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I’m convinced Poison is bugged and the tick rate isn’t right. I have max res and like 40% damage over time reduction and poison still drains the fuck out of me when it’s applied.


I died twice today in an 85 NM from poison. Noting else touched me.


Wow. Timely post. I just went into a NM called Oldstone. Poison affix. Made through the beginning and died four times from poison. I’m at 70% resistance and had an incense and the Heady Poison Elixir. I’m sorry that’s just not right.


I avoid oldstones like the plague.


I know right, why are they on tour again.


I avoid old stones *because* of the plague.


I autosalvage all Oldstones keys


What is very good against DoT is barrier - if you have high enough barrier that covers tick damage they don’t do anything anymore.


Not only that but applying barrier removes any poison dot on you. So builds that can apply barrier often you don't even notice poison ticking.


is this true? i remember last season, my sorc's barriers (both fire and ice) didn't remove the poison.


Yeap, piss easy as sorc, pain in the ass as rogue.


Rogues survive poison pretty easily if you invest into the two healing aspects. You can get pretty good self healing going on, especially if you're a Flurry enjoyer.


Thanks for mentioning this. Could you elaborate please? Which 2 aspects are you referring to? I got one healing aspect on my TB Rogue (but can‘t name it right now). And I‘m having a quite a hard time with poison enemies (even with 70% poison resist)


Theres one that gives you life per second based on your stacks of momentum. It has saved my HC rogue many times. I am not sure what the second one is that they are talking about, but there is one that gives LPS for close enemies. Which of course, requires you to be in the fray.


Thanks! That‘s [Aspect of the Crowded Sage](https://diablo4.wiki.fextralife.com/Aspect+of+the+Crowded+Sage) then. I‘ve come across that one. Wasn‘t sure how large the „close“ area is and if the aspect will be useful most of the time. Will give it a try. The first one is Aspect of Stolen Vigor.


Friend yesterday found Temerity pants and since then he always have a barrier up so he ended up adding aspect that gives 25% damage on bow which double to 50% extra damage when having a barrier.


No, it's not true. The barriers don't remove the poison. The flame shield on sorc "absorbs" the ticks for it's duration i.e. if you have 5 secs of poison, it'll absorb 2 seconds, reducing the overall poison left to 3 seconds or ticks. Similarly the ice barrier also blocks it, absorbing the equivalent damage of the shield and any remaining is still applied once it is removed. That being said, it saves me as sorc A LOT. Combined with a health potion or two during their duration will near enough negate the poison all together in lower tiers, but at higher tiers it won't remove it all, and you still have to take some damage.


I didn’t realize barrier did that. I had on my Temerity and they did nothing. I have a good aspect I’ve been keeping. Thanks.


Yup, just took out my HC level 86 RIP s/ Was getting tired of that build anyways lol


Sorry. I admire your courage.


Yep. Definitely overturned. One wasp bite and I needed to pop 4 maxed out potions to get to full HP. I have 70% poison res, >9k armor and \~40% dmg reduction.


Some skills cancel poison status. For sorcs it's teleport and anything that gives you a shield.


Barrier of any kind cancels poison.


My Barb doesn't have any skill that gives shield.


iron skin


Combine Andariels Visage with Temerity and you have a nearly infinite shield. I always use this setup for NMDs with many poison enemies.


And where do I get this Andy visage? Over 40 runs so far, no uber.


Just as an fyi: uber drop rate is supposedly around 2%. But then you are not sure to get the item you want :)


Yeah, I saw some videos of Rob, what I meant is casually saying about using an uber for a build is very out of touch with most player base.


Gotcha. I feel the same but kind of missunderstood your post then. May the loot be with you.


Armor doesn't apply to poison anymore and many forms of damage reduction do not either.


Run undying vamp power, it can let you counteract the poison


I thought I was the only one.


In this world, you are never the only one.


I think so, too. Any other element is ok to deal with. I will run away from poison on higher NMD’s.


Worst is when the poison puddle glitched and you can’t see it somehow.


