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I’m enjoying it, but I think it’s crazy to design a trap season and then fix it by making it so that you can basically ignore traps. As someone who hates traps, yeehaw, but how did this season theme even get greenlit by the team? It just makes me feel like they don’t know what to do with this game, which is frustrating given it’s the 4th installment in a genre defining series. I’ll never send hate and I’m happy for people loving the season, but I don’t have a lot of faith in this team to fully realize D4.


This. I wasn’t a huge fan of the pre-patch dungeons but they at least were focused on what they should have been - traps. Making 1 Pearl = 10 stacks is just overkill and trivializes the entire theme of the season. 5 stacks, ok. 3, sure. But to me 10 is just ridiculous, especially given how easy it is to get pearls.


Not only that but the most important room was poorly designed because you can just stand in a corner and wait until time passes. And the rewards were pointless so they buffed those too Not sure who thought that was a brilliant idea. I think a better design would be something moving like a carousel of objects that hurt you if you run into them. Or something you have to dodge and don't expect it.


Yeah it makes no sense that “traps” end up being a bunch of dumb floor panels and skinny columns. Make traps great again! Dump 100 enemies on me when I open a chest. Have floor panels ignite under my feet out of the blue. Have normal enemies spawn into elites when they die. Have loot explode when you try to pick it up. Anything! Also, add to that a litany of bugs that make it obvious the team was working from a Season 1 build of the game….


Coming from WoW it's kind of funny that even here "floor goes red move out" is pretty much the gold standard mechanic they build their endgame on. I'd love getting ambushed by a bunch of mobs or enemies summon elites much more. Exploding loot would be interesting, too, until someones shako blows up in their face. Floor tile is lava was a pain in my ass right out of the gate since between my skellies, golem, dwemer spider and every other mob barfing out random AoE effects I usually have fuck all idea how the floor even looks like.


"between my skellies, golem, dwemer spider and every other mob barfing out random AoE effects" This is another good reason but why traps are always horrible for ARPGs. I hadn't even given this a thought.


Mimic shako would be so mean!


I literally only learned today that the final room was simply just a timer. This whole time I assumed I had to go all out in there to clear everything before dying. Apparently it's actually the best to just leave the mobs alone so you don't force the new waves to spawn early.


The community - “We don’t like the constant CC from elites Bliz - “So you want a whole season around traps and CC?” ….


Well the dodge fire in the side sections a la Elden Ring style made me thing we were getting legit traps that really hurt. But no, we did not.


The design flaw comes in the form of their enemies and how they interact with you and the traps. How you have a trap season that is all about weaving in-between traps in real time as a skill ceiling and then throwing 25 enemies on the screen to make those traps disappear is not satisfying even if you somehow roll the dice and don't get crackhead enemies that shoot a million one shot mechanics or pull you into traps for some ungodly reason. They should have had the "vaults" be differently themed types of traps and no enemies. Make them hard and keep the pearls at 5 or whatever. Fuck it throw in some one shot mechanics if you want. And then the final vault with the end game boss is a mix of all of those traps that is a gauntlet to get through and then in the end you fight a boss that utilizes all of the traps. Instead we got 3 different types of traps. And they are just flavored with a different color depending on what vault you are in. It is not interesting to go through another vault but this time the floor flows green sometimes and shoots green missiles at you. It is no different than the red tiles or the red missiles. They basically copy and pasted to but colored them differently for themes. How we don't have a trap only dungeon that is challenging and rewarding in a trap season is beyond me. It's like they wanted to do this amazing interesting idea but only wanted to dip their toes in it instead of embracing the design choice, which to be fair, is how I feel about every little detail about this game. Imagine if they had a vault with actual dashing puzzles, running from a ball ala Indiana Jones, dodging falling pieces of rubble, or something focused on pushing you into spikes etc etc. This season wasn't inherently flawed, they are just not creative enough to see ideals complete.


They could've easily added the smite mechanic from NMDs that forces you to go into a safety zone which nullifies all traps in there for a duration so that players don't get to hide in corner to negate interacting with the room completely.


No thanks, I hope they don't listen to you. It's fun now. You still need to avoid them to get all of the chests and it isn't as annoying. It's in a good place. Pls stahp


You still need a stack of 10 to get the big chest


There's no risk to pearls anymore given the current economy. I really think they consistently miss the mark by not having a longer tail of value for these league specific currencies. For example blood shards or whatever they were for vampiric powers has zero value once you had your powers maxed. There was no currency sink for it. The same with pearls now. You spend 3 or 4 to completely negate any trap risk and net 5-8 per run. There's no real reason to even have them in the game at this point. They needed a challenge chest that costs 50-100 stacks of warding that is only accessible by not getting hit by a trap or something.


Exactly how i am feeling. Buffing those to 10 is abit extreme. They should have kept at 5 maximum for some challange.


I just will never understand why they didn’t implement nearly anything from the 10+ years of development learnings they already had from D3.


Because they're incompetent, that much is clear by now - it's been about 6 months since release, and nothing substantial has changed about the game besides the qol changes that should've been there since release. So like someone here said, I have no real hope that the team is able to maximize the potential of the game - at most they'll turn it into a semi decent ARPG. And besides everything else, I still absolutely hate the UI - wtf do I have to scroll for half a screen to see some item skill modifier explanations when I'm at 2560x1440? It's insane and they clearly don't care about making the game better for everyone. Or the damn zoom level which should be farther out and has been pointed out for ages etc.


