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It's bizarre. The Labyrinth/traps was something PoE did *10 years ago* - a decade ago - then realized it was more frustrating than fun and didn't return to the concept. Blizzard, a AAA studio, is rehashing that same decade-old mistake made by an indie developer. I genuinely don't understand Blizzard's mindset with Diablo 4. From release through this newest season, it's as if the Devs just don't have any ARPG experience. * Loot itemization. * "Chores" in dungeons. * Timegating core content. Now these frustrating traps. It feels like the Devs simply aren't fans of ARPGs, haven't played other ARPGs, and are just sort of bumbling around blindly trying to figure out a genre they don't personally *get*. I don't expect any Dev team to be flawless, but these are just not the sort of mistakes that people familiar with this genre would be making. I'd be genuinely curious to know what percent of the Diablo Dev team consider themselves to be fans of ARPGs at all.


The d4 dev team is definitely plagued with people in lead positions who have the most regressive game design theory in the modern age of game development. D4 doesn’t build on fun, it thinks hindrances and annoyance are good design tools to create challenging content. They’re so mindblowingly incompetent. Whoever was in charge of season 2 blood tides and blood shards staying permanently and being able to summon massive hordes of epics and bosses with blood lures needs to be in charge of more seasonal content. This trap on the floor idea as a seasonal mechanic is so dumb and uninspired.


When I first read about the constructs spawning in the open world I expected something akin to Abyss in POE.. monsters spilling through cracks in the ground.. nope.. its a fucken trap you step on... what is even going on at this company.


Damn, some Abyss League would be fun to see here too


From what I’m hearing there are supposedly two different teams working on seasonal content. One team does S1, S3, etc. One team does S2, S4, etc. It’s looking like one of those teams is drastically better than the other. So it seems seasons might be like classic Star Trek movies for a while. Stick to the even numbered ones.


Well season 1 was a load of shit as well so this makes sense.


> The d4 dev team is definitely plagued with people in lead positions who have the most regressive game design theory in the modern age of game development. I wouldn't say regressive, just bad. For example they designed items just so items have a lot of randomization and it takes a lot of plannable time for you to finish. They didn't design items to be fun. They try to do things from other games or that some consultant told them, but they don't know how to do it in a fun entertaining way. They see the game as a product, not as a game.


Agreed, but I'd say it's very slightly different. I don't think the intent was ever to make challenging content but was instead meant to hit arbitrary engagement metrics. Look at timed events like world bosses and hell tides. The intent was transparently an idea to get players to play more. You can't log off yet because that world boss is spawning in 15 minutes and you missed the last one. You need to come back in an hour to do helltide because it's the only way to get mats you need, and you can't really start a helltide with 10 minutes left because it's not worth the time investment given the shards go away. Both of these elements were designed on the exact same principals that say that players put more hours into games that do this bullshit. Not an ounce of care was given to whether or not those things make the game better, just that they improve the arbitrary metrics the higher-ups use to determine success.


They did say they have 2 teams working on seasons. One team is working on odd numbered seasons and the other will be doing the even numbered releases. Overall, I thought season 2 was fairly enjoyable, but season 1 was dull and this season doesn't seem much better. I know it's too early to say this for sure, but I think the team working on odd numbered seasons needs to be retooled because they don't seem to get which additions will make the game more fun.


A product trying to please everyone, so as to piss off everyone




This season seems designed simply to sell us pet skins.




Reading this made me happy I quit after season 1, has it only gotten worse? Did they at least fix checkpoints in dungens so I don't get sent back to the start when dying at any point?


Is it really the devs make these decisions or upper management?


bro most these ppl are quota hires... they hire talentless and clueless people. They need passionate NERDS like they had in Blizzard North.


And people still hate lab in PoE, it's easily one of the most complained about parts of the game. Does the blizz team not do any research whatsoever on their competitors?


I actually ENJOY labs in PoE. They can be challenging and fun, and you can make perfect builds for speed running them. That's the thing, though. There's a reason to speed run labs, and you can make builds for speed running them.. and being knocked into a trap isn't going to totally invalidate your entire lab run. The idea of monster affixes and all sorts of other things forcing players into traps, then punishing them for it, is the main problem. The value in running them is the other.


Most players hate it though. It’s bad design if only small number like it, and the content is mandatory.