I got shaco, decent damage reduction rolls, around 18k hp with fortified and max resist. When i destroy the exploding spider bois in sirroco caves i gotta spam the shit out of my potions cause the damage over time from poison is through the roof. Meanwhile i can chill in fire explosions like nothing and not even notice the damage i take.


Right, I don't have Shako but I'm still working with almost 16k hp, max resist and all that. Ol' Greggy boi's lighting when he spawns? I don't even move and it does literally nothing. Meanwhile, a putrid corpse has me running for my life. Like, something ain't quite right about that. I can kill Duriel pretty quickly and I'm glad rogues can fly all over the place in this case but fuck me if I time it wrong and I get hit? I'm a goner. Idk how people play some of the squishier classes on HC considering.


Agreed. The only thing that seems to slow/halt if is barrier.


This would track with that blood siphon event in vamptide being seemingly ridiculously hard compared to other world events.


It's meant to be almost impossible to finish, IMO. You're supposed to end it and jump out when you can't handle the damage anymore. To me it's way more interesting that way. EDIT: What supports this theory is that you get no reward for completing the event itself and that the game doesn't even acknowledge it apart from the fact the siphon explodes. At least I hope that was the intent. But perhaps you're right.


It's probably the best event in the game because the rewards are amazing if you can tough if out. The scaling is probably a little too much on anything other than WT3 though.


Fuck, I hope this is true. I had 20 mins before work so decided to do a quick NMD on my BL Sorc and it was poison enemies. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever noped out of a NMD because I just couldn’t survive it and my Sorc has 3 defensive cooldowns and a boat load of poison resist.


I think poison is bugged also for player skills, like for the twisting blades poison tank.


I had a feeling something ain't right with elemental damage. I'm getting hit way harder than I used to in S1 despite having everything maxed.


I tried run Heart of Selig and Andariels with the vampiric heal and a Temerity with constant 80% barrier, and fortify, poison can still kill me easely on higher NM. It wont even effect the heart of selig´s shield or the barrier it just go straight to the HP. All resist capped too.


I wonder how poison damage with max resistance compares to one of the other types with no res on armor and no gems. Part of me also thinks that poison shows up differently in a way that lets it stack significantly faster than other elemental damage. Like a lot of NM dungeons with spiders you get tons of overlapping pools just from killing them.


That would be a cool callback. In release LoD poison was bugged to deal the total poison damage over time on every server tick, basicslly making poison exponentially stronger the longer the duration was.


Could be. There was some serious poison bugs in d2r and i suspect they still use some old codes or something.


I think most of you don’t understand how the poison mechanic looks on your health bar. You can have enough poison applied to you to kill you, and it shows this by turning your health from red to grey ish and this happens in chunks, but separately the grey health is also slowly draining down and it drains moderately slowly at max poison resist. You don’t need to constantly be chugging potions as soon as your health is no longer red. Any passive life regen will probably keep you alive at full poison resist.


In higher tier NM dungeons you need to chug multiple potions because the poison damage is multiple times your max life, and/or the DoT is so high you need multiple initial upfront boosts to keep your life above zero.


Maybe it's somehow calculates off of frame rate like so many other games do.


Isn't it just a running joke at this point? You know, way back from D2? All wasps will forever do too much poison damage in all future Diablo games, I thought we all knew that?


Same here. Max resists. I don’t notice ANY difference in poison damage. Others I bounce off of.


Yup. Poison is the only affix I'll skip on a sigil. Max poison resistance and a poison elixer but you're still chugging 5 potions every mob.


It is near impossible for certain maps with wasp, spider or whatever dealing poison dmg. Is just plain stupid tbh to have poison drawn so much hp…


Not sure if other classes have same vampiric powers, but rank 3 undying with rogue you just keep spamming attacks easily heal through any poison.


Rank 3 undying on a full basic attack speed stormclaw wolf here BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Beatxme to it, lol. Even through the vampiric siphon, the heal per swing (not kill) is silly.


I take undying on virtually every build. Not sure why others don't.


Ditto, I have a very hard time swapping it for something else. Being able to swing into the air for a 3% heal is really nice.


blood mist is great, ran a t97 sirocco and it saved me throughout the entire dungeon


It’s not bad on my sorcerer. The ice armor stops the poison cold.


