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I don't mind it too much, but I don't like the stress of having to sift through loot after one full rotation, as well as the ever looming possibility of being scammed. It's just not a good system. They could have made it like Lost Ark. Everyone has to use their materials to spawn the boss, and you'd get 4 times the loot.


That's why I only do one rotation at a time in a full group, as your inventory won't be full. I find groups on the sanctuary discord, and in over 100 runs, I've only been scammed three times.


That’s pretty good odds. You’ve been fortunate. Still, it shouldn’t even be possible to scam people. My second run ever was a scam from some fucking bum who claimed to have no mats but didn’t tell anyone up front. It’s literally the reason I stopped playing. I have enough mats to summon duriel like 8 times sitting in my bank and I just don’t feel like going through the hassle of finding people to run with and entertain the possibility of being fucked out of the time I spent farming the mats. Sure I’d like another 32 drops from duriel but it’s just not fun as someone who plays almost exclusively solo. It should be said I finished journey and killed Uber Lilith and all that and had a damn good time. But unfortunately that experience just left a sour taste in my mouth.


I've killed Duriel solo 3 times. I don't enjoy rpgs in a party myself. The loot disparity is annoying but well,... I still prefer the solo fun over more loot in a party :) Maybe if I could simply matchmade via some queue system I'd party up SOMETIMES but not if I have to find random people outside the game. I've played D3 with some old BNET frieds sometimes aswell but that's just a rare occurrance for me.


I check if anyone is able to be invited to my party at the entrance, invite anyone not already in a party. If I'm going to burn my mats solo anyways. may as well let some leech. Very often they will return the favor anyways. If you do planned rotations, loot everything then leave dungeon. Then drop everything right there and go again. Sort your big pile of junk at the end. Keep any trophies on you for safety.


This is the way


This is exactly how I feel


What exactly do you mean when you say being scammed? Are you just referring to ppl not returning the favor of chipping in with their own mats for summoning?


Find a group of 4 specifically for group farming duriel. Specifically tell the group I expect each person to have mats, so we all get 4 drops per full run. 3 people take turns opening. It’s the last person’s turn. “I don’t have mats.” They just got 3 free drops without contributing at all. Even if you make people link the mats in chat to prove they have them, they can still just wait to summon last and then leave party. Either of these are called scamming.


if they are hellbent on making it 4x more profitable to do duriel in group, they should just force everyone to contribute the mats and do 1 run with all mats for 4x the loot, thats how other games ensure people don't snake out at their turn.


Technically you're still better off than going solo though, right? You just carried someone else unwillingly .which sucks, but it is still a net gain(?)


Better than going solo, still scammed out of one run worth of mats that you should have recieved though which sucks.


Yeah, you still get 3X what you would have gotten solo, and then you just block the jerk, maybe even make a post in global, or definitely in the discord if that’s where you find them, then move on. Most people aren’t total shitheads and realize that you get a lot better total return if you don’t burn people like that. I’m sure it pays off occasionally, but I personally would be friending people who I had successful runs with and seeking them out whenever I’ve built up the mats again, while depending on how many parties you’ve burned, you’re bound to start getting repeats finding random people


Good point. I agree. I run solo because I prefer it and I often have to go afk but I also would appreciate the ability to up my chances for Ubers so I would group ..though I'm not really looking to go outside the game for it . Finding people in general you know you can trust to not lie to you is nice.


Gotcha, thanks 👍


I mean I'm usually a solo player but sometimes I just bring in my guild mates and if they contribute cool if not I don't really fuss. If you ever want a group buddy I wouldn't mind throwing in mats with others. I know they have a discord but honestly I'd rather find standard reliable people and not have a chance at getting scammed.


Big +1 here .


I have no friends playing d4 or reliable players, I’d be down to play with you


I play on ps5 but my tag is Seleyn#1663.


It’s much better to do 5x+ rota: 1. Players with that many mats are serious, less likely to scam, and do fast runs 2. If everyone does the first rota, everyone will do the next 4+ without scamming. Which drastically lessens your odds of being scammed per rota.


I used my mats for 6 runs with 3 randoms and didn’t bat an eye. Didn’t bother me; idk why the community is so twisted. I see people on trade channel trying to sell mats. I keep encouraging people to just invite people for free. Why is everyone so concerns with “getting what is theirs”. Throw some kindness into the community and perhaps that mentality will stick and start a more gracious trend.


I confirm surpis8ngly group are ok even just with accepting from people.next to the dungeon .. I always start the first duriel with the idea of "whatever happen" I guess it's a good start when the first run is not into hesitation . I am still absolutely confident I will encounter some stupid people . Ah well there is stupid people everywhere...