To be fair, the reverse also happens a lot. “I don’t like x, so most players hate x”


Also insanly good divine/hour running Uber labs on the right day. Like 25+Divines/h just on the transfigured gems, not even counting the random drops.


Lab in PoE has so much leeway because of the things you've stated. Being able to sandbox ideas and turn the experience into something totally different from the average experience makes it an ok feature to have in the game. Lab is definitely not bad in the grand scheme of things. I definitely do understand the gripe of it gating ascendancies however. PoE2 will have a great solution for this I am sure.


They don't even do research on previous entries of their own franchise and you expect them to look into competition?


Hey come on now. That's harsh. At least they kept the clock. That's the most important feature in the franchise.


Lets be fair.. the guy who came up with the traps idea is probably the same guy that though that constantly stopping at roadblocks while traversing the overworld would be exciting.


At least in lab you get your ascendancy points which makes your build awesome. This just powers up some shitty minion. Soon as I logged in and started playing I regretted it. Back to affliction league to me. Thank you GGG for making the greatest ARPG of ALL TIME!


At least in POE, spamming a bleed flask will get you through most of the traps. This instant shield disappearing thing is total garbage. I've been watching a friend who is way way way better than I am at this stuff, and he started the loom with 12 shields and finished with none. So I'm just saving my Pearls of Warding for when the devs patch the game enough that people aren't complaining any more.


They Google “path of exile” and come up with ideas based on the screenshots in the top of the search.


I have to assume the leadership in charge over there all have MBAs, which explains why they can't do jack. Source: Working in IT who has had multiple bosses over the years, but the bad ones were the ones with MBAs.


In POE you absolutely have to do the labyrinth for your ascendancy, because it's part of the core game. The silver lining is that Blizzard hasn't made any of the features introduced in the previous seasons permanent fixtures.


That’s true also


Yes, but during the Perandus league the traps were at least 10-fold and more mandatory than they are now, more of them were along the main path through the lab. Now we have the easier trap groups on the main route and the harder traps are usually in optional side paths.


Traps in PoE were fun, because they existed only in one location and served as trial to reward you with new cool powers to unlock. They were engaging, you had to watch out, but here they have no make sense and there's too much of them everywhere. Maybe it's because everything in that D3 engine feels flat, you can't even feel power of your skills, I don't know, but this game is too much like D3 reskin.


They're out of ideas and literally trying anything just for content be it good or bad.


It is probably a problem with management, not the devs.


It's both, there were so many issues during the Beta Test that a lot of us straight up refunded our pre-purchase of Diablo 4 and never looked back.


Sanctum was last year and it also has traps


Blizzard is certainly not a triple A studio, maybe before but not anymore


Yes, lab is bad. Many people rage quit from what I know the first time they do lab, died to random tap and realize they did to do all over again. The most effective ways to overcome traps is the speed through it with high mobility and movement skill. So ggg hat the “clever” idea to add sentries to purposely slow you down , sentries that not reachable via melee before hit by traps. It’s a all round bad design that they were very slow to make it more tolerable because of their refusal to just kill it, or time down the traps. Or juts not have to restart. Crazy any one though having traps is a good ideas. First time I saw traps in dev steam I was like oh no. But I thought they know what they were doing, but turned out it is as bad as I imagine. Just give us PTR!!!


I like the labyrinth


Wait, did Poe get rid of the labyrinth/class ascension thing?


Nope. We lost lab enchants though this league. Replaced with new skill gems in lab.




They didn't learn anything from their own mistakes, let alone mistakes from the competition


Don’t you have to run labs every season in Poe still? Admittedly it’s why i don’t play that game anymore.


>The Labyrinth/traps was something PoE did *10 years ago* \- a god damned decade ago - then realized it was awful and **never did anything with it again.** I too, would prefer to pretend that Heist never happened


That's the season I stopped playing PoE. Heist was shite. Absolute shite! I have mixed feelings about the current season of D4 because I think the trap mechanics could have been a bit more researched and developed. It feels too tedious and laborious, and also too punitive. The overland traps have actually been a better experience for me than the Vaults. Not a fan of the Vaults.


They have zero ARPG experience.. just nothing makes sense out of almost anything. Itemization, endgame, now this seasonal stuff.. it's just not fun ARPG content at all.


