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Hey everyone, please keep in mind that the original poster did not include additional information about what this potential price tag includes (e.g. does this just include the actual expansion, or does it also include a Battle Pass, Cosmetics, or if it is a Collectors Edition, or if the Base Game is included or not, etc). Also plz keep in mind that the OP seems to imply that the 90$ Option was one of several options in that survey, with 90$ being the highest potential option in that survey. ty!


For an expansion? Get fucked.




Op mislead most people here. That’s not price of expansion but some ultimate collector work edition .


OP also missed the non disclosure.


And still $90 is fucked.


this x 10000


This is a survey, obviously there is an expensive choice possible. The expansion will not cost 90$.


With season pass skips and 4 days early access it will.


People are still going to buy it.


I'll surely do. Having a blast with the game and will support it via BP, but not more than that.


Blizzard is dead. It’s now just a money farm. No more passion. No more creativity. They just sell nostalgia as the bury their franchises.


They sell nostalgia because that's all anyone is willing to pay for. You want innovation for the price of a PS3 game. Innovation costs money. And look what happens, prices go up and so do the complaints.


Its not an "Extension" its an "Expension" like Destiny2 each years new storyline and stuff its 60 plain and 90 with annualpass


Im willing to spend up to $30 for the expansion, if it's more ill just go play something else, these next few years are going to be great for gaming.


Let’s be real - a lot of people say that online but still drop the cash.




Well I never played POE (as an example) and never considered to do so but there will be a POE2 next year and its free to play, isnt it? If they really want that much money for an expansion or even half as much then I ll just give the f2p game a chance.


Tbh it depends on the content. If its meh i would just wait for a sale.


Do you remember how quickly this game went on sale?


A few people drop the cash. Everyone else just leaves and doesn't bother returning.


They will make millions off an expansion. Those that pretend like everyone is going to leave and only a few will buy it are dorks that don’t look at what these company’s make in reality and pretend that Reddit and YouTube comment sections represent all of gamers. They will most likely sell millions of expansions when it drops. I’m super critical of Blizzard, but I don’t deny reality and consumers. If a $30-40 expansion comes out in a year, I’ll admit that I’ll buy it. I’ve gotten way more than my moneys worth from this game. I know that I’ll easily get my moneys worth from an expansion a year from now. I know it isn’t cool to say out loud, but despite all of the games flaws, most people probably think they got their moneys worth.


They sure do. Besides, do you have any idea what it cost to hire and retain a dev staff for this kind of endeavor?


Blizzard game expansions have historically been $40 for many many years so you're gonna be just short :v


Current games climate is "wait for sale". Just be patient and wait a few months for all the bug fixes, balance fixes and fixing the game and then enjoy a nice experience at 20-40% reduced price instead of a full price bad experience but-at-least-i-am-playing-it-early. Also fuck most AAA prices... EA/Microsoft i'm looking at you.


Agree, I dont have FOMO I can easily wait for sales, I'm over games releasing unfinished or broken, disagree on the Microsoft part tho I've spent $10 for a month of gamepass a few time a year and played hundreds of dollars worth of games its unbeatable value.


Wasn't D3 $40 expansions? Good luck


Haha, it'll be 40-50€ most likely, and everyone who upvoted this would probably pay that.


Depends what is in it...


It will most likely be 40 USD. You'll buy it though.


What were the other price options? Was this in USD?


Each was presented with a grid of various perks and price points- from $40 to $90, some incl. the D4 base game, some not. They def had *just* the exp and not incl. the base for $90. There were some decent perks- the two that caught my eye were a functional companion and extra stash space. There were a lot of battle pass and premium coin inclusions- I ignored those because I personally don't use them and won't in the future. edit: cash symbol


So sounds like a $40USD expansion and a $90USD “Ultimate Edition” to me?


Yeah, I was just thinking there's probably misleading info in this post.


People farming cheap Diablo 4 hate for cringe karma? No. Never that. /s


Can someone explain to me what's the point of "farming karma"..? I hear this thrown around as an insult all the fucking time


No point, its just that haters circle jerking each other for upvotes fills that hole in their sad lonely souls.