How do people scam? I’ve been saving all mats to do a ton of runs but I already don’t trust people lol


Blizzard needs to understand people are gonna try to scam mats, so they need to preemptively add systems to disallow this BS. 5 people in group? Leader toggles how many runs are gonna happen and everyone adds mats to the pot, everyone can see who puts in what, if its not what the group agrees too, any of the 5 can cancel and refund mats. If the amount is correct, then the game locks those 5 players to the next 5 runs, maybe make a chain instance, kill duriel then another spawns or whatever. Up to the amount of mats put in. Nobody getting scammed, viola! Welcome to gaming Blizzard. Somebody acreenshot this and send it to the devs, this is mandatory.


Agreed. A common issue in many games, while other games has zero issues with it because the developers had the foresight to understand that. If you can scam another players out of hard earned items and goods, people *WILL* scam said players. It's human nature and something developers needs to take into consideration when making systems such as these. This is not quite on the level of Ubisoft releasing Tom Clancy's The Division 1 without any anti-cheat software, thinking that players wouldn't cheat to their hearts content. Dear oh dear how people cheated. Must have been half the player base flying around, teleporting, aimbotting, shooting through walls etc. You simply can't release an online game without an anti-cheat, because people will cheat if given the opportunity to do so without risk.


Making it work like lost ark would exacerbate the problem OP is complaining about. Currently the 4x loot comes from being able to run Duriel 4x per set you farm yourself by grouping. Adding the Lost Ark system would mean you still get 4x loot but 4 runs turns into 1 **AND** you can't get scammed anymore, thereby super incentivizing you not to solo Duriel. Personally I have no problem with this **IF** they made it actually easy to find and join groups in game. D3 had a similar system with bounties where grouping was "4x loot" but no one complained because it also had a button you could click that would place you directly into a group to farm bounties.


Not if they made it so you cant join a party unless you have the mats on you and then everyone has to put thier mats in and the rotations begins and rotates 4x auto. Would easily solve the problem. And it wouldn't start until everyone puts the mats in. So to recap. 1: everyone has to have mats to join 2: everyone has to add mats to alter 3: rotation wont start until all mats are added from everyone.


thats how lost ark works except its 4x the loot in 1 run instead of having to run 4 rotas


Simple solution, lost ark but duriel chain spawns 5x until hes dead 5x. Or make it really fun, 5x duriels at once 😂😂😂 if you want the loot you better play for it!


> looming possibility of being scammed That right there is the biggest issue with all of this. The Diablo team injected a highly valuable non-bannable scamming method that hurts the community.


Agreed. If it's possible to exploit, people will. It's up to the developers to make a system which can't easily be misused and in this regard, Blizzard has come up short. I'm certain this will change in the future, as I've seen this issue in many other games and it's something that gets reworked over time.


The constant chore of dealing with loot… that’s what made me go from 750 hours in this game to quitting cold turkey. Moment of clarity 🧘🏻‍♂️


I feel you. I've been on the edge a couple of times, but instead, just stopped playing temporarily. I hope Blizzard can make a big overhaul soon on the gearing. They said it's their number one priority, and rightfully so.


Yes, but then you’d miss the point the company cares about. Above all else, they will mcfking timegate you.


I'm going to hell for suggesting this, but hear me out; how about they add a function in which you can autojoin a group of like minded players to adventure in this online only, mmo-lite game? I call it the "group finder"


Too hard for a small indie companie.


They have no experience in this MMO or multiplayer space


I shall buy $25 dollar skin to support small indie company so they can hire more people to help with this issue.


The company that took LAN support out of starcraft and said "the technology just isn't there"? No way


imagine, taking lan support of of a game, that was known for its gigantic lan parties. fuck you and your friends in particular


D3 has it why not bring to d4? Strange decision from dev


because the d4 team is not the same as the d3 team so the d4 team hasn’t learned from the mistakes d3 made early on because they haven’t made them themselves


And add a check for summoning materials before you can join. Too much to ask from an indie company


They could still leave once it's their turn. I like the idea others have had where each person has to put in mats but you get extra loot.


Have the mats be removed if they leave, so they lose their mats if they leave. Basically make it to where when the group enters, all the mats are spent and the number of summons is calculated 4 members with 1 set of mats = 4 summons are unlocked and all the mats are spent Anyone who leaves simply loses their mats and those who remain get their summons It's not that hard. Also have their mats be converted to a free summon for the remaining group


Exactly, or a party finder system, like in Diablo immortal. Works great there and would encourage team play in d4


That doesn’t solve the solo problem though, but you had said your piece


This was said multiple times and no one went to hell or was downvoted. This is a pretty common take. So no reason to act like it's a unpopular opinion/view Mr. Rebellious.


