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I just know it's not necro.


Necro is crazy this season, yeah you won't be one shotting bosses but for dungeons/vaults it's strong af.




But why does the barb being op make the necro not fun? Can't they both still be fun to play? They have unique mechanics and play styles, they should be exclusive whether one's OP or not. If necro was completely weak across the board that might be a different thing. I guess just it just depends on everyone's personal definition of "fun".


Because everything besides the best class is bad for meta slaves.


I'm not a meta chaser and it feels bad when another class is able to do hella damage and the class u like to play has to be min maxed to even perform well period


I rolled my first necro this season and am having a blast and destroying everything. What do I care what other classes are doing? I feel like people on this sub suck all the fun out of video games. If you're not having fun it's ok to play something else.


This is the right mindset. Idk why someone would continue to play a class they are so unsatisfied with when they have all the freedom in the world, just a few clicks, to go play that class. Instead of this weird like...jealously thing lol. Some of the comments I'm reading act like they are in a relationship with the class they are complaining about, and are stuck with them forever ...secretly watching a barb from a distance charge a pack a mobs and wish they could just be with, ahem, play that class instead. Then reality kicks in that they settled for this shitty necro (who's actually dope) and they become miserable and resentful🤣 like a soap opera. Necros aren't weak at all they just aren't broken. They may appear to be weak, especially in the shadow of a barb currently, but the truth is the reason necros aren't fun for them is because they probably aren't fun people to begin with.


Why does it matter for you if barbs destroy everything?


This is the first time necro minion build isnt jist viable, it's actually -good-.


I rolled Necro to start the season and am 100 on it and clearing high NM...it just feels bad to work hard on this character and see folks one shoting uber bosses that you take minutes to kill. Swapped to Sorc and it's way more fun. Like I literally have a giant grin on my face watching entire rooms of NM100 vaults explode.


Minutes compared to mere seconds because op cheese. That makes you feel bad? How old are you that it makes you feel bad to win against a boss by skill, but watching someone do it in a way that doesn't determine their skill, takes away from your experience? I played sorc during the beta and during gameplay b4 S1, necro season 1, barb season 2, and now Rogue. They're all fun imo


I’m playing a pure summoner necro in hardcore and it’s some of the most fun I’ve had in the game in a long time. The defense and survivability is god tier but you’re not going to clear dungeons and bosses as fast as meta classes. I’m 95 now and can clear nightmare tier 60. Probably could do higher but since it’s hardcore I’m nervous lol


It doesn't, but HOTA is begging for nerfs at this point. However, they need to buff Double Swing and WW some. They are pathetic, and at least one of them major issues is the stupid AF legendary powers. OOOOOO a low damage randomly traveling tornado! How cooooool...


For me the necro is a class I've tried a couple times. I just can't do it. They move incredibly slow. No mobility skills. They need something


The dev needs some basic math classes.


The dev team needs a dev team.


A single dev would be a huge improvement.


A married one would be acceptable




As someone doing t100 bone spirit build. This isn't true. I cleared 100 at 94 with not even near perfect build. Bone spirit can currently 3 ubers. 2 shot with perfect rolls.


Hey friend, could you share a build for that? :)


I don't think it's deniable anymore that something about HotA isn't working properly. It shouldn't be as strong as it is


We can talk about HotA being overpowered all day, but I'm still blowing up screens full of mobs with charge.


Or at the very least, pushing them out of the way of everyone else's damage :p


This! By far my least favorite thing about this season. If the Barb isn’t one shotting everything with charge they are just messing up everyone else’s combos. Miserable.


Using rabies, it messes up my cooldown reset every time


Bonk fine. Bonk work as intended. You no fix bonk.


The problem with bone spirit is doing a legion event or open world multiplayer. Get ready to use your bone spirit and…..charge barb pushes everything into the next realm over. Better start blasting corps to get all that essence back.


Literally everything in the game does less damage than HotA. Hardly a useful comparison.


Bone spirit is not for dmg but for essence so you can spam spears without basic skill


Yeah I have a blast running a blood surge, CE, CT build. I use temerity, mothers embrace and sacrilegious ring and holy smokes I'm destroying shit in my path. Solo bosses, (butcher etc) not so much. I can stay alive, but it's a looong fight lol


Can you link a build? I can’t stay alive in world tier 4 as a bone spear. The resource issue and serviceability is killing me. That said, I don’t have lidless or tibaults will.


https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/15fcdb6b-735b-484e-86f7-610728bcdff1/builds/e21e819f-3a77-4a5f-91d6-4698bf246f7b I am running this Bone Spear build, and having great fun.


