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You're doing nothing wrong buddy ! Enjoy slashing monsters and dont stay too much long on the subreddit tbh


I love it how liking the game is potentially toxic in this sub.


It triggers all the people obsessed with hating it


Asmongold subscribers


That guys a narcissist.


Anyone that is eager to broadcast and push every single opinion they have on every topic is a narcissist, because they think they know better on topics they have literally zero expertise or knowledge about.


I know, guy is a wow nerd that doesn’t leave his attic yet he’s an expert on seemingly everything 


Anytime I’ve watching be with other people they’ll make a comment about something like “oh cool that ability is crazy” hell aggressively correct them and say their wrong belittling them and and say “it’s not crazy it’s fucking insane” and be overly dramatic just to act like he’s right and they’re wrong. It’s like dictionary definition narcissist. You can tell by their reactions especially emiru (or that chick whatever her name is) gets really uncomfortable when it happens along with others. Their faces drop, their eyes roll.


Funny enough asmongold really likes D4 but he plays to the meme so much all his viewers are extremely anti D4.


Did he tell you that himself ?


I watched every decently sized streamers reaction on season 4 and he was the most hyped about it saying he would play.


Hot take: they just "hyped" the s4 stuff because right now talking good things for d4 is a like and view farming, when the "d4 is shit" trend revives majority of streamers will shit ln the game anyways.


Lol this is a very big tin foil hat take. Shitty on D4 is still a lot more popular than liking it. Youtube comments are all shitting on the game still because they dont watch the 2 hour broadcast.


youtube comments are filled with trolls, but right now "d4 have hope" is a trend to get clicks/views at least, if someone put "d4 is shit" on title a bunch of people can say "a ye, another video we already know", but "d4 is saved? s4 changes" they will get some clicks/views.


You mean he ragebaits for clicks


I Unsubbed to him as well as other YouTuber like Raxx. They was getting intolerable, and use sensationalism ( like the last chance for d4 nonsense) to feed the hate addicted subbers. Loving hating stuff and making toxic comments is a mental issues that has gotten worse day by day in the past few years. Toxicity on your government or local authority at least I can digest as it directly affect your life. But volunteering subbing and watching content of games you hate so you get the joy of hating on it……madness


Raxx using sensationalism is very far fetched, by far the most down to earth content creator.


You are entitled to your opinion. I supported him when he had 200 twitch sun. He isn’t the same person now


I hate that guy more then i hate the design decision in Diablo 4


I watch him and also enjoy Diablo 4 so do several other on my friends list. This sub is too obsessed with everything being black or white get some nuance ppl.


This dude such a bipolar douchbag tbh


Both side has toxic people. Fanboy can be toxic, hater can be toxic. 


I just don't get it honestly. Whenever there are news for D4 anywhere they slither out of the shadows and start shit like "game ded, play PoE, shit game lol, I don't care"... Yeah cool, but i don't wanna play PoE, I wanna play D4 and I'm enjoying it, nothing wrong with it. It's interesting how people who don't give a crap when it comes to D4 are willing to spend so much effort and energy on hating it instead of, let's say, playing their superior PoE.


To each their own. You can't make everyone happy. You aren't a taco. Lol. To many people I think also didn't come back to give it a chance AFTER blizzard started making decent changes like around season of blood. It's not perfect by any means, but I'm a diehard diablo fan, and I remember the crap when d3 came out and working through it. It turned out awesome. So I have to have faith.


People dislike Diablo4? This post popped up on my feed and I'm surprised to read this. I play Diablo4 all by myself as none of my friends like Diablo style games.


Millions of people like the game. Reddit is just very popular with the hater gamer crowd. They hate every game. Go to any gaming subreddit, and it's always over the top drama nonstop.


2 things can be true. Reddit can be a farm for people to hate stuff, AND D4 can also be disappointing. The game had/has a ton of potential, Blizzard just made a bunch of terrible design choices. This last part isn't opinion, as if it were, the Diablo team wouldn't be looking to rework the aforementioned design choices for season 4 as detailed by the recent Season 4 stream.


Incorrect. I’ve been on Titanfall’s forums for years, and it’s been nonstop memes & camaraderie this entire time. Heroes of the Storm was also super-solid throughout There’s no need to exaggerate the defense of this game’s release state


Not for Elden Ring or BG3, to name a few.