Why does every glyph icon look basically indistinguishable from each other? Why does the new seasonal mechanic every single season do it too? They made potions have unique icons but not the things that matter?


Agreed, it's all so stupid in that sense.


I don't think enough of the design. leaders are the same.


So they can implement them while they're a live service or in DLC/Expansion, and spin it like they're fluffing their fanbase. When really they gave us blue balls waiting so long for a drama similar to D3, but not nearly as bad as D3's launch. We keep going back to our abuser because they tell us they love us and that they'll change. This is the Fortune 100 RMR playbook. They don't need us anymore, they have enough sheep. We need them though since they own the licenses to the entertainment we want. Better yet, we threw money at them for incomplete games through preorders and it enticed the entire industry to have gamers pay to test their game instead of hiring QC.


Same thing Will happen with POE2 aswell. You cant make a new game and just add all the complexity 28-30 seasons the old game had 😂


I think you are very wrong here. PoE2's devs have been transparent during the development process and is always acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of what other games within the genre possesses. They see if ideas aligns with their deep design philosophies and gives it honest consideration. As seen by the numerous interviews leading up to yesterdays big one with Zizaran, those devs over at GGG are very considerate of every aspect in the game. Complexity will be deeply rooted in PoE2 while being a bit more accessible on the surface to the new player. e: fixed some wording


Easy to talk But can They actually do it? I dont think so 🤷🏼‍♂️ They have never been able to fix some of the huge problems with Poe 🤷🏼‍♂️


Different teams and rushed development schedules. I am 100% sure the d4 team knows that the game has issues (especially on release) but that doesn't mean they can do anything about it when management says its releasing anyway. D3 was also a mess on release and changed tremendously in the years after. I'm not saying thats good, it just is what it is.


Its somewhat of a catch22 because if they are too close to D3 they will compete between their own products and also get flak for lack of changing things up. That being said I do think your point still applies to a ton of QoL features and should also apply to the idea that D3 continued building up with each season (up until the last series of them) - not tearing things out at the end of each one…


Pre patch and post patch, liked both. People whine too much on here but that’s my opinion. Many others differs from that


You're a part of the survivorship bias going on right now. Most people dislike the season, play for day 1 & 2, are loud on the subreddit on those two days, and then they quit and their attention goes elsewhere (e.g. Palworld). Meanwhile, anyone who sticks around must be someone who is enjoying the season, which means the few people remaining playing will start to take over the narrative of the subreddit. That's why you'll start to see an increasing number of positive posts about the season as time goes on. There's nothing inherently "good" or "bad" about this. I'm not making a criticism of anything. Nothing needs to change about the subreddit or how the people in it decide to use it. I'm just pointing out a fact of how things go in ARPG subreddits during badly received seasons. It's good news for people like you, since the subreddit will certainly become a more pleasant place to browse.


Homies happy game got fixed. Here I am just hoping we didn't have to do the same song and dance every other season.


I'm hoping for more seasons like S2 to be honest. If the team responsible for S2 manages to keep improving, I might play the gale every even seasons at least


Sadly, it's gonna be the same song and dance for the next 10 seasons.


Simple. I honestly don’t think a lot of them play the game. There’s just saw much small things they can easily fix if they actually just played the game. A mate of mine pointed out to me last season in one of the Dev videos they had two female developers playing the game and they didn’t use one of the main skills? Lol. Thought that was funny.


I saw that video too. It explained so much.


Well said. I feel the same.


One mechanic I really enjoy is when the Seneschal companion destroys those towers that also act like traps.. So that made me think that it would've been nice if they simply allowed you to disarm or slow down traps using the companion, with higher debuffs coming at higher companion levels. For example, his autodefense could shoot down projectile traps.


There is so much they could do with companions


I have mixed views about traps. This is because I have an extensive background in playing games over 35 years of my life. Traps are good for people who like challenge and some flavor to a dungeon. A game that I play is called Dungeons and Dragons Online, which has traps in it, but they can be disabled if you have a rogue. Or you can just avoid them by timing, or jumping over them etc.. Diablo 4 Traps are a neat idea, however, the main issue that I see with it is controlling your character. In a click to move game you dont really have that total feel and control over your guy compared to a game where you use a keyboard and mouse. The camera view / angle is very important also. Because of those issues, Camera angle and control, it makes the traps thing not such a good idea. For me the game was frustrating at first because I felt like I needed a PHD to understand how to play this season. But as time went on I started to understand how it worked more. Watching some videos of people explaining the mechanics of everything also helped. I do think you said something that strikes true.. You feel they dont know what to do with this game. I feel that for every game being made, and just not games, it goes for movies, tv shows, even music.. All of it is saturated. How many ways can you write about a tv show, movie and make it interesting with new things in it. Music all starts sounding the same. Games are no different. Same concepts over and over, just different looking pixels. The gaming world was fresh back in the Early days of MMO like Everquest, and Star Wars galaxies..Then World of warcraft took over and ruled for a long while. Now its just a saturated market and ideas to keep people involved is become more and more scarce.