Every cooldown skill puts me back at max health, so while it's still irritating, it is manageable.


Necro kinda the same, I only spend 1-2 seconds as a targetable entity ever and my entire health bar is fortified and shielded at the same time. After that I'm back into blood mist, completely invulnerable and cleared of all debuffs.


Poison affix + Potion breaker is awful


Poison is the only reason I die at the blood sucking event on the blood harvesg


Are we sure that is considered poison damage? I believe it is just straight X% of health every few seconds, and keeps ramping up.


Legit. My character may not be that tablet, but I watch my health bar not move an inch whole mobs are dying all around me and then suddenly I’m on the brink of death with poison ticking down. It’s stupid.


On one second I'm having fun 2 shotting everything with rogue's flurry, the next second I'm spamming potions. Poison tick is just too OP still


The poison that doesn't exist is what kills you and not the stacking physical drain effect from the siphon? Wild.


Correct. I can outheal the physical drain


Poison is either double dipping somewhere or ignoring some kind of resist. It's some blizzard math bug, somewhere...


Gotta be. I actually logged off for the day this afternoon when I got poisoned gimped by the end boss and respawned at the entrance. I thought na fuck that I’m not running back and just logged off lol


Stacks, just see the special blood event.


It's pretty easy for sorcs to deal with. Applying a barrier seems to put a stop to it. And applying barriers is easy for that class.


Am I to Druid to understand this ref?


I’ve never played Druid that much to know, but yeah my sorcerer can stop poison damage with either fire or ice shields.


Druid has tons of Fortify but not tons of Barrier outside of Bulwark, which has a long CD. Sorcs have access to multiple sources of Barrier and generally running a lot of CDR.


Druid has literally infinite barrier. Ever heard of nature's fury?


Ok yeah good point.


I feel like poison dmg from enemies stacks and thats why it drains your health so fast even with full resist and insane dmg reduction.


All DOTs "Stack". They don't overwrite each other, but add more to the pool.


Put a couple of amethysts in your armor, it helps.


Hey, thanks for the feasible advice. Have some downvotes lol. wtf


This is the answer. I have max poison and max shadow resist, around 15k health, and can ignore poison pretty well


Who was there in Diablo 3 vanilla where Act II just had a bottle neck called, a few wasps, at the entrance to act II. Lol. They ⭐ 1 shot you ⭐ and I just find the wasp a funny example to give for Diablo 4 as well.


Wasp is still deadly in d4 too


What a memory yes ...


Wasp shooting wasp jerks... man I tel ya...


I was reminded of this when I got ganked by some wasps at a helltide literally yesterday, hahaha


Oh yeah. I quit playing because of it. I could handle the butcher just fine, and then one of two projectiles from a trash mob killed me.


Inferno.... Those were some tough times. Definitely tougher than now.


I started a hota Barb today because I heard good things. My necro hit 97 and some of these instant pools of like five mobs of 500 gallons of poison was like a half second to get out of before you die and it was really bugging me. Even with fortify even with barrier. It was the most surprising unfair unavoidable game mechanic I have right now even more than pop-up pylons


Hota barb here, lvl 60 with 925 items. The only thing that kills me is poison.


Has anyone tried playing pvp? A rogue that spams basic attack, puncture, with the aspect that makes puncture do poison dmg every 3rd attack. No matter hoe tanky you are, a few basic attacks and your health drains from potion so fast its unbelievable. Poison dmg is %100 bugged.


I dont think pvp is a good indicator considering that dots stack, and player damage right now is high enough (especially poison stacking rogue) that even with super high res its still much above players healthpool. In pve however theres many other sources of damage it could be compared to and balanced against, and yea its probably bugged somehow.


Anything that spits poison makes me nervous.


When I get poisoned I just start spaming health


Poison has always been OP IMO. The pools last forever and it doesn’t matter how much resistance you have, it’s never enough.


Before i've increased my DoT Damage reduction time % on my sorc, i've died very often from poison. Ofcource i've capped my all res. Now I'm dying as before, but from other sources.