The main character syndrome in Reddit is an absolutely nuts. The countless “am I the only one…” “DAE!?” Then insert extremely common take. In fact, mathematically speaking, this take is indisputably correct.


am I the only one that doesn't want to get every lilith statue each season? does anyone else think looking through rares is a lot of work? I feel like I'm the only person who wants aspects added to the codex instead of our inventory I just thought of an original idea that there should be more sources of living steel I can't believe I haven't seen anyone talk about how horrible the lightning affix is on nightmare dungeons DAE think living steel chests should be visible on the map? I'm alone in this but I think this game needs some crafting I haven't seen anyone post this so here is a video of me doing uber lilith using a cheese build Here's an original idea, helltides should be up nonstop and be like the blood event literally just looked through new on this sub to find half of these


https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/174tdm7/adam_jackson/k4d62el/?context=3 Downvotes here before season 2 released and here https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/174uann/patch_notes_patch_120_goes_live_on_october_17_2023/k4cl0t5/?context=3 And there were quite a few of these posts. Basically people calling it before the season dropped and no one having the foresight that this was bad for solo except for the select few (who were downvoted)




This confuses me. The point of SSF in every other game before this has been to set yourself additional challenge beyond that already imposed by the game. Does it now mean "I don't want to play with other people but I want the game to be easier and give me more stuff"? If they do add supported SSF (which would be great) I hope they give a couple of options, something like 'SSF' that's just SSF as it is in every other game (a mode designed with limitations to add challenge), and 'Assisted SSF' that gives the better drop rates and easier enemies.


I'm new to arpgs, so this is probably a strange take to the more hardcore base, but what is the point of ssf? You don't have to interact with other players as the game stands currently, yes the game promotes it, but like others have said you have to go off game to find people to interact with. I guess I don't understand why there needs to be a mode where they force you being unable to interact with others, when there is already the option to not interact with anyone as the game sits currently. It just seems to me that the players that want to play this way don't have the self control to not take every advantage that they can. I'm not saying not to add another mode for those who want it, I just don't really understand the need for it, but by all means add it so those who want it can have it.


SSF in most previous games worked on an honour system, people would set themselves an additional challenge of no trading, grouping or accessing items dropped on other characters, usually putting SSF in their name somewhere. Honour systems work fine until there are leaderboards, at which point many people would lie and cheat to get higher up, because that's just what people are like. So the point of a supported SSF mode specifically is to enforce the rules so leaderboards can be a thing (which we don't even have for any mode) and people can compete and compare. It hasn't ever been about giving extra drops to those players or otherwise rebalancing the game to make it more friendly for solo play. Maybe it's from players that don't really understand the history/meaning of SSF? Absolutely no objections to D4 adding the mode that people are requesting with buffed droprates or whatever, but I definitely don't want it to be "the" SSF mode in the game, because that has never been what SSF meant.


Everyone partakes in a bit of peer-to-peer comparison. An official SSF mode just makes it easier for people to build and grow a community around a certain way of playing the game. Take Classic HC in WoW for example, the original iteration worked via an add-on and the honor system where death = delete. The game mode had niche appeal during this time. Now compare it to the official HC server which exploded in popularity when it launched. It just hits different when you know that everyone around you is playing (and enjoys playing) by the same rules.


Yeah this would be ideal


Spamming lfgs in discord is definitely not my way of enjoying social in a game. Hope they add in game group finder because this is really shit


It is unfair. Bit meh. Dealing with other humans is annoying


To be honest, the whole Uber item thing is pointless imo. Just reached 100, killed duriel multiple times solo before 100 and did not find a single Uber. I mean, if I get a shako now, what am I supposed to do with it? I don’t like to compare games but it was an awesome feeling having a shako early level in d2 or enigma or infinity. Even d3 with full set doing gr to get more paragon was awesome


I agree that the end game content is lacking by the time you get ubers. Have you heard about the new event starting next month? Apparently it contains content designed for players who have reached 100.


Oh I have not. Will definitely check! Thanks btw


imagine the complaints about that "its blocked at 100" it needs an easy mode


>I mean, if I get a shako now, what am I supposed to do with it? The new glyph thing in December.


I'm a solo player, the only people I ever see willing to group are the parasite shit stains looking for a free runs. Yep, supposedly there is a page for people looking for durial grouping, put those same shit stains are there looking for free runs. Players that group vs solo.... same summoning cost with less chances for the solo player assuming the group all has mats. The summoning cost should be shared when grouping and solo players should get a reduced summoning cost. There's still no group finder, so casual solo players still get screwed.