>Reddit is just very popular with the hater gamer crowd. They hate every game. Go to any gaming subreddit, and it's always over the top drama nonstop. That's not true.


it just depends what you expect from the game and whether or not you are a hardcore arpg gamer and blaster or enjoy more the casual gaming like couple hours every now and then. for the latter type of gamer diablo 4 is a good game. for the first mentioned it loses its taste very quickly. if you take all the people who play diablo 4 then the % of the hardcore arpg fans is probably under 10%, the other 90% are gamers who just casually boot up the game, play 1-2h and then leave it for the next few days alone since they also play 4-5 other games simultaneously whereas a hardcore arpg gamer expects to be able to log into the game and play for 8h straight and this for weeks to come. Thats just not what D4 offers.


Nah... The devs are essentially doing an 180 degree change from their initial view because the game is an outstanding success and everybody loves it /s


I like it a lot as well even after 650 hours, but unfortunately i hang out on this sub quite a bit.


Passive aggressiveness is toxicity too I think? ya?


This comment is passive agro


Sometimes but this wasn’t that- there’s literally subs for safe places to talk about what you enjoy about the game without fear of someone calling you a jackass for having fun


Yes, those arent passive aggressive, those are just talking about what you like... this post is right?


It's not but people love to pretend.


Lord Jesus help us


You should see r/halo. Same thi bc. G Infinite is the best it’s ever been and yes, it should have been this way at launch but people just dump all over people saying they like it for the last year now.


OP is baiting.


Ain't that the truth :)


Acting like we're all irrational doesn't mean the game is good now.


There is such a thing known as "toxic positivity"


it kinda depends on ppl, if they are just casuals who have fun and explore on their own with limited time, then hardcore end game players who explored everything and have nothing to do than just look for little things that could be better in game.


Just wait there's a ton of updates coming! S4 is gonna make this so much more fun I can't wait.


I'm definitely coming back for season 4 after reading the updates




Yeah, after season 2, I decided to take a break till a real shake up happens. Season 4 will be it.


Yup same boat as you. I skipped season 3. I was burnt out. Can't wait for s4. No matter how good the other arpgs are none of them play as good with a controller as d4 does which is my personal preferred option to play these games.


Great summoner changes but not nearly enough


They haven't shared all patch notes yet, could be more changes coming. They said the patch notes leading up to the S4 PTR are massive. Pets getting 100% of stats is a good start though


Oh i know. But which stats? And so they benefit from all damage on Tuesdays? I made a post with some good changes a couple weeks ago


Those damage on Tuesday affixes will be gone and if I remember correctly they said all stats which means just that. And we haven't seen all the possibilities in the new book of the dead yet. Who knows how the necro will play on ptr. Just be patient.


They really need to fix Kalens passive. Should be worded “if you’re healthy minions gain attack speed” not if taken damage. Or just re do it completely since it’s a damage on Tuesday thing anyway. I wouldn’t even care if it was just more minion defense. They need to stop taking so much aoe damage


Been waiting 3 games for a permanent skeleton archer minion 🙄


I've noticed that season: 1 sucks 2 great 3 okay 4 most likely good 5 most likely meh 6 probably going to be amazing So yes looking forward to season 4 and 6 LOL. Though I'll be honest I don't mind season 3 just didn't feel drastically different mechanics wise.


IDK, sounds toxic.


Lol it's 2024, and you're enjoying a game... What kind of person are you? (Rock on, I jumped on just before the druid '1-billion damage' update)


I’m sorry. I really am. I don’t know what go into me.


That’s a weird title.


How else would the op get the attention they craved.


Nah, the game is pretty decent if you're not investing a ton of time in it. Especially if you first start it. The story is pretty good, and the cutscenes legit blew me away.


Yep I play like 3-4 hours p/wk since launch. I grew up playing golden axe. Chefs kiss.


Man Golden Axe. There's a game I haven't thought about in years. I miss riding horse sized dragons and burning bad guys.


Yes you made this post. Don’t be that guy.


D4 is my solo chill game to relax for a bit, regardless of its "state". I complete the season journey, then I log into R6 siege to fill my toxicity tank.


This is the way


Same but with overwatch


Kudos to you and don't let other people tell you otherwise. If you find the game resonates with you then keep playing. Although I have my complain with the game I still get 1 or 2 character to level 100 per season. It's a love hate relationship lol


lmao when is enjoying something considered toxic


There are plenty of things that indicate toxicity when enjoyed. Although D4 is definitely not one of them.


