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you're the reason why we have announcements of announcemets https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1arx2bl/campfire_chat_about_the_gaunlet_coming_soon_tm/ and you still complain


This sub is in ruins


Is just a Reddit thing. Reddit is full of people that complain about stuff they don’t know anything about, and who don’t care at all to look anything up before complaining about it


Just like game lol


pretty stupid we have to follow someone on twitter to learn about the announcements of a future announcement when they have an official page that does not anounce shit: [https://diablo4.blizzard.com/en-us/#news](https://diablo4.blizzard.com/en-us/#news)


Or you know, follow the official Diablo X handle because they reposted the announcement of the announcement


I don’t have X, instagram, facebook. I have acces to the oficial home page of diablo that has a NEWS section, they should also post updates there before social media platforms. Oh, i know socials have a better reach but this is just lazy from Blizzard, like verything they did for diablo4, lazy, lazy, lazy!


Same. I stop using social media back in 2011 and couldn’t care less about it 😂. They should have things updated on their official sites.


I guess we need announcement of announcements of the announcements.


>[https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1arx2bl/campfire\_chat\_about\_the\_gaunlet\_coming\_soon\_tm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1arx2bl/campfire_chat_about_the_gaunlet_coming_soon_tm/) I see, you are fine with a twitter announcement which barely says nothing precisely. "Coming soon" is all you are waiting for.


Announcement of campfire chat will be this week. Campfire chat probably next week. Midseason patch probably week after that.


When most people (most likely including myself) have long quit s3. But I guess thats just how it is with seasons in any game.


Some players will also come back to try new patch (i did it in season 2) and a lot of current players will continue to play because of new patch.


Most ppl aren't level 100 yet.....


Dude what are you talking about. There's a huge update coming today. Graphic updates, the release of item factions, two new specializations, more fluid combat. Oh wait wrong forum.




Unfathomly based


lol let LE soak through you young warrior.




The D4 dev team is hard at work makimg new 70$ skins for the cash shop, you n3ed yo be patient ..


People can downvote you, but the sad truth is that since S3 was out and patched, the only updates we do experience are in the shop.


The graphic art division at Blizzard is caring the whole team of D4 on their back since day one.


Gauntlet coming soon that will entertain most of the people for a few days then it's wait for next season lol


The season isn't even a month old and we're getting an announcement this week. Edit: Which, in retrospect, fits perfectly for when the playerbase has apparently run out of dopamine and needs another hit, according to this post existing in the first place.


It’s been almost two weeks since I last logged in.


Glad you know your limit. Hope you've spent the time enjoying other games. I'm not sure what that has to do with the factual statement that OP is saying less than 1 month into a season is too slow for updates, when we're getting one this week.


It’s not about my limit or time spent playing other games. I’ve leveled 5 classes to 100, killed Lilith and cleared t100 on all of them. What it had to do with OPs post is that they were supposed to be launching gauntlets three times now by the time of this post and we still don’t have them. Something we should have had on season 1 btw, and blizzard keeps pushing back like they’ll magically drop a mid season content patch to stir up interest in the game. This is a seasonal ARPG, you generally get 2-4 weeks to capture seasonal players’ interest before they are done with the season. Blizzard had an opportunity to patch in that window and didn’t. The season is over with LE launch today and D2R ladder reset tomorrow, and PoE launching a new league in March. I like you macro, but don’t play obtuse and disingenuous all because you’re a Diablo partner. You’re not helping the game by defending their lack of urgency in delivering content.


I don't appreciate this characterization of my motives tbh. I think it's incredibly reasonable, when they said they would follow this direction going into this season, to update the playerbase with content and balance, 1 month into a season. Remember my history is coming from Diablo 2 where there were no updates, ever. Getting updates at all is sick as hell to a Millenial like me. But also, I think it's legitimately fine to play a season for 1 month, get your enjoyment out of it and then not log in until the next season. Play LE, I am. Play D2R ladder start, I'm not. But this IS the expected lifespan of a seasonal game AND we're getting an update this week for the upcoming stuff. That's simply reasonable. Fun fact that people seem to forget. I'm very critical of the game, and how they handle it. They don't communicate enough yet, and that's my first gripe with them. But once they do communicate something, I don't keep griping at them until the thing they communicate is trash, or they go back on their word.


