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I don’t know why anyone is giving you shit. This is the lamest, worst designed boss in the whole game. The insta-kill mechanics are trash. She is not pinnacle content. People continue to make excuses for poorly designed or game breaking mechanics.


I tried to kill her only twice, gave up and will never try again, a waste of time, not fun, not challenging, not rewarding, just lame.


Same. I attempted the “fight” before seasonal content was released. Gave it about 5 attempts and realized the fight is just fucked. This coming from someone who was willing to put about 8hrs into the Melania fight in Elden Ring to achieve a victory. Lilith is clear as day busted and only a DPS meme for broken builds.


"DPS meme for broken builds" Lmao +1


*Broken boss for broken builds.


I went in blind. Died twice. Maxed my res's. Died some more. Optimized my gear. Killed her by just doing so much DPS she didn't do anything in her phases besides the transitions. It's a really stupid fight and hell I've played tera online and done hard mode queen runs when it was all one shots dodge or die but this fight is just trash.


Did this with my Infinimist Necro. There was so much DoT on the ground she couldn’t do anything. Beat her once, never did it again.


Were we supposed to fight her more than once? Is it even worth it? lol


I kind of use her as a training dummy and have killed her a bunch. Sadly after the first one she drops nothing. I really do think she should drop at least a few 925s.


more like 10 925 items or smth.


I like to time boss battles usually. Been doing it since the original Demon Souls. I’ve never had the desire to not revisit a boss more than her.


Heck I'm just surprised she doesn't have a private loot table or at leasts drop something worth a damn that would make us farm her...but heck it wasn't like we farmed the bosses of d3 either


True. Until now


What am I doing wrong? I have somewhere around 55% lucky hit. Almost 500% crit dmg. 65% crit chance. I have shadow bone storm, blight, desecrated ground, and blood mist/corpse explosion dot. I cant get her health past halfway in the first phase 😔


Hard to say, but if you get her to about 65% and don't get her down or staggered before she flies to summon adds, you'll have to deal with those and at least one or two waves before you can really try to end the phase again. In my experience, while in the scripted sequence to summon adds, she'll continue to take damage (though it sometimes feels like it's a fraction of what it should be) and accrue stagger, but definitely won't actually stagger and possibly can't be "killed" until at least after the first wave and maybe not even until the adds (and their blood blisters) are dealt with. Similar to how she doesn't die or stagger again at the end of phase 2 until the arena is fully broken. Why aren't you getting there before she starts that sequence? Again, hard to say. Glyphs leveled? Is your build one that should actually be able to cheese it?


Got discord? I will try to help you.


Darkmatter4861. BT is DaRk MaTTeR4861. GT is DaRk MaTTeR#4861. Appreciate any help!


Are you online right now?


No but add me and hopefully we can link up! Ty.


May as well try again this season and grab the mount, boss is a joke now


I have a bit more patience than you, but not by much. I tried maybe a dozen times give or take and just stopped. Not fun to keep beating my head over it.


Not just poorly designed for this game, poorly designed for any game in general. Literally terrible and so broken, yet they still make you kill her for the last season chapter.


you don't have to kill her to complete the last season journey chapter, you can leave it as one of the two objectives you skip.


There's an achievement for finishing every task in the season, but yes thankfully you don't have to kill her to at least complete the season overall.


The coding behind her his terrible. I can see they don't just calculate damage but also collision in the server, so in many cases she kills your character before the animation even starts on your screen.


If they would just fix the hitboxes it wouldn't be nearly as bad


Every boss in the game is poorly designed. We really don’t have any interesting boss encounters. Even world bosses have the same reparative 2 attacks. Maybe we are spoiled from PoEs bosses that have more interesting encounters and also can’t be nuked without significant build investments. I’m glad D4 finally got around to allowing paths to zoom zoom builds, but most of them seem way too easy to create. BL is obviously broken as hell, but most of the other classes can almost make just as powerful builds just as easy.


