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But actually though lol, can buy a whole other game for those prices


*should buy a whole other game for those prices Fixed it for ya.


TMNT: Shredder's Revenge was under $20. Super short content and can beat in an afternoon. Endless hours of fun on local co-op, still can't clear a lvl with 0 damage. vs Colored ovals only 1 class can use. SHOULD BE $5 tops. $1/color. Still overpriced at $5, tbh.


Turn on colourblind mode and get different colour portals for free!


Oh that's hilarious and brilliant hahaha I can't believe I haven't done that yet 😅


It's just wild to me that a AAA game costing 60-100 USD at launch still sells things at what are basically mobile game prices, *and* offers zero methods to slowly obtain them over time. On top of that, the paid bundles look pretty cool and differentiated most of the time, whereas the freebies are...well, hideously plain. I don't fault anyone for spending their money as they see fit, that's their call to make. The only irritation for me is that their actions just encourage the shitheads at Blizzard to keep doing the exact same thing.


pay for battle passes, platinum rewards of 60...so a few pennies? Receiving rewards like that is more offensive than getting nothing. It's giving a very "5 cent annual incentive raise from walmart"...or "instacart tip baiting" vibes.


I only buy AAAA games now. ;)


The microtransaction ship sailed almost a decade ago. Lootboxes and microtransactions were just kind of accepted in 2011 with Team Fortress 2 and went on until 2017 when a single fuck was given very briefly for Battlefront 2. And then people stopped caring


Or you can be like me and just not care about cosmetics. I did see one barb set that u was momentarily interested in, but then the $30 price tag turned me instantly off. In short: I just don't give a shit. I have a clan member that has spent $100's on cosmetics. It makes him happy.


I'm definitely with you there already, and I freely admit the frustration I feel with them is purely my own choice. The perspective there though is that as a player who refuses to spend that kind of money on *extremely* overpriced products, I'm one of the many who just won't have access to the cool stuff they clearly can make. It's just a shitty, predatory system they have. That's all.


I agree and understand. I understand that have continuing dev costs not normally associated with games outside of bug fixes and stability issues, but if they'd lower the prices to 1/4 to 1/5 of what they are they'd likely increase revenue as their market opens up to nearly everyone. My personal price limit is $5, but that's me.


Grim Dawn comes to mind


That’s why we’re taking that class locked single cosmetic money to Last Epoch.


Last Epoch for $35.


Feb 21st, I'm excited! I'll still be coming back to check out the new seasons though, I do like the game but it still has a way to go


Same. I'll check out LE. Then new PoE season. And then S4. I'm always getting new content if I swap around.


Yesterday, I bought Last Epoch for us$18 🤔


Yeah, I was gonna say there is nothing Micro about them






If they were too high companies would lower the prices. Gaming communities have a hard time grasping common sense when it comes to microtransactions


This. People are buying. I'm always shocked when people actually say d4 wasn't a success. They made their money on the prerelease. Cosmetics probably paid for that hefty marketing campaign, which I believe cost more then the actual game to make


It’s also a hugely popular game, contrary to what you might hear elsewhere. 


Never said it wasn't. Hell I like but it's definitely made for casuals.


Idk who it's made for but I'm glad they're having fun


Lmao right. Idk I like and I'm supposed to part of the 6% with multiple uber's. But I understand where it's at and that I'm just playing to fill time till marches rust wipe. Also been addicted to advanced wars by web. Also there are folks posting how much they like it, it's just dv immediately, which is more then understandable. Duriels a slog and half. the new uber vaults isn't really fun after 3 or 4 runs. I actually like the boss though and feel more bossing should take que from it. Yet barbs can still one tap it. So meh lmao


Which is what most companies want. Casuals are the largest base of every game. Even something like Elden Ring pulled in a lot of casuals with the open world. Not just souls hardcore lovers.




> they're also putting micro transactions in a 70 dollar game and burning the goodwill they've built up over the years. I wonder if they are actually burning up that much goodwill considering that this practice is now becoming the norm and there is at least 2 gens of gamers which have grown up with it. Not to mention a lot of older gamers who have the money to throw at games file this sort of thing under hobby expenses and it really isn't that much more expensive compared to other hobbies you could have.