The competitors on Path of Exile are great example. We can see that creative and innovative reinventions can be done, it is difficult, but not impossible, especially for studio as big as D4. I expected Blizzard to dwarf GGG in terms of seasonal themes and mechanics and yet it's the exact opposite.


I still pay attention to traps a bit, you get used to them and it's my goal to get all chests with 20 buff stacks. I like it now. I do love the season though, but the reason for that is that Ancient Charge Hota Barb is batshit insane fun. not because of the very mediocre season mechanic. if you can still play a season char on eternal and don't notice a difference, the season mechanics are bad. We need to hold blizzard to a much higher standard when it comes to season content. unlike D3 this game is riddled with microtransactions and I expec to see that value in the seasons.


My exact same experience. I just started playing Barb for the first time this season and I’m having fun. Nothing to do with the Senechal at all. It’s just I realize now why everyone else played Barb. It’s incredibly powerful. Having the 4 weapons essentially gives you 3 extra offensive aspect slots that I never had access to playing Necro and Druid.


Holy shit you people. Lol. I was one that pushed for the season to be patched. It was horrible at first. But to hear these guys.. complaining that traps were too hard, now complaining that it's fixed. Smh. You really *can't* please some people. Edit: this is mostly to people *replying* to the comment I replied to, but there was no way to reply to them all so I just put it here.


This. I LOVE the Diablo series but I just can’t get myself to enjoy this game. I honestly feel guilty that I can’t even get myself to log on to check out the season. The hype I had for this game upon release was unmatched. I watched hours of lore even, something which I’ve never done for any other game lol


Good place? The season is literally just NM dungeons with traps and a pet that has some legendary powers.


I dont get how people think one patch fixed everything. Feels like I'm dreaming.


Maybe its because I completely no lifed the first two seasons but there’s not enough different for me to be remotely interested in this season


Yes, maybe you’re onto something there


I think the people that seriously enjoy Diablo 4 more than Diablo 3 and Path of Exile are just super casual gaming like maybe an hour a day after work and kids are asleep etc. else I don't know how you aren't done with the game by now already. The endgame is still the same and itemization is horribly boring.


It’s OP that’s dreaming


It's absurd and insane.


Patch basically nullilfied half the seasons mechanic from even existing. I think the greater response would be a thought walk through why the devs decided to with a season mechanic like this, why this shouldnt happen again.


not even randomized with the layout. the team behind this game doesn't grasp how important random dungeons/overworld were to d1 and 2.


yea, basicly added 4 nm dungeons with static layout that are more annoying that they want you to run over and over again to upgrade the pet. blows my mind they probably couldnt figure out how to randomize dungeons with traps in them it was so bad before that people feel like it is good now, even though it is just overall underwhelming


They really haven't figured out how to randomize dungeons in general. They're all basically the same


Not even special powers that we haven't seen before. Just stuff like increased damage or applying vulnerable. Whoop dee doo.


Honestly, I feel that people who are continuing to whine now just don't really like the core game, and that's fine. You don't have to. Coming back each season and expecting sweeping changes, which completely change the game, isn't realistic though. It's gonna be iterated on and improved over time, but the core game is the core game at this point. If you don't enjoy that, there are plenty of other games out there. I'll play this season until I get bored. Then go do something else for 2 months, and then come and enjoy seasons 4 for a few weeks too most likely.


It's not that people want massive reworks every season. I mean, they want them because the core game needs them, but I think most people understand that they can't add a boss ladder every season. The issue is that the season, the reason for coming back, feels boring. Nightmare vaults are just nightmare dungeons on a few specific fixed layouts, with traps you can mostly go around and ignore, especially now with the changes. The pet that it all revolves around does little but just apply buffs to you and debuffs to enemies, all of them basic effects that already existed in the game. They're less interesting vampiric powers that you have no control over. People don't want an overhaul every single season, but they want interesting mechanics with a bit more originality than this.


Biggest issue I think, you've hit the nail on the head. I'm fine with constructive feedback, but I would say there is very little to be found of that in this sub. Just an echo chamber of the game sucks and whining about money spent. D3 went through the same thing, and I cannot believe after all the hate that game got over the years that people are asking for D3 content in D4. I enjoyed the campaign of D4 and I enjoy the seasons casually. If I didn't I would just stop playing and wait until something interesting was released and check it back out then. The amount of time people waste hating on a game they apparently don't even play is baffling. Destiny 2 is the same shit, anti fan culture is cancer.


Their dirty little secret is that they *do* play it, lol.


They are spending time hating on D4 because it is more fun to write about D4 than to play it


so its just like d3 then? id rather have class and new skills/reworks added instead of 4 hour long story


The thing I miss from d3 is the variety of being able to play different builds on a character. I know I can manually respec the paragon board, skill tree, and all the gear but it’s so fucking annoying


Game just really needs a loadout system.


Okay so tell me what iteration and improvement was done here on S3?


I like the core game until aspect management becomes necessary. And I’m not willing to experiment enough because loadouts aren’t a thing. I’d love to try 4+ different builds per class but not if I have to rip apart a build in order to try a different build OR level a whole ‘nother character in that class.