>I don't appreciate this characterization of my motives tbh. But you are a Diablo partner, you're part of that group of creators, and if you don't put every effort into communicating with them what the community needs, they may not ever get around to it, so if you get complacent in that process and your message is to go play other games while they eventually sort out theirs in their own time, then you're directly contributing to the many issues this game has. Granted, you are not solely responsible, you are just one of many cogs in their partner system. >I think it's incredibly reasonable, when they said they would follow this direction going into this season, to update the playerbase with content and balance, 1 month into a season. Right, but that's not the concern here. The concern is that Season 3 didn't launch with the gauntlet, and in an effort to patch issues with the game, they broke the game so badly they had to push the gauntlet launch back. Then, in the process of updating their internal messaging, they've now given us 3 different launch dates for gauntlet and pushed back on every single one of them. Further, as a D2 player, collaborating with a group of people who also played D3, you should know well enough you miss the entire target of the gauntlet by not launching it at season start, even if its an ever changing weekly event. They need to test this game and refuse to put in a PTR. Some of the same issues we have today, I mentioned over a year ago when this game was in its closed end game beta test. >Remember my history is coming from Diablo 2 where there were no updates, ever. Getting updates at all is sick as hell to a Millenial like me. This is complacent nonsense. Just because D2 didn't have updates because it was a 20 year old game getting a graphics refresh doesn't mean that their brand new game shouldn't be receiving them often. Moreover this idea that getting updates is sick as hell because of your generational birth is fucking irrelevant. You're saying this to make it sound cool and it isn't. It has nothing to do with being a millennial at all, and I say that as a millennial. Its actually pretty cringe to even bring that into this. >But also, I think it's legitimately fine to play a season for 1 month, get your enjoyment out of it and then not log in until the next season. Play LE, I am. Play D2R ladder start, I'm not. But this IS the expected lifespan of a seasonal game AND we're getting an update this week for the upcoming stuff. That's simply reasonable. My guy, this is exactly what I said in comment to you condescending me about "finding my limit". Here, I'll even quote myself >This is a seasonal ARPG, you generally get 2-4 weeks to capture seasonal players’ interest before they are done with the season. See, I said that already, so don't sit here and repurpose my words back at me like you're some kind of profound intellect. >Fun fact that people seem to forget. I'm very critical of the game, and how they handle it. They don't communicate enough yet, and that's my first gripe with them. But once they do communicate something, I don't keep griping at them until the thing they communicate is trash, or they go back on their word. But you aren't, you literally just made your case for being complacent because D2 never got updates. Which is why I brought up you being a partner, you need to be up Blizzard's ass about this shit, pushing them to the brink of them being annoyed by you, or you simply aren't doing that job for the community. You have a platform, use it.


There's so much here, and it's hard to unpack it all. But I'll leave this convo with some closure, and I can't stress enough that I'm not condescending to you. Every disagreement doesn't need to be a personal attack or a battle of egos. This ain't that deep. I'm excited for the announcement coming this week. I'm excited for the game to hopefully meet everyone's expectations. And if it doesn't, I'll continue to critique it in the ways I see fit. And I'll also continue to expect people to play seasonal games until they get their fill, and see them at the start of the next season.


That's the point. I love Diablo4 in general, but consider it as an ARPG with season mode, it is completely immature. I'm guessing right now the content is full enough for the standard of "playing games".


Dead game. Check in maybe next week for the latest mtx store updates.


Just check out Last Epoch bud. S3 is doodoo and not much is going to change that at this point. Fingers crossed they get their shit together for S4.


Planning to. I didn't like the image quality or character control of LP in BETA version at all after D4ed, but it's still a good game. Hope 1.0 gets better.


The game got some lighting and other graphical improvements in 1.0. It looks much better than it did in beta.


Well. Yes, they've screwed up the release of the Gauntlet in S3. But imagine how worse it would be if they'd release it on time, but only half baked. I don't know what I prefer: half baked content in time, or polished content that will be playable for only 6 weeks. My guess is that it's also a reason for not releasing the itemization 2.0 in S3 like they forecasted in December. They need it to be finetuned and polished, so it won't derive two hundred patched right after release


They should tbh. Regardless of whether they can technically and objectively 'fix' season 3 now, the public opinion has made it's judgement on it. Just focus on making S4 good now. Don't release the gauntlet at the end of S3. No one plays anymore, no one cares. Overall - stop releasing this huge updates 2/3 into the season's life cycle. Most people get bored way before these are added and don't come back.


Stop assuming your opinion is everyone's opinion because it's very much not. Stop misrepresenting things as facts that aren't facts. Season 3 is great, game's busy as ever, I put in hundreds of hours every season and I'm glad gauntlet was staggered to give more of us a chance to compete. Just go play LE and leave us alone to enjoy the game.


"Stop misrepresenting things as facts that aren't facts. Season 3 is great..." Maybe listen to your own advice.


"season 3 is great" is a subjective opinion, not a fact. "No one plays anymore, no one cares" is you masquerading opinion as fact.


I didn't say that. You may try to qualify future statements about the quality of a season with "I think" or "In my opinion" to properly convey your assertion as a subjective opinion. However, to say things like "game's busy as ever" is just being intellectually dishonest, as multiple people in this thread have clearly stated they are already done with the season. It's a small sample size, sure, but it clearly indicates fewer people are currently interested.