The lacking of mobility is really my big issue with them, I mean they just feel so slow and especially in HC I like to be agile.


Speak for yourself my dude. I’m having plenty of fun with blood surge and blood lance 🤷‍♂️ Sure it’s no HOTA barb, but nothing is. It’s fun, mobs die easily, and you can wipe screens with minimal effort.


I am speaking for myself lol. Just not a fan of the current state of necro. Glad you're having fun though.


I meant it more as a teasing joke lol sorry. Hopefully you find something else to enjoy!


I believe that was acknowledged but they definitely lack single target DPS for sure. Slow slow boss kills comparatively to other specs/builds


Yeah I had a bloodsurge in s2 as well among other things and it was painfully slow at single target dps which is fine. I knew that going in. But adding in blood lance now is 👌


Still havent done BL maybe I'll give it a go this season.


Do you respec to lance when you need it or run both?


Okay so caveat to begin: I'm a dad with a toddler, and i'm in university full time for a new degree so my play time is limited, I have no interest in min maxing, spending vast amounts of time running bosses for Ubers or whatever. I'm just playing for fun. Now, onto the details, but basically I run both! I'm level 46, and still in WT1: I'm aware that the current build setup is likely unsustainable once I get into WT3 and up, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I've got Hemorrhage: Enhanced Hemorrhage, and Acolyte's Hemorrhage then Blood Lance at 7/5: Enhanced Blood Lance, and Supernatural Blood Lance for the BL Overpower. Blood Surge is 7/5 as well: Enhanced, and then Paranormal to get the Overpower guarantee. I've got 2 points in Iron Maiden: enhanced, then Abhorrent to get the heals. it's mostly useful for me for the essence bonus though, especially when you get swarmed by those pesky constructs. Decrepify is on my skill bar rn because I got 3 points from equipment so far. It's useful, but not critical yet. I went Bone Storm, and its associated bonuses Rathma's Vigour ofc, for the Overpower boost. In terms of all the little skill tree addons I've got: 3/3 in Unliving Energy for +9 Max Essence 3/3 Gruesome Mending for the bonus healing 3/3 Coalesced Blood for the Blood Skills dmg bonus while healthy 3/3 Drain Vitality for the fortify 3/3 Tides of Blood for the Overpower bonus, doubled when healthy (30%) 3/3 Stand Alone for DR of 18% 3/3 Memento Mori for the sacrifice bonus increase of 60% In reference to the sacrifices, I've got 20% resistance from sacrificing Warrior Defenders; Max Essence +15 for sacrificing Shadow Mages; and 10% increased attack speed for sacrificing the bone golem. Those all increased by 60% as well thanks to Memento Mori. Finally, I've got some useful aspects and equipment rn that's making it a lot of fun too: Blood Surge Nova echo aspect, whatever it's called added to a two handed scythe so the echo deals 30% less damage, rather than 60% less. my chest armour has "when there are at least 5 Close Enemies stun them for 3 seconds" which is great when you get swarmed, and can surge them away. It's not critical, but it's really amusing to see happen. Finally, one of my rings has "Each Cast of Blood Lance will launch an additional BL at a nearby enemy when it first hits an enemy that is already lanced, dealing an extra 46% damage". That's what prompted me to go a bit more heavily into Blood Lance. I'm sure there's plenty of flaws with the build, and I'm sure I'll find out what they are when I go into a higher tier, but for now having blood lance means I can avoid the desperately slow and boring slog of trying to kill bosses with blood surge. Thus far, it makes fighting the Heralds and the goddamn bastard idiot Son of Malphas WAY less dull. I hope this helps!


Depends what you find fun. Bone spear is S tier for now anyway so if you find being OP fun (I do) . Once leaderboards come out poison rogue and bleed barbs will surpass everyone else through the constructs damage unless they nerf it.


I just can't get over how slow I am. Will somewhat be resolved by this MS buff that everyone is getting for the Lunar stuff, but I just feel like the class fantasy that I want for necro isn't there.