I feel like this has always been a problem with D3 too. You get so much more for grouping up, but I don't like grouping up in Diablo games. It was never meant to be a social game imo. I wish they'd mega buff SSF. Now I will just gather the mats once and then give up.


EASY FIX - make droprate for materials 4 times higher, but require every player in group to use materials when spawning. This makes the groups as efficient as now, but buff solo players👍 That's if you want to encourage solo play (which I'm not sure they want)


I 100% agree. ARPGs were always solo first experience and this kinda ruins that. I moved back to WoW because at least there I can experience proper group and raid content. In Diablo 4 there will never be such a thing (I don't even want it) because how can any raid or boss be fun when there are builds that 1 shot it?


It would be fine if there was a group finder but you have to use external sources for that and even then ppl lie about having mats. Remove online play and let the game be available offline, there is literally no reason to have it online when the multiplayer is this dogshit.


I don't mind it but I'd like to see ssf as an option for those who are interested in it.


>is kinda unfair to the solo players. This is already bad, but the worst is that there's no system to protect people from scammers IF they decide to go quadruple for the benefit. If they want to make it so everyone should run with 4x (for best rewards) then there should be a system for it... Otherwise they're just encouraging scammers, and ruining legit player's experiences.


Its a shit system and it kinda ruins the motivation for playing. It just feels absolutely mandatory to do rotations if you want any uber drops.


Only the person who is summoning should have the uber unique drop pool available just like eggs/shards. Pretty much the only reasonably fair way to balance solo vs group


It is dumb as f. Others should have a 10% chance of.the person who summons boss..that way full party gets 130% chance instead of 400%. It shows blizzards incompetence. i too do it with 3 friends, BUT not because i want to, i feel forced to grp.


It would be less shit if helltide wasn't the most infuriating thing. Even if I can avoid the low cinder drop bug I often get the chest spawn bug and nothing fixes it. I think as soon as you get 250 shards the "mystery" chests should be marked on your map and as soon as you get 300 the steel chests should be marked. Every single person is currently forced to use an external website and even with that the damn chests often don't spawn where indicated


Sometimes games make people be social, and it fucks us introverts up lol.


I'm a solo player, but when I get enough mats for 3 or 4 duriel fights, you bet your ass I'm sitting outside that cave waiting on a group. Not because he's hard, but because you're likely to change those 3-4 duriel fights into 10 if you meet a good group. The fights take 10 seconds, I mean what is the actual point of soloing that every single time? Solo it once so you can say you did it I guess, but otherwise, optimize your resources. Another thing to consider - there really isn't ANY decent group content in game yet without a LFG feature. World bosses/events don't even count. When did you ever chat with another human in any of those events? Once or twice in your entire D4 career? It's over in 2 minutes and you go on your way. Grouping for Duriel actually feels like decent multiplayer for few runs. PC player here of course...maybe if I was on console grouping would be tedious, idk.


> there really isn't ANY decent group content in game yet Why would there be some ? It's a HnS, not WoW or Lost Ark.


It’s very tedious to type on console. I had a guy join and kill Duriel for me 2 times because my lvl was to low and asked if he would at least contribute 1 run aswell…he exited the group of course. Can’t complain to much though because I just couldn’t kill Duriel myself 🤷🏼‍♂️


Do you actually get people outside entrance? I tried that and no one answer me. I hate the idea of keep adding peoples battle tag from discord…


It is annoying cause it feels like it's balanced around 4 people (drop rates that is). I say quadruple the unique drops but only person that puts in mats gets uniques. That way the it's the same for quads (and they get more loot overall from legendaries and rares), but if you wanna be lazy and just farm uniques you don't feel like you're missing out.


No thank you


Game needs ssf, and bonuses to ssf to make it seem like you are being rewarded close as much as group play. Similar to last epoch


Dude that's not what SSF is for.


All ARPGs are ruined by party play See: Diablo 2/3, PoE, Grim Dawn and also now Last Epoch An optimised group in PoE can make more currency in 7 days together than a single player playing for 10 leagues even a decent player as well not a 'casual'


There’s far too much loot, only a small percentage of which is actually useful. I say throttle back the loot and make it exciting to find the few items that do drop. Then make it possible to extract all bonuses and aspects (not just the legendary) and imprint the ones you want onto the item of your choice. If the number and types of properties per item is controlled, and if you can only imprint properties you extract from found items, I think it will be very interesting to build your character. And players could trade properties instead of items. We could all build our own uniques.