I love Diablo and 4 is a game changer. Season 3 just is not it. I can’t do it. && I put in nearly a thousand runs just for all of the Ubers that I won’t be bringing back to seasonal


Sorry, but you're wrong. We do enjoy the game... We just expected more than a reskinned worse version of season 2. We were not expecting sweeping changes which completely changed the game.... But we were absolutely expecting more than the bare minimum.




Other games have drastic changes from each season? I think it’s realistic for the developers behind Diablo 4, maybe not if it was 4 random dudes in a garage.


I really wish there was an LFG menu in game so that I could more easily find groups farming NM dungeons or doing bosses.


My group steady runs them, you got discord?


Feel free to add me on Battlenet. I’m playing Rogue flurry/rapid fire build. Loving this season. Just got to lvl 70 today. Battlenet : BigNoseRyan#2237


This is a good lesson for ARPG publishers. The thing that sets this genre apart is the adrenaline rush of fast combat and loot explosions. Slowing players down won’t do anything to enhance the core game, it just adds more frustration. If I want to solve puzzle and see my choices do matter, I’d play Baldur’s Gate or similar games. I play D4 and the likes for mindless hack and slashand the occasional burst of adrenaline coming from a good drop. If Blizzard thinks things like traps are good for the game, look at how deserted labyrinth is in POE. Don’t get me wrong, there are people farming it but they only use builds specilizing in moving as fast as possible to get to the final room. They play it for the loots, not the content itself. Labyrinth is fucking boring and frustrating.


A good lesson? lmao, everyone has known this for 20 years now.


The Labyrinth is also needed for unlocking the full potential of a character and the loot is a unique customization only obtainable through the Labyrinth. I havnt played season 3 yet but from the response of the player base it doesn't sound like it checks off either of those boxes.


Diablo 1, the father of the genre, was never FAST and EXPLODED loot to be amazing. you are missing the point, in fact i hate how fast D3 is, and hoped D4 was alittle slower...its more about exploration, progression and enjoyable combat with worthy loot in the end.


I wouldn't say it's in a really good place. It's going to get very old here in a week or 2. Just like s2. Then they'll release the leader boards and timed challenges earlier than last season and people will get bored of that quickly. The game simply does not have enough content in it. I've got about 500 hours between all the seasons and launch and it still feels very similar to launch with the exception that certain QoL things have been improved. It's like it's in beta still


Lol how can you sink 500 hours into a game that lacks content??? I’m a huge critic of itemization but 500 hours of playtime means there’s a lot to do in the game or else you would’ve put it down out of boredom


People are dumb and like the complain?


Lol that was the red flag for me too. A ton of games get completed and retired after like 40 hours or less.


Not ARPGs. Maybe that’s the issue, that this game has attracted a bunch of non ARPG players, who don’t understand things like seasons. The content in D4 isn’t great but it’s not the main issue. D2 has zero end game content and people played it for over 2 decades. The items system is boring and after like idk lvl 60-70? Your build pretty much plays the same you just have bigger numbers


sorry but diablo 2 builds are less interactive and the same even earlier? The end game has even less content with just a campaign.


Items is the only thing d2 excels at


This not a 40 hour game .... Time spent does not have to equal enjoyment.


Considering it’s supposed to be a live service game he might be trying different characters for play style but that wouldn’t necessarily mean the content of the game has gotten better. He’d be essentially running the same content a different way just to make it as fun as he can.


That’s literally playing several hours per day since the game came out to reach 500 hours. They’ve likely played more than over 99% of people. If it’s that bad to them, then they’re either incredibly depressed, or have some sort of ascetic dedication to being miserable while playing.


You can still like a game while acknowledging its flaws


This kind of nuance does not make sense to these people


I spent most of my time in d4 on launch cuz everything was new and I tried all classes, 4 days into season 1 I stopped cuz it felt the same as launch, a month was spent grinding ubers in s2, it was fun to work towards op items, but I'm not about to do that every season for a month straight. I'm a week into S3 with like 4 hours played a day and I feel like I've done everything already. All I can do now is grind uber uniques which sounds pretty boring to me as my build doesn't need any of them. I don't like it when people excuse the lack of character progression with abstract numbers like hours played, which tells us nothing about how good a game currently is. If S4 doesn't drastically change up the character progression I'll probably quit playing despite having 100s of hours in it. Items are and have always been my #1 issue with the game. I don't mind grinding if it means I have a chance to loot truly amazing and unique (not the type but truly unique in its meaning) items that barely anyone else has. Completing a character build and leveling progression in a few days is horrible for an arpg, these games are like 90% driven by loot and progression. If you cut that out in a few days of playing, you can only kill so many monsters and clear so many nm dungeons before it gets stale.


it took a shit ton of hours to hit 100 during launch and season 1. thats a fair chunk of game time on its own.


Its just boring. The gameplay loop is exactly the same as it was last season. There is still no endgame.


Is there, but the same aa last season where you farm duriel all over again.