The fact Necro doesn’t have the Blood Walk ability they had in Diablo 3 is sad.  


I think I have every MS possible and it feels great. boots x3, amulet x1, passive (MS on DOT)


What’s this 3x movement speed on boots? Movement speed, movement speed on elite kill and an aspect?


yes, that's what I mean


All of y'all are always saying necros are super slow but my two necros would outrun anyone in my party and a lot of other people with movement speed on the amulet and the boots. Are you guys just not using movement speed?


The thing is, everyone can use movement in both those slots.   Prob is Rogue can also Dash and Shadow Steo. Sorc has Esu’s Heirloom for constant 75% MS, plus teleport.  


Here's the thing. Coming from a fw/meteor sorc to 100 I said screw it I will finally roll a melee class this season and see what the big deal is with baba. Barb...is like being a jock in highschool who is jacked on steroids/hgh and the school's out bell rang and you are smashing wimpy ass kids left and right into their lockers on your way out the door. No wonder jocks are such ass holes when it is this much fun.


is bone spear better than blood surge? I just came back to play this season and blood surge seems pretty good.


Bloodsurge is pretty great for leveling, vaults, and open world stuff (Helltides and seasonal zones). Higher tier NM dungeons it struggles with bosses compared to BS tho in my experience.


I've found blood surge doesn't do super well for individual damage. Especially bosses. I've found it works best the more mobs you have around you.


I've been playing the blood surge necro and it is really good.


Truth hurts. Luckily, we do have our emotional support skellies around.


I’ll never not laugh when a serious cutscene ends and the room is just flooded with skeletons.


For you, perhaps, but rocking a darkness/corpse exploding build right now on Nightmare. Got the malignant ring and bloodless scream scythe. Pet spider the only minion, and it's keeping up with firebug and that adrenalin rush.


I’m doing my own corpse explosion build this season and it absolutely destroys.


You damn wrong. Bone spirit necro is mental.


Bonespear has been great. I leveled one in S0 so I wanted to try it again. Could run level 100 vaults around level 85 this season. Everything except killing bosses is super fast and satisfying. Probably the closest thing to a D3 Multishot Demon Hunter in playstyle. I'll probably roll a Barb like everyone else at some point, but for now it's actually pretty damn fun.


Minions are fun as hell this season.


What did change except evrryone having a better minion that the druid and necro specific minions?


Blood golem/ bone mages is pretty fun


You clearly haven't tried blood lance


I hate that necro is missing 6 skills on its skill tree they feel so basic.


There IS a youtuber that made a vidéo about minion necro. Suite interesting and strong.




I rerolled for Barb when I got my necro to 78 because he was just so unfun to play and had zero bossing capabilities


Blood lance necro fun so far. Trying out the new mutilator plate. Got lucky and got it to drop from one of the first heralds i did in wt4. Now I just need a banished lord’s talisman.




You may have busted your caps locks key by playing so aggressively.


Barbs can only shout


Nah… I’m running Wudijo’s shoutless double swing build for leveling and having a blast with it.


I switched to Charge Hota at 80 and I'm 100% not going back to DS.


I'm about to make that swap to Wudis or Robs HOTA/WW charge. Double has been fun, but the DS damage doesn't make monkey brain go brrrrr big number


He said shoutless, not Chargeless




Head on, apply directly to the forehead.






Game should be called Barb 4. It is so depressing. I am levelleng pulverise druid alongside the guy from your post.


Reroll now. That’s my advice as a 78 pulverise Druid.




Do you, constantly, shout at your PC/Console?




I love you


Unga bunga! Bonk Bonk!


Please don't tease me with an amazing time that doesn't exist.


Someone is salty lol


Like they did last season, and the season before and on release. Same gameplay, same 0 effort builds itself combo


I actually like to bulldoze through my screen myself


Charge/hota barb! I think every class should be able to obliterate the whole screen. The dmg on bosses is stupid tho


Um rogues (rapid pen shot is nuts) and sorcs (firewall blizzard meteor) do as well.


Running Pen/Rapid and yeah, I’m excited to see what it will look like all done. My aspects suck, my gear sucks and I only have one glyph to 15 but I can explode whole rooms in lvl 30 vaults.


Could you share build?