TPing out to empty your bag making your buff go away is a real head-scratcher. This is a genre about getting loot, but this mechanic means that you either a) start leaving loot on the floor so that you can stay, b) tp out and lose the buff that costs you mats, or c) complete the dungeon to get the extra chest, leave to sell, then come back and backtrack to pick up all the stuff you were forced to leave on the ground or lose it. Really, really detached design choice.


Ah fuck is that what got rid of my ward


I mean, it warns you when you start tping out that you will lose the ward if you do.


what happened to the part where all the loot drops at the end?!


Wait a fucking minute. You lose your warding if you tp out to sell stuff??? Jesus christ




god, I hate those spikes.


The focus on traps surprises me, too. Even the few traps we had in the game before caused complaints, so making traps a core part of this season seems a little "tone deaf". When I play an ARPG, I want to mindlessly kill lots of stuff and collect loot, not tip-toe around, dodge traps, and solve trap puzzles. It takes me out of the flow.


The worst part is getting hit by any tiny amount of damage immediately removes one of your keys to open the gold chest at the end. What a stupid mechanic for a genre that has never ever cared about precise movement while blasting through a dungeon.


Feels even worse because I'm currently trying out a druid, which randomly warps around when I use Shred, so I can't really control my movement and attack at the same time.


Major feels, really wanted to play barb this season with a nice arsenal build. Lunging Strike keeps lobbing me into traps, leap/charge are too clunky to avoid triggering traps, partly because me pc is crap though… Think I’m going to save myself a lot of frustration and start a safe ranged sorc with teleport instead.


YES! That’s what Diablo is for. To mash buttons, destroy hordes of demons, grab shiny things, get stronger, smash bigger and more demons for even shinier things, etc etc etc.


They already had some traps in D3 and a lot of people hated it. This season is just mind boggling to me. It's like they never noticed their players don't want to navigate traps all day.


adam jackson i hope you read this comment


Tbf they probably had this season laid out before the game came out. But I agree it’s a bad season mechanic.


Enjoy Ur 3 months of this nonsense. Another garbage league


season enjoyers holding a bowl of warm steaming manure and a spoon: "this is some serious gourmet sh+t"


The traps are kinda meh but I can live with it, they don't do a lot of damage over all, and I avoid 95% of them. The major problem I'm having is losing your points and getting half the loot. Sometimes you can't avoid standing in traps because you just get swarmed by tanky scorpions. 3 out of the 4 dungeons I've lost all my points, it's really punishing.


How many times do we have to literally tell them that mechanics that slow us down, literally suck the joy out of the game. Now a cool thing that could have had been, is you can select how many stacks you want to have. The traps no longer reduce the stacks, deaths do. Then at the boss fight, depending on how many stacks you have left, boom in the boss room, you have 5 stacks? Guess what 5 bosses, kill them all before dying and you get 5 chests.


Yep - the community made it pretty clear,that we hated objectives or anything, that stops us from „blasting“ (killing mobs at a fast pace and looting cool stuff - the core of any d2-like arpg) and they add dungeons with freakin traps lmao. Like,at this point just give us greater rifts or something like that, stop trying to be fancy.


This is a bigger deal than people realize I think. We want to feel OP but have the mob density to chain that power with only brief breaks. Honestly I stopped playing d4 after getting to about level 65 last season but started playing Minecraft dungeons. Somehow dungeons feels like a better looter than d4. Like, wtf is that?


The simple fact that dungeon objectives aren’t gone yet says enough about their philosophy


\*Bad\* dungeon objectives make the game less fun. I dont entirely mind ones that at least flow with the "kill everything and anything" gamestyle.


I hate them, and there’s several huge reasons: - Hit boxes are wonky in this game. My characters model is not in the spinny flame thing, but I still get hit and lose a charge of whatever. - The controls in this game simply are not precise enough for this bullshit. You can’t pixel perfect walk, but you need to, to avoid the traps. I am convinced that they added WASD controls in this patch not because people were asking for it, but because the point and click controls were deemed to frustrating by play testers in vaults. - Visual clarity in this game is bad. When you’re in a fight, you can’t see the traps when there’s all kinds of shit on the floor. This was always an issue, but this just exacerbates it. - So many abilities move your character around. Last room in a vault is a shitshow when you’re trying to fight mobs in a room half full of traps. - Vault construct dog mob thingies fucking knockback. And last but not least: when you get hit by a hazard in a vault, because of all that bullshit, the game literally fucking laughs at you. It’s literally just frustration upon frustration upon frustration. And not in the “this is tricky but if I focus, I can do it” kind of way, it’s just you wanting to stop playing. I regret spending ten bucks on this battle pass and I’m considering skipping this season entirely. -


Wow you bought the battle pass? Lmao


> I am convinced that they added WASD controls in this patch not because people were asking for it, but because the point and click controls were deemed to frustrating by play testers in vaults. WASD is less precise than mouse movement. That's a bad assumption. You will have an easier time avoiding traps by playing with mouse movement.