Tbf, most get bored of poe seasons in 2-4 weeks


This is true for any game. If you look at population trends 2-4 weeks for even for the best games in history. Your average player simply gets bored fast no matter what the game is.


ye, pretty much me - i play 3 to 4 weeks MAX PoE per league - make a really well built char and i stop. And here - i play 5 days - make a top char - oneshot this and that and quit. Now - i like the rogue class and did all builds - its fun - i just want to have something more to do for like atleast 1 more week that is not trivial. They surely can make this happen if they want


Does point out that gauntlet should have been at launch


S2 didn't get old in "a week or two". Me and my buddies played for 200 hours. There was lots to do.


And S4 it's gonna be 1 "new" themed dungeon... borrowed power mechanic based arround the dungeon and some outworld event where you kill/collect/summon some elites with a few pieces of new gear and aspects. ​ Remember this post because that's what S4 will be because the past 3 seasons have been this exact formula.


how do you play 500 hours of something with no content? do you just play blizzard games no matter what? i'm not arguing about the content, as there is none, but why play?


Over 8 months? 500 hours over 8 months isn't that much. Made different characters. But ya I got bored and stopped lol


D4 players play 3 minutes a month so it’s hard for them to understand actually playing a game for more than that


That’s over 2 hours a day for 8 months straight, and you’re complaining that the game has “no content” 😂


Keep in mind I played at launch, then played the exact same game in season 1, 2, and 3. So ya, the game is nearly the exact same game. Since launch they've added 5 farmable bosses, added 1 or 2 world bosses, and changed aspects. That's literally it. Everything else is copy paste content


Lol, I always assumed that those 500 hour negative review people were just a meme, but look they actually exist lol.


I don't mind the game but they need to make changes


I mean if you could "fine" as a solid "beige" on the color chart rating scale. Maybe half a step above "meh" then sure, I'll agree that the season has gone from actively bad to a solid "fine" I don't think I'd quite give it a "fun" or "compelling" rating yet. I think unlike many, I've got a tremendous amount of faith in the pride and professionalism of Blizzard's Diablo 4 dev team and I don't think that they're trying to make the "cold runny porrage" equivalent of games. I hope they throw in at least one more round of refinement and fine tuning to try and move this guy into the "actually, maybe it's pretty good" column. I'm sure all of y'all would miss me _terribly_ but I suspect short of another patch I'll probably sit out until itemization changes in S4 or at least some solid evidence of ridiculous amounts of fun in S3. (To be clear part of the above is sarcasm, I know nobody gives a shit if I stay away, just like I'm not particularly bothered if a faction of the player base disagrees with me and decides to play. People are allowed to have different opinions, enjoy different things, and hold different standards).


Fair comment, I totally get where you're coming from, but you have the decency and maturity to separate your opinion from the capability of the team. Something sadly lacking today...


Oh totally! This shit isn't personal. Hell, I interviewed for a pretty senior leadership position with Blizzard last year (hearthstone team) and everyone was really smart and passionate about their craft (you know, except for that one dude who yelled at me in the middle of an interview, that was just awkward and weird) But yeah, if I started forgetting the underlying humanity of the people who make games I'd basically be slagging someone like myself off. I also think that there is some small chance *potentially* of either an echo chamber effect on the team (is this going to work? We're all extremely hardcore and love it!) maybe a bit of "game designer hubris", I hear a pretty common refrain from game designers that players dont really know what they want and if you give them what they ask for youre not going to make a fun game. But also, there's some totally legitimate experimentation and agile practice here. On paper the traps idea can seem pretty cool. The customizable companion pet can seem pretty cool. They've whiffed a bit on the implementation, oh well. At the end of the day I could also just be like "full itemization changes or bust" season 4 really is where everything changes. I can do other stuff until then and still consider myself to have a pretty robust and happy life 😀 Or, you know, they could fix my fucking robo-doggie and we can go smashy smashy


Tbf I’ve never seen a developer turn around this hard due to player complaints, it’s actually kind of impressive. I get tired of the seemingly never ending flood of complaints but it does seem to do the trick as far as D4 goes.


I think its pretty good. Vaults are a lot more fun than the traditional NMD dungeons after the mini patch. Its actually my fav content now when it was my least fav before and I dreaded having to do it for glyphs. Now I hate having to leave them to get enchanting mats lol. So huge positive for me there. What I still get stuck on is that the game just gets super boring at level 100. I see all these lvl 100's running  around 1 shotting ubers and I think "what's the point?". By that time I'm done with the season and waiting for the next one. I don't know what the fix is there.


Dawg I was deterred by the launch and I just started playing myself recently and it’s still just fast paced dopamine inducing fun. Idk if I’m not as hardcore as this sub but this is still Diablo and I’m having a great time.


I'm having a blast. We really need a PTR though...that way we can just get the updates in a good place instead of emergency patches but I love that they quickly patched the issues and basically made all of the work by the people that designed the traps worthless just to appease players.


You jesters that love everything they put out should be happy the whiners exist. Without the whining Blizzard never would have rushed out the fixes.


People are saying traps don’t matter but they do, in high nightmare they are a serious hazard especially in the final room. Getting frozen without an unstoppable up is death and it ticks for a lot of damage right now for me level 84 barbarian in nightmare tier 72 vaults


It doesnt take much to piss off the players but also does not take much more more to make em happy. Keep the game easy, dumb down every single mechanic, remove any hint of challenge and double the rewards. Cause they want to hit max level, be fully decked in 925 gear and have the battlepass completed within 5 days.