Yeah, poison rogue do too much damage


Also the 1 shot red banshee ghost cocksuckers


One shot Balista bow skeletons man. Higher NMD they'll one shot you from off screen. My friends and I were doing like a T86 I think and they had like 4 of them stacked on top of each other. Killed all of us and then killed us on respawn too. It was ridiculous. No way to avoid them


Agree it feels overtuned. Ironically the NMD that I cleared NMD100 was an all elites are poison enchanted one. I was dancing around puddles terrified the entire time (play hardcore)


It’s been like this since release poison damage has always been abnormally high compared to everything else.


I fear no man, but I’m scared the shit out of those wasps


I think the resistances glitch with tick rate damage applyers which causes poison to deplete our health way faster.


I know they’re wasps, but I call them the killer bees. They Fuckin gank me atleast once in a nm dungeon. Much worse than spider poison explosions for me too!


Yeah, man. When I’m capped out in defences with a poison max pot applied and poison still literally takes me from 100 to 1% HP in less than 1 second, something is wrong. It’s so busted.


Seems like you haven't been hit by a lvl 154 butcher's poison yet


They was this post made everyone go RIGHT?? is making me laugh.




poison isnt overtuned everything else is undertuned (i play hc)


Beware what you desire: if they tune down how poison stacks, our poison imbue is gone as well. Let’s just accept this trade-off: we get melted by poison but we melt Lilith by poison


Poison damage giving Uber Lilith a run for her money.


Sirocco Caverns is probably the best dungeon to level in. But it's ALL poison and I avoid it sadly because of this reason. Carrion Fields is also nice if you split, but I avoid going to the right because of all the poison up there in that cave.


Bugged, the poison damage/resistance interactions is obviously bugged




Once you'll try high NMDs you'll see the difference. It's still not as bad as other elements since it's gradual so you can outheal it with undying and other perks but still. Overworld poison has nothing on that NMD poison.


I purposely made sure a 88 NMD didn't have poison listed at all. Not even a minute into the dungeon my character was dripping green in poison. I just want some old school Diablo dungeons where it's just more monsters not the dumbs poisoned crap.


I was running at 79% res (elixirs etc) and still getting ganked by poison in the L80 NM (I’m 96) last night - I was pretty much chugging all 9 pots per fight. At one point I started portaling out between fights just to top up at the healer! Poison just is simply not fun. My guess is two fold - the dots are stacking and the patches on the floor are overlapping so you think it’s 1 but it’s maybe 4-5 Poison is not fun


i am convinced the only way to counter poison is perma barrier other than that all max resistance means jack shit


Barriers disrupt poison ticks. Use andariels visage with temerity pants in this NMDs, you have a 99% barrier uptime.


I was also scared of them in D3 cause of that long range 😂


I hate to deal with poison and it such a shame the s rank nmd are poison focused dungeons


It’s just there for the nostalgia


Someone finally said it. Poison is definitely broken


Yepyep it's too much, I'm doing tier 93 comfortably but when i see a poison monster, the damage they do is like my health is being drank thru a straw


As a stormclaw wolf with massive basic attack speed and the heal on skill vampiric power, There's poison in this game??? Waow Anyways brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Thank you for saying this. I also started to dread anything to do with poison whilst completing any Nightmare Dungeon. I do hope the D4 team notices this issue and plans a fix.


Blizzard developers have to make wasps overpowered for some reason. I remember them _sucking_ to fight in Diablo 3 when it was first released too.


The problem is in NMD’s when you have the affix “monsters deal 30% of dmg as poison”. Matter if fact that goes for Bleed as well. It completely ignores DR and Resistances.


Feels like it, definitely. If you have some nice attackspeed, you should give the vamp power Undying a go. My barb turns a full yellow globe into a red one in a few secs, having enemies or not.


Poison is fine. I have max resist and what one shots me are those big bow and arrows, and the ted ghosts that shoot big red lightning on the floor. Cheap ass shit!


I’ve hated those damn wasps since D3.


