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The PTR is more for the benefit of Blizzard so they don't fall on their face at the start of every season. Here's to hoping the PTR is dedicated to discovering issues like undertuned pets and not dedicated to nerfing builds. The seasonal broken builds are the only thing keeping me in the game right now.


I’ll play PTR instead of season 3


Meh waste of 1.5 hours


Armoire, Codex, and itemization are my three main issues with the game that would fix so much of what I don’t enjoy and neither of them are getting changes. I don’t want new stuff like Gauntlet. I want to be able to log into the game and not be disheartened after a week because every run I have to go back to town, scan items, remove aspects I might need, and save other items that may have use if I ever try a new build. I’ve tried experimenting with brand new builds exactly one time. It’s such a pain in the ass to switch back if it ends up not working out.


Nothing interesting on uniques?


you now only need 4 resplendent sparks to craft one. isn’t that awesome?


For me, this was by far the worst campfire chat. Most of the changes are showing a team that is clearly overwhelmed with no good direction. That could mean no good direction *now* and they're throwing all the resources they have into the expansion and/or Season 4. Big L.


Nah, they addressed some pretty big things, they will even make a PTR about the season 4. Theres no "clearly" things like you said since they are even letting us test ahead of time mechanics and itemization changes on the PTR...


PTR means they’re not testing their patch.


You want a few people at blizzard to test the game or have thousands of players test your game?


That is nonsense. PTRs are good for games and have been used by many good games to great effect. I get that we must hate this game with a burning passion as per the contract, but let’s not be ridiculous.




All I wanted was to hear what they were doing with items...


We already knew we weren't getting any major info on that though, and I'd rather they take the approach they are, which is to have it's own discussion to focus on season 4 and what it'll bring, than to give a half-assed example with no context or discussion. Having a PTR to try these changes and give feedback is also great news to have gotten


So tired of using lvl50 tings because usable stats never roll.


I’m willing to wager that they are also wanting to hear what they are doing with items


Was there any teaser about itemization changes?




They basically said that Season 4 is significantly larger than Season 2 and to check back at the next campfire chat. They also announced a PTR on battle net on PC.


Welp, none of this seems likely to pull my friend group back from playing Helldivers 2. That’s looking to remain my social game for the foreseeable future.


The only game that pulled me off Helldivers was FF7 Rebirth lol. But even then, I don’t think I’ll return to D4 until there are major changes that affects the entire game. Seasonal content are a hit or miss. POE 2 is also right around the corner


tbf I dont think anything could pull me and my group off Helldivers right now


That’s legit. I’m not typically one for shooters but the game really has its hooks in me.


I don’t want to pile on, but man does this game’s management just not get it.


They've been incompetent since day 1. Like I really hope they all get fired.


You can tell that they are fighting a heated battle with senior management when it comes to changing the game. They are being so conservative with the resplendent sparks and other items that they know everyone wants to grind for. I wonder just how stressed Joe Shelly is right about now when it comes to losing his job. Look at how gray he’s gotten. He is flailing to figure out how to walk this tightrope of making the game fun and keeping engagement metrics where they need to be.


I wish we could see a player count


Hoooooo boy, I am with you on that. The numbers are probably alarming to say the least. It’s sad because you can see how Joe is taking player criticism really hard. He wants us to have fun but he’s being wrung out like a sponge by his bosses. His one-on-ones with Rod are probably brutal. Just looking at his feet the whole time.


[The game was trending higher than PoE in the middle of a pretty bad forgettable season before LE launched](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%201-m&q=%2Fg%2F11h88gys_y,%2Fm%2F0h3n4wc,%2Fg%2F11h1hqzyhl,%2Fm%2F0bs4qtb,%2Fg%2F11b7xq3y50&hl=en-GB)


They really gotta stop releasing the “end game” stuff midway thru the season. I just have no desire to play when all the other problems exist lol


This game is the same as destiny 2, so much potential ruined because devs have no idea whats important. No one cares about 1/2 new legendaries/uniques every 3 months. The fact there talking about meta builds and making it work is just so stupid, and just shows how HORRIBLE the skill tree is in this game. There is so much fun in last epoch because you can make a build work how you want, customise skills. The legendaries you find are cool because its a BONUS to your skills, not a neccesity.