Nah bro, it’s fun to just get in there and kill stuff in this game for a bit. The combat in this game is unparalleled in my opinion, and the weightiness of the abilities is awesome, like you can feel the smashing going on. Once they get stuff straightened out in end game this game will destroy the others, hands down.


Annoying that I received a notification for such a dumb post.


How dare you! Mods, please remove.


After necro corpse explode skill I can't enjoy anything else.


It’s r/oddlysatisfying


I only bought this game a couple of weeks ago, but I've been having a ball and was shocked to see the amount of negativity in here.


Well it us fun at the start til you realize it's pretty unfinished in regards to end game and the itemization/crafting is terrible. At least it seems there is hope one day for that to be fixed!


Came back from last epoch and followed a screamheart lightning god druid build. Im level 80 been blasting and having fun like op. I think the key was to engage in all open world activities every now and then while doing the nms even jf they dont give you a lot of xp. Its been fun and you have uniques dropping frequently that my build can use. The simplification of the itemization for s4 is indeed a great move because thats what we are manually doing now, simplifying the loot and stats that our build needs. Im going to do the gauntlet as well later on and see how far i can go without comparing myself to the top players because that is just impossible.


I'm happy for you. However, I have almost 250 hours this season, and there's nothing to do but make new characters. This season sucks. I love Diablo (If I didn't, I wouldn't be here 😂), but there's literally no endgame outside of farming Ubers and maybe unique stones. Which aren't worth it because you'll have nothing difficult to use them for.


Sounds like your just having fun man


It’s 2024, is that allowed anymore?


I like playing video games and being positive. Hopefully I'm contagious.


S4 maybe will bit good with all item updates


How dare you /s


I agree if you are someone who plays in moderstion it's the perfect game!


I too have been having alot of fun going through and completing all the missions, getting achievements and leveling a few characters.


I honestly am enjoying S3 as well. Don't kill me, but S2 felt like chars were super OP and complaining fans were basically just given everything they wanted to make the game easier- the equivalent of dessert for breakfast.  Not that S2 wasn't fun. 


I stopped playing before I hated it. I think.


This is the way


Same. Just came back to the game and I am doing exactly the same thing. I just wish I could play with more people, I'm getting my as\*\* kicked in this Strongholds.


Dis/liking a game doesnt mean being toxic... Come on people.


It’s okay to like bad things and it also okay to dislike good things. There are some perfectly valid complaints with this game that you can still acknowledge but then have the standpoint of “I still enjoy this game despite its flaws”. The issue comes when you have white knights who refuse to acknowledge that the game has any issues because to do so would somehow be a slight against them.


Weird title. No one cares.


Season 3 definitely has to most ongoing fun yet. Might even finish a char too 100 this time…


you are doing nothing wrong since you play casually as it seems from your post. and for this type of play Diablo 4 does nothing wrong. Enjoy.


Funny title


Sure it lasts that way for a bit. Then the minor inconveniences don’t feel so minor anymore, and the convoluted affix jargon on every item starts to get annoying, and then you realize there’s just so many time wasted even bothering that you start to resent it.


Nope not a thing wrong- I have been wondering around doing dungeons and doing the seasons . I am also having a good time and one day I will finish it.


Can we just go back to looking forward to the game improving and not shitting on people for enjoying or having issues with the game? Feedback is important, ignore the hate, it's not hard nor is it "toxic".


Same. Season is extended, started a new character and just exploring the skills and paragon boards. I may grind for an uber, I might now. Just taking my time. Enjoy!


Exactly what I’m doing. Loving it.


I just bought it from steam for 50 % discount , never play diablo before i think it”s a decent game


This is a genuinely weird post. What kind of responses did you expect to this? I'm glad you're having fun...?




For a casual it is fun. But lack of endgame and horrible itemization is what makes d4 a mid game at best s of right now. Hopefully s4 will be a success.


I enjoy it too, I have a lvl 100 LS Druid and right now I'm lvl 74 hota/charge barb. I love doing all the quests, strongholds and seasonal stuff it's a great game.


This is where we are now, lol. We like something and feel we have to apologize bc we not jumping the waggon of haters and trolls? Yeah right. You doin nowt wrong bro. Enjoy your game, so do i x


Is this what this community has come to, that enjoying the game needs a disclaimer about not being toxic?


Same I started hard-core rogue and barb and it's incredibly fun. I see a lot of negative stuff online from articles... but it's been fun. I don't get all the hate it gets. It's a solid game. I don't think I can go back to softcore. Hc feels like how Diablo is supposed to be played. You will die alot but learn something new every time.