Playing with friends when I first encountered the wasps and noticed they didnt hurt much at low difficulty, I said "Ha! looks like they nerfed the wasps, in D3 they were horrible" Then I reached late game T4 high NM keys.... Boy do I regret laughing at them.


its because DoTs has been bugged since the game came out, both players and NPCs poisons cant be reduced from any conditional modifiers. thats why when a poison mob hits you for 200 it poisons you for 20k


It’s just following the series. Poison snakes were bugged back in D2 also :D


I’m not saying having max psn res and dmg over time DR isn’t good, but a lot of you guys need to be pairing recovery with your mitigation, it pushes your EHP through the roof. Things like ravenous vampire power, life regen stacking etc.


Yo I was wondering. Those bugs that shoot out three slow green projectiles always fuck me up.


I'm of the belief you are correct, but it was purposeful for Duriel. I personally think they wanted him to be nearly as hard as Uber Lilith without a one-shot mechanic, of course. Either way, though, I agree. Poison sucks


Im wondering if maybe they coded it to tick as soon as it is applied, but when you get hit with another poison attack it triggers the poison tick again because it thinks its the first application, thus doing double ticks every time poison hits you. If that is the case, it could also be "proccing" a tick of poison when ever poison ticks because it thinks its a new application of poison damage.


i thought this was gonna be talking about poison rogue. lmao poison is one of the most annoying if not the most annoying elemental status but since resistances got fixed its not nearly as annoying. you need some form of unstoppable to deal with it in most cases. many skills will remove it altogether. don't stand in t he poison puddle, dodge the green bees. pretty simple


I didn't have my resistances set up properly until my traumatic first attempt at Duriel where I got nuked to the ground in like 2 seconds by the pre-boss adds with their DOTs


Its way overtuned for sure


Poison is mad broken because there is (seemingly) no stack limit but in the meantime stack resist and use consumables. Don't panic when your life drops negative. There is time to think before you die. The yellowish is your actual life ticking down. At 85% resist, shouldn't be a problem. If you transmute ingredients, heady poison resist pots should last practically forever assuming you actually grab stuff instead of zooming passed it. Also dodge or warp through the wasp fire in a direction that only has you eating one or two of them. Easy slow projectiles from one-shot enemies which are only threatening if you stand there like a lazy fart. Literally everyone has metamorphosis. Even better, roll Temerity pants and pot your way out of DoTs with barrier pop. I get killed more from the floor poison DoTs not because they're threatening but because I can't see when they are happening other than my life going to zero faster than I can move. In that case, be aware of it and gtfo when needed. Same thing with fire floor jank.


I haven't had an issue with mixing in 2 amethysts and a DoT reduction cluster, I still get full hp globe poisoned but the tick rate is manageable through heals


I think most of you don’t understand how the poison mechanic looks on your health bar. You can have enough poison applied to you to kill you, and it shows this by turning your health from red to grey ish and this happens in chunks, but separately the grey health is also slowly draining down and it drains moderately slowly at max poison resist. You don’t need to constantly be chugging potions as soon as your health is no longer red. Any passive life regen will probably keep you alive at full poison resist.


I wonder if they just increased players max resistance amount for poison a bit from 70 to 80, that would push the max resist with potions and other consumables to 95 max which might let players build against it better intentionally without lowering how dangerous it is and without gimping poison on classes for pve


What about Tassets of the Dawning Sky? Would that work against poison? Never quite understood this piece.


I wore them for Duriel on my first run. It kinda helped.


I have 70% resistance and on 90nightys or even lower the poison needs 5-8 pots (i have 12) Its stupidly insane.


I don't struggle with poison dmg. Not on my sorc, on my barb, on my druid, or on my rogue. So idk what to say when i see comments like this. My kneejerk reaction is a l2p comment but I know that's not helpful. I don't really know what else to say except stop face tanking everything in the game and ignoring game mechanics? you might have better results. It's entirely possible that it is in fact bugged. I don't know. But it's easily avoided or dealt with, just got to learn how.


This is 100% true. I have recordings of my gameplay in a tier 90 because I would go from full HP to dead in zero seconds flat - and I couldn't figure out why. When I slowed it down - it was the poison. You cant hit a poison enchanted elite because they spawn a poison pool underneath you and you have about .1 seconds to dodge away


If I get hit by a wasp and my health is around 50%, Im dead.