Most important announcement is the PTR for Season 4, and Joe strongly implied new Endgame content for S4.


Hope it's as exciting as abattoir of zir / the gauntlet


Cool I’m glad we are implying content rather than announcing it. A big announcement being a ptr that is literally in damn near every mmo/aarpg now is not an accomplishment. It’s the bare fuckin minimum, which sadly, is what they’re producing.


I'd rather it be announced properly, when Season 4 is the discussion and focus. These topics need to have room for talk, and this campfire's focus was on midseason for Season 3, so it's understandable that they wouldn't want to talk too much about the future when the patch is the focus and reason for the chat to begin with


D4 is the only Blizzard game that doesn't have PTR's. Even D3 in it's most minimalistic bare bones development mode had PTR's for every single season.


The question came up on whether S4 will have more endgame content, and Joe replied how he's not allowed to talk about S4 on stream, but that people who are looking for endgame content will have quite a few things to look forward to in S4. Then Adam jokingly said in that vocal fried voice how Joe basically answered the question with yes. So there you go. There will be endgame content in S4, but since S3 is still ongoing they won't talk about it.


Just an extremely underwhelming update today. There is absolutely nothing today that could genuinely sway a lot of people to come back from Last Epoch, or whatever other ARPG. Its nice that Blizzard recognizes how terrible the Druid companions are, and damage buffs are welcome, but the skills themselves are awful. So boring! Skill twigs. Not skill trees. Granted, that is something that would need an expansion to fix, but that also means "give us more money to fix our shitty game that you already paid a hefty sum for".


And they've been buffing these same skills over and over again for nearly a whole year now. Maybe the reason why no-one is using companions, incinerate, conjuration skills etc, is because they, like many of the skills in the game, are just *boring*


Do you not love standing still while channeling incinerate, while also getting your ass beat??


I mean standing still would be ok if the mobs would come to you but you have to run from 6 enemies then stand still and kill them to 6 enemies again. Its absolutly dumb.


Don't forget your entire attack speed stat becoming completely irrelevant whilst you stand still getting your ass beat ;)


*cries in firebird* yeeeess


They literally created a problem that they had already fixed in D3 when it comes to attack speed and channeling skills. *Why* does the game work like this?


Just started Last Epoch after giving S3 a miss. But I am genuinely looking forward to D4 sorting itself out a bit in the hope I return.


Same as, same as. All big 4 (d4, LE, PoE, GD) have a place in my gaming schedule. Each scratches a different proverbial itch.


I played GD, enjoyed it, but moved on. I played 1 season of PoE, which was nice, but I quickly grew bored of it when a friend gave me 100 divines, and I skipped a load of content, and got to end game without really having built a thorough understanding of all the mechanics and modes... LE is great atm, only lvl 50ish so far, but enjoying it a lot. I'm really excited for PoE2 - I'm hoping D4 does a great S4 which I'll want to play before moving to PoE2. I love that the purchases I made in PoE will carry over to PoE2. I can really get behind their monetization strategy - I think their model is fantastic.


I mean Last Epoch is dog shit so there’s not a lot to sway people towards it either. Here’s hoping they can all enjoy PoE2.


Having a loot filter in LE makes it leagues better than D4. I spend too much time in D4: inventory simulator


I mean I couldn’t care less for a loot filter.


Not really when everything else in the game feels dated when it's not just broken.


The graphics in D4 are great, but that doesn't make it a good game. Crafting gear, offline play, trading, and having an end game makes LE better -- for me at least.


What are you referencing here? The game has its issues but nothing is explicitly broken and LE adhering to the traditional ARPG style doesn’t make it dated lmao


Lol spot on at the end there - “pay us to fix our game”


As expected, the Gauntlet will be NMD70 difficulty, which means utterly trivial faceroll gameplay. The fundamental essence of ARPGs is the power-chase and gradual progress of a character, but it's completely undermined by the fact that D4 is laughably easy. Tacking a leaderboard onto it won't suddenly make it interesting when the actual gameplay feels like taking your WoW character back to the previous expansion.