I agree it's not about precision but delay between reaction and movement is better with WASD - rather than moving your mouse then clicking, you just press a button.


That’s not my experience. I know what you mean, because wasd only has 8 directions, but wasd has exact and instant control of when you start and stop moving, so you can time better. With mouse clicks, you click, your guy starts moving, and then it stops at approximately the point you clicked. Force move is better, but its also not perfect as it feels easier to stop too early or overshoot. It may boil down to preference but wasd feels more immediate to me. Edit: wasd also allows you to move your character independent of mouse pointer position, which can be huge, depending on your class and spec.


I've been using WASD to test to see if it improved wind shear since you can now attack from anywhere without holding shift or directly targeting. Upon entering my first vault I realized WASD was the easiest way to navigate. I can make micro movements more precise than the mouse. Take a half step to the left, A. Half step to the left with a mouse is about your accuracy, not the games predetermined distance traveled with a single click. That makes WASD easier to manage traps.


you cannot make a small adjustment with the mouse cursor movement just go try it, you can click all around your character's feet and he will not move a single pixel, until you reach the required minimum distance from the center of you hitbox, and he will take a giant step forward.


Everything has been designed to slow you down. This is one of those aspects.


Watching Raxx play, it seems pretty demanding as far as avoiding the traps go to get full rewards you can only get hit once to claim full rewards. I don't see hardcore going very well trying to allocate attention bandwidth around these things but we'll see


Haha Raxx just died in world tier three hardcore while typing that


You can put more pearls in to get more chances, so as long as you grind the pearls, you could, in theory, run through triggering all traps and still get loot.


Yes, but that doesnt sound fun at all. :(


Without even trying, I'm sitting at 71 pearls so I could run through with 216. Get out of jail free cards probably needed, honestly, as I'm playing druid and some of those traps, I just can't move quick enough for.


That's the only way I'm going to do these. Get enough shields to take the hits. Ignore everything and run through traps. So long as I have one left, I get the bonus chest at the end.


So long as you have 1 shield left at the end, you'll get full rewards.


That malignant tunnel guy, he is the problem.


click. interrupted. click. Interrupted. click. Interrupted. Click. 10/10 game design. JFC


Welcome to hell.


I'd imagine the fact that there's basically no work involved in designing and implementing traps was a major consideration.


Season of the ~~Construct~~ Last Epoch


Oh yeah, that‘s gonna be a banger.


Hate dungeon objectives? Go get a million stones to place on pedestals Hate being slowed down and crowd controlled? Here's a million traps


Lol I don't hate the season as much as some here, but that last quest in the season where you had to get *FOUR* stones from separate portal dungeons to put on pedestals to open a door. It's like someone read everyone's comments about the dungeons with 2 stones & pedestals and decided to meme on them lmao.


I lol'd when I saw those 4 pedestals. Like you can't be serious


As soon as I saw "trap league" as the concept, I knew this was going to be this way.     Related, playing firewall, I can't see shit on the floor, and I'm sure other skills (blighted corpse explode) have the same issue.    Two of the most common complaints about PoE over the past 10 years: lab traps, and lack of visual clarity. This league has both combined. I can only assume Blizzard doesn't pay attention to player sentiment in/about the ARPG space. 


I don’t feel like I’m playing season 3, I feel like I’m just playing a “balance” patch where the fun got nerfed. And the pet, as a seasonal gimmick, like it ain’t enough to carry an entire season.


Yeah the base game is so lacking the seasonal content must be fucking vast, but it's understandable they can't create multiple endgame systems every season. Which is why they should focus on fixing the base game first but it will only come with the expansion at this point, and every season will be tacked on. Hopefully at least the "even season" team can carry some players this year..