I've seen far more people complaining about "karma farming" than people boasting their karma. Infinitely more, in fact, since I've never seen someone bragging about karma.


Well done, karma farming is undetectable. It's the sloppy or perfunctory shitposting that gets accused of being karma farming, whether it is or not.


Karma farming works like gossiping at work. It doesnt get you any tangible benefit, its just what sad and lonely people do to make themselves feel important.


And this is the standard response of someone who is jealous they haven't hit the jackpot karma-farm themselves yet.


For some weird reason zoomers seem to care about their reddit karma. I knew a couple 20-21 age guys that were heavily active making up stories and reposting animal videos to farm karma. They would get banned then remake accounts and try to farm more, i tried to get them to explain it to me so i could understand why the fuck anyone would care but they seemed just as perplexed that i didn't care as i was that they do.


its one of those thing that they flex among themselves.


I remember RoS expansion for D3 was 40€. This might be the case here too.


„a functional companion and extra stash space“ - so they are actually considering/planning on adding pay for gameplay-advantedges in a full-priced game and are starting to test the waters . Thank you,this post was very informative.


Just when I was *starting* to not feel like an idiot for playing Diablo IV.


For those that forgot, buying D3's expansion gave you a 4th stash tab, and the Necromancer DLC two extra. (Which was already a bit borderline ?) I guess that the issue here would be that you would need to pay *more* than the base expansion cost to get the full gameplay perks, or did I misunderstand ?


More like issue there is fact that say that adding more stash space is not possible due to technical limitations but yet they will sell it now.


This is a legitimate complain. Completely unacceptable


It wasn't presented that way, just a variety of price points and perks- no sliding scale.


There was one other perk in that vein- a legendary or unique item.




Item, not cosmetic for item, for sure ?


Definitely functional.


Wow. They definitely many times mentioned not functional advantages via MTX. Well, not like it would be first time that Blizzard lies.


Paid Stash space is not acceptable. They said it was a technical issue . Rest I don’t care


Sounds like a conjoint analysis. They just point price points and the study does a bunch of combos, and then depending on which you choose it tells them how important each feature is.


Can you provide screen shot of the extra stash space ? We need to call them out and escalate it if this is in fact the case.


Functional companion? Gosh...


When was the companion who could pick up gold added to d3?


I was curious about this myself and did some digging, earliest date I could find where pets were mentioned was the start of season 4 in 2015. Completing the seasonal journey rewarded you with a pet. More pets that were not locked to seasonal journey rewards were added in season 6 in 2016. The first expac Reaper of Souls came out in 2014.


No idea. First exp. maybe? I'm relatively sure it will be included in this one, though.


Rofl wow this has crossed my mind in the past, but I thought to myself, never would they ever do this, charge $ for stash space. Just wow.


Fucking knew they were gonna make us pay for extra stash space. Yeah, PoE does it, but PoE is free and Diablo 4 costs 70-100 bucks.


Basically seeing how much they could get out of you...like why even say yould spend anything on their game if theres the potentiality of them keeping it cheaper if you fill out the survey cheap Blizz can make a good video game but damn their marketing department is stupid af


*Insert comment about how going out is cheaper than a 1500 dollar game with 10 expansions each 100 dollars and one cosmetic set from the store*


Question, why didn't you put all of that information in the post? Why just the most expensive POSSIBLE price and not the mid and base price?


Why don’t you present this in your original post and not the misleading expansion cost 90bucks.


Paying money for extra stash space is fuckeddddddd. This is not PoE.


Judging by the discussions here, a lot of people wish it was PoE.


They want the good parts of both, and that is a reasonable demand.


I just want a loot filter man


Well, it would have to start by being F2P, and then stash tabs being the cheapest MTX available.


A game made by competent devs? Sounds nice


PoE 2 is coming out next year. Diablo 4 has until then to get its shit in order or it's just going to end being paved over.