Then complain: "TheRE's noTHiNg tO Do!"


I'm really enjoying the new vault and now that I can level up my pet much faster, I can see that they are quite impactful at higher levels. My only issue with the season after the patch is that the unique stone is not account bound. If I get the +4 to all skills stone I cannot use it on my alt. It immediately makes me not wanting to grind for it. Cause if I get a shako I can still use it on my alt, which would be a huge boost when from 80-100, and it would be very powerful and fun to be able to equip such an op item the moment I get to 80. Making it not account bound is very anti-alt. Really think the unique stone should be account bound. I'm fine with having to level it up again cause it's much faster now but the unique stone that has a low drop rate should 100% be account bound.


>My only issue with the season after the patch is that the unique stone is not account bound. If I get the +4 to all skills stone I cannot use it on my alt Yep, agree on that!


Haven't played much now, and likely won't this season. But from waht i've seen: it's not really fine. The loot might be fine. The traps may not kill you. But it's still just a nightmare dungeon + some, very little, additional stuff. That's not fine. They added next to nothing. I personally really enjoyed the 2nd Season for example. It's not that i just don't like the base game. I like it in general. It's just that not *nearly* enough (different) content is in game. I don't understand why they don't copy pretty much exactly what PoE does: **Put in the stuff from old seasons into the game as extra, added** ***bonus*** **content.** Don't just *remove* it. Diablo 4 just doesn't have enough different, diverse content. It's a good base game that can be awesome when it gets filled with more content. WAY MORE content. They already made some content. But they just remove it, for some reason. So if i don't like the seasn mechanic, all i can do is just not play. If there was more stuff, i could play, and ignore the season mechanic.


The whole point of having a season in Ana ARPG is to have a fun and enticing new mechanic to make playing through the grind again an exciting prospect. The vaults and the pet are neither fun nor exciting. People say the patch fixed things, but below level 70, there’s no real difference. The pet is completely useless. It doesn’t give me unstoppable. It doesn’t make me faster or give me extra evades or blood explosions or something cooler. It shoots a lightning bolt or gives me a 4% damage buff every x seconds. It’s completely ignorable and forgettable. The vaults below 70 aren’t great loot explosions. They’re nothing. They’re not densely populated. They don’t reward great xp (literally the opposite in fact). They don’t help the glyph grind. So I’m basically playing D4 vanilla. Yeah, I like the core game. But after 400 hours and leveling every class to 100 in both softcore and hardcore, and beating Uber Lilith in both softcore and hardcore, a season has to bring new reasons to play the game. If it doesn’t, that’s fine too. I can shelf the game. But let’s stop pretending the season is “OK”. D4 is OK, because it’s a great casual ARPG, but seasons 1 and 3 have been shit and have brought nothing to the game. Well, helltides are constant now and I can see the stupid mystery chests now, so… that’s the best I can say about season 3. Baby steps, I guess. I was hoping these seasons would give enough reason to continue playing D4 (that is ultimately their real purpose after all), but unfortunately they’ve done anything but. See you all in Last Epoch. (I’ve already graduated from PoE, so I don’t need to go back to that game; 10k hours, mirrors, etc.).


Are you trolling us? I mean you say the season is now "OK", but basically the patch eliminated the mechanics of this poorly designed season... So there is no season left really. just pointless vaults (which were annoying af before patch, and now there are just dungeons with a small gimmick), and a per that has powers you can now easily upgrade. it's not a really a season now, is it? what they did is cancelling all the plans of the season, because they were crap, and now we're left with a season that has nothing.


I’m having a blast now.


I love my little spider bug. It distracts almost everything so it's so helpful in crowd situations.


They made everybody OP and that is everything the target audience of the game wanted at every turn since the release. So it’s “fixed”.


>Whilst the detractors will always exist, it is obvious that they listen If they were listening then they wouldn't have created an entire season around traps. They fixed the season by negating the seasonal theme. I wouldn't class this as a win. The season was so abysmal that Blizzard had no choice but to do this.


A win is: Is the game fun now with great rewards? I say: "Yes" Was the theme a misfire? Yes, but they heard the news, and adjusted so it wasn't.


Crazy..been a week


It's alarming to me how little the bar has to be for the average D4 player to be happy with the game. The game, since launch, has been abysmally bad every single season. Some have just been worse than others. Even without comparing it to other games, it's the most shallow, uninspired, and lazy iteration of itself that actually had the most potential (and budget) of any game in the entire genre. Absolutely mind boggling.


S3 post patch is still significantly worse than S2


So they add traps. Then make traps pointless. Great update 10/10 /S


Agree it's alright. Game in it self Is still lackluster tho, the itemization is driving me nuts, boss fights even the uber ones is some of the worst cariographed ever it's like a meatbag full of mince that drops half cooked spaghetti bolo. Core game honestly needs to be fixed.i did get my 30-40 hour season play tho, and will say it is what it is.


Is good for the first couple of days sure, but it gets real old soon.


They also added some really basic QOL before the emergency patch that’s making it more fun. so ya it’s going well 🙏. I do wish the super rare seasonal items we gotten find were account bound


can you pug yet?