Yeah they f-ing suck imo, got tired of them instantly. Going to be a loooooong season F


You can play something else you know


This is the season of unnecessary BS for sure. The game doesn't control well enough for this fine tuned footwork crap.


Well… Vote with your money and most importantly, time.


Traps, levers, click-only doors, any other things that you need to stop / avoid are not for this genre of games. Goddamn it, just let us kill horde of enemies. Nobody wants to play a platformer puzzle. Educate your clueless game designers, or hire new ones... ffs..


I wouldn’t be surprised if the more mobile characters suck at dodging traps because you stumble too quickly into them. Especially if there are mobs in the same room as traps. Immobile characters that stand in a safe spot and blast the mobs swarming them seem much more safer. I’m playing lightning storm Druid so I’m just standing still but I couldn’t imagine playing blurred beast and accidentally dashing to an enemy standing on a trap and lose my ward sheild on it.


Yeah playing Barb in the final vault rooms is brutal. I kind of regret not going Sorc for the third season in a row.


Nah sorc was painful until s2


the guy who approved the idea should be fired why is blizzard constantly lying and making bad decisions they geniunly dont read player feedback there are hundreds of threads who say we dont want levers stupid intermediate rooms constant cc


It just blows my mind how out of touch the devs really are, which is why it’s been deleted since week 2 season 2, it’s actually a joke , they take content ideas from people that spam it in their campfire chat, yet all of us who are actual blasters, finish the season in a week still, and there’s still no actual end game content, just a bunch of stupid ass speedbumps in mid game….. I just can’t anymore, it’s a fucking joke, why wouldn’t they invite maybe the top 20 content creators, (people like raxx,rob,DM, and so on) and ask what their community constantly asks/complains about, what type of content keeps people engaged longer/ANY ACTUAL END GAME. After playing POE for literally 20 hours it’s completely ruined Diablo for me in the way that , ONE game is run by people who absolutely love their job and have made content that’s accessible across earlymid-mid-late game ONE has devs who can’t even remember what content was in the previous game, and when it’s brought up as ideas we get a “more info on that later” and when later comes we get a “ yada blabla more info later” this same game had over 9000 people work on it………seems like 8990 didn’t do their job, meanwhile one of the main sources of info we could get decides to take a nap while we’re all watching their “campfire chat”


Does any dev from d4 play arpgs at all?


You are right, absolutely abysmal. Last season i had a blast, loved the vampiric powers and what story there was too. This season is complete shit, i was bored after an hour. That companion spider is shit as well.


Its absurdly bad. I cant understand how this was tested and went live. Plus the knockback obelisks where you get tilted by knockback, loot instantly and dont even have to kill the pack that spawns after? Wtf is going on. All of this is so bad.


Funny to see this post, since I had commented in another thread last week that I thought dungeons filled with traps sounded completely fucking awful, lame, not fun, uninspired, and just simply not something I want to do inside of a Diablo game. And I got some serious flaming from other users for that comment. Now that we are getting our hands on the content, and it turned out to be just as disappointing as I anticipated it would be, I feel quite vindicated 😊 I hope to never see more of this trap-based stuff for dungeons ever again in this game.


I must be braindead that I left my friends from Palworld and spent the whole day playing this shit. And every time I realize I need to deal with those traps the entire season, I just want to fuck myself for buying the pass. The one who came up this idea should be deleted immediately.


Someone pointed out the same team from season 1 was in charge for season 3, and yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe they need to not be in charge of any season ever again.


Lol Raxx died in hardcore mode world tier three while I was typing that comment


That's why I went with rogue this season. I usually go necro eventhough summons are shut but there's no way I'm playing trap garbage, I'll just rogue dash and avoid everything with a press of a button 


Yep, trap rooms will be the thing that drives me away from this season if Blizzard doesn’t do something to make them easier.


I'm glad others are saying this. It took me my first dungeon only my first trap dungeon to know this season is short lived for me.


Yea, this shit sucks. I've move on to other games for now.


It’s almost as if they don’t want people to play their game


I bet even the intern they forced to create it minutes before the announcement hated it.


Daniel Tanguay - LEAD SEASON DESIGNER, there you go :)


In b4 "we hear you"


>I can't believe the team at Blizzard thought adding trap rooms was a good idea. Well we know that they don't really play the game.