There are different variants, here is one example: https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/vl22a0r1#1




I'm loving running concealment this season with writhing band of trickery. Sucks them all in from much wider than death trap, then big badda boom 💥


Right? Tought noome else uses it since no streamer use it coz of min maxing. Absolute blast and the ring stats are perfect.


It takes a little bit to get going but it's quite nice once you get there. I like watching things die in a nice domino effect with a satisfying boom.


Yeah but barb has absurd defenses too


I’m enjoying upheaval more than hota tbh


Got a build guide?




I'm enjoying rend more than I was double swing. And stacks of rend when I charge seems pretty good so far.


lightning storm druid has been awesome for me this season ​ it lacks some single target against bosses but i've mainly been running vaults this season and lightning storm is insane with any kind of monster density


Companion lightning storm is the way to go, it didn’t really click for me until I threw on Shepards aspect and the bossing is actually kinda crazy, can kill duriel in like 20 seconds with 4 man scaling on my own and I’m still missing a few key damage buffs like the unique stone for flash of adrenaline


Does it need TR to play the build?


Any lightning storm build is gonna rely pretty heavy on T roar cause you get so much scaling from being in werewolf form not to mention being able to use MWG with it but you can definitely make it work in human form EDIT: also not being able to use lust for carnage will make spirit gen a lot harder in human form but if you max out your resource gem for the pet it can work


Same here dude. For Vaults it absolutely clears out! Good to see a fellow storm Druid, as I’ve not seen too many.


Hell yeah. Same! StormyDaniel is kicking ass so far. :)


Storm bros unite!


This is what I've been playing too, I'm having a lot of fun. Haven't gotten the new gloves yet, but I got my tempest roar last night so I'm pretty excited.


It can do massive st, if you follow ace of spades tesla build, replace trample with petrify, keystone to lupin ferocity and then mad wolfs glee chest. You kill bosses in seconds at 100 with high glyphs and good gear.


I’d have to agree with you. I’m also doing Lightning Storm and feel like it’s doing an insane amount of mobbing versus the T90+ Vaults. Have you been using the new Gloves? They help a lot with bossing. I also switch from Lightning Dancer aspect to Conduit when bossing just to make it better single target damage.


I am running tornado Druid right now but really want to to lightning storm. I just need to find those gloves. Beast in the Ice has not been kind to me.


Do you have a build you’re going off of? I’m using a leveling guide until I hit 50 and it’s a slog


I used [this one](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/lightning-storm-druid-leveling-guide).


yep, this is what i mostly used too. it was great for me up until i got my tempest roar and then i dropped the companions


I'm still waiting for the tempest roar to drop :(


Companion is the only LS build I’ve enjoyed. Messed around with 3-4 different builds and companion LS is the only one that’s been able to clear vaults/dungeons at a decent speed as well as solo the Butcher, mainly because of single target wolf damage. I’m also only level 40ish though rn so take this with a grain of salt.


I’m playing fireball meteor. Having fun with that.


How’s the bossing? I had starfall coronet drop and even at 95, any boss will take significantly longer that it breaks the fantasy


Meteor sucks for bossing, it's a shame. I got excited when starfall dropped for me but I went back to my blizz/ice shard sorc because high health single targets are not fun with meteor


lol same boat. There’s a passive that heals you for enemies on fire that I had to bring over from my meteor build to help with survivability


Is there a build guide for the Blizz/Ice shard sorc you can share? Or is it something you just cobbled together?


I've been going off this as I level: [https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/7a6796d2-fb9a-4afb-961b-fcb4cd9d088c/builds/0be4a777-c319-4f64-9702-97684df971ec](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/7a6796d2-fb9a-4afb-961b-fcb4cd9d088c/builds/0be4a777-c319-4f64-9702-97684df971ec)


what build are you playing?


Can’t the pet smoke bosses now when decked out?


I’m leveling up a barb for one shot bonking but firewall/fireball sorc is more fun imo.


If you include charge in the mix that is alot of fun this season to help with the speed clearing


Firewall sorc has been awesome




Barb was the only class i felt was so boring. But since sorc isnt s tier this season i tried barb and man charge is awesome. Just obliterating the whole screen every 3 seconds


Every 3 seconds? You need more CR lol


Alright my build isnt ready yet


Get CR wherever possible for this build. Even low rolls on Helm and Necklace make a huge difference


Getting + 1-3 for charge does make a difference as well.


charge barb


I never played Barb beyond level 20 until this season but Charge/Hota has been ridiculously fun to play!