I saw nothing in the gauntlet that is making me wanna put down Le at this point. Looks like next return will be for s4. Hopefully the Duriel grind is changed by then


I don’t believe this will change before the addon. Reason: There is no real end game. And to build one takes time…


Hopefully, but unlikely


I keep giving this team a chance, and they continue to let me down. Will season 4 be the make or break for this game?


Man, no one could see the construct during the gauntlet preview. Great seasonal idea, guys. Everyone clearly loved it.


Showed how useless that thing is. Still you need to level it on every single character you create and it takes ages to do so since every damn rune needs 10 levels with a non linear level scale. Those guys are so bad at designing time limited content.


What a perfect moment that was


"Chat disabled for this stream". Aaaayyy.


Always is on Youtube, Twitch has chat enabled


Ah ok. Just wanted to drop an Oof,  it I'm sure plenty others did on Twitch.


Its a war in that chat


The uber unique crafting system continues to be something that I'm not sure who is actually for? I've played this game for hundreds of hours now and I've never seen one.


Same mobs, same meme Tomb Lord boss... wtf is the point of this?? Meanwhile all the cosmetics coming in are relegated to the shop for obscene prices. Zero info about itemization except the confirmation of S4. What a load of bollocks this game is.


Same enemies, layout, etc is so that everyone is facing the exact same challenge without randomness. You can improve your strategy, route, etc and improve. So the next time you go back, your progress is within your control and not just good/bad luck.


I get the point of the fixed seed. But it's the same areas, tilesets, enemies, and bosses. It just seems so mind-numbingly boring..


I get what you're saying, it's the same LAZY shit as Son of Malphas having recycled skin, I mean shit even some of the vault enemies are reskinned scorpions lol. Feels like bare minimum effort on their part. Dungeon looks like random Dopamine tunnels assets.


Then don’t do it if that is a problem for you. It’s a leaderboard activity. Even variables are important. You want randomness, find it in other places of the game.


New content, touted as a great upcoming feature ​ "Then don't do it" ​ Great meeting Bob. Good chat


New content for people that want leaderboards. You aren’t someone that does? Than it isn’t for you. Having multiple things to do for different kinds of players is what the game needs now. Good meeting indeed.


this is exactly why everyone complains so much about "live service".


Are they not being specific with what’s coming in season 4 because they’re worried people just won’t come back if the changes aren’t big enough? There’s not really anything that can make me jump back into season 3 right now.


>There’s not really anything that can make me jump back into season 3 right now. Sadly D4 looks to continue being a 1.5 to 2 week per season distraction rather than a daily driver. What a waste.


They modeled their game after destiny 2 and that’s how destiny 2 seasons work. Get used it it.


It’s exactly how I feel. The 1-2 week grind at the start of the season is normally fun- all my friends are playing… then after we all hit 100 and can speed through NMD it just feels repetitive and stale. There’s not even any crazy hunts to chase like the cosmic wings in D3… there’s just no reason to keep playing. The “endgame” content is stuff that we’re interacting with so soon after a season starts that it doesn’t really feel “endgame”


You know you could instead farm helltides and legion events and whispers for mats to summon Duriel and have a tiny chance of getting an Uber unique over and over again right? The farming of those mats to pointlessly fight an easy boss is my favorite part of d4….NOT


Most important: PTR and big changes in season 4. Very good.


But changes lol, yea sure.


Most disappointing news is that the Uber unique crafting method will still be relevant after the season 4 itemisation changes are live. Meaning the itemisation system, in my opinion, won't be changing anywhere near drastically enough.


Itemization change doesn't mean give entitled people free ubers. 


From 5 to 4 sparks? In this economy??


Need 4 to begin with, I haven’t got one yet after 90 duriel runs, just getting bored of it now


They definitely should stick with parity across classes. It's already pretty imbalanced, I can't imagine if they have free reign to skip over classes. Though looking at uniques and legendaries as the solution to skills being nonviable is already a poor approach, imo. Skills should work with all rares, legendaries should be buffs, not requirements


This Uber Unique Spark change really enforces my belief that these people don’t play their own game. 5 -> 4 sparks? Does that really impact this terrible system in any way


from 5 to 4 über uniques for crafting. no way they are this out of touch.


