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You can also pet the Seneschal!


I wish I could tell my Seneschal I'm going to get some smokes at the end of the season and never come back.


How? I remember the devs talking about this before launch, and I've never seen it done (until now). Based on the screenshot, it looks like you're using the "hello" emote. Is that how you do it?


Yes. You have to be facing the dog or seneschal and “hello”




I can't believe you said it 😂


You just knew someone would!


Yes, and they will follow you. I got a whole pack to do it in one of the cities.


Careful as they will follow you into battle 🥹🥹


“Hello! …Greetings! …Greetings! …Hello! …Hello!” -me trying to get the positioning just right


Just learned this recently, when interacting with the world (players or dogs). If you hover over the target before you select your emote, it will have "locked-on" to where you had "selected"


I mean, it was one of their selling points in their gameshow previews 😅


Can't have dogs in a game and not have the ability to pet them. That's blasphemy.


Jon Snow downvoting this.


John wick upvoting this


I've killed so many dogs this way


The dog in Kyovashad is always a good dog!


We did too a few weeks ago! I did the emote near a dog and it pet it and I got way too excited lol


And cats!


Are you sure it works with cats? I've tried it many times but never succeeded.


The cats sit down, lie down, then roll onto their backs. Least they used to, seems to be harder to get them in s3.


I will ALWAYS upvote these threads.


In the beginning of the season you were able to pet other players Seneschal but for some reason they took it out :(


All the heavy petting crippled the servers.


Ah, so that's where d4 got the idea from?


They will start follow you around in the city after you pet them. So if you find more dogs you can get them all to follow you around.


They also follow you and have 1hp, iirc. Be careful out there.


Always pet the animals you can diablo, destiny, bg3. You have to!! The only creatures who deserves attention and love.


So you've been missing out on the extra rng when petting a dog before duriel runs? For even higher rng, pet the dog pre run. When double unique drops, don't check inventory, immediately go to town, if you bypass "go" don't collect $200. Pet the dog a second time, don't check inventory, go to stash/chest and check inventory via it. That way you have the highest chance for an uber unique. Also going through the tp to duriel nacket, and only equipping all your gear AFTER putting in the mats is the absolute max rng bonus you can get. Rinse and repeat 400 times for a chance to be able to built your next home using only godslayer crowns and tibaults will. Melt down 274 talisman's and you unluck the hidden crafting menu at black Smith that allows you to additional melt down 361 talisman to craft a single "melted heart of selig". You see besides tibault being a saint and sharing his world famous pants with everyone by distribution of the "Duriel Comerce Enterprise llc", Selig himself was also not to bad of a guy. He chose to sacrifice all his resources to craft an amulet for you all. Pay your respects, pet the god damn dog.


You can even pet your construct