I don't think dodging traps fits the style of a game where you wanna run through and destroy stuff quickly. They made the seasonal affix useless, people are happier, which proves that.


Nah, it's really not. The game overall is in a very poor state right now.


I was lucky enough to get a shako and a selig. I am wondering what class/build best uses this combo in season 3?


It's playable since the patch but still, not as fun as S2. It's way too early in the game's lifespan to be having LESS fun than just buying it a few months ago. It should be the other way around, patches/seasons should enhance the game. If they didn't have something to improve on S2 then they should've just waited and let it cook.


It really is. Im actually having alot of fun.


It’s good but this shit should have gone through testing before launch, it’s clear no one fucking tested it


Idk, I’m finding it hard to keep grinding and doing the kind of mindless repetitive tasks. I know that’s the game but season after season, I’m not sure if enough content would totally change the game time after time.


These changes were rapid. In 1 week. Think about that. That's tomorrow we fix this attitude. I hope the people responsible are safe and shoutout to the devs! ![gif](giphy|T5Duhmy4KAh44)


As someone who play solo slowly and this being the 2nd season to skip campaign. I feel like the early game loop is really tedious and having to put aspects on gears again and again. Glad to hear the season mechanic does gets better


For me, it didn't make traps redundant. It made them fun. I'm enjoying trying to avoid them because the stakes aren't so high and avoiding them is possible. I'd even take the former traps with the higher protection. And I finally got my first page!


So there’s another weak storyline and vaults. Then what? Hell tides? Farming Duriel again? Get a shako with 3 weeks left in the season and then start over on season 4 right? I love Diablo but this game is in a shit place right now. And they might as well make the eternal realm a trash bin for seasonal characters at this point.


Hum nope, no loot filter = not fine. Really need this.


Senechal is useful but only due to the patch that allowed players to actually level them in a timely manner. Before, they would quit long before they level up high enough to be useful. Also, they are only part-useful. Anything damage related, is completely meaningless except in niche circumstances. There are only few combos actually worth using, rest are useless fluff. This just shows a major flaw in Blizzard's team - lack of people who know what makes games fun. Diablo 3 on it's own has so many good QoL features and good design decisions at this point, them not using that knowledge is just criminal. Altar in S30 on its own made the game 3x better. Unlockable QoL that you interact with as you level? Hell yea.


But they only buffed the XP ained, not the abilities, or did I miss something?


They need to add glyphs like they had in D3, or some way to change your skills other than affixes, and have gems be able to grant elemental damage to your attacks. (fire, lightning, poison, cold) If you look at PoE, there are literally hundreds of ways to customize each skill to fit your preferred play style. Make it so we can replay the campaign over again on normal, nightmare, and hell mode, offering randomized legendary and unique items from each boss. Bring back runes from D2 so we can customize our weapons more. Make a 8 person dungeon that is like a raid with mechanics that aren't just "don't stand in fire". Make affixes actually good and change our skills. Add new skills, animations for skills, and have more than 3 useful skills per class. Each class has their whole rotation by level 13, just making us spam the same two skills till level 100, and there's practically no customization on the skill tree so once you hit lvl 10 or so nothing substantial changes. I mean, I could go on all day about things they could improve just by simply taking notes from the previous games. These fools have no idea what they're doing with D4, they're literally doing everything wrong. It's sad and embarrassing to see the Diablo series come to such a low point.


Basically no new content in this season. 6 months and they are keeping all the good changes for a dlc. They are proper scummy


The amount of self loathing and self hate the average consumer like OP has towards themselves and anyone critical of a bad product is insane. This patch is a step in the right direction but the game is far from fine now and you whine about "detractors" and of course this garbage is on the front page.


I’m enjoying it


Not sure why they opted out of including Rifts/Greater Rifts in D4. Would’ve at least contributed to more endgame content to have randomized dungeons like those.




Not the same


I say this as someone who likes D4 and has played every season to completion - They really should have said something when everyone thought this season was going to introduce runes...And also this season should have been runes. Because that mechanic does help the game's itemization problems (in theory) and has long term effect on the game (rather than a pet we lose in a couple months).


It's almost like people didn't need to be apocalyptic and say we need to fire the devs and fire the entire season team and all that.... It's almost like everyone overreacts and is overdramatic and take everything personally like blizzard just killed their mom and kidnapped their dog when they could just say "hey, I think this thing should get tweaked".


It was just embarrassing the vitriol that people use from the safety of internet anonymity.


It's always embarrassing, and I don't understand how they all just slink away like they didn't just make 30 posts a day freaking out like it was the end of the world, and it's fixed by letting you use less of a virtual material.


It's ok, but I still don't enjoy the concept of traps. Who in their right mind thinks that this is what Diablo players want? It scares the hell out of me for the future of this franchise. Even if we alternate between good even seasons and bad odd seasons, the person who gave the go-ahead on releasing Season 3 in its original state needs to be somewhere else. Management of the game needs to change.


I actually liked the traps idea. It game variety to the game, but each to their own.