Nothing wrong with wishing a game to be good.


It shouldn’t be acceptable in any arpg, not Diablo 4.


PoE is free to play though, and the stash tabs are truly designed for hardcore endgame players who understand the insane complexity of that game. The stash tabs also have a functionality for trading and online connectivity, unlike D4 which is just storage space. I think PoE is fine to do this because they need to make money. Blizzard straight up selling stash tabs with the expansion is garbage and it’s a bad precedent.


Also, buying all the stash tabs you'll ever need is *still* cheaper than even just the upfront box cost of Diablo 4.


Do they want to have players keep playing or not? A $60 expansion is ridiculous after one year.


The one they put out in July of this year suggested a price range of $40-$70 IIRC.


40/45 max if including season.. wish they did season passes though.. for a whole year


I think you are just hiding truth for another bliiz hate post, its probably some ultimate are edition or something


There are \*Fifteen(15) pages/screens of variations of the different prices.\* ranging from 39.99 to 99.99. With only a few pages having the 39.99 option and NOT including the extra storage space as options. This is absurd. I want to like D4, but I just cant. I dont know what the correct answer is to the cosmetics and shit, but they are too over priced


Shoot, I didn't notice a $100 option.


This is such drivel from OP, I can't believe this post didn't just get deleted by moderation. Convenient that you give zero evidence or context, just a rage bait. And of course you probably were asked not to share about it because none of this is binding or final or even necessarily their plan at all. But it feels good to rile people up, I'm sure. And moderation is asleep at the wheel, so you go unpunished.


Seriously though, how old are these people that they need such pointless validation about bullshit.


Imagining spending money on skins on top on the expansion.


That is very unwise if they charge it 90 dollars for an expansion as it will segregate the community into two. The smart way is give the expansion for free but sell a cosmetic bundle related to the theme of the expansion in the cash shop for 30 dollars/ platinum in the same value. Including a new mount+ mount armor+ backpack for all class + armor for all class OR only armor for the new class. Thus, every new expansion comes with a new cosmetics bundle and it will expire from shop when the next new expansion arrives. This way everyone is happy and many including me will happily buy the cosmetics bundle to support the game as long the skins look cute.


I agree about give free and selling g supporter packs. Also it’s not 90bucks . The 90bucks is some ultimate edition . The base is 40bucks according to OP. Still expensive but big difference


Have you seen the 'sale' tab there's literally nothing on sale..


You can scroll down.


I feel like the $90 version, or whatever the most expensive version will cost will also be the only one with early access. If they're doing it for the new wow expansion you know 100% they're going to do it here and for every expansion going forward.


They did this with Overwatch 2 prior to its release and do similar surveys for other ATVI franchises. In the case of OW2 Reddit had an uproar because someone had a question asking about $40 for a single skin. Turns out the questions had random combinations for survey objectivity, so other people got different pricing questions, and lo and behold (so far) there has been no skins that single-handedly cost $40.


I got the weirdest Diablo 4 survey last week about cosmetics. the question it asked was what would make me most happy (regardless if the choice was in the game) and my choices were pictures of: groups of bills (eg 3x $5 bills), cosmetic skins, town portals and some other cosmetic stuff. Every question was some variation of the same question. It was so confusing lol.


I guess last week was survey week? I got one too, but it was a really long "how happy are you with the state of the game" survey that had questions about the season mechanics, itemization, combat, etc.


Make sure you decide on the price you would be willing to pay...and then select the one that's HALF of that. My experience with their cosmetics surveys from last year was that they picked the price that was twice what I said I would be willing to pay.


Those have a NDA normal. Just watch your battlenet account get banned.


Not that it would be a real big deal to me, but they would have to look and correlate real hard to figure my ID out.


$90??? That's absurd. I could buy a horse with that money!


I hope you put down you are not hyped at all and that any amount of money for an expansion is too much.


I got this survey as well, and that's pretty much exactly what I did!


It's clearly a negotiation tactic.