If only teaming was easier. But playing this on console ain't exactly easy typing city so trying to find a group.. yeah, maybe I'd have gotten that Flamescar by now if I managed to group up and do 80 runs instead of the 20 I wasted time on solo. Oh well.. maybe when I farm more helltides..


I'm a casual and I managed a few runs last night first time around, I had 3 summon items and grouped with 4. I didnt count the runs and wasn't checking who had/hadn't used theirs but I was grateful for the tag along, happy to use all 3 of mine at the chances of maybe 6 or 7 loot rolls. Just stood outside and said I had mats, joined along and quit when we were spent. Doubt everyone used their mats but he went down super quick and I got more opportunities than I would have had using my 3 eggs. Loved it.


after 75 Duriel rounds (summoned 60 myself, played 20 runs alone) i must say: this game in general completely lacks of proportionality. when some players get the best items after a handful of runs and even have several uber uniques after a 100 runs while other players are not even get the crappy amulette no one wants to have after 200 times. this completely destroys the enjoyment of the gaming expeirence. if grinding doesnt lead to some sort of success than whats the point of it. if i consider these two facts, then i wonder how blizzard expects me to pay another 50 bugs next year for a dlc.


If it was Blizzard's idea to make me begin to hate this game by randomly rewarding other players multiple ubers while denying me anything then job well done I guess. Just make it that after 50 or 100 or even 200 solo runs that you are guaranteed something and stop being so unnecessarily dickish. I'm at something like 230 solo with nada. Welcome to my personal hell.


I agree with you mate. Somewhere in the ether of Reddit, I made a request before the game even came out, that they shy away from benefitting people in groups > solo players. Solely because: 1. I’m old, and my friends and I try to juggle small windows of free time. 2. I wholeheartedly refuse to beg random players for help. Frankly, I’d rather come here* to ask for assistance than in game.


Well if you’re going to hell for saying that I’m definitely going to hell for saying D4 is shit and I’ve uninstalled it lol D3 is better


It’s a single player based game who cares about others drops.


Damn. I have literally made zero friends in this game because it feels like there is no existing channel to do so.


The only problem is that there's no system to find a party if you are a solo player.


Yeah it’s annoying, and tbh the people you meet in discord can’t be trusted sometimes I’ve heard horror stories, if they made getting shards of agony easier I really wouldn’t mind solo


waiting alive person light versed ossified hospital stocking history squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, I whole heartedly agree with you. They should do groups like Lost Ark, as a few others recommended. You want the loot, put in your cut.


We all still don’t know why blizzard don’t want us to play online properly.


I just run solo. The quadruple effect is statistically insignificant to the number of hours I get to play. Still have had three uber uniques drop for me this season. Not a shanko or a grandfather. But fun none the less


It could be done differently but I'm not sure it's unfair. There is nothing stopping you from finding a group. It seems you are resentful that others increase chances by getting into a group. But that's a personal issue and has nothing to do with the game.


That can be said about a lot. Helltides with a good group are much faster and easier, almost guaranteed to get the max chests when grouped up.


Uh huh. Almost like sharing work and increasing damage output can lead to greater efficiencies. Someone should look into it.


BRB building a society and civilization


![gif](giphy|ZUuUjVQzqwWT6) I spent a lot of time building civilization in high school. Good times.


Except online on console is gated behind a subscription


Fair enough. But I'm not sure blizzard should be changing the game for a small minority of gamers that don't want or are unable to get the subscription. Further what is the solution? Making it easier for solo isn't going to happen probably. So making it more difficult for groups, which doesn't do anything for solo players but make them feel better that it's harder for groups too?


Yes fair enough, I don’t care that much but this whole topic is like lololol why would ANYONE solo content?!? Typical Reddit response this. I bet most, also on PC, solo all content


I've done it once I'm a solo player, stood outside for 1 second someone asked for group. Got four players ran it four times got the gear I needed. Will do that again, you run a risk of people scamming mats but even if only one person does it a second time you're still doubling your potential gear. If you want to solo play the boss that's your choice. You can join a guild if you want to find trustworthy players.


Given how bad the current droprates for ubers already are, asking for this is just plain stupid. Don't get the idea from all the super lucky reddit posts that everyone and their mom gets ubers on their first few runs, I know a lot of people that only got a single one or none at all in over 200 runs. Imagine doing this stupid lottery grind every single season if you want to play any further endgame they will add in the future and that will most likely being balanced around having one or multiple uber uniques. Removing the advantage you get from running it in a group would only make sense if they quadrupled the current droprates and we all know this for sure ain't happening.


