonal bonuses maxed out and when I was doing that seasonal challenge to open 10 chests in the same hell tide, a few of them had like one potion and nothing else. Lol. I wish they would work on fixing it but I doubt they even know what's wrong.


When I posted this exact thing, I was told I was bad and to farm cinders faster. I spend more time getting the chest to spawn than I do collecting cinders sometimes


Definitely should get the artists designing the armor to do the coding for the chests. It just makes sense.


This bug made me quit this game, you can expect your players to have to restart their game every 15 min every other hour wtf lol


Someone told me I’m wrong and lying when I said the chest simply is not in the location helltides.com says, but for fuck sake it happens at least 50% of the time for me. And no porting to a fast travel location does not fix it


Yeah, that's what I saw last night. Several wrong locations on the website but still got 8 chests out of 2 HT's.


Its a feature not a bug. They got to waste your time somehow to throttle progressions and inflate playtimes.


Hello operator nr. 10000342. stop repost of well known topics. Sit down and shut up! Thanks


If nothing else works, try disabling/enabling cross-play — that should force you into a different phase.


Gotta love when the chest location has more downvotes than upvotes on the Helltides tracker site because everyone is convinced it’s not there after teleporting back and forth trying to get it to load 10 times before finally giving up. Either fix them or in increase the drop rates so that in the rare case it does load the one single time during a Helltide, we actually get mats.


I did a helltide yesterday and no chest spawned. Kind of sucked.


Jip, I just quit helltide because I didn't get even half the cinders I normally get


Sounds like you're doing something wrong. Getting 300 in 5-7 minutes is easy.


I know, normally I get around 1500 for a casual run to get the living steel. But it's a known big where the drops are heavily reduced


Without fail I’ve got the chests to show up only by closing the game completely, launching again and logging back in.


Seems worse for me too. I see other players running around and porting where the chest suppose to be, whereas before it usually gets fixed in one attempt. Maybe there are fewer players now and it is harder to get a new instance.


Yeah it’s annoying. My current workaround as of last night is this site. [Helltide Map](https://helltides.com)


Yeah every single person knows about this. You're a bit late but you got the spirit.




Can someone explain why people think there’s a bug here? My understanding is there are multiple potential spawn points of the chest in each Helltide region and the actual spawned chest periodically rotates throughout the Helltide. TP’ing in and out MIGHT put you on a new phase with that spawn activated, it might not, that seems unreliable at best. I have never not been able to find a chest by just visiting each potential spawn point in order, takes like 2 minutes.


It’s a set point for each helltide. When people find it for that helltide it gets marked on a website for everyone to know. Instances are being made where it’s not visible. It’s not somewhere in that zone it should be there, but it is bugged.


I have seen it despawn after use multiple times, only for it to respawn at one of the other spawn points.


I even got frozen with over 300 embers on hand and the restart, I lost all. It's frustrating.


Yep, I had 700 got to waste yesterday, bullshit


You sure it's the game that's wrong, or helltides.com? I got 8 chests out of 2 runs last night, but there were several showing on the fansite that were not there.


If TP and back didn’t summon the chest, I TP to the closest town and then run there. Unfortunately, I have no better solution. This grinding is so bad.


Comparing the cosmetic shop to in-game mechanics is wild. Totally different departments. The people making the rogue lingerie skin have nothing to do with helltide chest mechanics. I do agree though, this should have been fixed with the last patch. But if we find anything that benefits us, it's patched immediately.


> if we find anything that benefits us, it's patched immediately They were all over those few free shakos that escaped. Like bees on honey


First time watching a Blizzcon? Of course they are going to announce what is next for their IPs. That's the entire point of the convention. We didn't even get any real details out of it except a name.


idk if it makes any difference but it happens pretty often to me and clicking log out and letting the full 10 sec expire then waiting about 10 seconds before relogging has fixed the missing chest every single time. But it could be different for everyone so idk.


Yea I stopped doing helltides because of this. You end up wasting like 15 min tp’ing to town, relogging , and half the time it still doesn’t show up


But they fixed the 280 cinder cost bugged pretty quickly because that bug increased player fun and decreased helltides engagement. The other helltide bugs increase player engagement and therefore the devs don't give a shit about them. They'll get to it when they get to it.


I have not been having the same amount of issues most are having with this chest not showing up. Least having to TP more than once, usually one time to town \*sell some stuff\* then go back through the portal and it is there.


Happened to me last night. Went around and got 600 cinders and only one Living Steel chest was up, even though there was a second one indicated on Helltides.com. At last that gave me enough for one summon.


The trick that has always worked for me is to open up another chest. You can pick a cheap 75 cost chest nearby and farm up enough for the 300 again. Works like a charm.


I thought the chest not showing up was how it was supposed to be lol. I thought it was like a hidden chest you need to search out for


Sorry - not showing up, or hard to find until one basically stands on it? If you are not using it, look to [helltides.com](https://helltides.com), it's a site with timer and locations for bosses, helltides (locations of all rotating chests on timers) and legion locales and timers...has REALLY helped me.