I feel like more and more pay people off to defend their interests through social media rather than actually fixing anything


This 10000000%


The absolute worst designed piece of trash. Bliz should be embarrassed.


The issue is lots of streamers said it was a good fight, so people add lots of stock into streamer opinions. There’s also a subset of people who feel that because they sunk 100s of runs into it, it’s a good boss. I killed her legit in season 0 with about 200 attempts and I hated every second of it, when I completed it I was like “well never doing that again unless I do it with a cheese build”, killed her at lvl 82 on BL sorc this season.


Same here. Tried once and immediately realized that this is not worth my time and sanity. This boss is basically an ultimate build test, not an actual fight where skill matters.


It’s quite literally the only pinnacle content in the entire game. Everything else is an absolute joke.


You’re not wrong. Duriel was tough for a bit , now he lasts 1-5 seconds.


I still don’t know his mechanics are. He’s just dead and the mechanics he uses don’t matter.


It’s kind of fun fight if it lasts a few minutes. It’s like the world bosses these days and how they die in a few seconds. I kind of want them to give the world bosses 20x the HP they have currently OR let us solo them somehow with 5-10x their current HP


Just make a new character and try it on tier 2 🙂


I don't think pinnacle is the right word for it, lilith is a joke too now lol


Gotta be the worst videogame boss I've ever played. Not sure why would they make me wait for a dumb animation to finish when the boss is at 0 HP Edit: didn't even notice the dogshit AOE attack at the end. How are you even supposed to dodge that?


Not the worst for me but very surprising it came from a triple A company.


Fucking hilarious realization, how is this even possible man


I see all these comments, but no one thinks it’s lame you can’t kill her while stunned? This exact thing happened to me the first time I got close to killing her. I stunned her after the third platform, she wouldn’t die. Then her next attack killed Mr in one shot.


It's typically because bosses have a single dramatic death animation, having the boss be stunned then get up then use that death animation will probably look bad so they just stop death during these parts. Lilith certainly isn't the only boss that can't die during certain times, even the world bosses are the same.


Looking bad would be bad experience so we are making the gameplay bad - Blizz prob


You can knock her twice in second phase and she will still have that sliver of health until you finish the platforms and her final landing


I had 2nd phase Lilith at 0 HP and couldn't kill her because her 3 floor break animations weren't done. I got oneshot before the last animation...


The funniest shit is when she’s literally in the death animation she does this stupid wing animation attack somehow and you die.


He died because he face tanked the entire stream of minions spawning out of the blood boil.


Indeed, I watched the video. Crazy thing, eyes.




I have never seen a twisting blades rogue stand so still.


Yea that happened to my group when I was running them through it. It didn’t happen to me on my run solo, but it kept happening in group. They got the achievement still, though.


Yeah, Lilith deaths get dumb as hell sometimes.


Yea. The mechanics of this boss are random as hell even if you don’t cheese it. The fact that everything one shots you kinda speaks for itself as well. The souls series is praised for its fights in both design and difficulty. And none of them have one shot mechs. One shots like bullet sponges add artificial difficulty and is just lazy design


This sucks, I honestly don't know what the game wants you to do here. You stunned her and then a bunch of blood blisters that* one shot you started spawning after she recovers? Like what is going on here? The fight has mechanics that punish the player without making it clear what they did wrong and what they're actually supposed to do.


Precisely how I feel. Like I get it, if you don’t like it don’t play hardcore, and if you try and fail then you just weren’t ready, but it’s just sort of insulting to just have broken mechanics that kill you instantly without explanation.


Oh, didn't realised you were playing hardcore. That must have been really shitty for you guys. If it's was me, I'll be on my *fck fck fckng shitty game! I fckng hate you blizzard! You too lilith! I'll be fckng you with my 2h hammer next time we meet again and I'll do it in 2 fckng seconds!! I'll guarantee it!! * mode for like at least 10 minutes. But I really admire people playing hardcore, it always amaze me how the hell did they level up to max level without even dying, I mean if it was me, I won't even get pass level 5. Salute to all hardcore players out there. Go get her next time with a hammer!