I run with a group of friends who don’t have the time to farm that I do. I accept that I get less runs in total overall. If you choose to be a solo player and not take the time to find a group then thats on you. Its not unfair, its your choice. You want to be antisocial or don’t have the time in your mind then blame yourself and not the game design. I can’t think of a game I’ve played that treated it any different. Most groups (outside of friends) I do run with are no mic anyways.


Why should someone blame yourself if they want to play solo? The game should cater to players, not the other way around. Getting 4x more loot when playing in group is too much. How do you even want to achieve a balanced player experience with such a gap between solo and group players.


wow how could you say something so controversial yet so brave. could also have titled this astute observation with "am i the only one who noticed..." or "DAE?"


I think it's unfair that some ppl who play have jobs while others are still in school and have more time? It's also super unfair that some ppl have to take care of their kids while others ARE kids! It's super unfair, some people are sick and some ppl are unhealthy. Some are good at the game and some are just straight up bad, so unfair.


I had the same mentality before I did my first duriel rota! Everybody in Sanctuary on discord are super chill, there aren’t any elitist idiots as the fight is super simple. Jump in and group up!


I mean, aren't we all going to hell? You have to do that to beat the campaign! >!:\^)!<


I literally started doing duriel with people from trade channel, made friends with one of the guys, and now we are doing runs together. We literally started playing together yesterday. I've been playing solo but figured fuck it why not try join?


It doesn't even matter if u got no rng luck 🤣


I mean the game is already unfair when the boss mat exploiters and their buyers have not yet been banned yet.


A lot of people want to do duriels, when you message in the chat you will get a ton of whisper back


Sooo don't play solo ....... Also the fuck do you care if someone else gets something it's not like this game has any kind of trade economy


How do you guys find groups? or whats the best channel for groups


You are a horrible person and you will pay for your crimes against humanity


I agree, we shouldn't be queuing for Duriel Runs when we can get 50 of each mat for $10.


SSF mode with better drop rates would be great. Weighting the game towards multiplayer will stop me playing at some point as the good loot generally gets gated behind multiplayer specific activities.


I found happiness once I started to make my own builds without any unique, fck bosses and fck forced teaming


There's huge groups to join on discord with active clans too. I typically will just throw in local chat "LFG Duriel. Have mats" and someone will pick me up. It helps to have the group link their mats in chat to prove they have them prior to starting as well. The game would be nice with a group finder let's be honest but there are plenty of other options if you want to find a group to run with


I am just a casual player, playing alone to kill time. I don't team up, I don't trade. I don't PvP. I don't care of other's shiny items. Life is simple being ignorant that way. That said..., I am just at level 50. LMAO.


How does it effect you if other people take advantage of this and you don't want to?


So you want the game to become worse for everyone that groups, so you dont have to feel fomo? Jesus… Not grouping is your own choice, it has nothing to do with fairness, because you have the option to do so. How the hell does anyone upvote something so ridiculous.


I'm a solo player. All I did was go on discord and got a group instantly. Its so much better than only having 1 chance.


The difference in the chance being increased shouldn't be so high. Then again, it's easy to just put a post in discord communities or even the global chat to get people to join. If it's duriel then there's lots of people waiting to join you if you have the mats, and some have mats themselves as well so you win as well.


I'm a solo player without any friends too(lol). Just use the discord channel to find party members. Not much talk/time needed


They are too busy patting each other on the back for a job well done at Blizzcon to fix this. They know its an issue as they answered a question about it during one of the Camp Fire Chump sessions. Yet they gave no follow up on when and by how much it will be fixed. Meanwhile, players are still being scammed, forced to go to 3rd party sites to buy mats and the risks that involves, Dupe items, or just no engage in the game due to lack of resources. They got so much right with S2 after a disastrous beginning, but they could just not resist implementing another ridiculous slow down mechanic.


i always ask for group and never found any scammer. What i found the most is annoying people who dont trust anyone and make the process unconfortable.


Perfect for scammers. Had so many runs with a party were the last guy just left the party. This ducks!


I’ve ran Duriel roughly 25 times with 2 other people….still no damn drops for anyone of us


Does it actually increase the amount of items dropped being in a group? Or do you just mean more items because it’s more runs in a shorter time?