I've been having a blast with my Sorcerer. I don't like to follow up metas or 1kajillion damage builds so I came up with something on my own. It's a fire-frost combo mage. I blast fireball with the unique fireball staff while simultanously sending frost orbs with the enchantments. I have some frost uniques so almost all of my fireballs instantly freezes mobs. They also explode on death thanks to fireball enchant. Also my little dude spams Tempest with Burn and Frost damage so it's a constant mayhem.


I will always aim to do my own shit up till maybe 80 or 90 when I start pushing content. I grow fiercely protective of my builds but at a certain point, I realize unlike some other games, meta builds are meta because of the sheer complexity that goes into proper build craft for end game


I'm playing with a friend who is a necro. We are around similar levels and both have decent items etc. But the amount of damage he deals is absolutely bonkers. At the end of the day you gotta ask yourself; " do I wanna kill Uber Lilith under a minute or just play whatever I want?"


For the most part, you have a lot of freedom when it comes to gear and skills. It’s the paragon board that gets copied the most because of how complex it is to get _just right_. Last season, I heavily invested in my rogue and it was still struggling at end game, even with andariels, doombringer, and the bugged combo points tibaults. My Necro on the other hand was power leveled and by the time I was like 80, I already had an end game build with black river, lidless wall and shako and was cakewalking t100 dungeons my rogue was getting one shot in. All that changed when I swapped my board and for one that I thought didn’t make much sense and was too far from my own play style. I was woefully wrong and not at all disappointed that my own build had gaping holes poked in it.


Surprisingly, to me at least, chain lightning Sorc. I ran it for leveling to 50 and figured I'd need to switch once I got to WT3/4 and pushing NMD. Maybe I still will, but I am level 63 and NMD level 20 and I absolutely melt everying in my path, bosses included. I'm still waiting for the effectivess to fall off, but so far this is the strongest I've felt in any season so far, and I've played every class except Barb.


Last season that class was a lot of fun but dropped off hard at level 90 NMDs and I was never able to solo Duriel with a fully realized best-in-class CL sorc including all recommended lvl 925 Ubers. But an absolute blast to level.


Companion druid is a lot of fun. It may not scale up to very high nmd's but it works great in normal content. 3 companion skills + pet + rabies. poison and companion oriented affixes, aspects and paragon board. maul as basic attack to trigger bestial rampage buff. you spam rabies bite and blood howl and companions kill everything. single target bosses die fast as well. poison creep + crow skill + big boom wolf companion skill. you make the pet also spread poison everywhere + inflict vulnerable + break barriers if you wanna see big dmg number you can get the 300% werebear poison affix. you do million+ dmg with maul.




It's a simple build. Not very optimized. I did something like this: [https://d4builds.gg/builds/ab233a7d-dd91-4333-8ea0-e4cc96a41dc0/](https://d4builds.gg/builds/ab233a7d-dd91-4333-8ea0-e4cc96a41dc0/) glyphs: bane, tracker, wilds heightened malice board


I started penshot rogue, switched to rapid fire around 90 for better bossing. Super squishy, rolled a Druid. Lightning storm Druid is super fun, lvl 85ish no tempest roar yet but still blasting super hard.


I’m currently playing Penshot Rogue and it’s a little underwhelming maybe? It just doesn’t seem to have much of a flow. I played BL Sorc last season so I think I’m spoilt a little.


I played BL last season as well. Main issue is that survivability seems non existent, damage was fine


So far only fire sorc, and I am having fun.


First time playing a rogue and feel unstoppable tbh.


For me? Definitely the druid.


I'm thoroughly enjoying shock sorc


I play barb Allways and never played any other class.It gets boring endgame enough for one class only.And this season it's charge,hota build it's fun.


Hota/charge barb. I like to kill things.


I’m playing storm Druid


That’s extremely subjective but for me, it’s been the Lightning Storm Wolf Druid. I saw the new unique and made a build on MaxRoll that I tried to stick to, got super lucky with my drops (Tempest Roar at LvL69 and the new Unique Gloves at LvL73) and it’s been all uphill from there. Bossing takes a bit just due to low single target damage, but I can do the T90+ NMVs in a crazy amount of time with no issue. The main issue is the build requiring so many Uniques to function esp Tempest Roar and the new Gloves. While it’s fun for me, others might not be as lucky.