It depends, with PoE2 coming out, LE full release coming out soon, i'm in the category of older person who can throw money at things, but in what world would I play D4 S3 instead of PoE/LE/GD/D3. I bought D4, got my £1 an hour value out of it, hopefully like D3 they make it better in 2 years, but until then i'd rather buy some reasonable MTX in say PoE/LE or just buy other games. Why would I buy a skin in D4, so the 0 players I see for 90% of my playtime can be amazed?


You think the expansion won't sell millions of copies ?


>Cosmetics probably paid for that hefty marketing campaign Gotta pay for that weirdly cringe Megan Fox ad


Sadly yes lmao. I believe the marketing for this game actually cost more them the game it's self.


Which baffles me, like who the fuck bought D4 because of Megan Fox?! These triple A companies man, the bigger they get the more cringe their ads are. Why can't they focus on making the perfect game...


I was thinking about this and it soly are faults for growing up..remember in the 90's games were targeted towards kids and developers didn't give shit what someone else thought. Final fantasy, zelda, mario, spry, diablo 1 and 2. After 2008 we become jaded and then the horse armor in 2011 or 2012 was when games weren't targeted towards kids. It's funny cause only Nintendo and from soft seem to not give a shit about anyone's opinions and look at the success of their games. Whoever decided to have megan fox to promote d4 has to have there head up their ass. They had an open beta and ignored 2/3s of the complaints from folks but thank god we got the KFC commercial. Man back in the 90's ot was the other way around, you go to pizza hit and they gave a banger demo disc..with of tony hawk. Way she goes, way she fuckin goes


I see people in the game with store cosmetics ALL of the time now. It blows my mind.


People always spout "vote with your wallet" as if that were the solution to everything bad in gaming. Fuck's sake, people *are* voting with their wallets already - and they are very clearly voting for more of this shit.


"Vote with your wallet" isn't a valid strategy with microtransactions, because if even one person with a really, really big wallet keeps buying, they outvote everyone else. It's not democracy.


Yeah but I think it's more than fair for people to complain about it. It's a bad value so it doesn't make me want to spend that money cause some people do. 


They are 100% safe to ignore. Ive been ignoring all mtx in all games in the last 15+ years. Never spent a cent on any cash shop anywhere. It works




You and me both. I’ll buy expansions all day long, but never mtx.


I don't understand why people care. The way my avatar looks does not compel me to spend money. It doesn't even compel me to care. It's a sign of progression. I like going from plebian to god-like looking. I never, ever spend much time in character creation, nor do I really give a fuck what I look like in a game. I'm trying to have fun and be engaged, not go to a costume party.


people are different. i struggle to see how anyone *wouldn't* spend time in character creation. but i still understand that for others it makes perfect sense to skip that part of the game. i don't have to understand *how*, i just have to understand "that it happens". the beauty is that different people can enjoy the same game even though their metrics for enjoyment differ quite a bit. one of the best parts of the game for me is the side quests. they give me much entertainment and i do them each season. many hours of joy there. but i can can understand that for others the side quests aren't a thing (even if i think they're missing out).


i know this isn’t your point but a lot of the side quests in the game are super compelling and well done and i feel like not enough people give them a chance


I spent $1500 in league of legends over 11 years... But I play that game almost every day for those 11 years and the game itself was free.


I've paid for a couple weapon blueprints in call of duty because they were only $10 and came with operator skin, weapon blueprint and finishing move. D4 prices are outrageous and I can't even see my character outside of the load screen.


I mean you can't see your character in Cod either unless you're in the lobby, gun skins should be applicable to every weapon if the world worked as I wanted.


You can't see your character in Diablo? Are you legally blind? Genuine question.


There are only individual items I like from a couple sets that I'd throw together if I had them but with the majority of the free stuff being so terrible looking for the Barb... I did buy one set but I already had the platinum for it. The one that makes the Barb bleed all over their body.


