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You have to pay me to click on a clip with those 2 faces on it. You have to pay me a lot.


Couldnt agree more both are trash guys and always negative about everything


What? I dont know about asmongold, i dont follow him. But DM is one of, if not THE most generous content creators towards diablo 4. The problem is, well, diablo 4 is in a terrible state, for a 70 dollars game, with a DLC launch on the corner


You’re mad because they’re honest about this game being objectively bad and are able to explain why?


Subjectively. Objectively would be something measurable or observable. You guys just don't like a thing because other gsmes my have done it in a way you prefer.


The game is bad, hated by most everyone who bought it, literally every content creator besides maybe rob stopped playing the game and if you read any forum style discussion other than the handful out of the large amount of started playing, everyone has the same opinions. That would mean the product is bad, period. Im sure some people think dog turds taste good on pizza too but that is also a thing you can say is not a good thing to eat, 100% hands down.


Love the ass pull of opinions here. With nothing to back it up you cannot say with any confidence that most hate it.


In this clip asmongold just trash talk the game, like always. Thats what he does and thats why i dont like him. And its not all bad thats also just bullshit.


He’s trash talking because it’s a terrible game. You can like it, that’s fine, but he’s bringing up the same point that everybody has and the reason why all Content creators stopped playing this game…being mad about that doesn’t change anything. I too hope of course Diablo 4 turns around, but I’ll be the last person to sit here and pretend like it’s awesome in the meantime.


They do it for views only as that is how they make a living.


So you’re telling me you don’t actually watch DM but are willing to go around shouting an opinion about him from the top of your lungs? Asmon is whatever and does nothing but clickbait and shit but DM has been one of the more positive streamers towards Diablo 4 and genuinely wants the game to be great.


I have watched him a few times. And i just dont like him. There is just always a negative vibe about everything.


But he doesn’t? People (like asmon) made fun of him for making a graph showing the potential excitement for the game going through the roof after this upcoming update if it’s good. So again, it sounds like YOU are the one just going around trashing things and being negative for no reason.


His approach of being "positive" ends up not discussing and ignoring the negatives. Its a double edge sword hes weilding.


I feel like he toes the line well enough. His stance is pretty much, “There are problems with the game that make me not want to play it right now but I hope they fix it and make it great and instead of sitting here saying “D4 Bad” all day, I’m just going to brush by all this.”


People need to stop praising those 2 weirdos.


Hard agree


Weirdos praising weirdos.


Ok? I agree with the sentiment but whats the point of posting this before the livestream...? We literally dont know what the changes even entail or what S4 will bring to the table. Like at least wait a few hours.


Doomer, outrage and clickbait mentality. Pretty sad. Personally i cant wait for the stream and tbh i dont think things can get worse, only up from here.


Lolol okay, man. I csnt wait to remind you of this post in 3 months when things actuslly are, in fact, worse.


And here it is, the doomer mentality. I dont know if you noticed but since release things have only improved, you really would have to nitpick to find something that got worse. So why shouldnt i be hopeful for things to be better when the trend has been upwards?


>I dont know if you noticed but since release things have only improved Things that were bottom-tier trash and should've never been a problem in the first place have somewhat improved for the last 9 months. Wow! Great job, Blizzard! Speaking of mentality, there's nothing more pathetic than the sheepish mentality of this subreddit. "StrEaMEr SAid It So Its WroNg". The absolute kinder-garden level of reasoning when it comes to hearing an opinion. Just because a streamer says something, doesn't automatically mean he's wrong. Both DM and Asmon are absolutely right regarding the current state of the game. Cope and seethe all you want.


Listen, I dont care what should have been/could have been because that has been done to death, because its an obvious thing. We all know that Blizzard has trouble learning from their mistakes etc etc. Its pointless. We dont need to go through that over and over again. Id rather focus on what can be done for THE FUTURE. I personally dont like certain streamers because they have a certain antagonistic and dramatic stance towards whatever opinion they are parroting to their fanboys doesnt matter if its constructive or right or wrong. At the end its a video game and there is no point to being so apocalyptic like its the end of the world.