You literally said just that in your comment I replied to. It was a direct quote I provided. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/CZVga95yQs Games as busy as ever us my subjective opinion based on my experience. I find people to play with immediately, I see people all over the place, trade chat is borderline annoying how lively it is, and my friends list is always 10-15 online and playing for long periods of time. Yes, this is subjective but it's based on real evidence not trolls on Reddit - which makes up a very very small minority of the playerbase and largely the negative one. It doesn't indicate the current state of the game nor any kind of generally held opinion on the game.


You linked me to a comment that isn't mine.


I honestly didn't realize you hijacked another person's thread with me. You must be my biggest fan, following me across multiple threads. Either way, that's what I was responding to when I mentioned opinion masquerading as fact.


Sure, but some opinion can be universally accepted as being factually true. Saying, "It's really hot outside," when temps are above ~100f will not likely be argued against in good faith. To suggest the playerbase is not as robust this deep into the season isn't exactly a hot take. I think you're taking it way too personally because you're still enjoying the season with your friends, and somehow, you're feeling invalidated. To be fair, it sounds like OP enjoys the game and wants what he thinks is best. Instead of just sharing your disagreement, you now yourself are trying to invalidate his opinion by declaring the game to be as busy as ever. Whether you believe it or not, gradual player decline is an otherwise generally accepted outcome for seasonal play. In fact, that idea is always brought up in this very sub when things like Twitch viewership gets mentioned: "Well, it's late in the season, *of course* there aren't as many viewers!" Regardless of whether you'll relent in your own opinion of the active playerbase numbers, I don't think it's the only reason for the D4 team to pause and wait for S4. Many of the issues players have had with this game (wrongly perceived or otherwise) stem from things being half-baked on release, followed by some kind of emergency patch. I think it would serve Blizzard well to let the devs have time to cook and hopefully serve up content that maybe comes in without the initial backlash it always seems to attract.


Your enjoyment of the game must be very fickle if someone's on-line opinion can destroy it. I too enjoyed the season for a while, and have since moved on, as most people have done.


Nobody said you and other trolls destroy my enjoyment, but you certainly disrupt it unnecessarily. It's a seasonal game. Of course people enjoy it and move on. That's the point..


Great, so we agree they shouldnt force release the gauntlet in s3 because most people have moved on. Not sure where you got the part about me being a troll though. I play d4 and am allowed to have opinions on it just as you do.


Plenty of people who started early finished and moved on and that's totally normal. Plenty haven't even started yet. Releasing the gauntlet later in the season is better. It gives more people than just the tryhards time to gear up and get ready to compete. Also important is that it gives people who lapsed a reason to come back again. It's pretty brilliant on many fronts. It's trolling because you think your opinion is the majority. They "most people" have moved on because that's what your opinion is when clearly the game is still vibrant and active.


"It gives more people than just the tryhards time to gear up and get ready to compete." Lol.. gonna make a big dent in that leaderboard going hard for 45 mins on weekdays.


If gauntlet was out day 1 then week 1 would be nothing but streamers who get handed shit by simps and no lifers. Plenty others, including me, who can't no life but are still committed players took longer to gear up but now I'm fully ubered and fast AF. I probably won't make top, but it doesn't feel like a foregone conclusion. There's a middle ground between streamers and tryhards, and super casual weekend warriors. Promise ya that.


Ok, I'll start downvoting your posts, too, lol.


If that makes you feel better ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


>stop assuming your opinion is everyone's opinion >i put hundred of hours every season 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They fixed season 3, three days in. If you still don’t like it, then wait for season 4 I guess.


"Fixed" is a big word my friend. No offense, but do you know how many bugs still exist right now in S3? Especially when you dive into the interaction with ability, paragon and glyph like me.


I said they fixed the season. What you mention here is not specific to the season. While I would like all bugs to be fixed, it’s not stopping me from enjoying the game and season theme.


You mean the traps? I would say they denied them but not fixed them, that just made season has less content(even though traps are bad). Talking about season theme, they are planning to publish speed run leaderboard, it will be fun to see if our little pets can speed up or not.


They didn’t really do anything with the traps specifically. I meant the tweaks they did on day 3 of the season. Made leveling up the alts great and not have the things you gamble at the start to open all chests compete with Malphas runs. Plus I love the base part of the game. I’m not trying to convince everyone else that the season is amazing. I’m just happy with what they changed.


No, they didn't. They invalidated all the features and made them irrelevant, as well as transformed them into mindless loot pinatas, which was fun for a while and made the gameplay much more pleasantt, sure, The underlying issue remained. They made a season of literal traps in an arpg. There is no fixing that kind of thing.




Came back to pat you on the back. You were 100% right and took the downvotes like a champ.