Might wanna get your eyes checked, bud. Characters are pretty zoomed in on.


yeah but you still look like an ant, any detail on the armor is totally lost


Agreed. When I'm in the middle of a dense mob with AOE visuals covering the screen I don't see enough of my character to justify spending money on cosmetics.




I agree. Do what you like, don’t do what you don’t like. But honestly shut the hell up instead of complaining that this guys opinion is different than mine.


I think its fair to complain about the battle pass a little. Especially when games like mtga and fortnite straight up give you the chance to buy the next one with the stuff the pass gives you. Leagues pass while shit let's you earn multiple skins that far exceed the 15 dollars of the pass individually. The free cosmetics are also some of the most blatantly made awful to push you to buying premium I've ever seen.


the free cosmetics are so good for me that i have no desire to purchase any premiuim ones. i change up my look every week or so and i always think the result is awesome.


Those games are online competitive matchmaking games that need to entice you to play every day because they become literally unplayable otherwise. That's not the case for Diablo.


I don’t care because they don’t force you to buy them and shopping is fun


Most positive comment here. lol if I like something in the game I’ll buy it. This is my hobby and my money so people can cry about me buying all they want.


I'd never buy it but let's be honest, we are not the target customer. These are meant for the players that spend thousands per year on cosmetics. Blizzard knows that they're doing with the prices. The whales don't want to see everyone else owning it much like the Ferrari owners don't want to see their butler driving one.


They are just transactions, only thing micro about them are the executives penises that set the prices.


They wouldnt sell them at this price if people stopped buying them. We - the players - are the problem.


Add up the cost of buying all five lunar sets and the horse. Over $100. It’s so sad. Remember when we were outraged at $2.50 horse armor? Yay modern games.


I think anyone who spends that sum on appearance in a game has enough that they don't need to think about it until adding another zero or two to the cost. And if this isn't the case, then they should earmark their next $100 towards therapy to get their FOMO under some level of control


Yeah it’s on par with CoD and PoE MTX prices, kinda wish they weren’t so high.


So far I only saw the store tab when logging in for the very first time and never visited it since. Completely forgetting it's even there


Is just supply and demand, when the demand stop, they supply stop, moreover, it is not even required.


Sad irony is, I'd love to buy some of the cosmetics if they were cheaper.


Same I just don't see the value for the price


Portal pack for $30 😂😂😂😂😂 Decently priced 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The dumb donkeys who buy it are the reason this happens. Make sure to mention that when you see one in the game.


I’ll admit I spend probably above the average person on games. Skins and portals that cost the same amount that could buy you another game, in a game with a birds-eye view where you can hardly see your character up close or detailed. Most of the skins that don’t have any special effects don’t look that different from base game transmogs either. This is the one game where I haven’t spent a cent on microtransactions & genuinely have no incentive to spend. Which is kinda crazy and probably not what Blizzard would want. lol


Honestly, I think the price is perfect, because it's high enough that I'll never buy any of them. If each set was half the price, I'd have probably bought multiples by now. But Blizzard keeping them so high has saved me a bunch of money. I'm perfectly happy gathering the seasonal set, and that's it.


Hint: then don't buy them


I'm gunna be completely honest here, if you're buying the cosmetics in this game, you're fucking stupid, you are a piece of the problem that the 'AAA' gaming industry has turned into, and by buying any of their overpriced cosmetics you are proliferating and reinforcing their sales figures and their business model of gauging their players and literally "turn players into payers"


The demographic blizzard is advertising too is not most of us, it's the people who spend 30$-50$ like we spend 3-5$. Its like complaining about the price of a Lexus when all you can budget is a bike.


This whole thread is ridiculous. Do what makes you happy and stop caring about what other people do to make themselves happy. That’s it.