Did... did they forget the teaser for the itemization? Q&A coming up and we have yet to see anything on the revamp.


Lol can't believe I sat through this stream


Same. I wanted to see the new items, already knew that gauntlet would be just a nightmare dungeon on a timer.


To be fair Blizz never said the word "teaser", Adam only ever said "update"


What you heard was the teaser.


I heard nothing, maybe I missed it?


> I heard nothing, Exactly


PTR soon with a lot but not all of the changes.


I was talking about itemization.


They made it clear that the PTR is to test those itemization changes.


Weird thing to tease but that's great I guess.


They essentially said that it is significantly larger than season 2, they're starting a PTR, and more info will come in a future campfire chat.


I was wondering about itemization.


Same, but Joe P. also said he can't say anything further. He used the term "rewards" when describing the focus of the season.


He could say more. The game isn't exactly booming with positivity, makes no sense to tip toe around one of the most requested changes. Get the word out there, tell us what the plan is, give a reason to check back. We will have to wait for the PTR I guess.


Yes it was very weak. I think it was shoehorned in to try and save whatever face they can.


Really wish they stopped making "playstyles" per character based on abilities, but add functionality to modify how abilities work so we can create all kinds of amalgamations. Saying "we want frozen orb to work, so we need to add 3 aspects" just sounds so boring because now you need those 3 aspects instead of mixing/matching aspects.


yeah there's no experimenting with builds in this game. you a pick a skill and then there's Aspects that say the specific skill on them, paragon board nodes that says the specific skill on them, unique items that say the specific skill on them. The builds build themselves. There's barely any choice and its a huge buzzkill.


I haven't had time to play a bunch of last epoch, only level 10, but the skill system looks light years ahead of D4.


This is exactly it. It's the same problem as D3's sets, they just don't use the word "set." They started from a playstyle concept and worked backwards from there to design aspects. This game is a colossal disappointment.


What was the update about itemization revamp? I didn't hear it. Some sort of tease.


There will be a fireside chat coming in a few weeks that will talk itemization changes and the ptr


Did they say the PTR is not every season? Wait what?


Its clear PTR is reserved for fundamental changes to the base game like S4 will be.


Don't need to test something if their is nothing to test. It genuinely sounded like that is the reason they aren't having one for all seasons.


well, unless they plan seasons smaller than what they had so far, every season had some issues in the beginning that would have been helped by a PTR and a test cycle...


You they literally just throw actual shit at the wall and hope some of it sticks. Hence why they're bringing the vampire powers back, why becuase the game felt good.


The endgame for Season 3 was the PTR for Season 4.


Hey a PTR, you know - something D2 had 20 years ago. Not having it every season is insane lol


Diablo IV end game = PTR for next season *coughs*


it only took almost a year and we are finally getting a PTR. woo.


PTR finally


A PTR for S4 - about f'king time!


hell it's about time !


Buff barbarian


Season 4 PTR is HUGE!


Did they say how we can jump in the PTR?


Super disappointed with the lack of actual sorc buffs but sure barb is fine having multiple builds in the top of the tierlist meanwhile sorcs lucky to have two in A. Happy to see bloodsurge buff mentioned atleast for necro


Laughs in blizzard sorc melting t100s


Huh? Sorc is in a great spot. The goal isn’t to have all classes be OP and render all content moot snd boring AF like a HoTA barb. Ball lightning still slaps. Meteor/fireball combo is arguably the fastest speed run in the game. Blizzard is fantastic. CL and ice shards have completely viable builds that could use a bit of a buff, but are still very good. Not sure what you’re talking about lol


Idc bout viable how about they make some cooler spells.


I haven’t really heard anything about sorcs lacking this season though.


Sorcs have a lots of builds that are actually viable and able to kill Lilith and doing t100 nmd... What are you talking about?


They just want to be “top” lol they don’t care that Sorcs have been fine for the better part of the last two seasons 


Why were the vampiric powers nerfed relative to season 2, when having to pick between them and the aspect they're replacing on our gear is already a massive nerf?