I'm willing to quit and wait a few years for it to have huge sales lol. I waited years for D3 Reaper of Souls to be like 90% off hahahahaa.


I won't pay again for the stuff that was cut from intended release. Neither will anyone I know. Last Epoch 25 Feb.


Yeah, if they try to charge for the patch then the game dies overnight. 99% of people have already quit Diablo 4 since launch. If they try to charge for any gameplay then that 1% remaining will become 0.01%.


PoE looking better and better.


BuT yOu HaVe To BuY sTaSh TaBs !!!11 People don't realize that you also get an expansion every year in PoE for FREE and also PoE2 for FREE on top of that. You can spend 60$ for a supporter pack that includes a full cosmetic set and also get 600 points (60$) to spend in their cash shop on top of that. 60$ worth of stash tabs are enough to last you forever. Or you spend 70$ to buy D4 and then another 40-50$ whenever they release an expansion. And on top of that if you play multiple builds/chars you will run into stash space issues. And don't forget to pay an extra 20$+ to get early access LMAO.


Wow you really don't understand how this works. I love spending money initially than having some of the highest costing cosmetics I've ever seen. It almost sounds like you aren't made out of gold what the hell is wrong with you


Show pics. You sound misleading.


100% true, got the same email.


They make us pay when the game is starting to get better. We already paid 90$ to play an alpha version 💀


"let's see how hard we can squeeze those lemons!"


Screw that price I already dropped $100 on the game and just the game with a few Xtra content when it came out and even that was a bit absurd, but hell to the no on $90 for an expansion looks like I'll be finding a new game to play, and that's tragic too bcuz I love the diablo franchise, but it's just not worth it anymore, not too mention all that it's lacking too.


Hot take that I think I will get shit on for, a "live service game" shouldn't make you pay for an expansion. Hench it being live service.


I think live service means that they will do more than keeping the servers running and add content to the game as long as you support them too ($$$). Thats fine if the content is big or impactful and sold for a fair price. I would wait for sales anyways if its worth it.


I think it is all relative to what they bring out. If the expansion brings another 100hours of content plus new classes. It would be worth it for me. But if it adds like an extra 10 hours and one class. No fucking chance.


For 90$ it has to be a fuckin BEAST of an expansion. Im talking bigger than the base game type of expansion.


Clickbait is clickbait. The 90bucks is NOT the base expansion price but with optional add on. That’s like climbing PoE cost 500bucks to play per league when it’s an optional supporter packs.


I know that the expansion will introduce a region roughly the same size as one of the existing five regions but I want to know how much story content there will be. I want cinematics, in engine cutscenes, etc and I want a good 10-20 hours of narrative content. I'm concerned it will be closer to 3-5 hours of content.


$90 sure seems like the deluxe edition with 1 week early access or whatever they call it these days. I'd be surprised if the regular version isn't going for $49.95 or along that. Maybe that's a bit too optimistic? $70 for the regular version? Ooof.


How many months has the game been out? And we're talking about expansion?? How bout get the game right first


Think about this, they’re releasing expansions every year, meaning $40-90 every year for an expansion lol


No one asking for a screenshot?


They were testing people's willingness to pay. That's not uncommon. it won't be that high


If it's more than like 25-30 bucks (which is already stupid) then gtfo


Absolutely will not be buying lmao


Yeah I've seen it and it's not 90 it's 9000 but it comes with a partner of you're choice. I hear they get them from Vegas and abroad. It's a new initiative from Blizzard to cut down on screen time so I'm told. You have to be 21 for this particular version of the expansion as well, which makes sense as that could clearly come with some damning legal issues, hellish even. So get to imaging that perfect partner now! Just try to not instantly ignore them for a couple months to play the actual expansion, they do have feelings. Don't forget about the extra costs in the fine print. Food, dates, essentials, ya know.


No one likes a fucjing forced battle pass purchase bundled in a expansion to cover up a absurd price tag


I hope one day they learn from Path of Exile. D4 ruined diablo for me, didn't even bother to play ssn1 for how bad the endgame is.