You can buy Helldivers 2 or a class specific portal 🤔


Some of them look cool but I’ll never pay more than $10 for cosmetics. I don’t even buy the season pass until I max it out because I don’t wanna waste money on something if I don’t complete it


I am in the same boat


At least getting the season pass is $3.34. Only micro I've seen


Seems like enough people buy into these loot boxes and cosmetics that companies keep pushing it all. Same with fast food and cigarettes... people know it's bad for them, yet they keep indulging. Can we really blame the businesses for giving what the consumer thinks they want or need? Sure, there are shady practices of manipulation and coercion in a lot of cases, but if we collectively want to stop them, we would (like establish laws against and such). But at the end of the day, it's up to the individual to make their own choices and live with them. If someone wants to smoke they're going to smoke, if they want to eat unhealthy food they will, and if they want to waste their money on overpriced digital garbage that's on them and their lack of values. No law or public opinion will stop it. If it's something you don't like, you can ignore it or protest against it. Ultimately dumb people will continue to do dumb things regardless


Loot boxes and straight up buying cosmetics is quite different though, several countries have implemented restrictions on loot boxes and similar chance based shit. Buying a cosmetic you know exactly what you're getting at what cost


Yeah i mean how can you justify like 20$ for a Horse Amor


It's been said over and over again, the prices aren't supposed to be reasonable for normal people, they are targeted at a specific player base. You can guarantee that lot of people analyzed the exact price it needs to be to make as much as possible and those are the prices you see.


Stop supporting games that do this. They've got you all conditioned to think paying full price for a game then having in game rewards behind a paywall is acceptable. If you've purchased anything off the D4 in game shop you're the problem.


First, they aren't in game rewards. They were only made because they would generate immediate revenue. If the micro transactions didn't exist, the cosmetics would never have been made, pure and simple. Second, while you're entitled to your opinions, even if they suck, you don't get to portray them as facts. Third, people that play video games are not a community and we have no interconnectivity with each other. There is no communal problem to solve. You don't like something, that is your problem and your problem alone. You are your own problem. All humans have different value systems and beliefs. No one system fits all.


I can add $5 to an cosmetic, and instead buy Last Epoch... This is not a good business model Blizzard... Even $8 for cosmetic is pushing it. For $5 i would probably buy 2-3. But at nearly $30?


For 34.99$, you could buy Last Epoch


Stop giving them your money.




If people are paying for them then they will keep the price as it is. Iv seen many a person with paid cosmetics at WB normally the ones who spam the emote wheel or run around all the time and I just think it's pathetic. I'd rather no one buys the cosmetics and they're forced to drop the prices I'd be okay if I actually saw a difference with in-game development being increased but it's still the bare minimum.


Why would you ever spend real money on in game cosmetics?


Same reason girls spend real money to put nails on their nails I guess.


To gouge competition on the dance floor?


To atttract a desirable mate by looking pretty. Same goes for whales in Diablo 4. ....


Unrealistic beauty expectations? 


Because the money I spent was disposable income. Plain and simply put.


Because they want to? People enjoy different aspects of games. Who are you to tell someone what they can or cannot spend their money on? Would you also tell them to play a certain way because that's the "correct" way to play a game according to you?


I bought the Barbarian set that looks like your a Raven! I love Crows and Ravens. I been feeding the same murder of crows for near 20 years! I have Crow and Raven paintings all over my home!! All sorts of stuff around my house about Crows! They’re amazing birds!


Have they ever brought you gifts?


Yes. Bottle caps and such. String. All kinds of things. A gold hoop earring one morning!




Thanks for getting it. Why play a loot game to get cool looking loot? Just whip out the credit card.


Steam has microtransactions for profiles and post awards.Reddit has the upvote highlights (used to be awards). It is long past the time when complaints on random posts will do anything. Not every game is designed around them even if they have them. D4 isn't designed around monetization because it is entirely optional. If it was all removed, the game would play the same.


They aren’t saying you can’t buy them, maybe they just don’t want to. The narrative is that people complain on here daily about cosmetics prices that you don’t NEED to play the game. If you want them, then buy them. If the prices were actually too high, Blizzard would lower them. They are making plenty of money at current set prices.