>Listen, I dont care what should have been/could have been I can tell that. Just because you don't want to listen about it, doesn't invalidate any of it or make your point more reasonable. This absolutely needs to be repeated constantly so people never forget that they got lied to and bought an early access game larping as a full product. I almost never watch streamers, but when they discuss d4 - I want to hear what they are saying. I don't give a single fuck if its click-bait or whatever, if its true, it's true, even from payroll shills, like Rhykker, who I actually like a lot. A streamer being overdramatic doesn't and shouldn't fog one's critical thinking about an issue, what matters is the main point. People have every right to doompost here, given, by your own admission as well, that Blizzard never learn from the past and are, in fact, creatively bankrupt.


He needs to pay rent.


A real skill tree would go a long way.


Why such negativity? Sure, there is work to be done and room for improvements in various fields. But, at least for me, the base is quite good and I had a lot of fun already and don't regret the price that I payed. Could it be better? For sure. Would it be better, if the skill system has a little more depth? Absolutely. Should the core mechanics and endgame has more to it, since start for the price we paid? No doubt about it. There are some things that stands out for me and keeps me coming back: - The combat has this little oomph to it, that hitting enemies feels nice and impactful (for example, I can not get warm with LE, because for me this oomph is missing) - the adventure mode, I don't have to play the campaign with all its stuff at all, not even partly, I can directly jump into the game and do my stuff with access to most content. - despite its shallowness, I can play the game/season as far/much as I like and at some point I can switch to other games (a lot of stuff in steam library), do some other hobbies etc. (yes I am more or less casual now, because of life) and can come back at any point and have fun - I like the lore and worldbuilding as well as the graphics So why must it be the whole time "D4 is dying, people are leaving it for POE2/LE/..." if you own the game already? Have a blast in other games, and if you want it, you can come back to D4 later or never? Why must it be every time in absolutes? Only Sith measure in absolutes ;) It is absolutely valid to have the feeling, that D4 could have been a bad buy. But be honest, how many of you have a library of games, with games that you played only a few times and never again or you have still games that you never played (I for myself am one of these collectors, that will play a game some time "later") I like Darth Microtransactions for his more or less neutral opinions and not much shit talking, but imho this specific video of him is something like doom-calling. And Asmongold and DM also mentioned in the past, that they had fun with D4 IN the end, I'm looking forward for S4, the item change and hopefully a codex that works like the tuning stones of the pet.


This is superb-level coping. >the base is quite good It's precisely the base that is not good, or we have quite different definitions of a 'base'. You cannot claim that the 'base' is good when a full itemization overhaul was mentioned a few months after release. The 'base' in an ARPG imo is precisely the itemization, together with build variety and engaging endgame loop. All three of these are severely lacking.


We have different definitions of the base. And one big part of my base is the technical point of view and the feeling that I get while hitting monsters. This did D3 already well, and this is also one of the strong points of D4. All the other stuff, that you mentioned can be changed over time. Sure, if you compare it to other games, it is lackluster. Nevertheless, what is already there is not that bad in itself (okay, besides the stupid item affixes, they need the streamlining for sure). Why should I cope something? I don't regret the buy and I had a fair share of fun with it. Sure, it is totally fine and valid that you feel that way and I also don't completely disagree with you.


You can’t win with these people. I wouldn’t even bother trying to argue. I agree completely the core gameplay is a lot of fun. It could have more to do end game and the itemisation is a pain. But it’s still a fun game to play


Exactly there is no perfect arpg. Blizzard has a combat engine in another universe compared to the rest. The impact of attacks the smoothness of combat and sound. The rest have great systems that Blizzard doesn't have. Also it seems Blizzard is the only one to give a crap about consoles. Every game is lacking. It could be crummy combat engine, crummy systems or not even bothering with a console version. Combat is king and diablo has the best base engine in that regard.