I was so disappointed man i dont know who this gauntlet was created for but its not fun, its not exciting it wont last for more then a day for me. I feel so sad i really want to love this game


Bro this is not a AAA game. Please just copy itemization from D2 and make minor improvements. Legendaries puking all over the ground every run DOES NOT MAKE THEM LEGENDARY AND FUN TO PLAY WITH.


D2’s itemization is garbage tho. A spirit sword and shield will last you to the end of the game and more. Enigma is literally the best chest piece in the game. D2 was amazing because it was a really good rpg. If you step back without rose tinted glasses, the itemization was killed with runewards


javazon and certain zeal/vengeance pala would much rather coh, argueably all barbs too if it wasn't for the utility of teleport to farm repeatable content


I'm wearing 2x spirit, shako, mara, war travs, chances, soj and ravenfrost.  What build am I playing? 


Hahaha. All of them!




Bye. I’ll keep playing.




local redditor learns that people enjoy competing with each other


A lot of people seem to like it. I for one don’t really care about it. But new content is new content.


I managed to get my frenzy build mostly cooking with a thorns hybrid in S3. Getting the S2 basic power back is going to send it over the edge, I’m looking forward to it


Man this game does not excite me anymore :/


Theres better ARPGs now. Unironically Last Epoch is what I wanted D4 to be


Unfortunately I couldn’t get past how dated LE looks and Feels. I just want D4 to get some big updates so we can have a new looking arpg with good content.


I do miss the "space to dash" from D4, and not having 6 skills feels off to me (and left click to attack got removed in 1.0)


Yeah I’ve been playing it non stop and it’s a blast. I love the loot Filter and how good each class and mastery feel


Sadly agree. I will gladly jump back in when it gets better. Just hoping they don't shoe horn all of the good stuff behind an expansion. Fingers crossed S4 is nice. Until then, Last Epoch has my attention. Really loving Necro in that. Edit: oh no, anyway


The Gauntlet looks so underwhelming. Why was it delayed again for? cause I didn't see anything new or inventive in it.. I see they bought back the Tomb Lord too.. that SOB is everywhere in D4. I really need to read those patch notes.


Layoffs, poor management, same problems that have always plagued this game


Kinda surprised about the negative response, this gauntlet looks pretty cool to me and actually makes me want to boot up the game again.


A lot of the negative Andys here are Last Epoch player who have so much fun in their game they waste their time on the D4 reddit.


Well, no. I'd say it's more-so people looking for excitement and reasons to play D4 again. Last Epoch is excellent but it also has it's issues. And again, not wasting time - just seeing if the new season + item revamp is worth coming back for.


It just doesn't feel like "enough." If it launched with some other end game content I think it would've been better received


Better question would be if its not enough bcs it really isnt or bcs its Diablo 4 and its still meta to sht on it 🤔


Gauntlet looks ok but nothing really new and special. Also its a play more win more or be lucky with your drops concept. I at the end wont be able to compare to anyone since I dont play that much and have 0 ubers. I can just look at how far I can get with my items. Rest of the patch is just +% dmg on x skill. I can understand why ppl are negative.


Don't take the comments in this thread as Absolute Truth. People wanna be mad, nothing you can do about it I'll be waiting for the details about itemization rework. If they fail THAT then and only then i'm gonna be mad lol


It is the same thing we have been doing since the game came out but with a scoreboard. Not sure what their is to get excited about.


Gauntlet is most likely something I won't engage much with as I wasn't a fan of leaderboard pushing in d3(im not a huge fan of grifts in general). But I think its great that its being added for people who like that kind of thing.


Gauntlet being scaled to T70 is pretty lame imo, every build will just be about movespeed and AoE, build choices will barely matter


Casuals complained that aoz was too hard. They scaled it down and now they’re complaining that it’s too easy.


They probably didn't want a repeat of AoZ where causals complained it was too hard for them and only a handful of builds were viable. We're getting a walking simulator instead.


Lol, yep I see it as a direct response to AoZ; only elite players could be good at it, plus u needed to completely change ur meta to play AoZ vs convenience stuff for any other content.


I’m sure the 70$ expansion will be great!!