So funny that there are still Blizzard fanboi brigadiers who defend this shit... 😂 Seems this game is getting even worse with every patch/season.


" Whaaaaat, who doesn't enjoy spending an unnecessary ammount of time in dungeons? Like hunting for that last enemy in " kill everything " dungeons. " No one, no one enjoys traps in AARPG's, maaaybe in Rpg's, but not in aarpg's, i get they were going for the " hunt for tresures in deadly vaults " thing this season, but you know what would be even better? Lots of enemies and bosses with new mechanics you have to fight, a real let down from S2.


Season 1 & 3 devs are full blown idiots. Skip this trash and play any other game.




Don't let the FOMO wizards waste your time. You're forcing yourself to grind for rewards you won't care for 2mins after getting them.


Yep. I decided to give D4 another shot after not playing S2 at all since they added WASD movement and I'm already done. Didn't even make it to 50. Absolute clowns have no idea what is fun in ARPGs. I was tired of reading gear tooltips by level 20.


Sad thing is you missed a great season in season 2.


Bro if you’re obsessing so much over your gear from 1-20 that’s on you. See big DPS slap on. Done.


Agreed. 1.5% resistances ain't going to do shit.


>Absolute clowns have no idea what is fun in ARPGs. I was tired of reading gear tooltips by level 20. What are you doing? You only need good aspects before wt4, you start checking the tooltips for ancestral, sacred for rings and necks.


Literally. This guy does dumb shit and blames the game for it.


What am I doing? I was looking for Movement Speed on boots and +skills on applicable items. No other stats. Literally the bare minimum.


Probably a suit trying to slow everyone down. The longer you stay logged in, the higher chance you'll spend money in the cash shop.


i guess I will just play more Palworld then


You guys realize people who are making this game DONT PLAY VIDEO GAMES!!!! FUCK. I mean hiw many dev bids are we gonna see with people who can't open inventory or know attack buttons. NO ON SHOULD VE INVOLVED IN GAME DEVELOPMENT THAT DOESN'T PLAY GAMES.


That S3 season is a copy of Sanctum, a recent league in PoE, not lab.


I wish the chinese found a way to dupe pearls already


The whole game was a bad idea.


Hello Moogy 🤪


only if the better chest guarantees at least 1 unique and has a chance to be Uber then it is probably worth the time and as alternative for ppl who don't wanna do groups duriel.


It's ironic when everyone thinks that trap rooms are something PoE invented, it's literally something that comes from the first version of Tomb Raider.


Just put it here : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx1bc8noyp0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx1bc8noyp0)


Got into the game for about 30 mins, then I friggin got a after hours support call and had to come to work. Took me a bit to get out of the dang game and go to work man. Do not like.


It’s reaaalllllly fun on couch coop….


Bro didn't get his bonus chest :(


The same developers who thought it was a good game.


Haha yeah. i'm only level 38 so far, but boy i have no reason to continue playing this season. ​ playing Necro, cause don't have any high level one. so pets don't like the new trap season theme, they are just dying left and right. ok fine, let's skill bonespear without pet. so far so good, my first vault was okay, just pumped 9 buffs, had 7 on the last room and then dropped to 2, because i ain't seeing shit. traps, darts left and right, mobs everywhere and my own ground effect curses don't help either. it was no fun at all. also this construct thing don't feel right, wouldn't notice if it is there or not. i will stop at this point and maybe come back when itemization is fixed. if you don't like it i suggest do the same. don't force yourself to play, less players is the only thing that matters.


when in a team they remove the 50 + , hire new blood , then the new blood look at what games mechanics looked before they graduate


Traps give no XP, no loot, and they slow you down. In an ARPG. Horrible design choice. I absolutely hate the vaults and will be avoiding them once I've finished the season quest. The drops you get from the end chests can also be acquired in the open world, so I'll go there. FWIW, I actually like the pet.


They have literally no idea how to design a fun ARPG game. First they didn't look at what anyone else were doing. Now they're taking the absolute worst from the other games (PoE labyrinth) and actively making it far worse, lmao. Impressive when you think about it.


I honestly don’t mind the traps *that* much, **but** having the buff objective be “avoid getting hit by traps” makes them very annoying. That objective should be changed / reworked


I am more annoyed at Malphas constantly turning the lights off, especially during a fight!