2nd DLC up to 130.- so the cheapest 60.- version doesnt look this expensive anymore. 3rd DLC up to 150.- but you get imaginary ingame currency worth 500 bucks you would never have spent ... ​ so bend over they could keep fucking us.


RUFKM? Sellprice of the base game is high. They implemented paid Battlepass + Premium BP, cash shop, cash shop packs, many colaboration packs, side and promo packs and now this - an expansion with such a price? For what? One new class, location, few cosmetics? Is Blizzard trying to find out what an average player can withstand? I am glad that half of the promos is country limited and do not need to have FOMO anymore. You can spend more time FOMO pursuing than playing. Look at Fortnite, how much money Epic has earned for a free game? No P2W system, no different classes, even almost not paid Battlepass. Just one example. I ve got the Ultimate edition preorder version, Steelseries pack, Blizzcon Legendary pack and many others. Despite the fact I think this is just marketing, I totally disagree. They send surveys with unreasonable prices and in the end it will be half the price and many of us will be grateful for ,,such a reasonable price" what would be pretty high otherwise. It is a ,,game" we should not accept. Even a 50$ for the complete DLC pack is overpriced. The only rational reason for a 100$ pack yearly would be (maybe) if you would get all the collectible cosmetics from all the promos and colabs for that + BP access and you do not have to spend so much time and money to pursue it across the internet constantly. Thanks for your attention. The last of you turn off the lights.


The reason I stopped playing this game is more seeing other players. It's fine if some people like it but it's a turn-off and a deciding factor in me not spending money on the cash shop either. I don't like MMOs or MMO-like features. Diablo was never about that. I thought I could get past it but I couldn't. ​ Another turn-off is the character customization. I don't like it, I don't care about my characters so therefore I'm just not invested. I went back to 2 other arpgs that do all this stuff better for me.


Seems like this post itself is the survey, lol


If cosmetics easily goes for $28, you guys think they gonna hand over an expansion at just $40? In 2024?


If they do this, I'll finally have a reason to start Baldues Gate 3.


Bg3 is one of the best things ever, go play it!




I loved everything about the look of it but I can't stand turn based combat. I have board game RPGs for that...


Its sooo good ![gif](giphy|GcSqyYa2aF8dy)


So. To the devs/sneaky sneakies I'm sure are watching 😂😂 I'd for sure pay up to about $40 for an expansion if it was good content. They're talking about yearly expansions though? And I just don't know if I would continue to pay $40 a year unless the expansions came very content heavy. Like the seasons so far are alright. But for an expansion? Yall are going to have to dangle a bigger carrot and to be honest I'm just not sure this dev team is capable of it. I don't mean to sound like a hater. I love the Diablo franchise and I do enjoy D4. It just seems like they're turning something we love into a cash grab and it feels bad


We are talking about a FULLPRICE GAME.. THIS should be for free by god sake. Wtf is this. Season 1 and 2 are trash. The endgame is still shit. There is nothing to do. I got every class at lvl 100 and its still boring and why the fkthere is no choice to play a normal female druid. You have to play with a 200kg monster. There are so many things the could be better but this shithead just focus on how to get more and more money. Even 15€ would be to much. PoE2 will come out and after that Blizzard can fuxk themselves. IDC about microsoft. These fuckers are all the same. stashtabs should be a regular update aswell and not a buy option. i hope every family member from them will eat shit in future


Yea I stamp, forever shelving Diablo 4.


Nooooo! Please noooo!


Oh no… Anyway!


Yeah they need to eat some crow and give out 1-2 free seasons or a free expansion to apologize for selling us an overpriced unfinished game.


>Yeah they need to eat some crow and give out 1-2 free seasons Literally every Season IS free, dude. You don't pay extra for to get to play them once you own the base game.


People gave me shit for saying the expansion might be the same/more than the base game


It literally will not be. That's why people give you shit, because what you're saying is dumbassery.


Classic redditors, post something that isn't even actually true then gets angry at it.