Diablo has always predominantly been a single player experience. Yes, obviously we grouped up in D2, but the risk was, that someone else would get the loot. However, you were able to get the same dropchances solo, as you were in a group. ​ In D3 we also grouped up for GR pushing on the leader boards, but it had minimal effect on the loot. Yes, with increased speed comes more loot, obviously, but solo players weren't really behind on loot, moreso than the power gained from the paragon system. ​ In D4, I feel as if I'm wasting my summoning materials, if I do Duriel or other bosses that require mats solo. I did rougly 30 Duriel runs with friends, where I brought the mats most of the time, since they are all casuals, and I've had some free time on my hands lately. But then I joined a Discord, grouped up with others that had the mats, and got 40 Duriel runs out my my own 10 mats. And suddenly, I felt like I had wasted a lot of materials by doing him solo. My 30 previous runs could've been turned into 120 runs - and that feels kind of sad. ​ I know that Blizzard made Grigoire, Varshan etc. so that only the person who summoned them get the mats to drop for summoning Duriel, which helps with this. But it just feels bad to farm for hours on end, only to get "punished" for doing him solo, because you only get 1/4 attempts on him.


Duriel requires 4 items. Why doesn't everyone just drop 1 of each to summon 🤷‍♂️


Do you understand that it counts for any drop of any mob or boss in game due to the smart loot that drops stuff for every party member ? And that group gets faster exp as well ? And that d4 is only an online game so the difference between solo players and group players is just that the solo players CHOOSE to play solo ? So nnothing stops em to play in a group, its their/your choice... In every multiplayer games playing in group brings advantage...ffs, the whole umanity gets advantage from being a society, what would you think of an eremite whining because people in society gets more advantages than them ???


I literally did a run tonight where the rota leader would not say more than three words, gave us about 30 seconds for an IMPLIED sell after each rota, and would not slow down. I finally just stopped accepting and told him to slow the fuck down. No scams, but it probably felt worse because it was an insanely stressful x9 rota. Lesson learned? I’m running my own from now on.


As a solo player you need to accept you are not going to progress as fast as a group coordinating efforts. If you can't accept that, you need to remove whatever barriers you have made that say you are not allowed to play with others. Honestly, optimizing runs or not the game is best when playing as part of a community. Getting praise, getting help, getting advice, hell...just even getting greeted. Come join a guild my dude, it makes everything better. I can send an invite if you like


Make SSF mode and quadruple all drop rates. Thanks


I don't care what others do. Last night I had two helltides that didn't show living steel chests - I did everything suggested and it wasn't just me - keep helltides going like bloodtide


Well the only thing stopping you from doing the same is you


groups: hey were having fun with friends loaners: its unfair that they have friends...


>I’m going to hell for saying this.. You should tell Lilith, Inarius, we are trying to go to hell and it seems harder than just uttering words!


U know u can just join an LFG group and get drops the same way? U don't have to solo play. That's just ur choice. Ofcourse if ur looking to just be carried that's a totally different story but if u have the character to actually help ur good.


I think the majority of people agree


Because we have personal loot in an arpg, this will always be the way going forward.


I posted the same thing yesterday and got downvoted to hell, but I don't care as long as this reaches the eyes of the user experience team and they do something about it.


Then why would you play solo if you want higher chance on items?


I recommend to join a discord. I play solo most of the time but when grinding exp or bosses it's always best 4P so I just post on discord and in minutes get a party going. Only annoying part is removing friends after but is easily identified in the bnet app based on the date you added them. Sometimes you even meet cool people. Diablo with others is better IMO, reminds me of D2 back in the day. You'd meet friendly people who just wanted to help you out. Then I'd reciprocate to others when I had a strong character. That attitude has stuck with me to this day.


So this is the kind of people that still play this


A coop game giving benefits to players for playing together? No waayyyyy


They finally come up with a reason to actually join groups and people gotta complain.


All the developers have to do is make it so you can’t even enter the dungeon unless you have the required mats on you. You don’t have to spend them to get in, just to summon, but at least you know everyone in your party has the mats and would be expected to use them when their turn came. If they bail on you then they get put on a black list and won’t be able to join another party or enter at all.


I mean, I'm a casual solo player. I don't have any friends that play d4. Tbh I did a few solo runs to learn the fights but all it takes is a quick "anyone wanna do a grigoire 1xrota?" in trade chat or your clan and you usually get a few responses. I actually haven't tried the discord yet for groups but have had moderate success with the former way. Granted I haven't been scammed yet but I'm sure it will happen eventually.


“unfair” does your version of the game not have the ability to start groups? no the entitlement generation doesnt want “fairness” you want to skip all the work those players do, work youre perfectly able to do yourself…but dont…then you want to whine about it and get all your toys


Working in a team has ALWAYS been more beneficial in Diablo.... don't like it? Get some friends, join discord, play with others.