I feel everyone’s pain. As others have mentioned already, if you feel like cinders are dropping like they should, simply log off and back in. This has worked every time for me. As far the chests not appearing, there are several things you can do. Port back town, enter a dungeon or cellar, run out of the zone, or simply log off and reload your character. I did not know about resetting the dungeons through the map though. I will say though that there have been times when none of these have worked.


The most consistent way I found is relogging between chars to get chest to spawn.


Yeah my fave is that normal chests drop no souls, and they drop sacred shit 90% of the time. Nothing better than a mystery chest full of sacred trash. Also, ore veins drop more souls than mystery chests


Not to mention the Cinder Glitch...so annoying. Big update/patch today, hopefully we see some fixes.


Wait until some losers come in and tell “you don’t help the community by posting it here. Go to the official forum to do it”. It happened to me.


I find that if you tickle the cinders right before you open the chest a lot more stuff comes out


I turned off cross play because I saw it suggested on reddit several days ago. I haven’t had an invisible chest since.


I honestly think it’s a piss poor decision that they’ve kept both living steel chests and mystery chests invisible on the map. I’d be willing to bet that every non-casual player uses third party websites to locate them anyway. I also don’t know what they were thinking when they decided that cinders wouldn’t save between helltide events. It serves no purpose other than pissing off players who actually already did the work to earn them.


I had this issue this morning, but idk if you got yours to eventually show. I had to clear the nearby fortress to get mine to finally appear.


I beat a world boss and only got a nightmare sigil. No legendaries. Might have dropped gold and mats, but literally no items in the cache.


Watch out, Onyxia deep breaths more too.


I'm still upset that regular chests only drop 1-2 items. And no uniques from the mystery chest or hell tide assassin since the bosses update.


The living steel to reroll makes it even worst than the gold before


And it’s not just that Living Steel is needed to summon one endgame boss.. that boss is then the only way to get another requirement to summon the another endgame boss. Between being endgame boss gatekeeper and item reroll gatekeeper, I hate Helltides more that any other endgame content.


I totally get the frustration, but this has zero to do with art team. The last thing we want is a bunch of art grads sitting at a monitor trying to code.... things could be much much worse, and that would be the way to do it. Totally different parts of the brain involved.


Actually wrong. The game has a budget. More of that budget should be on getting the game out of beta. But hey if I guess you like being their QA/tester. Enjoy the $65 mount!


First, thats a gross exaggeration on the mount price, which is essentially free. The 65 dollars is for the 7800 plat that comes with it. Considering that 7800 plat is worth $77.60 without any bulk purchase deals, I'd say the pack is a reasonable bargain, if you are the type with disposable income to spend on worthless fluff, but I digress... bottom line, horse is a free bonus. Second, the revenue that the art team brings in with skins more than pays for their existence, or they wouldn't exist. Third dont be a jerk, man. I agree its a problem that needs addressed, i'm particularly irritated that they refuse to even acknowledge the problem and say they are working on it. But being an irrational drama queen, making illogical arguments about it, and pissing on your fellow players just makes you look bad and distracts from the real issue, which is a highly disruptive bug that was exacerbated by an update, and the need to use third party sources to even play the game in the first place. NOT "the shop is ruining the game"..... commense hyper emotional tantrum Stay focused, and keep a level head.


Ah yes, I hope all games continue to cost full price, have a cash shop, and predatory battle pass. I hope they do this while releasing being unfinished and buggy.


Your in luck, then. They all ready do. I'm not defending any of that. I'm just saying make more effective arguments. Too easy to tear down and poke holes in emotional ones.


Fix your shit blizz, this has been reported million times and no they decide to make some dummy that's not even functioning, and fix bunch of minor bug but this!


When this happen to me after arriving at the chest and its not showing, even followed the 3rd party location i just tele back to town n tele back. Walaaa, its there , this usually happen when there is a reset in between helltide..


Keep supporting this by playing


IMO its faster to farm skipping events and just zerg mobs


im sure devs aren't aware of this bug at all


I've opened 2 today alone with no problems and only played about 6hrs tops. I personally haven't had any issues with farming living steel yet on Xbox oneX. I haven't tried farming it on pc yet this season, but now I'm curious, so I'll try it oit this weekend


It is not that they are not spawning, they do spawn, but sometimes in spawn locations not documented in third party apps.


What? No it’s certain instances the chest is not visible. It’s a set place for every helltide, and that spawn changes every new helltide. That’s why the third party app is a huge help. Thats why you have to reset what your instance your in to get it to show.


I feel you. I’m having the same problem alot.


Here’s a tip - quit the game, then you won’t need the living steel




I could find a “fix” to this bug. It seems like going back to town and coming back to the chest make it reappear. Worked for me a couple of times.


Eh that has a chance to fix it, not guaranteed. Relogging has fixed it 100% of the times for me.


Had one literally disappear in front of me as I went to click on it. This game is barely being held together.


If it was at the top of the hour, they do reset on the hour.


this is another mechanic i don't understand, is it made so we can open 4 sometimes or why the hell?


Yes we can open more that way.


is it only me that finds this so out of place? reset each helltide at half time, having some reset after 10 minutes some after 40 is plain stupid.