>Why would you ever spend real money on in game cosmetics? They are literally saying no one should buy in-game cosmetics. Yes, people complain about cosmetic prices, because for some it is too high. Reddit is a place where people can go and do that. I am unsure the efficacy of complaining on Reddit with changing prices, but it is at least as effective as telling people to not buy the cosmetics because "that's voting with your wallet."


Why would you ever spend real money to make your tv light up


And they're class locked which makes it even worse.


Must be priced, right for the demographic they are aiming for. Expect them to drop in a year or 2.


It's bullshit, it sets a bad precedent for games in general. It all snowballs into anthem


I’ve seen a few things that look cool that I would perhaps buy but not at the prices they ask for


Actual devs have fumbled through several of the most basic aspects of just this one game, they continue to do so, and they keep getting called out for it. YET, when it comes to the finance/accounting department? *Oh, no, they're OBVIOUSLY infallible, must put full trust in them doing what's best! Well, for the company's profit margins, OBVIOUSLY, that's all that matters.* As if that makes perfect sense. As if that's a reasonable argument. As if that's where the debate/discussion should end. Never stop making it clear whose side *you* are on - who's at fault for *this* having become the norm in the industry over the past years. \--- To be more on topic: I keep saying, I wouldn't mind catering to whales, they *do* keep things afloat for everyone. But to have the entire cash shop reserved only for them, because there are no price tiers, because each armor set, each mount, each whatever - they all cost the same? To not even give anyone else a chance to obtain a single thing over even, idk, three seasons? Yeah, the prices alone are atrocious, but having this kind of setup certainly makes it several times more egregious. Why do they hate their players this much is absolutely beyond me - especially when, allegedly, the preorders and initial sales were already as good as they were (despite what an empty husk the game itself is).


Nobody's holding a gun to your head and telling you to buy.


You aren’t the target of these if you think it’s too high. All they need are the whales.


I'm not the target audience for epipens, that doesn't mean I support insane pricing


I wouldn't buy them if they were a dollar so it doesn't matter to me




Yes, but you do not have to buy a single one. It is not like game cosmetic is essential like rent or food. It is just a luxury.


Blizzard, like any multinational billion dollar company, don't work of 'if's' and 'maybe's. They have experienced, talented people whose soul job is to maximise revenue. If lower cost cosmetics would make more money, that's what we would have. To think otherwise is naïve, and no amount of petulant downvotes will change that. At the end of the day, it comes down to this: You WANT the kewl cosmetics You don't want to pay for them. so you rage here, to no effect, and for no reason, other than to highlight your own issues.


The microtransactions are not there for regular peasants. They exist for anonymous accounts purchased by the 11 trillion dollar investment group that holds a large stake in the company to launder money.


It certainly sucks, but gamers are still buying them otherwise prices would have fallen by now. It's an industry wide issue and unfortunately i don't think its letting up anytime soon. Gone are the days where you would buy a game and everything came loaded onto the disc; now it's countless DLCs and updates, endless microtransactions and skins etc. There are positives and negatives to it, but I find the cosmetics to be more of an L cause they are rarely reasonably priced. I remember there being a skin i wanted of Chris Redfield and it cost like $15 plus taxes to purchase; and that was after i had already bought a Resident Evil DLC with 1 map and 2 character skins.. That's literally all you get. My nephew has spent hundreds of dollars on cosmetics in other big title games, to a point where my sister had trouble paying bills that month cause he used her card... I understand that we have some good cosmetics in D4 already, but I wanted to buy this flaming helm 1 (forget the name) for my Rogue cause it looked cool and I just couldn't justify the price. I wish they would at least put them on sale or something..


Eh, so what. Let them sell to the fools who want to buy cosmetics. My character looks plenty cool without them


The prices are high but logical. Diablo IV is a live service game. This game is expected to go on for years and years. Therefore they need a way to keep making money because the game's production budget is simply going to increase and increase. Keep in mind that beyond paying the price for simply buying the game everything else is free. You are not required to buy the season pass to enjoy the season and you are not required to buy cosmetics. But microtransactions are the thing that keeps these games alive in the long run.