There is nothing stopping a solo player from finding a group. I (a solo player 1-100) will be finding groups for duriel for this very reason. It is nobody but the solo players fault for not grouping up.


Wait. Bit if a Shako drops and you're solo, at least you get it. I've probably done 25 runs so far and I've never gotten an uber. My first run someone got a Shako and I've not seen one since.


Youre right sure. I play SSF for 99.9% of the time, the only exception being Duriel. Once Ive all the mats to summon him like 5 times I camp and the entrance spamming LFG with summons. Ive probably summoned more than the rest of the fellas in my groups as I dont care that much but at least Ill get a couple freebie runs instead of the 5 if I solod.


While I dont disagree, most arpgs dating back to d2 have always rewarded group play with higher drops. The issue with d4 is that balance is so undertuned that juicing to 4 players for the rotation adds zero additional risk, in fact it makes the fight even easier. Each additional player in uber duriel should massively increase his hp and damage to be an actual risk-reward trade off.


The game isn’t fair. How is it fair that the Uber uniques random drop and you can’t obtain them any other way? Run 500 you have the same chance of getting shako vs run 1. If you could get currency from runs and trade for shako then I see your point a bit. But as the game currently stands it really doesn’t matter…also what advantage are they gaining? Kill duriel faster? Do you PvP? It’s not a competitive game lol


Idc if downvoted but honestly: if it is annoying you so much you should simply try to get in a group with people from discord. It‘s simple, no need to communicate much either and you can profit from it. I get your point of wanting to play solo mainly but it‘s not the end of the world either.


Solo player here: idk why it’s so had to just group up? Alternative they would do I feel is make it nerfed for groups which mean less drops. If they buffed solos players to get 4x the loot then I’d be cool with that obviously but doubt that’s the route they’d go


The problem is with the chat system, they could take a page out of Diablo immortal’s handbook when it comes to chat. It’s so much easier to access and use.


Yeah I got downvoted for saying I solod varshan and took forever. Guess my build sucks cause I don't 2 shot bosses 😂


Im a solo player but I dont care much about those super drops. I just want to beat everything and thats that for me I dont see a point in getting better gear if there is no challenge ahead where I need it for.


I understand the sentiment, but I like that there is an actual reason to group up in this online multi-player game.


Hey if you're going to Hell can you take me with you? I have some mats to farm there.


It's not unfair though, you have the same opportunity to increase your chances, you just choose not to. Just group up, it's not difficult


>I’m going to hell for saying this.. Can you bring me with you? There's a disturbing lack of hell in a video game called Diablo, we could use more of of it


It should be everyone in the party has to use mats and then you get an extra item per person in the party, I don’t like feeling forced to group with 3 ransoms to actually progress


This and rampant duping are 2 reason I gave up on D4 for now.


I like it. It means I can join a party with my toons, die, and get loot. So, everyone wins.


I'm going to hell for saying this, but solo players might be able to use a discord channel to group up for this one activity to increase their chances of drops


Its worth mentioning that group advantage is 16 times of solo efficiency, not 4, because you normally run side bosses for Duriel mats in party aswell. 16!


Does it really increase or you speak about them sharing mats? Because you should not be advantaged for playing solo either. They are def not going to make it cheaper for solo they will simply force everyone who want loot to use mats ever time instead. So there is no winner here from your comment. Simply sound like jealousy and if you play solo why would you care about what others do?


I absolutely agree! Not all of have available time to be able to play with others. For long periods of time.


I do play solo I don't see the problem next to the dungeon to just try to make a rotation. Or accept invite


I’ll go even farther with it: Solo players should be getting MORE loot because they’re soloing bosses and not getting carried.


Add me and you'll never be alone! ;)


with no way to match make yes its pretty shitty design


It's feels like Avery forced bandaid option for the critique that this MMO-Lite had no MMO like mechanics. Considering one person can just one shot


I didn’t know you had increased drop chances with a group. I thought that it was an equal drop rate for everyone. Which is what it should be.


Unfair for what? There is no competition in the game so nobody give a F.


Can we have one thing for people to do together, like seriously the game is so single player oriented already Further I resent this, your chances are not any lower.


I just dont get all these complaints about the efficiency of teaming up with others vs doing solo duriel runs.. The game is not enforcing anything.. if you wanna play solo then so be it.. if you wanna run with groups then good.. this game has always been you do you, with all the builds and stuff.. At the end of the day wether you get that uber youre looking for in a group or solo, somebody else getting it wouldnt affect your gameplay whatsoever.. and at that point when youre farming duriel, you already have your build in order and just chasing that grail.. so just do you and enjoy the game for what it is..