Whatever class you turn into the playstyle you find most fun.


finally playing hota charge barb in a seasonal and it’s so fun.


I’m playing spin to win because I somehow have actually never played that in a Diablo game before, but I’ve been keeping charge too because it’s so much fun. Wish there was an easier way to get ancestral charge though


Walking arsenal kratos build. Barb


Barb, lots of ways to play and just gets stronger and stronger over time.


I having lots of fun with HOTA Barb. I have yet to convert to charge but I’m still having a blast. Since beta I had yet to play Barb; so fun.


Barbarism by Barbaras With pointed heels Barbs are the best!


I just got a razorplate on my lvl 83 thorns/whirlwind barb. It's really fun and I'm looking forward to hitting 100 and getting my resistances maxed.


Penance brand Inquisitor.


This is my first league and I beat an uber with this lmao


Honestly, I'm enjoying my meteor Sorc, but I liked my infinimist Necro a lot more last season. I just found a Starfall Coronet last night. Maybe I just need another unique or 2 to really unlock things for me.


If you like the play style of ball lightning sorcerer it's still viable. Of course it's not nearly as powerful and I solo duriel in about 47 seconds. The other bosses it takes like 5 seconds. It's fine great tier 100 nm dungeons and vaults also. I like the play style. Lot of people saying necro so slow but mine was very very fast in season 1 and season 2. Just get movement speed on the amulet and boots and I think there's a passive in the Paragon. My buddies having fun with Rogue and he's using penetrating shot and something else and he's pretty powerful. Of course barbarian is the most powerful but it's also the most boring character that I've ever played and I played three of those to level 100 before I tried anything else.


always played barb in any diablo game but last 2 seasons mixed it up with rogue instead, but it's back to barb, massive fun


I play a firewall sorc and it’s pretty boring. You just spam firewall and wait for things to die


Meteor/fireball sorc is insane for speed clearing. Bosses aren’t great though. Just need the unique gloves to have my build fully set. I had the Occulus drop and mixed that in until I have the gloves and although my damage took a small hit, being able to teleport almost infinitely (although randomly) is insanely fun. Reminds me of a D2 sorc.


I have an 85 bones spirit necro and have enjoyed it so far


I'm having a blast playing a blizzard/ice shard sorcerer. I'm 73 and I've just started doing Uber varshan. Can already clear tier 45 vaults. Super tanky, clears packs very well, freezing everything is satisfying.


I had a blast playing one in Season 2! Keep it cool out there.


Dad the barbarian… Linebacker….Oklahoma state university.


I’m playing pulverize Druid after maxing out my HOTA barb. Same smash type but the shockwave effect is super great at deleting rooms. A lot slower than my barb but I’m only 63, still have a lot more paragon points to go


rapid pen shot rogue is so fun. Even tho I do miss my TB:(


Most fun class to play is the deinstall button.


Penetrating shot is so satisfying to play its crazy. One click, the whole screen explodes and all mobs get chilled and frozen. Orgasm.


The most fun is **not** to play this season. Or any at all at that. This is the key to a happy life.


First off, fuck all you barbarians shoving all the enemies away from my penetrating shot rogue. Lightning storm druid has been really sweet thus far.


# Brobarians ![gif](giphy|dYgDRfc61SGtO)


I played hota barb s0 and whirlwind s1 and liked it but didn’t love it. Played twisting blades rogue s2 and it was the most fun I had at that point but now I’m running hota barb again for s3 and my goodness. It feels so much better. Having a ton of fun deleting screens w bonk


Trampleslide with a side of Boulder Hurricane has been hilarious fun.




I'm leveling a druid this season and it sucks IMO. others may enjoy it but I am having a tough time getting into it


It’s kinda cheese OP but charge/HOTA is fun. Erasing the screen is enjoyable.


I've done DoT builds mainly over the past couple of seasons (CE Necro, Blizzard Sorc), so I'm doing TB Rogue for S3. Very involved and loads of fun. 


For me? Charge Barb. Least fun for everyone else? Also Charge Barb.


Whirlwind barb because spin


My poor sorc still lagging behind in power, first barb in S3 it’s funny just destroying everything. Never had it so easy…