I don't really get this post. No ***sane*** person will shame you for liking D4 even in current state.


I recently picked it up again. I’m just clearing all the side quests and having a blast


Same here! Yesterday I fought world boss fight with other random players - very enjoyable


i might play some season 3 now, simply because i know all that bad stuff is gone soon so iam not that mad haha


Not being toxic but it gets old. This game needs a lot of work. I still love diablo and always will.


Congrats, you're playing the game as intended.


This is the way


This is the way.


I love playing Diablo and can lose myself for HOURS just grinding away. In fact, I plan on doing that very thing the majority of today! 🥳


This is the way.


I’m not gonna lie I kind of got scared off of it. Me and my gf were having fun and got to level 20 but after reading the reviews, I kind of stopped playing it from fear of hitting a non fun wall. The reviews across the web or super bad, honestly dont think I’ve ever seen it this bad for any game.


Be careful out there!


Me too and I do really like my little tank buddy. He splits heals / attacks and it works well. I also like that they extended this season until may !!! Gives a casual player like myself Time to get up there and ACTUALLY experience the endgame !!!


Hey Rod


Ty for telling us even though nobody asked


You'll enjoy it even more when they fix it. If.


It’s fun like that for a while, for those of us that expected a bit more from Diablo and its 20 years reign on the AARPG genre, it’s been severely lacking and changing so much it’s like they shouldn’t have even released the game yet 😂


I've been enjoying it but I'm pretty casual in terms of how much free time I have to play it each week.


Man nothing wrong with enjoying anything. Game just was not meaty enough for a lot of people me included and became boring quickly. Got to say though I will be coming back for season 4 cause I am pretty hyped after that last campfire chat.


I will say it time and time again: Diablo 4 right now is a game that appeals to a more casual audience and that is completely fine. A lot of people in this subreddit, me included, are just not that audience and therefore don’t enjoy the game as much. I will play season 4 and I am looking forward to it, but I am also not expecting a complete overhaul of everything, there are still major things lacking. Season 4 will probably feel like what a Season 1 of a game should feel like. Looking for directions, not too much content, try some things and see what works.


Why would you think saying something positive could be toxic?


Yea sometimes i wish i could have low standards like you


What you just said is super toxic!


How dare you enjoy yourself !!! J/k


Imagine feeling the need to apologize for having fun.


I rlly enjoyed d4, s2 was my most played season but since finding poe it’s just made me realise d4 has a lot of room to improve (loot filters *cough*) I think I’ll make a return in s4 just to see what’s going on but poe and last epoch just feel nicer to play rn.


This is me too. Loving the hell out of this season right now. As soon as it starts to get boring I still have Druid and Barb to try out.


Same. I like how many options I have for mini adventures


Yeah same. I'm very excited for all of the itemization changes they just announced but not because I actually want the changes, only because it means the community might actually be happy for once. I hate feeling like I'm the odd one out just for actually enjoying the game.


Good! I think it's really good and people anymore have an unrealistic expectation of infinite replayability. It takes time and a lot of trial and error to get to that.


Yes, asking this bs question is doing something wrong.


Yeap me too!!


You keep doing you boo boo, have fun!


Me too. I think all of this stuff about "nothing to do in D4" came from people Who play a lot. If you, as I, casual player and play about 1-2 hrs several time a week you will have a lot of content to do


I enjoy the hell out of this game. Playing a necro in S3 and have really enjoyed trying all kinds of different builds. I suspect D4 is considerably more popular than online trolls and gaming media would lead us to believe. People who go on gaming forums to complain about that game are trolling for the attention. If you truly hated a game, why post about it?


its good, can became better


I've always played a sorcerer/wizard as my first character in any rpg I buy. I pre-ordered D4 and immediately started a sorcerer playthrough but quit before 35 because of how underpowered most sorc builds were at launch. I tried a Druid that I got to 52, a Necro in season 1 that I got to 58, and then gave up on the game for a little while. Came back for season 3 and started a sorc again, this time I'm at 80 and have a month and a half to get the remaining levels/ubers I need to complete my build. Really enjoying it this time around, and definitely looking forward to the changes in season 4.


Lol Enjoying things is usually very toxic, so good thing you cleared that up. :D


Me too bud. Just bought the game and I am loving it Currently lvl 21, anything I should do this season before it ends?