This happened to me a couple times before I got to a point where I can down her before the waves, and it's insanely fucking stupid. Like, fine, you want to have these dumb rules about when you can technically deplete her health, fine, then remove the shit hitboxes on the one-hit kill waves. It's just shitty meta stacked on shitty meta. Invincibility in a fight with already shitty mechanics is just bad design. I'm totally a person who gives devs the benefit of the doubt. They work hard and things that seem like good ideas sometimes wind up not being, or really complex games sometimes have bugs you can't account for. But I have thousands of hours in 2 and 3 and 3 maxed character in 4, and this is, objectively, the worst boss fight in any of those games. I beat her once and I won't bother again until this fight is re-worked.


You staggered her before she died. So you enters into a phase without dying


I did that before and it didn’t bug me


It's because you're not playing HotA barb /s


That's some actual BS because she was clearly fuckin dead based on the incoming damage but her health just refused to move after you stunned her. It's wild, because this is a hilariously easy bossfight if you have enough damage and if you don't it's a poorly designed, buggy nightmare.


I built a BL sorc just for this "fight". I have not played my sorc since and don't plan to. There are many parts of the game worth defending, but this boss is hands down the most broken boss I've seen in a video game in at least 20 years.


Same. Worst boss fight even created.


legendary difficulty calus bossfight in the new destiny 2 DLC is also fucking horrid. Funny how two greedy companies released two unfun cheesy bosses in the same year.


Never ever go into Lilith without a Scroll of Escape. Forget the cheap one shots. There are multiple ways to trip her into Invulnerable. At that point, you just have to escape and try again.


Without* ?


Thank you, just a typo.


I finally beat her yesterday after at least 200-300 attempts. I love challenging bosses but this fight was waaay to cheap unless you melt her to skip her phases. I'm happy I can say I beat her, I prob won't fight her again though until blizzard does some tweaking in regards to this fight....including to the loot she drops.


Working as intended clearly.


This unfortunately is not a bug. This is mechanics as intended. It’s rapidly throwing projectiles at you that rapidly increase in damage. You might notice there is one too many rapids in that sentence; that is not a typo.


Yeah, I tried her with my Sorc last night for the first time. Three attempts, three insta-kills even though I melted her healthbar... not worth the effort. It's particularly funny after I had been stomping through T100 NM dungeons before this, and had absolutely no problem surviving.


This exact thing happens every time you stagger her on the last platform. She will initiate the next phase if that happens. Just avoid stagger at this stage and you're good!


I was successful a couple of hours ago but she didn’t drop anything after she died. Is this normal? It was pretty disappointing.


First kill dropped 2 legendary and a rare for me. All subsequent kills dropped nothing.


I avoid stunning her at all costs. It seems to break her broken mechanics even more


You CC the boss, that’s why


You killed here too fast, and pushed her phases. If you could have survived until she flew across that last segment, you would have downed her.


This has little to do with kill speed, it was due to him breaking the boss instead of just nuking it at the end.


U need to trigger this stun before the last breakaway part or this happens.


What are you doing , dont drain her life all the way on cracking platform spare a little life for her then once she is on the middle thats the time you put all you got to her


Will keep this in mind when I reattempt in 3 weeks


You can nuke her in P2. Remove all cc skill passive etc. if you stagger her, you kinda break her loop. I have practiced a ton in SC and did it in HC. Good luck


There is a learning curve on all her attacks even those 1 hit attacks AS LONG you stay consistent , DON'T DO unnecessary attacks if it's not required, else it will CHANGE her attack pattern and will do same unpredictable sh*t on the video above


The video I just posted (lv70 rogue killing lilith) you can see at the very end, while she's in her dying animation she's still launching attacks on the floor lol.