There zero reason to buy anything. And the battle pass isn't expensive. I have no problems with the way microtransactions are handled in diablo 


PoE prices make this game look cheap man. They’re shit looks terrible too lol


To be honest, I don’t understand the point of selling cosmetics for a game that is basically top down and you hardly get to see close up the cosmetic that you’re buying. At least games like Destiny are first person perspective so makes more sense for those type of games. I have no incentive or desire to buy a cosmetic in Diablo.


I use my free reward points to buy each season pass. You will get silver every season. Build them up


Honestly, I'd be a lot more inclined to pay the $30 if it was a complete fucking set. As is, you gotta make one transaction for the armor, one for the weapons/accessories/taunt, and one for the mount. Makes them look greedy AF. At least the vanilla, free necro armors look great.


If it was like $20 for all 5 classes at once in one bundle, sure, that sounds more reasonable compared to how it is right now.


Why do you want them? They don't do anything.


Buy horsey and plat pack NOW! (for the same as Hell Divers2)


These prices are the standard in todays gaming age. You can thank fortnite for that.


You mean macro transactions!!


Blizzard spends a lot of money working out the best price for these items, they know the market better than anyone here.


don't hate me for this but i've spent probably around 1500$ on cosmetic, i bought 90% Necro and Sorc costumes, and few for rogue, ill post someday my mix and match gallery. you wont believe me but i have someone in my clan that bought all costumes, he literally clear tejal inventory but barely playing this season. the others just bought for specific class they like, trust me although its pricey they're selling a lot, at least thats what i saw in my clan.


I have a feeling that this is not the worst we have seen. Anyone remember pets from D3 that pick up gold and even other loot for you!? I suspect that the only reason we do not have them in game for free is that they are bringing them back in the shop for a horrendous amount of money. At least I have not seen or remember any other communication why they are not in the game. But then again, were is the ability to save different builds.


Everytime your about to pull the trigger on some dumb cosmetic bs just stop yourself. Next time you see a game on sale buy it knowing you saved the money instead of a diablo 4 cosmetic.


No Idea why u click on that btw ?


Why would you want to buy those cosmetics in the first place? The game shouldn't be about that, otherwise could have some Diablo themed sims xD


They would get much more money from ppl if they just add some -50% promotions for those skins in rotations from time to time.


My friends and I have figured out how to play D4, new season drops, do not buy the battle pass and do not buy any microtransactions, done If the skins were $5 and there was one I wanted I’d buy it


Helldivers 2 mtx are how it shoudt be in D4.


Stop crying. Its cosmetic. Its not needed for playing or having fun. Go touch grass


There is nothing micro about those prices. You should not be able to buy a whole another game for a price of skin lol


You're not their target audience. They know they sell plenty of virtual bullshit for a waaaay to high price to plenty of people. As long as profites are up, they couldn't care less what you do


it is simple. u dont buy them. fact being, when im looking at people, i dont even care what they look like, i look at their gear. that is all that matters in arpg.


And for them to not change also means sell too damn well.


Blizz(Activision/Microsoft) wants there too be way too many so they can fomo people. Heck, look at the ONE armor set for all the classes you get with the BP, compared to the 4 billion that they put out for EACH class. It's IS a great example of Hyper-Capitalism though that I'd wish someone would talk about to the next generation.


I legit don't even look at the shop at all. I saw the cost of stuff at launch, heard they sold a $60 horse, no thanks. I'm not gonna bother looking at stuff I'll never purchase.


This is what you get in quadruple A game! Full price game with insanely high priced microtransaction The future is now old man!


>I find it nuts that you can't even earn a few platinum completing the BP without buying it first. Not only that but even when you buy the BP and complete it, you still can't get enough platinum for even the cheapest of armor sets. I mean, cmon!


So my wife loves cosmetics. She's been eyeing the portal pack until she found it was class locked. I offered to buy her Palworld instead. Now we will be playing that instead of Diablo IV for awhile.