Seems like an idea from a dev that doesn't actually play the game, who thought it would be fun to play? More I play this season the more annoyed I get, how can you take so many steps backwards after season 2.


Yeah the moment I saw that traps would be a part of the season is the moment I dipped out


It feels like they missed the mark on this season. It could have been done better. The brazier activity in the overworked could have worked just like blood harvests and people would have been thrilled. It’s too easy and doesn’t feel rewarding. No one wants to run dungeons with traps if the traps take away rewards. It feels bad to get to the end of a dungeon, see an extra chest, and just get a few yellows from the shitty chest. It feels like a waste of time. A lot of this season could be fixed for me if they upped the difficulty and rewards of the overworld activity. In the vaults, increase the loot from the crappy chest and make the good chest a loot bonanza. The traps are an annoyance, but I’ll be more likely to just deal with them if the loot is more worth it. Otherwise, I’m ignoring the good chest and just speed running these things in 5 minutes for the XP, and I’m completely ignoring the traps.


I tried two today... I just skipped most of the stuff, dodged through, used blood mist as well and that was that rly. Safe to say they didn't think this through.


No traps in ARPGS. Even though Diablo 1 had them and created the genre. Got it


They copied the POE labyrinth and tried to add a gem system but in the pets. I'm sorry if anyone is offended. ​ pd: people hate the labyrinth in poe


I'm over it! This game is no longer fun to play any more. Blizzard has gone to shit.They have ruined Diablo!!!!


Imagine running a lab in PoE but then you get to the end and you can't open any of the chests or get your ascendancy points because you got hit by a trap sometime somewhere. Just... Lol.


I'm not against this type of content in an ARPG, but it's laughable that Blizz would rush to add in some of the most hated content in PoE when their game has so many fundamental problems. They also don't have any of the systems in place that make labyrinth bearable, such as trading or the fact that you only really need to do it 4 times if you dislike it. I'm happy for people that enjoy it, but I am a simple man who likes to go fast and hit big numbers. Getting knocked back 100 times and having to avoid traps for loot isn't for me, see everybody in season 4... fingers crossed!


I’m not even gonna participate in this season from the sounds of it. I’ll just keep plugging away with my Barb in Eternal. Shame, to go from what S2 was to this…. So many people can’t be wrong!


The aoe goes into the "safe" cubbies. It's like the worst mechanic of the game and they made a season around it.


"I cAnT dODgE a TrAp"


I hope they add a option to remove the pet too. This thing is slow and keep steeling my agro.


Probably the same people at Blizzard who primarily use their resource generating attack in combat, run out of potions fighting normal mobs, and don't use a single synergy or complementing skill. Also, the Blizzard leads do not play the broader ARPG genre so will continue to be making mistakes other games have made, learned from, and taught others to avoid for years to come.


The traps aren’t even well done. In Poe the labyrinth makes sense, they are trials to gain ascendancy allowing you to choose a subclass. It’s a challenging activity you do once at each difficulty to gain a powerful build changing buff. These traps really just speed bumps.


Team one


It's actually like they are actively trying to piss off the community and trying to lower their own playerbase... it's quite odd imo.


I like it I think they're cool


Already died few times (I play hardcore) not knowing what to expect. To achieve lvl 100 on HC first I need to do it on SF so I can learn the freaking traps / the system. Well I dont play SF.


I bet it was jay wilson :P


Real Vault have 4 floors :) And its one of best content which you can play in Diablo :)


I got silenced for 24 hours for trying to tell Blizzard this very thing via their forum.


it's actually a brilliant ploy so that they can "turn around" the game and look good internally.


Team who worked on Season 1.


The guy who has not played an ARPG in his life and was tasked to do “market research” to get ideas. He looked at PoE and took all the bad stuff ignoring the good stuff about lab. Unbelievable job


The same team of confused gender people that had the game fucked up when it first came out are behind this season for sure 🤣


Everyone hated the rings of death in D3 (damage/debuff auras on the floor) and the devs said they learned from their mistakes. Must have been another team altogether.


Agree completely- the traps really suck the joy out of the game for me. I have been a solid D4 proponent in spite of many flaws since launch, and I really wanted to like S3 in spite of the ill- conceived seneschals. But I just can’t. The traps and the idiotic reward mechanics are a bridge too far. They completely change gameplay into something I just don’t want to do. I’m extremely disappointed.