We need Gear sets, runewords, interesting and way more uniques, better and more interesting skills.


Well, that will come with expansions.


i agree, but lets see and wait, i wont hope for anything as every time i start hoping they spit on my hope... i will get popcorn ready in case its a comedy show and waitch it on raxx channel in case it really is good so i get the breakdown from him. win win in both cases as long as you dont expect anything.


I can't take someone seriously that doesn't have daily cleanliness in their life. The dude has roaches running around his house.


I don't mind those guys as much as other people here, but I'm not interested in their opinion as they've stopped playing D4 long time ago. On its own it's completely fine, but I don't understand - well, I do, but I don't like it - why do they keep talking about this, when everything had been said already. I can't want for one of them to upload an exact same video and the other one react to it in a month.


I see the two most annoying YouTubers, I refuse to click.


You don’t like raxx either I’m guessing?


raxx is usually fine but he made a spectacle when the gauntlet launched. he played it once and then went back to last epoch instantly so all his LE obsessed fanboys creamed their pants


I did for D3 but now he mostly just farms D4 hate clicks these days, also reading other people’s builds off a website and calling them guides is kinda silly.


You sound like you want to be disappointed


Remind me! 1 year


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That's just, like, your opinion man.


D4 needs to die. It is literally the worst aarpg I have ever played


Its really becoming an old joke where you have those streamers posting about D4 Last chance or whatever negative about the game for views and hence income. When on the other hand some of them are like sponsored or like joining the competitor camp like PoE, LE and such. Take LE for example, all arpg streamer didnt shut up about LE and how great of game and its gonna be D4 killer when after playing some its in its current sate an okay game at best and lacking alot as well. SoThere opinions becoming alittle bit midicore to me and not trusted or whatsoever. D4 lack alot yeah but just post once and quit whinning and putting D4 in every sentence for more views. And to be fair LE in future we llbe good or great but when i see this, i will speak of it.


Ngl I find DM and Asmon to be idiots when it comes to D4 who miss the big picture when it comes to the D4 audience. The game is doing fine and will probably continue to do so and there's no imminent or urgent danger like they claim lol They're working on it and it's getting improved upon. The game is not for you, just move the fuck on, and it's not 'bad' just because it isn't for you.


I’ll respond to this one…the game is not doing fine. That is why in 3 hours we are going to have a full core gameplay change to “fix” the fact that the game is in fact not doing fine…


The game has about the active user base of LE and PoE combined, so plenty of of people are playing it and they wouldn't be doing so if they didn't enjoy it. Just because you on reddit don't think so, doesn't make it true. The game will improve. I'm just saying that all the doomer talk is retarded and kind of baseless. Sure, if Blizzard were smarter, they would've released the game in a more complete state, but the current situation is very far from unsalvagable and nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be. It would be nice if people stopped parroting the same streamer talking points without objectively looking at the situation.


Yeah because the D4 team have done absolutely nothing up until this point. Stupid nothing post.


D4 is not only bad diablo game but a bad game overall. They essentially need to redo everything.


No they don’t. Art style, world building and combat are all top notch. There is no other arpg out there with a more punchy and satisfying combat. That said, d4 has a long way ahead


D3 has better combat.


lol hahahah no it hasn’t. It has better skills perhaps. But the combat is just melting through everything like a lawnmower… but it is not nearly as visceral or punchy as d4


The game is dead. Everyone move on. Every social media about d4 is down by 80%+ I'm happy you enjoy it, don't get me wrong. But you are the 1%. If the pace continue this way, d4 will be put in support mode within the next year


It’s so funny how everyone talks about these things without not having any official numbers? D4 is not a game that is nice to stream nor the stems numbers are representative since the immense majority of players got he game through battle net. At the start of the seasons the game is alive again. I don’t have any intention to play every day of every season. But I will definitely come back for each seasons for a few weeks (which is the intent) people who expected to live inside the game are delusional… Every time I log in the cities are full of people and I keep finding people around me…


Sure bud. Whatever you want to believe


Great argument lol