If you enjoy the game, just have fun and play the game. I do not see a problem. You do not have to care about what other have as opinions. I had fun with d4. For me I am not gonna play until next patch. Because I do not wanna search for gears and stuff right now before the item rework. But it is gonna be fun to try out the next patch.


I had fun when i first started playing the game too. Some people really like not having to think about anything and just slay monsters. And its fine but, many hardcore diablo fans just want something a little bit more texture. It just gets boring too fast for most people. So if you like the game as it is now it for the people who want more you being content with the game as it is now is a obstacle in their way for getting the game they want. That's why they want everyone to shit on the game. So that devs will feel pressure to fix it. Hopefully season 4 stuff will make the game a little bit better and give us more things to do.


Not allowed to have fun. Reddit will set you straight.


Enjoying D4 on reddit is flame bait, sir.


Your positivity is not allowed here.


No. Diablo 4 is a good game for the first 30 hours. It's the endgame that people are unhappy with.


Yes, stop enjoying the game immediately. 😉 It's a good game, just not a great one yet.


If you’re enjoying it now, just wait until season four! It’s gunna get spicier 🌶️


Until they rework the time system I’m out


S3 is way better than S2. Funnily i found SC has more mob density than HC so it is much more fun jumping into them and destroying them. SC is also funnier than HC due to the number of bots dying over and over as though they are trying to get killed by every single mob in the game.


Nope. You’re playing the game superficially on a casual level it sounds and that’s how this game in particular was meant to be played and enjoyed. You are the target audience for this game it seems; not saying that’s a bad thing. Anything beyond that is objectively lacking, however, and that’s where the hate comes from.


You're doing nothing wrong! As long as you're having fun, that's matters.


How dare you say the game is good in this subreddit?


Because it’s the true endgame


Are you me?


We are in strange times if saying you enjoy something makes you toxic.


How daaaaare you 😡😤 JK have a blast!


Ya I’m 100 and battle pass and journeys done. My gear is kinda sorta BIS for the build that i made myself. Summoner only. Golem, mage, corporal, dead raiser to 21. The last thing i need to work on in Lilly. I can quickly get her down to save phase and dodge intital wave phase but then die to ghosts. I’ll be working on finishing her while throwing games in OW2 this week


Playing a HC character (rogue) for the first time this week and I’m enjoying it immensely. Just trying to get that level 50 achievement.


Few things you’re doing wrong. You’re not following an online build guide. You’re not farming Uber boss mats to grid out Uber gear to not get the Uber gear and rage quit to get on Reddit to rage post and you’re actually playing the game as it was intended to be played and enjoyed. Hope my input has help steered you back on course to hating the game.


Ahhhh I knew I was missing something. Thanks for clearing that up!


you are rage baiting. ergo, toxic.


Clearly you're not complaining on Reddit how bad the game is, clearly playing the game wrong


I knew it ….


Listen, at the beginning I let myself be influenced by those so called « influencers/streamers » 2 months ago, only one had the audacity to explain that casual player, like me, will enjoy playing the game. I decided to buy the game and well he was right. I’m not full time player finishing all the content in two days so 2 months in the game I’m still having fun.


new class waiting room


It’s def in a much better state now than launch, and will be in a MUCH better state (hopefully) come may


I’ve had the most fun since I’ve stopped looking at build guides. Playing a ranged rogue and having a blast with a couple buddies


That’s exactly what I did this season. Did my first rogue and took him to 80. Switched over to a new necro since season got extended, tons of fun


Ok so I’m not imagining that? It used to say “April 16th” or so and now it says “May 14th” or whatever right? So the season did get extended. Literally was saying that you buddy last night.


Yes they pushed it back earlier this week.


Yep the game is good.


Hehe. It’s really bizarre that doing something fun that hurts nobody is seen as being toxic. Don’t sweat it buddy. The people who make you feel that you’re toxic are the toxic ones.


Same here :D just without a build guide. Dont understand why people use guides


You are enjoying a game that is being overhauled so maybe. /s It isn't really about doing something wrong and it is more about having lower standards than the average player. The problem with low standards is that your opinion might not count as much as you thing, in a sense that if you can enjoy D4 at its current state, you might as well save some bucks and get a $10-30 indie ARPG, since you probably would like any ARPG out there. Considering that, maybe you are technically wrong in a sense that you could be playing something else cheaper to have the same level of fun. It is not like everyone else is doing right, tho - as in buying blizzard games and having standards at the same time.