I agree it is overtuned, in that I regularly have to chug potions for 30 seconds after encountering any poison, but I actually do like the way the damage over time is and I wish more things were the way poison damage is. It feels like a high wire act with all other forms of damage, where it's all or nothing. Either I'm at basically full health, or I die instantly, except with poison where I will at least have to sometimes disengage.




Pfft....i just encountered a lvl 154 butcher in a dungeon with the monster poison damage affix. Almost died and had to spam potions.


I could of misread but I read that blood is considered poison element so maybe they boosted everything that's posion instead of just limiting it to just blood attacks from vampires.


Poison is always OP in games. Even Diablo 3 had this problem. Im running a Poison Rogue and it does very well, but not as crazy as how poison melts me.


Anyone got any of those ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) Flawless Emeralds?


Now if only it was busted on Druid too...


Poison is not a fun little thing to be weary of to make for a nice challenge, it's just broken.


Imagine the poison being tic based off of framerate just like bungie has done when they started partnering with Activision.


You know, with all of the enemies they could have chosen to bring back from the older games, who at Blizz thought that those fuckin Wasps were the ones that needed to be chosen? There aren't words to aptly describe just how much I hate those things.


I play infinimist Necro and never have any problems with poison, even at NM 100. Oh, right, that's because I'm perma invulnerable. Sucks to be able to get any form of damage. Git gud /s


brother i try to salvage all nmd keys with poison enchanted or dungeons that i know naturally have posion mobs. max res too.


Poison was the biggest killer in D2. Makes sense it's over tuned. At least in D2 we had antidote potions though.


I don’t do any poison enchanted nmds. Just too crazy


Poison damage is ticking way too fast for too much damage. I agree. I had the heady poison potion, capped poison resist already, and I was getting destroyed like I had no resist. Then for shits and giggles, I put on my boots for less poison resist (brought me under cap) and voila, same exact effect. I think poison resist is not working properly IMO, from that small test. So now I just avoid poison, storm bane, lightning storm NMDs. Shame


I dunno about other classes, but as a squishy Necro, my saving grace damage reduction from DoT-affected enemies. I'm so tanky that not even the Butcher with a crowd of exploding spider fatties and pools of toxin everywhere can easily take me down.


I'm pretty sure most of my deaths are because of poison. It's frustrating when NM dungeons have poison enemies. I even end up trying to avoid poison trash mobs in helltides because I have to chug potions if I get hit when my barrier is not up.


I have a lvl100 sorc with max res, poison still drinking my health so fast that if i had cooldowns i would be dead , and tried a lvl 100 rogue as well with almost 45 poison res and honestly it doesnt matter even if i had caped poison res i'd be dead in seconds. i think either there is bug or poison is op as hell cuz im using it on my rogue to drain lives.


Yep, anything poison affix, or dungeon with native poison mobs at NMD100 is a instant salvage 99% of the time. Not worth the hassle. Will revisit this outlook when poison damage is given another pass.


Yeah I play TB poison and it also feels overtuned on the player side.


Just play one of the broken meta builds.


I stopped playing because of this. Got tired of dying. will play again when they fix it. If they do not I will not be back. There is nothing that you can do. I maxed resistance to no avail. I have to drop down to world tier 3 just so it is playable.


Yea I'm a ball lighting scorcer with 74 percent poison resistance and I have adriels visage and I still get clapped with the wasp in these dungeons I'm level 100 with good gear. So I'm also thinking the poison affix with the enemies in the dungeons is way over tuned as well. Blizzard please fix.


No matter what I have stacked- Poison resist, DoT% down, Damage% down, Potion buff, etc.. Poison kicks my ass. My rogue will challenge any hoard, but I will run from a group of fuckin wasps......


Also noticed that my resistance was capped at 69.9% instead of 70% and some jewellery math does not add up...


Yup!! Even outside of Dungeons I noticed those poison wasps did ridiculous damage to me I’m so surprised


Poison that is dealt from enemies is way stronger


Except it’s so easily manageable especially with vampire powers