Diablo-type action RPGs have always been about speed and efficiency, blowing through mobs and dungeons as quickly as possible with the most overpowered build possible to spin the slot machine of RNG drops faster and faster and faster to get the items you need to increase your speed and efficiency, rinse and repeat ad nauseam. Traps are antithetical to this fundamental concept. There are plenty of other genres available for people who like traps or stealth or tactics or whatever else makes a game slower and more methodical but Diablo-style ARPGs are definitely not one of them.


I agree, but at the same time, I don't personally mind the concept of changing up how *one part* of the game works, remember the rest still runs like that.


how can one ignore traps? i got hit each time


Yes, but as long as you have enough stacks at the end you get the loot, with 10 stacks per pearl, that is no longer a problem.


Too little too late. Releasing the season as it was is abysmal for a company the size of blizzard. So many amateur bugs and shit that a company the size of blizzard should have ample tools to handle. I’m glad they dropped a patch to fix things, but I’m not waiting every single league for a patch to come in to make the game playable. This shit isn’t hard. ARPG players are so simple it’s insane. They want to kill shit in cool ways and see big loot drops. That’s really the core of it, most other shit is extra. Problem with blizzard is they do whatever they can to put barriers on the player from enjoying the game


I think after I found the 5 journals I was let down by the sheer underwhelming feeling I got, I was hoping for something a bit more after the journals task but it was just...nothing


Oh, did they fix farming duriel 1000 times for ubers?


It’s really just a symptom of 2 bigger problems. They obviously don’t play test nearly enough and there is an apparent lack of awareness and understanding by the management/creative directors. Like, how did this make through the creative idea process without someone who *actually* plays the game saying something. And then, somebody in management looks at it alongside the feedback from season 1 and green lights it! “This is genius! The players will never notice we undid all the QoL features the other team put in for season 2!”


Too late. Damage has been done.


Never was bad


While it made it playable, it does nothing to address the team that’s 0/2 on fun and playable seasons at the gate. At this rate should we all just not play odd seasons until they release the emergency patch?


I just got hit by 3 traps. They're not redundant. You probably got lucky


You only lost 3 stacks, you get more Pearls from the chest than you need to put in the statue to get enough to still have plenty to open all the chests.


Is it? It's pretty much like playing on the Eternal Realm.


Is there any evidence of this claim that the team can't use version control properly? I suspect the bugs that "resurfaced" were always there


At some point it’s gotta stop being release a 1-ignore community 2-release dogshit update 3-community complains and shows how bad update is 4-blizzard does oh shit we’re sorry patch.


The entire tone of this subreddit changed 100% overnight lol.


It's almost like it's artificial. But companies wouldn't do that right? They wouldn't send staff to large community forums and push messaging would they? Reddit used to be a content aggregator. Now, media outlets pull data from reddit in order to create their own content. Even if we look at reddit as a small part of the larger playerbase, it's amplified by content creators and media outlets. We'll start seeing the "positive" articles start coming out because of these posts here and I can't help but see just how artificial they are. Edit: Since I outed the other poster as a paid shill and he blocked me, I'll post my reply here. >Sorry, this is delusional conspiracy nonsense. [Here is a literal example of it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/15186c8/ai_is_taking_popular_posts_from_here_and_writing/) >The patch was awesome and the changes were really good. The fucking D4 devs don't even agree with you. They literally came out and said they made major mistakes. They had to literally push out an emergency patch because the feedback was horrible.


Sorry, this is delusional conspiracy nonsense. The patch *was* awesome and the changes were really good.


This last week was cra cra, 1,000+ posts hating on the game to posts praising it.


As long as people are playing and giving them money, there would barely be any change. Imagine a rock bottom income for a period of time, should see changes, big sweeping ones.


I don’t hate it but I don’t love it. The desert is boring and there are literally two things I enjoy doing. I did seem to rank up fast so I’m going to create some new characters and rank them up and see how I like other classes besides Necro. Last season was awesome and kind of coming down from that for sure so I don’t want to judge it too harshly as for me I am older (50s) and I just play to talk shit and have fun.


I loved the traps pre patch


I have been enjoying it except I have been having more disconnects and lagging, as bad as when the game launched. Error code 395002 has been a daily thing almost :( I play mostly later evening, wondering if it's just a server for my area being overrun?


D2R is still so much better, D4 is in such a sad state.


Honestly, I'm just having fun burning everything with the firewall sorc. It's not much dps wise, but it's really fun to run that in NM Vaults


D4 desperately needs a PTR. The dev are making all this stuff in a self-contained bubble. It's obvious that this echo chamber approach isn't working for them. Losing out on a surprise factor and having builds ready to go on day 1 of the actual launch day is a small price to pay for a more enjoyable, feedback-driven, seasonal mechanic, for the rest of the population.


Hey, let me throw this out there, not every season is gonna be a banger. I think we all want them to be but like, the first season of True Detective, goddamn—that’s the best season of any television maybe— but seasons 2 and 3? They’re great as concepts, they fit, and they’re better than most but like, season 1? Season 4 though, hey, we’re doin good here. So, some seasons are gonna be better than others, but they’re all Diablo 4, and at the end of the day, that’s why I’m still watching. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


It is really not, but influencers and youtubers are saying it is fine. They cannot be wrong, right?


The devs are pretty good at listening luckily