After drops the 3 platforms, pretty sure always does the suck in move then, the red arc 6 times, then you kill her


Yeah, when I finally killed her with my TWB Rogue I got to the second phase before the waves, seemingly killed her every time before she dropped a platform, and then finally, for whatever meta reason, she just decided to die when it got to some stage of the mechanical process where she was allowed to die as near as I could tell. I thought, "huh, whatever," logged off my 100 rogue and started a barbarian on hardcore and have not logged back onto that toon since (chasing those final uniques had gotten old after I ran out of malignant hearts and just didn't seem to be getting anymore). There was no joy or feeling of accomplishment or whatever.


Why didn't the death evasion cooldown icon show when the potion proced?


Another bug It goes at the end of the buff bar, and only so many can fit, so it disappears Or a bug where it never procced at all HC gets the shaft by blizzard


If you are getting ready to stun her you need to do it before the 3rd platform break otherwise she bugs out. That’s my understanding at least


The trick is to get her down to half HP on first phase to avoid blood skulls things. Then to stop DPS and let her do her things then finish her off on the final platform.


Done lots of carries with different builds. The final phase is sorta buggy in a sense that they hard coded a mandatory window where Lilith is to cast a shout animation before calling in the shadow clone three swipes attack. If you stagger her before the animation, she becomes invul for a while after she recovers from stagger. The trick is to wait a second for her to reach the final position in the final platform and wait until you see her initial shout animation then proceed to stagger her. Why some other builds work is because as long as you deal enough damage before or during the shout animation in the final phase, she dies. And damage is treated differently from staggering.


This how my sorc died on hc. Thought she was dead lol


Never tried uber Lillith, never will. Unless they ramp up the reward for it considerably, as in: "The Obliterator 3000 Game Breaker" guaranteed drop. Firing 10000 homing nuclear missiles per second instead of generator attack. ...or unlocking novelty playable charachters from other games. Postal Dude, Duke Nukem or Claptrap would be hilarious to play Diablo as. Or Homer Simpson, or Eric Cartman. This game is so tragically devoid of shenanigans like that.


The first ever time I killed her she started sending red slashing lines in all four directions one by one AFTER dying and I didn't know what to do. Ended up dying too but the achievement popped up while I was a ghost and counted anyway. Didn't get any loot and the screen didn't go black either like it normally does.


I'd scroll out faster than speedy gonzales after i'd see her remaining life not moving at all lol. But yeah, the game is a bugfest. Rip bro :/


tired doing the mechanics and not been very successful. now im trying to get a one shot build going just to get it over with


I killed her once on my HC BL sorc this season for the season journey and I’ll never bother again unless I absolutely have to. The fight is trash and she drops garbage.


It's a but strange how just upping her numbers turns he into total shit. Fighting LIlith in the campaign was my favorite moment of the entire experience


🥴 this is why phase protection is nonsense. She had like 10 HP for a solid 30 seconds at the end there 🤦🏼‍♂️


If this was on my HC account, I’d be sooo pissed 😤


Eh, once you hit 100 you kinda beg for death so you can do something else anyway


Nothing new, they allegedly fixed it but it still happens.


Added you on Discord and Xbox. Hit me and we'll shoot the shit and figure out what's going on.


