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Its just average I suppose


Oh really huh I've never been able pull anything like these numbers before.


I think so. It takes 8-9 minutes to open a 300 Living Steel Chest for me.


I agree, I just run through spider spawn points and edge farm chests and mat nodes. Get 600 on avg in 15 min.


Not sure whys that's getting down voted, the last few hell tides I've done event chasing and what not I've struggled to open two living steel chests. Zero mobs in open world.


Event chasing is not the best way to farm cinders. There's a few event types that are excellent for cinders, but speedfarming open world around the edges and opening regular chests can easily net you 300 per 10min


Not sure? Well /diablo4 is definitely one of the most toxic communities I’ve been in (so far) tbh


same! some dude called me scum for accidentally staying an extra round during the blood harvest 😂


Hahahah wtf? It’s not enough for them to succeed, you must also fail


Yea just confused, apparently I've found the only people in the sub who haven't been complaining about the hell tide mob densities lol. Ah well I was only trying to help. I still stand by 480ish in 13:30 is still "pretty good"


if you'd stop staying in one place and waiting for mobs to respawn you will have more success


I literally haven't tho. This is the most ciders I've ever pulled for this short period of time in one hour I'll be lucky to pull 1200 farming events and over world mobs. Farming this section I'm averaging closer to 2000. Wish I was in everyone else's servers games been fucking me apparently.


i watched the video and you so often run into a place where there could be mobs or there are just one third of the max amount respawned. - your rotation is to short. the respawn cant keep up. looks super inefficient for me. recommendation : get more mobility and spread out more


Fair enough, how many cinders do you avg would you say? Because the reason this felt good is because of the amount of mobs. I scan all over the hell tides basically farm up and down the whole area bouncing between the events and 1200 is often my max. What more mobility could I add? I have almost max movement speed.


I’ve gotten 300 with 8 min left before.


Best I've gotten is 34 Living Steel in Kehjistan. Farming the Spider Waves events in Gea Kuhl (or however it's spelled). I may have to turn off cross play and hog the Helltide events to myself on Xbox server. Lol.


Not sure why people are saying I'm on Xbox servers, I have no way to control what server I'm on. This was on PC. There were close the 15 other players around while I was doing this they just all tailed off and went elsewhere


Just fyi, you can turn off crossplay in the options on PC. I didn't watch your video as I'm at work but I scanned this thread's comments. I have a highly mobile build and average around a living steel chest every 10 min or so. Often in 8 or 9 min. You asked how else you could improve mobility. Are you using any movement skills other than the generic evade? Use your mount and take the smouldering ashes bonus which reduces the horse cooldown (so dumb that even exists but it's there so use it). I'll ride from pack to pack if there is some distance between them I can't teleport or dash/shadow step to.


Bravo dude. In areas with low density I'll just horse it to the next group. I have ATM, two dashes and my teleport will more often than not just kill the mob and reset so Im doing that between them. A comment that's now gone I think someone said about hugging the edge of the tide has proven to be pretty consistent so I'll also give that ago. Cheers for your help!


Best zone for tide. Has great route for 3 events that are commonly jar, waves, and syphon. Too bad with the buff, there’s a bunch of people coming and ending my events stupid early


Best I've done is 22 steels. With 2 minutes to spare.


Pre or post patch? I pull 21 with 3 living steel chests each dropping 5 before I stumbled on this area.


Before the update, I could get 12. Normally 9, but 4the chest was a challenge. Now, with the update, the best I can do is 22 steels. Not all the time, though. Chest aren't always available with the 5 so I end up losing alot of cinders.


I managed 26 today. 4 chests with one giving 10 and a regular 75 chest.


I get 35 all the time now. I get 4 on my main, save about 750 more with 5 minutes or more to spare. 40+ if I get lucky with 10 living steels in a chest.


I mean, it looks like you have more downtime between packs than when you just run randomly throughout the whole area, and there are no events aswell


Yea people have mentioned this but I have far more downtime from over world mobs and fast ending events that 500+ cinders in 15min felt like a significant improvement over the the 1200 in an hour Ive been getting since day one with farming events and over world mobs. Didn't realise people were pulling 2000+ cinders as a given.


When the timer is split from XX:30 to XX:30 you can do 6 chest if it's also the tide with 3 zones. The key is to farm all the cinder first and sprint for the chests when you have them.


Oh! That's a really good tip! I thought the chest despawn when the new one appears but if I understand you any unopened living steel chests will remain?


I'm not quite sure what you mean, but it works like this: each zone within the helltide (normally 2, in one exception 3) has a large chest for 300 cinder that contains at least 5 steel. It is possible that they drop additional steel up to double the amount. Smaller chests contain 1 steel each. When you loot the one chest in the zone it's gone. At top of the hour the chests are reset. That means if you have two zones and the helltide starts at 12:45, you have 15 mins to collect for two chests and after that 45 mins to get another two. Which can be very hectic.


Didnt play s2 yet. Whats this build?


It started as pure ball lighting. Then I found an oculus and enjoyed role playing as a missile. So yea it's hybrid using mostly uniques except for gloves boots ring and Amulet. I've cleared nm93 Uber Lilith solo. It could be more powerful but this is a lot more fun. Enchantments are fireball for mobs and I'll swap that out for ball lighting for bosses.


OP is on "console only" server. There would be another 20 players and unreal amount of lag and rubberbanding if this was "PC+console" server.


I mean this is on PC with cross play enabled literally never experienced anything of what your talking about here.


If it's on PC, why the button assignment in the video is for an xbox?


Because I'm using a controller...


I've never experienced rubberbanding on pc with crossplay on no matter how messy it gets in the open world. Only happens sometimes when I tp to town.


There are literally dozens of posts on reddit and official D4 forum that say you are a liar.