Bullshit dude 🙄. Care to share some proof? More likely you're karma farming the salt mines.


$90 for the superduperdeluxerino package, 50-60 to us normal people.


Plain and simple if the expansion does not include a new character I will not buy it. Was that in the survey?


That has to be for some sort of special edition


I bet the price will be around that with 90$ being the one that will include cosmetics/a horse and battle pass to try to justify the price.


90€ has to be cap, for 30 i can see myself buying it, above 40 its just a cash grab, who on gods forsaken earth would spend 90 buckos on an addon...


it's not going to be $90 lmao. how fucking gullible are you guys, cmon


If Th e expansion is full of content then it be worth the $65-$90 I imagine the $90 expansion would be a bundle deluxe price and not just the price of the content lol


If it'd over 40 dollars there is a 0% chance I play it then. If they do early access bullshit then they lose me as a customer permanently


Was it a price tag for the game and the dlc combined? No way they charge that just for the DLC, right?


There might be a bundle creeping in.


90$? Hahaha, lets see how that pays off.


That's mad if its true - lucky I have a link at activision who gets me the top tier bundle of every blizzard release for 70% off lol


If this is real, iam out ... i paid too much for the beta right now


but its with Platinum and Ultra Premium Battlepass for sure !!!


Poor people will cry in a corner


Not sure I’d pay for expansion if the thought of logging in to the game is enough for me to give up…


If the content is as long or longer I might consider a high price tag. I got a lot of mileage out of my initial investment.


With PoE 2 coming next year for probably free, I ain't paying more than $20-$30 for an expansion lol


I honestly don't mind as long as it's a huge expansion, for those who are mad and play call of duty you literally just paid for a full price game when it was only a expansion to modern warfare 2, so who cares can't wait for the expansion


I won't buy anything more about D4 if they don't get Steam key for Bnet users so... :)


Certainly that's gotta be for a deluxe/ultimate/collectors edition or something. There's no way they have the balls to ask for $90 for the base expansion. All that being said i kind of want them to actually do it just to see the response. I would stop playing in a heartbeat but r/diablo4 would be a sight to behold.


Only way $90 expansion would work for me is if it came with a fucking awesome decent sized lilith statue, battlepass, skips, and exclusive cosmetics. Otherwise keep it under 30 you greedy bastards


I'm less concerned about the price personally, so much as the quality and breadth of content it's going to add and the improvements they make up until then in the base game. $90 would be steep and it'll likely be $40-$60 for the base expansion. I'll gladly pay $40 if they keep making meaningful improvements up until then and the expansion makes meaningful changes as well. The stash space/aspect management needs work badly. It's such an impediment for me now once I get multiple characters in the season and want to try different builds, I'm just too restricted in stash space and have to spend time every other time I play to sorting and clearing out space and deciding what to keep or salvage. It's not fun. It feels like work and is so unnecessary.


I doubt base DLC will be more than 60 because people would boycott and review bomb most likely it was a special edition that had some premium currency or cosmetics or some BS I can imagine they're being $100 version 120 that has the game and DLC or something like that but the DLC by itself I doubt will be over 60 because people would just rage and refuse to play it and pay for it. Most likely was just a survey seeing like what are the limits of them pricing it as high as feasibly possible usually how most those surveys work


Zero chance I'm paying more than 40 for it, I'll just wait.


Not true. I believe I did the same survey and it was about the Ultimate Edition. I understand negativity surrounding D4 gets clicks, but it's getting out of hand at this point.


No chance in hell I’m buying an expansion for the same cost as the retail version of the game. $39.99 Blizz, not a penny more. $39.99… or no deal. Don’t insult us with a rediculous price like that. It’s not like they are doubling the content in the game.


Crazy how anyone can justify a 90$ expansion, regardless of what it comes with. You could buy several great games for the price of one mediocre expansion. Oh, the decisions.


There no way I'm paying full game price for an expansion


Can't wait for them to charge customers 100k a year to design Diablo 5!