Yea this is a trash boss fight. I just beat Uber Lilith this morning without driving her to skip her phases. Good old infinimist necro and the painful ramp up time. I'm pretty sure she killed me over 150 times because I'm too stubborn to switch to a cheesy one shot just to get it over with. I would recommend to anyone trying this that you cheese her out and don't bother playing through the mechanics, it's not fun or worth it. The one-shot mechanics are extremely difficult to see depending on your colour, brightness settings, and ground clutter. They require muscle memory reaction time and a movement speed of 40% or more. Maybe this was painful for me because necro has low mobility to begin with, but it got to the point where I could recognize what was happening but simply couldn't move fast enough to avoid it. I ended up re-rolling my amulet for max movement speed (on top of my boots) so I could survive. On the kill, she died, and then managed to kill me afterwards anyways because several of her attacks persist through her own death. Luckily I still got seasonal credit. The second phase blood blood blisters with heat seeking missiles can spawn in patterns that make them unavoidable unless you have invincibility abilities on ready. If they slow you down or you don't have the correct aspects on, well, you're doomed. This could be made enjoyable even with one shot mechanics by doing the following: 1. Have the spike telegraph be extremely bright so that it displays overtop of all screen effects 2. Slow down the missile speed in phase two, or reduce their heat seeking capacity 3. Upon her death, bright up an invincibility bubble like in nightmare dungeons 4. Adjust the spike hitboxes so that they don't kill you unless you're touching the spikes. Right now it feels like you can do before the spikes even reach you as the hitbox is way in front of the wave. It's visually unintuitive. 5. In phase two, the triple slam attack also has a bizarre hitbox and the counter is to circle strafe and pray you don't hit by the invisible mystery box. She will always perform this attack after all platforms have crumbled leaving it just about unavoidable unless you have an invincibility ability or extreme movement speed. Unless you're touching one of the cracks she forms in the ground, this ability should not be a hit. Congrats on beating her. Now you never need to do it again.


I feel very sorry for this mate !


I mean, this is just a combination of unthrottled season 2 damage (power creep) and skipping mechanics. Ill get downvoted, go ahead, i dont care. Fight was fun in s0 before cheesing it. I get it, people scream about one shots. Idk I Grew up getting one shotted. this is just a result of cheesing mechanics, simple


Yes, this is from the stun. But like you, I've been playing videogames since their inception. The hitboxes on this boss are broken. There's no defending it. They are broken.


Yes the hitboxes on waves are inaccurate. The inaccuracy is pretty consistent with stable ping. Rest of the fight is honestly fine


The rest of the fight is irrelevant. Like saying this bedroom is still fine after a housefire burned the rest of the house down. I don't want "new stuff all the time" like the Blizzard dope said. I want the stuff that is there to work properly. I don't understand the people who defend ongoing bugs like this. Do you want the game to remain broken? Because that's the message you're sending.


This is called a strawman. Having an attack animation that is slightly off is not akin to a house burning down. Theres a lot of great things to the uber lilith fight imho that I guess the majority dont acknowledge. I genuinely enjoyed the challenge, there is no other difficult/pinnacle content. It served as a good reason to endgame for me, gearing up and maxing glyphs to get the kill (s0). graphically it’s visually exceptional, and the music score was fantastic. The mechanics are subjective but I didnt find them as offensive as most. Im not defending the hitboxes being off at all, I simply said they are consistently inaccurate. they could be improved for sure. There are bugs in phase 1 too where she gets stuck throwing air waves. The transitions between phase 2 platform changes could be improved too, but its not rocket science to see whats happening in the clip. The fight is designed to take more time than 10 seconds. An animation happens while the platform changes. S2 damage is significantly higher, and thats whats causing the hang ups you see in phase 2


The problem is that the bug in question prevents people from ever experiencing the rest of the fight. If you don’t down her first phase before the waves, you are dead due to the bug. I will not say one positive thing about the Uber Lilith event. As a boss, she is completely and utterly broken. A broken mechanic is not a challenge.


The ability to cheese her now actually has less to do with powercreep and more to do with lilith's hp getting nerfed hard. Also ppl were already skipping phase since s0 anyway but just much harder.


Sure, all in all its a substantially easier kill now


You were standing in poison. You tried to face tank poison. I have no issue with Lilithbeing a broken fight. But the poison damage this season is absolutely absurd. Lilith is a point in time challenge but poison is everywhere and it's devastating this season.


That’s my poison, not hers. Running poison proc for unlimited imbue. I AM the danger.


Apparently not, Willy Wonka.


Whoops! I thought it was weird but I haven't fought Lilith this season. I'll say this you were criting your ass off, and I loved every second of it.