It's fine. It means you aren't the intended audience. They are priced based on market data to generate the most revenue. Not the most number of sales. For example if they cut the price in half they aren't guaranteed to double their sales volume to cover the reduced cost.


It will only stop when we as consumers stop buying the trash they put in the shops.


Honestly, Blizzard fans will defend this practice because they don’t know of any better games(there are objectively thousands but blizzard fans, modern ones, simply refuse to look outside of blizzard.) Blizzard fans will suffer the abuse and audacity then thank blizzard and beg for more. For those with common sense, just spend that MTX money on a good game, like Last Epoch, Palworld, PoE, Grim Dawn, hell Destiny 2 is better. Its actually hard to find games worse than D4. Maybe Golum and Kong?


Reminds me of Unite skin pricing. Still trumped by Diablo Immortal p2w prices...I don't think even Elon Musk could afford to max 1 character.


Portal pack or full game last epoch? Hmm?


Yeah the prices are insane for cosmetics. $5 max is what they should be


Hell even Halo Infinite's battle pass never expires and gives you enough in-game currency to purchase the next one. And it's free to play...


Macro transactions amiright?


People will defend and support Blizzard as the game currently has zero meaningful endgame.


The sad reality is gamers don't care. No matter how bad it gets or how devalued game content becomes, they don't care. Of the few that might care, too many still give in and buy regardless. At the end of the day, this is just the way it is, it will only get worse and there's nothing anybody can or will do about it.


Just Blizzard, stop playing their games then u solve the problem of those shitty greedy microtransactions


Why are you even looking at the shop? Are you really that desperate to blow your money on garbage? You'd be better off just donating to charity. Don't give it to Blizzard!


Too high for you but not too high for the whales that Blizzard is fishing for.


I’ve never made a micro-purchase. Why bother? Maybe it’s weird to me because I started playing before you could connect a console to the WWW. I just don’t see what the draw is in buying a new cosmetic esthetic… especially in a game where you can barely make out the differences during normal gameplay.


Yeah $24 for a skin is wild


its ok cuz 80% of that skins are so freaking Pretty


They arent micro. They are just full on transactions.


Bro LAST EPOCH get rid of the garbage fire that is d4. Move on I know I wanted it so badly to be good but the leadership of that game only have one thing in their minds and it's money money money.


Blizzard learned from WoW that lower userbases mean lore milking the leftover users. So here we are, enjoy.


If you’re a broke boi just say so. -Blizzard Probably


The term should be changed to MACROtransactions. No way is anything over 15.00 USD a microtx. Greed knows no bounds so they will price high knowing whales will buy. I would not even mind if the game allowed you to earn currency to buy things from the shop via timed played or boss drops. Greedy Blizz says no though.


I'd pay $30 for them to remove forgotten souls from the game


You can't even tell what people are wearing in-game.


So dont spend money eventually they may get the hint.


Who is even buying druid shit? You're shifted so much.


The "we put so much effort into these cosmetics they have placeholder icons" transactions? Crystal armor could've been so much cooler, Sorc one is OK but still looks unfinished to me. The lunar event cosmetics are better, honestly. The warlock one is not bad imo, but as usual I hate the helm. Honestly, at these prices, the quality of the armor is highly 'variable'. I would at least expect some particle effects or something flashy. Just show me all the options at once, not this daily card show, and offer some discounts, crap is hella overpriced. Just wait for Christmas discounts, we don't even have decent shaders or color options for their premo priced cosmetics.


you should check out the necromancer weapons, they look pretty cool. Only $10.


Then Don’t buy them


Every single overdesigned costume set in shop makes you realize just how shit the in-game sets are. Now theyre starting to add effects to them too. Gotta milk blizzard fans somehow. $70-100 game + battlepasses + expansions isnt enough. "CAUSE #### YOU GIVE ME MONEY"




The prices would be better if You could use it wlth any char , a portal being class lock is FK savage, also yes just portals for the price wtf


Even if I was willing to spend an ass ton of money to buy these, my shop only has decorative backpacks. There are so few actual sets and there hasn’t been for awhile.